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Meiyuuhi Her Divine Grace

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This is the thread where completed, approved sheets (either for nations, organizations or individual characters) will be posted.


Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Meiyuuhi
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Meiyuuhi Her Divine Grace

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Yllendyr Imperial Sovereignty

Tha prostatéfsoume tous echthroús mas apó ton eaftó tous... we shall protect our enemies from themselves.

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Grijs
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Member Seen 14 days ago

The Miranid Empire


The double-headed eagle was based on the eagle of Yllendir, whose colony the Miranids had come into contact with. Miran had adopted the double-headed eagle as coat of arms for his own aspiring empire; one to rival Yllendir.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Ben1730
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The Vaspen Empire

I Am A Vaspen. Quietly I Will Endure. Silently I Will Suffer. Patiently I Will Wait. For I Am A Warrior. And I Will Survive.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Family187


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Thatcher
Age: 17
Gender, if applicable: Male
Species: Human
Appearance (Height, build, facial structure, etc.): 6’2, Scrawny and half starved to death, Rough face with a long scar across the right cheek. With ghostly pale skin, Bright pink eyes and white hair after a experiment
Titles, if any: None
Background:As a child was sold into slavery and spent most of their early years as a farm hand on one of the many slave farms in the Vershellen Dominion. When he was a teenager he was marched out with the rest of the slaves and chosen by a group of doctors and put in a vehicle. After this he spent many years in a lab where he was prodded and injected with many unknown substances, until a year into his captivity where he was taken to the familiar operating room but with unfamiliar machines around him. He was tied down and attached to the unknown machine which pumped strange liquid into his body which over the next few days he noticed his skin turning more pale with the doctors checking on him multiple times a day during one of these check ups there was a disturbance outside the door as another prisoner struggled against a guard. Thatcher took advantage of this and attacked the scientist checking up on him, after knocking him to the floor he was able to escape the facility by joining the other prisoner and killing the guard by grabbing his sidearm and shooting him in the back of the head and releasing the rest of the prisoners. During the mass breakout Thatcher went his own way running faster than humanly possible so when the rest were inevitably recaptured and harshly punished for the guard he killed he was hiding a mile away watching the situation he then ran a few more miles coming across a Yllendyr patrol where he was shot at creating the scar on his cheek and managed to narrowly escape by hiding behind a wall and firing on the patrol easily taking them down with pinpoint accuracy. This surprised him after all he had never fired a gun before. He didn't know what to think but he knew that people would come to check the gunshots so he ran up to the patrol and grabbed their firearms running into the mountains.
Personality:Cold and calculating after long years of abuse finding it hard to trust others
Likes/Dislikes: Growing up he never found much he liked as a child he fondly remembers the sing alongs many of the slaves would have in the fields. But his time in the lab nearly broke him with the only interaction he ever received was the experiments performed on him by the Yllendyr scientists.
Strengths (including magical ability, if any):Has a very sharp eye for detail so is able to take advantage of the enemy's weakness. Also seems to have an enhance physique and skill for his body
Weaknesses:His long years of servitude has left a lasting mark on his life causing him to be underdeveloped mentally unable to read and write and only has a limited understanding of the language. The experiment has also left him highly noticeable unable to enter a population center without being noticed and reported to the local gendarmerie
Special Equipment/Tools/Clothing: The revolver he stole from the lab guard had an ornate figure on the bottom of the handle in the shape of the royal seal of Yllendyr.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Predawnia
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Predawnia Prolific caster of "Pot of Retcon"

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Radiant Empire of Amrea

Motto : Steadfast in the Radiant Light
Zeiranöna-ni Punso-ari

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Oraculum
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Oraculum Perambulans in tenebris

Member Seen 2 mos ago

The Unbroken Host

Motto: From dusk we bring the Golden Dawn

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Skepic
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Skepic Spookbuster

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The Former Avalian Dominion
(Twelfth Dominion)

The Avalian Civil War

When the War of the Twin Emperors began, Avalia’s king was beheaded by a vengeful general, starting Avalia’s own civil war. The dominion had been becoming gradually unstable, with Miners going on strikes in the northern mountain ranges, Avalia’s domestic force becoming more and more loyal to the charismatic Adron, and political movements of all sides agitating for more freedoms, the king’s death was the spark that finally lit the massive powder keg that had been hiding in plain sight all along. Almost overnight, the dominion became a land of chaos, blood, and war as brother turned against brother. Below are the six major factions of Avalia, and pay close attention, as any one of them could decide the future of the 12th dominion:

Liberated Avalia, The National Liberation of Avalia

“A long time ago, long before many even remember, it was the Humans that came to the Valkyrians for aid when the hordes from the west and from the north came… It was them, who asked us to defend them. How our ancestors must be ashamed. These past centuries have been brought by nothing but shame! Shame to the Valkyrians who let those damned puppets they called nobles and kings rule our land! Shame on our Mountain Watch, who let those damn Imperialists come marching over our beautiful mountain peaks! No more! For our fathers, our mothers, our sons, and our daughters, we end this shame today! Today I bring with me liberation for all Valkyrians! For all Avalians! For the safety of our kind we shall throw back the corrupt monarchy, the foolish syndicalists, and the weak, indecisive Federalists!”

Leader/Important Person(s):
Tampo Kurtti, Leader of the NLAP, de facto ruler of the party
Adron, popular general and figurehead, slayer of the king.

Government Type:
Authoritarian Democracy, limited elections

18 Million

Military Overview:
Containing most of the professionally trained portions of the Avalian Military and being led by one of their most brightest generals, the NLAP has the greatest edge when it comes to their military. The discipline and training of an NLAP soldier will be on par with that of even the Legions of the Imperium, all the more so as their military even contains deserters from said Legions. Additionally, with the NLAP controlling some of the larger cities and ports of Avalia including its capital, Alolvi, they are often well equipped. However, this is all on a timer as the NLAP lacks the raw inputs for a large portion of their industrial base, and thus must safeguard every piece of equipment they have. Their military, quite literally, is irreplaceable.

The Communal Sovereign States of Avalia

Tired of the political suppression by Avalian and Imperial Forces alive, a small miner’s protest erupted into the modern syndicalist movement Avalia has today. Even in the years leading up to the fall of Avalia as a dominion, the northern hills of the nation were becoming a dangerous place of partisan activity and open protests within the many coal mines. When the collapse came full force, the workers and leaders of the syndicalist movement rose up and declared The Communal Sovereign States of Avalia (CSSA). The CSSA now seek to liberate all of the impoverished, downtrodden peoples of Avalia, being led by the seemingly jolly and compassionate union leader Gunner Hampus.

Leader/Important Person(s):
Gunner Hampus, leader of the largest labor union involved in the CSSA and elected leader of the party as a whole

Government Type:
Revolutionary Syndicalism

15 Million

Military Overview:
The CSSA military forces are a mix between a few elite shock units and a large amount of irregular militias. While not as disciplined or even trained as a professional army, the CSSA’s strength is its flexibility and mobility. With command decentralized, they can react fast and take hits without collapsing entirely. This combined with their knowledge base of the local terrain makes them a nightmare to deal with in indirect combat. This is all to buy time while a professional army is trained and raised.

The Mountain Federation

Otherwise known as "The Mountain Watch '', they are an odd curiosity in Avalia. Incredibly traditional and dogmatic, they have guarded the Northern border with their ancient enemies for many centuries, even after the age of Imperium came to Avalia. They stand as also the only truly neutral faction. They care not who rules the nation, so long as they are left alone. Their territory is often used as neutral ground for other factions, receiving support from nearly all of them, including even loyalists. While the Mountain Watch will allow even Imperial Legions to pass, the ancient enemy that is the dragons or orcs shall never pass their high peaks.

Leader/Important Person(s):
Catarina Ossler, senior leader of the Mountain Watch War Council

Government Type:
Martial Meritocracy


Military Overview:
Well trained, well equipped, and incredibly stubborn, the Mountain Watch hasn’t guarded Avalia’s borders for hundreds of years through prestige alone. The Volk Mountains are a cold, harsh place for fighting, and that's what the Mountain Watch excel in fighting in. This, combined with a well practice system of multilayered defense makes them a slog at best to dislodge from a position, and you will be paying dearly for every inch.

The Holy Sky King of Avalia

“In the legends, long ago, it is said that in Avalia’s greatest time of need… he came. With wings of brilliant white and gold, baring a bloodstained banner, he rose into the skies and with a swing of his flaming sword, countless invaders were vanquished before him.Thanks to those wretched heretics, enslavers in the Imperium, and the false kings of Avalia, much of this has been purposely lost to time and flames. But I have not forgotten, for how can I forget my own actions? Yes, it is I, nonbelievers, the rightful King of the Skies. In Avalia’s greatest time of need, I have come. When the Elves, dragons, and even orcs threaten our lands, I have finally come again. So long have my subjects languished under such cruel ruling. Even now, that cruelty has caused my own people to even doubt my claim, my word. But I worry not, for in time, all shall be swept away… as I have done before…”

Leader/Important Person(s):
The Revived King of the Sky, real identity unknown, sole ruler

Government Type:
Dictatorial Theocracy

10 Million

Military Overview:
The majority of the King’s forces would make one feel like he has traveled hundreds of years back in time. Peasant Levys armed with makeshift spears, hunting rifles, and other improvised weapons backed by better equipped “Squires' ' and “Knights' ', the elite among those calling themselves “The Knights of the Skies' '. This army is also supported by an infamous mercenary company known as “The Mad Lancers' '. Regardless, they are an odd, but ferocious army of religious zealots who will fight to the last man for the glory of their King!

The Greater Federation of Avalia

"Avalia can be a nation. A nation of vast opportunity and promise. It can be, because she is alive. Here in the west, the free cities of Avalia endure as a beacon of true freedom and prosperity. Kurtti’s strongmen in the capital claim to be liberators, but any man with a beating heart and any notion of what freedom is knows they are nothing more than oppressive thugs. Our fathers would turn in their graves to watch their children throw away the freedom they deserved and for what, security? In their pretense in protecting Valkyrians’ freedom, they have dissolved it. That mad man who claims to be the King of the Sky, he drapes himself in legend for any grasp of legitimacy to his insane campaign of destruction… it's a disgrace. Kurtti, King, Bennick, Hampus… their names change but their loyalties stay the same. Within this Federation, we will not be fooled by their thin veneer of ideology and petty justifications. They are warlords, plain and simple… I ask this of you, does it matter to a citizen whether a bullet in his head came from the rifle of a CSSA militia? The pistol in the hand of a Black Hat agent? One of NLAP’s notorious trigger men? No sane man would shoot his brother and claim it to be righteous under any creed, east of these lands, rationality seems to have been lost to the derangement of ideology. Through us, Avalia endures. Through us, Avalia survives! They call us cowards, idealists, and traitors. We call ourselves the Greater Federation of Avalia. We will rise up when history calls on us, and gladly throw down our weapons and return to the fields after war. We do not desire power. We desire life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness! Free people of Avalia! We stand ready in the west! When the wolves of the East are done tearing each other’s throats out, we will march out and stretch the Federation from the Volk Mountains to the Southern Seas!”

Leader/Important Person(s):
Albin Hescher, President of The Greater Federation of Avalia

Government Type:
Democratic Republic

16.5 Million

Military Overview:
One could say that the younger half the domestic Avalian army sided with the Greater Federation, as they are the only other conventional army in Avalia aside from the Liberation movement. A mixture of young officers and even younger volunteers, the Greater Federation’s army enjoys the benefit of being one of the only armies not just in Avalia, but in the world it seems to be fielding dedicated aircraft. This is thanks to much of the enlightened brain power of Avalia fleeing the more extreme ideologies and pledging to support the republic. As a result, Federal troops are equipped with some of the latest and greatest that Avalia has to offer, and more importantly, is backed with a comprehensive fire support doctrine. However, this army still is mostly made up of green volunteers, and untested young officers.

The Northern Loyalist Alliance

As the once great 12th Dominion collapsed around them, what few Imperial Legions within the dominion found themselves surrounded by a bloodthirsty and ravenous population. Imperial officials and loyalists left and right were being dragged from their homes, their businesses, and posts and being systematically slaughtered by the angry mobs. Various factions and players began making their moves against each other, but all shared one foe, and that was the Imperium. Many native Avalians within those Legions either deserted or outright mutinied, declaring their loyalties to whichever faction they believed in. Thus, the Legions were alone, trapped, and being pulled apart both from outside and from within. However one city, or more importantly, one woman, shined like a beacon of safety. Lady Agata Bennick of the northern city of Adrean foresaw the coming turmoil and made what preparations she could. With the aid of her private police force known as the “Black Hats” and remnants of the Avalian Royal Guard, she was able to secure her home city of Adrean quickly, and declared her loyalty to the Imperium, accepting all loyalist refugees who made it through the many hostile territories. This, importantly, included many remnants of Legions who wished to continue fighting against these new traitors.

Leader/Important Person(s):
Lady Agata Bennick, last surviving noblewoman of the Avalian nobility aside from many minor dukes and baronesses.

Government Type:
Traditionalist Monarchy

3 Million (Bolstered by retreating Legions)

Military Overview:
As a result of being a mixture of the remaining Legion forces, the remnants of Avalia’s Royal Guard, and Imperial loyalists, the Combined Loyalist Army represents the most experienced army being fielded in the Avalian Civil War. While not as numerous or even well equipped, they are battle tested and most likely the only reason the line has held against their hungry neighbors. However, as the War of the Twin Emperors escalated beyond the lands of Avalia, discontent, infighting, and outright desertion threatens to tear apart the Loyalist stronghold from the inside. Only the mysterious and brutal Black Hats can keep the Combined Loyalist Army in line. Anyone suspected of not doing their duty is silenced. Lady Bennick holds the whip, but she can only hold it for so long...

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by AdorableSaucer
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AdorableSaucer Based and RPilled

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Al Baqi Sheikhdom

Inaziz janahi zurq - In the name of the All-Loving, we go into paradise.

Al Baqi is a desert sheikhdom under the rule of Sheikh Said IV Abd al-Aziz ibn Fawzi. Its thousand years of history along the four ancestral river valleys of Eastern Soiryndia carry the influence of war, politics and religious and cultural disputes that still impact the country to this day. Separated into four major clans, the human majority all live their lives in accordance with their cultural contexts, many of which have led to disagreements with their peers. While the nobles have recently grown more and more interested in Amrean technology, the majority of the country's population still live as they have for millennia, reaping the rich bounty of the four rivers to fuel an extensive caravan economy.

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Zealossus


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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Doom Chief

Doom Chief

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Bear your blade and carve a path for your own destiny, lest you be swept up in the ambitions of others

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