Arendelle, the mighty kingdom that was ruled by two mystical queens. Anyone who was anybody had at least heard of the infamous Kingdom and the magical story that floated out of it's gates. Years and years passed, old traditions and stories soon became bedtime stories and the reality of magic eventually got lost among the advancement of technology. However like all things magic never truly dies and over time the elements began to realize that they were in danger of being forgotten forever. They grew angry and became violent, the spirits wanted to punish Norway for thinking that they could forget them.
It was the summer when all of Norway suffered a tragedy that they could not comprehend. The rivers and lakes completely dried up, massive fires spread across the country, tornadoes and hurricanes spiraled out of control, earthquakes destroyed the land. The country was rocked to its core and begged other countries for help, no one could enter due to the fact that giant rock walls had totally surrounded the country and electrical storms stopped any aircraft's. Norway was cut off from the rest of the world.
It was the summer when all of Norway suffered a tragedy that they could not comprehend. The rivers and lakes completely dried up, massive fires spread across the country, tornadoes and hurricanes spiraled out of control, earthquakes destroyed the land. The country was rocked to its core and begged other countries for help, no one could enter due to the fact that giant rock walls had totally surrounded the country and electrical storms stopped any aircraft's. Norway was cut off from the rest of the world.

Everyone was suffering but there was some hope, a way to calm the spirits and release the country from it's current state. Unbeknownst to the four elements the firth spirit, the element that bridges magic and humanity foresaw what would happen and blessed four children with the magic of Water, Fire, Wind and Earth. 20 years had passed since these children had been born and soon the fifth spirit called to these children, their time had come. Whether or not these children would decide to follow their destiny would be up to them - to Save all of Norway or to let it fall into darkness.

Please send all sheets to me in a PM

1. This is not a first come, first serve roleplay. I will be looking over each CS that is sent to me and decide which is best for each element. Remember though, there are 4 magic-kids and each is able to have their own friend/companion, that a total of 8 possible characters.
2. I want animated pictures, illustrations might be accepted as well depending on how they look. Be aware that pictures should make your characters personality and the time in which this roleplay takes place, which is Modern.
3. This is a mature roleplay and mature topics may be discussed. Drugs, Alcohol, Violence and other things will/may be brought up so if you are uncomfortable or hate any of these things than this roleplay may not be for you.
4. This is LOOSELY based on the second Frozen movie, the only active things are the elements and a few other factors. Anna, Elsa and Arendelle itself will not be present.
5. I want an array of characters, male and female, some edgy and some not, preps, nerds, bookworms, teachers pets, jocks, frat boys. Be creative!

Please send all sheets to me in a PM

1. This is not a first come, first serve roleplay. I will be looking over each CS that is sent to me and decide which is best for each element. Remember though, there are 4 magic-kids and each is able to have their own friend/companion, that a total of 8 possible characters.
2. I want animated pictures, illustrations might be accepted as well depending on how they look. Be aware that pictures should make your characters personality and the time in which this roleplay takes place, which is Modern.
3. This is a mature roleplay and mature topics may be discussed. Drugs, Alcohol, Violence and other things will/may be brought up so if you are uncomfortable or hate any of these things than this roleplay may not be for you.
4. This is LOOSELY based on the second Frozen movie, the only active things are the elements and a few other factors. Anna, Elsa and Arendelle itself will not be present.
5. I want an array of characters, male and female, some edgy and some not, preps, nerds, bookworms, teachers pets, jocks, frat boys. Be creative!