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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by RC3
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RC3 Da Real Prof

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@Dark Light Familiarity or kinship, yeah, you could say that. He's an elder goblin that gave the newborns their names and if some remembered a face, it would be his.

Fear? Maybe, if its within Reshy's character. Would he be intimidated by a larger and older goblin that's almost twice his size?

As far as you can see, none other than the cloth that's wrapped around his body.

What he can see? The stuff I mentioned in the post. Its an empty room, with the old man, small broken bones, and fruit peelings.

Any better weapon? The strongest would be the elder's body odor. Aisd efrom that, its hard to call fruit peel a weapon, so probably not that. If you wanna say that Reshy found a rock or broken piece of bone larger than his rock, I'm cool with it. Is it better? I can say their all bottom tier equipment lol.

EDIT: I mean, you could pass off a bunch of things as something dictated by instincts. As long as it not BS tier. So far we've seen goblins talk about wire traps, craft weapons, and know the basic of tracking.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

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Actually, I’m probably more concerned about the bones.
Naming us or not we could be a snack pile.

They don’t look like baby goblin bones do they?
I wouldn’t put it past goblins to eat their young.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by RC3
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RC3 Da Real Prof

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@Dark Light Dunno. If its within Reshy's character to worry about those things, its either he tries to figure it out or just assumes and runs away. Cannibalism is definitely a possibility if that's what you were concerned about.

I'll just respond to whatever Reshy does in their. He did ram into the elder and nothing happened. So that's something to think about.

EDIT: They're too broken to tell. Kinda hard to figure out what creature it came from.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Versa
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If he dies, oh well.

If he lives, he eats grandpa and gets that Odor Skill.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by RC3
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RC3 Da Real Prof

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If anyone's gonna die, I'll probably give you a deathflag or two, unless whatever you tried to pull off was really dumb.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

Member Seen 1 hr ago

I am slightly curious as to how 'smart' us three day old goblins are at this point. Seems like everyone has a different interpretation on our basic intelligence, from the well-spoken Aya to the ungo-bungo duo. At this point, would we have our adult human level intelligence, complete with an expanded vocabulary and forward-thinking mentality?
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by RC3
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RC3 Da Real Prof

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@ERode Yeah, I don't mind the variety of self-perceived and actual intelligence from the group. Clarity will gradually be developed along with vocabulary. Some can stay as meatheads and simpletons, but that's totally their choice. Communication between goblins, regardless of how bad their vocabulary will be, an understanding would still exist.

I mean, I find it funny when I read on how Aya speaks, but given the complexity of what she's saying, no one gets it. Or how Saito feels like a japanese Bear Grylls but in a a small green body. Or how Hoi uses as little words as possible and gives me an image of Snorlax.

But that's far as greenskin speak goes; learning human speech is a whole other story. Not a difficult one though.

EDIT: Also, I didn't give a clear answer to your question. My bad. Would we have our adult human level intelligence, complete with an expanded vocabulary and forward-thinking mentality? Yup, we'd reach that point. It'll be up to you guys though if you wanna stick with their previous personality or have it tweaked or corrupted by life as a dirty monster.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

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Yea unless there was an obvious skull Reshy wouldn’t worry. Even then he might not. I still might but Reshy won’t.
Just torn between waking this guy or attacking him while we have the advantage.

It’s k I have a soloution after Tiks next post :D

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

Member Seen 1 hr ago

If you attack him, you'll likely also wake him. So the second option is a two-for-one!
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by TheMushroomLord
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I've been operating under the assumption we've got roughly the same knowledge and personalities as our past life, just with major holes riddled throughout our memories and new goblin instincts to alter our behaviours. If I'm wrong tell me and I'll edit what I've posted already to reflect.

Also, I'm sure nothing at all could possibly go from attacking the potentially high-level goblin elder.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by RC3
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RC3 Da Real Prof

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@TheMushroomLord I mean, this is what was posted in the OP.

"Your characters are aware that they had died and have been reborn into goblins, but the circumstances of how and why this took place remain unknown to them. As of know, their memory of their past life is a bit vague and their ability to think rationally will be impaired; for now, they're running on their instincts to survive and eat."

I'll leave interpretation up to you guys. I don't think anything needs to change though. As long as its not super BS, I think mind. As long as its fun, entertaining, and doesn't mess things up for others.

Well, he's alone, old, and rancid. Not sure what trope he's filling up though.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Versa
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Rancid Geezer Trope.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by RC3
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RC3 Da Real Prof

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If any of you are familiar with Radiant, he's kinda like Myr in a way. Aside from the Rancid Geezer, I'm not implying anything else though.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Haeo

Haeo One Who Listens Deeply

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@RC3 Tik is heading that way. If Reshy goes with him, yay. If he lingers, then Tik will simply head out with his bone fragments and take a look at what his other siblings are up to. If that's alright, I'll make my next move from there.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by RC3
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RC3 Da Real Prof

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@Haeo Are you referring to the other PCs or would you wanna mingle with some NPCs? Just wanna know if an update would be needed?
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

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An update's probably due in a bit anyways. Just need Mushroom now, yah?
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by RC3
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RC3 Da Real Prof

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@ERode Hopefully in a few hours. Just wanna make sure I've got everyone covered. Aside from Mush, just need to see if Harp and Dark have other plans.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

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@ERode Hopefully in a few hours. Just wanna make sure I've got everyone covered. Aside from Mush, just need to see if Harp and Dark have other plans.

I got other plans!

Ok, locking in waking the old gobbo before Tik runs off.
Lobbing a rock at the wall.
If he is aggressive this way there’s a 50% chance Reshy will be ok. :D

Reshy is gobbo through and through
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Haeo

Haeo One Who Listens Deeply

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@RC3 Either PC or NPC would be fine. I have yet to establish Tik's propensity for study, to say nothing of his talent for teaching. Though, sharpening old bones against each other might not be much of a skill... It might still be an improvement to pass around. After making a few sharp bones, my plan doesn't go beyond hunting. Without food and drink... everything else stops pretty quick.

As for updates... I'm not sure how many bones he was able to get or what quality. So, I'll need that if nothing else.

And... I'm getting the feeling that sharp pointy things might be aimed at Reshy... soon... and with some energy.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by RC3
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RC3 Da Real Prof

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In the name of the Ogre Saints, Matron Trolls, and Divine Redcaps, may Gob have mercy on your souls?
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