Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Blade17
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Blake looks at Anya and sighed. He looks and said," You know I have your back no matter what right." He looks at both girls and sighed as he sat down and looks at the sky. Once she left and he looks at Hope and said," Why is she like that?" He was legit wondering. He knew she had a point to worry the captain hasn't returned.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Squirrel98
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Hope Hopkins

She chuckled at Blake's comment about Anya. "Well, I guess it's her way of saying that she likes our little family and doesn't want any one of us to get hurt." She looked at the guy and continued. "I understand the feeling, but I admire our captain so much that I simply can't imagine him getting hurt in any way." After she said those last words, she looked back at the sea. @Blade17
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@Squirrel98 @anyalex

The hooded figure still follows Marcus and wondered -Does he know the young assassin? I must know- he soon climbed the wall to get to the roof.

Blake sighed and said," Yea i get it, she's stubborn though." He looks at the sky and continued talking," Today was just not my day and besides Jack now the guards are looking for me too. Great. And shit i forgot to show Anya the map. I found a treasure map."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Squirrel98
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Hope Hopkins

She chuckled when Blake called Anya stubborn. She really was. She wasn't surprised to hear that the guards were looking for Blake too. It wasn't unusual for the crew members to get noticed by the guards. "Oh, I'm sure she would like to see it. It would take her mind of the captain for a bit." She said still looking at the sea. @Blade17
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Blake nodded and said," Well, im sure it will. Hey Hope have you ever well felt there something guiding us some where?" He looks.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Utrax
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Utrax 𝕰𝖝𝖙𝖗𝖊𝖒𝖊 𝕭𝖎𝖗𝖉

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Prince Tol Anzi-de Carragua

"--but, sir! The message is for the King--"
"BuT tHe mEsSaGe iS fOr tHe kInG-- Silence! I will accept the message," Prince Tol screeched mockingly, "You will give it to me!"
The guard Val sent swallowed hard, then told the Prince about the situation at the docks, and the prince reached up, then pulled the man off of his horse.

"I need this! I will sort out the situation myself. Move move move," he yelled, saddling up, and spurring the horse into motion all in one movement, leaving a very disgruntled guard in the palace courtyard. Of course, the guard knowing how "his prince" was, picked himself off, and made way toward the royal guards despite this-- he'd better inform the King before someone gets killed.

Of course, Prince Tol Anzi-de Carragua rode through the steets, on horseback, as fast as the beast could go, while screaming at the 'peasents' to, "MOOOOVE!" His presence and the fact he was headed to the docks spread very quickly.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by AnyAlex
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AnyAlex Cursed Insomniac

Member Seen 5 mos ago



Feeling someone's gaze on him, Marcus glanced around nervously but he was unable to find who was looking at him. He adjusted his cloak so it would cover more of his face but resolved to stay where he was. There was no doubt that the spriggan would soon be back and if he returned to give the order to leave the docks, then the navy wouldn't hesitate to immediately capture the crew, seeing that they clearly noticed its unusual design. For once he wished that instead of repairing the old ship every time something broke, they would get a new one that looked less out of place. Next time they visited a town, Marcus would certainly suggest doing so.

All he needed was a distraction long enough to at least inform the crew of the development. That way they could at least be prepared to fight or,if possible, bluff their way out. Clutching his weapon closer to his body, he observed the royal ships slowly depart from where they previously floated peacefully. The only positive thing about the whole ordeal was that none of the cannons seemed to be in use- they weren't planning on engaging with the crew just yet.


Jane didn't expect anyone else to be awake at this hour-but the prince's booming voice clearly proved her otherwise. She groaned internally- the queen was certainly going to be annoyed at breakfast. On the other hand, this meant that something would be done about the situation and the strange man. Feeling somewhat generous, she didn't intercept the guard delivering the message, after all, he was the one instructed to inform the King, meaning that he would be able to handle the encounter. Heading down into the servants' quarters, Jane decided to 'kindly' warn the cooks- she could always use a favour or two.

Head Guard Val


A young man approached Val, a short while after he sent out the guard with the message, informing him of who was coming instead. At once he felt himself growing more anxious. Of course on the one day when a level head was needed to deal with something as delicate as politics and law, Prince Tol would be the one in charge. He quietly prayed that the prince wouldn't do anything too harsh. Sending the man back to the village, he ordered his guards to spread out. Val didn't need any of his best guards getting injured for no reason. As he fiddled with the handle of his sword, the guard prepared himself to face Tol.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Utrax
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Utrax 𝕰𝖝𝖙𝖗𝖊𝖒𝖊 𝕭𝖎𝖗𝖉

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Prince Tol Anzi-de Carragua


The noise of rapidly approaching hooves preceded the arrival of the Prince at the docks. He lept from the back of the exhausted horse and walked away-- leaving the horse to do whatever it pleased, which was mostly to stand there panting. As Prince Tol walked, he was headed directly for Head Guard Val, as he shouted, "YOU'RE here?! Are you incapable of handling the situation then? Have we dropped our standards of hiring guards so sharply that the Family has to get involved?" He was still a few strides away and had yet to place his hand on his blade but, knowing his character? That was probably inevitable.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Blade17
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Member Seen 5 days ago

The fox followed Marcus now on the roof Parkouring everytime there's a gap. He knew that he would lead him to the ship. He thought to himself -i need to train the young assassin.-
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by AnyAlex
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AnyAlex Cursed Insomniac

Member Seen 5 mos ago


Marcus observed the new arrival, with a newfound interest. Clearly he was socially above the guard and wasn't afraid to take advantage of that. Hearing the mention of the 'family', the captain realised it had to be one of the royals (although the man's temper seemed to suggest otherwise). Having noticed that he was armed, Marcus focused his crossbow at him. Hotheaded people were usually the most dangerous in the short-term and it didn't hurt to be prepared for a confrontation.

Head Guard Val


Val shrunk under the prince's glare but proceeded to explain the lack of involvement:'' We're just following our training your majesty. We are not permitted to act against an unknown ship without the King's orders sir as a way to prevent an unnecessary war''. He would never get used to the prince's outbursts despite having worked in the castle for decades. Anxiously, he glanced at Tol's sheathed sword- there was no doubt that it would eventually be taken out. He could only hope that the King or Queen would intervene soon.


Watching the younger crew members do the laundry, Anya busied herself with sewing up some of the crew's bags. She had hoped that it would take her mind of the captain but after pricking her hands multiple times she realised that it was all in vain. Taking a deep breath, she grabbed the bottle of alcohol to get rid of the stains that the water didn't seem to work on. She was willing to wait for an hour before investigating the whereabouts of the captain and with luck, the crew wouldn't notice her sneaking off.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Utrax
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Utrax 𝕰𝖝𝖙𝖗𝖊𝖒𝖊 𝕭𝖎𝖗𝖉

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Prince Tol Anzi-de Carragua


"AND? What are they suspected of? What crimes have these foreign invaders," an edge of excitement was in his voice as he said those two words, "Committed against our glorious kingdom?" Dramatically he turned to face the boat, "What ne'er do wells have disembarked this vessel? Tell me. I will handle it on behalf of his majesty, the King. What actions do you reccomend to handle these villains?"

Queen Celestius

Meanwhile, a Royal Guard stood outside the King's bed chamber, relaying the message that had come from the messager of the docks. "This is rather inopportune timing, as the King is in his... recharge cycle," said a groggy but alert Queen. A sigh escaped her as she beckoned the guard forward.

"Yes. And ah. Your Majesty. Uhm," hesitated the guard.
She strode to a table, flicked her fingers, and a lantern illuminated it. As she gathered some parchment and her quill pen, she told the guard, "What is it? Dont be shy, now."
"Your ah. Son," the guard swallowed nervously.
She began hastily writing, "What about him?"
"He's gone to the docks."
"Ah. I see," she yawned, "Also. I suppose he neglected to inform anyone, but his Majesty did send out a missive for... assistance."

As the Queen finished writing, the guard watched her drip wax onto this quickly folded parchment, stamp the royal Crest into the wax, and the guard felt quite surprised at how well she was handling the news of the Prince handling the... oh. Had she assumed it was her other son?

"Take this to the docks. You. It is an order. The captain will be brought before his Majesty for questioning," said the Queen as she passed her guard the paper, "Anything else? Are you feeling well? You appear to be sweating. Suddenly."
"Simply ah. Running a fever, your Highness, I will deliver it promptly," replied the guard with a salute. As the guard practically ran out of the room, the Queen stared at the door wearily as it closed.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by AnyAlex
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AnyAlex Cursed Insomniac

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Head Guard Val


' 'So far, one of the presumed crew members that I had the pleasure of conversing with, used a smoke bomb to avoid questioning. As you know the law forbids the use of those without a permit'' explained Val, somewhat surprised at the prince's sudden change in demeanour, '' One of the lady's maids, not sure of which lady's though, informed us of another member who she described as suspicious ''. At least if push came to shove, he could lay the blame on Jane. He pondered Tol's question- he was planning on discussing what to do with the King but that wasn't going to happen anytime soon. There was nothing else he could do but inform the prince of what happened so far: '' I had the spymaster send out the navy to surround the nearby area to stop the ship from leaving. Usually, in cases like this, the King or Queen would enter the ship with a group of guards to figure out what the crew of a foreign ship was up to and whet ever or not they should be apprehended. Seeing that neither had arrived, I suppose you would have to handle that responsibility.''
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Utrax
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Utrax 𝕰𝖝𝖙𝖗𝖊𝖒𝖊 𝕭𝖎𝖗𝖉

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Prince Tol Anzi-de Carragua


"Royal Sleep is being taken! Don't you see what hour it is," replied the Prince with a gesture at the sky. "And I have successfully prevented you FOOLS from awakening either of them with your asinine foreign ships--" he seemed to be growing suddenly more irritated as he spoke "--when I or my SIBLINGS are more than capable of HANDLING such a thing! ME! I CAN HANDLE IT!" Prince Tol was shaking now, in the way he tended to do before further screaming. "Come--COME COME! Bring the guards! We are going to INVESTIGATE," he yelled, hand on his blade, "And dispatch whatever VILLAINS may LURK!"

Meanwhile... a horse was approaching from the castle but it was still a ways away.
And a Queen was about to send for a servant.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Blade17
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Member Seen 5 days ago

Blake relaxed on the the ship and sighed as he looks around. He thought i think he felt uneasy. He sighed and stood up and went to anya. He went to the lower decks and found Anya with the cabin boys. He watched and smiles and then looks at Anya and sighed.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by AnyAlex
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AnyAlex Cursed Insomniac

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Head Guard Val


Val had to stop himself from rolling his eyes. Over half of the royal guard was awake, trying to sort out the situation and the prince was acting like a little child. He was right about one thing though- his siblings would be able to handle this. Nonetheless, an order was an order and he was in no position to refuse royalty. Tiredly he beaconed the rest of the guards to follow him.

''Lead the way, your highness.''



''You know, if you're planning on coming here you could at least help the boys out'' said Anya without glancing up from the cloth she was busy drowning in alcohol. Blake's arrival complicated her plan to look for Marcus. He was too obedient and would try to stop her, unlike the cabin boys who would probably let her go to spite the captain. She rubbed her temple in annoyance. It seemed she like she would have to come up with a second plan.


There was no way Marcus could interfere without bringing any attention to himself. He would be outnumbered by the guards, but he would never forgive himself if they got captured. Mind made up, he emerged from his hiding place. If Marcus could hold the guards off until sunrise, the crew could be able to find a way to getaway. Pretending not to notice neither the guard nor prince, he walked nonchalantly past with his crossbow clearly visible in his hand.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Blade17
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Blake chuckled and said," Im here for you actually. I figured you weren't going to stay here and wait for captain Marcus, so let's go now together before dawn shows we can use the dark to out advantage. Anya i told you I'm not going to stop you. And never will, you always been a stubborn girl. Something i admire and like about you. So if i can't stop you might as well stand beside you." He looks at her with a small grin. As if he accomplished something.
Javier now watching the man walk in front of the guard and prince and said to himself," You fool." He sighed, but figured he needed to help. With a switch movement he pulled out his own crossbow really to shoot. The assassin knew once his cover is blown he has to get out of there.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Utrax
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Utrax 𝕰𝖝𝖙𝖗𝖊𝖒𝖊 𝕭𝖎𝖗𝖉

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Prince Tol Anzi-de Carragua


Once the Guard began to follow, Prince Tol began to make his way toward the ship... but there was something odd about the fellow, emerging from the shadows, non-chalantly walking by. Of course the Prince noticed the crossbow in Marcus' hand. Tilting his head from side to side he seemed to contemplate just what it meant as he came to a halt. Turning sharply, he pointed toward Marcus and shouted, "You! Citizen! Do you not know the procedure of reciting the royal greeting of the week when passing ROYALTY?! Recite the greeting, now! Right now!"

Which was impossible as there was no such thing. He knew, the Head Guard probably knew, but would a foreigner and/or a suspicious tradesman walking with a crossbow, know? Prince Tol was nearly giddy with the cleverness of his little trap.

Hoofbeats grew in volume as a horse, bearing the royal colors, came galloping up to the docks. The Royal Guard seemed rather confused as to what was going on or who to talk to-- had they not noticed the Prince yet?
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by AnyAlex
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AnyAlex Cursed Insomniac

Member Seen 5 mos ago



Marcus felt annoyance rise within him. Those bloody royals and their strange customs. Still, he seemed to think that Marcus was a citizen. For once, he would be able to use his back-up plan. Shrugging his shoulders, he answered with a fake British accent:'' Not from around 'ere I'm afraid. Apologies for any inconvenience''. Technically it wasn't a lie and he fought off the urge to smirk at the prince. He carefully swung out his crossbow pointing at a random ship, on the opposite side of the docks:'' I ought to be departing now, my daughters and wife are waiting back home. It's my first time trading alone''

Head Guard Val


Val was impressed. To come up with such a tactic to unveil a stranger would take some wit and creativity, which he didn't expect the prince to have. He observed the blonde, sceptic of his story but did not interject, waiting for Tol's reaction. While he waited he heard the hoofbeats of a horse. Noticing the newcomer, he excused himself with a bow and approached the confused guard:

'' Do you come bearing a message from the castle? I must be honest, I've been awaiting an explanation since the prince arrived''



''I didn't lie before you know? I won't be able to carry both you and Marcus back if the ship departs'' said Anya with a sigh. Blake's words were without a doubt flattering but her stubbornness had limits. She wasn't going to force any of the crew members to participate in her schemes if they were against them in the first place. Additionally, Anya didn't want anyone else to be punished for disobedience- it was her idea to look for Marcus so she should be the only one to suffer the consequences. Handing the now-clean cloth to one of the boys she lied with a smile, each word oozing with fake confidence:'' Besides my concerns were trivial- Marcus is an adult and can handle himself. He will be back before we know it''
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Blade17
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Member Seen 5 days ago

Blake looks at her,"and what if we make it bsck before dawn and before the shit departs? You know anya i was also trained to detect lies right. Look lets go now before sunrise.." He looks at her as he turned and began to walk ," I'll go with or without you Anya." he looks at her.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Utrax
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Utrax 𝕰𝖝𝖙𝖗𝖊𝖒𝖊 𝕭𝖎𝖗𝖉

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Indeed I do," replied the Royal Guard, dismounting the horse slowly. They raised their brows at the sight of Prince Tol in the distance, letting out a sigh of relief as they looked over the immediate area, with a, "He hasn't. Uh. Harmed anyone yet? I take it?" Shaking their head, the guard handed over the parchment. "I believe it may be of interest to you, good sir, as the Queen herself said foreigners were expected. Due to the late hour, it can be assumed she is readying herself as well as the King for audience with. Ah. Whoever this is-- if I'm to be honest, I'm uncertain this is the correct ship, but she has her ways of determine that. Undoubtedly detailed in here?" Shrugging, the guard then moved toward the Prince, calling out, "Prince Tol! I believe Her Highness requires your presence back at the castle." This wasn't exactly a lie but it definitely wasn't truth. Clearly this guard was trying to prevent a... situation.

Within the letter handed to Head Guard Val, there were very specific instructions to read aloud to the crew-- in the case that any of them were illiterate-- that would act as a deescalation of sorts. It would help reassure them that they were welcome, that the King had expected them, that they were to be treated as honorable guests, and that they needed to be escorted to the castle immediately. Signed at the bottom was the Queen's signature, alongside mention of a reward for escorting them to the castle.

Prince Tol Anzi-de Carragua


While Prince Tol has made a clever plan, the fact that he was gullible pretty much made that plan worthless. He completely believed Marcus' accent as well as his story. "Ah, very well then, carry on my good man," replied the Prince. Just as he turned to continue down the docks, he noticed Head Guard Val's absence, then found himself turning around again. Was he talking to a Royal Guard? Where had that guy come from? Shaking very subtly, Prince Tol stared at the two, just as the Royal Guard called out to him.

A whine-- like the noise of a hot teapot-- escaped Prince Tol before he yelled back, "For what?! I am about to handle a situation here!" He was very much whining at this point, "How do they expect me to go there when I have to handle things here? Look, man, look at this ship! I have to handle this! His Majesty will be most impressed with my handling of this-- even HER HIGHNESS," he said the words with a hiss, "Will be impressed with my ability to handle this!" Prince Tol shook-- no. No. He was not going back, not now, when he was so close to doing something diplomatic and useful. Abruptly and without warning, he turned and began sprinting toward the foreign vessel down the dock. They never trusted him to do anything-- he was second for the throne! Second. Which meant that he had to at least prove he could handle diplomatic issues. Whenever he had the chance, they never let him, and he was not about to miss out on this one, just because they wanted him at the castle for something silly.

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