Our world is falling into ruin. The Shadow Walkers’ obelisks -- their sky-scraping towers used as home bases of operation -- are increasing in number throughout the lands. Entire cities and regions are succumbing to darkness as their evil spreads like a plague. As their power grows, we struggle to maintain the balance of order and chaos. And now, a recent discovery has increased the urgency of the matter a thousandfold. A mysterious power beyond all comprehension lurks hidden within our world, waiting to be released. We must prevent the Walkers from acquiring this power, lest the Light of the Dawn be extinguished forever.
The Wardens of House Marelda have uncovered curious Shadow Walker activity and have reached out to the local Houses for help. The guild eagerly awaits their swift response.

– House Orenia –
Silas leaned on the railing of the balcony attached to his quarters. He closed his eyes as he solemnly basked in the warm rays of the morning sun and contemplated the journey ahead of him. Lady Wyght and Lady Rayne tried to put on a brave front while giving their short brief, but Silas could see through it. They were scared and had every right to be. It didn’t take a genius to figure out that something big and terrible was approaching...that is, if one paid attention to the signs. He had several encounters with the Walkers over the past few months and they seemed to be more driven and purposeful than ever before. Their mixture of anxiety and confidence was palpable and Silas could sense a growing power within them. And now, he was being recruited to help House Marelda, which was further cause for concern. Usually when Paladins from several guilds gathered for a mission, it was serious.
Silas took a final deep breath of air before returning to his room to finish his travel preparations. As he gave his swords a final sharpening and packed his bag, a knock on his door broke his pensive mood. He walked to the door and opened it just enough to see out, knowing well in advance who would be behind it. To no surprise of his, Rae’annah stood just outside with her hands behind her back.
“Are you ready yet? We gotta get a move on,” she said as she cocked her head slightly to the side.
“Really, Rae? You in that big of a hurry?” Silas said as he returned to his bag, leaving the door cracked.
“No….you’re just slow, is all,” Rae replied, forcing the door open the rest of the way and propping herself up in the doorway.
Silas rolled his eyes slightly and continued to pack. “You know we’re taking the short route to Marelda, right? I have to make sure we’re good on supplies. You know it’s not the safest of journeys.”
Rae contoured her face into pseudo-seriousness. “First of all, don’t roll your beady little eyes at me, mister. And just because it’s a shorter route doesn’t mean we can take our sweet time.”
“Well, for your information, I was almost done anyway…so you really accomplished nothing by barging in here like a madwoman,” Silas said with a smirk.
“Oh, please, I did not ‘barge in here’...” Rae’annah righted herself and revealed the two large pieces of fruit she had been holding behind her back. She tossed one to Silas just as he closed his pack. “Think fast, slow poke!”
Silas reacted in just enough time to catch the fruit. “Thanks.”
“What would you do without me?”
“I’d survive.”
“Hmph...I don’t think so.” Rae gave Silas a light shove and sat on the bed next to his pack. Her mood turned slightly more serious. “Things are getting worse. I can feel it and I know you can, too. Are we sure we’re ready for what’s coming?”
“Ready? It can’t be any worse than what we’ve faced before, right? Whatever’s going on here, the Walkers won’t win.” Silas took a big bite of his fruit and wiped away the juice that started to run down his chin with the back of his hand.
“Right.” Rae’annah hopped down from the bed and headed out the door. She scooped up her own bag that had been sitting just outside and slung it over her shoulder. “Well, anyway...c’mon, slow poke...the others are waiting.” She took a bite of her own fruit and headed down the hall.
Silas shook his head as he placed his fruit on the bed and sheathed his swords. Once he donned his pack, he grabbed the fruit and took another bite. It was rather tasty this morning and he was inwardly more grateful for the gesture than he showed on the outside. He grabbed the door with his free hand and closed it behind him as he made his way to meet the rest of the group.