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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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>@Jasper19 @Bria The Human

"Wait where are you guys going?" Venus heard a feminine voice call out behind her so she paused then turn on her bike saddle and saw another girl who didn't look like a skeeze but cute and harmless which if she was okay around the Board punks then they must be okay so she relaxed.

"Hello I was telling this boy I think I know the shrine the bell came from and that he could follow me; it reminded me of the Nakashimi Inari Shrine. It has a large ōgane (Hanging bell) which has a deep resonance allowing the sound to carry over great distances; a large bonshō can be heard up to 20 kilometres.

We hear it at the School sometimes and we are maybe 8 kilometers away"
Says Venus in a much friendlier and trusting tone to the other girl

"My name is Venus and if you want you can follow me. It might not be quite were I remember seeing it but the mountains over ….. "

Venus trails off as first she see's a light beam descend from the sky and bathe the roof of the shrine as if to say here it is but what she sees next makes her drop her bike and almost fall as she trips over it.

"The sky's all wrong" she says in a shocked half hearted tone

Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Jasper19
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Landon was James and Mari then smiled when they walked up " Hey guys , I'm following this chick to the shrine the town apparently has , it's also where the ringing has been coming from " he said to them then nodded when Venus explained it more. Then hearing Japanese girl say "follow me" he nodded and began to push off on his skateboard following the bike . As he followed the girl he waved for James and Mari to follow them as well. As he followed the Japanese girl he played the air drums with his drumsticks as he followed her " so Venus cool name " he said to her.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Azure Flame
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"Oh, I know where that shrine is, I've visited it before." James said. "I can meet you guys there. Mari, want a ride?" He gestured over to his motorcycle. If they were fans of anime (especially old school anime) they would be able to recognize the bike.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Bria The Human
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Mari listened quietly occasionally nodding her head to show she understands what was being said. She felt like she was ready to pass out she was so tired. As the girl in front of her was speaking she watched her face drop in what looked like fear and dissapointment.

"The sky's all wrong."

Mari looked up, confused by her statement and was horrified at what she saw. The sky looked like it had been bent into a different shape. Almost like they were in a giant dome. "What the hell is going on here...?" Mari felt like she was going to puke. From behind her she heard James offering to give her a ride on his bike. She turned towards him, debating whether or not she would take her yellow bug or accept his offer. Honestly, she was so tired from the all nighter she pulled that she probably shouldn't be driving anyway. "Sure, sounds like a good idea. But we gotta make sure to come back for my bug. She's my baby." She made a kissy face at her bug, probably weirding out everyone around her. She tended to get overly attached to inanimate objects. She noticed Landon had already taken off ahead of them. "Ah shit, we better get going." She started walking quickly towards James' bike whose anime reference completely went over her head.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Azure Flame
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James looked up and paled at the sight of the sky. "Shit's getting too weird." he said. He nodded at Mari and said "Don't worry, we'll come back for it." He walked over and unlocked his bike, handing her a spare helmet he always kept in the compartment. He put his own helmet on and started it up. "Hold on tight." he called back to her.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Bria The Human
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Mari grabbed the helmet from James and after a bit of awkward fumbling, put it on. She'd never been on a motorcycle before. She flinched at the loud sound of the engine starting up. She walked towards his motorcycle and sat on the seat right behind him. She grabbed onto his waist and squeezed on probably a lot tighter than she actually needed to. "Alright, I'm ready." She squeezed her eyes shut, not knowing what to expect.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Azure Flame
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He blushed a little feeling her behind him and nodded, revving up and taking off for the shrine, passing Venus and Landon on the way.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Jasper19
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Landons breath had been taken away as he powerslid to a stop from the sight of the horizon. The dome like sky was absolutely breathtaking and the horizon seemed like it had been flipped up side down. Landon was so distracted by the sky he hadn't even noticed that James and Mari had passed him. Once getting over the breathtaking sight Landon began to push his board again till he got to the shrine.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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Yumi watched the sky for a few moments puzzled at what she saw then she sighed thinking to herself ~The sky will be here after I cleanse the Haiden (hall of worship) floors~

So she grabbed her clearing tools and was soon back to work. It was hard work and it was her duties alone as Miko and the only person that now worked full time at the shrine but she was the last in her line and must keep the Nakashimi Inari Shrine open and in her family. She'd seen what happened to the shrines taken over by the Government; they were turned into tourist attractions and the government administrators didn't care whether those they decided on were good priests so long as they fit what the current ones thought a Shinto priest should look like.

She ran across the floors bent over pushing the polishing rag in a hurry knowing if she were to make the sacred place keep running she had to get to work doing her Calligraphy requests which because hers was considered a Master's work paid well enough that she might take a vacation in Okinawa after seeing the bills paid.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Damien leans back, lifting the nose of his board and grinds the tail across the concrete slowing himself as he arrives at the empty mall.
He stared up at in disbelief looking over the still emptiness of what he feared most but couldn’t believe.
No one was anywhere to be seen.

Fear quickly vanished and was replaced by a wide excited grin. No one was anywhere to be seen!

He dropped his board down and jumped back on it rolling into the mall. Just then he heard the rumbling of a motor race off into the distance. So not completely alone.
He wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing. Either way it changed his destination.

Hopping off his board Damien moved around silently instead, for now. Sporting goods, camping store, music shop, electronics, snack shop and security room.
Took him a while to get into the last room but with the supplies available didn’t take too long. In no time he found footage of the others and replayed it a few times before trying to view the previous day’s footage.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Sharidi37495
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Sharidi37495 The Nerdy Alien

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Elle nods. “So we know for a fact that there is no law enforcement. Cool.” She smirks, then snorts. “‘Otaku goddess’? Yeah, whatever you say nerd.” She glances towards the others with a small frown. “Do you feel something? Like some kind of magnetic pull?”
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

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Martha hears the term nerd once more and sighs " Nerd is an informal noun which means a foolish or contemptible person who lacks social skills or is boringly studious, or a single-minded expert in a particular technical field; I while in some ways qualify the same could be said of you. I am not lacking in social skills, any contempt I might be held in is by your estimation of myself compared to you and as for single minded I assure you that even as we have been having this lovely chat my mind has been processing many variables to answer our situations many questions and the new ones you yourself present."

Mar takes the final sip of her juice box and does something shocking with it as she crumples it and throws it in the street followed by a jar of pickles which she throws like an outfield shag into a near by parking lot the distance nearly 90 meters.

"Experiments A and B" she says as she walks to a decorative landscaped Island and as she pries loose two fist sized stones crushes the flowers and stomps on the small shrubs breaking their branches and making a mess of it all before setting one of her rocks on the pile of food in her shopping cart. Then she Leans back holding the fist sized rock in her left hand preferring to south paw any fast ball she throws from that side and lets the rock go as if trying to beat a hitter of some reputation.

The rock spins in it's flight till it strike a laundry window causing the safety glass to shatter into a thousand tiny glittering cubes all over the sidewalk before the store's front. Immediately the stores security alarm begins screaming in protest.

"WE'LL CALL THAT EXPERIMENTS C AND D WITH SUB PART 1 BEING THE CHANCE THE POLICE SHOW UP!" she shouts over the noise she has caused as she grabs two beers from the cart opening one and offering Elle the second. "BEER?"

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Sharidi37495
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Sharidi37495 The Nerdy Alien

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Elle grins faintly at Martha’s speech. She had also been thinking of a lot of things: where were they? Where was everyone else? How did they get here and she has no recollection? Why them? Was there some sort of filtering process that resulted in very few people? Was it just their town or was it all over the world? Maybe different areas? How did she get money when there was no one there? What was that ringing, where did it come from, what does it mean, and who was responsible for it? However, she wouldn’t admit to thinking about this because god forbid the dark-skinned biker girl have brains beyond a broken car and lock picking. ”Then dork? And I guess you could call me a nerd for stirring up shit and living on the wrong side of the tracks.” She growls softly and rolls her eyes at Martha’s antics. ”Would you quit it? Your acting like a fucking child away from her mommy and daddy for the first time.” She walks into the house that was currently blaring and draws a pocket knife. She cuts a couple of wires and the noise stops. As she walks out she takes the second beer and takes a swig after cracking it open.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

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Martha watched as Elle destroyed one of the levels of experimentation and said to her as she handed her the beer. "You ruined one part of the experiment which was law enforcement and or others close by but as the alarm is connected to the police lines it will still help see if there are police waiting for such a call."

She reaches into the cart and opens a bag of crisps and adds "This is also an attempt to see if the makers of all this, this dysonsphere" says pointing at the strange sky "Have any grounds keepers.

Oh and the name is Martha not Nerd, Dork, Dweeb, Squint, or any other name you wish to use in an effort to display your coolness over me; it sours the potential for amiable discourse"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Sharidi37495
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Sharidi37495 The Nerdy Alien

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”There is no law enforcement. There’s no police. Hell there’s not even beat cops. There are no judges, and from what I tell no obvious rules, laws, or regulations in place. And I don’t want your amiable discourse, or friendship, or whatever shit you want to call it.” Elle looks away; she scans the area for some kind of excuse to use as an escape. She was collaborating, and is now getting too close. She already regrets it.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

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Martha sighs and finishes her beer. "Then perhaps the fact that we are as we now see it alone in this sphere for what purpose only a guess you will discover that we are members of a social species and need others even if it is just so we do not feel alone.

I am sure that soon we will discover their are others here and that they will be alone like we are and hopefully we can form a better society than the one we just left.

Oh and if you have no idea what a dysonsphere is think of it as a hollow ball surrounding a sun artificial or natural and any society capable of creating such a structure and keeping it running will view humans as simple creatures; perhaps we are the newest addition of a universal zoo.

May the road rise to meet you and Farewell I have a penthouse waiting."

Then grabbing the handle of the shopping cart she pushes it towards the hotel.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Sharidi37495
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Sharidi37495 The Nerdy Alien

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Elle sighs. ”Good god woman.” ‘Thanks for reminding me why I work alone.’ She straightens her bike and frowns when she looks in the direction of the shrine, doubting the undeniable force. However, she kicks off and starts to speed down the street. In the distance, she sees a guy on a skateboard, and then a bit farther she sees some lump on a bike. She slows down and ventures down a side road, keeping her eyes on the new people. In her mind, there was no reason they couldn’t be, or at least be in collaboration with, the people creatures that had put her in a giant ball. Maybe this is an experiment? She sticks to the shadows as she trails the others: a boy on a skateboard, a boy and a girl on a weird motorbike. Are the boy and girl together?
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Bria The Human
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Bria The Human Cringe Master 5000

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Mari's could hear the wind whipping past them as she and James sped towards the shrine. She clutched onto him for dear life, still too afraid to look. She wondered when they would finally be at the shrine, this ride felt like it was taking forever. Although it probably only felt that way because she was so scared. That said, it was kind of exciting being so close to a boy. It felt like something that would happen in one of her dating sims.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Azure Flame
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Azure Flame Leader of the Azure Knights

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James continued to blush on the ride, glad his helmet hid his face. This was the first time he'd had a girl riding on his bike with him, especially a cute girl like Mari. While the ride for her seemed to take forever, it seemed over far too soon to James, as they pulled into a parking spot near the shrine.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Jasper19
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Jasper19 Sarcastic

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Landon leaned against the shrine and watched as everyone showed up. It was interesting how only teenagers seemed to be the ones in the town of maybe even on earth. Then there was the horizon Landon didn't look at it much but he was pretty sure it didn't look like that. Shrugging to himself he began to walk up the shrines path that led to the temple.
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