Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by desdamin
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Member Seen 18 days ago

Hana Bohi"Precision is nearest to perfection!"
The classroom was set up in a semi-circle, the teacher's podium in front of the black board, the focus of the class. The desks, situated on an incline with each higher than the last as they went back, assured that no student would miss any part of Bohi-sensei's lectures. The Bohi-sensei herself currently stood in the front of the class, her back to the students. She had, cradled in her left arm, a binder and in her right, a simple white piece of chalk that was on its last legs. So far, almost the entire chalkboard was covered with precise boxes, each categorized "Team 1" or "Team 2" and so on.

What was so remarkable about this was that every single one of the boxes and every single character on the board looked as if it were typed and printed. Further, if it weren't for the fact that it was obviously in chalk and it was obviously a blackboard, one might have thought that what they were looking at was some sort of projection. It took her an awfully long time to set it all up, and she was just never quite satisfied. Even as she hurried to finish, because she had to finish, she knew she wasn't going to be satisfied with it when she stepped back and actually looked at it. More than likely it was at a slight slant, or perhaps the board was crooked or maybe she'd accidentally discover that the foundation of the building was a little off, a centimetre or two... and then she'd have to start all over again from scratch.

At that moment, her chalk decided to crumble into dust leaving a large white powdery ball on the board where the name "Yuzuzoshi" had once seemed so pristine. She froze. Her eye twitched. She reached for the eraser, choking the poor thing in her grip. She was going to have to write it agai-

The very loud school bell indicating the few minutes until the beginning of class interrupted her small conniption fit and brought her back to the real world... the world that didn't have numbers and checks and balances and patterns that must MUST be satisfied... well... there were fewer, anyway. She turned quite suddenly, a mild, but displeased look upon her face. She looked around the room to see who was already there and who was yet to arrive. She couldn't imagine any of them would arrive late. What sort of shinobi would be late to see what team they'd been selected for?!? She took a few breaths and tried to calm down. It helped, but she still had the urge to get her chart just so... She told herself she'd do it later, once her other duties had been taken care of. In fact, she wrote it in her binder, three times before finally turning back to the class, clearly satisfied with the arrangement and much calmer as a result.

The bell rang.

She had to remind herself it barely mattered now; if she didn't get started explaining the student's team selection, she herself very well stood the possibility of being late to start class! This was exactly why she never used the chalkboard!

"Goodmorning class", she began pleasantly, finally getting her footing, "today's a very big day for y-"

She heard murmuring which interrupted her speech. Her eyes snapped from gentle to deadly like a flip of a switch and she glared around the room, finally resting her gaze on a group of students talking among themselves, one who had clearly fallen asleep. His body lay prone across his desk while a thin stream of drool leaked out of the corner, onto the desk and down the side. Hana scoffed and straightened her posture. They obviously weren't taking their future very seriously at all! She fumed, but then bit it back. If they wanted to miss out on their instructions, then that was their decision.

"On the-"

But then the prone boy snored and in the span of a second, he found his head smashed into the wall behind his desk. He looked around confused for a moment while the eraser that Bohi-sensei had thrown at him dislodged itself.

"Chotzu! This is your future we're discussing here! You might wish to stay awake for it", yelled Hanna, who drew her small body up still straighter. Chotzu rubbed his forehead and whined, but straightened up too. The display of Bohi-sensei's eraser prowess seemed to have whipped the other talking students into attention too... and yet this didn't please Hana one bit.

"Now class, behind me is a chart of each of the teams, complete with their number and members", she said at a slightly faster clip. She was annoyed, and now quite determined to get through this without any further interruptions. She marched over to the board and pointed to a perfectly square box labelled "Team 8" and continued, "Now, for example, Chotzu Akimichi? you are here, on... Team 8 and your sensei is Jounin Instructor Yamcha Yamanaka."

She took a deep breath and finished with a wide smile, "Now, please come and see where you are listed and pick up your schedule at my desk. After that, you're all dismissed! Congratulations on your accomplishment and good luck on your ninja journey!"

She bowed politely and crossed her way over to her desk, where she began arranging paperclips just so.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Helios J Mears
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Helios J Mears

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Burai Kasei

Class was always an… interesting experience for one Kasei Burai. Blind as he was, he often relied on braille or an assistant reading aloud to absorb any written information during lessons, and he was usually content with that. Indeed, he was, and had been for a good while, one of the class’s most consistent students, with average to above average scores in every subject. Had today been any other day, Burai would simply ask an acquaintance to tell him which team he was on, pick up his schedule (which they would hopefully have remembered to stamp with braille, or at least write with chakra-infused ink), and pootle on over to whatever meeting point they’d been assigned. However, today was not any other day. Today was graduation day: the last opportunity he’d have to prank Bohi Sensei. In other words, Today would be legendary.

As soon as the bustle caused by the beaning of the Akimichi (by what Burai could only assume was an eraser, based on the silhouette it cast) had subsided, and Bohi Sensei had finished her briefing, he raised a single, meek hand.

“Ano, Bohi Sensei, If I may be excused in my rudeness, you seem not to have accommodated my… particular needs.” He pointed slowly at his headband, wrapped firmly over his eyes. “To put it another way, miss, I cannot see the board, insomuch as I see the world around me. What team is mine?” Now, a deadpan expression to stick the landing and 3… 2… 1…

Bingo. There was the roiling of stressed chakra he’d expected. In the privacy of his head, Burai allowed himself a small laugh and congratulated himself on pulling the wool over the eyes of yet another ninja. Now, to find out his team placement...

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by desdamin
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Member Seen 18 days ago

Jin Kani"Feel the sting of the honorable crab, the Fabulous Jin Kani!"
Jin sat in his usual seat at the back of the class with his arms folded and wearing a notable frown. He'd sat in that exact spot, nearly in the center and far in the back, since he'd started at the academy and his reasoning was simple: it was the highest up and provided the best acoustics. While being at the front would have provided him the opportunity to stand up nearest the center, looking down from the highest spot was far more preferable. When he had something to say, all heads would turn to look at him and his voice would go move down towards the teacher in a most impressive manner. Why should he share the spotlight with Bohi-sensei?

Something he appreciated about Bohi-sensei was how hard she strived to treat the students equally, despite the very obvious differences between some of them. It was admirable. Even though it was foolish to think that any of them could ever reach the great heights of the mighty crab, she strove to push them all towards greatness anyway, even if they were nowhere near so manly or brawny. It was true... as a specimen Jin was intimidating. Even Bohi-sensei could see it. When he'd make his grand entrances, so moved was she by his grand displays that she'd instantaneously give him extra training. Of course, she'd frame it as a "punishment" to keep the others from being too jealous, but it was too obvious how she felt, the poor girl... Sometimes she'd even make other students watch. He supposed she wouldn't be able to stand it if she watched herself and it meant that Jin was able to inspire his classmates to greater heights.

But today was different. Today was graduation day. It'd be so easy to make a speech, but he knew that this was a solemn occasion, though some didn't seem to think so. The boy with no eyes, Burai, stood to confront his teacher so rudely! Jin stood immediately and pointed, but before he could begin his objection to such behavior, Bohi-sensei spoke up, "Yes, Kasei-san, I have not forgotten about you!"

She threw three folders at Burai which landed neatly on the desk in front of the boy and spun a little. In all his years at the academy, he'd never known Bohi-sensei to miss her target when throwing an object, and now that it was time to part ways, he found this endearing. Yes, he felt a feeling... emotionality... come upon him. It would have been enough to bring a tear to anyone else's eye, but surely not the mighty Jin's! Instead, a smile crawled across his face, from ear to ear. It was a smile of respect... and goodbyes. He was standing anyway, so he put his hands together and began to clap.

"Well done, Bohi-sensei! Three cheers for the greatest teacher!"
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Vexxed Vex
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Vexxed Vex

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Kiyoshi Hyuga

Despite the placid expression on the young man's face, Kiyoshi was struggling to contain his excitement. He had finally graduated from the academy and was, now waiting for the end of the last assembly with the rest of the graduates. Not even Bohi-sensei's reprimand toward Chotzu Akimichi dampened the budding Hyuga's good mood. Though he did feel a bit bad for the boy, Kami knew just how hard the instructor could throw an eraser when someone wasn't paying attention. Though if he was being honest with himself, he was far more excited for the opportunity to learn more iryo-ninjutsu. With the Academy's specialty courses being limited as well as the general lack of interest or chakra control most students had it was understandable, however grudgingly.

Looking about the room at all of his fellow fresh genin, Burai Kasei caught his eye. He held mixed feelings for the blind, young man. On the one hand, there has been bad blood between the Hyuga and Kasei clans for as long as Kiyoshi could remember. On the other, he couldn't help but respect the darker-skinned boy's strength and resolve despite his handicap. He distinctly remembered the bruises that took quite a while to fade from the last time the two had spared against one another.

However, it was the proclamation from the self-titled "Handsome Crab of the Leaf" that really tore the brunette from his thoughts. "Please don't let me be on his team, anyone but that loudmouth!" He thought to himself desperately as he activated his byakugan to get a better view of the chart on the board. Kiyoshi didn't have a problem with the...exciteable boy personally, he just could not see their personalities meshing well in the long run.

Fortunately for the Hyuga, as he scanned the chart, he was not paired with Jin. Unfortunately, he struggled to put faces to the names he was paired with, though he was pretty sure he had spared with a Karata on more than one occasion.

"Guess I'll just have to wait until we meet out Jounin sensei to identify them. " He thought to himself as he absently twirled a dulled senbon between his fingers.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by desdamin
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Member Seen 18 days ago

.:Seiji Hyuuga:.

"All ways lead to death.
The way is in death.
Some ways are quicker."

Away from the classroom and in the hokage's office, Seiji Hyuuga sat in a simple chair behind a simple desk and pored over a crystal ball. In it, images of shinobi, one by one, returning home appeared and disappeared into the next. Everyone was arriving back, as they should. Many of these young ninja would soon be receiving assignment as jounin instructors, leading teams of genin, some of them for the first time. It was the same every year; the jounin would return and receive a summons to his office, where they'd receive their next assignment and a file for each of the newly exalted shinobi. Seiji had, as he had done year after year, read the files and conducted his own examination of the young hopefuls and their prospective instructors. It was his responsibility.

He took a deep breath and relaxed his brow, which had been pulled knit, and allowed his face to stray from the ball to the small tea cup his wife had poured him earlier. In the quiet of his largely bare office, with only the steam of the tea and gentle glow of the crystal ball on his face, he could almost hear the rumble of the children of the academy, the din of the streets farther out, the birds in the trees... and out and out and out. The Byakugan came with it many gifts, not the least of which was an early understanding that even in emptiness, there was so much fullness. The tea was given to him by his wife Haruka and its steam warmed the air, just as the warmth of her still lingered in the room, and he could feel the echoes of her, though she was gone, and the echoes of hokage past, each having left their mark, a reflection of a reflection. Much like this crystal ball left by the Third, they were a window. They hung in the air and followed him, trailing behind as he imagined he in turn trailed behind and would some day echo to someone else.

No more tea.

The Byakugan revealed so much and so did age and so did wisdom and he was wise enough and he had lived long enough to know the difficulty and value in not knowing. He didn't know his son, not as he knew his classmates. He was a subject with which he'd adopted a policy of mystery. Instead, he'd pass duties around him to his most trusted friends. He would, instead, rely on their expertise, would not inquire... His duty as a father demanded his ignorance, lest he bend him. Hiro must be true.

Still, in this instance, he knew much more than he'd have liked. By virtue of knowing everyone else's team, he couldn't help but know Hiro's as well, though he'd no knowledge of who his jounin would be. And yet... he'd know soon enough. Like every other jounin, they would be called into his office and he would hand them their files and then... perhaps he'd know too much. His eyes softened, then flattened, and then his face hardened and he wrapped the crystal ball in soft and dark fabric that protected it from the outside world and the outside world from its vision. This was a difficulty he would have to put out of his mind. Anticipation interfered with the here and now and any jounin may arrive. Seiji clasped his hands and rested his elbows on the desk.

He was ready.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by DoomFlavored
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Member Seen 22 days ago

Rashiku Karata __________________

Every night of my life
I watch angels fall from the sky
Every time that the sun still sets
I pray they don't take mine
I'm on the front line
Don't worry I'll be fine
The story is just beginning
I say goodbye to my weakness
So long to my regret
And now I know that I'm alive
The farthest seat to the left in the back is where Rashiku sat, the boy keeping himself out of the way, and where he could see how the class operated. It was far more... undisciplined than he was used to, and when the teacher caught the large kid sleeping, what surprised him wasn't that something was thrown, but rather that it was a 'harmless' chalkboard eraser rather than a kunai. Disrespect to the instructors like that back in the mist would have very likely resulted in a beating with broken bones while the students watched. During his time in the Leaf, Rashiku found that everything worked differently. The test in particular being much softer, with not so much as non-lethal duels between students. Everything he knew told him that this would only result in weakness, yet Konoha was Kiri's strongest military rival. It didn't make any sense. How could they be so strong if they treated their forces so gently?

While Rashiku pondered, ultimately finding that he was more curious than disapproving, his thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the loud kid in the middle making a weird announcement. Two blinks came from Rashiku, watching the uproar with multiple other students suddenly clamoring for their teacher. Konoha was a very strange village, he thought as he viewed the board to see who he would be teamed up with. 'Ami... A girl's name. And... Kiyoshi. I think that's a guy's.' Wanting to meet his teammates, he got the attention of the student beside him. "Tell me which ones are Ami and Kiyoshi." For some reason the other student recoiled slightly at his words, but pointed out at least where Kiyoshi was, unable to find the other one. Rashiku nodded before he got up and approached Kiyoshi, sitting down beside him in an empty spot and looked his way. "You. Kiyoshi-san. We're teammates. I'm Rashiku Karata."
One push is all you'll need
A fist-first philosophy
We watch with wounded eyes
So I hope you recognize
I'm on the front line
Don't worry I'll be fine
The story is just beginning
I say goodbye to my weakness
So long to the regret
And now I see the world through diamond eyes

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by desdamin
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Member Seen 18 days ago

Misaki Mori"Challenging me? Really? You must really like getting crushed underfoot."
Tch! So now it was over. That idiot Jin was clapping like a maniac and some others had joined in to honor their sensei. Misaki supposed that she should too, but then she'd be following the lead of a moron and the idea made her ill-tempered. But she couldn't well do nothing either. She respected Bohi-sensei a little. It was a hard-won respect and certainly nothing like the respect she held for her real sensei, but Bohi-sensei wasn't... as bad as she could have ended up being. Misaki nodded her head to show her own approval, though even that left a bad taste in her mouth.

Judging from the frightened expression and the way she hopped back and readied a pencil to toss, Bohi-sensei seemed caught off guard by the sudden applause. But as it wore on, her countenance relaxed into something like a pack of noodles wrapped very tightly, only bright red. And then, with a sigh of acquiescence, she bowed to her class. After a few moments, the applause ended and she straightened up again.

"N-now! I'll be at my desk if you have any questions", she said and returned to arranging her many many paperclips.

Well, Misaki wasn't going to waste any time sitting around staring at the board. She got up and grabbed her schedule from Bohi-sensei's desk before leaving. There was nothing that said that she had to stay there and she had other plans. Over the course of the one year she'd been in Konoha, she'd picked fights with just about everyone that was worth fighting except a few and now seemed the best time. She wasn't likely to get another chance any time soon and she'd have hated to have graduated with loose ends... She waited under a tree facing the door to the classroom and sunk on to her butt. She had a list of names. As soon as they came out, she'd be ready for them.

Since everyone else was taking their time, she figured now was as good a time as any to take a look at her schedule and see just who would be on her team. She flipped through the papers, among them a handwritten congratulations from the Hokage, some administrative stuff relating to her exchange student status... and... there it was... The team.

First was her jounin, Kamoji. Just Kamoji. No last name. What sort of person had one name? And what kind of person's name translated to Duck Boy? Maybe it was a code name. The ANBU wore animal masks, maybe it was that...

Second was Hyuuga Hiro. And that was perfect. He was one of the few people that she hadn't yet fought, and not for lack of trying! She'd tried to goad him into fighting multiple times. His response was almost always to bow and say something goofy like "The Leaf and the Sand should have good relations" and then to walk away. It really was infuriating. Now there was no way to avoid it. She'd beat a famed Hyuuga... and she'd write to Lola-sama and tell her all about it! She'd be really impressed! Lola-sama would have to acknowledge how strong she was, then and probably she'd even ask for her to come back! After all, the only reason she was even here was because Lola-sama had suggested it... f-for learning purposes! But if she beat a Hyuuga, she'd definitely see that there was nothing that the Leaf could teach her and she may as well come home so she could train her personally again!

Misaki blushed and vigorously shook the embarrassing thoughts away.

She was the third name listed and under hers was...

...she had to look again...


...No. She'd read it right...


She defiantly crossed her arms and held her breath, her cheeks inflated with air until she got light headed and nearly fainted.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Helios J Mears
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Helios J Mears

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Takayuki Mekakushi

Takayuki Mekakushi, known across the continent as the Mirage, the fastest Jounin alive, was not having a good day; not in the slightest. He'd been out running a short courier mission to the other side of Fire Country, when, half way back to the village, he'd been attacked by a gang of Sand missing nin. He was lucky to have noticed them; a moment later and he'd have ploughed into the trap they'd set. Needless to say, crashing into a large earthen slab at speeds in excess of 150mph was not something he would willingly attempt any time soon. So now, he was in heated combat with a gang of skilled Shinobi, and running distinctly behind schedule.

He was broken from his thoughts by the sudden appearance of a brace of Kunai, careering towards him from the right. 'Damn you, Mekakushi, you distractible twit!' Quickly realizing he wouldn't be able to dodge, he planted his feet, flashing his hands into a momentary Snake seal and activated the Supreme Phase. Surge Chakra coursed from his tenketsu like waterfalls as his body began to vibrate, and there was a loud crack as two afterimages curled around each side of the volley, before snapping back together. Before the Chuunin responsible could realize what'd happened, Takayuki snagged one of the Kunai around his finger and hurled it back, nailing her right over the scratch in her headband and passing clean through.

"Hana!" came the cry of the group's Jounin, whose hands snapped into the seals for a common Earth Jutsu, snarling at the death of his comrade. It occurred to Takayuki that he could end it then and there. He was, however, annoyed. Instead he simply smiled, dodging air bullets and thrown weapons idly. 'Meh,' he thought, 'I think I can spare the chakra.' His hands blurred through a long sequence of hand seals, even as the other Jounin slammed his hand to the earth, grinning viciously. A crack of thunder sounded across the clearing, accompanied by a searing flash of blue light, as lightning cloaked the Mirage's form. In one motion, he slipped his goggles down over his eyes and blurred through a quintet of seals, (Tiger, Hare, Reverse Hare, Snake, Tiger, Release!). As a vicious spike of Earth came barreling out of the ground towards him, he vanished, a whirlwind of shredded leaves appearing in his wake. The enemy followed him around the battlefield with surprising tenacity, spires of rock erupting where he'd appeared a moment earlier, but the Surging Flicker was notorious for its overwhelming speed. The enemy stood no chance. Within seconds, he'd sent no fewer than twelve of his own spires careering towards himself, and a platform of rock carried him into the air; directly into the path of a Surging Flare, which Taka had swung around behind the man. It impacted the back of the Jounin's head, bursting into a blinding, green conflagration.

The smell of burning flesh snapped the remaining three Chuunin out of their stupors, and they charged, as one, towards Taka. He smiled, and punched the earth, fist wreathed in neon flame.

"Flash Fryer!" A wave of heat pulsed through the ground from the point of impact, blowing the assailants back and igniting their clothes. Unwilling to give them even a moment's reprieve, Taka blurred his hands through another group of seals, and opened his arms wide. "Plasma Wave."

A few minutes later, his bingo book was in his hand, the smouldering head of his main attacker in the other, at arm's length. "Ichigo Gurei, huh? Stupid sod." He sighed, tossing the head aside; the man's bounty was low enough that carrying the body home was more trouble than it was worth. "I need to get home." He reactivated the Godspeed Shroud, and set off towards Konoha at a sprint, trailing lightning in his wake.

"And that concludes my report, Hokage Sama." Takayuki grinned at the older man, patently ignoring both the distinct scent of ozone he'd left in the office, and the secretary he'd bowled over, who was currently glaring daggers at his back as she gathered the last of her papers. He gave the Hokage his best innocent face. "I do hope I'm not too late, I've been looking forward to meeting my team for days!"
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Vexxed Vex
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Vexxed Vex

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Kiyoshi Hyuga

While maintaining the lazy twirling of the senbon in his hand, Kiyoshi let his mind wander slightly once more trying to remember who the Uzumaki was. He was sure they had interacted but couldn't connect a face to the young woman. It was during this time spaced out that his other team-mate approached him, announcing his presence. Jumping at the 'sudden' arrival, Kiyoshi just barely stopped himself from attempting to stab the slightly shorter boy.

"Sorry, you startled me for a second there." He said with a nervous chuckle. Putting the senbon away in the base of his braid, the brunette politely added, "I'll be in your care. It's a pleasure to be teamed with you."

Despite his words, Kiyoshi was wary of the other. He has yet to understand the village's policy of taking in these exchange students from other villages. Sure he could understand Suna or even Taki, but Kiri has been known for not producing the most... stable of shinobi. However, he did want to give the other the benefit of the doubt.

"Perhaps our teammate stepped outside for some fresh air? Shall we check?" He asked as he stood up and started heading for the front door. All the while keeping an eye out for someone slightly apart from any three-person groups.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by desdamin
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Member Seen 18 days ago

.:Seiji Hyuuga:.

"All ways lead to death.
The way is in death.
Some ways are quicker."

"Your team is receiving their assignment right now", Seiji replied looking over clasped hands. He kept his gaze on the young Mekakushi's eyes, as if searching for something. After a moment more, his brow relaxed and his hands fell to his lap; if he'd found what he was looking for was unclear.

"More and more missing-nin attacks are forming all along the North-Eastern corridor, but predicting your movement is unusual and new. We will be sending a team to investigate how they discovered your mission", he finished a little grimly. In truth, Seiji had theorized that the rise in attacks along that region was the work of Kumogakure likely working in concert with the small ninja village that reports read to be Otogakure in the Land of Sound. It was troubling, but unimportant. The thought that troubled him now was that someone had painted a target on Mekakushi-san's back. Was it intentional or incidental? If he put his mind to it, Seiji could foresee several potential benefits for one to kill Mekakushi-san, especially at this moment, but they all pointed to a conclusion that he was reluctant to reach.

"Each member of your team is unique. Your files on them should give you enough detail to begin their training. It is my wish that you should respond dynamically to them as they grow. I am aware that this is your first team. Your enthusiasm will be useful to you, if you can cultivate it."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by DoomFlavored
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Member Seen 22 days ago

Rashiku Karata __________________


Every night of my life
I watch angels fall from the sky
Every time that the sun still sets
I pray they don't take mine
I'm on the front line
Don't worry I'll be fine
The story is just beginning
I say goodbye to my weakness
So long to my regret
And now I know that I'm alive
At first he'd worried that he had said something that would start a fight from Kiyoshi's reaction. As Kiyoshi jolted and seemed poised to attack, Rashiku had started to tip his chair to try and avoid an incoming strike. Not the most advantageous move, but it was the best he had while sitting down at a desk. Fortunately both boys had managed to stop themselves in the next split second, and a soft 'clack' of the chair leg resettling on the floor echoed through their small vicinity. "Leaf Shinobi are easy to startle." The boy commented as a response, with a hint of both regret and frustration. But it faded quickly as the other genin stated that it was a pleasure to be teamed up. Perhaps he hadn't actually said something off-putting this time. Rashiku listened to Kiyoshi's suggestion for finding their third teammate, and nodded as he stood up to leave. "Yes. Let's go."

His eyes scrunched up as soon as they got outside, the sun causing Rashiku to sneeze immediately. He still hadn't gotten entirely used to the brightness of Konoha, with the Mist having had a near constant overcast. Even the smells of the air were different. It could get overwhelming, but at least the scents of the forestry and plants could be pleasant. Or also just cause sneezing. After Rashiku took care of the sniffling, he began looking around, trying to find a girl who wasn't with a team. It didn't take long to spot one up against a tree, and he gently tapped Kiyoshi's arm to signal towards her. Without waiting for confirmation, he approached the girl in the purple skirt and asked her. "Are you Ami Uzumaki?" His eyes were up towards her face, but for a second drifted down to her thighs, only to snap back upwards.

One push is all you'll need
A fist-first philosophy
We watch with wounded eyes
So I hope you recognize
I'm on the front line
Don't worry I'll be fine
The story is just beginning
I say goodbye to my weakness
So long to the regret
And now I see the world through diamond eyes

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by desdamin
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Member Seen 18 days ago

Misaki Mori"Challenging me? Really? You must really like getting crushed underfoot."
"Are you Ami Uzumaki?"

Misaki's eyes leveled with the snowy-haired boy that had made such a silly mistake. The boy was named Karata Rashiku. Misaki had heard he was a refugee from the Mist. He was newer than she was, had only been here for the last year and mostly kept to himself which explained his not knowing who she was. Misaki hadn't the heart to be annoyed at the poor lost creature and smirked at him... besides, he'd noticed her best weapons and was wary of them. Smart. He was with a Hyuuga, not the Hiro who she wished to fight but one who, as far as she knew, specialized in medicine: Kiyoshi Hyuuga. Considering her own assigned team, this could have been a godsend. After all, she'd make a much better third than Ami and both of them had to be better than... than...

"Sorry. I'm not Uzumaki-kohai. But...", she explained, "how about you take me instead? Uzumaki-kohai's nice but she'd just slow you down in combat."

She kicked her foot straight up, holding her legs at a 12 o'clock and 6 o'clock position and then bending her knee and circling her foot clockwise slowly around Rashiku's face.

"I don't slow down on or off the battle field", she insisted and crossed her arms giving them both what she considered to be a challenging look. She was sure that if she got them on board for the change, she could convince whoever was in charge of the teams that a team transfer was for the best. It was probably just a mistake that she was placed on his team, anyway. It was a disgrace to put her with someone like Kani. The loud-mouthed rock-headed ninja who wouldn't even put up his fists and fight her when challenged was basically a liability. No wonder he was on a team with Hiro and Misaki - he'd need both of them just to keep from being killed! How he'd even graduated was a mystery, he had the brains of his clan namesake the crab.

Please please please say yes, Rashiku...
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Helios J Mears
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Helios J Mears

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Burai Kasei

Smiling softly to himself at his prank, Burai placed a hand on top of his files to stop its spinning and opened it eagerly. Reserved as he often seemed, he was just as excited to meet his team as anyone else. He'd wanted to be a Ninja for most of his life - had dedicated uncountable hours to training and furthering his style, and for the first time in his (admittedly short) life, he felt ready. As he brushed his fingers over each page, searching for his assignment, he cast his mind over his classmates, wondering, idly, which of them he'd be spending the next few years of his life with. He was drawn first to the Karata boy. Their bloodlines were somewhat similar, after all, and his chakra was fascinating to watch; it would swirl around his eyes in strange, pulsating eddies, bleeding into every vessel of his network. There was something calming about it, somehow, despite its more agitated undercurrents.

He thought next of the handful of Hyuuga he shared a classroom with, and couldn't help but frown. Burai had nothing against the Hyuuga, per se, but most that he had met had treated him with severe disdain, the Hokage and some of his classmates notwithstanding, and his clan were never afraid to mouth off the users of the Byakugan. His uncle Jou would often tell him stories about the branch Hyuuga that he'd shared his first team with. They had hated each other with a passion, and Jou insisted that the girl had tried to kill him more than once; undoubtedly, she had many similar stories of him. That said the Hyuuga Burai knew personally were mostly decent. Perhaps it was down to the fact that he could feel safe in the knowledge that they were perfectly aware of when he was staring at them. One Hyuuga Kiyoshi, in particular, was someone he wouldn't mind working with. The boy had a tranquil air about him, his chakra flowing in controlled waves, and the swollen vessels around his eyes far less jagged than most.

There was also, of course, the unforgettable Jin. Burai liked the boy, in all honesty. There was an undeniable energy about him that was worryingly infectious. However, perhaps having him as a teammate would be a step too far...

These thoughts soon came to an abrupt, unpleasant halt. One of his teammates' information hadn't been properly stamped, (he wouldn't mention it to sensei; much as he enjoyed pulling her leg, he was too fond of the woman to draw attention to it), and he struggled to read it with any kind of haste. The other, however, was clear as day.

"Shiori Spiga..." he muttered, attention scanning across the room in search of her chakra. "Of all possible students, why must it be her?"

Burai would readily admit that he judged the girl unfairly. He always had, and was well aware of it. Frankly, they'd almost never spoken, and the few spars they'd had were fast-paced and enjoyable. However, there was... something about the girl - about her chakra - that unsettled him on a level he found difficult to explain. Her entire aura seemed to writhe, a strange undercurrent of malice just peeking out from under a thick blanket of normality. Perhaps he was being paranoid, but her chakra network was so distracting that he had learned early on in his time at the academy to tune it out, lest he spend all day staring in her general direction. (There were others who had had the same effect on him, of course, but hers was a particularly unique case). Now, by contrast, he was actively seeking her out, his awareness flitting about the room even as his head remained motionless. Finally, he pinpointed her, sitting alongside an apparently, (he really hadn't the ability to make his own observation on the matter), beautiful Hyuuga with whom he'd sparred occasionally, and one of the more irritating girls in his year, (the type Jou would call a 'prissy little Herbert'). With a determined gulp, he stood, and strode towards the three with as much confidence as he could project, flaring a weak chakra shield as he went, a thin, pale purple aura stretching over him like a second skin. (It always payed to be cautious, after all).

Finally, he arrived, standing at a polite distance, and cleared his throat, making sure to fix his gaze firmly on her face.

"You are Shiori Spiga, yes?" he began, a nervous, but fixed smile on his face. He extended his hand. "I am called Kasei Burai, son of the Kasei third branch, and I am to be your teammate." He inclined his head in a firm nod. "I eagerly anticipate our working together!"
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Admiral Char
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Admiral Char

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Shiori Spiga"Once you’re devoured, it doesn’t matter who you were before."
“Y-your packets…. ”

This voice came from a weedy boy with acne scars and addressed a trio of pretty girls sitting before him. He slid the packets onto their desks and then went into a deep bow, eliciting a giggle from one of the girls. The other two, a coldly elegant Hyuuga and a cruel-looking but incredibly pretty Spiga, didn’t acknowledge him at all.

The boy held his bow as the girls read their packets, often glancing up at the girls and occasionally towards a few friends of his who seemed to be watching from their desks.

Her team assignment clear, Shiori pursed her lips at the news. Kasei Burai and Kenshiro Hyuuga were her teammates. That was that.

She hadn’t expected to be grouped with her friends, nor did she want to be. They aught to be able to function on their own, unlike the way the Ino-Shika-Cho clans carried on with their sentimental partnerships. Those things became parasitic, stunted. No one reached their full potential.

Her teammates were not the worst. Hiro Hyuuga, the golden boy, had been paired with the imbecile Jin Kani and that monkey from the sands. She’d relish watching him struggle to control the two.

There was nothing innately wrong with her teammates besides the fact that they were male, and she’d already resigned herself to having male teammates. Konoha was just like that. Both boys had a good sense about them. There were no criers, none that balked at blood.

Shiori could work with this.

However the cute girl to her left, who’d giggled before but looked quite upset, was obviously quite distressed over her team pairing. She began to say something to this effect when another boy suddenly approached them.

"You are Shiori Spiga, yes?" The boy said, extending his hand to her. "I am called Kasei Burai, son of the Kasei third branch, and I am to be your teammate. I eagerly anticipate our working together!"

The three girls looked at Burai as if he’d trodden in something.

“Move.” Shiori commanded.

Beside Burai, the boy who’d been bowing quickly stood up and scrambled away.

“So.” Shiori said to Kasei. “It is on my team. What does it think of the Hyuuga?”

The three girls watched expectantly.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Helios J Mears
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Helios J Mears

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Burai Kasei

Burai frowned. He didn't know what he'd been expecting from his teammate, but such open malice... wasn't it, somehow. He had... heard of the Spiga, of course, but he really wasn't the kind to believe rumours. Now, however, he began to wonder just how many of them were true. Still, she hadn't been openly hostile yet, and if he was to work with her for the next several years of his career, it wouldn't do to make too awful a first impression. As such, he thought for a moment, never diverting his attention from Shiori, before saying his piece.

"The Hyuuga are bloated, over-traditional, and have an unfortunate propensity for crippling arrogance. In particular, their attitude towards my clan is... vexing, to say the least." He turned his attention to the Hyuuga girl at the table. "Your friend, meanwhile, I find abrasive, self-centred and overconfident in her station and ability. She rides the social wave with her beauty," his face contorted somewhat, "but what I see is a bland, conceited child who will never make it past chuunin. Her chakra is as plain as dust." He turned back to Shiori, a smile returning to his face. Then, almost as an afterthought, he added "As for Kenshiro-san, I find him a skilled, agreeable individual. He has never approached me with hostility, and his chakra is inoffensive. He will be a good teammate, I think."

He nodded firmly, and took another step towards the desk, thickening his chakra shield as he went.

"As for myself, Shiori-san, I will endeavour to be the best teammate - and, hopefully, friend - I can be, regardless of any stumbling blocks that may fall beneath my feet. They are only obstacles for me to overcome." He extended his hand, once again, to shake, still smiling firmly. "Anyway, in these situations, I believe it is customary to shake hands with one's comrade." He held his pose for a number of moments, before an idea came to him. With his free hand, he pulled up one side of his headband, briefly exposing a single blackened, shrunken eye to the girl's gaze, before dropping it again. "I do not appreciate being referred to as 'it', Shiori-san." And, against his better judgement, a silent laugh bubbled from his throat, forcing a rather more genuine smile onto his lips.

'Right', he thought to himself, 'let's see how she reacts to that!'
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by desdamin
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Member Seen 18 days ago

Jin Kani"Feel the sting of the honorable crab, the Fabulous Jin Kani!"
Though not as enthusiastically as Jin would have hoped, the round of applause given to Bohi-sensei was suitably adequate to the majestic crab who nodded sagely once the clapping had died down. It was no good putting off surmising who had found themselves touched by his destiny; he'd have to look. Jin sniffed. It was almost an indignity. He felt that what would have been more suitable was if those classmates graced with sharing a team with such a fated crustaceus warrior such as Jin should find him. But he knew he couldn't count on that. After all, Jin had an aura that would surely make weaker men faint at his feet. It was too much of a risk and Jin was gracious.

Bohi-sensei's impeccable writing made it easy to find his team (which turned out to be Team 4) on the blackboard. The first name was no surprise and Jin could have guessed it without even looking. Hiro Hyuuga was, after all, the hokage's son and would, therefore, require the sort of protection that only one such as Jin could provide. Before venturing to read the next name, he looked about the room for the Hyuuga only to find him glaring at Jin, his white eyes focused and his mouth bearing only the barest hint of displeasure. Something about the look almost gave Jin the impression that Hyuuga-san was less than happy to be on the same team as the Magnificent Shelled Shinobi, but that was unthinkable. It seemed that Jin was misinterpreting for surely the son of the Hokage was suffering from performance anxiety. To be on the same team as a born hero like Jin was sure to be daunting. No... the look wasn't disappointment, it was determination. Already the Incredible Kani was inspiring him. In fact, after several seconds of held eye-contact, Hyuuga-san got up and left... walked right out of the classroom. Probably to try to train, he was likely years behind.

He returned his eyes to the board where he came across the second name: Misaki Mori. She was a Suna exchange student, a beauty with a bad attitude who had once challenged Jin to a fight. He'd laughed it off, of course. It was an amusing pick up line for a girl that Jin suspected was actually quite shy. But Jin would never fight a woman. That wouldn't be honorable. He was no beater of women! But it was at that moment that he'd also decided that he would defend her honor to the day she died, and he'd pledged himself so. She was so embarrassed... she even tried to insult him. But a lover's barbs, once you knew that they were a lover's barbs, could smell so sweet. Yes, she would challenge him but once more and even kicked him square in the face, a true test of his convictions... But not even that could remove his cool smile. He didn't even put up a hand to block. Why, she was too shy to even approach him after that. After an awed "What's wrong with your brain", she admired only from afar. It was true that there were far too many beautiful women in the world for Jin to be married right now, but... How could he break her heart?

Perhaps only the dream would sustain her...

But where was Mori-san now? Had she already left? It seemed that in the time that Jin had been holding long and sustained manly eye contact with Hyuuga-san, Misaki had slipped out. Poor thing... She was probably in the powder room making herself more beautiful. Jin stood, pushed his sunglasses up, and made a cool pose before he swept his scarf over his shoulder and turned to leave.

He didn't have to search long. Misaki was just across from the entrance to the academy and was currently... HAVING HER LEG PUSHED OVER HER HEAD BY THAT KARATA RASHIKU!

"MOLESTER", yelled Jin stomping towards Rashiku, fist held in front of him like he was squeezing a heart in his hand, "SO! I see the situation plainly! Now that you're no longer under the expert tutelage of Bohi-sensei, you've decided to set upon young girls, have you?!? Mori-san, Hyuuga-san, how far has he... gotten?!?"

He grit his teeth and looked from Mori Misaki to Hyuuga Kiyoshi. He had never noticed Kiyoshi much before. She was a solitary girl, and the two had little reason to interact, but today she had become a woman and that meant that she was under Jin's protection. THIS WAS THE VOW OF A KANI MAN!
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by DoomFlavored
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Member Seen 22 days ago

Rashiku Karata __________________

Every night of my life
I watch angels fall from the sky
Every time that the sun still sets
I pray they don't take mine
I'm on the front line
Don't worry I'll be fine
The story is just beginning
I say goodbye to my weakness
So long to my regret
And now I know that I'm alive
Rashiku's eyes widened as Misaki's leg went straight up, surprising and making him wonder what she was doing! Fortunately she was wearing more modest boyshorts under her dress, and the view was very short with her knee hooking down, to more show her prowess with her control of her legs and balance. Even though she made his face mildly red for a second, her movement was certainly impressive. Having Misaki as a teammate seemed like a fine idea, but it would not be fair to Ami. Uzumaki's skills had yet to be seen, but she had earned her graduation along with everyone else. Surely she was capable and would not be denied her place. A few seconds passed by before Rashiku answered, taking half a step back and gently placing his hand on her foot to push it down to rest. He'd seen enough. "Unacceptable. Ami has earned her place and I cannot agree to replace a teammate. But maybe an additio-"

Eyes widened with narrow pupils, Rashiku looked over to the glorious crab announcer while holding Misaki's ankle, the boy caught entirely off guard with the wind out of his sails, standing there blankly like something had broken and needed to be reset. "H-eh???..."
A few blinks later, Rashiku's brain finally started working again and his gaze snapped back and forth between Misaki, Kiyoshi, and Jin. "How far has he... gotten?!?"
Misaki could feel Rashiku's hand almost shaky as he stumbled to let go of her ankle, his hand pulling back behind him completely. "N-No! I've done no molesting!" His normal tone that was calm but harsh gave way completely to obviously flustered, and rather panicked yelling as the boy tried to defend himself against such a sudden accusation, going almost completely against the reputation he'd started getting from the other students.
One push is all you'll need
A fist-first philosophy
We watch with wounded eyes
So I hope you recognize
I'm on the front line
Don't worry I'll be fine
The story is just beginning
I say goodbye to my weakness
So long to the regret
And now I see the world through diamond eyes

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SecretSinner91
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago





Holder of the Two-tailed
The two girls were excited about their graduation. They first entered the academy, and now were full fledged genins! Well, it was a start. Kimi and Ami both went up to the board and saw that they were in seperate teams. Kimi sighed and scratched her head "Well, that sucks. I was sure as hell we would be on the same team. Oh, well. We'll just have to become rivals now. Right, Kiddo? Kimi said, teasing. However, Ami didn't respond. She was staring at the names of her teammates. While she didn't know Kiyoshi to well, it was the fact she was teammates with Rashilu that made Ami terrified. Rashiku was so... cold and every time Ami would see him, he would just look scary and was super blunt and direct. Ami wasn't able to handle this! "K-Kimi? C-Can we get some a-air?" Ami whispered. Kimi blinked twice before nodding. The two girls left the classroom as they headed outside.

Ami was sitting on the swing as Kimi was just trying to cheer her friend up. "It can't be all bad, Kiddo. Besides, you can kick Snowy's ass if you wanted!" Kimi encouraged, as she was trying her best to boost up Ami's confidence. Ami looked up at Kimi for a moment and shook her head. "I w-wish... R-R-Rashiku-san is t-terrifying in f-fights. I d-don't think I can e-even fa-face him!" Ami protested as Kimi thought about it. Rashiku Karata happened to be one of the more terrifying classmates they ever had. Still, they didn't mean he was allowed to push Ami around. That was a hell no on Kimi's part. "You'll be fine, Kiddo. Just... If he messes with you, let me know, okay?" Kimi said with a grin on her face. Ami fidgeted before nodding. "O-Okay, Kimi... L-Let's h-head back n-n-now"Ami suggested. Kimi nodded before the two started to head back.

Only to be greeted by Jin yelling at the top of his lungs of a Molester, with Rashiku seemingly staring at Misaki's legs and Misaki looking like she was about to kick someone. The two girls stared at this for a second. "Wow, this became a shitshow really fast. Should have gotten some popcorn. The fuck is going on, ya nerds?" Kimi called out as she walked forward, as Ami was following close behind Kimi, wondering what was happening.

Firebrand of the Uchiha
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Admiral Char
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Admiral Char

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Shiori Spiga"Once you’re devoured, it doesn’t matter who you were before."

Shiori grinned widely, and then broke into a laugh.This wasn’t directed at Burai, but her friend beside her.

“Did it hear what the meat said about it?” She cajoled the Hyuuga girl. “It seems its beauty doesn’t work on the blind. Perhaps it is wasting its time!”

The girl said nothing, but her lips tightened and her eyes grew colder.

Satisfied with her jab, Shiori turned her attention back to Burai. It appeared he was the sort of meat that liked to show off its parts. For someone typically quiet and laid back, he eager to meet her short questions with long answers. And what answers! Like a dull-colored snake in the grass, his quiet mouth was filled with venom. And he wasn’t afraid of Shiori.

She shook his hand, pleased.

“When it manages to be more than meat, it will be referred to as such.” She answered, releasing him to lean back in her chair.

“So. Where is Kenshiro?”

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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by DoomFlavored
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Member Seen 22 days ago

Kenshiro Hyuuga
Location: Academy Classroom
Company: Burai, Shiori
Injuries: None
Chakra: 100%

“So. Where is Kenshiro?”

It turned out that the third team member of Burai and Shiori's squad was in the restroom in front of the sink and mirror, wiping out the last remnants of soda that had splashed his clothes. During Jin's uproar the student beside Kenshiro had dropped his drink, spilling it all over Ken. While it was certainly a mess, and by now with the cleaning Kenshiro had practically given himself a second shower in the sink, he was only annoyed with the other student at worst. It had only been an accident after all. The trouble was more in the effort to fix the orange stains and stickiness, rather than any bitterness or hard feelings. Wiping himself down with a couple more paper towels, and mostly dry, he was ready to reenter the classroom and see if his teammates were still present.

So, right after Shiori asked her question, Kenshiro entered the room as if to answer. His hair and spots of his outfit damp, but would likely dry fully within half of an hour. With a brief look around the room, he spotted the group of students at the table and promptly approached. A genuine, respectful smile was given to the main-branch Hyuuga girl among them, with a brief small bow just for her, before Kenshiro looked to his new teammates. "Greetings everyone. Burai-san, Shiori-san, it looks like we are to be a team for the foreseeable future. I look forward to working with you both." The new graduate wasn't lying, but there were a few things that concerned him. Burai's clan and his own were not on good terms. Possibly due to that, he remembered that he'd never taken the time to get to know Burai at all. Kenshiro didn't really care about some political feud, but he hoped that Burai wouldn't harbor some sort of clan grudge against him. Dealing with that would be a pain in the ass. And then there was the Spiga girl. A much more sinister case in her entirety. Being wary of her clan was more than a matter of politics and feuds. The Spiga were dangerous and insane. Shiori in particular seemed to be able to control herself better than the rumors about her clan would indicate, but Kenshiro hadn't let her maneuvering and climbing of the student popularity web go unnoticed. He'd kept quiet, but he'd also kept note. That girl was dangerous venom.

Kenshiro just hoped that he'd be able to make allies of his new team. Or at the very least, positive neutral relations to them. Hopefully there wouldn't be too much trouble for him to have to deal with.
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