Avatar of Azure Flame


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7 yrs ago
That moment when you realize the Introduce Yourself forum is being spammed by a bot, and there is no report button...
7 yrs ago
Appologies to all I RP with! I recently lost power, so I may take a while with my posts, as I have to go off my phone and I have limited data to use.
7 yrs ago
@AcetheKidd Here ya go! roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
7 yrs ago
Got a new RP based on the Inheritance Cycle, come join! roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
8 yrs ago
@Leaves Sadly, he never will be able to. RIP
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Chuck thanked them and headed off with the others.
As am I.
They look fine to me
Chuck went and got his Pokemon healed as well.
Chuck was up next as Kabu sent out Ninetails. Chuck sent out Bond, the Drizzile. The Ninetails started off with Extrasensory, dealing a good amount of damage to Bond, who retaliated with Water Pulse, getting off the confusion and causing the Ninetails to hurt itself. He then finished it off with another Water Pulse.

Next, Kabu sent out his Arcanine, who immediately attacked with Retaliate, dealing massive damage to avenge it's fallen ally. The Drizzile recovered and fired off a Water Pulse, scoring a good hit but then Arcanine rammed into him with an Extreme Speed. Bond wasn't looking good as he shakily got to his feet. The Arcanine charged in, aiming to finish it with a Burn Up, as Bond fired off another Water Pulse, the colliding attacks flooding the stadium with steam. When it cleared, both Pokemon were standing, staring at each other, until Bond collapsed, knocked out. Arcanine gave a smug look, before collapsing itself, a double KO. Chuck and Kabu returned their Pokemon and Kabu sent out Centiscorch, while Chuck sent out Nessie, his Lapras.

Immediately, both activated their Dynamax bands, Gigantimaxing the two Pokemon. Centiscorch fired off a Gmax Centiferno, surrounding the Lapras in a fiery tornado, but she quickly doused that with a Max Geyser, blasting the giant centipede Pokemon and knocking it out with a massive explosion, earning Chuck the victory and his third badge.
Oh, sorry! Been busy so I hadn't had time to post. Working on it now.
"Jen can go first, if she wants to." Chuck said.
Could be, but it wasn't the only anomaly to the Zodiac theory—the "Rat" started out as an echidna before becoming a stoat and then a honey badger. Nothing murine in any of them apart from the first's Pokédex classification.

And then there's Fennikin, which is a fox, not a dog.
Given their propensity for Fire starter final evolutions to be bipedal (or in Typhlosion's case semi-bipedal), I don't think they'd go that direction. Given that they're going for the snake this generation, we're probably looking at a fiery naga.

Actually, a lot of people are saying the Zodiac thing has been disproven, since it's a crocodile, not a snake. Also, it looks a lot like a stuffed pepper dish served in the region. Though some are going out on a limb and saying it'll be the Ox because a male croc is called a bull, and a female croc is called a cow.
I also agree with the Fire/Rock prediction. I'm kinda hoping for something like Leviamon, but with rocky crags instead of the blue fins and fringes, and flames from the nostrils, instead of steam/smoke. Obviously done in Pokemon's cuter art style.
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