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✖ ‖ N a m e
[color=yourcolor]Shoko Iomante[/color]

✖ ‖ A g e / B i r t h d a y
[color=yourcolor]20 / April 17[/color]

✖ ‖ G e n d e r

✖ ‖ B o d y T y p e
[color=yourcolor]Thin and more sinewy than you would imagine.[/color]

✖ ‖ V i l l a g e

✖ ‖ C l a n
[color=yourcolor]Iomante Clan: This now defunct clan was once known for their guerrilla warfare. Hailing from the Land of Waterfalls, this clan far predated Takigakure and maintained a distance from the village until its dying days. They venerated the great bear and as a nature-worshipping clan had very little to do with the business and economy of the village. They are still remembered for their bravery in the shinobi world wars, where they deftly defended the nation from the forests, allowing Takigakure proper to focus their fighting power in other areas. They fell into some decline and their clan home was sometime in the past few years subject to some calamity. There may be some Iomante around, but none know what fate befell the small and ancient clan.[/color]

✖ ‖ F a m i l y
[color=yourcolor]Father: Daiki Iomante
Mother: Chika Iomante
Siblings: Yuuhimaru Iomante (brother)

✖ ‖ R a n k
[color=yourcolor]Jounin (Sound 3)[/color]

✖ ‖ S p e c i a l S t a t u s

✖ ‖ T i t l e s / N i c k n a m e s
[color=yourcolor]Shoko the Bear, Shoko the Good Neighbor, Genki Shoko, Persistent Shoko[/color]

✖ ‖ P e r s o n a l i t y
[color=yourcolor]Almost unceasingly sunny and smiling, Shoko is a determined young optimist who believes in winning people over with kindness even if that means going out of her own way. She's been described as energetic and positive and that's not an inaccurate description of her. It isn't the whole story, however. She's also known to be highly rebellious when dealing with superiors that she doesn't personally know, but it's a problem that rarely lasts for too long as the inquisitive and naturally friendly Shoko will spend a lot of time getting to know her superiors and her teammates as quickly as possible. She simply will not follow who she doesn't trust. For those that she trusts, she is unfailing on the battlefield, always smiling and always moving towards her objectives, despite any obstacles in her way. Of her wide circle of friends, none have visited her home.[/color]

✖ ‖ L i k e s
[color=yourcolor] - Meat (and animal fat)
- Stew (especially with curry in it)
- Carrots and potatoes (all root vegetables, really)
- Curry (Especially with stewed meat)
- "Otoutochan" (Yuuheimaru, her little brother)
- Orochimaru ("I trust him with my life and my death.")[/color]

✖ ‖ D i s l i k e s
[color=yourcolor] - People who destroy what they love.
- People who betray their heart.
- Tofu (except sweet tofu)
- Being followed (Especially by people close to her)
- Early bedtimes (Having to go to sleep)[/color]

✖ ‖ N i n d o
[color=yourcolor]"Even in the world of shadows, without love and trust, you're doomed."[/color]

✖ ‖ B i o g r a p h y
[color=yourcolor]Born into the Iomante Clan, Shoko's road to becoming a shinobi of the Sound was mostly accidental. Her people were bear worshippers, hunters, and trackers. They were ninja, but unlike other clans, it wasn't what they relied on in order to survive. Theirs was a traditional life of worship and ceremony and set roles. One such ceremony, their most important ceremony centered around the taking in of a bear cub after having killed and eaten its mother. Raised as one of their own, even going so far as to share chakra, Shoko loved her new little brother Yuuheimaru and the two were inseparable.

"Bear chakra makes us strong" is what her father told her and it was true. While she grew strong with her brother as much as he grew smarter. For two years, they were as close as could be until it was time for the next part of the ceremony. "The Life Chakra of a bear is in its flesh", said her father as he brought Yuuheimaru to the center of the clan home and tied him down. It was now time to slaughter him as they'd slaughtered, devoured, and venerated his mother. Upon seeing the rest of her clan begin to fire arrows at her little brother, she ran and threw herself on top of him with a knife to cut him free, the pair in a stumbled sprint with arrows in their back.

Being from a clan of shinobi trackers and hunters, the fact that she wasn't stopped and then, after escaping, bleeding by the river and trying to treat her brother's wounds, that she wasn't recovered was unthinkable. But after three days, no one came for her. She was sure she and her brother would die there alone with nothing but the sound of running water for comfort until a man approached her. She'd seen him in her clan home, she was sure. He was a foreigner, strange and lithe and pale.

"Is this as far as you can run? I can push you into the river", said the man, "If you're already dead, who cares?"

Shoko could say nothing. She could barely move, but as the man stepped closer, Yuuheimaru growled and threw an arm around her weakly.

"There's a village only four miles that way", continued the man, pointing East, "There is probably no reason to but if you can get there in three days, you might find something interesting after that."

After a period of adjusting, Shoko took to life in the Sound very well. Even though it barely consisted of ramshackle huts, Otogakure felt more like home than where she'd been, where she couldn't go back to. She was constantly moving which suited her just fine; she would follow Orochimaru anywhere he wished to take her. Yuuhei and she learned to fight together, with each other, and with other shinobi. Back then, learning wasn't so structured. She learned on missions and from whatever the former Missing-Nin would teach her. It was a hard life, but Shoko was a ray of sunshine in it, happily caring for those around her, even after having to fight them. Her unceasing positive outlook served her well and she rose through the ranks quickly, becoming a jounin and being placed in Orochimaru's small burgeoning Anbu Corp by the time she was 18.

As the village started to become more centralized, she was given more duties at home, eventually being given charge over Sound's Team 3.[/color]

✖ ‖ N a t u r e s

✖ ‖ T a l e n t s
-Gift giving
-Gift baskets
-Leather and fur working
-Field cooking and foraging
-Field medicine and herbs
-General survivalism[/color]

✖ ‖ J u t s u


✖ ‖ W e a p o n s A n d T o o l s
[color=yourcolor]Insert any special or common tools that your character carries with them.[/color]

✖ ‖ F i g h t i n g S t y l e
[color=yourcolor]describe fighting style[/color]

✖ ‖ T h e m e S o n g
[color=yourcolor]Link to your themesong. (Optional)[/color]

✖ ‖ P l a y e d B y
[color=yourcolor]Insert your username.[/color]

Mai Edano"Death before dishonor."
It was like a ninja to not take someone at their word. The honorless creatures that they were didn't seem to have taken her pledge seriously. Of course being a den of thieves and villains, even their children found it impossible to believe one's words. Mai scoffed inwardly, but wasn't their fault. They simply did not understand that when a samurai said to give up their mission or die that it was said, that it existed and was now a bond between her, those that had heard it, the entire universe. She may as well have etched the words into her soul. It would unfortunately be the last lesson that these children thrust into battle would ever learn, but she would make sure that it would be equally etched into their souls as they passed, so that they could, perhaps, take the lesson with them into their next life... it was the least she could do.

"I gave you the only two options before you, surrender or death, and you've chosen death. The word of a samurai is absolute", she said extending her sword forward. She would only need one against these two, she thought. That the caves had begun to collapse hadn't been lost on her. Roku was bleeding out under the rubble, but she knew that the important thing was that she keep her word. She had to. Even when she was very young, she'd been taught that in battle, following your lord and striking down one's enemy must always be at the forefront of your mind, that honor came before all else, that it was a sign of your lack of resolve to consider your own life in your decisions, that even throwing one's life away was preferable to not taking action when there was action to take. And so she advanced towards the one in the hat, whose smaller stature surely indicated that he must have gotten by on trickery, and slashed at him with enough force to cut the ground that her blade had never touched. A faint glow hung in the air where her weapon had been.

Yes, she would teach them to honor the word of a samurai before they were slaughtered by one. A contemptible loss.

"It's human nature not to realize the true value of something, unless they lose it."

A woman in a crow's mask and carrying an enormous Odachi marched in uniform step a few feet behind the Sage of Snakes as he made his way from the administration building to the labs. The administration building was still only half rebuilt. When he had arrived in this village ten years prior, the very idea of even having conventional targets for his enemies to strike had been absurd. No... it wasn't until he'd established his hidden labs and recruited enough followers that the order to rebuild what had been a lackluster administration building in the first place made any sort of strategic sense. And now, with Iwagakure providing additional funding and support, putting together a structured village was a real possibility.

He wasn't naïve. He knew that the old Tsuchikage was merely using him as a tool in that political game he wanted to play. The ancient fool was proud, bold even, but it didn't matter to Orochimaru. It was noise, sound, and that was just where he'd chosen to hide: lying in the grass, hidden in the sound. Even this administration building was a misdirection. It was as unimportant as the village itself to his ambitions, but it was useful. The lives of everyone in his village were useful until they weren't.

"Squad 36 has failed their mission, Lord Otokage", the woman stated in a murmur. Her voice rode on the hum of the summer cicada and reached Orochimaru's ears with no effort at all, "all seven operatives were lost."

"Confirmed lost", he queried.

"Confirmed, sir."

A grin spread across Orochimaru's face that the woman would be unable to see, "Make sure they remain lost. We will have to find replacements for their positions."

Like with most people, whether it was acquiring allies, eliminating one's enemies, or exposing traitors, the best tool was almost always temptation.

"It is about time for Nakano to be promoted, isn't it?", he asked in a leisurely way, opening the first door to the only labs located in Otogakure proper. This was where he spent most of his time, but it was important that he make appearances elsewhere. The eyes of his enemies were always on him. They were on him now. Jun did not respond immediately.

"Sir, there is still no word back from that mission."

"When she returns, she will be made jounin and given control over Team 2's vacant jounin spot."

There was a longer pause.

"Sir, that man is here."

"He can wait. You can entertain him", he said coldly, closing the door behind him.
Yeah, originally, I did want to go with a Leaf ninja (mostly cause that's where the majority are, you know), and maybe I still will. I just don't particularly feel like running a Jounin in order to do so. As far as feasibility, honestly, I find it almost unbelievable that there wouldn't be at least one or two illegitimate Uchiha out there. It only takes a single idiot, and that was the original basis for the Sharingan ending up outside Konoha.

As for a story...? Still thinking about it. But I was actually considering having the character hide their Doujutsu and use it more like a trump card, relying on their regular ninja skills to carry the day. They are well aware of how much of a liability it is, and they don't want to end up as breeding stock or experimented upon.

So, I have to ask, what exactly founded Sound in this AU if not Orichimaru? Are they still the same sort of nutters even without his influence?

Oh, Orochimaru is still around. He's quite literally the only one of the three Sannin that exists! The Sound is a bit more of a village than it is in the original, though it's still pretty fledgling and not completely built yet. It's piecemeal, but with amazing research facilities. Just... top notch. The rules are a lot more loose there too. Just... don't get in the Otokage's way and don't cause trouble or, y'know, y'could get dead.
Cool cool. Alright, I have a general character concept already. It just needs fleshing out. I'm not sure exactly if I'm going to settle on Genin, Chuunin or Jounin, but I'm heavily leaning towards Genin.

Base concept?: an Uchiha who specializes in medical ninjutsu.
Given that the Uchiha Massacre has been AU-ed away (or not occurred yet), I feel like I could even make this character a non-Leaf ninja, have them be an illegitimate child or something. Not sure exactly yet, but that's the general idea.

Hm... I would be less comfortable putting an Uchiha in another village specifically because of just how prized the sharingan is. It would be kind of a big deal... But I'd have to see the concept more fleshed out. If it's a good enough story and you've got specific plans for it, I may allow it.
Huh, this actually looks fairly interesting. Are you still accepting characters? Given that the posting pace has the top post of the most recent IC page dated at 9 months ago, I feel comfortable saying I can keep up and provide equivalent quality.

We are accepting new applicants, yes! And yeah, we took kind of a hiatus for a bit. I was dealing with some stuff and then I moved and other folk also had things they had to do, but we've got new profiles and have opened the sound village. Someone also wants to open Iwa. If we get more people, maybe we'll add another Leaf team. Cheers!

Team Botan NakanoKamui Kaiyou | Makaira Kumonga

"We need to leave. NOW!

It all happened so quickly. Not a moment had Ichika returned that the waves almost parted beneath, the sea boiled and foamed, and from out of the depths, a monstrous dull yellow hand burst forth and caught the remains of the falling cliff and was followed shortly by the rising grinning maw of something truly gigantic. Botan nearly fell backwards at the sight of it. He'd... seen the eight tails rampage, but never up close. And here was the one tail, tremendous and grinning and yelling, easily crushing the falling cliff face that had threatened to end them a second ago into sand; and that sand whirled like a storm becoming part of the creatures rising body. The whole sea trembled with its every movement.

Atop that behemoth's head was the water-logged, purple form of Tomoyuki. Was he alive? He must be if he was still connected to the beast... There were rumbles from deep beneath the waves, tossing the water-bound slug all around, along with all those upon her. That was... probably the caves down below. Botan's heart sank. He could only hope that Arisu was still alive... who knew? Maybe she stood a better chance than he did... He clung to Katsuyu as best he could and rushed to intercept his genin.

Maka was on her feet and well balanced, as expected, but Kamui hadn't moved a muscle and was in the exact same cross-legged position, but sideways and about to fall off the slug! Botan grabbed him by the collar of his kimono and pulled him back up.

"S-some weather we're having... heh... heh...", he heard one of the Leaf genin say. He looked over to see the pink-haired fae boy with a decided worried smile backing up against Mizuraki-sama for balance. Remi was his name, Botan recalled, as he held Kamui's collar tightly. Sea water whipped his face as he pressed back towards his brother and the others.

"I can... reseal the beast but... it would be more certain with your help... The Mokuten Technique is well regarded in-", but Botan was interrupted when Kamui's eyes burst opened and glowed white. The boy stood up, his muscles tensed, his face straining and baring teeth, and, as he arched his back, the unmistakable visage of a tail of that same horrible red chakra sprouted behind him: he'd awakened his own demon. Botan let go of his genin's collar and put a hand on his shoulder and Kamui dropped his head and panted a little. He was in control.

He jetted towards the hulking grinning one tail, ignoring the laughter and landing a punch in it center mass and giant plumes of coral burst from it like enormous petals of blue lily. Kamui let out a roar as the one tailed demon of sand tried to close around the tiny turtle jinchuuriki and swallow him up in his stomach. Botan didn't see the boy blast through the beast's sand stomach, leaving a hole, which would quickly be filled in. The slug was moving quickly away from the area with great speed, taking advantage of the One-Tail's distraction to make a quick surge... That meant that he'd have to pray that Kamui would not succumb and that he could maintain control. There wasn't even the pretense of the element of surprise now; they would just have to make their assault.

As soon as they were within range, a huge dragon made of water rose from the waves and chased towards them and Hiro, who had hitherto been silent, jumped for the dragon before anyone could stop him and whipped a huge blade of wind through the center of it, horizontally bisecting it. The lower jaw fell back into the water, but the top shakily continued forward ramming into Hiro and dragging him into the sea with it. There was no time to stop. More attacks were coming. Botan pushed to the head of the slug, sat cross-legged, concentrated, and made a collection of hand seals, one after the other. The ocean beneath them began to bubble. A large field of small bubbles rose out of the water and Botan reached out with his hands, opened his eyes wide and lightning leapt from his hands into the bubbles. With a wave of his arms, the little balls of electrical water began to bombard the beach and all those on it. It was costly, but it would hopefully provide enough cover fire that they would lose no one else.

Meanwhile, the caves below had begun to collapse and whole sections flooded with water. The children had been separated by falling debris, but so had their opponents. Now, Natsuo and Bakuto were locked in a cave with the sword girl while the earth user boy was unconscious under rocks and bleeding out. The third was no where to be seen and wherever Ari and Yue were, neither genin could know either.

"Give up your mission", said the masked sword girl, her sword drawn and beginning to glow, "Or you will die here."

Nijira Inuzuka
"Don't you dare think that this is over! I won't just feed on the scraps of your glory! I'll beat you, and even then I'll keep pushing! I'll beat every single shinobi in the world! I won't stop until everyone acknowledges me!"
"HAGH", coughed Jira, roaring back to life and sitting bolt upright. Something was tickling his neck and as he smacked his neck, he felt something foul-smelling, but warm... sticky... Memories of piercing... red... His hand clenched where the wound had been and he looked around for his best friend only to find Koji standing there with some packet. Komi, who was trailing a few yards behind, ran and leaped into Jira's arms, immediately beginning to lick his chin while whining worriedly. Jira smiled and hugged him tightly.

"Hey... I'm okay...", he said, looking around him. Besides him was Naruko and further off was Gorudo. They were all alive... so it was just a test afteraaaAA!!!

"Pbthbth! Aw! That's my mouth", Jira exclaimed closing his eyes and shaking his head as Komi's flat rough tongue haphazardly annoyed him lovingly. In desperation, Jira slid his back up the tree and stood up and Komi slid to the ground and ran around his feet instead, shaking his butt excitedly. Jira's body was a lot less excited to be standing, he felt as if he weighed a thousand pounds. He didn't think anything was broken, but in this state, it'd have been hard to fight. Keh... It wasn't as if he'd done much fighting before he was unconscious either.

"You... Failed to do anything at all. And after you're dead you won't be able to protect anything. Especially not that pup of yours over there who's chakra will seep out until his heart stops. You can't even complain about it."

Those words echoed in his mind with a grimace that turned into a scowl and all he could think about was how unfair it was. Of course he'd lose to a jounin, if he was going all out! What kind of test was that supposed to be?!? And it wasn't like his teammates were any help. They just ran into danger! If they just did what he told them to do instead of... the wafting smell of insta-ramen tickled his nose and his face started turning a bright red. He shook the feeling away and grit his teeth, unable to get the last bits of blood out of his face. Ugh! That idiot! Sh-she wasn't even paying attention to where she was aiming... th-those! A-and Gorudo wasn't any better! What was he thinking trying to outsmart sensei all by himself. Yeah! Gorudo was an idiot. Luckily, Koji interrupted Jira's attempts to distract himself with arbitrary anger at Gorudo by addressing the team as a whole.

"The test is over! We're no longer fighting", Koji announced, like that meant anything. They were alive and Koji hadn't tied them up and wasn't attacking them. Of course they weren't fighting. Of course the test was over. Jira didn't understand why some people really had to point out the obvious. Probably because they were used to dealing with idiots like his teammates. Koji continued, "You have just now... experienced what it is like to die", he said and Jira's hands balled up into fists, "Whatever you felt, thought, wanted... It ended right there. That was your last moment", and Jira wanted to wipe that smug look off his face, "My goal as your sensei is to make it so you will never experience that again."

He looked down for a second and then back at his sensei, his eyes leveled at his, narrowed and burning. He took a step forward and Komi hid behind his legs. It was a second before he began to speak, but when he did, it was a low growl.

"I... experienced death? You think you killed me with your kunai? You think what I care what you think of me", he snarled, "Being dead is knowing that what I feel, think, and want don't matter at all. It's knowing that the only thing that matters is power and that I don't have any. It's knowing that because of fate, I am weak. I died to your kunai?!? ASSHOLE! I'M ALREADY DEAD! I'LL BE ALIVE WHEN I MAKE YOU SURRENDER TO ME!"
Dingo here! Can’t remember my old log ins so will be using this

You dork!!!
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