Welcome to Dark Space, a sci-fi cosmic horror game of exploration and survival. Fulfill the role of the intrepid crew of the U.N.S. Erebus, a deep space exploration vessel tasked with charting unknown space.
At long last mankind has discovered the key to unlocking faster than light travel. The UNS Erebus and the UNS Challenger are the first crafts of their kind to be outfitted with an FTL drive and are now tasked with being flung into deep space to unlock the mysteries that lay beyond our solar system.
How to Play
As I wrote above, you play as an officer on the Erebus, each player is in charge of a certain subsystem of the ship. You should act as you deem reasonable for your character, and just so you know, you are mortal. Some of you, if not all, will die. Once your character perishes that’s it. You’re out of the game. So do try not to be too reckless.
Over the course of the game, I will pose different crises that your characters must respond to. They can range from minor technical issues to deadly encounters. The crew must decide how best to overcome each crisis, with the senior officer getting the final say.
The Erebus
The Erebus is an exploration craft crewed by eighty brave souls. As well as an FTL drive, which is a considerable drain on the ship’s fuel reserves, the ship is equipped with impluse drive for fast, interplanetary travel. The ship has two fuel sources, both solar power and tillium ore.
Solar energy is harvested by sails that are activated at the ship’s aft, while tillium typically found in asteroid fields and is harvested through mining crafts deployed from the ship. The theory is that between these two fuel sources the Erebus will always be within reach of replenishing its fuel.
The ship uses recycled oxygen to sustain life support with human waste being recycled as well for water and fertilizer. A greenhouse is used to keep a supply of nutrient rich food with a pantry keeping a stock of non perishables.
The Erebus is specifically designed to be a self contained environment to allow for space exploration with minimal use of resources. However, in times of strain, the ship is equipped with cryogenic freezing pods to allow a skeleton crew to maintain the ship with less expenditure of resources.
The Crew
There is a crew of eighty on the Erebus. You will fill the role of the officers, each of you in charge of a ship subsystem and a staff of junior officers.
Captain - Overall commanding officer of the ship.
Commander - Second in command, often charged with leading away missions.
Chief Engineer - Lead officer pertaining to the ship’s technological systems.
Chief Navigations Officer - In short, they fly the ship.
Chief Medical Officer - Oversees the medical care of the crew.
Chief Science Officer - Lead adviser regarding scientific discoveries of deep space.
Chief Security Officer - Charged with maintaining safety and security of the ship and crew.
Signing Up
If you’re interested, feel free to fill out a Character Sheet using the template below. Shoot for the position you want. After couple of days I will announce the final roster.
Biological Age:
Preferred Position: