North Carolina, one of the finest states in the Commonwealths of America. Making up the Southeast Commonwealth are North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. These three states would suffer less compared to the North East, when the bombs dropped on that fateful october day.
North Carolina would come to prosper the most, with the super mutants to the North only ranging down occasionally and a less bombed out state than their northern cousin. The Old North State began to prosper, of the five Vault-tec vaults within the state two of them would open to help grow the wasteland. The first vault to open was vault sixty-six, a vault filled with dwellers who had spent nearly a hundred years below ground. Sixty saw many skilled craftsmen and trading partner’s return to Carolina’s even bringing with them new goods. The second vault to open would come twenty years later, while not trading and settling the waste the like sixty-six vault thirty five contributed in it’s own way.
Vault thirty five would begin to trade with the outside mostly for food and supplies to maintain their vault. The laser weaponry that they would often trade in return or skills they would provide showed their value and earned them prefered trading status. With these two vaults providing food and weapons, the other towns began to prosper. Soon the formation of the Carolina marshal’s occured, these marshal’s start as a handful of bounty hunters. However with the signing the Carolina Trade Treaty, this treaty made the marshal’s recognized protectors of the townships who signed the treaty.
With this the townships and the marshal’s began a push back against their enemies, raiders, mutants, and more. Soon North Carolina prospered with raiders of any significant size forced out of the state, eventually this would allow for more trade to grow and expand further along the coast. As North Carolina grew, it took a vested interest in protecting itself from it’s southern sibling South Carolina who had become home to many of the raiders and criminals they had forced out.
North Carolina has existed as a trader taking it’s food and automotive expertise to other parts of the wasteland. The broken banks which they sailed out from grew in fame, while cut off to the south due to the large number of raiders. They would become while not a force in number or technology a true symbol of humanity’s chance to return to form.
Now in the year 2280 the world has changed even more, the purification of the Potomac river, the second defeat of the Enclave, and of course the Brotherhood of Steel’s growth under Elder Lyon’s, the younger. Sarah Lyon’s now leading the Brotherhood has begun to truly fulfill her father’s vision of a better wasteland. Sarah has much on her plate with the reconnecting the BoS Outcasts with the Lyon’s BoS, currently making peace with the Enclave’s Remnant, and of course delivering fresh clean water to the wasteland. Not mention all this while recruiting more wastelanders into the Brotherhood of Steel now that the fight with the Super Mutants is finished.
The Enclave however, has been forever changed as well. Colonel Autumn had set in motion the events before the purifier, having under the guise of a code name **Benedict Arnold** began to slip the Brotherhood messages. He warned of their return, soon the attack on the purifier came proving Benedict was right. Between the Brotherhood and Lone Wanderer, Autumn soon played his hand putting the Enclaves purist faction on the front line of the fighting. By the time they had lost Adam’s air force base the Purist’s faction had taken massive casualties in a war that they, by all rights, should have been winning.
Enclave then began to shift, becoming more Reformist. The Purist’s tried to forcefully regain control over the Enclave but the Purist’s were routed in the end. With this the Reformist began to officially speak to other groups and such with the full authority of the Enclave. While the Purist’s began a plot to destroy all who would defy them, if they could not rule America they would burn it.
As such most recently, the Brotherhood and Enclave have been alerted to Super Mutant production from Florida, which has led to large hordes being unleashed upon the rest of the wastes. The states south of North Carolina have already begun to flood with them and teeming masses looking to escape them. To secure the Enclave and BoS’s position on the East Coast a team has been formed to drive back this horde. Just as well, North Carolina’s townships have opened up bounties, summoned marshal’s, and brought in mercs from other regions to help protect this thriving region.
Only one thing to say at this point, the Land of Sky is going to be awfully crowded soon.