Name | Silas Ohroyo
Age | 25
Gender | Male
Appearance |
Attire |
Armament/Gear |
Alignment |
Personality/Habits |
Affinity |
Favored Abilities |
Other Skills/Talents |
Background |
Age | 25
Gender | Male
Appearance |
Silas stands a modest 5’ 7” with a lean, slightly muscular build. His dark brown hair is styled into shoulder-length dreadlocks with golden-dyed tips, and his skin is on the lighter side of brown despite the amount of time he spends in the sun. His eyes are a rare amber color that seem to glow in the right light.
Attire |
Silas seems to be continually dressed for warm weather usually opting for close-fitting sleeveless tops and loose shorts. He has a few pairs of moccasins that he wears, preferring not to be ‘weighed down’ by more traditional footwear. The rest of his attire is more tribal as he wears a small number of beaded bracelets and necklaces.
Armament/Gear |
Silas carries dual khopesh-style swords forged from an extremely durable metal with handcrafted wooden handles tipped with small, curved blades. He also carries a set of throwing knives (more in the style of kunai). All of his blades are engraved with tribal runes and symbols. The swords have leather sheaths which are strapped to Silas’ sides.
Alignment |
Idealist (Neutral Moral)
Personality/Habits |
Silas has a heart for adventure and is an explorer by nature. He has a high tendency to learn every corner and crevice of any environment he ends up in; neither height nor depth will stop him from traversing the world around him. He has a profound respect and fascination for nature thanks to his tribal upbringing. When it comes to people, Silas is usually kind and pleasant, wanting to bring a bit of light into every person’s life. He has a strong sense of morality, however, and will readily oppose those with adverse tendencies and intentions.
Affinity |
Ars Stellara
Favored Abilities |
✴ Solar Conduit: Silas is able to magically absorb and store energy from the sun’s rays. He can use this energy to naturally power his body or expel the energy as blasts of heat and light.
✴ Infusion: Silas is able to imbue inorganic metals and minerals with solar energy causing them to heat to searing temperatures or even explode if enough energy is used. He often uses this ability on the blades of his swords to magnify their cutting power tremendously.
✴ Microstars: This is the most difficult and taxing of Silas’ abilities as it requires a high level of focus and expenditure of runic power. Silas is able to concentrate solar energy into tiny ‘stars’ of varying sizes; the largest he can currently conjure is about the size of large grapefruit. He uses these stars as sources of light and heat when there are none available in his vicinity. He can only conjure a single star at one time and only for a limited duration.
✴ Infusion: Silas is able to imbue inorganic metals and minerals with solar energy causing them to heat to searing temperatures or even explode if enough energy is used. He often uses this ability on the blades of his swords to magnify their cutting power tremendously.
✴ Microstars: This is the most difficult and taxing of Silas’ abilities as it requires a high level of focus and expenditure of runic power. Silas is able to concentrate solar energy into tiny ‘stars’ of varying sizes; the largest he can currently conjure is about the size of large grapefruit. He uses these stars as sources of light and heat when there are none available in his vicinity. He can only conjure a single star at one time and only for a limited duration.
Other Skills/Talents |
Silas’ explorative tendencies have earned him a fair number of skills over the years. Naturally, he is rather agile and has superb climbing skills, whether scaling trees, mountains, or man-made structures. He often felt the need to defend himself and survive on his adventures, so he developed into an adept swordsman and marksman, taking up the favored weapons of his ancestors.
Background |
Silas grew up in a small tribal village situated on the edge of a lively forest. His parents were highly skilled artisans, his mother an expert in sewing quality clothing and his father a master weaponsmith. Several members of the village possessed runic blood, including Silas’ father, though not everyone fully embraced their power. Even though Silas’ father didn’t deny or renounce his runic bloodline in any way, he chose to settle down and make a living in a more traditional way as a craftsman working with his hands. In fact, he practiced a bit of Ars Terrata, specializing in earth- and fire-based abilities to greatly enhance his craft. Of all of Silas’ parents’ four children, he was the most outgoing of the bunch. He took every opportunity to escape the comforts of home to venture off into the world, often being reprimanded for doing so. As he grew, however, his parents accepted his lust for adventure and began to bolster his readiness rather than suppress his tendencies.
As he got a little older and saw more of the world, Silas began to discover its darkness and brokenness. One day, he decided to embrace his runic power and officially join the fight to take down those who sought to bring his world to ruin. The young Runic bid his family a heartfelt farewell and embarked on a mission to join the Brotherhood. He had heard that the Brotherhood had guilds that trained runic warriors called Paladins to oppose the evil he desired to eradicate. In little time, he discovered House Orenia and they accepted him with open arms. Silas’ mentors helped him understand his runic abilities more deeply, and he proved to be an impressive talent. He excelled in his training and quickly rose to the rank of Paladin, surpassing Runics several years older than himself.
As he got a little older and saw more of the world, Silas began to discover its darkness and brokenness. One day, he decided to embrace his runic power and officially join the fight to take down those who sought to bring his world to ruin. The young Runic bid his family a heartfelt farewell and embarked on a mission to join the Brotherhood. He had heard that the Brotherhood had guilds that trained runic warriors called Paladins to oppose the evil he desired to eradicate. In little time, he discovered House Orenia and they accepted him with open arms. Silas’ mentors helped him understand his runic abilities more deeply, and he proved to be an impressive talent. He excelled in his training and quickly rose to the rank of Paladin, surpassing Runics several years older than himself.
Name | Darcella Bryenne Ventanni
Age | 23
Gender | Female
Appearance |

Attire |
Armament/Gear |
Alignment |
Personality/Habits |
Affinity |
Favored Summons |
Other Skills/Talents |
Background |
Age | 23
Gender | Female
Appearance |

Darcy is a bit on the tall side at 5’ 10” with a slender build. Her eyes are a soul-piercing ruby red and her matching-colored hair flows all the way down to her waist. She usually has her hair tied into a high ponytail, though she'll have it done in some fancy braid when the mood strikes her. Her nearly flawless milky skin is free of any blemishes, marks, and scars -- which is surprising considering the company she keeps as far as summons go.
Attire |
Darcy actually makes most of her clothes herself and is usually decked out in darker tones with clothing that is considered more 'modern' or 'trendy'. She likes to show off her legs, so she dons loose skirts and short shorts whenever possible. In keeping with her fascination with dragons, Darcy always has her nails done to look like claws.
Armament/Gear |
Darcy is definitely not much of a fighter so she carries little more than a knife as far as weapons go, though she is decently skilled at using it. She carries a travel bag with a few essentials when out and about.
Alignment |
Trickster (Social Impure)
Personality/Habits |
Darcy is a pain in most people's rear. She has the most fun when it's at another person's expense and has no problem raining on anyone's parade. She can be a bully at times, even with her friends, and she is terribly arrogant to boot. Being somewhat of a child prodigy does wonders for her ego...and it also gains her a few followers.
Affinity |
Ars Invocato
Favored Summons |
Darcella's first summon and closest companion. As she and Ceraseth have grown together, her arrogance and harshness has rubbed off on the dragon-cat, making them partners-in-crime. Ceraseth makes no qualms about helping Darcy with a prank or nipping at an unsuspecting victim's heels.

Darcella's first summon and closest companion. As she and Ceraseth have grown together, her arrogance and harshness has rubbed off on the dragon-cat, making them partners-in-crime. Ceraseth makes no qualms about helping Darcy with a prank or nipping at an unsuspecting victim's heels.



A trio of sky drakes who happen to be siblings. Each of them stand at roughly 6' in height with impressive wingspans. They all specialize in elemental magics that are tied to the sky: ice, lightning, and air. They are a rather gifted bunch and they can be quite arrogant and prideful. It was a trying process getting them to accept Darcy's call, but once they saw her magical prowess, they decided to form a tentative pact with her. As time went on, and the drakes realized how compatible their personalities were with the young invoker, the bond became strong very quickly. Darcy prefers to call on them in battle situations whenever necessary. They've also grown pretty fond of Ceraseth and enjoy visiting with him and Darcy regularly.



A trio of sky drakes who happen to be siblings. Each of them stand at roughly 6' in height with impressive wingspans. They all specialize in elemental magics that are tied to the sky: ice, lightning, and air. They are a rather gifted bunch and they can be quite arrogant and prideful. It was a trying process getting them to accept Darcy's call, but once they saw her magical prowess, they decided to form a tentative pact with her. As time went on, and the drakes realized how compatible their personalities were with the young invoker, the bond became strong very quickly. Darcy prefers to call on them in battle situations whenever necessary. They've also grown pretty fond of Ceraseth and enjoy visiting with him and Darcy regularly.
Other Skills/Talents |
Darcy has a great talent for sewing and she usually makes all of her own clothing. She has studied many draconic languages and can speak them quite fluently. If irritating the crap out of people was considered a skill, she'd be pretty excellent at that too.
Background |
The Ventanni family has produced many powerful runics, and Darcella is no exception. As a child, she trained constantly with her parents and showed a high level of potential very early on. The young girl was quite ambitious and always wanted to push for the difficult things even if they seemed out of reach. “It's better to have tried and failed than to never have tried in the first place,” she used to say. She gained an affinity for dragons and poured countless hours into researching the majestic creatures, hoping to one day use Ars Invocato to summon one.
When that one day came, Darcy had discovered a very strange being indeed. She had been searching the realms for something unique and had come across a very perplexing environment. Several odd languages brushed past her thoughts and a few even seemed mixed together. She heard something that resembled dragon language and instantly tried for the link. The creature seemed rather willing to have a companion -- perhaps sensing her youthful purity -- and made a quick connection.
When the creature emerged from her gate, Darcy's face contorted into a look of slight confusion.
“But I could have sworn you were speaking dragon language…”
In front of her stood what looked like a black cat with an extra long tail and whiskers like a dragon would have. Apparently, Darcy had tapped into a realm full of animal hybrids and amalgamations, and she had linked with a dragon-cat.
“Well, you are pretty adorable…”
The dragon-cat gave what sounded like a mixture of a purr and a low growl. He floated off of the ground and flew up to Darcy, coaxing her to pet him. His fur was surprisingly soft on top, though his underbelly was most definitely covered in the armor-like scales of a dragon.
Just then, a mouse had emerged from a nearby patch of grass, and the dragon-cat quickly took notice and gave chase. The little mouse was quick, but it was soon overcome by the hybrid. Stopping directly in front of the rodent, the dragon-cat spewed a burst of flame from its mouth and roasted the little critter. Darcy's eyes lit up as she watched the brief spectacle and realized she had invoked a truly unique specimen.
“Ok, now you're absolutely awesome! But you need a name…”
Darcella thought for a moment as the dragon-cat enjoyed its snack.
“How about...Ceraseth?”
Darcy felt the positive vibes emitting from the creature confirming his approval of the name. She was quite happy that the bond with her first summon was so instantaneous and it gave her a little ego boost. She had proven to be quite a natural, though some might argue that the creature was easier to work with because it was only half-dragon. Whatever the case was, her parents were thrilled with her accomplishment.
As time went on, Darcy's runic talents grew and she gained more draconic companions. In time, she decided to join a guild -- namely House Darthon -- and become part of the Brotherhood, in order to use her abilities for good while simultaneously showing off her talent. Even though her arrogant attitude hadn't made her many friends, her skills quickly earned her the rank of Paladin.
When that one day came, Darcy had discovered a very strange being indeed. She had been searching the realms for something unique and had come across a very perplexing environment. Several odd languages brushed past her thoughts and a few even seemed mixed together. She heard something that resembled dragon language and instantly tried for the link. The creature seemed rather willing to have a companion -- perhaps sensing her youthful purity -- and made a quick connection.
When the creature emerged from her gate, Darcy's face contorted into a look of slight confusion.
“But I could have sworn you were speaking dragon language…”
In front of her stood what looked like a black cat with an extra long tail and whiskers like a dragon would have. Apparently, Darcy had tapped into a realm full of animal hybrids and amalgamations, and she had linked with a dragon-cat.
“Well, you are pretty adorable…”
The dragon-cat gave what sounded like a mixture of a purr and a low growl. He floated off of the ground and flew up to Darcy, coaxing her to pet him. His fur was surprisingly soft on top, though his underbelly was most definitely covered in the armor-like scales of a dragon.
Just then, a mouse had emerged from a nearby patch of grass, and the dragon-cat quickly took notice and gave chase. The little mouse was quick, but it was soon overcome by the hybrid. Stopping directly in front of the rodent, the dragon-cat spewed a burst of flame from its mouth and roasted the little critter. Darcy's eyes lit up as she watched the brief spectacle and realized she had invoked a truly unique specimen.
“Ok, now you're absolutely awesome! But you need a name…”
Darcella thought for a moment as the dragon-cat enjoyed its snack.
“How about...Ceraseth?”
Darcy felt the positive vibes emitting from the creature confirming his approval of the name. She was quite happy that the bond with her first summon was so instantaneous and it gave her a little ego boost. She had proven to be quite a natural, though some might argue that the creature was easier to work with because it was only half-dragon. Whatever the case was, her parents were thrilled with her accomplishment.
As time went on, Darcy's runic talents grew and she gained more draconic companions. In time, she decided to join a guild -- namely House Darthon -- and become part of the Brotherhood, in order to use her abilities for good while simultaneously showing off her talent. Even though her arrogant attitude hadn't made her many friends, her skills quickly earned her the rank of Paladin.
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