Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Jasper19
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Jasper19 Sarcastic

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Kaz woke up in a large dark room and stood up 'hmmm must be the first floor' he thought looking around. The silver dwarf only stood at four foot seven but while he could see crossroads as all of his kind he also had a anima talent which led him to get chosen by the tower. Looking around he finally saw Headon the floor guardian. Walking up to the dubbed "God" of the first floor Kaz planted his feet as Headon did his signature smirk. " Ready for your test? " the guardian asked Kaz. Kaz nodded and Headon smiled as a Barnacle Goblin appeared in a small box made of Shinsoo. " I sense some anima talent please control this shineuheh. " Kaz nodded and began to walk to the box.

Walking to the box Kaz saw three paths he could take, one he could walk in the box and try to touch the Goblin and control it but that would fail. Two he could stand from outside the box and try using his anima talent but he saw that could fail too from the Shinsoo it's self. Nodding to himself as he went with the third path he stepped in the box of Shinsoo and punched the Goblin to knock it out. Once he did he placed a hand on it and closed his eyes suddenly the Goblin stood up as it awakened. " Walk around " he told the Goblin and it did. Headon smiled as Kaz walked out of the box of Shinsoo and nodded. " You passed the test welcome to the tower. ". Headon said as Kaz blacked out then woke up in a golden field.

Aleck woke up to being surrounded by darkness . Everywhere he looked darkness " hmm" he hummed out. " I need some light" he whispered to himself and had his pocket turn to visible mode. He then stood up as he heard clapping and looked to see the floor administrator walking up to him with a shark like grin on his face and one eye looking out at him from the side of his head.

" Impressive but sadly that is not your test"

Headon said with clear amusement as he walked up to Aleck. " oh no no you need a test fit for a Khun" the rabbit said mockingly. A determined look came into Alecks eyes when he heard the way Headon said prince " Then give me one rabbit" Aleck said quietly but firmly as he looked at Headon.

" gladly" Headon said as he spun his baton like staff. After a few quick hand motions a target appeared a ways away that was made entirely of thick ice. " you are a child of Khun let me see you throw a spear through that ice you have ten minutes starting now " Headon said smirking.

" Ok rabbit I'll try" Aleck said frowning . That ice was thick he would have to have a large concentration of heat in a small space. Thinking about what he could do Aleck suddenly remembered how some of his family members could make a spear out of lighting too bad he couldn't do that but he did have a blue spear. "Well I should just be able to throw it through. be whispered to himself before walking a bit further away from the target.

" Ok let's do this" he told himself and brought up his arms inventory and grabbed his spear , it was of medium length for throwing and up close combat Aleck then ran a few feet away from the ice block .

Drawing his arm back Aleck took a few running steps then threw the spear with all his might . Soaring through the air the spear went through the middle of the ice with a crack the spear wobbled as it was stuck in the ice but had caused cracks and fractures around the middle.

Smirking in surprise headon slowly clapped " Good job little Khun welcome to the tower" the floor administrator said as Aleck blacked out.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by King Cosmos
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King Cosmos

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Candice opened her eyes to darkness. An empty expanse stretched out above her to a high ceiling she couldn’t see as she slowly came to her senses; a cold, stone floor beneath her back, dry and motionless air passing her lips with each breath, which was also the only sound she could hear.

“The first floor.”

It was a statement, rather than a question. A reminder, as the last thing she saw before blackness overtook her vision came back to her; a white rabbit holding a golden staff with orbs at each end, appearing in the air above her home in order to take her away, to make her a chosen Regular.

“Indeed it is. Welcome, Princess, it’s been quite a while since I last had the pleasure of meeting one of Zahard’s chosen children.”

Turning her head, Candice could see the Guardian standing there, off to the side. He was partially hidden by the shadows, darkness falling over half of his figure to give him a mysterious and even sinister appearance. She pushed herself up to her feet and began to approach him, the closest thing Regular’s like her had to a God, and stood before him. He was surprisingly short, as discounting the ears the top of his head barely came up to her chin, and bore no expression on his featureless face.

“Can we skip the formalities? Just give me whatever test you have so I can get going.”

The slit at the side of Headon’s head opened slightly, the gleaming pupil of one eye staring out at her in a way that made a chill run up her spine; it was not a gaze that held any amount of kindness. “So impatient? I get so many visitors, but so few of them are willing to stay and talk with me. I suppose there is nothing to be done.” Headon walked passed her, Candice twisting away to avoid bumping shoulders with the Guardian and he paced to a random spot in the room, staff held behind his back, before he stopped and turned back to her. “Hmm. What kind of test should I give the Princess I wonder? A test of strength, of intelligence, of will? You surely hold all of these in abundance already, or else you wouldn’t be here, would you?”

I feel like he’s mocking me. He probably is; what does a title like Princess mean to a “God” like him?

“Give me what test you want; I’ll pass, whatever it is.”

Again, that slit spread open, this time revealing rows of needle-sharp teeth in an approximation of a grin; albeit the kind if grin a predator gave a mouse before gobbling it up. “Very well.” Headon pulled an arm out from behind his back and pointed his golden staff at empty air, a large, black ball appearing from nothing at the tip. “Break this ball and you pass.”

Candice eyed the thing suspiciously. “That’s it?” She took a step forward when she received no answer. “Just pop this thing and I’m done?” Another few steps forward and she was standing directly in front of it. It was black, darker than any black she’d seen before, so dark she couldn’t even see her reflection in it. “No time limits or other requirements? Just smash the damn thing?”

The Guardian remained silent, saying and doing nothing as it waited to see what she would do. “Tsk, fine.” Candice took a step back and raised her leg up, swinging her foot to the side in a semi-circle until it was above her head, before bringing it down like a hammer on top of the ball with all of the strength she could muster. The ball, in response, popped like a soap bubble as soon as she made contact with it, offering no resistance at all and leaving her feeling unbalanced as her heel slammed into the ground. The resulting crash was deafening in the empty expanse, continuing to echo for long, awkward seconds as Candice stood there, though there was not so much as a scratch on the floor itself.

Once the sounds had all died down the Guardian finally moved, raising an empty hand and holding it palm up. “Congratulations, you passed!”

Candice turned to the Guardian, anger and indignation warring with her better judgement as she directed her rage at the being of ultimate power before her. “Is this some kind of joke? Are you giving me an easy time because I’m a Princess?”

“Of course not Princess.” Headon spread his hands wide, holding his staff out to one side and an open hand with splayed fingers on the other, arms out as to encompass everything in the room. “When a Regular appears before me, whether they are the lowest of the low, an heir of the Ten Great Families or even a Princess, I just prepare a test that is equivalent to the value of their wish. That is the fate of the Tower Administrator.”

“Tsk.” Damn Rabbit. So you’re saying my dream is only worth this much? It’s only worth as much as a soap bubble? Yeah, I guess that makes sense. It’s just my selfish little wish after all. One more selfish wish to go with all the other selfish wishes in the world. “Whatever. I passed so send me up. I‘m done here.”

Headon gave no other reaction after that, but Candice felt like he was smirking at her nonetheless as he sent her up.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by DELETED08737


Banned Seen 9 mos ago

Nikola woke up with a groan. His eyes adjusting to the light as he began to take in his surroundings, an empty expanse that's ceiling stretched so high that one could no longer see it and a cold stone floor with the smoothest texture he has ever seen or felt. Standing up from his 'bed', Nikola began looking around for the guardian that brought him, sniffing the air but finding no scent.

Where the hell did that rabbit go?

Nikola continued his search for the guardian, reading the flow of shinsoo, and trying to find any hints he couldn't see with his eyes. His ears straining to find even the simple drop of a pin. The young canine wandering around in a circle in the labyrinth-like area. Feeling impatient, Nikola simply began gathering some shinsoo in his hand and firing the blast toward a nearby wall. Surprised that his contract seemingly still applied to this floor and that the wall was undamaged.

“Welcome, Nikola, it’s been quite a while since I last had the pleasure of testing one from your species. As you can see the contract you're born under still holds some weight on this floor.”

Headon the rabbit-like Guardian of the Tower appeared before him, partially hidden by the darkness of the First Floor, the creature twirled a long yellow stick with two green balls at each end similar to a baton, before stopping and pointing it at him. “Are you ready to take your test child?” A sinister flash of teeth appearing on the slits on the Guardian's head. An almost predatory warning directed at the Regular. Nikola for his part simply walked forward and approached the god, the height difference becoming readily apparent as the two stood in front of each other.

"Man why did you take so long? Come on throw whatever test you want."

“So eager as always... Well then considering your capabilities.” Headon began to walk toward an empty space, stopping at about 10 feet away from Nikola and tapping his staff once on the ground. Four pillars rose from the ground each covered in glowing crystals. “These pillars are capable of shooting concentrated blasts of shinsoo toward you. Headon began to explain as he pointed toward the crystals on the pillars. “Your goal is to either avoid all the blasts for 1 hour or disable all pillars. But you are not permitted to use your sight for this test and will have to rely on your ability to read shinsoo.” Headon finished before throwing a blindfold with intricate runes sewn into it.

Tying it around his face Nikola noticed that his eyes were entirely devoid of any light, merely the sound of his feet scraping across the floor reaching his senses. "There isn't even a tiny bit of light going through this thing huh?"

“Such a handicap shouldn't be a problem for one who wants to be recognized by one of the True Canines.”

"You got me there, LET'S START THEN!" Nikola announced with vigor as he began to focus on reading the flow of shinsoo around him. A rippling wave coming towards his head, which he deftly avoided before sensing another one coming toward his back. The canine quickly dropping down to the ground, the wave passing above him.

"Left. Right. Behind. Below, Above. Right. "

Nikola continued to read the flow, dodging each shot with finesse even as the pillars began to speed up their assault. "Damnit I need to start going on the offensive I won't be able to keep this up if he starts speeding them up like this." Gathering a wave of shinsoo in his right hand Nikola dodged the next blast aimed at his head before accelerating his own wave to destroy the source of the attack.

"Alright just three more to go. "

The destruction of the fourth pillar having lessened the number of attacks, Nikola needed to avoid. Allowed the young canine swiftly destroyed the remaining pillars with ease. Each destruction lessening the strain of dodging on his body, until finally, he couldn’t read any more attacks coming his way and promptly sat on the smooth floor.

“Congratulations, you passed! Approximately 8 minutes and 49 seconds, impressive. You may now proceed.” Headon commented with a slitted grin before waving his hand sending the regular up the blindfold falling in the spot Nikola was just sitting in.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Mimichan 0w0
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Mimichan 0w0 The kind depressed potatoe

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Rachel woke up to find herself sprawled on a cold surface which appearance was slightly odd, she stood up for a moment she was blinded by a golden light. Then the ight ceased and faded revealing a touch lit room, before her stood a tall guardian who seemingly looked nice but have off creepy vibes. Rachel bowed before the guardian politely, and looked directly towards the guardian. The guardian took a small bow, and looked down at rachel.

"Welcome, you shall take a test dear."He said in a soft tone.
" What test will I take? "Rachel asked.
" Blow out the touches using your weapon, it must be one stroke. "He told her.
" I'll complete this task sir. "Rachel relpied.
" I wish you the best of luck dear. "He said smiling.

Rachel took her weapon and slowly started to run in a circle slowly and began going fastef. As she ran faster she cut the touch tips with fire down to size as the flames flickered. Finally all the flames blew out and complete darkness surrounded her and she has an eerie feeling.
" Well done! You have completed your test! "The guardians voice echoed.

Light returned to the room and she could see the guardian now closely in front of her smiling. He held the hands of Rachel and placed her in her hands standing up.
" You have passed, I hope you earn what your looking for dear please come back when you can. "The guardian smiled knowing that isn't possible.

Rachel hugged his thumb and was sent up to the next level, first she waved goodbye to the guardian and looked up.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Sharidi37495
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Sharidi37495 The Nerdy Alien

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jae opens her eyes to find herself staring into an endless black chasm of a ceiling. Her ears twitch, reaching for any semblance of a sound as she finds herself instinctually taking in every detail of her surroundings. She stands from the cool, smooth surface, her spear twirling between her fingers.

"The first floor. Where did he-?"

Her voice is soft, almost a whisper as if she didn't want to break the silence that had enveloped the space. That is until her ears twitch in warning, and she spins and crouches into a battle-ready stance, to come face to face with the rabbit-like Guardian.

"Ah, hello. It's been quite a while since I've seen a canine lord such as yourself, Gyeong-Hui Kang."

The slit on Headon's face (if you could even call it that) spreads into a menacing grin, similar to that of a predator gauging how much fun it could have while torturing its prey. Jae might have shuddered, had she not been accustomed to his type.

"My name is Jae. What's my test?"

Jae relaxes, but only slightly, not trusting the Guardian. She shifts her weight to her back leg, casually holding her spear.

"Quite the impatient one, aren't you?"

Jae makes a soft growling sound.

He better not be making fun of me.

Headon's slit of teeth widens.

"Alright, alright. Well, all you have to do is hit this target."

A target of condensed Shinsoo forms and Jae squints slightly, considering what her plan of action could be. There's no way that a cube was her only test; there had to be a catch. And there is. As soon as Jae steps forward, the cube moves away from her. After making a small irritated noise in the back of her throat, Jae closes her eyes and listens to the Shinsoo move. After anticipating its movements, she throws her spear into its center, and the cube explodes. She huffs in annoyance.

"That's all?"

Headon shrugs, and the slit that was his mouth now stares at her.

"You passed. Goodbye!"

"Do you mean to tell me-?"

Jae's slight indignation was cut off as she was sent up.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Sylvan
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Sylvan Local Cryptid

Member Seen 1 hr ago

20 Years Earlier, Outside the Tower, Village of the Elements Outer Boundary

"Mommy, what’s that giant tower on the horizon?"

A younger Runa asked, turning to her mother and pointing at the Tower, a look of childish curiosity on her face. Turning to look at her young child, Runas mother got a distant look in her eyes.

"That is a place nobody returns from, young one. A cursed place, full of blood and death. Do not think of it again, there is nothing good there."

After this brief exchange, Runa and her mother continued along a dirt path towards a shaded village and Runa, ever a curious child, swore to herself that she would visit the mysterious tower one day, although the village elders hoped she would forget her dreams as she grew.

1 Week Before Present Day
Outside the Tower, Village of the Elements

"Yes mother, I'm sure I'm going. I have to find out what is truly within that tower! You said it yourself, nobody in the village has even been near the thing in ages!!!"
Runa said, almost shouting with frustration at her mother’s worried attitude as she packed a bag with all she thought she would need, throwing it together in a chaotic mess of food, clothes and other supplies.

"Runa, the ancient stories tell of only death coming from that tower. If you go inside, you might never come back!"

Runas mother replied, almost whining and shaking with worry as she paced around her daughters’ room. After a few minutes of this, and other similar exchanges, and ancient old man knocks briefly at Runas door before sticking his head inside.

"Ah, so the rumor is true, my young student. You are leaving soon, as you so often mentioned when you were younger. It is a shame to see my most talented student go, but if that is the path your heart is set upon, let the blessings of the 5 elements follow you wherever your travels might lead. And do not forget to nurture the lightning within you, and never let your spark die."

"Master! I'm sorry, I was going to come and say goodbye before I left... Thank you for all of your knowledge and assistance all these years! I hope to return here after discovering all there is to know about the tower. I have to know what secrets it holds, and why the ancient stories tell of nothing but death and flight for our people there. I need to know how true the ancient ballads and stories actually are."

Runa snaps to a still, standing position for the first time since she started packing, and gives a formal, polite bow to the elderly man, before resuming her halted task.

"Perhaps, though, you could share one last meal with the village before you leave, to give all of us something to remember you by, and to give you something to remember all of us by. The blood of the five elements should not go alone, even if it is only company in spirit."

the elder said, with a respectful nod towards Runa and her mother in turn.

"Yes... that would be lovely, and it would give your father and I another joyous memory with you, seeing you off like that."

Runas mother left it unsaid, but all three knew that the village did not expect Runa to return. That night, the village had a massive feast, with almost everyone in attendance, that went on throughout the night. In the morning, seen off by her family and a few close friends, Runa left her family and village behind, possibly forever.

Present Day
Tower Doors, 1st Floor

After a fairly uneventful week of travel, Runa arrived at a large, ornately carved set of wood double doors, the end of this leg of her journey. She resettled her pack and walked up to the doors. She reached up and pushed hard on both doors, expecting them to be locked, or at least heavy, and stumbled forwards across the threshold and falling onto her face. The doors turned out to not only be unlocked, but extraordinarily light given their size.

As she was picking herself up off the floor, she froze, seeing a strange creature with an oddly pointed face staring at her as it sat, one leg over the other at a tea table, a delicate porcelain cup raised halfway to its mouth, and what could only be described as a look of perturbation and surprise on its strange face. Both parties kept still, frozen in that tableau for a few seconds before the creature set its cup down with great ire and stood, offering Runa a hand up and introducing itself.

"Welcome to the Tower. I am Headon, the Administrator of the First Floor. If you wish to climb the tower, you must first pass a test equivalent to the value of your wish. Tell me, why do you seek to climb the tower, irregular?"

"Wait... This is the tower? I just... got in? And you, Headon, what do you mean about wishes and tests? All I want is knowledge. I need to know about this tower and its history."

"Then your wish is knowledge, of course, and to gain that knowledge, you must pass the test on each floor, until you get to the top, where any wish can come true. Now, to come up with a suitable test... Ah, I know! If you can shatter this cube within five minutes, you will pass my test, and can move on to the next floor."

Headon gestures with his staff, causing a cube of solid, translucent blue material, half a meter to a side, to materialize nearby, hovering at about chest height for an average human.

With a very If I have too shrug and roll of her eyes, Runa takes off her backpack, and surveys the cube. As she starts walking around, however, she quickly recognizes the feeling of the lightning pulsing in her veins, but it seems to be coming from her skin, and the stuff around it, the energy pouring into her body like it never had before. Filing this information away for later examination, Runa took her stance in front of the cube, centered her breathing, and struck. As her fist struck the cube, a blaze of electric power blasted out from her fist, shattering the cube and filling the room with the echoes of a thunderclap. Runa stared at her fist afterwards, momentarily stunned, muttering "I... I can do that?"

"Ah, just as I suspected. Congratulations, irregular Runa, you passed the test. Good luck climbing the Tower." Headon said with a foreboding chuckle, as he waved his hand, transporting Runa, and her backpack, up to the second floor.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Jasper19
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Jasper19 Sarcastic

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Kaz stood up in the yellow field as a pocket hovered in the air and declared. " All contestants welcome to the second floor Evankills hell!, The first test will be beginning right now, there are four hundred people on this floor, thin it and it to two hundred. " Kaz was stunned but gritted his teeth.

" Damn hope I don't die" Kaz laughed nervously to himself.

Kaz began to "sneak" around through the yellow field hoping no one would see him. Kaz kept "Sneaking" around until he was a boy with blue hair stab a regular with a short spear. " oh shit"kaz said then paled when the boy looked at him. " Wait wait! How about instead of killing me we team up I'm an anima? " Kaz asks hopefully.

"Hmm sure why not I need some friends , names Khun Aleck Gelaro but call me Aleck" Aleck said quietly and shook Kaz's hand.

"Khun huh? Did you pass the competition thing?" Kaz asks Aleck. Aleck nods " I don't want to talk about it but yes" he said and motions for Kaz to follow him. The duo walks around until they see another regular " Ok so distract him and I'll use my spear " Aleck tells Kaz in a near whisper.

Kaz nods and walks to the Regular " Hey! Buddy you...you suck! " Kaz called in it wincing it wasn't his best insult but it would do. The regular growled at Kaz and went to attack him. Aleck smiled and ran up then jumped off a rock as he threw the spear he had brung to the tower at the regular. " right on" Aleck said as the spear hit the regulars chest. " got him" Aleck said smiling.

Kaz smiled as well then a look of really? came across his face as Aleck passed out. " aren't the bloodline of the ten great families supposed to be strong?" he muttered as he picked up Aleck and carried him on his shoulders. Kaz carried Aleck to a small ledge and laid him there then eat next to him praying regulars wouldn't attack them.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by SilverPaw
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

When Ha-nul Rang blinked his eyes open, it was the middle of the night, which was odd, because he usually woke up with the sun if nothing unusual happened. Gazing at the darkness, he realized he was looking at a ceiling, though it was a very distant one.

“The Tower…” he whispered. “Finally,” he sighed, and rolled into a sitting position. He looked down at himself, checking that his clothes and weapon were with him; they were. Good.

Then, the so-called God appeared before him, as he thought he had in a daydream. It wasn’t just a dream this time, though. The boy smiled eagerly at the Guardian, then stood up, now towering over the short rabbit-like being.

“Correct, young one. This is the Tower. Were you truly in such a rush?” Headon asked, amused, and shook his head. “A common trait among the Chosen,” he commented.

Ha-nul knew he was being mocked, but just shrugged nonchalantly. “Hey, we live long, but time is still precious to us, you know?” he replied with a smirk, his words carrying an undertone of ‘so stop wasting mine’, though the boy wasn’t so arrogant as to truly state such a thing. He was more than willing to imply it, however.

The Guardian smiled its characteristic smile, the corners of his mouth opening enough to reveal his sharp teeth. “Very well. To the test then. I’m certain you will appreciate the one-hour time limit within which you must complete the task,” the God grinned mischievously, twirling its golden staff. “Your goal is to reach the center of the labyrinth,” he stated, pointing to a wall. There had definitely been nothing but a wall there before, but suddenly an entrance to another area manifested. “The count-down begins once you enter the maze,” Headon explained.

Ha-nul blinked, observing the entrance, then the surroundings. “No clues? Information? A whole layout of the maze for me to memorize or a partial map of it?” he asked. The Guardian seemed to consider this with a hum, and answered, “One clue: Don’t let the Barnacle Goblins impede you.” The damned rabbit was still smiling, obviously enjoying messing with him.

The young male pursed his lips, and strolled to the labyrinth’s entrance. He stopped just before it, crouched into a low start, then dashed within, eyes roaming around, observing. The walls were high; he couldn’t see where they ended, so jumping or climbing over would be unlikely. Ha-nul drew his hook from where it’d been sheathed at his side, and struck at the wall. As he expected, the damage was minimal; he would not be breaking through by any means. Keeping his pace, the youth jogged through, making turns on random – though he memorized each one, in case he had to backtrack.

When he reached his first dead-end, Ha-nul was faced by a trio of agitated barnacle goblins, and he simply turned around, ran to the last intersection, and proceeded down another path, disregarding the creatures chasing him. He had to evade and jump over another duo of goblins, which was quite the close call. Thankfully, he was able to reach the center soon enough. The heart of the maze was a simple square room, empty besides a glowing cube with a timer. Ha-nul ran to it and tapped it, which stopped the count-down, and transported him back to the 1st floor.

Ha-nul collapsed to the ground immediately, panting and sweaty. The rabbit stared at him complacently. “Congratulations, you have completed your first test successfully,” it said cheerfully, though with blatant cheekiness. “It took you 18 minutes and 58 seconds to do so. Not too shabby for someone like you,” he remarked, entirely unnecessarily in Ha-nul’s opinion. However, the boy was too tired to do much beyond direct a glare at the being.

“Hmm, as a gift for being such a good sport and learning your lesson, I will let you rest for 10 minutes before sending you up,” the Guardian offered. “Unless you are still too impatient?” Headon immediately added a flippant query. Smartly, Ha-nul kept his mouth shut, resting his mind and body.

The God nonchalantly paced around the 1st floor and after ten minutes, transferred Ha-nul to the next testing ground. The newly minted Regular found himself within a vast field of wheat. At least I can see around here, he thought grumpily. However, his spirit wasn’t at all undeterred, and with a renewed vigour, Ha-nul took to jogging around, watchful for single targets. Seeing as the task was to halve the number of aspirant climbers, it would be best for him to run and evade powerful opponents, remove the weaker ones, and possibly team up with someone of at least equal strength or ability.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Mimichan 0w0
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Mimichan 0w0 The kind depressed potatoe

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Violet nervously looked around and dashed through the field almost getting hit at by a spear. She didn't want to kill anyone so she played down in the field and was quiet trying to block out the screams and battle. Someone stepped on her arm and stopped to spear her before she rolled away. She stood and face the person.
"Please leave me alone, I don't want to hurt you." she said crying.
"I'll kill you easily crybaby."The person replied.
He lunged and cut her arm a little before being stabbed in the stomach, violet carried his body further out. She held his hand as he began to slowly bleed out. Violet closed his eyes as he died and prayed for safe journey to the afterlife. Placing flowers around him she placed a lock of her hair, and took a lock of his hair.
"Rest in peace, may you forgive me." she said walking away and placing the lock on her weapon tie.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by King Cosmos
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King Cosmos

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

“Pl-please… let me go. Forgive me.”

The Princess watched dispassionately as the young man squirmed in her grip, his hands grasping desperately at her arm and wrist as he tried to free himself from her clutches.

“Tsk. Don’t beg, it’s annoying. At least take this like a man.”

Her grip on his throat was unassailable; against her strength a normal Regular had a better chance of moving mountains than they did overpowering her, even with her fingers slick with the blood of his friends her hold on him was unbreakable. He seemed to come to the same the conclusion himself, as his struggles continued for a only a few seconds more before he seemed to settle for just holding on to her arm as either lack of oxygen or hopelessness set in.

“You idiots are the ones who attacked a Princess. What did you think would happen?”

Almost as soon as she had reached this floor, before she’d even fully digested the test they had been given, she had been ambushed by a group of men and women looking to take her out. Fools. How did that end for them? The bodies scattered on the ground around her and the fresh blood coating her boots and covering her arms up to the elbow were the only answer she’d get now; even the Regular in her grip wasn’t talking anymore. She looked to her Pocket instead, the little floating orb showing the number of participants remaining, the number steadily ticking down as the Regulars in this test cut each other apart.

“Plea… Princess, I swear myself to-to you. M-my loyalty. Let me live; I can be useful. Let me li-.” The pleading cut off with a wet crunch as Candice’s fingers crushed the neck in her grip like a twig. She didn’t have time to deal with small fry like this right now; she’d wasted precious moments dealing with this trash and now she’d have to hurry to find what she was looking for. She released the Regular she was holding, letting his limp body fall to the ground as she walked away from the grisly scene.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by DELETED08737


Banned Seen 9 mos ago


A wave of shinsoo broke apart a man's head, his lifeless body falling in front of Nikola who held a dispassionate gaze but a jovial smile. His hand in the form of a finger gun.

"M-Monster... stay away. Please don't kill me."

Nikola turned toward the crying woman surrounded by clumps of other regulars he had dealt with. Looking at her, Nikola couldn't help but feel disgusted. The scent of fear wafting around her was annoying and disgraceful, she probably wouldn't even be noticed by Baylord Doom amongst his many victories. He pointed a clawed finger towards her neck.

"You know I hate people like you. Coming in oh so ready to kill me, but as soon as I'm tearing you apart you start begging. Your parents must be so disappointed."

Nikola taunted her his smile never lowering even as he looked at her like nothing more than trash. Tracing a line across her neck, accelerating the shinsoo around her. The woman's face contorting into a horrified expression as blood spurt from her neck in a stream. Nikola merely waving his hand to form a simple coat of shinsoo to block his form from the liquid. His gaze turning towards the various regulars fighting in the fields of wheat to the west.

Well I guess it's time to take out the rabble. Even if I sacrifice precision for more power it should deal with the unworthy good enough although those guys aren't worth many points.

Amplification SKill: Howl

Nikola began focusing intently on reading the minute differences in each current before picking and encouraging the flow toward a path to the various regulars. Forming a large wave of shinsoo in front of his mouth that became visibly bigger and clear. He unleashed the wave, watching as it began flowing forward and tearing through the field of wheat at an accelerated pace, the bodies of regulars in the way either breaking apart or flying away from the force it hit their bodies with. An explosion following soon after as the shinsoo seemingly hit a wall.

Soon enough the dust began to settle revealing the various mangled bodies littered around the ground, most of the regulars who didn't have an ounce of resistance were dead but the few who did were merely in various states of injury, beginning to rise up and look toward his position. Still, Nikola was only interested in one person his gaze ignoring everyone besides the one inside the epicenter of the explosion.

Huh... Well looks like I hit someone really strong, I should probably introduce myself?

Nikola grinned at the thought the path of wheat having been cut gave him a clear view of this regular, a curvy woman with red hair and eyes mostly unscathed if not a very dirty from the dust caused by his attack. Raising his hand Nikola smiled before waving wildly with his right hand.


Nikola yelled nonchalantly like it was a normal everyday accident. Just smiling before he started walking towards her, the other surviving regulars seemingly running away in fear of getting caught up in a fight between monsters.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by SilverPaw
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Ha-nul jogged through the fields, back bent forwards a bit, so he blended more easily within the wheat. He had seen some people killed from afar, and though he’d already checked the possible snipers’ positions, he didn’t want to get careless. Just as well that he did not; he heard a swoosh and saw death coming at him in a horizontal direction. Rang ducked, concentrated on the Shinsoo within him, and manipulated it in the familiar Body Reinforcement technique. He felt a zing in his head, and a responding hum from his muscles.

Ha-nul could now process information quicker, more efficiently, and also react more promptly. His opponent, a hulking male in leather armour was already rising his weapon – a spear with a long thin blade at its tip; an odd choice that he hadn’t thrown it – but Ha-nul was already closing in. The ruffian redirected his attack course with ease, Rang jumped over…his opponent grinned toothily, attacking from below, but the slim youth was already aiming with the hook–

And the black curved weapon was plunged into the muscle-head, ripping through the neck. Ha-nul sailed past the enemy, his jump losing power, and descended into a forward roll. There was a loud thud behind him, and Rang turned to watch the unknown Regular as he gurgled to death. He released the hold on his Shinsoo control, and panted, a minor headache forming. His body trembled very lightly, but he clenching his weapon to stop it. He had killed before, and would have to do so again. This was the simple nature of survival. He couldn’t deny the sheer rush of adrenaline at the action was pleasant, either, though he didn’t take joy in the killing part itself. However, Ha-nul knew very well that hesitation would just doom him, and he couldn’t afford that.

So, without another look back, Rang proceeded. He took a look at the Pocket, and was surprised how swiftly the numbers of Regulars had plummeted. I did a good job surviving this far. Less and less should be targeting me, now. Still, Ha-nul remained on the lookout as he traversed the terrain. Not long after, he came upon a grisly scene – a group of people slaughtered. A group? Why were they working together? And why? Were they against someone who’d teamed up too? A careful inspection of the scene denied that possibility. The wounds on the corpses were all physical, and not too disparate. More importantly, there was only one set of bloody footprints leaving the scene.

“Whew,” he whistled, half-admiring, half-horrified. There weren’t many individuals who were capable of such a thing. But these folks had made a mistake whenever they had targeted whoever they had; even numbers hadn’t helped them. He kind of wanted to see who they had been so eager – or desperate – to kill. Oh, Ha-nul, no, no, no, don’t let the curiosity get to you, you know what happens when you do… Even as his internal monologue warned him against such an action, Rang moved to follow the trail slowly.

He froze after advancing only three or so meters, a sudden thought striking him. Wait, shit, what if whoever it is thinks I’m trying to ambush them? I gotta make them know I mean no harm somehow… Ha-nul pondered on a solution for a moment, then decided to announce his presence. It was a risky act, but he thought it has less chance of backfiring than just sneakily following the mysterious powerhouse. “Hey, competent slayer person?” he shouted the question as he let the tracks lead him once again. His gaze flicked left and right. Being loud like this was bound to attract any nearby others, which would be decidedly bad. “Want to team up?” he shouted. There, this would give anyone at least a moment’s pause, right? “If you’re looking for apprentices, I’d like to be yours!” he proclaimed.

Though his black hook was sheathed at his side, Ha-nul kept one hand on it. No matter who he was facing, he wouldn’t just roll over and die for them. Though he did hope he didn’t have to fight…that…person. Ha-nul halted as he finally caught sight of the likely perpetrator. They were ominously familiar. Of course, it’s a Princess. Fuck my life. Don’t they just kill any commoners in sight willy-nilly. Dammit, Ha-nul, why’d you have to follow… The tense Rang peered at the redhead, unconsciously taking a step backwards as he kept his eyes on her. He knew instinctively that he shouldn’t turn his back on someone so dangerous, nor let them out of his field of vision.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Sylvan
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Why can I see the open sky if I'm inside the Tower?

Runa stood where she had appeared, her backpack hanging off one shoulder as she thought about this conundrum, when a small device appeared and gave a brief announcement that could be clearly heard throughout the arena.

"All contestants, welcome to the second floor Evankhells hell! The first test will begin right now. There are four hundred people on this floor, thin it to two hundred."

Thin it to two hundred? Do they want us to kill each other until there're only two hundred people left?

A moment later, she heard rustling in the grasses, as two people, twins by the look of them, came into view about five meters away. One wielded a wand, the other a long needle, of the type commonly seen in the tower. Master always said that the one who strikes first is the one who laughs last. With that thought, Runa charged the pair of fighters. The wand-wielding twin shot a bolt of shinsu at her as she charged, which hit her in the chest, leaving nothing but a handful of red sparks. These sparks crackled down Runas arm and surrounded her fist as she zipped past the swordsman and slammed it into the wand-wielders face, blasting him back as the built up sparks explode outwards from Runas fist. The man lay limply where he fell, his face smoking slightly. As she rounded on the swordsman, who had turned to face her, she saw, then felt, a massive wave of shinsoo break over her as she raised her arms to protect her face and chest, red sparks gathering on her arms and throughout her hair and crackling in her eyes, the hum of energy filling her ears as she looked around and saw bodies all around her, and a very tall man shouting and... waving at her? Runa wanted to get a closer look at the man, and jogged towards him, the lightning increasing her speed somewhat. Once she reached the man she gave him an annoyed look, hands on her hips as she looked up at the very tall man.

"What do you mean taking out the trash? They may not have been very good at fighting, but they're still people."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by King Cosmos
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King Cosmos

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

What was it about today that caused everyone she met to want to try and vex her? Trash forgetting their place in the world and attacking her, thinking things might be different now that they had been chosen to come here and had passed the first test, only to pay the price for their hubris; even the rabbit on the first floor had taunted her and now this fool was here trying to waste her time as well. Apprentice? Teaming up? What nonsense was that?

Candice ignored the voice at first, continuing on her way and hoping the man either lost her trail or suddenly rediscovered his common sense and left her alone, but as he caught up to her she was forced to stop and deal with him. She kept her back to him, turning her head to look at him over her shoulder as her eyes looked him up and down.

“Are you strong?”

No, he wasn’t. He had a weapon at his hip and even from here she could see the blood on it, he was a killer, but the unconscious step back just from meeting her eyes was all the answer she needed. Candice looked at the Pocket again, the number of remaining Regulars now appreciably lower than before; no time. “I’m not going to waste my time on you if you aren’t strong.”

Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Jasper19
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Jasper19 Sarcastic

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Kaz finally breathed a sigh of relief when Aleck woke up. " How long was I out? " Kaz shrugged " long enough for a huge explosion to happen a few ways away". Aleck nodded and got up grabbing his spear as he did " Ok let's go " Kaz shook his head" actually the best choice would be stay up here till it's finished anything else would kill us" Kaz said , he has seen multiple crossroads and so far they were on the best one.

A few moments later and announcement was made " All right regulars the herd has been thinned next test is to team up! But he careful you only have five minutes to team up and they must be teams of threes!. "

Aleck frowned " best crossroads huh? Well now we have to find a teammate. " he said to Kaz and grabbed him and Kaz'z backpack then threw them over his shoulder. He then jumped from the ledge and hit the ground and began to walk around carrying Kaz and his backpack as he searched for a teammate.

Kaz looked at Alex as he carried him " I can walk! " he said in indignation. Aleck shrugged and kept walking " you're short you would be too slow" he said and stopped as he saw a Regular in Knight like armor. Kaz then slipped off of Alecks shoulder grabbed his backpack and put it on. " let me handle this " he said to Aleck who just nodded.

Walking up to the knightly regular Kaz smiled and waved " Hey you want to join our team? My friend is pretty strong and well I have strengths of my own" Kaz said. The regular looked at Kaz and studied him " hmm sure besides we only have three minutes left and I don't see anyone else " he said then shook Kaz's hand. Kaz smiled and lowered his hand after they shook " I'm Kaztarian Edrok but you can call me Kaz , over there that's Khun Aleck Gelaro but he goes by Aleck" he said in a friendly tone to the knightly kid . The knightly kid nodded and looked warily at Aleck " my names jiu-zung but you can call me jiu" with that the team began to walk around.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 3 days ago


Unsure of how long he had been enveloped in this warm light but during that time he felt at ease as if all his worries were being washed away. It was all over now; he was going home and could put everything that just happened behind him as the simple plain farmland awaited him. A blissful smile adorned his face and arms out as if to embrace what awaited him while angelic music played its gentle melody in his head....

Abruptly that blissful sensation scratched to a halt as the glow ceased and his body crumpled to the ground, having receiving a harsh blow from reality.

quickly sitting up and shooting his head around to find himself in a field of tall grass, the area seeming to be like a huge savannah. A blank expression on his face; lost glazed eyes blinking upon remembering what happened last to him as he hugged the garden hoe to his right side and the gloves floating above casting shadows down on him." Gah! Headon you cheater! That damn guardian goaded me!" Spouting out his distaste of the guardian while tossing a rock off into the field of grass then sat there panting, face slick with face.

It was then at that moment a booming voice spoke out and echoed over the entire area of the floor. " All contestants welcome to the second floor Evankills hell!, The first test will be beginning right now, there are four hundred people on this floor, thin it and it to two hundred. "

Seconds after the announcment, his low grade pocket became visible to indicate the number 400 on it. " U-uh..that person isn't serious, right?" He asked worriedly to no one in particular while turning his head around before falling back on the pocket and found to his dismay the number quickly rolling down causing him to let out scream as his eyes nearly bulged out at his pocket." Wait a minute..how exactly are we to thin it?" Laughing weakly to himself as his mouth twitched.

As if to answer his foolish question; screams and cries of pain rang out all over from unseen locations off in the distance though some were closer than he was comfortable with. And the air quickly grew heavy with the stench of blood and death which had him quivering while hugging his hoe tightly.

* Oh god....am I gonna die? I don't want to die!* His mind scrambled to make sense of what was happening and he certainly had no desired to kill. Hell, the closest he got to doing such was squishing a spider with his shoe that his little sister was crying over in the barn.

A rustling from within the grass then came from the tall grass to his right causing him to tense as his head slowly and shakily turned to its direction. Just as it seemed like something was gonna pop out, Kazu jumped onto his feet and fled in panic with his arms flailing." I don't wanna die!!!" Crying out as he ran through the field in the direction away from all the commotion.

After running for a few minutes, he came to a stop though he would of preferred to keep running but his stupid body really did have pitiful stamina. He was already panting and heaving heavily while bent over; heaving like a person doing a death rattle as a look of desperation painted his face.

Once catching his breath, Kazu frantically looked around to make sure no one was around and thankfully it was just him. Finding himself still in the field though near some trees." Ok ok ok ok..I'm safe..yes I'm safe.." Laughing while touching himself to inspect for injuries and found none and let out a relieved sigh, one short lived upon noticing the fast dwindling number on his pocket. * Ugh, I want nothing to do with this whole thing.* Thinking this while rubbing at his head and with his head lowered, where he noticed the shadows of his floating gloves and lifted his head with an idea popping to mind like a light bulb turning on.

Kazu let out a long exhale as he sat curled beneath his gloves wrapped around him like a makeshift tent. Arms wrapped around his legs as they were hugged against his chest, his cheeks puffed." I should be safe here and besides..this is a nice comfy place to rest. If only I had my book." Sighing while resting his head against his knees.

Unsure of how much time passed before the voice boomed out again with a second announcement. " All right regulars the herd has been thinned next test is to team up! But he careful you only have five minutes to team up and they must be teams of threes!. "

Lifting his head up; hope finally returning to his seemingly dead eyes as a big smile cracked on his lips. " Just five minutes left. Just have to stay here away from everyone and I'll be disqualified and back home." Holding up his closed fist, shedding grateful tears.

Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by DELETED08737


Banned Seen 9 mos ago

Nikola was dumbfounded at the woman's response. The Tower wasn' a place that rewarded weakness, ineptitude, or uncertainty. Everyone has a wish, a reason for climbing the tower, big or small, a desire worth climbing this dog eat dog world. Still, he couldn't help but feel an odd sense of refreshment in her attitude. Something that reminded him of the frequent lectures he got from his mother when he overdid it against the other kids.

"Your one of a kind aren't you?" Nikola remarked his plastered smile actually becoming quite genuine as he looked at her his ears unconsciously facing forwards. "I only know one other person who wouldn't call these guys trash." His smile growing in seeing her annoyed look and stance. She really reminded him a lot of his mother, although her striking red hair and eyes, made Nikola believe that she was probably one of those red witches from the stories.

"Anyway, the reason I waved you over is that my mom always said I should apologize for getting girls dirty because of my attacks. Anything I can do to make amends?'
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by King Cosmos
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King Cosmos

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Tch, typical dismissive attitude. Why does it have to be the type of line I hate the most? Ha-nul fumed, drawing his needle as he squared his shoulders. “Oh, yeah? Then why not test me, oh great princess? Would it be enough for you if I survived against you till there are only 200? Or shall we bet on me getting in at least one hit, huh?” he shouted at her brashly. He honestly wasn’t as worked up as his volume was making it seem; he was just venting a bit, using it as an outlet to calm his nerves. Maybe it was false confidence, but it was better than nothing.

“Let’s see just how much of your time I can waste!” he called, both hands wrapped around the weapon. He sparked the Shinsoo within him into familiar motions, letting the sharp zing of greater efficiency take hold of him. He then dashed at the Princess, observing her every minute movement, weapon ready to strike. Ha-nul didn’t intend to hold anything back; he was attacking with his life on the line, so he may as well go at it with lethal intent.

"Tsk." Not the answer she expected or wanted. If he was strong she would fight him and if he was weak she would walk away; the last thing she wanted was to waste time with more small fry when she could be out there catching the big fish. Unfortunately she'd underestimated how much these fools could be driven to action by their wounded egos; she'd insulted him by implying he wasn't strong and now his bravado had overridden his initial fear and his pride was pushing him to prove her wrong, even though he knew what she was. Now he wouldn't let her be until he was satisfied or, more likely, dead.


Candice turned to face the approaching Regular. She raised a hand to her cheek and rubbed away at it, inadvertently smearing half-dried blood across her face in the process. He was dashing towards her know, moving with surprising speed as he closed the distance between them with his weapon at the ready. Candice approached more slowly, pacing towards him and letting him come to her. Once he was close she started dashing herself, running and them leaping towards him before lashing out with a sweeping kick at head height.

She'd take his head off quickly, get this over and done with, then move on.

Contrary to how his enemy sped up eventually, Ha-nul slowed down a bit once the red-head dashed. She didn’t seem to possess a weapon, which he’d use to his advantage. Let her come at him; he’d do his best to counter and poke her. The sheer power of her motions was impressive, and he watched as his opponent chose to perform a flying kick. He shifted his weapon, and moved to counter. Taking a leaf out of his previous enemy’s book, Ha-nul angled the tip of his hook just-so, expecting it to intersect the Princess’ leg while he ducked to avoid his face getting smashed in. He braced his body for the impact of weapon on flesh, firmly gripping his hook and gazing up at her.

He was faster than expected, and smarter, ducking under her kick and angling his weapon to catch her leg at the same time. Not bad, she would credit him with having more skill and cunning than those she had killed earlier; if his plan worked her own strength would be her downfall as she drove his hook into her flesh by herself. Clever, but a wasted effort here.

It wasn't a bad trick and would probably be enough to catch most Regulars, but she wasn't most Regulars. She could tell something was up the moment he began to slow down and as he moved his weapon into position she had an idea of what he had in mind. Rather than try and halt her kick Candice adjusted the angle instead, her kick carrying on with full force as her leg slipped under the tip of his hook and struck the inside edge of the loop. She did not impale herself as Ha-Nul intended, but instead hooked her foot around his weapon, swinging her leg around and dragging the head of his hook with it as she forced his weapon to the ground with her foot on top of it.

Now standing with her back to her opponent she kicked out with her other leg, turning to look over her shoulder as she drove the foot not pinning his hook in place towards his chest.

His plan backfired completely, as instead of getting caught as he thought she might, the Princess shifted mid-motion, hooked his weapon at the curve – which might be an amusing consideration in other circumstances – and disarmed him. Though Ha-nul had attempted not to let the handle slip from him, her strength was too much; his weapon fell to the ground, where she pinned it with her foot. Moreover, his palms now suffered minor friction burns, and another kick was flying right at where he was half-crouching. Fantastic. No time to be defeatist.

Ha-nul dropped down into a full crouch and rolled sideways under the kick. Just the displacement of air from one of the Princess’ attacks gave him the shivers. Worse, he had to get close to retrieve his weapon. He could probably manage hand-to-hand under a normal Regular, but one of Zahard chosen elites? Tough luck. Still, Ha-nul was determined to get the red-head’s foot off that weapon one was or another. Rang straightened out of his roll, and closed the remaining distance between the pair as swiftly as he could. He needed his hook back, and now. With that in mind, he directed a stomp at the offending Princess’ foot, aiming to catch her off-guard, get the weapon from under her, and back into his hands right after.

Ha-nul slammed his foot down on top of her's, driving his heel into the bridge of her foot hard enough for her to feel it. However the pain she felt was inconsequential next to the limitations in placed on her movements, her foot being pinned in place much as she was pinning down the hook. Her opponent was too close to properly hit at this distance and with him holding her foot down she couldn't create space nor put her all into an attack. She settled for pushing him away instead, giving him a hard shove to give herself some room to breathe.

This was getting annoying.

She would admit that he was stronger than she had expected, stronger than trash; he showed good judgement in abandoning his weapon to save his skull and good agility in managing to avoid her kick. All in all Ha-nul was proving to be a somewhat decent fighter; he was at least someone that she would have to take a little bit more seriously if she wanted to end this cleanly. But he wasn't what she was looking for. That was the problem; he was just tough enough to take up her precious time but not so strong that it was worth her time.

Candice ducked low and rushed towards him, pressing into his personal space as she fired off a couple left jabs at his face before following up with a right hook to his body. Her pace was faster now than it had been before, her steps quicker and her attacks fiercer as she kept up the assault; she would continue to press the attack until he stopped her or he crumpled.

This time, Ha-nul couldn’t avoid the red-head’s attacks as well; he was pushed back and her first jab hit him straight in the face, and he staggered back, slightly dazed and in pain. It felt like that one hit had managed to break his nose; though he couldn’t confirm that, he did feel a trickle of blood running down toward his upper lip. He barely managed to put his hands up in time to block the second jab.

Ow. That’s gonna bruise. That arm already ached, but he kept his defense up. He stepped back, leading the Princess away from the hook, keeping his eyes on her, but peripherally aware of his displaced weapon. When her right hook came, he dashed the short distance past the Princess, avoiding the hit and getting to where his weapon lay. Rang picked it up, stepped firmly forward, and lashed out with it, targeting whichever part of the Princess was closest.

By the time Candice had turned around to resume her attack the hook was already coming her way, leaving little time to react or dodge. Frustrating; Ha-nul had slipped past her, retrieved his weapon and now swung that same weapon at her, all because her first attack hadn't been enough to finish him off. The jab had hit, even drawn blood, but didn't strike deeply enough to be decisive to end the fight or allow for a proper follow up.

Sloppy, on her part. Those same strikes had been enough to kill the other Regular's; she was underestimating this guy still.

Candice stopped the hook with her palm, the shock of the impact rolling up her arm even as she avoiding injuring herself on the sharp, piercing point. She then grabbed the hook with her other hand, turning towards the weapon as she spun her body and stepped towards Ha-nul in the same, smooth motion. Extending her arm as she spun she swung at her opponent with a spinning back fist aimed at his jaw.

Ha-nul was surprised at his adversary's moves, though he really shouldn’t be; but that she’d managed to stop his attack with a palm slap then grabbed the hook to keep him in place was truly a stellar showing. Rang wriggled his weapon, not quite attempting to dislodge it, simply testing how much he could still move it. His time for experimentation was soon over, though, as the Princess was already spinning her body, the back of her fist flying at him. Ha-nul held onto his weapon with all his might, and moved back, leaning into the motion. He craned his whole body to avoid the punch, but that was not all. His hook was also pulled back, its tip neared the Princess' upper back - and injured her.

Ha-nul was surprised at his adversary's moves, though he really shouldn’t be; but that she’d managed to stop his attack with a palm slap then grabbed the hook to keep him in place was truly a stellar showing. Rang wriggled his weapon, not quite attempting to dislodge it, simply testing how much he could still move it. His time for experimentation was soon over, though, as the Princess was already spinning her body, the back of her fist flying at him. Ha-nul held onto his weapon with all his might, and moved back, leaning into the motion. He craned his whole body to avoid the punch, but that was not all. His hook was also pulled back, its tip neared the Princess' upper back - and injured her.

Ha-nul had injured a Princess, which was great. Superb. Excellent. Who’d known she’d go bat shit crazy and get such a power-boost, huh? Freaking…Princess, Rang thought as he was stomped to the ground after his unfortunate fall. He could be ripping into her leg with his hook right then – if it only weren’t for that pesky problem of his lungs getting crushed. He was pretty sure he’d heard at least three ribs crack. “Fu-” he coughed, droplets of blood spouting from his mouth as he did so. The first proper test floor, the first competition against other Regulars, and he was about to die.

"All right regulars the herd has been thinned next test is to team up! But he careful you only have five minutes to team up and they must be teams of threes!" This voice…this was his saviour. Or rather, the follow-up warning about those still fighting getting disqualified was. Though the murderous eyes of that crazed beast of a female weren’t reassuring at all. She did stop, though, after a long moment of consideration. Ha-nul exhaled carefully, and stood up with just as much caution. He patted himself and shook blood off his weapon, not particularly satisfied with the condition his body ended up in. But at least he was alive. He’d take that. “So,” he began, hacking his lungs out. “Wh-” he cleared his throat. “What about that team-up?”

Candice turned around, looking over her shoulder at Ha-nul as he stood up. The anger from before was gone, gone as quickly as it had appeared, though her expression now was still far from reassuring as she stared at him for long seconds with no reply. Team-up? He still wanted to team-up with her in this situation? She vaguely recalled his first words to her, seeking either an alliance or an apprenticeship after he had seen her handiwork in dealing with the other Regulars; now here he was asking again, even after she had tried to kill him.

He was persistent, she'd give him that. Or maybe just a fool. One way or another though, it looked like he was going to get his wish after all; a team of three was required to pass this next test from the sounds of it and as much as Candice would rather avoid dealing with this man ever again, she couldn't take the risk of refusing him now and then being unable to find another two people before the time limit ran out. It would be a humiliating end to her journey if she were to fail for a reason like that.

"Fine." She had no choice but to agree with this for now. But if a better option came along, she would take it.

"Great," he replied, not nearly as cheerfully as he was hoping to. His grin was weak and watery too, and Ha-nul groaned. "I hope we get free healing on the next floor," he muttered. "By the way, I'm Ha-nul Rang," he introduced himself as he sheathed his hook. Rang gingerly poked at his chest, wincing at some especially sore and bruised points. "Shall we go find that third person, Princess?" he asked, though it was more of a gently nudging suggestion to get going. He only hoped he'd be able to keep up, injured as he was.

It was several long seconds before Candice acknowledged that Ha-nul had spoken, even ignoring his greeting as she waited for him to get moving. She stubbornly tried to ignore his existence altogether, as if that would change the fact that she had already agreed to be his teammate or let her forget recent events. It was futile however and her own silence just made her feel petulant; a Princess should at least be able to give a proper greeting, after all.

"Candice... Candice Rose Zahard." Her voice was curt as she spoke, words short and to the point. "I wouldn't count on healing; they won't coddle us just because we're Regular's now. Let's get moving."
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Sylvan
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Sylvan Local Cryptid

Member Seen 1 hr ago

"One of a kind? You're the one with dog ears, I just have red hair. And what do you mean, sorry you got me dirty? We're in the middle of a battle, and its just a little dust... Its not like you covered me in blood or anything."

"All right regulars the herd has been thinned next test is to team up! But be careful you only have five minutes to team up and they must be teams of threes!"

"Huh... I guess we survived the culling. Now, I wonder if you left anyone alive nearby to team up with..."

Runa looks around again, trying to see if any of the bodies look intact enough to pass for alive. In the distance, she saw a figure huddled under something large, but cant quite make it out... But they weren't bloody and laid out flat, and they were in one piece, so it was a good start. Runa points to the guy in the distance, and turns to Nikola.

"Maybe that person over there? They look alive enough to team up with us."
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