Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by CFProxy
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CFProxy Für Gott und Kaiser

Member Seen 9 mos ago

“The pleasure is all mine.” Was her response to him briefly, listening to him speak on his position and role within the same group. Though the immediate questions bubbled as he mentioned that he was a tank buster. Kind of interesting that one would endanger themselves so willingly and for what to show for it? Well- ideally a destroyed tank with captured soldiers who would be treated fairly. But this was war, of course, and she needed to be prepared beyond what they drilled into her. She had nodded to his description and his hopes, giving a response to him as he asked of her faith.

“Why yes! I am a Cruxian, as was my mother before me. Though some would say she was something of the crusader variety. While I don’t think I’m quite as bold, I proudly wear my love for my god without worry or shame… I’ve always wanted to follow after my mother. Sometimes when I am having immense trouble all I have to do is feel the cross to give myself the courage to press on.”

She reasoned, thinking about the many times she wanted to give up because of how difficult her training had been, but instead of dwelling on it she moved her focus to pointing at his pendant.

“And you? Why do you wear your pendant?”
@dwyer austin

Ludwig tilted his head when he was asked his name, seeming to find himself lost in thought for a moment as he pondered the question.

“His name? What did his name matter? In fact- what mattered about names? Were they naught but words printed onto flesh so that the masses could differentiate between those with color and those without? The splendor of one’s name was often lost to the cosmos without purpose and yet still it weighed within his mind that one should give an answer. A name must be given with glory and complexity in mind. No competition should be found when even God or the gods would look down and whisper its booming value with high esteem! Blood should rush at the sounding of its echo and harbor only a loving embrace to the ear as they capture it and hold it not just in time but also to the generations to come! Why a name should be something special and something special only! A na- No. No this inner monologue is far too pretentious. Hmm. Hmmm.”

After making some very abnormal motions in self thought he regained his composure and delivered to Fiona the answer she had originally sought. “I am Ludwig. Son of Inès Lévesque and Franz Blau. I am writing many things. But as an engineer of research and development I hold myself responsible for knowing my allies and what ideas they may have. By your faces I can only make guesses as to who you are. Perhaps the ones my mother and father knew. But two? No. Mother and daughter, yes. That is decisive.”

Ludwig then nodded to himself as he looked at Diana. He began doing squats, placing a hand on his chin as he thought. “I think I should know you. Secondhand. Hm. Write your names down on the line above the drawings. Eight… Nine… Ten…” He continued.
@Landaus Five-One
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by dwyer austin
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dwyer austin

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Austin listened to her speak and nodded gently. As she spoke he would resume eating a bit so that he could get more food in his gut, God’s knew he needed it. Ah..... He should probably not mention the gods around this girl, lest he accidentally use their names in vain or give her the misinterpretation that he’s a believer himself. So her mother is, or, was a follower herself? Though the use of the word ‘was’ worried him that she may have passed on. He hoped that wasn’t the case. When she finished speaking he had swallowed the food in his mouth and went to respond. “I see. Very nice. I myself am not a pious man, but we all have our beliefs, it’s good to have faith in something. Whether it’s a god, or the next meal of the day, or that someone is there for you, as long as you have faith in something, it’s all good by me.”

She then asked him about his own pendant he then nodded and smiled, he pulled it up a bit away from his neck and held it out so she could see it better. He then clicked a piece of it and it opened to reveal a photo of a slightly younger Austin, a shorter girl with long brunette hair, a women with shorter brunette hair, and a man with black curly hair, they all had the same skin tone and they all looked happy. “This pendant reminds me of why I am here. Why I’m going to be fighting in this damned war. My father works in medical research, making vaccines, meds, you name it. I come from Vinland. And the military stopped by my door recruiting, and they didn’t give me choice, it was either me, or my mother, or my sister. And my sister isn’t old enough to fight, honestly I don’t I should be out here at all. I haven’t even finished school! But they didn’t care..... So I packed my things, and my sister gave me this pendant..... It was originally hers.... I’m only here to fight so I can live and go home, so I can protect them from harm! And if taking the empire will save them from being forced to fight...... I’ll take down the empire. We all have our reasons to fight..... My family is my reason..... Ah, sorry, didn’t mean to go on a tangent.”

He closed the pendant and let it resume hanging around his neck. He then looked to her food, noticing he hasn’t touched it yet. “You going to eat that? It’s much better hot than cold I can tell you that.” He then smiled at the girl, she seemed fine in his book. Not snobby, and down to earth, that’s good, makes it easier to talk to people like that. He had a feeling they were going to be good friends.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Landaus Five-One
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Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Fiona couldn’t help but notice the man whom she asked the question about his name was definitely lost in thought. It was a bit odd to see someone get lost in thought alike that just for a name. ”U-Uhh, that’s the weirdest thing I have ever seen. But my cruel father… usually gets that way sometimes…” Fiona thought to herself, with a small sigh. She desperately wanted to free her family from Richard’s evil. It couldn’t really be helped for how long she felt so hopeless living on the Donster Estate. However, she heard Diana gave her a question and sighed and nodded to her.

She did finally get an answer to her specific question from Ludwig. His name was a good one, which she specifically realized why Diana did face palm now. The name’s of his parents since she did hear them from Diana, when she would visit her home. However, to hear what Ludwig does within the organizational structure of this base as an R&D Engineer is very nice. ”U-Uhh… you’re deductive skills are in a need of a check, Ludwig. No offense, to Diana but she’s not my mother… Even though, she would probably be a better second parent than my father Richard Averring Donster. Who forced my mother Anna to stay at his estate or else...” Fiona said, with a definite mixed tone of hate and sadness all at the same time. It was the one reason why she joined the war to free everyone whom lives in that estate from her father.

”S-Sorry, I should stop but if I cannot get my mother out of harms way it would be pointless…” Fiona said, gave out a slight sigh. However, she noticed Diana’s look on her face, which made her a bit shocked. It’s been a pretty hard thing to make Diana have that look on her face, she did hear from Luke that she had that look the first time they met again. However, this was way different alike Diana knows something, she doesn’t. She did walk up to the notebook to write her name on her drawing, in a definite noble-esque writing. ”I hope that is helpful to you, Ludwig. These drawings are very good by the way.” Fiona said, with a smile. She wondered what Diana was thinking about since she didn’t really know.

Fiona heard Diana’s shock and question to her handwriting and she never really noticed the difference in handwriting. It then hit her like a ton of bricks, the person whom taught her how to write this way is the same person who treats her like utter garbage. ”U-Uhhh… the one whom taught me to write this way… is my father. I’m happy you like my handwriting Diana. I’ve never really looked at other people’s handwriting mostly because people know how bad my father is at judging people’s handwriting. He’s a bit of an elitist in that...” Fiona said, with a sigh and her hand starts to shake. It was mostly because she remembered how hateful her father was when he was complaining about other’s handwriting including hers. She had never got a compliment from her father even though she was perfectly writing her name like her father. However, it was probably because of what she is to him.

Diana wasn’t really in any boat to really figure out why Ines and Franz’ son was lost in thought. The Oddity of the whole situation felt out of place to be honest in her opinion. ”Why do I forget the smallest of details… alike a name? Guess his parents were busy with other things over telling me about their children.” Diana thought to herself, within a slight of a deep hole of time loss like that. However, she was more importantly dealing with her family in her hometown with her husband Luke. She did notice Fiona’s sigh, which caused her to be a bit down. ”Fiona… Still thinking about all that again?” Diana questioned. It saddened Diana a bit too much its much better to have a happy child.

She couldn’t help but gasp at when Ludwig spoke his name, which she remembered his parents talk about him. It was a nice conversation nonetheless, even though he’s a bit erratic to say the least. However, the erratic nature of him of what he was in this outfit was definitely something. She sighed when she heard what Fiona had said and felt a bit hurt at what Fiona said. ”Fiona, that’s not nice to Ludwig. None taken, dear but it would probably be better if you stopped bringing up your father…” Diana said, with a bit of a motherly tone. She was in a bit of a shock at what Fiona said, which probably means what rumors she heard coming from Castleton were true. ”Oh god… Fucking Bastard… he tried to kill Fiona by Accident by having the people who despised him do it. All because of what flowed in her veins… his evil family’s veins… When she isn’t alike her father...” Diana thought to herself, with a distant look on her face.

”At least you are trying Fiona. All you have to do is try and that’s why you are here.” Diana said, with a smile. She did notice that Fiona noticed her look on her face, and wished she didn’t. It was one thing but she wasn’t going to say what knows right now. She wants to protect Fiona’s sensibilities since if she knew that’s the primary reason why they tried to kill her it would shatter her dream. Because that would be definitely not a good thing, dreams must be protected, its something her mother always said. She walked over to the notebook with a pen on it, which she wrote her name. It was basically how she said it, it wasn’t as pretty or elegant as Fiona’s but it was readable. ”Fiona… why do you write your name so beautifully? It makes mine look like I am a nonsensical farm girl or something… Even though, I was born in Castleton... Ludwig, I hope this helps you...” Diana said, with a bit of a shock to her. It was a bit odd but this is the first time she actually got to see Fiona’s handwriting. For someone being treated how awfully they are Fiona’s handwriting is similar to a noble’s. The words out of Fiona’s mouth of whom taught her to write shocked her even more.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Conscripts
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Conscripts An Atom Trying to Understand Itself

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Small chit-chats out of consideration, and the rest of the trip became a lullaby again. Staying up and awake for the entirety of the time wasn't improving situations any further. It was 34 times that Andrew had soaked his eyes in tears and stretched his mouth muscle to the limit, accurately counted by his travelling partner. Thus it was understandable that he was up in the air when the base was finally in sight. He could finally get some food and perhaps some rest.

The tank gracefully parked among its contemporaries in their specialized area near the mess hall. After notifying his crew, Andrew quickly gathered his belongings and climbed out of the hatch, where Michael was waiting, intending to fetch breakfast together. However, Michael had other plans.

"You want to clean your face a little?"

His thumb was pointing at the broken down truck right nearby. A truck with a missing tire and leaks of steam coming out of its hood, along with a fellow soldier rubbing the vehicle like it was his mistress. He made it looked like it was a minor deal, but the engine just audibly popped, the hood looked dangerously hot. It looked pretty toast.

"No, I need some good food now, not a boiling engine."

"Eating while sleepy doesn't help your taste. Come on, they need some engineers."

Aayyyy...how troublesome...

Reluctantly, Andrew followed the EW1 veteran to investigate this big hulk of domestic abuse. As the truck's hood was threateningly hot, Andrew put on his gloves that came with the tank uniform and lifted the hood up, not without a little bit of strength. The pressure created by the heat of the engine sucked the hood into place. You already kinda had a feeling of how screwed up that engine must have been worked to the point of to be that hot.

"Arrghh! Bloody..." Grimaced Andrew as the clotted smoke beneath the hood blew into his face. Swinging his hand a couple of times to get a good view of the engine, Michael's verdict were pretty quick.

"This looks like a simple overheating that had been prolonged a little too far." Michael gazed across the mechanicals, tilting his head a little to check for damage. "Rods and camshafts are damaged, but seems like she'll avoid being scrapped."

"Water ran dry probably for hours. Not even Ragnite can take this kind of beatings." Andrew shook his head, glancing over to the soldiers still recovering from this death ride. "You really need a better husband...

Thanks to the two of them muddling around the truck, they were late for breakfast. And to add more to that, they were furiously hungry. But at least they were wide awake, or rather their sense of taste.

"See, now we're gonna enjoy the fruit of our labour. Even rations would taste good."

"Please stop. It's irrelevant."

"I'm sharing with you my tips to happiness, dear Andrew. It's gonna be beneficial to you once you walk further into this war."

All it seemed to him was that he was delaying a meal for someone else's problem. Sure, he was a good soldier and wouldn't refuse an order if called for. But an order for someone not taking good care of the car, for seemingly stupid reasons, wasn't worth his time. Now, there's nothing would want to stand in his way to get some good breakfast.

"Two Egg Hams and Mushroom please, Vincenzo." The Edinburghian ordered for both. They both knew each other's taste for long, and they were surprisingly similar to each other. So both of them knew and trusted the other's judgement in culinary taste. Few minutes passed, and the long-awaited momentary heaven arrived on their white dishes.

"Over there. Those guys have empty seats."

"Only one though...Oh I see another empty seat over there."

"Well, there seems to be no paired seats though."

"I'll see you after lunch then."

"Alright, enjoy your meal."

Both of them went separate way. Michael to Austin and Eija while Andrew went to the Fiona's family. While Andrew just silently sat on the empty seat next to the three of them and enjoyed his long-awaited meal, Michael found himself much more interested in the two meal companions next to him, who both seemed to be from his squad.

"Good morning." The nobleman greeted both of them. "Is it alright if I can have this seat here?"
@Landaus Five-One@dwyer austin@CFProxy
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by CFProxy
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CFProxy Für Gott und Kaiser

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Eija thought more are he gave his own view. It was distanced from her own faith and while she wasn’t particularly surprised at such ends she was even yet still more surprised that he took hold of loose faith. Was it that he was hurt by a bad experience with piety? It wasn’t so unusual for one to take the pain from a wolf wearing the shepard’s robes to justify excluding it from their heart. Even for the Cruxian such damaging members existed in numbers that she wish could have been cut to a non existent quantity. Why, where she came from prayer and practice came before many things. But as her mother told her, it would not be her place to judge.

“Faith is a foundation for many. In my family we have always held a strong love for our god. From how it was told to me- my mother and father would have never survived were it not for the intervention of a god we could not see. Situations by which any should perish circumvented by an overwhelming presence and calm within the storm.” She spoke, drifting somewhat from the conversation as she listened to him speak.

He spoke of his origin. Vinland… Now that was a place she had never seen and yet it fascinated her to know that she would be working alongside someone who was from the land of stripes and stars. What was it like? What did they enjoy? Fashion? Maybe their naming conventions? Well- it was a start to a tree of questions but rather than get caught up in the millions of questions she returned to focus as he went further into detail.

She took in the family. She took in the draft. She felt sympathy as he was forced to take the place of his kin. It was tragic how opposed their positions were. Ironic how they sat there across from each other- two sides of a coin.

She struggled to respond- eyes staring into his own with exploration of the soul in mind. How could she mend this? She couldn’t. Why- she didn’t even feel right attempting to describe why she had joined. She volunteered- after all. Many of her brothers and sisters all played their hands in going into a war that their mother protested against. But the legacy had been set. Was that how she justified herself to him? Honoring a mother who never wanted her children to endure pain by joining a war with only a prayer between them?

She blinked as he asked if she was going to eat- nodding in response and smiling warmly. “Yes. Just remember to follow orders as best you can and if you get hurt don’t hesitate to fall back. Just call my name and I’ll be there before you know it! Even if it wasn’t by your choice, I want to thank you for trying your best for a homeland that isn’t your own. The sooner we end this the sooner we can all return home to our families.”

She began to dig into her meal, politely and quietly taking portions so as to not generate a disturbance for those around her. Yet if the tales her mother had told were true…

Well, even if they were she would just have to fight tooth and nail to rip the fallen from the hands of the reaper- just like her mother before her.

Federation or not.

@dwyer austin

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by CFProxy
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CFProxy Für Gott und Kaiser

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Echoes of The Past

Europan War I

“Oh God, who hath given unto me the strength to wield this blade. Give unto me the wisdom to discern the lambs from wolves. Give unto me spirit and strength to raise it once more. May you guide not only my arm, but that of my brothers and sisters as we come to you again in prayer. Let us hear your voice and rejoice that you are here! We do not shame ourselves by hiding away while evil yet still roams our world. In defense of those who cannot, lead us into the darkness and make us your blazing flames of righteousness. For those who believe- and especially those who do not- so that they may understand your glory. Amen.”


Senja Penttilä
0300 Hours
St. Gaétane Cathedral

It is a disastrous situation. Civilians and soldiers alike are huddled like lambs to the slaughter in the burning cathedral. So desperate are they to extinguish the flames of war. So desperate are they to save the lives of the dying and teary eyed. The black octopus wraps its tentacles around the foundation and demands it yields. It craves the destruction of the building. It seeks to tug and pull until its very core crumbles to the weight of Imperial might. But God is watching. God- hears the prayer of his people. So it would seem. For as they cry and pray for their salvation the blazes grow ever more violent and daunting to extinguish. But now- it burns from within.

Twenty-four men and women of faith kneel before a woman of emerald hair. Twenty-four men and women of faith vow to defend the innocent. Twenty-four men and women grit teeth with blood in their eyes as they fasten their armor and rest their helmets at their side.

Hush… Hush… The mother speaks. She speaks and reins in the horror. The blood thirst is slowly controlled as she speaks of family and peace. She reminds them of their neighbors- how nice they are. She reminds them of God and of their duty to love and cherish those who remain.

Now roar! Roar in your flame! The crusader yells! She speaks and unleashes the fury! Rage is tempered- refined with an objective in mind as she speaks of the defense of the innocent! She reminds them of the fallen- how loved they were! She reminds them of God and their duty to enact his will upon those who would threaten the path to progress!

Twenty-four enter the night with blade and gun in hand- their swiftness in the night a terrible light of holy fury.

“Here they come!” A soldier shouts, readying his firearm!

“For the grace of our lord!” Senja bellows- cutting him down with the full swing of her waraxe!

“They’ve breached the rear!” Another panics!

“Surrender yourself we demand once more!” A crusader demands!

“F-for the empire!” The Imperial rebukes, swinging bayonet in offense.

“For our God!” The crusader enforces- breaking it in defense.

Three hundred men fire into the night with round after round scratching metal and earth.

Twenty-four raise banner to light, crashing against the might of the oppressor with blood on hands. A volley staggers the warcry- silence enters the night for a moment as the shout of the holy quiets.

Is it over? The Imperial wonder. No- an officer things. Yes- a soldier hopes. Deranged- lunatic- unhinged and unstable many think. Yet the night is still too young. Many are called by radio, many do not respond.

The Imperials crawl through the hillside battlefield, checking crater and trench for the slits of the defender.

Quiet… Quiet…

“Under attack!” An imperial cries!





“In the name of his glory!” Explodes from Senja, her fury crashing down upon the advancing men of the empire.

Many come to meet her and yet still do more find themselves being fired upon by hidden crusaders from all sides! Some imperials come to intercept- but cry out in pain as traps latch onto their legs.

Confusion erupts as brave men burst from the shadows, a banner of the church held high and a steel blade swung low.

In minutes the organized force is dismantled. In minutes the mighty aggressor tucks tail and runs. One hundred and forty-two lay upon the ground.

Four crusaders lay among them.

But despite these odds the crusaders regather and clean their blades, watching intently as an officer steps forward.

“Who is the officer who represents you?” The imperial officer asks, his hat in hand at the base of the hill.

“I represent these men.” Does Senja speak from the safety of her trench.

“We desire a truce.” The officer responds, gritting his teeth in searing defeat.

“As do we!”

They meet and shake hands. The crusaders tend to their wounded. Imperials watch from the base of the hill with weapons in hand- stunned by the sight of the wild defenders now so calmly treating the wounded. Blood filled eyes now warmed the soul as one by one the soldiers of the battlefield were pulled off the field.

The soldiers from within the Cathedral are filled with joy. An impossible victory has been won! Only forty men to fight three hundred! The boldness of twenty-four to wage war directly and the cunning of twelve to support them from within!

The Imperial officer is thankful he leaves with more men than expected and in his bittersweet loss he fulfills his end of the deal. Food, medical supplies, and funds to help the civilians survive.

And though she was coated in blood and cuts she removed her helmet with pride. Her return to the church shined with glory as the sun rose to grant warmth and rest to the brave men and women who gave their lives to defend the survivors. The sun rose to grant a new dawn to the warriors who approach the doors sealed for siege.

She basks in the light for some time, a fulfilled smile absorbing the love of God. It’s a look she so proudly holds. It’s a tale so proudly told. And the warmth she would give Michael is one that lifts the soul. It tells of one who has finished their long and winding shift. It tells of one who has given everything to what they love.

She holds it and speaks softly. “We won.” She blinks so slowly. Seeming to give an approving nod before collapsing, the crusader takes her rest. Her helmet lays at her side.

In the horizon- reinforcements arrive.

As Eija turned to face Michael she gave him that same warm smile. A welcoming shine from a woman so eager to accept another at her side. It is without hesitation. It is without fear. But most of all- it is filled with love. It’s an echo from the past from a face so familiar.

“Of course! Please! Um- I’m Eija Penttilä! And you are?” She asks, eyes exploring his gentlemanly frame. How long had it been since he had seen a face so familiar? How long has it been since that emerald shade has graced his eyes? Perhaps- too long. The past or the future? Which did he see?

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by dwyer austin
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dwyer austin

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Austin listened carefully as she told him a bit about her family. How they had seemingly survived impossible situations by the help of an unseen god. Interesting indeed. “I see. Well. I’m not telling you to not believe. We can believe what we wish too. I’ve just never had any reason to believe. I’m a person who believe something when I see and experience it, you get what I mean? The idea of a god is nice. But I don’t like placing faith in something I don’t the know is true or real, no offence of course.”

Austin would begin to eat again as she spoke a bit more, while doing so he tucked his pendant back under his shirt so it didn’t accidentally get anything on it. “Yeah..... I guess that’s all I really can do isn’t it? Just gotta follow orders until we can all go home and forget about this damned life of misery. War is ugly and I’ll be damned if I die in a pit out there. I will be counting on you out there, so stay safe ok? We all should get home alive, and pray that this war is over very soon. Because I don’t want to be stuck in a trench for three months doing nothing and getting sick. I promised my family I’d make it home, and I intend to keep that promise.”

Austin turned to the new face and smiled a bit. Ah, a new friend to join the group. “Ah yes the seat is free, come on sit down and join us. I’m just complaining about war and how it sucks. But I digress, I’m also trying to enjoy the food I get into my belly because it might be the last if we get suddenly called out.” He took another fork full of food and took a large bite and began chewing. He really hoped they didn’t get called out soon. He did not want to have to go hungry out there, it would be gruelling and harsh on all of them.

@CFProxy @Conscripts
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Conscripts
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Conscripts An Atom Trying to Understand Itself

Member Seen 1 mo ago

St. Gaétane Cathedral
Weeks before

"Right, this should keep the water out."

It was rainy season again. The godly sun was barely seeping through the clouds to reach the suffering species on no man's land. Ounces of water poured in a desperate attempt to wash away the disgusting legacy of the 'War to end all wars'. It made it worse. The tears of suffering and pain hidden beneath streams of mud, blood and gunpowder. Their cries unheard, their anguish forgotten.

For these innocent people, this Cathedral was the only sanctuary where they could call home, after their small town had become two ends of a tug of war between the Federation and Imperial Alliance. It is located on a hill in the suburb, separate from the gunfire, from artillery and dead bodies. Those who couldn't run away fast enough or their lingering feelings towards their mother earth were a force too powerful to resist would take shelter here under the town militia's protection. But whereas they did not face the bullet, faced something else instead.

The planks weren't enough to withstand another stray artillery shell, but it would do against the downpour that was still raging at the moment. The rainwater now bounced off the wooden surface or followed the steep slope of the planks down to the dirt. Now the cathedral inhabitants could enjoy a bit of dryness. He knew all too well what could turn out from eating and sleeping with water. Lucky he paid much attention and actively tried to dry his feet. Some weren't so fortunate, and they paid for it with their toes.

"Thanks for the extra effort there, Michael" The squad leader - the new squad leader - nodded her head in appreciation as she handed the Edinburghian sapper a clean rag. Unlike the previous two leaders that Michael had grown too used to, she wasn't too special. She had her shortcomings but she never seemed to have much issues with commanding a group of people, and was able to get used to the war pretty well. It was probably better with some normalcy, but regardless he missed his old squad. He wondered how they were doing. Were they alive? How was Lucia doing? Thoughts that crossed his mind, but didn't linger for too long.

"You're welcome. Everything's good here?" He replied as he took off the outer layers of his uniform to dry.

"Pretty much. The food situation wasn't too bad. The only problem is trench foot. But they aren't that critical yet." She looked around. "...My only concern is if the Imperials want to take this place."

"Yeah..." Michael concurred. "I don't know how much they want this place. It's a high ground with good visions of the surroundings but is isolated from the majority of the fightings.

"I don't think they'd bother. They have their hands tied up in the town already."

"New orders from the top!"

The runner, his pant sleeves soaked in mud, barged into the cathedral. After a quick exchange of salutes, the young kid, barely the age of 15, briefly gazed at Michael as he faced the squad leader.

"The higher-ups are requesting Corporal Daunte's assistance inside the town. We are preparing the second phase of the offensive." He said. "Please report to Lieutenant Mayer by the end of today."

They're finally pressing to take over the town? Good. If this ended up well, they could perhaps see some respite for a while, until the next objective arrived. But it was a little funny that in the request, they were asking for his assistance instead of the squad's assistance. Legacies of that daring Amone tunnel raid still echoed among the ranks. It was pretty nice that he got some recognition at last, but hoped that wouldn't the excuse for them to throw him into more of it.

"Alright, Corporal Daunte and our sappers will follow you to your CO. Just give us a few moments, if you don't mind."

It was 1937 right? A brief look at his coat would clearly indicate that he was indeed in the present. And that he wasn't going to get back those youth anymore. But still? She was right there. As young as the trench days. A beacon of love, kindness and grace he had the pleasure of knowing. Was it hallucination? Or was it someone else that looked like her...

"Penttila..." It really was...he couldn't believe it. "Ah, I am Michael. Michael Daunte. It's a pleasure to meet you both."

Senja Penttila. Eija Penttila. Mothers and daughters do look alike perhaps.

"Oh war sucks always, but you get used to it after a while. Try and find something you can enjoy during these downtimes before combat. This war can last for a while, so it's better to have some respite activities." He replied as Austin complained about war. Ahh, recruits. Young and green. Will complain about uncomfortness anytime. Like he used to back then.

"Do you mind if I ask this, miss?" Then Michael turned to Eija, his mind full of curiosity and desire for confirmation. "Have you heard of a woman named Senja Penttila?"
@CFProxy@dwyer austin
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by CFProxy
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CFProxy Für Gott und Kaiser

Member Seen 9 mos ago

“Not mother? Hmm. Intuition fails me then.” He nodded to himself, seeming to breeze past the fact as nothing more than a footnote. Though to hear of the struggle her family faced he soured his expression, narrowing brow and focus as he stepped up to squat down on the seat across from them with heels planted firmly on the edge.

“I would kill a man to protect my mother. I do not envy your misery. But- think of my feelings as empathetic to your situation.” Ludwig wasn’t entirely sure what he would make of this, but he supposed it was merely another step in understanding what was going on in the lives and minds of his fellow allied soldiers. The fact that Diana seemed obligated to step in on his own behalf did remind him that there were such things as being rude and civil. What Fiona had done- was in fact- quite barbaric when you considered social acceptance. Though in all honesty he had committed many sins in the palace of society. He had never committed himself to acknowledging them as crimes for he never quite saw himself as a number among them. Not better- but a foreigner to the land of dresses and coats. Even Robert, his affectionately named rubber duck, seemed to acknowledge this.

Now there was another that reminded him of something quite odd. Was it- perhaps- Mrs. Harrison? Seemed so. That woman seemed so jittery and uneasy. He often wondered exactly what it was that she was feeling at times but then again when all a conversation produced was a running engine and an escort out of the premise with his father telling him that some things simply were going to continue as they were. Curious.

As he received the second handwriting he seemed quite pleased with himself, gaining the signature of another as he had so politely asked. He took another joyful spoonful of peanut butter and spun it in the air, catching the spoon after a brief launch using his mouth and counting it as just one more successful objective completed in this ever complicating day. Retrieving his paper he listened to the two talk, pondering what would arise from this.

His eyes wandered down back at the quality of the handwriting before him. Fiona’s especially held a certain quality that he couldn’t quite deny. Either she was good at scraping by and forging signatures or she was actually from some decent life. Mother and Father had said some things regarding what they thought of people with a better place of living- though Father tended to favor the more revolutionary dark hairs of the world who sought to make some changes on even economic equality. The poor get poorer and the rich get richer… something like that…

Attention returned to the two women, seeming rather neutral and off into space as he blinked and deadpan gave a simple response to Diana’s words. “Hm? Oh yes. This helps me greatly. I do appreciate the cooperation.”

Then there was a shift in the air. Near him at the same table sat a newcomer. Goody!

Sketching another modest art piece which so plainly represented the man, Ludwig offered the notebook to Andrew by sliding it next to his meal with a line drawn above the drawing’s head. “Write your name above on the line there, please. I am Ludwig. Son of Inès Lévesque and Franz Blau. As an engineer of the research and development team I believe your signature would greatly assist me in my study on who is who in this ant colony of soldiers.” He stated plainly, a small smile as he continued to sit with both heels firmly planted on the edges of his seat.

@Landaus Five-One@Conscripts
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by CFProxy
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CFProxy Für Gott und Kaiser

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Eija was attentive to Austin’s words. Even if he was not one who held faith in that which could not be proven, she respected him all the same. It was not her place to force him to accept anything but that which his will drove him to grasp just as it would not be his place to tear her from her own connection- yet it still made her wonder… All of it yet still made her wonder…

“No offense is taken. We are all hosts for our own. And after all- God, gods, or none, we are all human. So long as that remains true we all will remain equal.” Though… thoughts drifted to those who did not agree- religious or otherwise… But the trench… His talk of the trench allowed her to smile again, spiking her mood a bit to offer a warming, “Then we’ll keep it together.” as she remembered what her mother said she did for others. If her mother could fight many and heal others in the same day then she too could do so. She had to. She would! After all- she was Echo Black! Austin was as well! And so too- was Michael.

Michael seemed to be of quite some material. To be his age and accepted into service told a certain tale that his uniform seemed to fold into its neatly fit placement. Well kept and proper posture noted a man who was rightly and perhaps a knightly sort. With the gentleman’s presence she felt opportunistic- a certain charm from the way he carried himself as he offered his words of wisdom.

Her gaze snapped as he spoke to her- pulling her from her thoughts of learning something from him as he presented to her a question to which he found her capable of answering. Without hesitation she brightly offered her response. “Why- yes! Senja is my mother! Why do you ask- Mr. Daunte?”

Daunte… Daunte… Michael Daunte…

She blinked, realizing something so familiar about that name. Her eager smile seemed to be lost in emotion- shrinking somewhat but retaining some of its brightness. The letters… Was this the man that… She would know in time- she thought. But social conventions would need to be obeyed.

All the while a familiar set of boots began to stir-


“Fucking give me a break from that shit. Fucking Europans and their fucking conventions. Excuse me.” With a plate slammed onto the table the disgruntled man known as Uyless planted himself firmly next to Austin, sighing as he twisted the end of his cigarette on his improvised ashtray made of left over cardboard and string.

This- of course- attracted the attention of Eija- who’s concentration was broken. “Oh!”

“Keep your panties on doc- I’m just another Vinlander trying to get by in this fucking backwater town.” The soldier sighed, rolling his eyes at the looming threat of listening to someone cry over his speech.

“Now that’s not very kind- Mr-”

“Uyless Colbey- and if the name ain’t to you likin’ then I recommend you get to likin’ it because it’s not one I’m ashamed of and if you’ve a problem with it-”

“I- do not. Let me remind you that this is a place for allies- not enemies.” She sternly replied, seeming to heat up slightly in the face as the rough man scratched the scar across his right cheek.

“Right. If we want to remain like so- then we won’t get in each other’s way- right doc?” Uyless bit back- taking a look at Michael and giving a quiet grunt as he noticed the rank on his person. Rubbing the back of his neck as the medic seemed ever more flustered he gave a brief explanation. “Now look- I don’t make a habit of making hell out of the dinner table but some of these damn Europans could make a boy pucker face at the taste of their candy. Get what I’m sellin’ doc?”

Eija simply breathed in, shaking her head before tilting her head and giving him a response in return.

“Just remember that we didn’t hurt you just like we didn’t invite you to this table. Now I say you’re welcome to stay but… please…” She sighed, quite drained already from this aggressive assault on her good mood.

“I know to pay my way. It ain’t nothing to bleed over.” In a gesture of good faith- the soldier plucked two cigarettes and placed them in front of Michael and Eija, turning to Austin to offer him one in turn. “You look Vinland made- smoke to kill the time?”

Eija- looked back to Michael, giving him an endearing smile as she began to mentally move past that unpleasant moment. "Um... As you were saying?"

@dwyer austin@Conscripts
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by dwyer austin
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dwyer austin

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Austin listened to Eija and Micheal talk. Seems like they had a bit of family history going on here’s so he wouldn’t interrupt. He smiled gently as he continued to eat. Man her smile was quite infectious, honestly, he felt like he needed a good smile in these dark, heartless times. He turned to the other man and nodded to him, what he spoke was true.... He needed to find a way to pass the time and not get into a huge mess trying to keep himself sane. “I see. Very well then, I will try to keep that in mind sir. Now then, take a seat, unload a little, we all need relaxation not just me.”

He nearly gagged however when someone without warning slammed their tray down beside him and made him jump in his seat and walk his knee against the bottom of the table. Fuck! That hurts! What is with him and tables today?! He turned to see and hear the newcomer and listened to his anger..... What the hell was he talking about? Conventions? Austin was quite confused.... “Quite the entrance you’ve made...”

He listened to him and the doctor prattle on back and forth, he sure was aggressive in his speaking..... Looked like he wasn’t the only one having a bad day, a shame, but not unexpected. “I honestly have no idea what your talking about..... But you seem to have had quite the day. So how about we all relax and try to cool off?” He would continue to listen and, like Eija said, he was welcome stay, as long as he didn’t start any actual trouble. If no trouble was made, then Austin didn’t particularly care if he sat with them.

He then realized, even though he mentioned it earlier, this guy was also from Vinland! Well then, good to see a fellow statesman, but he politely declined the cigarette. “Good to see another Vinlandian here besides myself! But I must decline the cigarette. I’ve never been keen on the things. My sister doesn’t react well to the smoke they make, so my family stopped, I don’t want to start up myself. Plus, it’s quite unhealthy, so I’d recommend not smoking at all, but I won’t try and force your hands, not my place. Just thought I’d give a recommendation of health, that’s all.” Austin smiled at the group, quite the lively bunch he has acquired, he will probably enjoy all their company.

@CFProxy @Conscripts
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Landaus Five-One
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Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Fiona couldn’t help but sigh slightly at the fact she forgot about her potato cakes, with apple sauce and sour cream. It was a bit embarrassing to be honest but talking to people within Echo Black, was important too. Always better to get to know them than staying in her back of her mind pitying herself about her mother Anna. This made her smile slightly because she did hear Ludwig basically say something about intuition failing him. She decided to take the picture of her mother Anna out directly and showed it to Ludwig. ”T-This is my mother Anna’s picture… Wish she was much more happier than she was. Always protecting me from my father’s torment...” Fiona said, with a frustrated look on her face about the sadness in her heart. It is the one reason why she wants to protect and free the people she cares about from that man.

Fiona jumped a bit when she heard some choice words from Diana under her breath, which kinda freaked her out. It was one thing but she has never really heard her say these things so vehemently and hatred in her voice. However, Diana does have no love for Richard nor whatever plans he has in the future. She couldn’t really tell how much Anna and Diana liked each other, which is probably the true reason why Anna is so sad. ”D-Diana can you not scare me like that please? Its a bit much to say all those things...” Fiona said under her breath towards Diana. One thing she’s for sure, is don’t piss off Diana, she usually puts her husband Luke on the couch if he does anything stupid.

However, what Ludwig specifically said afterwards struck a cord with her, which shows there’s some people stronger than her. It is the only reason why she wants to become strong enough to actually free her mother, her half-sister and Diana’s Sister from the torments of Richard. ”I-I thank you for your feelings Ludwig. It’s always a tough time for me… to deal with the fact my mother is in the Lion’s Den of Evil so to speak.” Fiona said, with a smile. The Lion’s Den of Evil is definitely a saying she heard people in Castleton said about the Donster Estate.

Fiona sighed slightly at Diana because she could tell where this is going next, with a slight look of seriously. Basically saying she’s not a little kid and can get her own stuff to eat, however, how Diana is she insists most of the time. ”U-Uhhh, I can get my own tray Diana… but you cannot take a no for an answer… so yes, you can help me by getting my tray, Diana.” Fiona said, with a definite look of you cannot beat Diana’s motherly instincts. Better to let her do her thing before she gets on your nerves and utterly destroys your resolve of resisting against that motherly love of hers. However, what Diana does is much better and more positive reinforcement than the alternative of being demeaned her whole life. To take her mind off the positive reinforcement of Diana, which she decides to sit at the table and keep her mother’s picture out in the open to see. She notices Andrew approach and sit down at the same table, which she had a slight smile on her face. ”H-Hi, Andrew how are you doing today?” Fiona asked curiously towards him. She did wonder where Micheal was in question, but he was probably at a different table in the Mess Hall. Her spirits were much higher with her mother’s picture out in the open than hiding, which it usually is. She always enjoys talking about her mother Anna, it gives her slightly more relief nonetheless.

It took her a bit to specifically hear what Diana said, about her posture, which was also a bit of a noble-esque thing too. However, all she could do was sigh and didn’t really want to say anything more on that specific subject since it was people that were told to teach her about the proper noblewoman’s posture. Even though they were heavily disgusted that she was a Darscen, but they were forced by Richard to do that or else. ”Ugh, why did my father help me to be a noblewoman even though he hated me as much as he did?” Fiona thought to herself, with confusion on her face, it was clear as day too. Giving a Darscen nobility training, even though Darscens are mistreated everywhere including the place her father supports in the darkness, which are the imperials. Always gave her pause, in terms of what is his true plans but after that ultimatum to her when she joined Echo Black that is. It was clear as day, which scared her to no end and why she wants to become stronger.

However, the one thing that scared her suddenly was the tray of food sitting next to her on her right and Diana saying Ta da. ”U-Uhh, you are… Diana… why do you always say Ta Da? T-Thanks...” Fiona said, with a smile on her face. There’s always one thing to be thankful for is Diana is a bit of a strong woman since she usually can carry two things with a gentleness and caring of who needs what. She moved her picture slightly, and moved her tray in front of her. ”Vincenzo is very good chef, he’s a genius. I thank him for this meal, its always good to thank the chef.” Fiona said with a smile.

Diana giggled slightly when she heard Fiona sigh, but it made her remind herself of specifically of the food, which Vincenzo was so diligently making. The look on her face was priceless alike shit do I always forget in getting the food and what not again. It was a bit of embarrassing to do this, however, if it wasn’t for the fact they got into an interesting conversation with Ludwig she would’ve probably been drunk of her ass and probably sleeping in her food. ”Uhhh, thank god that didn’t happen I guess? Oh wait, is Victoria here right now? I know her daughter is here since I saw her earlier. I wonder where Liz is.” Diana thought to herself, with a deep sigh.

However, one specific thing caught her attention and that was the picture of what Anna looks like now. It definitely had what Anna was feeling throughout the picture, utter sadness and hopelessness. This specifically thing made her curse under her breath directly at the person who made Anna feel this way. ”Bastard… Why when I get my hands on you Richard… I will bloody kill you with your own fist shoved so far up your ass that you cannot feel your legs.” Diana said, under her breath. She tried not to get Fiona’s attention with what she had said, but its pretty obvious she misses Anna. Fiona looks basically like her mother when she was younger. However, when she heard Fiona speak under her breath towards her she sighed. ”S-Sorry, Fiona, I will try not to do that again.” Diana said, with a slight nervous smile.

Diana smiled kindly towards Ludwig, when he specifically said what he said about appreciating cooperation. However, she noticed the look on Fiona’s face and giggled slightly. ”No problem, its always good to help people out. It’s nice you know not to disallow me to insist in helping you, Fiona. Anything, I am a tough mother and I will get our trays together even though these trays aren’t the ones I have at home only for special occasions.” Diana said, with a smile. However, she saw the newcomer at the same time as Ludwig and had a big goofy smile on her face in seeing him. It was the tank commander, Andrew specifically, he did help her have a bit of a frustration on how long it would take to get here. ”Good day to you, Andrew. Fiona, your posture is always great as always, you won’t have any problems when you grow up.” Diana said, always enjoying to put some positive reinforcement into Fiona’s life.

She decided to walk towards where Vincenzo was since they did blatantly forgot the food, they asked nicely to make. ”S-Sorry for the forgetfulness of little ole me, Vincenzo. I hope you can forgive me. As well, you do a wonderful job of cooking it makes me happy you are here at this base. Your humor is always great to hear, it makes me laugh at your way you make jokes and come up with unique things to say.” Diana said, with a smile. She picked up both trays with a bit of an efficiency of carrying two things at a time, like a true mother who cooks constantly. She slowly walks towards the table where Fiona was sitting at and gently places the tray with Fiona’s name on it next to her, not to cover up Anna’s Picture specifically. ”Ta Da, Fiona, I am a bit of a genius carrier of things.” Diana said, finally able to carry her tray with both hands a bit easier and sitting right next to Fiona on her left side. She giggles at what Fiona said and knows that Vincenzo is very good at what he does. However, she started to eat her food since she is still a child at heart, even though she sees anyone who’s around her daughter’s age as still children, that need to be protected.

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