Other-Tokyo: a pocket dimension that exists atop the Tokyo of the real world. This realm is home to the military academy known as Black Babel—an organization that trains Witches to combat the threat of psionic Vampires who insatiably hunt the humans of this world. With a relentless hunger for brain matter and psychic energy, the Vampires wish to cultivate humanity into their cattle; securing their sovereignty over Other-Tokyo. Armed with magic and special weaponry designed to kill the resilient fiends, Witches are humanity's only hope of avoiding such a bleak future.

A Witch's magic can be divided into three independent categories: Curses, Charms, and Crafts. Curses are to harm and bind. Charms are to protect and invoke positive effects. Crafts is the classification of creation, the illusory, and the miscellaneous. With these three pillars of magic, a Witch can effectively incapacitate a vampiric threat. But to kill is another subject entirely. Thus the requirement for a Witch's WAND. The Wiccan Anti-eNergy Disperser is a special device in the shape of a firearm that unleashes shells of Anti-Energy fatal to Vampires. Aim for the head or the heart and fire—the singular method of exterminating your target. Beyond that, a Witch may have other tricks within their arsenal such as a broom for high-speed flight or potions to enhance their physiology.
This world is also host to demonic, bestial creatures called Daemons who live alongside the realm's inhabitants in a symbiotic relationship. They come in many shapes and sizes. Some act as companions, some provide resources, some exist as buildings or transportation, but all are useful in one way or another to the denizens of Other-Tokyo. The Daemons are an integral part of life in this dimension, utilized by both humans and Vampires alike in their daily existence.
You are a member of Black Babel's 176th Xcursion Regiment, or, at least you will be. After years of rigorous academy training, you are on the verge of graduating into a full-fledged member of the organization. However, there is one last trial that you must pass: exterminate a Vampire. Your squad arrives at an abandoned mansion on the eve of your final test. Live or die: this is the choice you will make in your hunt for a Vampire. Relinquish your fears and anxieties, and always hold close the motto of the Xcursionists:
This world is also host to demonic, bestial creatures called Daemons who live alongside the realm's inhabitants in a symbiotic relationship. They come in many shapes and sizes. Some act as companions, some provide resources, some exist as buildings or transportation, but all are useful in one way or another to the denizens of Other-Tokyo. The Daemons are an integral part of life in this dimension, utilized by both humans and Vampires alike in their daily existence.
You are a member of Black Babel's 176th Xcursion Regiment, or, at least you will be. After years of rigorous academy training, you are on the verge of graduating into a full-fledged member of the organization. However, there is one last trial that you must pass: exterminate a Vampire. Your squad arrives at an abandoned mansion on the eve of your final test. Live or die: this is the choice you will make in your hunt for a Vampire. Relinquish your fears and anxieties, and always hold close the motto of the Xcursionists:
'X marks the kill.'

Welcome to this Anime-style RP that centers around an unceasing war between Witches and psionic Vampires. Our setting is Other-Tokyo, a pocket dimension that sits on top of normal Tokyo inaccessible to ordinary humans. Other-Tokyo has it's own population of normal humans that can't cross to the other side either, along with having Vampires and Daemons. Witches, through their magic, can hop between dimensions.
Other-Tokyo is pretty much the same as modern day Tokyo but with some notable architecture changes such as the huge spiraling blue tower shown in the above picture. That is Black Babel, the military academy and headquarters of the Witches. The world is a mix of modern day conveniences and Daemons taking shape of numerous things. Think of the Catbus from Totoro for a visual key. There are Daemons in the shape of buildings, trains, buses, giant display screens. Daemons exist that provide natural resources like electricity, coal, natural gas, crops, meat, etc. They basically can fill any niche. Even a Witch's Familiar is a type of Daemon.
As you can probably already tell, you'll be playing a Witch (a unisex term) who will be assigned to the 176th Xcursion Regiment. The 176th is the specific squad. An Xcursion Regiment is the broad term for a Witch squad whose job is to hunt and eliminate Vampires. Black Babel has its own uniforms for its members. There are 2 variants each for males and females. The other standard gear is a WAND which typically looks like a one-handed firearm (something ornate like a fancy flintlock pistol). There is a lot of liberty in what your magic can look like. It's Anime so be creative.
I'm looking to tell a story with a small group of players. This RP will be mostly plot-driven and I'm always open for story ideas from my players. I require that you commit to posting at least once per week and be able to communicate with me if you can't do so. Posting length is flexible but should at least meet the minimum requirements of the Casual section.
Other-Tokyo is pretty much the same as modern day Tokyo but with some notable architecture changes such as the huge spiraling blue tower shown in the above picture. That is Black Babel, the military academy and headquarters of the Witches. The world is a mix of modern day conveniences and Daemons taking shape of numerous things. Think of the Catbus from Totoro for a visual key. There are Daemons in the shape of buildings, trains, buses, giant display screens. Daemons exist that provide natural resources like electricity, coal, natural gas, crops, meat, etc. They basically can fill any niche. Even a Witch's Familiar is a type of Daemon.
As you can probably already tell, you'll be playing a Witch (a unisex term) who will be assigned to the 176th Xcursion Regiment. The 176th is the specific squad. An Xcursion Regiment is the broad term for a Witch squad whose job is to hunt and eliminate Vampires. Black Babel has its own uniforms for its members. There are 2 variants each for males and females. The other standard gear is a WAND which typically looks like a one-handed firearm (something ornate like a fancy flintlock pistol). There is a lot of liberty in what your magic can look like. It's Anime so be creative.
I'm looking to tell a story with a small group of players. This RP will be mostly plot-driven and I'm always open for story ideas from my players. I require that you commit to posting at least once per week and be able to communicate with me if you can't do so. Posting length is flexible but should at least meet the minimum requirements of the Casual section.

*** Format this CS to your preference ***
Name: (Japanese name)
Age: (16-18)
Date of Birth: (No year)
Height / Weight:
Appearance: (Anime pictures only.)
Profile: (Basically a combination of personality and biography. A general description of your character.)
Witch Rank: (Everyone should start at C.)
Uniform: (Select 1 variant. You can detail any changes to the uniform here as well.)
WAND: (What does your WAND look like? Picture or text description acceptable.)
Familiar: (Limit of 1 unless given permission otherwise. Include name, appearance, and any other relevant information.)
Equipment: (List of equipment your character carries on missions. Can include other Daemons.)
Curses: (Harm and bind)
Charms: (Protection, positive effects)
Crafts: (Creation, illusion, everything else)