Hello! We are rebooting a roleplay because we lost a lot of folks. It is essentially about a town plagued with supernatural creatures including vampires, werewolves, and witches. They plague the world and some wish to even dominate it while the militant forces of the country try to halt their efforts.

GM:Princess CO-GM: FunnyGuy

》 Please do not proceed without reading everything.
✡ Be kind and respectful.
✡ No godmodding. Respect the limits of the roleplay. If GMs say you're crossing a line, respect and work with them
✡ Don't get offended if someone's character doesn't like yours. As long as they are respectful OOC, then they are not causing an issue.
✡ Outright smut gotta go to the PMs. Sexual themes are okay just remember you are walking on thin ice.
✡ Posts must be at least a paragraph. This means a 5 sentence minimum.
✡ Posts must be weekly. The sooner the better since it is more fun if the RP moves. If you fail to post within a week WITHOUT warning us ahead of time that you cannot post, so that we can work something out, you will be given a strike. Two strikes you're out.
✡ Do not join if you cannot commit. If you are too busy to post or know you are going to be, please don't join.
✡ Four character maximum.
✡ We will not accept a large number of grey-area, loner-type characters who are not going to move along the story and want to just go along with their own side story. Building upon the story is great! However, when too many people are off-topic, it becomes hard to move the story along. That said, a few are fine. We have right to reject whoever.

✡ Premise ✡
The town of Ember Grove is one of the oldest but always forgotten towns in the United States, founded in 1632. Located off the coast of South Carolina, the town is sometimes a tourist spot but the settled population always seems to be dwindling. It's a hot-spot for crime and murder seemingly but this never seems to become a new story for more than those who dwell in the town. Murders and disappearances are swept under the rug and no one outside of Ember Grove seems to know much at all of their constant mishaps. As far as appearances go, it's a rather nice looking area and most tourists wonder how anything bad could happen in town with such friendly faces.
Ember Grove has a big secret. Many of its residents live in ignorance of the reality of all the disappearances. It is one of the many towns that supernatural creatures gravitate to. Vampires hungry for blood come here looking to feast, werewolves bound through the woods and witches cast spells in the safety of their bedrooms. These creatures have lived for centuries without the public eye really believing they exist. The government, of course, knows of their existence and wants them to stay hidden to keep control of any panicking. Hunters have arisen for generations as well as an actual secret federal operation to exterminate these creatures in an effort to preserve humanity. Trouble looms for the residents as well as for these creatures themselves. Will they be able to coexist or will their secret finally come out? Life for sure is peculiar in Ember Grove...
Ember Grove has a big secret. Many of its residents live in ignorance of the reality of all the disappearances. It is one of the many towns that supernatural creatures gravitate to. Vampires hungry for blood come here looking to feast, werewolves bound through the woods and witches cast spells in the safety of their bedrooms. These creatures have lived for centuries without the public eye really believing they exist. The government, of course, knows of their existence and wants them to stay hidden to keep control of any panicking. Hunters have arisen for generations as well as an actual secret federal operation to exterminate these creatures in an effort to preserve humanity. Trouble looms for the residents as well as for these creatures themselves. Will they be able to coexist or will their secret finally come out? Life for sure is peculiar in Ember Grove...
✡ Playable Characters ✡
✡ Accepting a small amount[Probably 2 max] of unaffiliated, ordinary humans that can get caught up in the mess ✡

》The information is in question format for your convenience so I can directly add your questions in as well.
✡ What are they? ✡
Vampires are creatures that take on the appearance of beautiful, pale humans yet need blood in order to continue living the way humans do. Sometimes, vampires are often referred to as the night children or children of the night.
✡ What's the difference between humans and vampires? ✡
✡ Vampires are immortal and do not age like humans. If a human is converted to a vampire, the vampire will halt aging at the age they are bitten, forever frozen in time. If they are born vampires, they stop aging the moment they reach full adulthood in their early twenties.
✡ Though vampires can eat foods as humans do, blood is vitally necessary. Human blood is ideal, but animal blood or vampire blood can suffice for a short period of time, usually only for a few hours. The closer an animal is evolutional to a human the better though.
✡ Take the strongest and the fastest human in the world. Now double their strength and speed and you get essentially the speed and strength of a vampire.
✡ Their senses are much more superior to humans. Their sense of smell, sight, and hearing is extremely out of the norm.
✡ Vampires can go in the sun, it is just irritating and unhealthy for their skin, so they prefer not to. Killing is also preferable in the night time so many vampires are on nocturnal schedules.
✡If caught off guard, some older and stronger vampires can use persuasion to manipulate humans, especially if looked right in the eyes. It is essentially unreliable mind control.
✡ Vampires can also drink and get drunk. They will not have to excrete waste unless they eat or drink.
✡ Vampires' eyes become red when very hungry for blood. ✡ Vampires' have a healing factor when injured normally.
✡ Though vampires can eat foods as humans do, blood is vitally necessary. Human blood is ideal, but animal blood or vampire blood can suffice for a short period of time, usually only for a few hours. The closer an animal is evolutional to a human the better though.
✡ Take the strongest and the fastest human in the world. Now double their strength and speed and you get essentially the speed and strength of a vampire.
✡ Their senses are much more superior to humans. Their sense of smell, sight, and hearing is extremely out of the norm.
✡ Vampires can go in the sun, it is just irritating and unhealthy for their skin, so they prefer not to. Killing is also preferable in the night time so many vampires are on nocturnal schedules.
✡If caught off guard, some older and stronger vampires can use persuasion to manipulate humans, especially if looked right in the eyes. It is essentially unreliable mind control.
✡ Vampires can also drink and get drunk. They will not have to excrete waste unless they eat or drink.
✡ Vampires' eyes become red when very hungry for blood. ✡ Vampires' have a healing factor when injured normally.
✡ Where can vampires be found? ✡
✡Many vampires live in large groups usually with hierarchies. There are many groups across the world. They often take up territories in towns that seem to be erased off the map for the rest of us. This occurs when a large number of vampires essentially raid a town, either kill or make a human farm of the inhabitants, and get rid of any threat within the town. They then own that town. Hunters usually then try to erase that area from the satellite map to try to lower the number of people going towards that area. Those that wander into these territories despite them not being on GPS or maps, end up fodder.
Still, some vampires elect to live in smaller groups of friends and family. Some even are loners.
Still, some vampires elect to live in smaller groups of friends and family. Some even are loners.
What happens when a vampire doesn't get blood? **IMPORTANT**
✡If a vampire goes so long without blood, they will slowly lose their rationality, becoming more and more like a carnivorous animal. This occurs in stages.
✡Stage A: Normal
✡Stage B: 2 days without blood leads to throat burning, fatigue, losing the sense of logic, mood swings, as well as auditory and visual hallucinations.
✡Stage C: 4 days without blood leads to stage B symptoms but now the addition of the random urge to attack even fellow vampires. They are ravenous, delusional, and they are mostly irrational.
✡Stage D: 7 days without blood: they are no longer able to communicate, their fangs have lengthened, the vampire will attack anything in sight, fallen into a completely animalistic state. Posture is even worse and they no longer move like humans. Eyes are always red and always dilated. ✡Stage E: 9 days without blood: If a stage D vampire has not gotten blood despite their willingness to kill anyone and anything, then they will fall into a state where they are no longer responsive and their body shuts down. They could be revived with blood, but only into back into a stage D state. Once a vampire enters a stage D state, their brain has depleted too far and there is nothing that can be done to bring them back to a rational mindstate.
✡Stage A: Normal
✡Stage B: 2 days without blood leads to throat burning, fatigue, losing the sense of logic, mood swings, as well as auditory and visual hallucinations.
✡Stage C: 4 days without blood leads to stage B symptoms but now the addition of the random urge to attack even fellow vampires. They are ravenous, delusional, and they are mostly irrational.
✡Stage D: 7 days without blood: they are no longer able to communicate, their fangs have lengthened, the vampire will attack anything in sight, fallen into a completely animalistic state. Posture is even worse and they no longer move like humans. Eyes are always red and always dilated. ✡Stage E: 9 days without blood: If a stage D vampire has not gotten blood despite their willingness to kill anyone and anything, then they will fall into a state where they are no longer responsive and their body shuts down. They could be revived with blood, but only into back into a stage D state. Once a vampire enters a stage D state, their brain has depleted too far and there is nothing that can be done to bring them back to a rational mindstate.
✡ Which vampires are strongest? ✡
Pure-blood vampires are strongest; they are descended or are themselves the original vampires without human blood tainting their line. Their strength, speed, and persuasion techniques are better than most vampires. Original vampires are the strongest vampires there is. This is because of the older a vampire, the stronger.
✡ How does a human get converted into a vampire? ✡
A human must die with vampire blood in their system.
✡ Does garlic have an effect on vampires? ✡
They have a food allergy when it comes to garlic. They get hives. However, it's not lethal.
✡ Do vampires need permission to enter your house? ✡
No, they enter most homes welcome or not. However, witches can protect their homes and cast spells such as these.
✡ What about the effect of holy water, crosses and other religious things? ✡
No effect.
✡ What are the weaknesses of vampires? ✡
✡ Head chopped
✡ Chopping up any important parts or organs of the body
✡ Staking through the heart
✡ Chemical V (a chemical created by Hunters that is effective in preventing vampires from healing)
✡ Werewolf bites
✡ Head chopped
✡ Chopping up any important parts or organs of the body
✡ Staking through the heart
✡ Chemical V (a chemical created by Hunters that is effective in preventing vampires from healing)
✡ Werewolf bites
✡ Do vampires have a reflection? ✡
✡ What happens when a human is converted to a vampire? ✡
There is a transition phase where the human has a day to feed. A vampire in the transition state will be overwhelmed and have issues with their sudden heightened sense of sound and smell. Migraines will be unbearable, they will try to binge on food to find it doesn't satisfy, and their throat will burn. They will pass as normal if they do not give into extraordinarly powerful urge to find blood. Once they bite a human, the transition will be complete.
✡ What is the population of vampires in the United States? ✡
There are currently around 600,000.
✡ Do temperature extremes bother vampires? ✡
✡ Do they turn into bats? ✡
✡ How do most vampires feel about humans? ✡
A good portion of vampires feel that humans are essentially potential meals. They see them as lesser beings they way we see pigs and cows. Vampires often laugh at hunters and are usually not even emotionally moved by them trying to defeat them. They underestimate humans greatly. Not all feel this way, of course. Especially, recently turned vampires have nicer feelings towards humans having recently been humans. Pure-blood vampires tend to be the most arrogant.
✡ Can vampires live off animals? ✡
Technically, but they would need blood every few hours and would be weaker than other vampires.
✡ Do vampires have heartbeats? ✡

✡ What are they? ✡
✡The children of the moon appear as human as much as vampires do. They are commonly known as werewolves, however, have the ability to change at will instead of only on full moons. They have the ability to shapeshift into humanoid, bi-pedal wolf creatures. The Lycan is well-known for being at its strongest at a full moon. Newly-changed lycanthropes may shapeshift by force on their first few full-moons and lack control.
✡ What's the difference between humans and lycanthropes? ✡
✡ Lycanthropes eat food normally as humans, but in wolf form can choose to eat humans, vampires, or basically any creature with meat on their bones.
✡ They continue to age, even if changed into werewolves, but twice as slow as a human would.
✡ All bodily functions are as normal as humans.
✡ In wolf form, they have enhanced senses, twice the speed of the fastest human, and three times the strength of the strongest human. Their strength in wolf form is indeed superior to that of vampires. Their enhanced senses are all better than that of a vampire too. However, vampires are more agile.
✡ Enhanced speed, senses, and agility can be tapped into in human form, but not nearly as powerful as they are in wolf form. Their eyes will glow yellow if they tap into these abilities so it is a risk of exposure.
✡ Lycanthropes will heal when injured in both human and wolf form. ✡ In wolf form, wolves can howl to attract wild wolves or as a distress call to call in allies. Their howl is louder than that of a normal wolf.
✡ They continue to age, even if changed into werewolves, but twice as slow as a human would.
✡ All bodily functions are as normal as humans.
✡ In wolf form, they have enhanced senses, twice the speed of the fastest human, and three times the strength of the strongest human. Their strength in wolf form is indeed superior to that of vampires. Their enhanced senses are all better than that of a vampire too. However, vampires are more agile.
✡ Enhanced speed, senses, and agility can be tapped into in human form, but not nearly as powerful as they are in wolf form. Their eyes will glow yellow if they tap into these abilities so it is a risk of exposure.
✡ Lycanthropes will heal when injured in both human and wolf form. ✡ In wolf form, wolves can howl to attract wild wolves or as a distress call to call in allies. Their howl is louder than that of a normal wolf.
✡ Where can lycanthropes be found? ✡
The lycan can be found in packs usually in more wooded areas. Lone wolves exist but most enjoy packs. Alpha wolves that lead their packs are stronger the more werewolves converted. People can be born werewolves of course, but it makes an alpha much stronger to convert humans into wolves.[
✡ How is a human converted into a werewolf? ✡
There must be a deep bite from a werewolf into human flesh.
✡ What if an alpha bites a human? ✡
If an alpha bites a human, the werewolf that results will have a special bond to that alpha. He or she will drawn to the alpha and the alpha will call to you and seek you out, expecting you to join their pack. The alpha will be stronger with the young werewolf in their presence and the young werewolf will be better off in the alpha's presence.
✡ What's the difference between alpha and other wolves? ✡
The alpha is bigger, stronger and faster. His eyes glow red and he grows in power with each werewolf added to his pack.
✡ How does one become an alpha wolf? ✡
Alpha wolves are usually older, stronger wolves that lead packs and grow in strength over time to assume an alpha role. If one is able to defeat the current alpha, it will become the new alpha.
✡ What are the weaknesses of werewolves? ✡
✡ Silver
✡ Beheading
✡ Chemical W (a chemical created by Hunters to slow healing of werewolves)
✡ Scent Misdirection
✡ High-pitched noises
✡ Beheading
✡ Chemical W (a chemical created by Hunters to slow healing of werewolves)
✡ Scent Misdirection
✡ High-pitched noises
✡ What is the population of werewolves in the United States? ✡
There are around 300,000
✡ What do werewolves think of humans? ✡
Many consider themselves to be superior beings to humans. The same concept as with vampires that pure-blood werewolves will be more arrogant than turned ones.
✡ Are werewolves able to control themselves in their wolf form? ✡
Pure-blood werewolves have no issue with this. They remember everything they do in their wolf form and they have no problem controlling themselves.
Humans who were bitten and turned into werewolves struggle with this. It takes them time to learn to control when they shift, have control of themselves during the shift and then to remember what happened in their wolf form after. They cause the most problems for humans since they often go into a full-on animalistic mode where they may attack, maul and even eat other beings without any recollection of what they did afterwards.
Humans who were bitten and turned into werewolves struggle with this. It takes them time to learn to control when they shift, have control of themselves during the shift and then to remember what happened in their wolf form after. They cause the most problems for humans since they often go into a full-on animalistic mode where they may attack, maul and even eat other beings without any recollection of what they did afterwards.
✡ What do werewolves think of vampires? ✡
Vampires and werewolves do not usually like each other at all. They have a feud that's lasted centuries
✡ How long does it take to transition into a werewolf after being bit? ✡
5 days

✡ What are they? ✡
Humans attuned to magical forces and channel these forces through the use of spellcasting. Witches blend into society with ease due to gaining minimal attention and having ways to subtly cover their tracks. The ability of witches are hereditarily passed down.
✡ What's the difference between average humans and witches? ✡
✡ Witches are able to prepare spells and cast them through incantation. Humans cannot cast spells, even if they were to correctly prepare and commit to the necessary actions to perform the spell.
✡ Witches can be ageless and have extremely long lifespans.
Where can witches be found?
✡ Witches hide amongst the populace, while secretly being a part of an organized group known as a coven. Covens have multiple different witch families within itself and not limited to only one bloodline.
✡ Witches can be ageless and have extremely long lifespans.
Where can witches be found?
✡ Witches hide amongst the populace, while secretly being a part of an organized group known as a coven. Covens have multiple different witch families within itself and not limited to only one bloodline.
✡ Who leads a coven? ✡
The Coven leader is the head figure of a witch coven is usually the most senior and respected member amongst the witches in their coven. They are responsible for the actions of the coven and provide the current mission statement for their coven.
✡ How does one become a witch? ✡
✡ A witch must be born from a family bloodline of witches. Not all members of the bloodline have the capacity to be witches. One may be born with magical abilities.
✡ What are the weaknesses of witches? ✡
✡ Their physical mortality.
✡ Some spells take time and detailed preparation in order to be performed.
✡ What are the weaknesses of witches? ✡
✡ Their physical mortality.
✡ Some spells take time and detailed preparation in order to be performed.
✡ What is the population of witches in the United States? ✡
✡ Can witches do magic without chanting spells? ✡
This depends on your level of skill and your experience. Usually most can do basic spells with the flick of the wrist.
✡ Do witches have familiars? ✡
Yes. It can be any animal but most witches choose creatures that blend in well in society that you can bring everywhere. For example, cats, dogs, birds, and other small animals.
✡ Can witches be bit by werewolves and vampires? ✡
Witches have spells to prevent creatures from piercing their skin. If they don't cast them, then they can cure themselves with concoctions if done before the transition period ends.
If a witch does not do so before the transition period, they will become a vampire or werewolf and lose all their magical abilities.
If a witch does not do so before the transition period, they will become a vampire or werewolf and lose all their magical abilities.
✡ Are male witches called warlocks? ✡
Yes, I just wrote witches everywhere for my own ease. Sorry if that's confusing for anyone.

✡ What are they? ✡
✡ How does someone become a hunter? ✡
✡ Are hunters always good people? ✡
✡ What are the differences between working in a smaller hunter group vs a larger hunter group? ✡
✡ What does "hunting" mean for a hunter? ✡
Humans who have dedicated their lives to hunting vampires, werewolves, and witches. They use militaristic, supernatural, and scientific means to combat their supernatural foes.
✡ How does someone become a hunter? ✡
Humans become hunters in a variety of ways. Some hunters are taken in as orphans, others are ex-military looking for a new tour of duty, and some are just common people out for revenge against the supernatural. Most of the time, these individuals have lived harsh lives, having little to no family members or being a product of some sort of tragedy in their lives.
✡ Some hunters are experimented on in order to gain an edge over the supernatural. Even successful experiments come with their own consequences and side effects.
✡ Some hunters are experimented on in order to gain an edge over the supernatural. Even successful experiments come with their own consequences and side effects.
✡ Are hunters always good people? ✡
- No. Hunters tend to use an "any means necessary" approach against the supernatural. Every hunter or group have their own code of ethics, and sometimes there are no limits to how far a hunter is willing to go to eliminate their enemies.
✡ Hunters are known to conduct unethical experiments on the supernatural and even those within their ranks.
Where can hunters be found?
✡ Hunters can either be integrated into normal society or dedicate all of their time to hunting the supernatural.
✡ Hunters are known to conduct unethical experiments on the supernatural and even those within their ranks.
Where can hunters be found?
✡ Hunters can either be integrated into normal society or dedicate all of their time to hunting the supernatural.
✡ What are the differences between working in a smaller hunter group vs a larger hunter group? ✡
✡ Smaller groups tend to be more integrated into society due to working normal everyday jobs and being known members of the society they operate in.
✡ Smaller groups have more experience in their area of operation due to keeping their hunting limited to one central area.
✡ Smaller groups usually have less funding and cannot sustain 24-hour operations.
✡ Smaller groups have limited experience to only their area of operation and the supernatural within it. Newly introduced elements will be challenging for these hunters.
✡ Larger groups have hunters from with varying sets of skills and more manpower
✡ Larger groups are funded by larger entities to conduct their operations and can have the capability of sustaining 24-hour operations.
✡ Larger groups do not have a strong foothold in the local area and are identified as outsiders amongst the local populace. Limited local support in the form of law enforcement or good samaratins.
✡ Larger groups are limited in knowledge to local hotspots, norms, traditions, and terrain in the area.
✡ Smaller groups have more experience in their area of operation due to keeping their hunting limited to one central area.
✡ Smaller groups usually have less funding and cannot sustain 24-hour operations.
✡ Smaller groups have limited experience to only their area of operation and the supernatural within it. Newly introduced elements will be challenging for these hunters.
✡ Larger groups have hunters from with varying sets of skills and more manpower
✡ Larger groups are funded by larger entities to conduct their operations and can have the capability of sustaining 24-hour operations.
✡ Larger groups do not have a strong foothold in the local area and are identified as outsiders amongst the local populace. Limited local support in the form of law enforcement or good samaratins.
✡ Larger groups are limited in knowledge to local hotspots, norms, traditions, and terrain in the area.
✡ What does "hunting" mean for a hunter? ✡
✡ Hunters mostly aim to eliminate any and all supernatural that manage to appear in their crosshairs. Some hunters have a preferred target (Vampire Hunter, Werewolf Hunter, Witch Hunter), while others go for all things supernatural.
✡ On special occasions, hunters may capture a supernatural for research purposes, interrogation, and/or experimentation.
✡ Hunters are usually divided into two categories:
Out-Group Hunter:These hunters go directly into battle using personalized weapons, with some enchanted by witches they've captured. These hunters have extensively trained their bodies and minds to directly combat the supernatural.
In-Group Hunter: These hunters try to hack into supernatural computers, of supernatural groups, monitor traffic and security camera footage, help rewrite news stories, talk to news stations, monitor and help out group hunters through communication and surveillance. These are usually tech specialists, engineers, and journalists hired. A hunter can fill the role of both of these categories, but it may not be as effective and prove to be more stressful without help.
✡ On special occasions, hunters may capture a supernatural for research purposes, interrogation, and/or experimentation.
✡ Hunters are usually divided into two categories:
Out-Group Hunter:These hunters go directly into battle using personalized weapons, with some enchanted by witches they've captured. These hunters have extensively trained their bodies and minds to directly combat the supernatural.
In-Group Hunter: These hunters try to hack into supernatural computers, of supernatural groups, monitor traffic and security camera footage, help rewrite news stories, talk to news stations, monitor and help out group hunters through communication and surveillance. These are usually tech specialists, engineers, and journalists hired. A hunter can fill the role of both of these categories, but it may not be as effective and prove to be more stressful without help.