Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by savannahssu
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Fernstar: WillowClan Camp

Fernstar awoke and shook the cold out of her fur before jumping down to the forest floor only to be shocked once again by the sharp cold of snow on her pads. This leaf bare was the harshest she had seen in many moons and it was difficult to keep warm, even inside her den sheltered from the wind. If only StarClan had blessed me with a thicker coat. . . As she padded towards the dead tree stump in the middle of camp, she took in the quiet of the forest; it was barely dawn and not even the birds had woken from their nests yet. The hunting patrols would need to be strong this morning, as the fresh kill pile was looking pitiful; a stale mouse and a single starling laid inside the hollowed log that protected the pile from the elements. They would need at least 10 more pieces of prey in order for everyone's bellies to be filled. After the hunting patrol was sent out, she would stay around camp looking for more undergrowth to pad the den walls. Maybe one of the apprentices could help her.

Fernstar leaped onto the stump. "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather around for a Clan meeting!" The warrior's den rustled as Duskwing, Stormheart, Spidernose and Sunfur emerged into the clearing. The apprentice's den rattled as Hawkpaw exploded through the fronds, eyes bright and eager as always; Cinderpaw following more cautiously after. When there were enough cats in the clearing, she began speaking. "Good morning everyone. I would like 4 cats to go on a hunting patrol this morning; Duskwing, take Moosepaw of course, as well as Spidernose and Sunfur. Bring back as much as you can, make two trips if you have to. Stormheart, take Hawkpaw and Brambletail to mark the borders. I will remain close to the camp with Silverpaw and Cinderpaw to find more padding for the dens." The patrols disbanded and Fernstar padded towards the medicine cat den to speak with Blackpelt about his herb store. The cold leafbare could bring illness such as greencough or whitecough, so the Clan would need a well stocked herb store. Fernstar grabbed the starling from the fresh kill pile and headed into the medicine cat den, intending to share the prey with Blackpelt.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by PrankFox
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PrankFox Disaster Master

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Duskwing gave a sharp nod of acknowledgement to Fernstar glancing quickly around the camp to make note of the other cats that would be joining in her patrol; noticing that her own apprentice was not among the group. Pushing herself to her paws, she trotted quickly over to the apprentice den and sticking her head through the fronds she could see the larger form of Moosepaw still curled in the moss, his thick tail curled over his nose. "Moosepaw! We're heading out on hunting patrol with Spidernose and Sunfur. This'll be a good time to see if that stealth training has paid off."
After staying a moment to make sure the apprentice was stirring Duskwing stepped back out of the den and turned to find the other two members of her patrol. Padding up to them, she dipped her head in greeting, "It's cold this morning, hopefully all of the prey hasn't decided to stay in their dens." She shivered slightly as her feet sunk into the snow that covered the ground and a chilly wind blew through her russet pelt.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by PrankFox
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PrankFox Disaster Master

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Stormheart dipped his head towards Fernstar some surprise rippling through him at the prospect of leading the patrol around the borders, rather than just being a part of it. Ok, no need to be nervous, just a standard border patrol, no problem. The frigid air of leafbare pulled at his thick coat and he briefly glanced towards the sky, attempting to ascertain the prospect of another snowfall. He glanced around camp noticing both the ever rambunctious Hawkpaw practically bouncing with excitement and grinned slightly. Padding towards the entrance to camp he met up with Brambletail and gave the stern faced deputy a respectful nod. "Anything unusual seen around the camp that we should be on the lookout for?", he questioned towards Brambletail as they prepared to leave camp.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by TykerS97
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Moosepaw: WillowClan Camp

Moosepaw rose groggily at the sound of Duskwing's call to action. Standing on all fours he blinked the sleepiness out of his eyes and muttered to himself. "Is it already time to go on a hunt? I feel like I just fell asleep." Moosepaw glanced around the rest of the apprentice's den and noticed that Cinderpaw and Hawkpaw had already left. How did I miss the morning call? I must've been out like a light. I wish I had the boundless energy Hawkpaw has. She can go on and on. Finally blinking the sleep out of his eye's Moosepaw finally exited the Apprentices Den out into the cold morning air. Thank StarClan that I was blessed with a thick coat, it's freezing out here

Glancing around the rest of the camp Moosepaw noticed his mentor Duskwing sitting with Spidernose and Sunfur. He lumbered his way over to the rest of the group and sat next to his mentor stoically... or at least as stoically as he could sitting on snow. "Hopefully we can catch something good today, I'm worried about the fresh kill pile being as empty as it is." Although Moosepaw has a stoic look on his face he was worried about his stealth training. I wish I wasn't as big as I was. It really makes it hard to be quiet when I'm hunting prey. The last thing I want to do is not catch anything.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by PrankFox
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PrankFox Disaster Master

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Duskwing glanced over as Moosepaw made his way over and sat down next to her, giving a nod at his concern, and noticing the slightly apprehensive look on the younger cats' face gave his flank a slight flick with her tail. Giving him a slight smile of encouragement, "this has been a harsher leafbare than usual, hopefully it won't drag on." Standing up and shaking the numbness out of her paws she began heading towards the entrance to camp, giving a nod to the border patrol that stood nearby preparing to leave as well. Starclan watch over us...as she passed through the entrance into the snow covered forest, glancing around deciding where the best place to hunt would be.

Looking to the shadows cast on the ground by the barren trees, and taking a moment to decide; ultimately hunting under the still canopy of the pine trees would likely provide them with the best chance to catch prey sheltering from the snow under the roots or in the ever present pine needles. Duskwing glanced towards Moosepaw "where do you think the prey would be hiding this time of day?" Hoping to give her apprentice the opportunity to collect his thoughts and prepare for a difficult hunt, while also having her own strategy in mind, if he needed a bit of a hint, would be a good way to get into the proper mindset. His size makes it more difficult for him to walk softly, but hopefully the training we've done will give him a bit of an edge

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by TykerS97
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Moosepaw: Hunting Patrol

Moosepaw glanced around at the canopy of thick tree's and the snow covered ground outside of camp. Then turning back to Duskwing he responded "Well that really depends on what we can find. Birds and squirrels are more likely to be in the tree's then on top of the cold snow right now. If we're looking for things like snakes, mice, and rats... then more then likely they're going to be on the ground in bushes keeping warm until they need to go foraging." Moosepaw shook his fur outward trying to shake the cold from his body. "In this cold, I would rather keep moving to keep the cold at bay so perhaps getting up into the tree canopy to see what we can find up there would be the best option... it would also let me practice being quiet."

Moving across the snow covered ground was causing Moosepaw's feet to go numb, he was trying his best to keep quiet about it and focus on the hunt but it was annoying him enough to brake through the normal stoic persona he took while outside of camp. I really hope we can get off the snow soon and into a tree, this snow is making my feet go numb... I also really hope I gave a good enough answer. Moosepaw used his nose to try and smell around for prey and caught wind of what smelled like a mouse in a nearby bush. "I think I smelled a mouse in that bush over there, do you smell it too?"
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by savannahssu
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sunfur: WillowClan Camp

Sunfur watched in amusement as Moosepaw shivered like a kit trudging through the snow towards the rest of the hunting patrol. You would think with all that fur he wouldn't feel the cold at all. And if he has this much fur NOW think how much fur he'll have when he's fully grown. Maybe he could spare some to pad the warriors den! He chuckled to himself at the thought. Although Moosepaw was clumsy as well as a little lazy, Sunfur had high hopes for him as a warrior. His large and heavy frame would make him almost unstoppable in battle and his fur was so thick it would be hard for enemies to even reach his flesh in a fight. Following the rest of the patrol out of camp, he walked gingerly behind Duskwing listening for prey in the undergrowth. He halted suddenly as he scented something a few tail lengths to his right. Immediately dropping into a hunter's crouch, he could see it was a groundhog. It was sniffing the air around it's den cautiously only coming out a few inches at a time. Sunfur waited until it turned it's back and exploded off his hindquarters landing squarely on the groundhog biting it's neck killing it quickly. Thank you StarClan for this prey

Burying his catch, he could hear Duskwing and Moosepaw talking in the distance and trotted to catch up with them. "I caught a groundhog back there, not too far from camp." He gestured with his tail towards the patch of undergrowth where it was buried then sat down a few tail lengths away from Duskwing while she quizzed her apprentice. He was almost glad when he asked to join the Clan that Fernstar hadn't made him complete an apprenticeship; it seemed hard and demanding. But he understood the purpose; what good is a warrior if they don't know the Warrior Code or the best fighting moves? He had picked things up quickly enough from when Fernstar taught him and Maplestream back when the Clan was formed. In a way, even though he never completed an apprenticeship, he did feel special that he was one of the first cats in WillowClan. Breaking out of his internal thoughts, he let the rest of the patrol know he was going to go scouting for prey nearby and he would bring back anything else he managed to catch. Feeling determined, Sunfur padded through the snow towards a stream, hoping some small animals would be looking for water.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by sassy1085
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sassy1085 The Queen of Sassy

Member Seen 23 days ago

Hawkpaw and Cinderpaw : WillowClan Camp

Hawkpaw open up her eyes when the sun was shining on her face, she look around in her den to see all the apprentices, including her sister, Cinderpaw, sleeping. Hawkpaw then let out a tiny gasp when she see Fernstar coming out of her den and crouch down as her tail wiggle from excitement, when Fernstar call for clan meeting, Hawkpaw happliy jump up in the air, finally some action! "Everyone! Wake up! It a clan meeting!" Hawkpaw call out to the sleepy apprentices, including her sister. Cinderpaw jump a little bit when she hear her sister shout and then tiredly look at her "Huh?...Oh, did Fernstar call for a clan meeting?" "Yes! Come on, let go! Try to wake up Silverpaw!" Hawkpaw try to push her sister out of her moss and walk towards Silverpaw "Um, Silverpaw? It's time to get up, Fernstar is calling for a clan meeting" Cinderpaw gently say to Silverpaw and also gently moving with her paw, unlike Hawkpaw however, she is already out of the den, she didn't even try waking up Moosepaw, Cinderpaw sighs, typical Hawkpaw, always want to be first

Hawkpaw didn't care if the snow is making her paws cold, leaf bare is not holding this apprentice down! After rushing over toward the stump with Cinderpaw and the other apprentices behind her, Hawkpaw impatiently can't wait for the meeting and was overall excited about doing mark borders duty with Stormheart and the deputy, Brambletail! Cinderpaw however, was kinda disappointed to stay at camp for padding duty, she was hoping for hunting patrol with her sister and kinda hoping with the deputy. Hawkpaw spot the disappointed look on Cinderpaw face, "Boop" Hawkpaw then boop her sister nose with her paw, the two sister chuckle with each other, lighting Cinderpaw mood up with her silly sister "I hope you have fun with your mark borders duty with Stormheart and Brambletail, Hawkpaw." Cinderpaw say to her sister "I will! I bet they are going to teach some new fighting techniques!" Hawkpaw say proudly and then smirk at her silver sister "...And I hope have fun with your..." Hawkpaw move her head toward Cinderpaw and whisper something to her ear that make Cinderpaw turn red "...Mate." "UGH! Hawkpaw, shut up!" Cinderpaw yell as she push her sister into the snow and then Hawkpaw rush toward the camp entrance, laughing all the way there.

Hawkpaw: WillowClan Camp Entrance

"Good morning Stormheart! Good morning Brambletail!" Hawkpaw excitedly say to the two warriors at the camp entrance "I'm ready to mark some borders!"
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by savannahssu
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Maplestream: WillowClan Camp

Waking with a start Maplestream flashed her gaze from one corner of the warrior's den to the other, startled awake by a bad dream. Trying to calm her breathing, she shifted positions in her nest drowsily. Through her half opened eyes, she saw that she was the only warrior still in the den and stood up suddenly. The sun was up, which means she was late, for everything. She wandered out into the center of camp, trying to hide her embarrassment and looked around for her Clanmates. The camp was mostly empty, suggesting Fernstar had already sent cats out on hunting and border patrols. Looking up towards Fernstar's den, she wasn't there either. Considering the medicine cat's den was the only place she hadn't looked, she padded in that direction. Casting a glance towards the fresh kill pile on her way by the hollowed log, she was surprised to find only a stale mouse. Wow, prey IS really hard to come by isn't it? I pray to StarClan the hunting patrol comes back with enough to feed everyone. Maybe I should go out to help them? She decided that Fernstar probably wouldn't want her disappearing from camp without mentioning where she was going. She nosed her way into the medicine cat's den and found Fernstar sharing a piece of prey with Blackpelt.

Upon her entry, Fernstar looked at her with a mixture of amusement and disappointment. "You slept through the morning patrol assignments." She took another bite out of the starling and looked at her paws for a moment. "Just because I'm your best friend doesn't mean you can disobey my orders. I'm still the Clan leader." Feelings of embarrassment and guilt shot through her pelt. She never wanted Fernstar to think she was taking advantage of her. Dipping her head with respect she said quietly, "I'm sorry Fernstar, I didn't mean to disobey. Lately I haven't been sleeping well but last night I was finally able to fall asleep and stay asleep. I guess I needed the sleep and my body just couldn't wake up. I could go help the hunting patrol if you like? Help you pad dens?" Sitting with her tail wrapped around her paws, she shivered at the cold. Even in the shelter of the medicine cat den she could still feel the heavy weight of the cold in her pelt. She hoped this leafbare would end soon. Pulling her attention back, Fernstar spoke. "Actually yes you can stay behind and help Silverpaw, Cinderpaw and I pad the dens. We need to find more undergrowth to replace the old layer and the more help we have, the faster it will get done." Shooting Maplestream an affectionate glance, she ended her statement with "I appreciate your help." Maplestream nodded her head and purred softly to herself as she turned and headed towards the warrior's den to start tearing the old undergrowth away. Her heart warmed with affection towards her friend, and she forgot about the cold for a brief heartbeat.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Brambletail: WillowClan Camp

Brambletail suddenly, with hardly a glimmer of lethargy, such that it was hard to tell if he had been sleeping at all. He delicately stepped down to clearing, his white paws daintily stepping between patches of snow for better footing and comfort. His amber eyes glimmered in the sunlight as they made sure everything was as it should be. Maplestream wasn't here. Hopefully nothing bad had happened to them, it would be bad if something had snuck into the camp. The smell and lack of prints made that seem unlikely, but not impossible. Even if they had, they'd be long gone by now, though he might take a look around later just in case. The tiny kill pile made Brambletail twitch his nose, it was a bit disappointing, but conditions were quite bad. Upon hearing what Fernstar wanted he carefully went to the edge of the small camp, resting his haunches a snow free patch of sunlight.

Moments later Stormheart and Hawkpaw arrived, the former with a demeanor that attempted to match his own and the latter bounding with reckless energy. "Nothing of note, but that's no reason to relax." Brambletail said, his tone guiding but not quite authoritative. Hawkpaw's enthusiastic greeting was merely met with a brief nod. "Lead the way." Brambletail hadn't really understand the need for marking territory initially, but it seemed it had its uses in a Clan so he went along with it. Brambletail could manage something like this fine, but Fernstar had the right idea making Stormheart lead, that cat just needed more confidence. As opposed to Hawkpaw, who could probably use less. Ah well, this was the point of a Clan wasn't it?
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by PrankFox
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PrankFox Disaster Master

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Duskwing gave a purr of approval at his answer,He's been paying attention then, that's good. She noticed, with some amusement, the stoic mask he had slipping slightly into annoyance at the cold that continued to nip at them. At Moosepaw's mention of a mouse she raised her head and scented the air; picking up on a few scents, she did indeed smell mouse nearby, likely nesting under the roots or bushes of the nearby trees. "I smell it. Go ahead and try to catch it." She sat and curled her tail around her paws in an attempt to preserve what little heat she had and stop her paws from going completely numb; watching Moosepaw with a critical eye to see what else they might need to work on. His form is good and his paw steps are careful...she nodded to herself, pleased with how his training was coming along.

Keeping one eye on her apprentice, Duskwing looked towards where Sunfur had approached "Thank Starclan for that, a groundhog will go a long way to helping keep everyone fed," glancing back towards where Moosepaw stalked towards the bushes "With all of us we should be able to catch enough for the camp." Glancing upwards towards the gray leafbare sky she sighed quietly, feeling even more grateful that she had other cats to help hunt rather than having to try and survive on her own. After watching Sunfur pad away towards the stream she turned her full attention back to her apprentice, scenting the air herself for any other prey that may be nearby.

Stormheart gave a nod "That's encouraging to hear, the last thing we need in leafbare is a fox or something getting curious around our borders." He shook himself slightly, both in an attempt to ward of the cold that was starting to creep under his thick pelt, and to cover his slightly nervous demeanor. As Hawkpaw bounded up, Stormheart smiled fondly at the tabby apprentice, "Good morning Hawkpaw, as ready as ever to get out on patrol I see," almost getting dizzy watching her bounce around the entrance. Glancing briefly towards Brambletail he stepped out of the clearing into the forest, noticing the paw prints of the hunting patrol that set out shortly before they did, hopefully they get lucky with the prey, we certainly need it.

Stormheart glanced around quickly, pricking his ears for the sounds of anything out of order. He could hear the soft voices of some of his other clanmates in little ways in the distance, but not much else of note. "We can head to the stream and follow it up to the edge of the territory before looping back around on the other side back to camp." moving in direction he became even more thankful for his thicker pelt as the wind blew through the trees occasionally knocking snow onto the ground as the patrol slipped by. "Even if we aren't on hunting patrol it couldn't hurt for us to keep an eye out for prey, right?" he glanced back towards Brambletail for confirmation, who had quite a bit more experience than he did in these types of things.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by TykerS97
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Moosepaw: Hunting Patrol

Moosepaw crouched low into a hunter's stance and tried his best to quietly approach the nearby bush, his stocky frame making it a bit more difficult. I really hope I'm being quiet enough, we need all the prey we can get. As he approached the bush where he could smell the mouse hiding he started to feel the snow move beneath his paws. Okay, now I can either wait for the mouse to come out of the bush to go foraging or I can go into this bush and try to make it flee outright and use that opportunity to catch it. It would probably be best to catch it as quickly as I can so we can move on. Silently weighing his options he decided it would be best to try and scare the mouse out of hiding.

With all the grace Moosepaw could muster he approached the bush as quietly as he could. Once close enough he took another sniff with his nose and smelt the mouse more strongly. Taking a moment to compose himself he used his stocky frame to rattle the bush while observing the perimeter of it, seeing the mouse he had smelt earlier come charging out of the it. Now's my chance! with a bit of a leap he swung his paw at the mouse barely managing to snag it by the tail. Pulling it in he bit into it's neck severing its spine. Thank StarClan for this catch. Looking back at his mentor Duskwing he asked in an excited voice "Did I do well? I tried to be as quiet as I could"
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by The Elvenqueen
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The Elvenqueen An Elven Jedi

Member Seen 3 days ago

Hunting Patrol with: Duskwing, Moosepaw, Sunfur


The slender she=cat stretched as she was called to join Duskwing's hunting patrol, moving quietly along to join them. As Duskwing took the lead and led them out into the territory, Spidernose couldn't help but shiver a little under the cold breeze, and chuckle slightly under her breath. Oh, you're cold, Moosepaw? Think how those of us with thinner fur must feel! she thought to herself in amusement, though she didn't want to upset the apprentice by saying it out loud. Her dark ears came forward at Sunfur's suggestion about the groundhog and, very carefully, she picked her way across the snow, trying to ignore the uncomfortably cold feeling of it between her toes, to stand beside him, remaining still and quiet so as not to disturb Moosepaw's attempt at hunting the mouse. "Nice catch, Moosepaw!" Spidernose purred. Sure, his co-ordination could use some work, but with the big and bulky build that he had, she wasn't surprised he was having some problems with that.

A thought occurred to her, then, and she turned to look across at Duskwing and voice it to see what the patrol leader thought of it. "Perhaps we should split off? Not go too far away of course, but say two of us go in one direction, and the other two in another." she suggested thoughtfully. "We'd be able to cover some more ground and maybe catch more prey that way. Or perhaps we should see if we can get another groundhog? That'd feed quite a few cats..."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Shadow Dragon
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Shadow Dragon Lord Of Shadows

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Blackpelt: Willowclan Camp (Medicine Den)

Medicine Den


The tired black tom wakes up, and yawns, stretching, and arches his back. He looks around the den he found, with many convenient nooks and crannies to store the herbs and berries he's been experimenting with. He sniffs around, then wanders out of his den to look for some prey, and more of those interesting herds he found. He licks his lips, and shivers slightly, the nip in the air cutting through his thin coat. We'll have a bad Leafbare if this cold keeps up. He shivers. Why would Starclan send such a harsh Leafbare? Did we do something wrong? He looks up when Fernstar pads into his den. He dips his head softly in respect to his leader. He purrs when he sees the starling. "Good morning Fernstar. How're the new apprentices doing?" He very gently licks her between the ears, and settles down onto the floor. "I'm still experimenting with Chamomile. It seems to give the others heart, or happiness at the very least. I'm unsure of any side effects however." He yawns, and nibbles at the prey, purring gently.

"I've...found something. Something strange. I found a glowing pool, filled with stars. I drank some, and fell into a deep sleep. It was like my mind had been pulled from my body, like a dream, but so much more. It was filled with cats. Cats made of stars, like they crawled off the sky and settled down in front of me. They told me to....to bring you to them, on the next full moon, but they wouldn't say why. They felt....good. Kind and loving. I don't know what it means, but they appeared in my dreams last night, and reminded me that they asked me to take you to them." He sounds very conflicted. "I...I think it was Starclan. I can't think of any other description for them. They looked like the stars themselves were trapped in their pelts."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by savannahssu
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Fernstar: WillowClan Camp:

Fernstar's attention was ripped away from her prey and her eyes widened in surprise as she gazed at the medicine cat. She had always wondered whether the beautiful cats with the stars in their pelts were real or just stories told by elders. Were these the cats of StarClan? Her mind raced for a few heartbeats at the thought of StarClan cats appearing to Blackpelt. This meant that WillowClan was being recognized as a proper and honorable Clan, following the Warrior Code and honoring their ancestors. Suddenly, a wave of heavy responsibility came over her; this also meant something of vital importance to Fernstar. If the cats of StarClan want to speak with ME, this must mean. . . my nine lives ceremony! The thought of having her official nine lives ceremony in the presence of legendary cats such as Firestar, Bluestar, Yellowfang and Cinderheart, made her stomach lurch with nervousness as well as excitement. What a privilege to be granted as leader! Snapping out of her thoughts, she realized that Blackpelt was staring at her with a look of slight concern. "Hawkpaw is as enthusiastic as ever!" she said with a mrrow of laughter. "Cinderpaw is out marking borders with Stormheart and Brambletail and Moosepaw is on a hunting patrol with Duskwing, Sunfur and Spidernose. Although, I haven't seen Silverpaw at all today. I need help repadding the dens today; the night wind would make any cat chill to their bones. I hope he's safe wherever he wandered off to."

Pushing the last bite of the starling closer to Blackpelt, she flicked her tail in thought before asking, "Do you remember what these cats looked like? How many of them were there? Did you recognize any of them?" She realized she was asking a lot of questions, but they were important nonetheless. She then realized that if the cats of StarClan wanted to speak with her, it meant that she would be making the journey to the Moonpool, wherever it was, with Blackpelt leading the way. Preparations would need to be made and Brambletail would need to take charge over sending patrols and camp duties. She was confident he would be capable of those things. Brambletail was strong and intelligent cat and he had never let her down before. Fernstar sat with her tail wrapped around her paws adn waited eagerly for the medicine cat's response.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by PrankFox
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PrankFox Disaster Master

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Duskwing gave a warm purr of approval at Moosepaw's catch, "Well done, I can tell you've been working hard." She padded over and flicked his flank with her tail, "Just remember to keep your weight evenly distributed on all four paws," she crouched down smoothly into a hunter's stance to show him where exactly to position his paws under him before creeping forward slowly across the snow, each step carefully placed to minimize any kind of noise. As she did she heard the sound of small, scuffling paws under the roots of a tree a couple tail lengths away. Her ears pricked forward, she gave a glance towards Moosepaw, nodding in the direction of the tree, before slipping around downwind to make sure it wasn't startled by her scent. Noticing a young squirrel digging under the roots, she slowed slightly before, in a swift bound forward, she caught the squirrel between her claws and snuffed it's life quickly. Thank Starclan for small mercies

Making her way back towards Moosepaw, she dropped the squirrel and scraped snow over it to collect later, glancing across towards Spidernose at her suggestion and giving a nod. "Good idea, Sunfur mentioned going towards the stream, you can meet up with him there and see what you can catch." She glanced down at her apprentice, "Moosepaw and I will head in the other direction." Flicking her tail towards him, "Go ahead and bury that mouse, we'll pick it up on the way back to camp," she meowed before trotting further into the trees in the opposite direction of the stream, keeping her ears pricked for the sounds of any prey hiding in the roots or bushes.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by TykerS97
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Moosepaw: Hunting Patrol

Moosepaw buried the mouse in the snow as quickly as he could and thanked Spidernose for the compliment. He then followed after Duskwing being as careful as he could to be quiet as to not disturb any prey that may have been nearby. "Can we do some tree climbing? for training purposes. I want to try and catch a bird at some point today. Also good catch on that squirrel." The snow was starting to make Moosepaw's feet go numb. I really hope we can do some tree climbing today... anything to get out of this snow. Keeping his ear's pressed back and stalking quietly Moosepaw put his nose into the air to see if he could smell anything near by. "I... I think I smell a rabbit somewhere near by? it might just be my stomach grumbling though..." Moosepaw said with embarrassment.

Coming by closer to Duskwing he muttered to her "Do you think it's a good idea to catch it together? I don't know if I'm ready for something like that but it would go along way in helping the clan's fresh kill pile." he then smelled another mouse near by near a bush and made his way over to it as slowly as he could. Seeing that it had it's back turned to him he crouched into a hunter's stance and leaped at it. With a quick grab and bite the mouse was dead. Thank StarClan that I've managed to catch two mice today so far.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by savannahssu
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sunfur: Hunting Patrol

Sunfur stared intently at the rushing water in the river, straining his eyes to see any fish that might swim by. It was the only prey he didn't know how to catch and he was determined to find some kind of technique to do so. Fish were large animals that could comfortably feed multiple cats at once, and that was exactly what the Clan needed right now. He had tried so many ways to catch one, but nothing had ever panned out. He had even tried swimming in the stream to catch them. Where are our RiverClan ancestors when we need them? Those cats could teach the entire Clan how to catch fish and swim to new reaches of their territory. Seeing something reflect against the sun in the water, Sunfur unsheathed his claws and slammed his paw through the water aiming at the center of the fishes' body. Splashing water everywhere, he scratched the fishes' back but it was too fast for him to sink his claws in. "Mouse dung!" Shaking his fur out, he turned away from the stream and padded towards the roots of a large oak tree turning his gaze upward to spot any potential birds. Sadly, he heard nor scented anything. Looks like a groundhog is all I'm good for today. Lashing his tail in annoyance he started making his way back towards the rest of the patrol, being sure to remain quiet as not to alert any prey items scuttling in the undergrowth.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Shadow Dragon
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Shadow Dragon Lord Of Shadows

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Blackpelt: Willowclan Camp (Medicine Den)

Medicine Den


He chuckles softly, seeing her reaction to his dream. He eats the rest of the starling before answering, and smiles. "I recognized all of them, from the stories. Firestar and his mate Sandstorm. Bluestar. Yellowfang and Cinderheart were there, as were Onestar and Tallstar. There was one that called himself Skystar....and Ravenpaw. He's in Starclan." He smiles. "I always though that he stayed at that barn of his, with....oh, I forget his name....Barely? Barley?" He shrugs. "Regardless, they want to see you. Sandstorm was the one who spoke with me, the others were just waiting quietly in the background. But I still recognized them. They seemed pleased with what you've done so far, but they didn't answer when I asked how it felt in Starclan. They just smiled, and I woke up."

He begins gently licking his chest fur back down, and yawns. "I'll need to get more herbs..." He looks wound his store of herbs, muttering to himself about what herbs they'll need, and what he needs to restock. "Burnet, Chamomile, Daisy leaf, Heather nectar, Honey, Lamb's ear, Ragwort, Sorrel...." He sniffs each one, and mentally checks it off on his list. "I'll need a bit to finish preparing the leaf wraps of herbs we'll need, but I should be done in a little bit...."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Brambletail: WillowClan Camp

"Of course, a free meal is a free meal no matter which way you split it." Brambletail said simply. Being an oppertunist was something that came naturally to him and being on a simple trek to mark the borders didn't stop him from keeping a keen eye out as they walked, for snow free patches of ground, potential danger, or unsuspecting prey. Although his paw steps and words were soft, the same couldn't be said for the rest of him. Brambletail's frame was filled with energy, even for something so simply. His eyes scanned the area diligently, and he seemed ready for anything despite his relaxed tone of voice. Some might consider his level of attention overboard, but it was simply Brambletail's natural state.
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