Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rithas
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Rithas Professional Screamer

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Rob-Streets/alleyways, To the church/belltower-Holly/Damian

Rob silently yawned as Damian described that most likely it would be quite a uncomfortable night, but hopefully he could get a pillow or something.If not, well at least he could feel maybe a fraction at ease tonight. When Damian easily took care of a walker, Rob couldn't help but be amused that he was next to a guy who had two swords. Damian seemed not amused at the fact that a bit of the blood got on his shirt, I bet he misses Dry-cleaning . Rob suddenly tensed as he heard a gunshot. Rob quickly followed Damian, also being just in time to see the Raiders. Rob silently cursed underneath his breath. He gave a quick glance to Holly to see that she was keeping pace. It was pretty damn obvious that Damian was angry, of course Rob would be angry as well. His current home is being raided, who wouldn't be furious about that. However, he could hear that there were people in the church, was Damian going to ambush him. That thought went away as he gave another look at Damian, not the one to be groups, Rob reminded himself.

Damian made a gesture towards the entrance, Rob bit his lip as he looked upwards towards the bell tower. He saw someone shouting toward them. Crap, that will probably attract attention. The Raiders, not to mention walkers. He wanted that guy to shut up. What could he do if he helped....Maybe. "What do we do?" Rob whispered to Damian. "Do you want to get your stuff back....Do you know if this church has some bullsh*t secret entrance?" Rob added. They couldn't just barged in there they would get slaughtered. Of course they could just leave, which Rob would probably do. But since he was in a group, he would see what the other two wanted to add as well.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Myst
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Jessalyn - Railroad Tracks - Floyd, Tom, Jack

Jess's face fell at the man's words. She hadn't meant to make him angry, but apparently she had somehow.
"I didn't mean... I just thought..."
So he was going to leave too.
It's not that she didn't love Lynn, it was just that sometimes she thought that they would do better with more people around. They would be able to find more food and protect each other better. They could become like a family.
She smiled warmly at the boy and offered her hand. "I'm Jessalyn. Don't worry, no one is going to hurt you," she reassured him, hoping that was true.

From somewhere in the city gun shots were heard. Jess looked up worriedly.
"No..." she murmured, afraid. If it was Tyler's group...
They were dangerous. They were evil. She had heard stories about them, that they kept walkers like guard dogs and fed people to them for fun.

She backed away and sat down near the man with the weapons. She didn't sit beside him because she didn't know if he was still mad at her.
Lynn - random store

Gun shots.
That was not good.

Lynn cocked her head and closed her eyes, trying to count how many guns were going off.
Answer : too many.
She needed to get back to Jess.
Grabbing some shirts she had found, Lynn left the store cautiously. If it was Tyler's group come back for more they needed to hunker down inside the train cars and barricade themselves inside until they left. She wasn't about to get looted again.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rare
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Rare The Inquisitor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Brandon - Church - Julia, Alexander, and Quinn (NPCs). - Nearby the rooftop.

Brandon saw the group and tried to wave them down, but it was hopeless, he still had a gun ready. But then he heard footsteps below him and Brandon was ready to attack that somebody but his choice to wait until he was under the trap door. The guy got under the trapdoor and looked up, but he got a surprise jump for Brandon. The raider was out of business and Brandon wanted that, if he had shot him the rest would of known and the walkers would of known as well. He looked at the weapon, an assault rifle, they really must want this church or the loot. He grabbed it as he had never used one before, but he had to learn quick or get killed.

The raiders were looking around and the leader said, "This place is useless now because of the walkers coming but we did find some supplies.". Brandon was on the first level and he saw his friends. But he didn't see Julia, either she got out of the church or worst. He didn't want to think of that, he got his gun ready and put down the assault rifle beside him. He saw the leader with three other guys all had assault rifles, then he saw Alexander and Quinn sitting in the back row. But, he saw his baseball bat and backpack threw towards the door. He could either save his friends and get in risk of dying or grab his stuff and found the group that he saw early. He didn't know what to pick, but it was a life or death one.

Julia looked at the man and said, "I don't fucking know. I left before I could see them, but the door is open, we could attack and-". She heard gunshots go off once more and she had no choice, she opened the door and changed towards a guy firing at Brandon. He didn't have a change to look back, but she stabbed him and dragged him over to the other side. Alexander and Quinn hid at the benches in order to not get shot it. Brandon had opened fire at the leader, but missed and hit someone else. The leader grew mad and shouted, "You all will die, fuckers!" two guys were left, but more came up from the basement and fired towards Brandon. Julia was waiting for the guy to come in and she whispered, "Get the fuck in here and help.".
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by riprofsuls


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

In a Store with clear view of the Church

Aleck saw the group that was invading the church two blocks down arrive and start shooting, it was an effective scare tactic, for raiders. He figured he could hit them quick and hard but there was yet to be a visible gain from ambushing these raiders, he'd fought a few of them before and knew fairly well how to hold his own but he didn't have the firepower to wrestle with this particularly large group. He could gain weapons in return for his efforts but he wasn't sure about the group these raiders were attacking, if they didn't put up a fight Aleck decided it was best to leave them to their fates, if a survivor isn't willing to fight for his right to live then best to let them die than be dragged down.

To prevent being seen by walkers he secured the doors and camouflaged his presence with boxes, he'd wait a while and see what the clash of the two groups would result in before moving on.

Second Floor of a Thrift Store
"I wonder what I should make," Gwen mused. "Ravioli or lasagna dinner?"

When shit hit the fan Aleck had spent a great deal of effort securing a place for them to stay, he found a studio on the second floor of a thrift shop with more than six possible exits and entrances and had proceeded to make it into a home. Gwen had never really tasted the suffering of the apocalypse that was going on outside, she sensed the loss and insecurity brought on by it but nothing beyond that. When food started to run out in the beginning it was Aleck who ventured out to bring back supplies, when their home was no longer secure Aleck had already a plan set in motion to get them to safety without running into any kinds of problems.

She decided to go with Lasagna, though they had a solar panel to recharge the battery that powered all the electrical appliances Gwen used its power wasn't enough to maintain the fridge on all of the time. Aleck had recently secured some good lasagna making cheese, it would be a waste if it spoiled should the battery die during the night. She grabbed some other ingredients from the fridge and started boiling some of the lasagna pasta to get it ready for the slow oven bake.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by gowia
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gowia Buried in a Book

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Jessalyn - Railroad Tracks - Floyd, Tom, Jack
Jack almost chuckled when the girl, obviously pregnant, asked him to check on her child. CHildren, always fucking children. Jack lowered his hands slowly whilst the man with the bow begun a huge hissy fit before slumping to the floor like a child. Jack assumed this was a sign he was allowed to hlp. Stepping forward he dropped off his pack with what seemed to be everyone elses and stood next to the pregnant girl who was now sitting next to the pissy man. Putting a hand on her shoulder to reasure her he spoke calmy and softly, like he had with his more nervous patients at the hospital.

"Okay, my name is Jack SUllam, people just call me Sully." Jack smiled, it was always good for your patient to have some idea of who you are. "It looks to me that you are quite far gone now. Have you had any morning sickness, random cramping or more frequent urination? I assume you would have by now however I need to know how frequently so as to get a rough estimation then If." Jack looked around. "We can find somewhere a little more private and a little safer I can go through with the rest of the procedure. Is that okay?" The man to the girls side may not like him but the girl was obviously very stressed and if anything that was only going to make the baby situation worse, he was doing everything as calmly as he could.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Myst
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Jessalyn - Railroad Tracks - Floyd, Tom, Jack

Jess smiled at the doctor. "I'm Jessalyn, but my friend Lynn calls me Jess. The morning sickness left about a month ago. I have had some cramping. It's really worried me," she added, cradling her stomach.
She glanced over at the man with the arrows (Floyd) to make sure he wasn't going to get angry again, before standing up with difficulty. "We can go inside the train car, but... could we pleased leave the door open? I don't mean it as an insult to you," she added quickly. "But it's just... men... men make me nervous," she finally admitted.
After that one man had gotten her pregnant and left her behind, and then Tyler's men had attacked her and Lynn, it was no wonder she had a fear of men.
She smiled at the boy. "There's some water in that car over there," she said, pointing to one next to the main train car they used. "There's also some blankets if you want to lay down and rest," she paused before looking back at Floyd. "The same offer goes to you too. Water and rest. It's not much, but it's all I can offer you."
She didn't want anything in return. The fact that she was helping them was enough for her. The world may have gotten dangerous and cruel, but people didn't have to be that way.
Lynn crept towards the church. She had to make sure that the men inside were not Tyler's men. If Tyler had come back then he knew exactly where she and Jess stayed and would attack again. If it was Tyler, then she and Jess needed to get the hell out.
She had her hand gun and her knife. Staying in the shadows of the building next door, she got as close as she could and watched the doors and windows carefully...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Bobby Barrows
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Bobby Barrows The Scholar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Polyester- Church - Brandon,Julia, Alexander, and Quinn (NPCs)- Nearby the rooftop.

Polyester was torn, he could always save the survivors and obtain a group, but that would contradict his goal of not dieing. The Walkers would be here any moment and overun the church, there was sure to be more of the bandits. Regardless, he pointed his gun at the remaining raider and pulled the trigger. The raider fell dead on the ground, the weapon he was holding fired and hit a wall. Polyester kept his position so that the raiders would be surrounded."Let's get some weapons Yall'!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by QT
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QT The Vacuum Detective

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Floyd - Train Yard - Jess/Doc/Tom

Floyd overheard her introduction to the doctor, learning the girls name. Jessalyn, goes by Jess apparently, but that didn't entitle her to learn his name yet. If he told them his name, that would mean he would be one step closer to uniting with them, an action he didn't yet know if he wanted to take. Floyd felt that the girl was too trusting, she didn't even question herself before acting upon her will. He understood her situation - she had a child and needed to take care of it - but survival was given to the fittest. There wasn't good people out there anymore, everyone changed. Good people became animals, regardless how pure they were. But this girl, this innocence, was it an exception to Floyd's belief?

Then Jess offered her food and shelter to the strangers, including Floyd himself. "What about your friend? Don't you think you should consult with her before you give away your stuff? She's been gone for a while by the way, aren't you worried about her?" Floyd asked as he turned towards the direction Lynn had gone off too. It had definitely been a while since she left them. In secondly, who the heck just abandons her group member and leaves them with a bow-wielding redneck? People just weren't sane anymore. Maybe she just lay her burdens on somebody else, ditching the pregnant woman in order to increase her chances of survival. After all, that would have been the smartest thing to do.

Floyd then started to walk in that direction, prepared to head back into the city. "Keep your food, you need it more than me. I can do just fine on my own" he stated as he began to walk away. As much as his heart was telling him to stay, his mind and conscious was forcing him to walk away. He lived by the code of lonesome and pride. He wasn't alive because he begged for help or had people aid him, he was alive because of his own personal strength. "Good luck" he finished as his boots brushed through the green grass and the overwhelming heat of the sun.

He was going back to the city to not only get supplies, but in search of another vehicle. Since his stolen bike died, he needed some other form of transportation. There was no possible home anymore. One must always be on the move in order to survive, it was basically a law. Settling down in one location was impossible, it always ended badly, regardless how good one thinks they have it. Eventually, everything rots to hell, just like the world they currently roam.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by gowia
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gowia Buried in a Book

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Jessalyn - Railroad Tracks - Tom, Jack

Jack didn't mind that the bow wielding man was leaving. All he cared about was checking up on this girl ad getting himself safe. The girls request to leave the door open was fine and he would of course honour it. A lot had happened over the last six months and for her to not trust men seemed quite small in the world of problems other people found themselves in. Walking away from the girl he found the water and carried a small amount into the carriage she had mentioned before grabbing some towels as well. One for him to sleep on later and another or the girl now. When the carriage was finished he stepped over to the girl and helped her along, talking gently as he went.

"Okay I am going to take a quick look all over you, check for any sign of any infection, I'm going to check your pulse and joint movement and I am going to check out as much as a can about the baby without a ultra-sound. Okay?" His reassuring voice echoed off the inside of the carriage as they stepped in side and he lay her down on her back on the towels he had placed out around the floor. He was about to shut the door when he remembered what the girl had said and just pulled the door slightly more closed so the boy couldn't see.

After about half an hour Jack stepped outside opening the door fully. "Okay Jess, your baby appears fine, there is no sign on you of any infection, your pulse and the sound of your lungs seem normal, skin pigmentation seems normal too so there shouldn't be any dietary problems. All in all your body is handling this completely normally and the bay should be healthy and fine. Although without an ultra-sound I can't be sure you seem about twenty four to twenty eight weeks gone. The baby could be here anywhere within a month or two I would say." Jack smiled as he sat the girl back down where she had been before, grabbing himself a bottle of water out of his pack he sat next to her and invited the boy over to sit with them whilst he rummaged through his bag.

"You out here all alone then?" Jack's voice was a little gruffer than when he had carrying out the examination now however that was just the one he put on when examining patients.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by whyapac


Member Offline since relaunch

Tom - Railroad Tracks - Jessalyn, Jack

Tom kept his mouth shut-.. he watched in silence as the man degraded him and then watched as the man decided to turn his back on the boy and sit down.. leaving the boy standing, just in utter shock at how rude and mean a person can be, he had never encountered a person before who was mean to him like that man was to him.. he watched as the woman stuck her hand out towards him, as she introduced herself; he accepted the hand into his soft small hand slowly.. giving off a frown before he stated his name in his regular soft-voice which was mixed with a nervous stutter. "T-T-.. T-.. Tom.. n-nice to m-..meet you.."

Tom stood gazing downwards at his feet standing in silence for the longest time, until only speaking to respond to the kind gesture of food and shelter the woman had offered him, "T-t-.. thank y-you.. b-.. but I am fine for now.." the boy's stutter seemed to wear off as he started to feel that his presence was more comfortable and welcome, and that he wasn't here to be put down with malicious insults..

The boy stayed seated on some gravel at the side of the railroad tracks as he waited for the doctor and the woman to come back after she had received her examination, he whistled to himself.. doing nothing out of the ordinary, he turned his head.. watching as the doctor and the woman reappeared back into his sight and started walking back towards him where they planned to rest and hang out again.

The boy gave a thin-smile towards the two as they approached them, then he layed on his back.. placing his hands behind his head, looking into the quite cloudless sky.. a nice day it was, the sun beating down onto the left side of his face; causing him to squint his eyes.. his small torso rose and fell with every given breath, his eyes slightly covered up by his bangs.

He wasn't sure if the 'doctor' asked him whether or not if he was alone, or was it the woman he asked.. he just gave a slight nod.. not going to intrude into something that he didn't think he belonged in, he rested his eyes; keeping them closed so the sun didn't irritate them.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by QT
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QT The Vacuum Detective

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Floyd - Heading to Town - Raiders/Lynn

Half an hour after his departure from the small group of three, Floyd ran into a set of footprints. It wasn't difficult to track because they were implemented in the grass, making the debris easy to follow. He started tracking down whatever made the trail, but was already sure who it was. It had to be that lady who was with the breeder he just abandoned. His intention was to leave those people alone, but now he wondered why she would head into the city, into the fired shots. "Dammit girl!" he murmured to himself quite loudly, irritated by the decision he was about to make.

He was going to go to the city eventually, but had intentions to enter the city from another angle. He didn't want to encounter those shots from earlier, but it was too late now since he already began to follow the trail. He looked at the ground closely, making sure he didn't lose the track. Suddenly, the setting changed as a suburb began to form before him. That suburb would then be overrun by urbanization and industries, forming a giant city. It was no longer possible to follow the girl's tracks because they had vanished in the streets, but what remained was the noise and walkers heading in a certain direction.

Floyd hid inside an open house as he watched out the window as about ten to fifteen walkers headed into the interior of the city. He was certain the bullets from earlier were calling them. It was an empty city free of noise, so a single sound would echo like the sound of a jukebox. Therefore, silently, Floyd followed the walkers, heading towards the bullet sounds, knowing that's where the breeder's friend had vanished to. Sooner or later they would meet yet again, though they didn't really speak back at the train yard.

After about two miles of travel, Floyd could hear the ruckus for himself. The walkers were headed straight for the entrance of what seemed to be a church. Since he moved at a decent rate, he seemed to have caught up to the girl, because he could see her to his right. The blonde hid behind a nearby building, but her gun was like a speckle of glitter. It's metal was shining rapidly, reflecting the sun's rays. With a crouch, Floyd hid behind a car a few feet from her. She still didn't notice him because of her high and intense focus on the church. Therefore, in order to prevent from getting shot, he gave the small beetle a nice knock on the side of the door to alert the girl of his presence. Whenever she noticed him, he gave a small gesture to tell her he was going to move next to her. And he did. With the same crouch, Floyd stayed away from not only the walker's field of vision, but the people in the church as well.

"What the hell are you doing here girl?" he whispered to her with an attitude. "You tryin' to leave you friend, your burden behind on me or somethin'? Well newsflash lady, I ain't nobody's bitch! Your friend ain't my problem. You're the one that's supposed to be watching over her, not me! Not that doctor either! So how bout' you get back there and get out of here before you get yourself shot. Go! Get out of here! Am I the only sane person around here?" he whispered fairly loud, pushing her arm aside, trying to force her to leave. She wasn't only jeopardizing her own life, but the child's life as well. Floyd didn't understand why he cared for it, it wasn't his. For some odd reason, innocence was his weakness. One day, that would cause his downfall.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by OutlawedPanda


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

((I'm a newcomer, so I do apologize if I don't do something right))
Emma - Railroad Tracks

Emma kept a weary eye on her surroundings, watching carefully for danger. She hurried her steps as she traversed the railroad tracks. Emma had heard gunshots; she was sure of it. Gunshots meant people, and people meant the possibility of medicine. The gash on her arm stung annoyingly, and something told her that a walker bite wasn't the only infection she would need to worry about if she didn't get it treated. The girl briefly glanced at the bloodstained bandage that was wrapped over the sleeve of her jacket. The sun beaded on her face, so she pulled the thin hood of the green army jacket over her hair. She continued walking towards the origin of the shots; she needed help badly.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Myst
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Jessalyn - Railroad Tracks - Jack, Tom

Jess could hardly contain her excitement. Her baby was okay! He was okay!
"Thank you," she told the doctor with a large smile. "Thank you so much. You have no idea what this means to me." She wrapped her arms around her stomach, hugging it. She would need to start thinking of names. If it was a girl she was naming it 'Lynn' but if it was a boy...
Her smile faded for a moment. If it was a boy, she supposed she should name it after his father. But that was such a bad memory for her. Could she really endure naming her child after such a terrible time in her life?
Jack's question brought her back to the present. "By myself? Oh no, not at all. Lynn is my friend. She took me under her wing after... after I was left here," she said, nearly saying his name. She felt the familiar stab of pain in her chest.
She had thought he would help her, get her somewhere safe after the outbreak. But he had wanted to be paid for his help. Paid with sex.
It hadn't been pleasant, since it had been her first time and obviously not his first time. It had been quick and impersonal. Then he had brought her here and left her with Lynn. She had never seen him again. It had been two months later that she had found out she was pregnant.
She glanced over at Tom and smiled faintly at the boy, her motherly instincts already kicking in. He seemed like a sweet boy. Hopefully Lynn wouldn't be too annoyed and would let him stay. After all, he wasn't a man. And he could help them. It would be good to have more people around, to form a group.
Lynn - Outside the Church - Floyd

Lynn heard the knock and jerked her head to the side, ready to shoot, but realized it was the guy from earlier. He came beside her and she was about to ask him what he thought about the raiders, if he wanted to try and take them out, when he started harping on her.
Her rage began to boil. "First of all, touch me again and you'll be using a straw for a mouth. Second, I have been taking care of her ever since that asshole dropped her off on me. It's not easy and I can't drag a pregnant woman around the city scavenging. And I don't need some backwoods redneck ass-wipe telling me off. I didn't 'put her off on you'. I wouldn't leave a dog in your care. You're free to leave whenever you wanted, which you obviously did."
She gritted her teeth and looked back towards the church. "I need to know who's in there," she told him, her effort to control her temper was obvious in her tone. "If it's who I think it is, I need to get Jess and get the hell out of here. I barely kept us out of his dirty hands last time, the sadistic bastard."
Lynn had a history with Tyler. One that she didn't want to repeat. Ever.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by OutlawedPanda


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Emma - Railroad Tracks - Towards Jessalyn, Jack, and Tom

Emma's legs were sore and she began to feel the burden of her rucksack on her aching shoulders. She felt the wound on her arm throb, reminding her that it would be her companion for a while. Suddenly it occurred to her: What if, when she found other survivors, they thought the wound was a bite? Would they shoot her? Emma felt reluctant to move towards the idea of the people she was hoping to come in contact with... No, they couldn't possibly be that ignorant. She would tell them the truth; she gashed her arm while climbing a chain fence. Well let's hope that they believe me...She dropped onto the metal rinds of the tracks and sat down, sliding off her rucksack. She looked in and observed the contents.

She had a knife, a bottle of water, some aspirin, a roll of duct tape, and a diminishing bandage roll. Emma removed the bandage roll and the knife, zipping the bag again. She wearily brought her arm to her chest, unwrapping the bandage. She grimaced with a slightly audible "Ah!", discarding the bandage and throwing it to the side. Emma placed the end of the roll over the wound and wrapped it until the cut was completely covered and severed the end loose with her knife. After securing the bandage, she replaced the roll in the bag and stood, keep her knife in her left hand. Though she was right handed, the gash made the process of raising her arm painful.

She continued to walk for about five minutes, then stopped as she heard a commotion on her right, away from the tracks. She looked over toward the chain-link fence, at a small, drab concrete building. It was in disrepair and the fence had a large gap in front of the building. She slowly took a step forward, clenching her knife in her hand. She moved closer, making her way to, and then through the gap in the fence. It was large, easy for someone three times her size to get through. She moved toward the door, inexpertly wielding her knife. Before she stepped in she saw it; a walker. He was about six feet tall, and fall large in size. Just one walker... I'm alright...However, two more emerged into view to join the first. She couldn't help the loud cry the pierced her lips, as she doubled backwards, running towards the tracks. Emma slipped and almost fall on the gravel. The walkers were close behind. The two weren't as close, but they trailed right behind their buddy. She put on a burst of speed, drawing upon all of her stamina.

To her left, another walker came from a building just ahead of her. She passed it, the infected's hand grazing her shoulder. In front of her, she could barely make out three figures. Loosing her focus, she slipped, her foot hooking onto one of the rungs of the tracks. Another cry escaped her lips as she felt a sharp pain in her ankle. The newly joining walker was close. She looked towards the three figures and yelled at the top of her lungs. "Help!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by QT
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QT The Vacuum Detective

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Floyd - I was never a church person - Lynn

"You say all this yet she's out there alone. You and your high cotton smart talk" he finished, rushing forth into the street pulling out his trench knife, bumping passed her on his way. "If you wanna know whose in there, then you best get movin'." The walkers that had led him to the church would no longer be his guides, they were now enemy. With a quick thrust, Floyd pierced the first walker through the back of the skull, penetrating the blade through the brain, causing the soulless corpse to fall motionless. The thud the collapse caused, called forth other walkers around it to focus on Floyd, rather than the gunshots.

Without hesitation, Floyd pushed another walker down to the ground, jumped on it, and stabbed it directly in the face about three times, ending its 'life'. He noticed three other walkers heading towards him as well, but unlike the two he just killed, these were at a decent range where he could either shoot with his arrow, or just run passed them. He turned back to Lynn. "C'mon, I ain't got all day!" he called out as he started to jog towards the side of the church where the gunshots were loud and clear. It seemed that there was crossfire between the raiders and another group. So Floyd was going through all this trouble to help yet another person, stupid redneck.

He then peaked through the tinted window. Church windows were always so damn glamorous that one couldn't really see much through them. They always had these images and colors that made them like art rather than a window - what they're actually supposed to be. Floyd wasn't really religious, he was somewhat a deist. He believed there was a creator, a god, but didn't think much of him. He never prayed, never really got him anywhere. His life was shit regardless he did it or not. Father and mother absent, best friend absent, he was just alone all the damn time, not even the community priest wanted him around, he was 'trouble' as the white trash called him. Anyhow, all one could see through the window was shadows moving left and right. Without turning he spoke, surely Lynn was beside him by now. "We gonna have to get in there. There should be a door through the back, if not, we'll just flank them. I can go through the front door, you can just start shootin' from here" he suggested. This was now a life and death situation. If he died here, it would be obvious that God was never on his side from birth. When you die in the house of God, it's obvious where your going.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rare
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Rare The Inquisitor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Brandon - Church - Julia, Alexander, and Quinn (NPCs).

Church. Where everyone is quite during the opening pray and the songs. God the awful songs, taking the time that Brandon just wanted to get up and leave. But now, trapped in a gun fight inside a church, he realized that those things changed the world. It turned kind hearted people into crazy people and they would kill everyone just to survive. He fired his pistol at a gun's head before he saw Julia, stabbing a gun and hiding, he smiled. But then he realized that the basement was behind her, and the raiders changed from the guy, that shouted as he shot the remaining person. Julia was at gun point and followed their orders as they told her to move towards Brandon and as did the guy, that was now held at gunpoint; their weapons were taken and put on a bench.

Brandon dropped his pistol and held his hands up and said, "Don't hurt them! My group will not shoot at you as long they live and are not hurt in anyway.". The raiders were ready to fire, but then they heard a voice, "Listen to him, I want to hear his mouth." he came from the basement. He looked in his 30s with a beard, looked like a cowboy that just wanted to kill someone. Another raider's mouth opened, "Sir, they killed our men! They shall die! As did Greg!" and he walked over to Greg's dead body and said, "So much for a 'fighter' as he claimed" and laughed. "What's so fucking f-." the raider stopped before going on, the guy turned and then aimed at him. He fired towards his head and the raider dropped dead, Julia almost had a heart attack, then he turned towards Brandon and said, "My name is Brad. You will only know me by Brad and that's all.".

He then stopped and heard walkers as they were coming to the church due to the gunshots and said, "This is your lucky day, mate. Due to the fight that you guys had with Greg and his 'team'. But, I'll see you and your so call 'friends' again; next time, I wouldn't be as kind as I was. Let them live, only this time.". The raiders let their guns down and walked next to the leader, one pushed Julia to the ground and both Alexander and Quinn ran to her. "Let's go men, before the walkers come." those words were Brad's orders, he was like a cold-hearted person, that will do anything to survive. But before he left, Brandon walked towards Brad and shouted, "Why did your group attack us!? What do you want!? Are you the leader?!" and Tyler smiled and said, "You'll see next time, mate. And no I'm no leader, but Tyler awaits me". Brandon then walked closer and said, "Who the fuck is Tyler?!" Brad and his group walked away as the walkers were advancing to the church, Brandon looked at the door and couldn't say a word. Brad had attacked the church for no reason, he didn't answer none of his questions. He wanted Brad dead, but first he must survive the walkers.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by datadogie
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datadogie Cloak and Dagger

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

"Yay! Someone to stick with." James blushed a bit, embarassed for his childish manner. He noticed Shannon looking at her weapons and felt a bit uneasy. For all he knows, she could just pounce at him when he had his back turned, and that would be it. "I've also been looking around for supplies, but I haven't really seen anything of use. Seems that a lot of people strip shops completely clean." James sighed. "I wish this is a nightmare that I can just wake up from, but I know that it is all real." He turned his head slightly to look around. No point ignoring the fact that a walker could just stroll up and spoil the chat.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mortimer
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Mortimer Owner of the Dimmsdale Dimmadome

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Mr. Grimm - Alone in the 7/11

Mr. Grimm continued to examine the abandoned supermarket in hopes of finding any source of nutrition available. He clearly knew most places had been ravaged out by desperated survivors in need of something to eat, so finding anything was almost impossible. But this place at least had some left-overs. Grimm picked up a few bags of snacks and sandwiches which were really few and managed to find a package of soda. The rest of the food was either rotten or full of dirt. He sat by the staircase next to his motorbike and started to eat his delightful lunch, one he really deserved.

A while after, Grimm stood up and hopped on his bike again. This time he had no actual direction...no objectives. He simply made his sweet bike "roar" and sped off into the empty streets.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by riprofsuls


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Aleck Encounters Emma on the Tracks

Aleck saw the girl coming long before she reached the tracks, he noted that she was injured, there was blood. She was weak but she didn't seem to be "dying", he could tell these things, when someone is infected. With practiced ease he exited his sanctuary and made his way towards the girl at a running pace.

He unsheathed the sword and strapped the scabbard to his back when he got within fifty yards, he would need to be quick but silent so he left the guns holstered. The thing about the undead is that they cannot feel "danger" and only feel the drive to feed so they cannot perceive the danger of a sword and thus do nothing to avoid its blade. He cut down the first of the undead as he approached the girl then another drawing the attention of the rest. He avoided dealing with the big one until it was the last one standing, he didn't want to try and deal with the big one while the other ones were still up, if they had caught him then it would have been the end of him since he doubted he had the strength to tango mano a mano with the big none.

He sliced deep into its right thigh dropping it low before arching overhead and swinging down with full force for a decapitating blow.

"And there we go..." Aleck said to himself using the big one's backside to wipe off the blood from his sword. He unhitched the sword from his back and sheathed it before hitching it back on again, after which he made a quick double check to ensure that the revolvers were loaded. With that done and out of the way he scanned the area temporarily ignoring the distressed girl, Aleck had already an escape route set up but now he was checking its viability before heading through it. To his satisfaction the route appeared to be clear and viable.

"Hold on now," he said to the girl. He grabbed her hand, lifted her quickly up off the ground and draped her over his shoulder, he wrapped one arm around the back of her knees and the other on her butt securing her in place as he made a mad dash for the safety of the store he had previously been occupying. "Don't scream or anything because that will kill us both."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by OutlawedPanda


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

[b]Emma - Railroad tracks/Aleck's Holdup - Aleck[\b]

Emma made no objection to the stranger; he'd saved her life after all. She decided that she hadn't seen people down the tracks and she'd been seeing things. That was the first time she'd been so close to being bit. She felt sick, her legs would have probably given out if she'd been walking. She managed a quiet, "Thank you..." and let herself embrace the shaken daze. She ignored the intimidation that the man radiated, the awkward placing of his hands, and hoped he was friendly.
((Sorry it's short, but there's not much I could do at this point))
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