Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Jasper19
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Jasper19 Sarcastic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Ben messed with a pair of dog tags around his neck as the plane he was in slowly touched down in Tokyo Japan's airport. Ben then got up and grabbed his duffle bag out of the planes compartment above the plane. Ben then walked to the docks to take a boat to Aogashima Island. After a couple hours of travel Ben then reached the island and after speaking some broken Japanese to ask the locals how was life began to walk to the crater in the middle of the island. After more hours of walking Ben saw a Torii gate with the name Camp Fujin in kanji across it. Somehow Ben knew what the kanji ment and smiled when he figured out he reached the camp " Finally I'm here" he said and walked through the gate. After walking through the gate Ben saw a man wearing hakama and a Roningasa hat seeing the man Ben did a awkward bow then stood there as the man kindly explained he was waiting on several new campers.

Kosa looked at the time as he sat in class sighing he drummed on his desk. The reason he was so anxious was that well he wouldn't have to go to school for a while on account that he was going to this summer camp. His mom had recently gotten a flier for him to go to the summer camp named Camp Fujin on Aogashima island and the activities offered made it seem pretty cool. Once the bell rang Kosa basically ran from his school to his apartment. Packing up a bag and changing out of his school uniform into a T-shirt , grey jacket in case the island got cold at night , and a pair of black ripped jeans and pastel pink converse. Listening to some music as his mom drove him to the docks, as he didn't want to take his car since he wouldn't be coming back in a while. Once reaching the docks Kosa said goodbye to his mom and took the boat to the island. Upon reaching the island Kosa looked at the map that was on the flier and followed it till he reached a torii gate that said Camp Fujin. Smiling Kosa walked through the gate and was a boy who looked somewhat Japanese but also something else he couldn't really put his finger on. Kosa then looked at the man and his eyes widened as he recognized his face from history lessons and his own research. Standing next to the boy Kosa whispered " hi" as he then excitedly looked around and waited for an explanation of the camp.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Sanity43217
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Tony didn't take the ferry to the island. Instead, his father took him. Riding on the back of giant sea turtles. Once at the island, they said their farewells and Tony walked out of the ocean. Most of his belongings in a waterproof bag. He ran a hand through his hair to mess it up a bit, and restyle it. Setting his bag on the beach, he took out a short-sleeve button-down shirt and put it on, leaving the buttons undone, and put on a pair of thongs. Re-zippering his bag, he slung it over his shoulder and walked inland to find the camp. He got a few odd looks, but he couldn't tell if it was because they saw him come from the ocean, or that he looked obviously foreign.

Looking up at the gate, he sighed. The kanji rearranging themselves in his mind. "Cool trick." He muttered to himself as he figured it was something he had inherited from his father. Walking through the gate, he saw three people, two around his own age, and one that looked older. Nodding at the others. "G'day. We waiting for more?" He said, hoping at least one of the others would understand.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Sharidi37495
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Sharidi37495 The Nerdy Alien

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Tsubasa had been allowed to finish with her daily responsibilities early, as her mother had been notified that she would be sent to a group of others like her. When her mother left her at the dock to catch the ferry to Aogashima Island, Tsubasa waited for her mother to be out of sight, and then slipped into a public bathroom to change out of her kimono and into jean shorts, a t-shirt, and a pair of old converse. She walks inland until she comes across a gate. Tsubasa reads it and smiles when she determines this is where she's supposed to be. She walks through and looks around Camp Fujin, her attention snagging on three drastically different teenage boys and an older gentleman. She approaches the group with a small smile and a bow. "Hello."
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by PrincessVampora
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PrincessVampora The Princess of Vampires

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Ayaka sighed as she walked off the boat and gave a shutter, Her firey red and gold hair was out of place here as she slowly gathered her things and walked off the boat. She was not used to being away from her Scottish home where everyone was a bit TOO Rowdy and loud....She would miss her friends, and her family. She was used to living with ample space to roam around and do her own thing. She pulled her back pack on and talked to the man that bright her. "Arigatōgozaimashita." 'Thank you' " she said with a low bow, Her parents made she she know Japanese Since she was a kid, Along with most of the Traditions ...as she was half Japanese. She smiled as she walked off and then waved as she walked off. She quickly made her was to the camp. She soon came to the camp and smiled as she spotted the head master of the camp and quickly came to a stop and bowed. Her long hair falling over her shoulders as she did. She was Waring a simple green sun dress with a Haori over it, Her foot ware was a pair of hiking boots.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Entlein
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Entlein Not a duck / as far as I can tell

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Kit was running late. Fashionably late, if you were to ask him, but late nonetheless. The walk from school had always taken a bit, and he'd been in no rush to leave his friends for who-knows-how-long while he went to some weird summer camp, so it only made sense that the car dropped him off later than expected. If he'd waited a few minutes after the scarlet-haired girl had made it over to the others, well, that was his business.

As he strolled over to the group, he was glad for the heavy black boots that let him announce his presence without saying a word. Tucking his thumbs into the loops of his torn cornflower blue jeans, he whistles low, scanning over the mismatched group. His eyes catch on familiar pink hair, and he grins.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Jasper19
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Jasper19 Sarcastic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Ben sees the blond haired boy in the button up shirt and more " yeah we are" he says and then watches everyone who arrives. " hey" he said then wondered what the other girl said in japanese. He wasn't exactly too knowledgeable on Japanese yet but he would probably have to learn if he was going to stay at this camp year round. He then looked at a kid with pink hair and he wondered if it was dyed, most likely so. Once everyone had arrived the old man cleared his throat and said in English [color=gold] " hello I am Miyamoto Musashi welcome to Camp Fujin , now I know some of you think this is an ordinary summer camp but it's actually a camp for Japanese demigods"[/colot] he said as he looked at each child. " now come follow me" be said leading them on a tour around camp. There were custom cabin like buildings for each god, a archery range katana field , horse riding arena etc. After giving them a tour Miyamoto turned toward the new camper " now for you foreigners who don't know Japanese you all find the language and kanji will come eaisly, " he said smiling. " now any questions? " he asked in Japanese and Ben was surprised he understood the question.

Kosa said hi to everyone in a mix of broken English and Japanese. He then was standing when he knew someone had arrived, Kosa couldn't really explain how it was almost as if the wind shifted. Kosa then looked and saw his friend Kit , smiling he walked over " kit did you get the pamphlet too? " he asked in rapid fire Japanese. Then once Miyamoto , the Miyamoto famous rōnin who used two katanas started walking away for the tour Kosa took Kits arm and started to follow the rōnin. After listening to Miyamoto Kosa nodded. " yes sir, umm how will we know who our parent is? " he asked. Upon hearing the question Miyamoto smiled and said " that's how son of Fujin" he said to Kosa who had a glowing pink symbol of a bag filled with wind over his head.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Sharidi37495
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Sharidi37495 The Nerdy Alien

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Tsubasa watches the group start to grow, becoming increasingly more aware of the number of foreigners. Her eyes had brightened slightly when the famous swordsman had mentioned a katana field, and she tries to remain civil and respectful of the katana-wielding celebrity. She looks at the boy with pink hair, and at the symbol above his head. She turns back to the older man. "Excuse me, but where would we stay until we know who our parent is?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Sanity43217
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Tony nodded. A little surprised he could understand the question asked in Japanese. He gestured to the glowing symbol above his own head, "And what if we already know who our parents are?" He smiled. "Never mind. I'll find Ryūjin's cabin." He said in Japanese as he turned to leave he stopped. Releasing what he had said. "Fucking Oath." he said reverting back to English. "That's trippy as hell." He continued on his way. Leaving the tour group. Off to go find his cabin. Kicking off his thongs, and picking them up, he walked barefoot to find his cabin. Stobbing at an intersection of two walking tracks, he paused. Not really sure which way to go, but remembered seeing a lake down to the right, so he picked that direction. He kept walking until he made it to the lake. Setting his bag down he took off his shirt. Getting ready for a swim. He gently grasped the shark tooth hanging from his neck Closing his eyes, he slowly walked out into the water.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by PrincessVampora
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PrincessVampora The Princess of Vampires

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Ayaka sighed as she silently followed the group. She looked down and smiled as she found small flowers popping up here and there aling with moss covered rocks. She had to admit this place was beautiful. She looked around and saw the top of a roof poking out from a large grove of trees. She smiled as she strays from the group and starts following a path to it. She She smiles as she looks at the fox dens that dust the sides of the trail almost hidden in the thick grass, Moss and flower filled areas....She slowly walks taking in the smell of the flowers. She then proceeded onward. She soon came to a large field of rice and and a large Japanese palace like home in the center of it. She slowly walked up to the door and poked her head in. She smiled as the wooden floors where polished and there was a market area to her right, It was fairly large she observed, To her left was a closed forge. In front of her were stairs with a beautifully carved banister that had flowers in it, The rice paper doors depicted foxes frolicking in rice fields, And the zen garden out back, She smiled as she walked to the zen garden and then up to were the rooms where, there were about four rooms on each floor. The first ones were empty this was where the food was eaten, She went to the upper floors and opened one of the rooms, It had a tatami mat with a beautiful quilt. She gently shut the door knowing that the room belonged to some one.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Entlein
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Entlein Not a duck / as far as I can tell

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In response to Kosa's question, Kit digs a very crumpled flyer out of his bag. "Hell yeah. My dad gave it to me last week," he mutters, just as quickly.

The old guy who seemed to be in charge introduced himself as a long-dead rōnin, which Kit highly doubted, but he followed anyways. Only because Kosa grabbed his arm, not because he actually sorta believed the guy. Shut up. Kit followed the English explanations from this "Miyamoto" dude fairly well, but his Japanese was much easier to understand. English was never Kit's favorite subject, but it had its uses. Also, Kosa's head now had a glowing pink what's-it above it. Cool. That's normal.

Okay, so maybe this place holds some of the answers that Kit's been looking for. The blonde wandered off after his symbol popped up, and the redhead disappeared somewhere, so Kit catches Miyamoto's attention.

"Sir, what the fancy girl said. Where's the 'unlabeled' house?" he asks, letting the politeness of the Japanese get obscured by drawl. Like fuck was he going to let everyone think he was some goody-two-shoes.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Jasper19
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Jasper19 Sarcastic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The rōnin smiles and points towards a large temple building " that is where the unclaimed sleep. " he said then bowed and walked away.

Ben nodded and searched around the camp. Eventually coming across a samurai barracks style cabin with razor wire around the perimeter. It was weird as he felt a strange pull and he somehow knew it was dad's place. Ben walked in and talked to a bunch of kids who looked somewhat like suddenly the symbol of the samurai floated above him and his siblings smiled when they informed him he had just been claimed. After having lengthy conversations and learning some Japanese along the way not much but enough for a small conversation he went to the sword field with his brothers and sisters to train.

Kosa pumped his arm when he had been claimed " god well gods damn this is so cool" he said so fast that even fluent Japanese speakers would have trouble understanding him. Kosa then turned to Kit and grabbed his shoulders " alright dude I'm going to go find my cabin by after that we are exploring every inch of this place" he said to his friend. Kosa wouldn't know this but his excitement caused the wind around the camp to pick up. After waving to Kit Kosa ran off and searched until he found a large wind tunnel with an upward suction. Stepping into it Kosa was pushed up and saw some cabins in the clouds. Meeting three other kids who were his siblings Kosa was taught three basic techniques mainly to get up into the cabin and mess with people, he was taught to use the wind to launch himself into the air , how to push things away with air and cushion his landing with air . After learning these techniques Kosa practiced till he could do it to the barest minimum and then hopped down from his cabin and ran off to find Kit.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Sharidi37495
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Sharidi37495 The Nerdy Alien

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Tsubasa sighs and closes her eyes a bit, getting a headache from the energy emanating off of the son of Fujin. She turns toward the boy that had called her 'fancy', whatever that means. "How are you familiar with the son of Fujin?" Her voice is clipped, and she is a bit stiff in posture, but she doesn't have the garishness necessary to be fancy. Right? She reminds herself that what matters is her learning as much as she can. For example, how someone could have so much gods damned energy in the middle of the day.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by PrincessVampora
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PrincessVampora The Princess of Vampires

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Ayaka Smiled as she walked out and found a path that lead to an old mine, She decided to leave the exploring tell later as she walked back to the home. As she did a girl a bit older than her approached. Ayaka looked her up and down and then gave a soft eep as she saw she had some fox tails and a large pair of fox ear on her head. Ayaka blinked and then smiled trying not to notice them.
"Hello." she said as she puffed on a long pipe like thing. She had an air of superiority around her....Her outfit was off the shoulders along with exposing much of her large cleavage. Ayaka glanced down to her bound up chest....She sighed and then smiled.
"Im sorry i just..." she said as she as a light green kanji symbol appeared over her head.
"Congrats sister." the other woman said in a low voice. She smiled as she took her with her and showed her around.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Sanity43217
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Tony walked out under the water. His eyes adjusting rather quickly to being submerged. Blinking he could see an underwater cabin. There were a few people swimming around it. He swam over, almost instinctively, and one of the swimming people spotted him and alerted the others. "Son of Ryujin?" One of them asked in Japanese, which Tony could understand, which he found odd. Mainly because he had just understood someone speaking Japanese, and that they were underwater. Tony liked up and saw that the symbol had disappeared. "Yeah." He said instinctively in Japanese. "This our cabin?" The other child of Ryujin nodded. "Where's your stuff?" Tony looked back up to the surface, where he had come down. "Ahh, still up there." The other Demi-God said. They placed a finger on their temple and a turtle swam past and collected Tony's stuff. "Thanks." Tony said grabbing his bag off the turtle. "Why is so big down here? I didn't think the lake was this big." Tony asked. "Why else?" The other demi god swam a loop-de-loop. "Magic. The deeper you go into the lake, the bigger it is. There is an endless abyss under our cabin." Tony nodded. The other Demi-God motioned for him to follow. "Let's get you inside."
Tony followed but his mind was still caught up on the magic of the lake. "Doesn't that make it very easy for the other Demi-Gods to drown?" The other Demi-God chuckled. "Nah, magic is funky." HE said stopping and gesturing up. "Those who can't survive underwater can't naturally get beneath the true bottom of the lake. Though if you really try, you can push past it. You can bring people down, but should they leave one of the air bubbles, they are automatically at the same depth as what the lake would normally be. It's weird, so just try not to think of it." Looking up, Tony could see a couple of Demi-Gods playing on the surface of the lake. "Wierd." Tony followed the direction and found himself inside the Cabin, which was filled with a large air bubble, making the inside of the Cabin dry.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Entlein
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Entlein Not a duck / as far as I can tell

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Kit bobs his head to the rōnin as he leaves, then grins as wind stirs around him. "See ya in a bit!" he calls as Kosa rapidly disappears. His smile drops a little, becoming unreadable as he watches him run off happily. He turns to the fancy girl at her question, demeanor shifting back to aloof at the unfamiliar face. Definitely some rich kid who actually gives a shit about posture and manners and whatnot.

"What's it to you?" he retorts, then pauses, seeming contrite at the sharp tone before settling back into uncaring. He gestures for her to follow and begins ambling towards the temple for the unclaimed. His gaze lands on the waterfront, where a handful of boats keeps drawing his attention. During the tour, he'd seen a couple others adrift in various spots, but they'd never gotten close enough. Making a beeline towards the larger group of them, he tilts his head to beckon the fancy girl along.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Jasper19
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Jasper19 Sarcastic

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Ben was surprised at the amount of weapons the camp had. All were Japanese but they had some really cool ones. Ben decided to focus on a spear like weapon called a naginata, it was pretty cool looking and Ben didn't really want to get close enough if he was fighting something. Ben thought about using his katana but his dad said never to draw it out unless it was necessary. He had no idea what his dad ment by that but oh well at least he could get some practice with this cool spear thing.

Kosa was bounding around the camp using the air technique he learned from his siblings. It didn't bring him high into the air yet at all only like four inches off the ground but it was fun as all get out. Jumping around camp Kosa looked around for kit passing two girls ,one who had Fox tails. " weird but kinda cool" he muttered and looked around. He then messed up with the wind control and fell falling into a field of red spider lilys. Immediately getting up Kosa looked around till he saw kit and the fancy girl, running over he smiled " Finally I found you dude" Kosa wanted out of breath from running, he was so distracted by his search he didn't even realize he had two of the red spider lilys in his hair.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Sharidi37495
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Sharidi37495 The Nerdy Alien

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Tsubasa sighs and follows the boy, not having anything better to do at the moment. "It's odd that two demigods would know each other beforehand, especially given that the boy with pink hair doesn't look particularly native. Therefore, I am curious. That is all." She's careful to keep her voice and face neutral, but she lets a small sigh out when Kosa returns. "How does one have so little care for the world?" she mutters as she brushes the lilies out of Kosa's hair in brisk movements that betray her annoyance.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Entlein
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Entlein Not a duck / as far as I can tell

Member Seen 1 mo ago

At the mention of Kosa's nationality, Kit bristles defensively. "What does it matter where he's 'native' to? He fits in just as well as you or me." He pauses, scoffs, and amends. "Better than me, that's for sure, but that's not hard." As Kosa comes crashing down and pops out of the flowers, Kit smiles softly. Speak of the devil. The smile drops when Tsu brushes the lilies out of Kosa's hair, and Kit loops his thumbs through his belt loops. That's fine too. Whatever. He toes one of the fallen flowers.

"Hey, man. Found your cabinmates?" He looks up excitedly, remembering why they'd been heading in that direction. "Wanna go check out these riverboats with us?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Sharidi37495
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Sharidi37495 The Nerdy Alien

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Tsu raises an eyebrow slightly, glancing at Kit at his indignance. She sighs and backs from Kosa, dusting the flowers off of her palms. She starts a bit when Kit refers to her as part of 'us', but quickly regains her composure and resigns to watching the interaction. Tsu looks between Kosa and Kit, noting a fairly remarkable change in Kosa's demeanor.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by PrincessVampora
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PrincessVampora The Princess of Vampires

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Ayaka Sighed as she made herself at home in her own room, She was shocked they had a room for her as she quickly set up her temporary home away from home. She was used to her family's wild life perverse in Scotland. She sighed as she pulled out her suitcase and opened it. She pulled out a large thick book full of leaflets sticking out and a warn leather string around it. She then sighed as she got to unpacking for the most part. Once she was done she pulled on some tight fitting shorts and a tank top, pulled her hair up, grabbed her book and quikly made her way out to explore....she smiled as she slowly walked into the old mine to take a look around....
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