Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Jerus Je'and

"Right now my concern is getting us the hell out of here. Let's go!"

Admiral Josiah Trenor

Outside the station, as the combined fleet shifted their fire to bring down the enemy battlestation, the Invictus dropped out of hyperspace, its smaller railguns already firing on the construct as I watched from the bridge. "Charge time on the Planetary Railgun?"

The weapon's crew glanced up from their consoles, but it was the main gunner who spoke. "Five minutes. Fleet Admiral Sven says that there's till friendlies onboard though."

"Then let's hope they're off by the time the railgun's ready to fire."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

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HJ Twilight

As we make out way back to the hanger, we can see formerly brainwashed soldiers attempting to make their own escape. They don't have enough of their minds back to do much more than run around aimlessly though, and I feel kind of bad for them. But there is nothing we can do for them. When we reach the hanger, I am happy to see both my ship and Dad's are still in one piece. "Meet you on the medical ship!" I dash for my ship, sensing Huntress inside is starting to panic.

Caalin Daemon

I take over for HJ in helping carry Hayden towards Jerus' ship.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Jerus Je'and

Leading the way up the ramp of my ship, I lead the way to a small medical table and we lay Hayden on it. Hitting a button, a medical beam starts working on her. "Stay here, I'll get us out. At the very least, that will stabilize her until we get to the medical ship." Rushing to the cockpit, I start the launch sequence. {HJ, you about ready to blow this place?}
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 1 yr ago

HJ Twilight

"Oh, more than ready, Dad. Let's get outta here!" I run through the pre-flight check, shipping several steps before taking off. It was exciting to have finally beat the bad guys, but there was a very real dread for Hayden. I could sense her life fading. We had to hurry to the medics, and even then, I wasn't sure if it would be enough.

Caalin Daemon

I stay with Hayden in the small medical bay. "Just hold on. I promised your parents I would keep you safe, and no matter how many times you try to get yourself killed, I won't let you." I try to joke, but I really am worried. The med scan finished, the computer reports that her injuries are severe, and her vitals were dropping rapidly.

Hayden Twilight

My wounds were more than physical. I'd poured too much of myself into destroying Kreia. My energy is too depleted to carry on for much longer.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Jerus Je'and

The Shadow Stalker soared out of hangar just behind HJ's ship, and not a moment too soon. The Republic's planetary railgun carrying battleship, the Invictus, finished charging its main weapon and didn't hesitate to fire. An arc of blue light soared into the Genesis Engine, exploding into a brilliant inferno two seconds after impact. At last, after two years of fighting and hiding and trying to outsmart the bad guys, we had stopped them.

But, as I glanced over my shoulder to check on Hayden on the way to the medical ship, I wondered at what cost that victory would come. Glancing to the left outside the cockpit, I spotted the ships that had gone down to fight Jorg Sucal on the surface heading for the combined fleet and join them. It was time to reunite the family.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Becca Twilight

I spot the Shadow Stalker from the cockpit window, and I instruct Jakito to follow it as it flies towards the medical frigate. Salazar and Zar'kun's ships follow us. We all manage to settle our vessels aboard the frigate before the fleets begin to separate.

Salazar Greshh

I watch the fleets go their separate ways, and listen to the cheers and congratulations coming over the comms. It was strange to see so many different ships, all from different parts of the galaxy, all unified for one glorious battle against a common enemy. We had won... but at what cost?

I step off of my ship, and am greeted almost immediately by Vette. I take a moment to appreciate the victory, and find comfort with her in my arms, before returning to the aftermath of our 'victory'.

Caalin Daemon

I try what I can to keep Hayden stabilized, but it isn't working. "Hang on! We've made it to the medical ship. Just stay with us a little longer..." Even as I say this, I can see Hayden's heart beats are becoming fewer and farther between. She's on death's door. I look at Jerus, silently begging him to get the ramp down so we can rush Hayden to the medics, but I know it won't make a difference. "Jerus..."

Hayden flatlines.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Jerus Je'and

Hearing the flat line, I practically fly out of my seat as I lower the ramp, reaching Hayden's side. "Come on girl, don't you dare give up on us now." Hitting a button on the side of the table, a hover bed rises and I start leading her off. "Caalin, resuscitate her! Hurry!"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Caalin Daemon

I press a button to cause a defibrillator shock through Hayden's body. Her body jerks, but her heart does not start beating again. "No.. Come on!" I try again, and it fails again.

Becca Twilight

"Hayden!" Jakito and I run over to the hover bed. "What happened!? Is she...!?"

Caalin Daemon

After a third attempt to bring her back, I slow the hover bed to a stop. "Jerus... I think she's..." I look at Becca and Jakito. "I'm so sorry... I tried..." The failure is plain in my face.

Becca Twilight

"No... Hayden, no!!" I hold my hands over Hayden's body, trying to heal her with the Force. I can feel my energy going into Hayden, but fading away just as fast; like pouring sand into a sieve. "Hayden, please..." Tears begin to stream down my face. "Not again... I can't lose you again." I feel Jakito put his arms around me, and I let him pull me close, but I don't take my eyes off of Hayden.

HJ Twilight

I shake my head. "This can't be happening... After everything we did..." I slowly sit down on the ramp of my ship.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Jerus Je'and

"No, I'm not giving up!" Medics run over and one pulls out another defibrillator, one with more power and starts trying to revive her.

Zar'kun Je'and and Alice Durana

We stand nearby, our arms around each other as we look on. There is little we can do at this point.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 1 yr ago


I cover my mouth in shock. I knew Hayden well. Even considered her to be part of the family for a while. My heart truly broke for the Twilights. I knew what it was like to lose a child.

Salazar Greshh

I watch the medics fail to revive Hayden, and after a few moments, one of them begins to call a time of death. “Hold, please.” I stride forward, and the medics back away in fear of the Sith Lord before them. I look down at Hayden’s lifeless body, then very gently take her in my arms.

Becca Twilight

“Sal, what are you doing?” I say between sobs.

Salazar Greshh

“Fulfilling Satele’s vision. She brought me back for a reason... and now I know why.” I glance back at Vette, giving her a meaningful look that she knows well. Instantly, she comes over and leans in close, exchanging a few private words with me before leaning her head on my shoulder. She stays close to me as I focus my energy. I imagine that spark of life Satele gave me rising up into my chest, then flowing down my arms and into Hayden. “This was never mine to keep.” I whisper. When it is finished, there is a prolonged silence for several very long seconds. As my knees buckle and I collapse to the deck, I can hear Hayden suddenly gasp for breath as life returns to her.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Jerus Je'and

"We can't seriously be trading one life for another here."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Hayden Twilight

As I am pulled back into reality, having nearly abandoned my corporeal form and joined with the Living Force, I can see my family gathered around, all fawning over me. "Relax, I'm fine! Stop crying, Mom! I'm alright!" Despite my words, I can't help by enjoy the feeling of my parents pulling me close. My joy is short lived though as I see Greshh laying on the floor. "Oh no! Master!" I try to get off the bed, but my dad stops me. Though I am weak, I try to fight his hold.

Becca Twilight

I look down at Greshh as he breaths his last. I don't say anything, but I meet his eyes for the final moments of his life, and I make sure he sees how grateful I am. He would be one with the light side of the Force, no matter how much he denied being anything other than a Sith.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Zar'kun Je'and

I watch things as they unfold as Alice approaches Vette to speak with her in relative private and I join the throng, resting a hand on Hayden's shoulder. "And so the man who once served as the Emperor's Wrath and who spent his whole life trying to atone for the things he did has found his peace." I turn to Jakito and Becca. "And our families are once again whole."

Synclair rushes into the room and practically tackles Jerus, tears steaming down her eyes that he's still alive. "And yet, we all know that there's another threat looming in the shadows, who will take time to consolidate its power."

HK-49 "Hank"

"Statement: The Sith Imperium will not be able to strike with any meaningful effect for many years to come. Suggestion: Perhaps we could use this time to heal and help affected worlds recover?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Becca Twilight

I nod. "Yes. Recovering quickly is most important. This conflict with the Void... it's devastated the Republic in ways the wars never could. Fighting the Empire wounded our skin, but Sucal was a rot at our core. And after what happened to Coruscant and Tython, I fear the road to recovery will be long and difficult."

Jakito Twilight

"We can handle it. We've made it this far, haven't we?" I try to look confident, but I can tell it isn't totally believable. "At any rate, we have a trustworthy man as Chancellor. Armond Organa will definitely help get the Republic back on track." I look at Hayden. "And we have each other. That's what's most important.

Hayden Twilight

"I just wish so many of us hadn't been lost along the way." Out of the corner of my eye, I see a blue form, and I turn to see Luci stepping out from the crowd. At first, I think I am just seeing things; another ghost appearing in my mind's eye. But no, this is real! "Luci?! What are you... How?!?" I jump up despite my injuries and run to give her a big hug. "I thought I'd killed you!"


"I'm sorry I allowed you to believe that for so long, my former Padawan. I wasn't in my right mind for a long time." I hold Hayden tight. "But I'm back now, and that's all that matters. We're all back safe and sound. And those that aren't are with us still in the Force."

Becca Twilight

"Salazar, Marek, Ryder, Gavin, Iwan, Jude, Xan... they'll all be remembered for the parts they played and the sacrifices they made."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

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Zar'kun Je'and

"We can best honor them all by continuing to live, to rebuild and educate. In part, this war was spawned by the lack of information and teaching." I turn to both Caalin and Alice. "The Jedi will need to rebuild and they will need new teachers. I left the Order as it was years ago, but...I'm willing to help it avoid the mistakes of the past. I would as for aid in this from both of you."

Alice Durana

"You know you'll have mine."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

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Caalin Daemon

"Of course. I'll do everything I can to restore the Order." I think a moment. "Better yet... We'll make it better than it was before. A new generation forged from a greater, more tolerant understanding of the Force."

Jakito Twilight

"That's what I like to hear." I put my arms around Becca and Hayden. "Now, let's get back to home, huh? We have a victory to celebrate back at the compound, and absent friends to honor." Everyone appears to be in agreement, and we all prepare for the journey back to Dantooine...
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Several Days Later

Hayden Twilight

I stand on the beach outside the compound. The sun is setting on the water, and I watch in silence. From behind, I can hear someone walking towards me, but I don’t turn. “Caalin.”

Caalin Daemon

I stop a few feet behind Hayden. I don’t speak right away, but also take a moment to appreciate the sunset. “I just wanted to... check up on you. See how you were before I... left.”

Hayden Twilight

I half turn. “You’re leaving?”

Caalin Daemon

“Yeah. I’ve talked it over with Zar’kun and Alice, and I feel it’s time I take on an important mission on behalf of our fledgling Jedi Order. A mission only I can accomplish.”

Hayden Twilight

“This has to do with the Sith Purebloods, doesn’t it?”

Caalin Daemon

I nod. “With the Imperium rising, I fear what few Elder Bloods remain will easily be swept into their ranks. If that happens, my race will surely die out for good. I know they have a history of darkness, but I want to at least offer them an alternative while there is still time.”

Hayden Twilight

“Hmm. Pacifist Sith. Never thought I’d see the day.” I turn fully to face Caalin. “Salazar Greshh wanted to preserve the old race too. You can’t save those who don’t want to be saved.”

Caalin Daemon

“You sure about that? You seemed pretty unwilling to be saved, but yet here you are now.” I smile. “You know, you’d make a good example for those youths who think it’s too late to abandon the dark side. You should come with me. They’d listen to you.”

Hayden Twilight

I think it over for a moment. “Nah, I think I’m done with adventures. Maybe one day, if your insane plan works out, I’ll reconsider. But for now... I want to keep my feet firmly on the ground.”

Caalin Daemon

“It that case... may the Force be with you, Hayden Twilight. May you find your well deserved peace.”

Hayden Twilight

“You too, Caalin. You too.” I turn back to the sunset. I can feel him linger a few more moments behind me before turning and leaving. I couldn’t help but feel a little sad. I knew he harbored feelings for me, and I’d be lying if I said there weren’t a few times when I might have reciprocated, but I knew deep down it never would have worked out. He still had a destiny before him, and I would only be holding him back.

HJ Twilight

Meanwhile, I am upstairs in my room, going through my backpack full of equipment. I would be shipping back out to rejoin SIS in a few weeks, once the last of the chaos had settled down and I’d had a good amount of RNR with my family. Gods new I’d earned it.

On my desk top, my holo communicator buzzes, and I see the ID is that of Ava Cadera. I stare at the device, listening to it continuously buzz. I want to answer it, but something in me holds back. The painful memory of Ava’s insanity on Coruscant, and how toxic our relationship had become near the end. Grandpa insisted it wasn’t her fault; that it was a side effect of Sucal’s corruption, but I didn’t know how much I believed that. Ava was too strong to be so easily manipulated like that. I was afraid the darkness was always in her, and the corruption had just brought it out onto the surface.

The comm continues to buzz, and after a few more moments hesitation, I fight past my reluctance and press the button to accept the call. The imagine of Ava appears, bruised and leaning on a crutch. Despite this, she looks good. Her hair has grown out a bit since last time I saw her. The hardness that had overtaken her demeanor before had gone, and for the first time in a while, I could see the woman behind the Mandalorian.

She smiles shyly, and I can’t help but smile back. “Hey.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

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Becca and Jakito Twilight

With Sucal defeated and the threat of the Void put to rest, Becca and Jakito settle back down on Dantooine. They hoped to retire from the adventuring life and spent their remaining years as boringly as possible. Despite this, they would always keep their lightsabers locked in the safe in the back of their closet, just in case they ever needed to return.

Hayden Twilight

Hayden moved back in with her parents, but only for a year. After some thought, she decided to move out on her own, finding a small aparment near Khoonda. She would later join the planetary militia and dedicate her life to protecting the simple people of her home world. Despite everything she had done, and the galactic notoriety she had achieved, nobody in town knew her as more than that new girl from out on the plains... and she wouldn't have it any other way.

HJ Twilight

As planned, HJ returned to active duty with the Republic Strategic Information Service, working directly under Director Theron Shan. With the Republic in shambles and the Sith Imperium on the rise, he found his life had become even more busy than he could possibly imagine. Yet, somehow, he always found his missions brought him close to Mandalorian space. The details of those excursions are classified.

Also, having realized how difficult it is to take care of an ever growing rancor, HJ decided to release Huntress on Dathomir to be with her own kind. Her care has been left to xeno-biologist Gregor Durantus, who continues to study her and help her adjust to life in her natural habitat. Though separated, HJ still shares a bond with Huntress, and on the occasions he finds to visit, she still remembers him.


With the death of Xanthippe Naberrie, Korré's tenure as a handmaiden came to an end. As such, she returned to her birth name of Kordelia Durantus. Now under the protection of the Je'and family, she and her young son would continue to live on Dantooine for many years. After an initial maternity period spent with Valkorian, Kordelia would seek new employment as an aide to the Senator of Dantooine. In this position, she would quickly become recognized for the incredible political skill she had picked up from her 'former employer', and would become a personal favorite of the senator, taking on many more responsibilities and becoming somewhat of a junior senator herself.

Koraline Okarr and Millu'ci'vanda

Much like the Twilights, Koraline and Luci would step away from active roles in the Galaxy, choosing instead to retire to a tropical planet in the Outer Rim. But, as usual, Luci would always keep her comm on, just in case her old friends needed her, and Koraline would be ready to warm up the Redshifter's engines at the first sign of trouble. Until then though, they would enjoy the beach.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

In Memorium

And so, after two years of conflict, of internal fighting and a false threat fabricated by a false leader, the Void War finally ended. The Galaxy found itself in a strange place, for no factions were preeminently looking to wipe each other from the face of the galaxy. The Mandalorians and the Republic found themselves rebuilding after the attacks on Coruscant and the battles that ravaged its surface. Despite that, the Republic had found a way to endure, if the slow rebuilding could be called that. The Republic's governmental structure had been greatly damaged by the Genesis Engine's final strike. Despite the late Xanthippe Naberrie's efforts to control the damage and focus the worst of it on herself, much of the once great planet spanning city was destroyed, including the Senate district.

As a result, system leaders and Supreme Chancellor Armond Organa couldn't all meet at the same time, as the holo-net simply couldn't handle the stress without the extra hardware that had been designed for the Senate Building. As a result, the first two years of rebuilding for the Republic with ineffective spending hindering even the most well intended efforts across the galaxy. Meanwhile, the Mandalorians returned to their former capitol, the planet of Mandalore, to find that they were ill-equipped to handle the rebuilding and terraforming of their desolate world. But for Manda'lor the Valkyrie, rebuilding their homeworld was the priority, not waging war. She faced many challengers who disagreed with her, but each one found themselves outmatched, though none found the mercy that Ava Cadera had. Clans Fett, Saxon, and Wren all buried challengers to her rule as Manda'lor, to name but a few.

Eventually, however, it became clear to both the Republic and Mandalorian Clans that neither could recover on their own, and on the third year after the Void War, Clan leaders and Manda'lor and Supreme Chancellor Armond and important figures from within the Republic began meeting, with Theron Shan remaining the main point of contact between meetings. By the fifth year, with much convincing of many of the systems still loyal to the Republic, the Mandalorians and the Republic had become one entity and renamed the Mandalorian Republic. The clans opened up to the idea that battle was not the only way to win honor or glory and the Republic gained much needed manpower, military power, and funding sources.

While this was happening, the Sith Imperium grew. The Hutts had never quite recovered from the mess on Makeb and much of their empire was left with inadequate protection. Imperium Space, which started as a couple of systems, quickly grew through a combination of clever bribes in the right places to the right people and military force where necessary. A new Sith Academy was formed, this one on the jungle world of Krazit, and several sister schools on various other worlds within chunks of Wild Space that had yet to be explored. Empress Imperious had learned from her time with the now defunct Sith Empire, learned that a leader with no heirs and the ability to vanish at a whim was no leader at all, that the Sith, as they had been, were little better than rabid animals who barely avoided war with themselves and that Slaves, while useful, could turn on their masters with one well placed word, weapon, or noble act. And so the Sith Imperium avoided the mistakes of the previous Empire and the Sith Order evolved to become the Dark Inquisitorium, who's members had better control over themselves and their minions.

In fact, even as things were planned and the Imperium grew, Lord Fraxxus, the Empress's Fist as he'd become known, lead the efforts to find a suitable location for a new colony on a snowbound world in Wild Space...

Lord Fraxxus, Orion II, Orion System

The wookie shook himself as the Imperium squad moved through the snow, specially designed speeders carrying the equipment they'd need to evaluate the site they were looking at to set up a new colony that would serve as the basis for the latest Inquisitorium academy. However, as he crests a hill, he holds up a furry hand and the convoy stops as his bronze saber hisses to life. The white and red clad squad leaders signal their men and the Imperium squads spread out, blaster rifles up. The wookie roars as he finishes cresting the hill. "Who goes there?!"

There was no answer at first so he repeats himself, using the Force to augment his voice to carry over the howling of the wind. This time, after a couple of minutes, three figures shamble out of the snow, lightsabers of their own in hand, or at least, it was something similar in design. They were similarly furred as Lord Fraxxus, with horns curving around their faces like a natural helmet. However, while the Wookie wore little more than a cloak, these three were also armored across critical parts of their bodies. The leader, clad in while and deep blue armor and wielding a silver blade, stepped forwards in response. "We are the Te'chari, this world's inhabitants. You are encroaching on our lands. I think we are the ones who will be asking questions. If you don't answer them willingly, our shaman," The presumably female one on his right, a headband on her head, stepped forwards at the word, "will pry them from your skulls." Fraxxus grinned as he deactivated his blade. This was quite the opportunity and Empress Imperious would be pleased to see him grasp it.

"We are with the Sith Imperium..."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Lord Kaius

A young Lasat dressed in dark armor strides down the halls of the new castle of Empress Imperious. Behind me is a squad of Elite Palace Guards, as well as a ‘prisoner’. As head of the elite guard, I took no risks in allowing strangers to wonder too close to the palace. This stranger most of all was one I suspected of treachery, and so I would not let them o of my sight until my Empress commanded it.

The doors to the throne room open, and I signal the guards to stay behind a moment. At the end of the hall sits the Empress, and to her left stands her monstrous bodyguard, Khem Val. I suppress a shutter as I step forward and drop to a knee before the throne. “My Empress, I have just apprehended a cloaked individual trying to infiltrate the palace. They offered little resistance, but demanded to speak to you personally.” I look up. “They identify themselves only as Darth Tepes, invoking the name of a long dead Sith Lord from the Old Empire. Either they hope to mock us or they are truly deluded. In either case, I believe it better to simply dispose of this stranger now rather than waste your time any further.”
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