Maeve Katz
Played by @13org

Character Age: 24
Character Gender: Female
Profession: Surgeon/Medic
Appearance: With only 1,65m, Maeve has a small and delicate frame. Coupled with her beautiful eyes, hair and her stunning looks, the name Maeve couldn't be more fitting for her. Just like her name, her appearance can be described only as 'intoxicating'.
Nationality: Martian
- Surgeon: Coming from a family of renowed physicians, surgeons and medics, it was no big news when she showed natural talent towards medicine. Called a genius physician since she was young, despite her 'unique' personality, there is no one better for the job, be it complicated and complex surgeries or simple medical consultation.
- Singer: Maeve has an enchanting and intoxicating voice, fitting with her name. Coupled with her appearance, she was considered almost an 'idol' around the Martian military when she sang to them in parties or just to raise the morale. It always came as a surprise that such a beautiful and delicate woman as her was in the military.
- Agile and flexible body: Since she was young, Maeve practiced gymnastics and due to that, she has a very fit, agile and flexible body. Coupled with the CQC training she had to take when serving the Martian military, she might be pretty, but she is no pushover and her kicks are no joke, even to big guys.
- At least you need to know CQC: One thing she learned when serving the military was CQC. Even though others deemed her a completely hopeless case regarding to actual firearms, she was still agile and dexterous enough to learn CQC. Using her flexible, dexterous and agile body, she was able to counter (for the most part) the obvious disadvantage she had on CQC due to her size. Learning to wield small, light knives offensively was also something a bit more that she had to learn in order to not be 'useless' as her instructor said to her.
- Notoriously bad with guns: Maeve's lack of skill with firearms was famous back in the Martian military. Ironically enough, even though her aim is very good when throwing knives, she is simply unable to hit anything even when wielding a pistol and rifles are too unwieldly and heavy for her. In any situation involving guns, Maeve is next to useless unless it's only one person and standing next to her.
- Flirt: Maeve often enjoys teasing others, especially if she sees they are attracted to her.
- Curiosity killed the Katz: Maeve is... very curious. In many aspects.
- Cunning: Maeve has a sharp tongue... some say that it's too sharp for her own good. Once again, her personality proves to be too fitting with her own name as her words can be as poisonous and intoxicating as her appearance.
- Indifference: Be it for the good or for the bad, Maeve is completely indifferent to all the situation that the humanity is in or even any previous hostility between factions. Due to her being raised literally running from a wasted country just to go to Mars, where she would only find more war, she developed this trait almost as a self-defense mechanism in order to not lose her mind. She is most of the times with a tranquil expression or even with a smile on her face, but this can also be seen as offensive by some who still have resentment with past conflicts or wars.
Personal Effects:
- VR Kit: Recently bought specifically to be shipped to the Vitae, it's the latest technology on VR on the market. She spent a decent amount of money on that, but she claims it's just 'something she had laying around'.
- A personal laptop: Her personal laptop. It is a customized model, made mainly for gaming to be used with a VR kit. She is actually a bit embarrassed of showing that she enjoys gaming to others.
- Books: Ranging from romance to fantasy and ficction, reading is one of her hobbies.
- Daggers: Two small, thin daggers. Their light weight and superior handle are perfect for Maeve's light and agile frame. They were a gift from the medical team that she used to work with while in the military.
Having to face every day the potential threat of the Devastators, Maeve never knew a world before them. All those things contributed for her to become quite indifferent to the ongoing crisis that the humanity was facing. Much like many other children born in the middle of the biggest crisis the humanity had ever faced, she always had an positive outlook and simply lived her life normally, like any other child would do before all that started. Many people often said that this new generation and their outstanding capability to grow, adapt and even thrive in such a situation of crisis was exactly what the humanity needed to raise their heads and fight for a better future.
Maeve's family, the Katz, were originally from the Fifth Reich but they saw simply no future in the Fifth Reich, suffocated, living completely isolated from the rest of the world while resenting over the past instead of looking to the future... For the Katz, that saw no future or even an desire to evolve and grow. It was almost like the Fifth Reich was just... waiting for it's own death. Leaving the Fifth Reich with the help of the Red Cross, they knew that even though they would lose part of their considerable wealyh, it would be worth it, since they would still be wealthy enough to afford a good lifestyle on Mars.
Adapting themselves to the way that the life was in Mars took a considerable time for them and e after living for more than a decade on Mars, they were still seen as foreigners, mainly because they didn't have any 'deep' connection to Mars or displayed such sense of duty towards it. Despite that, it was undeniable that they were pretty much one of the best surgeons and medics, contributing to save the lives of many Martians, be them civilians or not.
Coming from such a family, it wasn't a surprise when Maeve choose to follow her parents steps and become a surgeon. Graduating on the top of her class with only 17 years, she was considered by many as a genius with an unsurpassed knowledge of the human body, she was certainly someone that would save uncountable lives.
A few years after she graduated, Maeve would find herself serving under the Martian Military. There, she would become very respected as one of the best surgeons there despite her very young age. But ironically enough, what made her even more respected and had an even bigger impact than her skills on medicine was something entirely different... After the Three Day War, the biggest crisis that the humanity had ever faced, both morale and hope were very low. Millions had lost their lives on that day and a tragedy of that size wasn't easily forgotten even many years after that event.
On those dark times, people needed something to make them raise their heads, to make them stop looking back to the past and instead look to the future... That was when Maeve made her biggest contribution to the Martian Military, something that ironically had nothing to do with her medical skills. It started in a small talent show, organized by some members of the Military, hoping to raise the morale a bit and relieve all the stress that most people were suffering with. After some convincing, Maeve agreed to sing for them. After that evening, Maeve quickly became known as the 'Idol' of that unit. Her beautiful voice coupled with her intoxicating appearance and her carefree expression made the soldiers instantly fall in love with her. Even amidst such crisis, she was there on the makeshift stage, singing with a carefree smile on her face as she looked to the open-mouthed crowd, and she was having fun. On that moment, even if it was for a little bit, people stopped thinking about the Devastator threat, stopped thinking about those who lost their lives and instead simply looked at that young woman, who had just graduated herself, shining like a ray of hope amongst all that darkness. Even though it was just a small thing for Maeve, for many people on the military, that small and delicate girl, who couldn't even hold a rifle and was notoriously bad with a rifle, showed them that everything was not over. She proved them that they could still laugh, sing and be happy, that they could still enjoy their lives even after that happened. Initially, Maeve planned to stay on the military only for two years, but after that evening after discovering her newfound passion for music, for singing, she ended up staying, helping not only to heal the body, but their spirit and mind as well.
Years later, on 2215, when Maeve completed 18 years, she received an notification that she was selected to be aboard the Vitae, the Ark from the Genesis project. Even though the Genesis project was something that was made public some time ago, Maeve herself never cared too much about it, but now that she was one of the people that were selected, she knew that there was only one option. As much as it saddened, she knew she would had to leave her parents behind, as they were already old and probably wouldn't be accepted on the Vitae. The day she embarked on the Vitae was a silent day for Maeve. For one week, her beautiful voice remained in silence as she devoted herself completely to her work and playing VR games to pass the time. It was painful to leave her parents and all the friends she made on the Martian military behind, she knew their destiny, she knew it very well, yet, she also knew that the survival of the human race was more important... It was just after one whole year on the Vitae that Maeve's carefree smile returned to her face. She had yet to find an opportunity to sing to the people there, but she knew that she was doing her job as a medic as best as she could. Once again, the capability of the younger generation of adapting themselves and thriving even under situations where the hope seems completely lost would prove incredibly valuable.
Audrey Knight: Audrey is one of her patients. Since she has a habit of isolating herself, Maeve often has to search for her in order to check on her due to her fragile health.
Melanie Denise Larson: A friend and a psychologist, Maeve often sends her patients to Melanie for them to have a psychological check up.
Keith Sullivan: First met him in aboard the Vitae. As soon as he knew that she sang, he has been trying to set up opportunities for her to sing.
Code Word: Spaghetti