The Annulus
A conceptual model for the cyclical nature of life's events.
The Annulus consists of four epochs repeating in a perpetual sequence: rapture, regression, ruin, and restoration.
This doctrine reveals itself in every facet of existence from seasons to lifespans to wars.
A conceptual model for the cyclical nature of life's events.
The Annulus consists of four epochs repeating in a perpetual sequence: rapture, regression, ruin, and restoration.
This doctrine reveals itself in every facet of existence from seasons to lifespans to wars.

Omnia The energy that powers all universal processes.
Incarna The energies that sustain life within each and every being.
Cruxia The physical matter that composes every living and nonliving entity.
These are the three fundamental components that shape our universe.
A basic understanding of this concept is absolutely imperative as one traverses their life’s journey.
Incarna The energies that sustain life within each and every being.
Cruxia The physical matter that composes every living and nonliving entity.
These are the three fundamental components that shape our universe.
A basic understanding of this concept is absolutely imperative as one traverses their life’s journey.
[ Praemora ]

A world full of breathtaking landscapes, diverse culture, and alluring mysteries. One could spend a lifetime discovering its wonders and not even scratch the surface. Life on Praemora can be quite wonderful for both the adventurous and the ordinary. Yet, underneath the veil of typical daily life lies a mystical war that continually wages between a certain group of gifted individuals.
[ Runics ]
Those with runic blood, simply known as Runics, are endowed with the ability to manipulate Omnia, Incarna, and Cruxia to produce endless magical effects. This ability is broken down into several specialties dubbed the Runic Arts. The Arts are classified into three groups based on the amount of skill and power required to perform and master them.
Primal arts are of the lowest caliber as they require the most basic levels of runic power and are of a low complexity. Even though most runics can perform primal arts with ease, regular practice can help fine tune and focus one's ability.
Ars Simplexis
The common arts. These spells and incantations are quite simplistic in nature and are usually labeled as charms or tricks. Things like invisibility, levitation, illusions, and sensory enhancement fall into this category and require lower levels of runic ability. As uncomplicated as these abilities can be, enough practice and honing can produce some rather amazing effects.
The common arts. These spells and incantations are quite simplistic in nature and are usually labeled as charms or tricks. Things like invisibility, levitation, illusions, and sensory enhancement fall into this category and require lower levels of runic ability. As uncomplicated as these abilities can be, enough practice and honing can produce some rather amazing effects.
Ars Auxilium
The art of protection and restoration. These abilities range from magical shielding to organic healing to mental cleansing. These abilities require slightly more runic talent than those under Ars Simplexis, and can be quite useful in a variety of situations.
The art of protection and restoration. These abilities range from magical shielding to organic healing to mental cleansing. These abilities require slightly more runic talent than those under Ars Simplexis, and can be quite useful in a variety of situations.
Dire arts are far more challenging than primal arts to carry out. A runic will usually dedicate themselves to a single art of this caliber in order to completely master it, as it takes an extremely bright and talented person to consign themselves to more than one.
Ars Terrata
The art of controlling the elements. The four main elements of earth, fire, water, and air are the building blocks of the planet. Practitioners of this art are able to impose their will upon the elements for both offense and defense. This art is not to be taken lightly as it requires a fair amount of runic ability.
The art of controlling the elements. The four main elements of earth, fire, water, and air are the building blocks of the planet. Practitioners of this art are able to impose their will upon the elements for both offense and defense. This art is not to be taken lightly as it requires a fair amount of runic ability.
Ars Stellara
The art of conjuring power from celestial bodies. The heavens abound with energies far beyond our comprehension and reach, yet there are those who have dedicated themselves to drawing upon this power and wielding it as their own. A difficult yet very rewarding art to master.
The art of conjuring power from celestial bodies. The heavens abound with energies far beyond our comprehension and reach, yet there are those who have dedicated themselves to drawing upon this power and wielding it as their own. A difficult yet very rewarding art to master.
Ars Sanguis
The art of manipulating lifeblood. One of the few darker arts a runic can practice. Tampering with something as essential as one’s blood can produce some cruel and unwary effects. Users of this art can cause lacerations from a distance, crystallize blood into weapons, and even manipulate blood flow within the body.
The art of manipulating lifeblood. One of the few darker arts a runic can practice. Tampering with something as essential as one’s blood can produce some cruel and unwary effects. Users of this art can cause lacerations from a distance, crystallize blood into weapons, and even manipulate blood flow within the body.
Ars Quantum
The art of bending spacetime. Runics who practice this art can manipulate the spatial energies that hold the universe in place. They can compress the space between two points allowing them to ‘teleport’, or even increase and decrease the effect of gravity on a certain area. The use of Ars Quantum involves a very high level of runic ability that is nearly on par with apex caliber arts.
The art of bending spacetime. Runics who practice this art can manipulate the spatial energies that hold the universe in place. They can compress the space between two points allowing them to ‘teleport’, or even increase and decrease the effect of gravity on a certain area. The use of Ars Quantum involves a very high level of runic ability that is nearly on par with apex caliber arts.
Apex arts are of the highest caliber, and rightfully so. These arts require extremely high levels of focus, dedication, knowledge, and skill. Masters of apex caliber arts usually have strong runic bloodlines and immense magical talent.
Ars Mutatio
The art of transmutation. Ars Mutatio involves manipulating matter at the smallest levels in order to completely change its composition, therefore transforming it into something new. A massive amount of runic power is needed for this kind of control, and mastering this particular art requires an extreme level of skill.
The art of transmutation. Ars Mutatio involves manipulating matter at the smallest levels in order to completely change its composition, therefore transforming it into something new. A massive amount of runic power is needed for this kind of control, and mastering this particular art requires an extreme level of skill.
Ars Animatus
The art of death and manipulating souls. A dark art indeed that deals with exploiting the spirits of the astral plane -- souls which once held life within a corporeal body. Animists, as they are called, are able to return souls to bodies that have none, therefore giving them ‘new life’ and turning them into what is referred to as an Abyssal. Since these runics have the ability to return souls, the inverse act of removing them is also a possibility, though this requires far more power than controlling a bodiless spirit. Animists are also able to control soulless bodies, which are referred to as Hollows, that cannot act on their own but must be manipulated like puppets.
The art of death and manipulating souls. A dark art indeed that deals with exploiting the spirits of the astral plane -- souls which once held life within a corporeal body. Animists, as they are called, are able to return souls to bodies that have none, therefore giving them ‘new life’ and turning them into what is referred to as an Abyssal. Since these runics have the ability to return souls, the inverse act of removing them is also a possibility, though this requires far more power than controlling a bodiless spirit. Animists are also able to control soulless bodies, which are referred to as Hollows, that cannot act on their own but must be manipulated like puppets.
Ars Invocato
The art of invoking. Invokers have the ability to call upon beings from other realms beyond their own. To understand, communicate with, and summon beings from other worlds requires both a great level of runic talent and a high mental capacity. Some invokers call upon creatures to aid them in battle, while others simply invite them as companions to be by their side.
The art of invoking. Invokers have the ability to call upon beings from other realms beyond their own. To understand, communicate with, and summon beings from other worlds requires both a great level of runic talent and a high mental capacity. Some invokers call upon creatures to aid them in battle, while others simply invite them as companions to be by their side.
Runics are a special kind of people indeed, yet they are not always respected or praised for their extraordinary talents. Even though there are those who openly embrace runics as a part of everyday natural life, there are others who hold an amount of disdain for their runic brethren, claiming that the Arts are ostentatious or even wicked. These views are not unwarranted since runics have shaped the world in major ways with both negative and positive consequences.
[ The Runic War ]
Once a runic decides to fully embrace their ability and dedicate themselves to the Arts, he or she inadvertently enlists themselves into the ongoing Runic War, and at some point, they choose the path that they will walk. Those who choose the path of the Dawn fight with honor and altruism to promote peace and provide protection to those who are powerless to do so on their own. Others who follow the path of the Dread become agents of chaos and destruction, driven by avarice and ruthlessness. As black-and-white as this dynamic may seem, there is plenty of gray area that a number of runics settle into. For those who do choose to fight however, there are two major opposing organizations that are constantly at odds with one another that runics usually affiliate themselves with.
The Brotherhood
An organization of guilds that follow the path of the Dawn. Members of the Brotherhood come from all walks of life and are dedicated to making the world a better place for everyone, runic blood or not. Each guild -- also called Houses -- serves as both a place of learning and training and a base of operations for those who participate in the Wars. Wardens are the elders within each House and are addressed as Sir and Lady. These individuals are usually the most powerful runics in the guild and provide protection and guidance to those within its walls. Paladins are the field agents of each House, charged with missions and quests for the guild. These runics have exceptional skills and unmatched courage. Tyros are the novices and students within each House who have not yet achieved the rank of Paladin.
An organization of guilds that follow the path of the Dawn. Members of the Brotherhood come from all walks of life and are dedicated to making the world a better place for everyone, runic blood or not. Each guild -- also called Houses -- serves as both a place of learning and training and a base of operations for those who participate in the Wars. Wardens are the elders within each House and are addressed as Sir and Lady. These individuals are usually the most powerful runics in the guild and provide protection and guidance to those within its walls. Paladins are the field agents of each House, charged with missions and quests for the guild. These runics have exceptional skills and unmatched courage. Tyros are the novices and students within each House who have not yet achieved the rank of Paladin.
[ Notable Houses ]
- House OreniaA well-hidden and well-fortified guild located within a mountain range overlooking a large farming village and a lengthy stretch of forest. Runics here practice a wide variety of arts and techniques.
- House AughlerLocated in a rather desolate and sparsely populated area, this guild is crawling with brawny and brazen types. Members of this House carry more of a rustic vibe and are all about fortitude and strength.
- House MareldaTucked away within miles upon miles of sprawling exotic jungle, this guild is heavily protected. Its members hold nature in high regard and do everything in their power to protect and preserve it.
- House DarthonSituated near the bank of a rather large river, this guild looks like an intricate mashup of a library, an observatory, and a battle-ready stronghold. The members of this House seem to carry a more refined and erudite air about them.
Shadow Walkers
A wicked cult organized into a massive network of covens that operates in the underbelly of Praemora. As agents of the Dread, these runics live to see the world burn. They specialize in dark arts and rituals, and spend their days terrorizing those who are unfortunate enough to cross their paths. Though each coven doesn’t have an official hierarchy, those who possess more power and skill usually fall into the leader positions. All members are referred to as Acolytes, unless they are newcomers or novices, in which case they are called Tyros -- a general term for a student of the Runic Arts.
A wicked cult organized into a massive network of covens that operates in the underbelly of Praemora. As agents of the Dread, these runics live to see the world burn. They specialize in dark arts and rituals, and spend their days terrorizing those who are unfortunate enough to cross their paths. Though each coven doesn’t have an official hierarchy, those who possess more power and skill usually fall into the leader positions. All members are referred to as Acolytes, unless they are newcomers or novices, in which case they are called Tyros -- a general term for a student of the Runic Arts.
[ Other Key Organizations ]
The Hand of Valora
A circle of devout, non-runic men and women that fight for the Dawn. They believe they have been set apart by the Divine Edict to be the warriors and protectors of the people. Members of the Hand are dedicated to a creed of righteousness, justice, altruism, and unity, and can usually be identified by a tattoo bearing the Hand’s sacred emblem. Members regularly gather in conclaves at secret locations to participate in rituals and training. The Hand regularly aids and supports members of the Brotherhood whenever possible.
The Order of Silence
A network of individuals that openly despise Runics and promote anti-Runic views. Most who associate themselves with this group have been negatively affected by runic activity, whether directly or indirectly; others have been influenced into having anti-Runic views through ignorance, envy, or fear. Though they don’t have a history of being particularly aggressive, their actions as of late have become increasingly more confrontational and radical.
A sizable gang of bandits and miscreants that regularly raid and ravage unsuspecting people and places. Its members are obsessive ‘collectors’ who acquire a number of things -- from valuables to artifacts to people -- by any means necessary, no matter how simple or extreme. Even though they might seem like just a crazy band of thieves, Basilisk’s members are ruthless and reckless and should not be taken lightly.
[ Character Sheet ]
Name |
Age |
Gender |
Appearance | (height, body type/build, skin tone, hair/eye color, identifying marks/tattoos, etc.)
Attire | (typical clothing style, rather than a single outfit)
Armament/Gear | (weapons, tools, accessories, etc.)
Alignment | (see notes; this has less to do with your character’s role in the RP and more do with it his/her general approach to life)
Personality/Habits |
Affinity | (Runic art he/she practices; limit is 1 art for now)
Favored Abilities | (abilities he/she has mastered or is currently focusing on developing; please read notes to get a better idea of runic capabilities)
Other Skills/Talents | (any non-magical skills i.e. combat prowess, traditional medicine, cooking, etc.)
Background | (2+ paragraphs)
[ Cast List ]
House Orenia
- Silas Ohroyo -- 25 -- Ars Stellara
House Aughler
- Wren Torhice -- 24 -- Ars Quantum
- Jehu Teico -- 23 -- Ars Terrata
House Marelda
- Lucien Lorelei -- 24 -- Ars Terrata
House Darthon
- Remon Neel -- 25 -- Ars Quantum
- Darcella Ventanni -- 23 -- Ars Invocato
- Balamir Arcadius -- 20 -- Ars Animatus
- Mortirmir -- 29 -- Ars Invocato
- Wardens
- Rae’annah -- 22 -- Ars Mutatio
- Andirah -- 16 -- Ars Auxilium
- Velvette -- 18 -- Ars Teratta
- I'm allowing two characters max
- Going for a younger character pool here - late teens to mid twenties...leaves room for growth
- Brotherhood members and independents are open to play
- NPCs are welcome; just let me know if they'll be important or recurring so I can add them to my list
- Ask me whatever...no question is dumb and this lore is continually evolving
- Have fun!!