“I could ask you the same thing, Ms. Tachibana.” He remarked as he looked her over. “You? The military?”
Hotaru had to stop herself from looking too annoyed, but really, what was he expecting? They were probably surrounded by people like her that had no better choice, was that really so surprising? And of all the people to ask why she was here, Charles was the absolute last person to ask! He was literally the song of a lord! If there was anyone here who was questionable, it was him, not her!
"One of us has a future that doesn't involve a life of servitude. I can't say I agree with your statement," She couldn't help but remind him of his upbringing, trying to make a point. "Why would you willingly put yourself through this?"
“It’s a proud tradition in my family. I am glad to see you, but I never imagined you in uniform. You'll look great.”
Was he trying to soften her up? Her jaw dropped slightly, only snapping shut after a few seconds. He didn't mean that. He was just trying to pivot the conversation! There was a hint of embarrassment on her face as she shook her head, taking in a breath before speaking through her flustered thoughts. You've seen this play before, don't go falling for it, She had to remind herself, although this was the first time it was aimed at her so to speak. Her voice trailed off before she cleared her throat. "That is... I wish I could say the same, but your presence here concerns me. Is the Lord aware of your participation? I can't possibly imagine him or the Lady being alright with this."
Charles' reaction gave her an answer before he could: a resounding no by the looks of it. What she hadn't expected, however, was suddenly getting dragged away. He was stronger than he looked, and she couldn't help but quietly curse at that. He already had a leg up on her! She couldn't help but look around, a little embarrassed. The last thing she wanted was for anyone to get the wrong idea. It didn't matter where you were in life, rumors could ruin your reputation anywhere.
“My mother was not fond of my decision, yes.” His tone was terse, slightly less friendly than it was previously. “My decision was to follow in the shadow of my grandfather. There has been members of my family in the military police and the garrison for generations. I know the risks. Do you? Are you that desperate? I promised you that I would support you and your family back in Orvud. Did you not believe me?”
At his words Hotaru couldn't help but roll her eyes, though the attempt to get out of his grasp was noticeable. "I know perfectly well what I'm doing," She snapped, clearly annoyed at his behavior. "And your offer was generous, but I need to stand on my own two feet. It's my life, Young—Charles, and I have nothing left to lose." That was going to take some getting used to.
“Outside of your life.” Charles released his grip on her wrist, sighing as he did so. “I guess this just means I’ll have to keep protecting you, Miss Tachibana.” He said as he turned to look at her now that he was further away, his eyes continuing to scan the grounds.
Ha, so he was playing at being incognito. Except anyone worth their salt would recognize his name instantly. And he had the nerve to lecture her! Crossing her arms, Hotaru let out a huff. "Judging from today, I will be the one having to keep you out of trouble. I understand someone in your position isn't used to it, but you aren't supposed to backtalk your superiors. You can't just go around saying and doing whatever you want, there are consequences to your words. Look at those cadets running because of you! Do you really think you can 'protect' anyone like that?" She didn't want to come off as harsh, but she was sincerely worried that he wasn't ready for this sort of thing.
“Of course. It is the responsibility of the strong and the privileged to protect the weak. Now if you excuse me, before I cause another scene, I do need to find the cabins. We will converse later. Good luck.”
Charles wouldn't depart with solely those words, his hand patting her head as he left her. Once again, her jaw dropped, albeit this time she wasn't sure if it was because she was insulted or because she was shocked. Probably both. Definitely both--as far as she was aware, there was no longer any titles separating them: right now, they were on even ground. So he may have meant well, but his declaration came off as incredibly condescending! Unless it was sincere, but even that worried her to no end. He was kind and helpful, but that wouldn't translate well here in training, let alone if anything serious ever happened.
By the time Hotaru turned around, Charles was well on his way, leaving the woman stunned as she absentmindedly placed her hand on her head. After a few seconds she lowered her hand, shoulders tensing as she let out another huff and decided to go to the cabins as well. Fine, if he wanted to play the hero, so be it, but she would make absolutely sure she wouldn't fall behind. If he thought she was just going to take that statement sitting down, then he had another thing coming.
Hotaru had to stop herself from looking too annoyed, but really, what was he expecting? They were probably surrounded by people like her that had no better choice, was that really so surprising? And of all the people to ask why she was here, Charles was the absolute last person to ask! He was literally the song of a lord! If there was anyone here who was questionable, it was him, not her!
"One of us has a future that doesn't involve a life of servitude. I can't say I agree with your statement," She couldn't help but remind him of his upbringing, trying to make a point. "Why would you willingly put yourself through this?"
“It’s a proud tradition in my family. I am glad to see you, but I never imagined you in uniform. You'll look great.”
Was he trying to soften her up? Her jaw dropped slightly, only snapping shut after a few seconds. He didn't mean that. He was just trying to pivot the conversation! There was a hint of embarrassment on her face as she shook her head, taking in a breath before speaking through her flustered thoughts. You've seen this play before, don't go falling for it, She had to remind herself, although this was the first time it was aimed at her so to speak. Her voice trailed off before she cleared her throat. "That is... I wish I could say the same, but your presence here concerns me. Is the Lord aware of your participation? I can't possibly imagine him or the Lady being alright with this."
Charles' reaction gave her an answer before he could: a resounding no by the looks of it. What she hadn't expected, however, was suddenly getting dragged away. He was stronger than he looked, and she couldn't help but quietly curse at that. He already had a leg up on her! She couldn't help but look around, a little embarrassed. The last thing she wanted was for anyone to get the wrong idea. It didn't matter where you were in life, rumors could ruin your reputation anywhere.
“My mother was not fond of my decision, yes.” His tone was terse, slightly less friendly than it was previously. “My decision was to follow in the shadow of my grandfather. There has been members of my family in the military police and the garrison for generations. I know the risks. Do you? Are you that desperate? I promised you that I would support you and your family back in Orvud. Did you not believe me?”
At his words Hotaru couldn't help but roll her eyes, though the attempt to get out of his grasp was noticeable. "I know perfectly well what I'm doing," She snapped, clearly annoyed at his behavior. "And your offer was generous, but I need to stand on my own two feet. It's my life, Young—Charles, and I have nothing left to lose." That was going to take some getting used to.
“Outside of your life.” Charles released his grip on her wrist, sighing as he did so. “I guess this just means I’ll have to keep protecting you, Miss Tachibana.” He said as he turned to look at her now that he was further away, his eyes continuing to scan the grounds.
Ha, so he was playing at being incognito. Except anyone worth their salt would recognize his name instantly. And he had the nerve to lecture her! Crossing her arms, Hotaru let out a huff. "Judging from today, I will be the one having to keep you out of trouble. I understand someone in your position isn't used to it, but you aren't supposed to backtalk your superiors. You can't just go around saying and doing whatever you want, there are consequences to your words. Look at those cadets running because of you! Do you really think you can 'protect' anyone like that?" She didn't want to come off as harsh, but she was sincerely worried that he wasn't ready for this sort of thing.
“Of course. It is the responsibility of the strong and the privileged to protect the weak. Now if you excuse me, before I cause another scene, I do need to find the cabins. We will converse later. Good luck.”
Charles wouldn't depart with solely those words, his hand patting her head as he left her. Once again, her jaw dropped, albeit this time she wasn't sure if it was because she was insulted or because she was shocked. Probably both. Definitely both--as far as she was aware, there was no longer any titles separating them: right now, they were on even ground. So he may have meant well, but his declaration came off as incredibly condescending! Unless it was sincere, but even that worried her to no end. He was kind and helpful, but that wouldn't translate well here in training, let alone if anything serious ever happened.
By the time Hotaru turned around, Charles was well on his way, leaving the woman stunned as she absentmindedly placed her hand on her head. After a few seconds she lowered her hand, shoulders tensing as she let out another huff and decided to go to the cabins as well. Fine, if he wanted to play the hero, so be it, but she would make absolutely sure she wouldn't fall behind. If he thought she was just going to take that statement sitting down, then he had another thing coming.