Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Hedgehawk
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Monday 7th September - 8.00am

Since the early hours of the morning the academy of Estermere was in full swing. The staff were making the final few adjustments needed to the academy so that everything was ready. The second and third year students had arrived on the friday before and had spent the weekend settling in and helping set up for the new inductees to arrive.

The first day was always promised to be a good one. The look on the students faces, meeting each other for the new time. So many new faces to remember and names to learn. Many friends to make and rivals to earn. Who was going to rise to the top this year? And who was going to sag to the bottom? It was almost impossible to tell most of the time at the beginning. Though it didn't stop the staff from taking bets on who they thought would succeed.

The new students had been given a simple instruction: Arrive at the main gate, drop off your belongings with the guards and then make your way to the dining hall where the welcome assembly would begin at 8.30am. At this point most of the students had already made their way there and were now eagerly awaiting the start of the school year.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by PiePizzle
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PiePizzle Profiteering. Racketeering. Buccaneering.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

As Bea arrived in her carriage she reminisced over her previous years at the beloved academy, this year, however, would be her first as a member of the officer program, she was excited beyond belief, but also exasperated as she could have been a higher officer for two years now, and felt she had been worthy since the start. For some reason, however, she had always been neglected for consideration into the program.

At least this year they had done the competent thing and picked her as one of the new entries into the program. She didn't know whether she should be proud or ashamed seeing as she would be one of the older people in her class, but this just meant she had to prove herself as the best. She handed over what little luggage she had over to an on-duty guard, probably scholarship student paying off his debts, in her home country of Rusland she would have looked down on the pauper, but in this less refined culture she had to remember, he was her elder, and therefore her better. This pungent thought put a scowl on her face, no doubt, she was his better, having taken down men and bears alike! Just as well she had experience in the layout of the sprawling fortress otherwise she would have doubtless gotten lost. As she turned the corner into her vision came the sight of the hall she was to go to. She gracefully entered through the grand doorway, almost twice the size of her, mind she was not small, I any sense of the word, but this building made even the most grandiose of people feel, Dwarvish, and ant-like. Taking in the magnificence of the architecture as she went, she took a seat at a lavish table, that was normally used for dining, today however, might be different, it might not, but then how could she know.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by ladyInKateing
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Avery Harper, wizardly urchin, spent most of her trip to the illustrious Estermere Academy grinning like an idiot.

She'd been on it once before, of course, sent up into the mountains on a wagon to try her hand at Estermere's admissions test. But this was a trip that took weeks, with a whole lot of the wider world to behold, so there was still plenty of gawking to do along the way at plants and animals and people she hadn't noticed on the first round-trip. Besides, during that first journey she'd been too worried about the upcoming examination to pay much attention -- and now there were all sorts of new and exciting things to worry about.

Anxieties aside, though: wow! Avery could still barely believe the whirlwind of events that had led her onto this path. She had wondered more than once if it was an especially elaborate hallucination, but no, this was the reality of her situation. Avery Harper: tactician. Avery Harper: leader of men. Avery Harper: who used to swipe copper pieces from drunks to buy heels of stale bread. That was magic for you. At times she wondered who she was meant to be becoming an officer for in the first place: certainly not the good city of Rhyl, the goodwill of whose lazy patrol guards she'd worn out long ago.

In addition to paying for her carriage, to prepare her for the trip, Avery had been saddled by the mages' guild with probably more books than she could carry -- histories, biographies, tomes of dull literature that seemed a hundred years old but were probably only ninety. She found buried among them one short volume of impressively salacious romance and, of course, her spellbook. It was a comforting presence, although she'd long since figured out most of the nuances of the handful of tricks contained within. If this academy was all it was said to be, there would probably be spells there that'd make hers seem like child's play. Avery wasn't sure whether or not she liked that fact.

Either way, all thought of reading went out the window when her carriage reached the mountains. On the first trip to Estermere, Avery had been utterly dumbstruck by them, chattering in disbelief to the less-than-interested wagon driver about the sheer scale of those towering summits. This time she was better-prepared, but still spent most of that leg of the journey transfixed by the sweeping vistas and distant snowcapped peaks. They had a way of making all her fears -- woe is me, what if the rich snobs don't like me? -- seem insignificant in a very comforting way.

Estermere Academy, on the other hand, had a way of making Avery feel insignificant in a way far from comforting. It was undeniably beautiful, nestled there in the mountains, but the fortress's very walls seemed to judge her as her carriage passed through their gate. It was as if she was walking right onto some emperor's dais as he gave a speech. You don't belong here! Well, she'd prove those old stones wrong. Somehow.

And not a moment too soon, because now she found herself disembarking, fishing in her new coin purse for what seemed like a small fortune but Avery had been informed was standard carriage fare for a trip of this distance. To that she added another silver piece, and in exchange managed to get the driver to agree to unload her belongings and hand them off to the local guards. Then it was off to the great, lavish hall this place considered a dining room, and from there a new and bizarre life.

Avery murmured a brief prayer of thanks to whatever bemused gods might be listening as she managed to find the hall without any difficulties, then went hunting for a place to sit among the more wide-eyed of what seemed to be her fellow students.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Hashih
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Member Seen 10 mos ago

“I was at the top of my class – naturally,” the general’s voice brimmed with pride inside the carriage as he recounted the years spent within the walls of the fortress. It was a story that he had told his son on several occasions. Actually, on more occasions during their journey to Estermere than the years before that. But Augustus had to pretend he was as interested as the first few times his father brought up the topic.

General Marcellus Kampf didn’t need to come with his son on the first day to Estermere. Naturally, he had duties as a lord and as one of the king’s general, but he told a rather deflated Augustus that it was an event that the general would not miss for the world. Then Marcellus started telling the unforgettable story of his first day at the academy. Again. Surprisingly, the story started with a carriage ride and Marcellus’ father, Augustus’ grandfather, giving the young Marcellus pointers on how to excel. Apparently, his family did not tolerate mediocrity. A Kampf must always hold a position of power. There’s that.

Which was why a small smile tugged at the corners of Augustus’ lips when one of the guards at the gate stepped up and told the general that only students were allowed entry. “He’s an alumnus, can we not make an exception?” Gus asked, if only for appearance sake. As if he was not too happy to finally experience a taste of freedom in some piece of land which his father’s influence could not reach.

Marcellus, whose expression, clothing, and poise reeks of nobility stood looking down his nose at the lowly guard. Gus knew that look. It was as a warning, a few moments of calm before the storm. His father was a general. Of course, Lord Kampf was an expert in barking orders and looking down at mere footmen. Gus had to step in. “He’s just doing his job. It’s alright, I can manage from here.” He grabbed a suitcase from his father only to set it on the ground beside himself. The general started to argue, no longer used to being denied, but Augustus reasoned that he would be late if they pushed the argument.

A few minutes later, Augustus Kampf was walking the paved walkway of the fortress. Hands in his jeans’ pockets and a stupid grin pasted on his face. At last, a chance to live outside his father’s shadow.

“Excuse me, is it your first day?” Somebody. A girl, his senior, approached. Her black hair was pulled back in a tight bun at the nape of her neck. He looked to his left then right, then those amber eyes returned to a silent question to the stranger. “Yes, I am talking to you,” she giggled, perhaps because of the look of utter confusion on his face. He had barely nodded when she politely pointed the other direction. “That way to the dining hall. Good luck.” She waved, smiled, and ran after her group without saying her name or asking for his. He didn’t even get to say thank you.

But whatever. Gus traced his steps until he was at the top of a grand staircase, walked further following the same direction, following a light stream of individuals, until he found the hall. Rows of dining tables were occupied by people around the same age as he was. He casually took the closest empty seat he could find and relaxed. It was going to be a great year.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by LadyAnnaLee
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LadyAnnaLee VIX

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Pax Triston was not eager to be attending Estermere Academy. It was a military school, and they had no desire to be part of any military. That did not change the fact that they were currently on their way to the academy. They didn’t have much of a choice. Their father, Lord Markus Triston of Coastal Cliffs, wanted to send Pax away. Pax couldn’t really fault the man for that decision. There was a constant tension in the air while Pax was residing at Triston Keep. Pax gave their head a shake. There was no reason to dwell on the past. They had to keep heading up the mountain.

Pax looked up from the book that they had been studying about older languages from across the world to look out the window as the carriage maneuvered pass another turn in the road. They could finally see the Academy. It certainly looked impressive. Pax knew that it was still a fair distance away. It would only grow more impressive as they got closer. Pax turned back towards their book. They had basically stolen the book from Triston Keep. Thankfully, along with the other books on almost forgotten languages, it wouldn’t be missed. If they were it would a simple matter to return them.

The carriage eventually stopped as a voice called out, “We have arrived Mr. Triston.”

Pax placed their book back in their personal satchel as they exited the carriage, “Thank you Gabriel.” They faintly smiled up at the coachman, “Please be careful on your way home.”

Gabriel nodded in respect, “I’ll be on my way as soon as I’m soon sure your things have been put away properly Mr. Triston.”

Pax turned to get a better look at Estermere Academy, “Thank you Gabriel.”

With as close to goodbyes as Pax was going to get with as close to a friend as they had been done they headed into the building. It was easy enough to ask a few of the guards where new students in the officer program were supposed to go. With that information gathered. The new student headed towards the dining hall. There were already students gathering. Absently Pax wonder what the time was. They knew that there was a time every new student was supposed to be here by. They just didn’t know when that time was. They didn’t think that it was any time soon. There weren’t enough students here yet.

Pax scanned the room to find a rather empty place in which to sit. Once a suitable spot was located, they made their way there. As they walked, they passed a few people taking to each other as well as others looking to avoid social interactions. There were people from all over the world. Pax was astounded by the sheer number of different type of people. Maybe being here wouldn’t be bad. It would certainly be a learning experience.

Pax arrived at the place they had pick and sat down with a surprising amount of grace. They pulled out their book to return to their studies. Pax wondered if there were language classes here. That would be another reason this ordeal could be bearable. The truth was, even though Pax knew they didn’t really want to be here, this wasn’t that bad a place to be. It certainly wasn’t ideal, but it did get them away from Coastal Cliffs and it would certainly teach them things they couldn’t learn in Rockveil. They might not want to be a part of any military in the future, but it would give them a chance to make future they didn’t think they could have if they hadn’t been sent here. Pax supposed they could be tentatively optimistic.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by HokumPocus
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Dozens of burly men were gathered around a feast fit for royalty. Thick slabs of meat from all sorts of beasts were piled high atop their silver platters, dripping fat onto the ornate tapestries around the dining room table. One of them, Roan's father, rose from his chair with a large glass of wine held in an even larger hand. The motley of furs that covered his body rose with him, making him appear more beast than human for a few short moments. Roan's mind was elsewhere, incapable of perceiving anything but the man's bearded mouth opening and closing. It was only when a strong pat on the back hit Roan that he realized everyone present had turned their heads to him. He was being congratulated.


It had felt like an eternity since the day the academy had accepted him. Through a few hushed donations aided further by connections, but accepted nevertheless. Neither his brothers nor the rest of his family knew the truth, so the boy had paused every time an employee had politely asked about his background. He was relieved that the arrival was nearly over, at least.

Roan stepped out of his carriage, nearly forgetting to acknowledge the coachman's existence. He glazed over the walls of the academy and wrapped his arms around himself in a manner that didn't look comfortable. It was the least he could do to not feel so exposed with how thin his clothes felt. For Roan who had been accustomed to sleepless nights in cramped chambers, surrounded by hand-etched glyphs up to the ceiling, hands soiled with ink and desperate to write more, the gentle outskirts of the academy were alien to him. They had nothing in common either with the wintry plains of Kyavik, that demanded one bring a shovel and a rifle at the minimum.

"Indirect information. Instructions?" he muttered to himself. His eyes flickered towards a boy his age receiving directions.

Unfortunate. He had hoped their welcoming ceremony would be informal enough to allow him to explore the academy to the fullest extent of his desires. Roan expected no less from such a prestigious academy, however. He reasoned it was for the best to do as told for the time being.

On the surface, the deal he struck with his father seemed simple enough. The game piece known as Roan Borza would be relocated elsewhere so as to not drag the rest down, and as a result it would be spared from having to participate in the modern clan's battlefield, the gathering. He would use this opportunity to elevate his abilities in the refined and complex art of magic, and thus function as a sort of ornament for the rest to gawk at and admire. There were other implications, however. Having a skilled magician in the family had its uses if the relations between clans ever soured to the point of violence. It didn't surprise him that his father thought that far ahead. Sacrificing a game piece of lesser value to spare the rest was too obvious of a strategy.

He clicked his tongue. Even multiple nation's worth of distance couldn't keep him from thinking about politics again. He'd just have to approach his new life a single step at a time. As he entered the dining hall his father's advice rang crystal clear in his mind. Study well, be a warrior. No fires.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by datadogie
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datadogie Cloak and Dagger

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Returning to Estermere was something that delighted Penelope McGareth. After a few years, there was something familiar about the place, a familiarity that she believed would last throughout her next few years at the academy. Graduating to the officer programme felt a little funny, as her friends would be continuing their soldier programme years and would end up graduating before her; even though she was going to be getting better and further training than them, it still felt almost like she was being held back. By the time she graduates from the officer programme, she knew that her old classmates would already have a year of experience in the field. The training compensated for that, she knew - she figured that even with them being more field experienced than her she would still have the knowledge to stay up to par with them. It was just funny to think about.

Penny could tell who was in the school before and who was new. The teenager had very little with her to bring into the academy, for as she had been there before her belongings still resided inside, though had most likely been moved from her dormitory bunks to where the officers stayed, a place she did not have the privilege of visiting many times before. Those who had their belongings with them, who carried them along, who had visitors going with them to wish their final goodbyes (most likely their patrons and sponsors as much as their family) were those that were new. She wondered how a lot of them would adapt to the culture of Estermere, especially those that were nobles. It felt oddly good to stare at nobles as equals, rather than having to look up at them. Perhaps that was an evil thought - she could see a noble trying to impose his position on her and her response being a simple shrug - but it was an idle thought that kept her mind at ease. She knew that the new few years were going to be challenging for everyone. But as Penny looked at those in the same carriage as she, and at those in the other carriages, she wondered if some of them even knew how to handle a dagger, let alone a sword. Then again, Penny had to remind herself that she had entered the academy with the swordplay training of a goat. But she had excelled, and Penny believed that they could, too. It just might take longer for others.

Once she had arrived at the main gate, Penny made her way over to the gate guards. She didn't have any large possessions on her, just a backpack with temporary belongings before she could get her hands on her original belongings that had been moved over. Approaching the guards, she eyed them up temporarily. She would have been one of them in the future, had she not been selected to be an officer. Penny leaves her belongings with them, openly respectful and privately thankful for their presence. She knew that it could be boring just standing there for hours with nothing happening, especially at Estermere, where nothing bad was bound to happen. Her prior training had seen to that part of her knowledge.

Due to her previous placement within the academy, Penny did not need a guide to the dining room. The teenager simply made her way there on her own, as naturally as walking in her home. She took a look around, before nodding her head and seating herself. She was proud of her journey so far, and she was prepared to keep going.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Hedgehawk
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Monday 7th September - 8.35am

The time for the assembly had finally arrived. At this point most of the students had made their way into the hall and were now just waiting for someone to come out and talk to them. At the far end of the rectangular room, on the opposite side to the kitchen, a stage with a podium had been set up with 5 chairs. Though in the room opposite, something was going on…

“What do you mean you have to take it?” Spoke a male voice, clearly agitated.

“Well, it is clear you were too busy swinging swords around every morning to actually bother preparing for the assembly.” replied a female voice, both irritated and smug at the same time. “I even took advantage of my free time to write down a speech.” She held the speech she had written up over her head, only for another taller male to walk past and snatch it, looking through the notes while the female protested.

“Not bad actually.” The male remarked handing the papers back. “Though despite your bickering, it will be me who is presenting to the new students today. Given the headmasters ‘predicament’ the most senior teacher; the one who has been teaching here the longest takes charge. That person would be me.” The male took a moment to adjust his large black trench coat, rolling his shoulders until he felt comfortable. “While I find your enthusiasm for getting dug in admirable Alyx and Li, We have to keep House Fire and Ice somewhat impartial. I saw the dig you took at Ice house in your notes Alyx.” With that the male went off into the hall.

“Trust Derwin to notice that” Alyx grumbled to Li as they and the remaining staff followed suit.

The five staff made their way onto the stage, Derwin taking front and center, flanked by both Alyx and Li. The remaining staff filled out the left and right. Derwin simply stood at the podium for a moment, waiting for everyone to quieten down.

“Welcome students to Estermere academy. I know that for a lot of you the journey here was long and rough, so i will keep this short. My name is Professor Fuller and I am the Military Tactics teacher here at Estermere. Normally you would be subjected to a long and arduous speech about the history of the academy and the honour it is to even be within these walls. However, I think most of you already know that, or you wouldn’t be here.” He took a moment to inspect the students, looking left and right, just to see how much attention they were actually paying.

“1st year students study five subjects here: Magic, Weapons, History, Military Tactics and Magical Creatures. Each member of staff you see here teaches one of those subjects, and tomorrow you will get to meet them properly. Classes here at the academy start at 8am and finish at 4pm, each lesson lasts roughly an hour. You will have time for lunch and a few breaks between lessons. You are officers after all, not soldiers.”

“You may have also noticed that there are several red and blue banners hung over the hall and various other places in the academy. Those represent our two houses: Fire and Ice, led by Professor Cox and Professor Ling respectively. However for now you don’t need to worry about that. House selection happens after the exams in October. Right, I think I have waffled on enough about things, the best way to learn is by doing. You have no classes today, so today is all about getting acquainted with one another. You will find your dorm assignments on the board next to the kitchen. Feel free to drop off your luggage and explore and mingle.” With that he dismissed the students and led the staff away from the hall.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by HokumPocus
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Roan scanned the vicinity with an almost eerie determination, trying to gauge the appearance of the rest of the officers in comparison to his. Judging by their coordinated and well put together clothes made it easy to infer most came from nations with temperate climates similar to this one. Most were lost in their thoughts or engaged in small talk that was interesting enough to distract them for the time being, but a handful of the more nervous students spared a glance back. He was so invested in trying to register everything that the speech had concluded by the time he was aware that one was being conducted in the first place. Old habits died hard.

He willed a small ember to hover above the palm of his hand. "Houses of fire and ice?" he muttered out loud. "I expect nothing less than the former."

He reassured himself mentally. This was a prestigious and above all competent academy, there was no way they'd make such a silly decision.

Until he remembered the nation he came from. The fire blinked out of existence.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by PiePizzle
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PiePizzle Profiteering. Racketeering. Buccaneering.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Bea had a good idea of where the dorms were located, so she leisurely ambled over to her room, meanwhile trying to absorb some of the conversations around, any useful information, tucked away in her mind for later recollection. She took especial note of a boy, muttering to himself in stupor at the grandiose hall, she was particularly intrigued when he summoned a small ember in his hand, a magic user, useful. She could use someone like that.

Never a magic user herself, the art had always piqued her interest, but in the end a good pistol and knife always seemed more effective for dealing with her problems.

Her mind eventually wondered onto her previous years at the academy, how she enjoyed herself, getting into mischief, growing bonds, learning how to understand and get people to do what she wanted. She had been glad of the exoerience she had gotten, but now was her real time to shine. With her dathers backing and her mothers teachings, soon, she would be the one in control.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by LadyAnnaLee
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LadyAnnaLee VIX

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Pax didn’t close their book, but they did look up from it when the military tactics teacher began to speak. Pax resisted the urge to scowl at what they heard/ There would be eight hours of classroom study for a mere five classes? Not to mention that they weren’t particularly fond of those five classes to begin with. Though to be honest if Pax had to pick five classes a military school would limit themselves to those would be the five. It just seemed like such a wasted opportunity. There were no classes on language or diplomacy. Though Pax supposed that diplomacy could be considered part of military tactics. They just hoped that Estermere didn’t teach a “hit first, ask later policy.” If that was what students were taught Pax figured they would have a harder time then they already planned on having here.

Pax was also alarmed by the announcements of houses. That just screamed out that there would be rivalry within the school. The last thing they needed was an assigned enemy. Pax could already see how they wouldn’t fit in here. Their knowledge of military tactics was sketchy at best. They knew nothing of magical creatures while their knowledge of history was limited to the knowledge of Rockveil’s history. The best that could be said of their weapons skills was that they were average. As for magic, Pax feigned an ignorance of magic that they intended to continue. They were going to be a dismal student that would study all the time to make up for it. They wouldn’t socialize even if they wanted to. Pax was suddenly aware of the fact that they had never been planning on making friends. They had hoped not to make enemies. Now the school was assigning them.

As the speeches ended, they rose from the bench to go and find their room. Their book was carefully marked before being closed and placed in a pocket. They did their best to remain invisible. They did notice people clustered around a notice board. A quick glance showed Pax that it was a class list. Pax took the time to note that they were in the Alpha Class. Reaching into a pocket they pulled out a notepad and stick of charcoal so they could record the class schedule. It wouldn’t do to miss a class or forget one entirely. Pax would have to go exploring sometime today so they could find their classes tomorrow.

Once the schedule was recorded Pax followed the crowd across courtyard towards the dorm building. It was easy enough to see that the first years were on the bottom floor. It was even easier to find the room with their name on the nameplate. Opening the door revealed a small but clean room. Their trunk was in the center of the room. Suddenly Pax was glad that they had packed light. The few changes of clothes went in the tiny closet while their near countless book practically overwhelmed the bookcase. The writing case was placed on the desk. Once the trunk was empty it was pushed underneath the bed to be forgotten until it was time to return to Rockveil. With a sigh Pax sat on the bed to consider all that they had learned.

Only to let out a shout of pain. Pax clutched at their head while the migraine bloomed behind their eyes. Pax hated this. They always hated this. It didn’t matter what they saw from the past, the present, or occasionally the future, it hurt like hell. Pax would gladly give up the visions if it meant getting rid of the head splitting headaches that came with them. This time the vision was of a girl with fire orange hair with corkscrew curls that fell in a tangle to her waist. She had to be a past occupant of this room. She sat at the desk scribbling something. Then just as quickly as it came the vision left. The migraine lingered and would remain for a while yet. Pax couldn’t help the harsh laugh that escaped their lips. They had had a hope that the visions would be left in Rockveil. Apparently, that hope was vain. They couldn’t let anyone know about the visions. That was just another reason to keep to themselves.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by PiePizzle
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PiePizzle Profiteering. Racketeering. Buccaneering.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Wrong tab.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Hashih
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Member Seen 10 mos ago

No classes on the first day? His father would be disappointed. The general did not send his son on a vacation, but to be turned into a somebody who would carry out the king’s ambition. He sent his son to the academy not to mingle but to bruise faces, cut flesh, make enemies, and then crush them. It was a good thing, therefore, that the general was not present to hear about the leniency of the Academy he was so proud of. Although the younger Kampf couldn’t help but compare his first day at the Academy to his first day at training camp at home, he was not his father. Maybe one day he would be as strict as the old man, but not that day.

A small smile graced his face as he nodded in understanding to the professor’s instructions. One more day of vacation couldn’t hurt. Then perhaps tomorrow they'd ask the students to break each other's noses. Just imagining the new world he was in made the egdes of his nerves sing in excitement. Yet, he did not get on his feet ahead of the crowd. Gus waited for a generous number of them to start moving before he did. It was unfamiliar territory. Experience taught him that blindly leading the troops would only end in disaster, therefore he chose to be a follower. One of these fresh faces ought to know where the kitchen was.

So, he followed the crowd like sheep being herded to the slaughterhouse. Hands in his pockets, he walked with them, not initiating conversion, but open to one. He patiently waited for his turn to check out the dorm assignment then the class schedule before walking away and jotting down what he remembered. Checking out his room could wait. There was the academy waiting to be explored, and he was not about to pass the chance to get to know it. At least by the end of the day, he would have gotten something productive done on the first day.
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