Avatar of Azure Flame
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Azure Flame
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2621 (0.69 / day)
  • VMs: 2
  • Username history
    1. Azure Flame 10 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
That moment when you realize the Introduce Yourself forum is being spammed by a bot, and there is no report button...
7 yrs ago
Appologies to all I RP with! I recently lost power, so I may take a while with my posts, as I have to go off my phone and I have limited data to use.
7 yrs ago
@AcetheKidd Here ya go! roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
7 yrs ago
Got a new RP based on the Inheritance Cycle, come join! roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
7 yrs ago
@Leaves Sadly, he never will be able to. RIP
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Most Recent Posts

I'm excited for it. I really like Fuecoco. Some are saying it's based on Italy though. Definitely Mediterranean.
List of all my Legends shiny's (So far)

Wurmple (Now a Dustox)
Buizel (Now a Floatzel)
Goomy (Now Goodra)
Ponyta (The given)
RIP, a Shiny H. Basculion spawned, but the in-game light shining on the icy water blinded me and I couldn't find it before it despawned....

This is why you turn of autosave, and manual save as soon as you hear the shiny jingle. I think I've caught about 4/5 shinies in Legends alone.
"Yeah, no. Back when we lived in Snowpoint City, my parents used to tell me all the time not to wander too far, or a Froslass would get me." Chuck said. "Obviously, it was a tale told to scare children into behaving, but based on facts. While one wouldn't be that close to the city, venture too far out, and you might become an unfortunate soul who encounters one."
"Now that you mention it, my great granfather on my father's side, before he passed, used to say that my ancestors used to watch over Snowpoint Temple, back when the city was nothing more than an outpost, and I think he made mention of a Galaxy Expidition Team exploring the region, but I'd never paid it much thought, as I was too young to really understand what he meant."
"Wasn't that the representation of Rampardos and Bastiodon though? It's a reference to the Shield that can block anything, the Aegis, and the spear that could pierce through any armor, the Gae Bolg, and the debate about what would happen if they interacted with eachother?" Chuck asked, remembering some research his brother did about the fossil Pokemon.
"Alright, we'll be there soon, I think we've wrapped things up here, right?" Chuck said, looking at the others.
Chuck's phone went off, and he answered it on speakerphone. "What's up Liam?" he asked.
"Thank you for your kind words. I have succumbed to the darkness once before, but it was Marshadow corrupting me. It was thanks to my friends that I was able to break free." Chuck said. "I don't think it'll happen again, but we need to be ready for anything."
"I do remember one of the last things my brother sent before he disappeared was that there were two wolf based legendary creatures referred to in ruins, also representing a Sword and a Shield." Chuck said. "Could they have been this Zacian and Zamazenta? Also, there was that crop circle in Turffield that was about the Darkest Day, if I recall."
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