Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 30 min ago



Exaron is a cold tundra world on the outer rim of the Galaxy. Neglected in Galactic Affairs since it was first colonized in 99BBY. A world of miners seemed to boom from strength to strength, eyed by the Mining Guild as a possible world for subsidization, however soon the mines were empty and people started to leave.

Its next use came at a time of strife and conflict, as the Clone Wars sprawled into the Outer Rim the vast flat and open spaces of the planet's notorious Tundras proved the perfect place for a Republic Base. Great temporary structures were erected allowing even the largest of Republic Vessels to land on the planet's surface for resupply or repair. Wartime brought a second boom to the economy, however as the Republic was replaced by the Empire the inevitable curse of Exaron returned as their luck started to fall.

As the Empire's hold on the Galaxy became complete, Exaron was handed to Governor Ideon Kordall. As the Empire worked the people harder than they ever had, the surface became ruined with the hulks of old Clone Wars Era starships, the debris dropped from space to be scrapped for the glory of the ever-growing Imperial War Machine. As the death's rose and the liberties died with the people, resentment towards the Empire grew. Like many worlds throughout the Galaxy, the first seeds of Rebellion started to form.

Now on the cusp of the Empire revealing the Death Star to the Galaxy the Freebirds of Exaron send out word to the Rebel Alliance that Governor Kordall is building some form of new experimental weapon on their planet. A small team of Special Forces is dispatched, not knowing that the Governor knows of their mission, and has no intention of allowing them to complete it.

So this Roleplay will take place in 0BBY, set before ANH we’re on a made-up Tundra world called Exaron within the Outer Rim. Players will have the opportunity to be Local Rebels, on the Special Forces team, Imperials trying to maintain ‘Order and Peace’ or just local inhabitants of the world trying to live their lives, though there is a clear story here we will be focusing on and that is where the GM's focus will be.

Force Users, Mega-Skilled Bounty Hunters and anything like that will be contemplated on a case by case basis. So, who’s up for some Rebelling?
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Heat
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Heat Hey, nice marmot

Member Seen 19 days ago

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