In the world of Yu-Gi-Oh; Duel Academy was saved by none other than Jaden Yuki, resulting in everything going back to peace. New students would arrive at Duel Academy, and the ones who graduated moved on to their futures. The Graduation ended in a blast as Jaden and Yami Yuki had a final duel to truly seal the deal, and restored Jaden's love for dueling. However a new event would present itself that would forever change the lives of Jaden Yuki and the one known as Alexis Rhodes.
In the background, a tournament was being organized and setup. A new Academy for duelists was being opened on a remote island known as the Duelist Kingdom, home to it's owner; Maximilian Pegasus, with the assistance of Seto Kaiba. The wealthy business man, partnered with the creator of Duel Monsters, worked together to organize another tournament but this time, to be taught by the creator himself.
Several months later...
Jaden Yuki and Alexis Rhodes would receive an invitation to a Duelist Tournament. It was titled; Duel University. The letter would read:
Dear Duelist.
I am writing to invite you and many others to a tournament on my home island; Duelist Kingdom. There, you will find a University structure where if the top five were to win? Then you will have the honour of being taught by the original creator of Duel Monsters.
Prepare to pack your personal belongings and duel to your heart's content, because you could not be in better hands. The lessons would involve live-duels against yours truly as well as the legendary Seto Kaiba himself.
Looking forward to seeing you all at my home.
~ Maximilian Pegasus.
Seeing the invitation, Alexis couldn't help but wonder if any of her friends were also invited to this tournament, but the honour of being taught by the creator himself? It would be stupid to pass such an once in a lifetime opportunity. Packing her essentials and clothing, she exited her home and journeyed towards a harbor. When she would arrive, she would greet the one taking tickets to a Cruise-liner. So many different faces and individuals were boarding the ship, must of been the multitude of others who signed on to the tournament.
With her clothing resembling that of her Obelisk Blue uniform of Duel Academy, she stuck out like a sore thumb to anyone who would of been or hail from Duel Academy.
In the background, a tournament was being organized and setup. A new Academy for duelists was being opened on a remote island known as the Duelist Kingdom, home to it's owner; Maximilian Pegasus, with the assistance of Seto Kaiba. The wealthy business man, partnered with the creator of Duel Monsters, worked together to organize another tournament but this time, to be taught by the creator himself.
Several months later...
Jaden Yuki and Alexis Rhodes would receive an invitation to a Duelist Tournament. It was titled; Duel University. The letter would read:
Dear Duelist.
I am writing to invite you and many others to a tournament on my home island; Duelist Kingdom. There, you will find a University structure where if the top five were to win? Then you will have the honour of being taught by the original creator of Duel Monsters.
Prepare to pack your personal belongings and duel to your heart's content, because you could not be in better hands. The lessons would involve live-duels against yours truly as well as the legendary Seto Kaiba himself.
Looking forward to seeing you all at my home.
~ Maximilian Pegasus.
Seeing the invitation, Alexis couldn't help but wonder if any of her friends were also invited to this tournament, but the honour of being taught by the creator himself? It would be stupid to pass such an once in a lifetime opportunity. Packing her essentials and clothing, she exited her home and journeyed towards a harbor. When she would arrive, she would greet the one taking tickets to a Cruise-liner. So many different faces and individuals were boarding the ship, must of been the multitude of others who signed on to the tournament.
With her clothing resembling that of her Obelisk Blue uniform of Duel Academy, she stuck out like a sore thumb to anyone who would of been or hail from Duel Academy.