Greetings and thank you for stopping by.

I'm looking for partners willing to work with me and possibly take the lead in a story.
Please PM me if interested
When I say "take the lead in a story", I'm not completely dismissing myself from providing at least a reasonable amount of world building due the character(s) I'll be playing as, but of course I would prefer that whatever I bring to the project to supplement a plot and world largely of your own making; my level of involvement can of course be negotiated over, and I would advise that we do so prior to starting. Even depending on how we feel at the start or as the RP progresses, I may be incited/convinced to increase what I'm responsible for, to a point naturally. Please keep these things in mind when contacting me.
║Prerequisites and Expectations║
- Age Restriction
It certainly won't hurt your chances if you're 18 years or older. I generally keep things fairly mild, but not being restricted in what I can write is always a preference. If you are in fact a minor, then you should say as much when contacting me. - Pairing and Romance
My preference is MxF when it comes to anything involving romance, but I'm capable of playing either role and even multiple side characters.* Additionally, while I'm not opposed to romance coming into play in RPs where courtship isn't necessarily the focus, it should be implemented naturally into the story. - Maturity and Subject Matter
Violence, language and some suggestive themes are among what's permissible for the most part on a basic level, and can vary in drgree depending on setting and plot. But I personally won't push for overtly erotic material. If it ever comes down to it, "Fading to Black" is my first choice (especially keeping in mind the point below), but the matter is up for discussion if you feel so inclined. - Average Response Rate
I'm capable of writing at least around 2-3 paragraphs every week (Approx. 1K - 2K chars per post). Output may vary at times, but that's the benchmark you should feel comfortable falling back on. - Stance on Ghosting
Admitting disinterest or loss of circumstance to continue can be difficult at times, so I'm attempting a new practice wherein essentially after 28 days without a response from you, the RP will close indefinitely. A heads up well beforehand will be appreciated of course.
Thank you for coming this far.
This is an experimental arrangement that I've considered doing for a while now. I tended to be the sort that based their interest in an RP on the character concept they could potentially develop, so this can be seen as one potential application of that mindset. Below is a periodically (possibly) expanding selection of premade characters assigned under their respective genres among other pertinent information. If you're interested in playing with a certain character and willing to accommodate them, please message me with your choice along with at least a basic pitch concerning your setting and plot ideas. We will discuss from there.
Character Showcase
This is an experimental arrangement that I've considered doing for a while now. I tended to be the sort that based their interest in an RP on the character concept they could potentially develop, so this can be seen as one potential application of that mindset. Below is a periodically (possibly) expanding selection of premade characters assigned under their respective genres among other pertinent information. If you're interested in playing with a certain character and willing to accommodate them, please message me with your choice along with at least a basic pitch concerning your setting and plot ideas. We will discuss from there.
Selection #1 │Male│Independent OC│Status: Available│
Preferred RP Tags ▌ Anime/Manga ▬ Fantasy ▬ Medieval ▐
Selection #2 │Male│Fandom OC│Status: Available│
Preferred RP Tags ▌ Anime/Manga ▬ Fandom ▬ Slice of Life ▐
Selection #3 │Female│Independent OC│Status: Available│
Preferred RP Tags ▌ Anime/Manga ▬ Apocalyptic ▬ Post-Apocalyptic ▬ Sci-Fi ▬ Future ▐
Selection #4 │Female│Fandom Canon│Status: Available│
Preferred RP Tags ▌ Fandom ▬ Fantasy ▬ Sci-Fi ▬ Post-Apocalyptic ▐