Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Jeremor
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Jeremor Nothing happens for a reason.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

A Fantasy-Cyberpunk Adventure

The year is 2060 and shit has gotten weird.

About 40 years ago, magic reentered the world. All the things humankind had believed to be legends and myth, turned out to just be ancient histories of a time long forgotten. Animals transformed into mythical creatures as human beings also changed, giving birth to new kinds of humanoids dubbed Metahumans. The Meta's were your figures of fantasy novels, orcs and trolls and elves and dwarves and more. For some, it was a more unseen kind of change that began to manifest itself. Magic. Suddenly, those with the right talent could learn to control unseen forces of energy in order to create spells. Global society was immediately thrown into chaos.

In the intervening years much has happened. Most nations have fallen and risen once more, or else disappeared forever. International Megacorporations now serve as de facto rulers of the world, playing an endless global game of chess against their rivals. These games never end well for anyone, least of all the folks on the street. After years of brutal racial divides among humans and metahumans, most have settled into an uneasy coexistence. It's the Megacorps that fuck them over most of all, not some troll that runs a food cart down the way, or the mage that does parlor tricks for tips. The constant question of daily life is do you submit to the Megacorps, become a wageslave living in walled little arcologies like ants, or do you take matters into your own hands?

Shadowrunners were the inevitable consequence of this question. The Shadows are the dark spaces outside of the corporate web, the cracks where certain people with certain skills are in very high demand. Runners work for themselves, a tempting concept in this strange new world, and bet their lives on their skills. They do the work that the Megacorps can't do officially, or the work that others need done to the 'untouchable' corps themselves. The sort of jobs those are depends on one's expertise and their moral compass. The likelihood of them living very long depends entirely on their intuition. Being easily deniable, easily covered-up, and easily replaced is no recipe for a long life. But, it is a life of freedom in a world of chains.

⚜ Setting ⚜

New Orleans, Louisiana, Confederation of American States

The Big Easy. The Big Sleazy. Queen City. The Birthplace of Jazz, and Lee Harvey Oswald. New Orleans has always been a city of vice and exuberance and magic, long before it ever came back to the world. In 2060, the city is a dysfunctional metropolis at war with itself, in a crisis of identities. Mardi Gras still rages through the historic French Quarter even while modernization demolishes the rest of the city's culture and history. New Orleans has become the major hub of trade in the Gulf of Mexico, leading to the influx of Megacorps trying to unofficially claim the city for themselves. The local government is as corrupt as it has ever been, maybe even more so, and bends over backwards for anyone with enough bribe money. For the actual locals of New Orleans, there is a unifying animosity for the foreign Megacorps. Outside of the corporate zones, the mafias are the real authority. They oversee the many street gangs in their territory and dabble in local magic to varying degrees.

⚜ Magic ⚜

Those that can tap into magic are called Awakened, but the laws of magic are only just being understood even after decades of trying. What is known is that it comes from a variety of belief systems, but the awakened themselves fit into three general molds.

⚜ Cyberware ⚜

Technology has expanded in leaps and bounds since the early 21st century. Prosthesis and robotics have gone beyond merely replicating human limbs, and now seek to improve upon them. Shadowrunners are notorious for their gleaming pieces of 'Chrome', upgrading themselves like a street racer might upgrade a car. These upgrades come in endless possibilities, from huge metal arms tipped with razor-blades to an upgraded immune system that filters out common toxins. The most common cyberware is that of the Datajack, a neural port in one's body that enables the easy connection into the Matrix.

These upgrades do come at a cost besides Nuyen, however. For every bit of one's body that is replaced with some metal and plastic abomination, their Essence is also lost. Essence is the term for one's ability to connect to the forces of magic. For non-Awakened this can be a trivial concern, since they can't truly tap into such things in the first place. For the Awakened this is a horrible experience, slowly cutting themselves off from their most precious sense.

Cyberware can be graded in these ascending tiers of quality: Basic, Alphaware, Betaware, Deltaware.

⚜ The Matrix ⚜

In the year 2029, a cyber plague swept through every bit of networked tech in the entire world. The Crash Virus, as it'd come to be known, would send the entire planet back into the stone age in short order. Unable to use the internet, anything connected to it and anything with any manner of complex software, led to the quick collapse of entire economies. While the virus was eventually eradicated, or so we're told, metahumanity had to start over completely. So, the Matrix was born.

Bearing only the most surface-level resemblance to the Keanu Reeves movie of the same name, the Matrix is how all networked devices now function. It can be seen as a startlingly real virtual reality simulation, using the SimSense technology that allows living beings to interface directly with the code itself. Cyberdecks are portable computers, essentially, that allow Deckers to run complex programs from within the Matrix. Once inside, skilled Deckers can see the code as tangible objects, change certain aspects to their liking, and fight against the protection software trying to stop them.

⚜ Characters ⚜

⚜ OOC Info ⚜

    * Don't be a dick. Number one rule, be nice to your fellow players, remember that this is a team exercise, and always try to make sure everyone is having fun.
    * All standard Guild rules apply here, especially relating to sex and godmodding. NPC's count as my characters, I'll be in full control of them unless I tell you otherwise.
    * There will be no post length requirements, just try to give your fellow writers enough to react to without writing a novel. Shorter posts keep it easier for me to read and respond to, and keep the RP moving faster.
    * There will be no required posting order. Try to wait at least 4 replies between your own posts.
    * Character pictures should be art, and not of a clearly anime style. I'd like to keep things somewhat realistic in tone.
    * There will be a max of 6 players in the roleplay, one for each Archetype. You can reserve an Archetype for 4 days, simply post in this thread. First come first serve.

    * This RP isn't really based on the Shadowrun boardgame, since I know very little about it. There will be absolutely no dice rolling or stats involved in anything. We will be using the shadowrun setting as an inspiration, mostly, and then making the rest up as we go along. If you ever have a question about anything, always feel free to message me.
    * All of your character should start the RP as freelance shadowrunners, meaning they're working alone right now. Each of them has separately been hired for a lucrative job as part of a team, and I'll go into more detail in my opening post about where that'll take place and what it is. Your only contact is codenamed 'Roux'.
    * Please PM all character sheets to me when you're ready to be approved.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Asura
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Asura it hurts

Member Seen 2 days ago

Quick question: Are we to list everything we have with us, like contacts/commlinks/backpacks/earbuds? Or just the big things?

I'd also like to reserve the Street Samurai spot.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Jeremor
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Jeremor Nothing happens for a reason.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Quick question: Are we to list everything we have with us, like contacts/commlinks/backpacks/earbuds? Or just the big things?

I'd also like to reserve the Street Samurai spot.

Just the big stuff, whatever you think is most important. Thanks for the question Asura!

And the Street Sammie is reserved for you.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Asura
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Asura it hurts

Member Seen 2 days ago

Right on. Since it's pretty pertinent to a Sam specifically, are we working off an in-universe expectation that Cyberarms are stronger/hit harder than fleshy bits by default, rather than all the faff of the games?
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Jeremor
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Jeremor Nothing happens for a reason.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Asura Oh yeah, that sounds good to me. We'll be roleplaying any fighting entirely, so it's all just whatever makes sense narratively.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by geminironin
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

So, I was looking at an archetype that isn't in the list; the Face, social specialist and manipulator. Would I be able to build that or just roll those abilities into something else?
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Jeremor
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Jeremor Nothing happens for a reason.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

So, I was looking at an archetype that isn't in the list; the Face, social specialist and manipulator. Would I be able to build that or just roll those abilities into something else?

Unfortunately, since I'm tying player spots to those archetypes, I'd really appreciate it if you could somehow roll those abilities into one of the others. If you'd like to shoot me a PM with your ideas, I'd be happy to try helping you with that.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by geminironin
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Not a problem, I can build an Adept with that.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Jeremor, Mystic Adepts aren't allowed?

And if we're making up the setting as we go, does that mean we're ignoring the lore as well, including stuff such as the Japanese Imperial State and Atzlan?

Edit: And yes, I said that I might not have the time for this RP, that might still be true, even though I am interested.

Also, can Mages be allowed to go into melee?
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by VoiD
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VoiD Perpetually mediocre

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Definitely interested, I'll be working on a mage probably!
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Jeremor
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Jeremor Nothing happens for a reason.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Jeremor, Mystic Adepts aren't allowed?

And if we're making up the setting as we go, does that mean we're ignoring the lore as well, including stuff such as the Japanese Imperial State and Atzlan?

Edit: And yes, I said that I might not have the time for this RP, that might still be true, even though I am interested.

Also, can Mages be allowed to go into melee?

I'm afraid not, we're going to stick with the physical adept archetype for this rp.

Basically, I'm going to be using shadowrun as just an inspiration. I want people to start off on equal footing, even people that don't know any of the lore at all. Its better to think of this as an original roleplay with bits of shadowrun i'll be sprinkling in. I would prefer if people keep their characters more down to earth and classic cyberpunk/fantasy instead of getting too into specific lore dumps.

And sure, mages can go into melee if you like. We aren't playing with any rules or stats. Just kind of keep it realistic, a mage isn't going to physically kick as much ass as a trained street samurai or physical adept.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by Letter Bee>

I'm afraid not, we're going to stick with the physical adept archetype for this rp.

And, what I really mean by that is that I'm going to be using the lore I know, like atzlan being a megacorp and stuff like that, but it will be my own interpretation of it all. In the end its going to be different to whatever is written in the books or even video games. People are free to use what they know, of course, when creating their characters, I just might ask to edit some things to make them fit.

And sure, mages can go into melee if you like. We aren't playing with any rules or stats. Just kind of keep it realistic, a mage isn't going to physically kick as much ass as a trained street samurai or physical adept.

Understandable. I'll try and see if I have the time to join, then.

Edit: As a Mage.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Jeremor
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Jeremor Nothing happens for a reason.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Actually edited my answer there a bit to try and make it a bit clearer. My goal is to make something that anyone can join in, not just those that have played the game.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Actually edited my answer there a bit to try and make it a bit clearer. My goal is to make something that anyone can join in, not just those that have played the game.

Ah, saw your edit. To be honest, I don't think I'd be interested, then - I wanted something faithful to lore while not retaining the complicated ruleset.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Jeremor
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Jeremor Nothing happens for a reason.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sure thing letter bee, I realize a more introductory rp won't be for everyone.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by vFear
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vFear monochrome boi

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Can you book the rigger out for me? I'll whip something up as soon as I knock over the posts I owe.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Jeremor
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Jeremor Nothing happens for a reason.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sure thing, it's claimed for you.

Also, I forgot to include in the OOC how you should submit character sheets for approval. When you guys are ready to get approval, please PM me your character sheets so we can talk about them. Thank you.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Jabberwocky
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Jabberwocky sound the dread alarm

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Going to try and get my CS done by tonight. Sorry for the delay.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Asura
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Asura it hurts

Member Seen 2 days ago

OOC dropping came at a busy time for me, but I'll probably have my sheet finished by tomorrow evening.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Jeremor
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Jeremor Nothing happens for a reason.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sounds good guys, thank you. And also Jabberwocky found some bugs in my character sheet code and has fixed them, the first post should now be edited with the correct version.
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