Benjamin(Ben) Otanari

Revealed through story
Godly parent:
Hachiman- God of war
Weapon summoning-drawing a Kanji of the weapon he wants to summon on a nearby surface Ben is able to draw out the weapon from the Kanji
Weapon knowledge - when grabbing a weapon Ben learns a few techniques and ways to use said weapon.
Emotional manipulation- being the son of a war god Ben is able to make people feel hate and rage and will have a aura of it when angry
Honorable sacrifice- as bens father is the patron god of samurai ben has a dangerous power named honorable sacrifice in which he performs seppuku but upon the blade cutting him it shatters and a blue marking shows up on his hand and up to his elbow which allows him control of the technique shattered blade of a thousand cuts using this significantly weakens ben making him pass out and gives him a nasty gut wound
Theme song:
Moonlight by guardin
Ben is not full Japanese as his great great grandfather immigrated to Canada and met Ben's Grandmother there, Ben has a Katana that was gifted to him from his father, to disguise it in the presence of mortals it turns into dogtags.