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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Trash Panda
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Trash Panda

Member Seen 34 min ago

On the drive to the Kinders’ estate, Cas kept the car stereo turned off and checked his rearview mirror continually, paranoid of any signs that he was being followed. A part of him was still in disbelief that he’d actually gotten away from the royal family’s security team and worried that he would be caught before he made it to his safehouse. If he managed to make it all the way to Miles’ place without being surrounded by squad cars first, he would have to move as fast as possible to get Iris out and get on the highway that would take them to the northern edge of the capital. It was a fairly long drive from where she was now, which meant she would be exposed for upwards of forty-five minutes. If they were found together on the road, he didn’t even want to think of what the soldiers would do to her.

Hurrying as quickly as he could without speeding to draw attention to himself, he pulled up to the front of his friend’s home and jogged up the steps to the door. After ringing the doorbell, he stood back, shifting his weight restlessly from his left foot to his right until a maid answered the chime. She bowed politely and opened her mouth to greet him, but he brushed past her before the words could leave her lips. “Sorry,” he muttered, feeling a little guilty for being rude, but he didn’t have time for niceties. Every second that passed was a second that his father could decide that he wanted him to come back or that a guard could notice the lacking signals on his phone and car. Even though it was unlikely that someone would realize what he was doing—because he’d never rebelled before, none of the servants or guards had seemed suspicious when he’d left—he wouldn’t let his guard down until he was safely inside the suite he’d booked at the resort.

He stepped up to Miles’ bedroom door just as his friend opened it to step into the hallway. The other highborn jumped in surprise as they nearly collided, meeting his gaze with raised brows. “Cas?” he said, backpedaling to let the prince into the room. “What’s up? We were just gonna order dinner—”

“Change of plans,” Cas shook his head as he stepped around his friend and closed the door behind him. Immediately after, he turned to find Iris and faltered when he saw the little black dress she was wearing. If he hadn’t been crunched for time, he probably would have stopped to stare, but he had to keep moving. “Iris, grab as many of your things as you can. We need to go,” he instructed curtly, closing the distance between them as he strode over to where she’d been sitting.

“Hold up,” Miles blanched. “What the hell is going on? First you send me a cryptic text and now you’re moving Iris? I need an explanation. Did someone find out she’s here?”

“No, but they’ll know soon if she stays,” he exhaled, dragging his fingers tensely through his hair. “I… My dad and I had a fight… I don’t have time to tell you everything, but I have to leave, and once he realizes I’m gone, he’s going to send soldiers out to look for me. If Iris is still here tomorrow, they’ll find her.”

What?” Miles squawked, all color draining from his face. “You’re leaving? W-Why? If it was just a fight, can’t you just wait until he calms down…”

Cas shook his head again, a pained expression darkening his features. “He told me he’s going to admit me to Eternity Meadows tomorrow morning,” he confessed quietly. “If I don’t go, I could be locked up for weeks or months, and I just can’t—” He took a shaky breath. “I can’t stay, Miles. I’m sorry, but this is going too far. I need to get out of here… at least for a while.”

“Jesus,” Miles breathed, unsure what else to say. “I had no idea things were getting so bad… Where are you going?”

“I can’t tell you,” Cas frowned. “If the soldiers question you, it’ll be safer for both of us if you genuinely don’t know anything.” He turned back to Iris solemnly. “I’m sorry I’m dragging you into this, but we need to get going. Is there anything here you want to take with you? We won’t be able to make any stops once we leave… Everyone in the capital knows my face, and yours has been displayed on the jumbotrons around the city because you’re wanted. If you’ve got toiletries or anything else you’ll need, you should grab what you can now.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by sukikyoufu
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sukikyoufu Endwalker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Iris glanced up as she heard Miles say Caspians name and found herself smiling at the idea he was here already, she had only just mentioned how they should think about dinner and now he was here so it would be easier to figure out what to order and what they could do for the night. “Hey Cas.” Grinning as she watched him step inside, but when her eyes fell on his form, she felt like something was off. Something was up and before she could even ask, he spoke about how there was a change of plans and for a moment her heart stopped because it sounded like there was trouble.

Rising from her seat she looked from Miles to Cas as it seemed Miles was the first to speak up about this, asking him what was going on and she was glad because she wanted to know too. The message had been cryptic but they both shrugged it off thinking it couldn’t be too bad, but now alarm bells were ringing and when Cas confirmed they would know soon if she stayed she frowned shaking her head unsure on how it had all of a sudden gone so wrong.

Rooted to the spot she watched Cas as he explained how he had a fight with his father and she tensed at the thought, from what she knew their relationship had been quite rocky even before he was taken and now he was running? Something big had to have happened and she edged closer to him wanting to comfort him because she knew how much this had an affect over him, as Miles spoke about them fixing it once his father had calmed out she touched his hand gently out of sight of Miles so he knew that she was there for him.

“I’m so sorry Cas.” Iris knew that her words couldn’t fix it, but she couldn’t believe his father would have him admitted into an institute like that. It didn’t sit right with her and she couldn’t understand what had caused such a reaction for him to have him admitted. “You’re not dragging me into this, I dragged you into this whole mess first.” Dropping her hand she nodded knowing it was probably not the right time to hang about and she should collect what little items she had been using, Miles had ensured that she had toiletries a couple of days ago.

“Let me grab a few things. I’m assuming it’s alright if I take a few of the clothes with me?” Iris smiled as she headed towards the bathroom to grab the few items in there. Grabbing a carrier bag that had been used for a take out delivery the night before she placed the few toiletries inside before moving back out into the bedroom grabbing the last small amount of clothes she had left to borrow and shoving them into the bag. “Thanks Miles, for putting up with me for so long. I’m sure when things calm down, we will meet again.” It felt strange the idea of now being on the run from the Capital and the King no less, hopefully it would calm down in a few days and Cas could go home and it would be like nothing ever happened.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Trash Panda
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Trash Panda

Member Seen 34 min ago

Cas sighed when Iris apologized to him. He should have known she’d find a way to take the blame for this too, even though she had nothing to do with it. Neither of them could control what his father chose to do. Atlas was the king of Aspiria, and he made his own decisions. Unfortunately for them, his decision had been to lock his only son up in a mental ward for a nonexistent disorder. If he could have avoided telling her about what had happened, he would have, but she and Miles had been through so much already that he’d felt like they’d deserved at least a vague explanation of what was going on back at his home. He just wished she would stop carrying the burden of anything bad that happened to anyone. It was too much for any one person to handle, and he planned to talk to her more about it the next time he had the chance.

For now, though, they had a more pressing issue to tackle. He nodded when she asked about bringing clothes. He hadn’t known she had any of her own, since she’d only been wearing the hospital gown they’re rescued her in when she had gotten to Miles’ place. However, in retrospect he realized she’d had on a different outfit every time he’d stopped by to see her. Miles must have given her some stuff to wear while she was staying with him.

While he waited for her to gather her things, he pulled his phone from his pocket and switched it to airplane mode. Just in case he needed to turn it back on quickly, he didn’t turn it all the way off, but now that he was about to hit the road with a fugitive, he didn’t want to receive any calls from his father or Jacob or any of the other guards that might make his resolve waver. He couldn’t turn back now. Getting caught or giving up would mean an indefinite stay at an asylum, being fed cocktail of strong drugs to keep him “safe” and numb while he sat through hours of sessions with doctors who believed he was unstable. That just wasn’t an option.

“Well… I can’t say I was expecting this, but I’m sure you know what you’re doing,” Miles crossed his arms apprehensively. “If you need anything you have my number.”

“Thanks,” Cas turned back to him with a halfhearted, appreciative smile. Privately, he doubted he would call either of his close friends while he was on the run, since the soldiers could trace his signal if he tried, but he was still grateful for the offer. It was nice to know that Miles wasn’t upset or disappointed that he was potentially abandoning his inheritance as the crown prince of their kingdom.

He waited for Iris and Miles to say their goodbyes—his friend hugged both of them on their way out—before he headed back into the hallway to make sure there were no servants around to see them. Luckily, the corridor was clear, so he gestured for Iris to follow him as he strode briskly to the front door and down the perron in front of his parked car. Not planning to stay long, he’d left the vehicle running, so they could leave right away. As soon as the doors were closed and they were buckled into their seats, he steered them back into the street.

“I booked a room anonymously at the Sunset Veil Resort on the edge of the city,” he finally told her with a brief glance, relaxing just a little now that they were alone. He still checked his rearview mirror as he drove, but as time passed, he was starting to gain confidence that they would get away. “We won’t be able to get in and out without being seen by anyone, but the only people who will know we’re there are the manager and security guard who lets us in through the back door. I have a pair of sunglasses you can borrow in the glove compartment, so you can disguise yourself at least a little when we get there too.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by sukikyoufu
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sukikyoufu Endwalker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

It felt strange saying goodbye to Miles so quickly, she understood they were probably on a time limit but to suddenly leave the safety of those bedroom walls felt odd. It had been great that he had opened his home up to her, but she still felt an odd sense of anxiety finally leaving mixed with a little bit of excitement as it had been so long from going outside. It didn’t feel strange giving Miles a hug on the way out, he had done a lot for her and she considered him a friend and she could only hope he felt the same.

Following quickly down the hall as it was clear she watched Cas noting the sense of urgency and she knew that if they weren’t quick enough, they could get caught. This time if they were caught, she would be killed, and Cas would be carted off the mental institute and that would be the end of it. Sitting inside the car she buckled up as she felt the car move as Cas wasted no time in driving out of the Kinders place putting distance between them and whatever was about to come their way as there was no guarantee he hadn’t been followed.

Letting out a sigh she placed her hand on his thigh as he drove the car looking out of the window enjoying to see the scenery which was a blessing compared to the four walls she had been staring at for the past week. “I wish I could do more to help, I’m sorry about your father.” Though she could do nothing about it she would still make sure she was there for him, she wouldn’t stand down from being by his side for as long as he would allow her too. “Though I have to admit it does feel good to go outside if only for a minute.”

Squeezing his thigh gently she listened about the room he had booked anonymously and nodded, already thinking it would be such a vast difference hiding out in that resort compared to the pub in the districts together. At least there would be running water and a comfortable bed to rest in unlike the places they had stayed in the districts together. “I’m sure it will be a lot better than some of the places I had to take you in the districts.” Offering a gentle joke as she leaned forward removing her hand to rummage around in the glove compartment for the sunglasses.

“Least you thought of a disguise for me, I’d have forgotten.” Grinning as she pulled out the pair trying them on in the car seeing how they would fit. “Well I feel like a modern-day spy with these.” Chuckling to herself as she tried to relax in the car, but it was hard not to feel a sense of worry for what was going to happen next. As long as they could make it to the resort they hopefully had some time together and they could finally discuss everything, though she was worried about opening up to him because she felt like that was a flood of emotions she didn’t think he should have to deal with as ultimately this had all been her doing.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Trash Panda
Avatar of Trash Panda

Trash Panda

Member Seen 34 min ago

The feeling of Iris’s warm hand on his leg helped Caspian to relax a little as he drove the car onto the highway. Although he wished he didn’t have to get her involved in his runaway plan, he couldn’t help but be glad that she was with him now. It would be easier to hide out at the resort with another person there too. If he’d been alone, he probably would have driven himself mad with worry and despair, unable to distract himself from the knowledge that his father had been about to admit him to a mental institution. Plus, he’d missed her lately. He’d been relieved that she was safe with Miles, but he’d gotten spoiled when they had been together every minute of every day in the districts. It was exciting to know that they would have at least a few days together before he made up his mind about whether or not he would return to hash things out with his father.

“There’s nothing anyone can do,” he sighed. “He’s convinced that I’ve been ‘brainwashed’ by you and the other rebels. In his mind, your disappearance means you went back to the Scourge, and because I won’t agree with him that you deserve the death penalty, he’s decided that I’m a risk to him and to myself. I don’t know exactly why, but my guess is that he’s convinced that you’re gonna turn up again, manipulate me, and use me to overthrow the monarchy on behalf of the rebellion.” He shook his head exasperatedly. “He’s always been paranoid, but never like this… I don’t know what to do, but I do know that I needed to get out of there before he had me sent to that hellhole.”

Glancing at the side mirror, he guided the vehicle smoothly into the express lane and increased his speed. “If it’s any consolation, you actually have about forty minutes,” he corrected with a smile. “The resort is right on the edge of the city, so it’ll take us a while to get there.” If he hadn’t been worried about getting caught, he would have turned on some music for them to listen to. However, he needed to keep it quiet, just in case he caught the sound of sirens in the distance.

When Iris joked about being the disguise, he laughed softly. “Actually, I didn’t… Those are my spare sunglasses, and I just keep them in the glove compartment all the time in case I need them,” he confessed with a shrug, turning his head to look at her as she put them on. “They look better on you than they do on me.” It wasn’t the best disguise, but it would have to do. Hopefully the security guard who was waiting for them wouldn’t recognize her as the same woman that had been broadcasted all over the news as an escaped convict. There were plenty of other blonde women in the city, so someone would have to have a sharp eye to realize she was a wanted criminal.

Passing the time by talking in hushed tones, Cas drove them all the way to the northeastern wall, where an enormous, twenty story building stood majestically. It’s exterior was an elaborate combination of glass curtains, steel and concrete, arcing smoothly around a large, backlit pool. Floodlights in bright shades of blue and purple illuminated the structure as the sunlight faded from the sky.

The prince slowed the car and followed the road up to the front then turned onto a smaller side street that took them around back to a narrow, sloping tunnel that would bring them to the private, underground parking lot below the building that was reserved for guests who needed to stay out of the public eye. Usually, celebrities took advantage of it when they wanted to get out of the bustle of the city, but he also had been given the access code to open the gate earlier on the phone. Pulling up to the keypad at the front of the tunnel, he punched in the seven-digit pin and waited for the gate to slide open before he proceeded inside.

Almost every space was empty, so he parked in the closest one to the elevator and turned off the engine. “Sunglasses on?” he checked with Iris as he unbuckled his seatbelt. The security guard was already waiting for them near the lift doors, so he wanted to make sure she’d put on the glasses before they got out of the car.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by sukikyoufu
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sukikyoufu Endwalker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

“I just don’t understand how he has come to that conclusion, thinking you’ve been brainwashed is quite extreme especially when you can think for yourself.” Iris felt herself grimace as he explained it a bit more in the car, “Thank you though, for sticking up for me and going against him about my death penalty. It means a lot to know that you have stuck by me. I think you are right though in the fact that he is paranoid. Could it maybe be a side effect of all the medication he is on?” It was unlikely, but the medication could have heightened his paranoia that and a part of her still felt guilty over his rocky relationship with his father.

“Well spare sunglasses or not I may have to keep them for myself if they look better on me especially.” Iris grinned latching onto the happier subject feeling like it was better for them to focus on the positives, no need for doom and gloom especially as the drive was quite a bit. A part of her was excited to experience the resort as she doubted she would have been in anything like it before, it almost seemed like a little holiday for her just under different circumstances to what anyone was used too.

Although they were technically on the run Iris still enjoyed the car ride with Cas, it didn’t feel as dangerous as the districts and for once it was just good to spend some quality time with him. As they approached the resort, she couldn’t help but gawk at the building, it stood tall and proud and it oozed elegance and money. The lighting brought the building to life and she couldn’t help but look behind her as they drove onto a small side street as she wanted to take in more of how extravagant the building looked.

“This looks so lovely. Surely this is too expensive for us to hide out here?” Iris whispered as she looked over at Cas as they entered a parking lot which looked pretty empty bar a few vehicles. “Is this really okay for us to be doing this?” Though she was happy to spend this time with him and she understood why he had run away from home a part of her still wanted to make sure he was okay with the decision, who knew what would happen and it wasn’t like he was from a normal family. “I’ll stand by you no matter what decision you make okay.” Speaking softly as the car was parked, unbuckling the seatbelt she reached towards the glove compartment for the sunglasses that she had placed back inside earlier.

Feeling comfortable with the sunglasses on she nodded to Cas before she exited the car hoping no one would recognise her. At least the big shades covered her eyes and unless looking really hard she doubted they would be able to figure out who she was. It seemed like security and the owners took privacy quite seriously, especially with the private entrance and she could feel the nerves building up because it was exciting sneaking away like this together.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Trash Panda
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Trash Panda

Member Seen 34 min ago

“I don’t think so,” Cas sighed as they discussed his father’s paranoia. “He’s always been like this. Everyone is an enemy until proven otherwise. That’s why he’s so concerned that I don’t agree with him, because if he was right, it would mean that I was siding with someone who wants to dismantle the monarchy. Everything he and our ancestors built would be at risk of falling. The problem is that he’s not right, and he’s going to extreme lengths to hold onto his conviction that I’m the one in the wrong.” He frowned. “The psychiatrist was the one who diagnosed me with Stockholm Syndrome, but I’m pretty sure she only did it because he’s paying her a small fortune to keep ‘treating’ me. Between the two of them, I don’t stand a chance of proving that there’s nothing wrong with me.”

When they pulled up to the hotel and Iris inquired about it, Cas shook his head. “It’s expensive, but it’s the closest resort to the border of the capital. I picked it so we can make a quick getaway if we need to.” He still didn’t have a whole plan put together for that though. He’d brought along his passport, but if he was going to flee the city successfully, he would need to open an offshore banking account and wire enough funds through to live on comfortably for as long as he needed to. They would also need to get a passport for Iris, since he felt pretty certain that she didn’t have one. There were a lot of steps left that would take some time to complete, so he just hoped they wouldn’t have to resort to that for a long time, if at all.

Once the car was parked and turned off, he waited for Iris to put on the sunglasses he’d lent her before he stepped out and opened the trunk. Slinging the strap of the duffle bag over his shoulder, he glanced at her briefly before he took the lead approaching the guard at the elevator door. The man looked surprised at the sight of them, which wasn’t surprising since he’d booked the hotel room under an alias. However, he recovered quickly and bowed, “Good evening, your highness. I take it you’re the one who reserved the executive suite?”

“I did,” he confirmed with a nod, keeping close to Iris’s side. He doubted the man standing in front of them would recognize her in the dim yellow lights of the parking garage while she was wearing sunglasses, but he kept a close eye on him just in case.

Expectedly, the guard attempted to study her discreetly when he stood up straight again. It probably looked to him like the crown prince had booked the room to have a secret affair, so of course he would want to try to figure out who he’d shown up with. Cas couldn’t let him examine her face for long though. He cleared his throat, causing the other man to jump to attention. “Sorry, your highness. Right this way,” he mumbled quickly, swiping a card to access the lift.

The doors opened, granting them access, and Cas stepped past the other man with his hand on Iris’s lower back to guide her forward with him. The guard followed them inside and pressed the button for the twentieth floor. Reserved for VIP guests only, he had to swipe his card one more time when prompted by a yellow light on the display that turned green after the card was accepted. “I have your room key here, your highness,” he said as they ascended to the top floor. Reaching into his breast pocket, he took out another card in a paper sleeve which he handed to the prince. “Only one copy was made though, so I’ll have to request a second one if you need it.”

“That would be great, thanks,” Cas nodded as he took the key. “Just have housekeeping slip it under the door for me when it’s ready.”

“Of course,” the guard bobbed his head respectfully.

When the elevator reached the twentieth floor, the door slid open, depositing the trio into an elegantly decorated hallway. The guard took the lead walking them to their suite, ensuring that the hallways were clear before they rounded any corners for total privacy. At the end of the long corridor, they stopped before a door marked E2050. The guard bowed once more and walked away, leaving them to enter alone.

Cas stepped forward and swiped the room key over the sensor, waiting for the whirr and click that signaled the lock had opened before he pushed the door open and stepped into a massive, multi-level suite with one wall made of pure curtain glass and a sweeping, gold spiral staircase curling up to the bedroom over their heads. “Not too shabby for a hideout, huh?” he mused with a smile, glancing at Iris once more as he set down his bag. “Want to order room service? You and Miles didn’t eat dinner before I picked you up, right?”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by sukikyoufu
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sukikyoufu Endwalker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Mulling over what Cas had said about his father and how it wasn’t related to the medication, it was hard not to pity him with how his father treated him and as much as she wished she could fix it she doubted that she’d be able too. The idea that his father was going to such extreme lengths to hold onto what he believed and still thought his son was crazy was so strange to her. Listening about the psychiatrist sessions she focused on the idea of Stockholm syndrome and the fact his therapist had diagnosed him with it. That disorder fitted perfectly, but was there an element of truth to it? Did Cas really suffer from something like that or was it just because she was paid a small fortune to treat the young Prince.

It was a good idea that they were positioned somewhere close to the border because if things really were as bad as he said, and a quick getaway was needed they were in a good location to do so. Though she was relying on him entirely this time as she knew nothing of the Capital, of its borders or how to make any sort of escape. Following him along from the car they approached the security guard and she averted her gaze not really wanting to draw attention to herself in case he did recognise her by some miracle.

Letting Cas do the talking it was no surprise that they had caught onto who he was, even with a disguise she was certain they’d know it was him. Who else would pay for such an expense? Though now she felt like his dirty little secret and knew that people would assume this was some sort of sordid affair. Walking quietly alongside she didn’t dare speak just in case they knew her voice, in case they figured out who she was which was highly unlikely, but the paranoia was there.

Glancing around at the extravagant elevator and halls that they were led down she knew that this no doubt cost a small fortune to even stay here for one night. The décor dripped with money and she felt very under dressed for stepping into this hotel resort because she barely had a penny to her name. Iris owned nothing right now, no clothes of her own, no toiletries that wasn’t bought for her and she still felt conscious of that fact. A part of her still wanting to ear her keep somehow, to pay her own way even if she’d be in debt for the rest of her life from all the expense, he had gone too for her.

As they approached the room, she felt her jaw drop as Cas opened it up revealing a massive multi-level suite that had a beautiful view. Hearing the door shut behind them she moved the sunglasses to the top of her head as she looked in awe at the room, they were going to hide out in. Finding the words to describe it was difficult and she let out a small choke when he spoke about it not being too shabby for a hideout. “Not too shabby? This is far to expensive. I’ve never seen something so beautiful.”

Shaking her head still awe struck at the room she smiled over at Cas feeling safer now that they were hidden away from potential harm. “Room service? Like people deliver you stuff right? Though I don’t know if I’m hungry anymore.” Moving towards the curtain glassed window she looked out at the city before them as the view was breath taking, she was drawn to it and she had never seen anything like it before being up so high like they were untouchable.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Trash Panda
Avatar of Trash Panda

Trash Panda

Member Seen 34 min ago

Cas shrugged when Iris said the suite was too expensive. After he’d been to Tongsen, he understood why she wasn’t used to dropping large sums of money on things like this, but it was normal to him. The room he’d booked was the most lavish at the resort with the best view overlooking the pool below and the vast city sprawling into the horizon. His father may have chased him off with threats of admitting him to an asylum, but he wasn’t going to let the king force him into a hovel. While he was hiding out, he was going to at least try to enjoy himself. He felt like he deserved that much, especially after the emotional rollercoaster Atlas had been imposing on him for the past couple weeks.

“Yeah, I can call the front desk and ask for them to send dinner to our door,” he confirmed when she asked about room service. Watching her approach the window, his expression softened slightly. He was struck again with gratefulness that she was with him during this uncertain time. Not only was it nice to have someone else around while he was feeling lost, but it was also the first opportunity they’d had to truly be alone since they’d gotten back to the capital. The closer they became, the more he was coming to realize that he depended on her as a refuge from all the turmoil around them. He’d never loved anyone else as much outside of his own family.

Warmed by the thought, he walked over to stand behind her and wrapped his arms around her middle, pressing a kiss to her neck as he took in the view of the city lights. For a few heartbeats, he merely held her, enjoying the moment before he said softly, “I think we should order food even if you’re not hungry. I noticed you skip a lot of meals, Iris… You need to eat something.” He touched another kiss to her cheek and smiled at her affectionately. “I don’t know what I’d do if you wasted away to nothing. Come on.”

Giving her a quick squeeze, he let his arms fall away from her and took her by the hand to bring her with him to the kitchen at the back of the suite. With his free hand, he felt around the wall until he found the light switch, which he flipped to turn on the lights over the quartz countertops. Every hotel he’d ever stayed at had a menu book so, letting go of Iris, he ambled over to the small collection of brochures, pamphlets and other things the resort had for its guests to browse during their stay. As expected, the menu was among them, and he picked it up to bring to her to look through.

Leaning back against the edge of the counter, he gestured for her to stand next to him and opened up the thin book. “Pick whatever you want and ignore the numbers,” he told her, nudging her shoulder playfully with his own. “I’ll just charge it to the room. Whatever you don’t eat, we can just put in the fridge and have for breakfast in the morning.”

Taking his own advice, he skimmed the dishes on the list. Since they were staying at a luxury resort, each item on the menu costed no less than fifty credits, and many had italicized suggestions for wines that paired well with the flavors in the meals. Cas eyed a description of a seafood plate with lobster tail and oysters that sounded especially good as well as a bottle of Spanish red wine on the drink menu that they could share. “What are you in the mood for?” he asked, glancing up at Iris once he’d made his decision. “Just let me know, and I’ll put in the order for us.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by sukikyoufu
Avatar of sukikyoufu

sukikyoufu Endwalker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Looking out at the view before her she felt his arms wrap around her middle and the sweet kiss pressed against her neck as they took in the sight together. Letting a small soft sigh escape her lips as she enjoyed the moment together watching the city lights from the beautiful view it helped her forget if only for a moment all the turmoil they had faced together. Against it all they had made it through and even if this was just a brief moment of bliss together it was worth it. Smiling to herself as she placed her hands over his that held her middle, she watched for a little bit longer before Cas broke the peaceful silence.

Finding herself frown just briefly at his words she had never really noticed it herself, but at the same time it was touching that he paid attention to things like that. “I… well not intentionally.” Defending herself as she couldn’t help but smile with the feel of his lips against her cheek, then a quick reassuring squeeze before he took her hand leading her towards the kitchen. “As if you would let me waste away.” Teasing softly as she squeezed his hand gently over the moon with the fact, they could be openly affectionate and not have to steal moments away from prying eyes. “Honestly though, I don’t mean too, just some of the food here is quite rich and…” Feeling her cheeks heat up a little from embarrassment because it only highlighted the fact she was not from his world, not used to fine dining and the rich flavours that accompanied most dishes. “I’ve never really experienced such flavours before… and well. If I just say a plain cheese pizza that’s what kids get…” Remembering the conversation back with Miles over how a plain cheese pizza is from the kids menu.

Grimacing to herself as she still felt a tinge of embarrassment as she moved to stand next to him by the kitchen counter as he sprawled out the menus and pamphlets that had a wide selection of different items, they could order from food to towels and appliances if needed. Glancing at the menu her eyes immediately went to the numbers and it was like Cas had read her mind because the playful nudge of his shoulder and the reminder to ignore the numbers left his lips before she could say anything.

Leaning into his side as she looked over the menu she found it a little overwhelming at first, instantly she worried about not liking the food and it being a waste of his money and as much as he said it wasn’t a problem she just couldn’t bring herself to waste money. Biting her lip as she mulled over each item, she knew already she was overthinking such a simple choice, reading each description carefully as she tried to figure out what would be best for her. Finally coming to a decision, she had opted for the carbonara thinking that you couldn’t really go wrong with pasta and by the description it looked nice enough and didn’t seem too over the top. “Alright, carbonara. Let’s try that out.”

Nodding to herself as she smiled up at Cas seeking out his hand with her own again just wanting to feel his touch again. It was such a relief not having to hide it as it was just the two of them in the suite, no friends to hide it from and they could finally talk freely. Although she wished it could have been under different circumstances because ultimately this had only happened due to his father and she honestly didn’t know if they would be able to fix their relationship.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Trash Panda
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Trash Panda

Member Seen 34 min ago

When Iris brought up the conversation they’d had a while ago at Miles’ place, Caspian blinked and turned to her with raised brows. He remembered that she hadn’t eaten much of the pizza they had bought that afternoon, but he hadn’t realized why she’d been afraid to voice her preferences. “That’s what you’re concerned about?” he asked, bemused. “Iris, no one would judge you if you just told us you prefer simple dishes. You could have said something, and we would have ordered you food that wasn’t as rich.” He wrapped an arm around her waist to pull her to his side. “I’m sorry if you felt like we were pressuring you. That wasn’t what I meant to do. I just got excited about showing you more of the things here that I like. Now that I know you like plain stuff better, I’ll try to keep that in mind for you, okay?”

Luckily the menu they were looking at now was decently diverse. He’d picked out a dish on the more lavish end of the spectrum, but there were other choices that he hoped would be more palatable to her. When she decided on the carbonara, he nodded and shut the book, setting it back down on the counter. “Great choice,” he smiled at her fondly, giving her hand a squeeze when she reached for his. The phone on the first level of the suite was set up on the end table by the sofa in the living room, so he tugged on her hand to walk with her over to the space. Technically, he didn’t need to drag her along with him, but he liked the feeling of their intertwined fingers and didn’t want to let go just yet.

Taking a seat on the plush couch and pulling her down beside him, he picked up the phone in his free hand and punched the button to connect it to the front desk. The dial tone rang in his ear, and he leaned comfortably against Iris’s side, touching one more fleeting kiss to her cheek before he heard someone pick up on the other end of the line.

“Hi, I’d like to place an order from l’Étoile Veloutée to be delivered to suite E2050, please,” he said after the initial greeting.

Of course. May I have a name for the order? The receptionist asked.

“Daniel Smith,” Cas replied, giving the fake name he’d used to book the room.

Thank you, Mr. Smith... What would you like from the restaurant?

“One carbonara pasta, one shellfish plate and a bottle of the Bodegas Vega Sicilia Unico Tinto 2007,” he prattled off smoothly. “When the food’s ready, have the cart left at my door. I’d like to bring it inside on my own.”

I’ll make your server aware of your preference, Mr. Smith. How would you like to pay for your dinner this evening?

“Have the restaurant bill it to my room,” Cas answered.

Wonderful. Thank you, Mr. Smith, and I hope you enjoy your stay with us at the Sunset Veil.

“Thank you,” he said in return.

With that out of the way, he hung up the phone and turned back to Iris, a broad smile lighting up his features. When he’d left home earlier, he hadn’t expected to enjoy himself very much, but staying at a resort with the woman he loved was quickly turning out to be more fun than he’d anticipated. Suddenly, he didn’t feel quite so bad about slipping away without telling anyone else where they were going. His dark brown eyes traveled from her soft face down to the black dress that hugged her figure, and he reached across her lap to rest his hand on her hip. “I didn’t have time to say anything earlier, but you look beautiful,” he mused, glancing back up to meet her eyes. “This dress is really flattering on you… sexy, even. I like it.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by sukikyoufu
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sukikyoufu Endwalker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

“Oh gosh, no, please don’t apologise, you weren’t pressuring at all. I was pressuring myself feeling like I had to fit in and enjoy those dishes.” Iris smiled as she felt him pull her closer to his side happy to be close to him once more, “I mean I’d probably get used to the flavours I think it was just a bit much at first. I want to be adventurous and try them though!” Feeling herself relax more in his presence “I guess… you’ve caught on to what I’m like and when Miles put that bet down about liking the pizza I just couldn’t tell the truth on the fact I really didn’t like it. So, I just eh… kind of went along with it…” Chuckling sheepishly as she knew it was stupid looking back on it, but it was how she had felt at the time.

Iris didn’t care for one minute that she was being dragged about the room with him, it meant that she could continue holding his hand and enjoy the feeling of his fingers intertwined with her own. Letting go didn’t feel like an option, not when the warmth of his hand caressed her own offering her comfort that she didn’t even know she needed. Sitting down on the lavish couch that rivalled the one at the Kinders home and daresay the palace she took the moment to enjoy the peace and quiet, relishing in the fact he had leaned into her and placed another fleeting kiss to her cheek.

Realising that it had been quite some time for them to be able to openly kiss, touch and hug she enjoyed every moment they shared with one another. It was strange how much she had missed this, and she didn’t quite understand it until it had been lost and they had to keep it hidden. Listening as Cas spoke on the phone, she closed her eyes and let her head drop to his shoulder relaxing in the room. Absentmindedly she began to run her fingers up and down the palm of his hand as he conversed on the phone ordering their food, her touch light and gentle as she thought about the pasta dish hoping that it would be something she would enjoy. Not wanting Cas to worry about her eating habits as it was the least of their worries right now when they had somehow found themselves back on the run again. Though it was a little bit exciting.

Hearing the phone call end Iris perked up meeting his gaze with a smile, watching as his eyes seemingly travelled her body. “I’ll let you off as we were in a rush.” Teasing gently at his comment hoping it would hide the red tinge in her cheeks at the compliments, “Though I don’t think this beats that red dress.” Reaching up her hand she touched his cheek gently before letting her hand slowly trail down across his jaw before she rested it on his thigh. “I missed you.” Whispering out her words before she leaned up placing a gentle on his lips.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Trash Panda
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Trash Panda

Member Seen 34 min ago

As Iris explained herself, Caspian got the impression that she was an even bigger people-pleaser than he was. He had habits of conforming to groups to try to fit in too, disliking when anyone treated him special or different because of his status, but he’d never gone so far as to pretend to like food that actually turned his stomach. Now that he was aware of how sensitive she was to the way other people perceived her, he was going to be much more careful about how he approached her when other people were around. Privately, he also made a mental note to check with her sometimes when they were alone, just to make sure she wasn’t hiding her opinions from him as well.

Sitting beside her on the couch, he laughed softly at her playful remark and leaned into her touch as she caressed his cheek. “I don’t know. I like both, honestly,” he shrugged, indulging himself with another sweep of his gaze over the black fabric that currently adorned her curves. Red may have been his favorite color, but it wasn’t the only one he found attractive on a woman. The dark satin dress she was wearing now was alluring to him in different ways. He liked the contrast of the outfit against her fair, rosy skin as well as the way it cinched in all the right places to draw his eye from the hem above her knees to the teasing glimpse of her chest at the top. It didn’t have to be a shade of scarlet to elevate his heartrate to a dangerous pace.

Her hand fell to his thigh, and his eyes lifted to her face just as she whispered to him, and he leaned forward to meet her halfway in a kiss. “I missed you too,” he breathed just before their lips met. At first, he kissed her tenderly, relishing the excitement that stirred in his chest at simply being this close to her again. As they pressed into each other, though, the exchange grew steadily more heated. He let go of her hand to wrap both of his arms around her body, one behind her back and the other holding her by the hip. In one smooth motion, he pulled her onto his lap without breaking the kiss and tangled his fingers in her long hair.

“You know… we have this room to ourselves all night…” he murmured with a mischievous smile as he peppered her jaw and neck with a few more kisses and trailed his hands down the length of her back. Both other times they had been alone, at the pub and in Miles’ bathroom, they hadn’t gotten very far, but this time, there was no one around to interrupt them and no reason to hold back. He would have been lying if he’d said that the thought hadn’t crossed his mind to take advantage of the solitude, and he hoped she felt the same way.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by sukikyoufu
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sukikyoufu Endwalker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

“I think you’re just saying that.” Iris laughed softly glad he leaned into her touch as she continued to tease playfully. In all honesty she had enjoyed wearing these dresses over the past few days for the attention it received off of Cas. A part of her was insecure about her looks, but more for the fact she knew she wasn’t perfect like some of the models or women in the Capital and she always found herself comparing to them without meaning too. It was silly because she knew she was fine, but there was that tiny voice in the back of her head that told her fine clothing didn’t hide the fact she was still a peasant from the districts.

“You know I never really wore dresses back home; it has been a nice change.” Smiling to herself as she glanced down at the fabric that covered her body, it made her feel like a woman and that she was someone to be desired. Though nothing could beat a good comfy pair of jeans and a top she did like how feminine she felt wearing a dress and the bold colours had been a nice contrast to her skin tones. The way the fabric of dresses hugged her body and she couldn’t deny how nice it had felt when the fabric had fallen down her skin in the heated exchange of the bathroom before, something she still couldn’t help but think about to this day.

Hearing the fact he had missed her too made her heart flutter with excitement as they joined for the kiss, it was tender, it was sweet and it still had the same electrifying effect on her to this day. It was no surprise the exchange became heated, with two close encounters not going very far before, it was no doubt something they both still craved to this day remembering the hot touches on each other’s skin. It had been a smooth fluid motion sliding onto his lap by his guidance as she moved her hands to his chest placing them gently there above the fabric of his clothes as she didn’t dare break the kiss between them not wanting to lose the moment.

Curling her fingers, she gripped at the fabric of his top pulling bunches of fabric beneath her hands she couldn’t stop the shudder that ran down her spine at his mischievous murmur. There was no chance of interruption here and a mix of excitement and anxiousness ran through her because she wanted to take that step, but there was a hint of doubt in the back of her mind in case she wasn’t good enough for him. Squashing that thought down quickly she sighed happily as he continued to smother her in kisses knowing just where to place them. Leaning forward on his lap she slipped her hands under his top caressing the warm skin beneath it, “I’m sure we can think of ways to entertain ourselves for the night.” Whispering hotly in his ear as she let her nails scratch at his chest gently before moving in for another kiss.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Trash Panda
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Trash Panda

Member Seen 34 min ago

When Iris told him that she didn’t really wear dresses in the districts, Cas couldn’t help but think that was probably a good thing. She was more beautiful than she seemed to realize, and he wouldn’t have been at all surprised if some of the men in the rebellion had noticed too. While he would never perpetuate her insecurities, it was lucky for him that she hadn’t taken advantage of the fact that she could have any man she wanted if she tried. Of course, she had technically been with Ethan when they had met, but he didn’t really count that. Her ex was one of the most condescending, manipulative people he’d ever seen. Silently, he vowed to treat her much better than that scumbag ever did, because she deserved to be made to feel special.

The way she clutched at his shirt and then slipped her hands underneath the thin fabric made him shudder, and a grin crossed his lips as she whispered suggestively into his ear. He supposed anyone who thought he’d booked the suite to have a secret affair wasn’t that far off their mark after all. Although he hadn’t been thinking of Iris when he’d first made the call to the resort, it hadn’t taken more than twenty minutes after they’d arrived before he’d almost forgotten about the fight with his father completely. It was difficult to think about anything else when he was tangled with her on the sofa, alone with nothing and no one around to distract them.

When she moved in again, he kissed her deeply and leaned into her, using his weight to push her back onto the couch until he was hovering over her. Her rough touch was exciting, different than what he was used to in the best of ways. He’d had zealous make out sessions with women in the past, but the high borns he’d dated had always been overly careful with him, nervous to do something “wrong” or injure him because he was the crown prince. So, when he felt her nails press into his chest, his heart fluttered wildly in response. It wasn’t so much that he was a masochist as it was that he liked that she didn’t hold back with him. Between them, there was no underlying fear about saying or doing anything wrong. Knowing that also made him more eager to take things further.

As he pressed his lips against hers, he ran his hands down her sides under he found the bottom of her black dress. He pulled back from the kiss briefly to slide the garment up over her body and then her head, letting it fall carelessly to the floor before he sought her lips again. “I love you, Iris,” he breathed in between kisses, gripping her bare, supple waist firmly in his hand. There was still a faint twinge of nervousness in the pit of his stomach, since they were approaching territory he’d never explored with anyone else before, but it was quickly being drowned out by his desire for her. The feeling of her soft lips on his and her hot flesh beneath his fingertips drove him crazy and desperate for more.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by sukikyoufu
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sukikyoufu Endwalker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

If it hadn’t been for the emotion she saw on Caspians face when he mentioned his father wanted to admit him to a mental institute she might have believed he just wanted to steal her away for the night so they could spend this time together. Even though the motives of the resort hadn’t been for a sordid secret affair a part of her was glad he had made his mind up to briefly sneak away with her, the feeling of spending this time with him and being able to openly show her affection had been a blessing in disguise. Sadly, it took his own father pushing him to this point to get here, but they should make the most of it after all as at least they got spend it together.

For a brief moment she wondered if he had slept with anyone before, if he had a certain expectation of her performing well so to speak, but she knew that was her being silly and simply overthinking it because she was a little nervous. It sounded cliché but she wanted it to be perfect for him because she loved him, she wanted to please him and take away the pain of what his father had caused because he didn’t deserve that. Caspian deserved to be loved not just by her or his father, but by the people because she still believed he would become a good ruler when the time came and that was because of his heart.

The way they had become entangled gave her the chills and the way he pushed against her back onto the couch excited her. Already her heart was hammering away, and she felt helplessly entranced by him relishing the passionate kiss and touches down her side. Trembling in anticipation she watched him pull back through heavy lidded eyes as his hands found her way to the dress sliding it up over her body before being tossed aside. Gasping as she felt the firm grip to her waist she felt her back arch in response wanting to be pressed against him, but the fabric of his own clothes became a barrier for her as she wanted to feel his skin against hers.

Pulling back herself this time her chest began to rise and fall quickly in time to her quickened heartbeat, the hands that had been previously under his shirt tugged at the hem as she pulled it off of him out of want. “I love you too Cas.” Finding her voice breathless as she leaned forward placing quick chaste kisses from the top of his chest trailing up his neck before she found his lips once more. Her hands now sliding down his chest scratching gently as she reached for the button of his trousers, hands trembled for a moment as she hesitated nerves rising up briefly. Fumbling around for the button her desire had won, the nerves squashed down as she finally undid his trousers not even hearing the faint knock at the door as she far to in the moment.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Trash Panda
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Trash Panda

Member Seen 34 min ago

As Iris broke away from his lips to reach for the hem of his shirt, Cas took a moment to catch his breath, slightly lightheaded from the intensity of the kiss. His heart stumbled with excitement and his pupils were dilated with the intoxicating sight of her exposed skin underneath him. She was the only one he’d ever been this close with before, so every sensation lit him up like fire. It was especially true with the knowledge that unlike the pub, where they didn’t have a way to be safe, and Miles’ bathroom, where his friends had interrupted them, there was nothing stopping them from exploring the fullest depths of each other’s bodies.

He closed his eyes as the shirt came off and her lips painted a burning trail from his collarbone up the side of his neck and finally captured his mouth. A soft sigh escaped from his throat, and he pressed into her again, wrapping one arm around her shoulders while his other hand wandered the topography of her curves. He could feel her fingers migrate from his chest down the front of his torso to his pelvis, where she stopped to unbutton his trousers. Shifting his weight, he leaned up slightly to give her better access, wanting to be rid of the now-bothersome article of clothing just as much as she was. However, just as he did, he heard a distant knock on the door of their suite.

With a groan, he pulled away from her lips and let his head drop against her shoulder. In the heat of the moment, he hadn’t realized just how much time had passed. The dinner they had ordered was already here. “Hang on,” he panted breathlessly, reaching down to catch her hands in his before she could remove his pants. “Food’s here… I’ll get it.”

Disentangling himself from her, he climbed up from the sofa and jogged over to the door. Before he opened it, he paused for a second to look through the peephole, checking to make sure the person who had delivered the cart was gone. He didn’t want to waltz into the hallway half-naked with his trousers unbuttoned and hanging precariously from his waist. Fortunately, from the brief look he got of the corridor, it seemed to be empty, so he stepped outside to retrieve the dinner cart and pulled it back with him into the suite, closing the door behind him.

The food under the stainless steel dome covers smelled delicious, and his mouth watered at the aroma. However, he didn’t want to cut things off with Iris when they were finally about to sleep together for the first time, so he forced himself to abandon the dishes by the door and strode back over to the sofa. “We can eat later,” he decided with a grin, reaching down to take her hand and pull her to her feet. “Let’s take this to the bedroom upstairs.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by sukikyoufu
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sukikyoufu Endwalker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Amidst the heated exchange Iris wanted nothing more than to be rid of his clothes, hands itching to pull down his trousers and she couldn’t but whine when he caught her hands telling her to hold on. It was just their luck to yet again be interrupted by something or someone, the first time due to them not really having the right protection and then the second time his friends had tried to get into the bathroom nearly catching them red handed in a precarious position. Biting the bottom of her lip she watched as he stepped away taking his time to make sure no one was around as he brought in what they assumed to be there food.

Whilst sat upon the sofa she could feel the heat from her skin dropping, calming down slightly as nerves bubbled up realising, she was in nothing but her under garments on the sofa. Insecure about her pale body she rubbed her arms wondering what he thought about her looks, wondering if she looked good enough for him. I hope he isn’t put off by my scars. It’s not very ladylike or beautiful. Finding her thoughts trail to what she believed were her imperfections, the scaring on her leg from the bear trap and then her eyes wandered to her upper arm which had a faint red line from an old scar. An accident that she could barely remember anymore. There was also the fact she didn’t feel well endowed and there were certainly models that had more assets to show.

Gravitating on the imperfections she shook her head not wanting to focus on it as she watched Cas bring the car of food back in with a smile, telling herself that he probably didn’t care about any of that and she was just being silly as per usual. As he strode back over ignoring the food the excitement returned within minutes, knowing that he probably had the same idea to just leave the food for now and continue where they left off. Without hesitation she grabbed his hand pulling herself off of the sofa to follow him to the bedroom, “I wasn’t that hungry anyway.” Teasing softly as she headed towards the golden spiral staircase that would lead them to the bedroom above, still in awe over the multi-story suite they had to themselves. It was beautiful to say the least and she had never stayed in such luxury.

Reaching the top of the staircase she couldn’t help but let out a sigh taking in its beauty, the bed looked soft and full of plump cushions and pillows as if it was already inviting her. There was a beautiful piece of artwork placed above the bed detailing a flower across the board in warm tones matching the colour scheme of the bedding and the lighting surrounding it gave off a wonderful warm feeling to the room.

Smirking to herself as she glanced over at Cas she sauntered over to the bed pulling him along to her, stopping just in front of the cosy bed she reached down finally removing his trousers which she had been itching to do when he had stopped her early to bring in the food. Heart beginning to race once more as she began to run her hands across his chest wanting to feel every inch of him that she could.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Trash Panda
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Trash Panda

Member Seen 34 min ago

“You might be later,” Cas winked at Iris flirtatiously when she said she wasn’t hungry. He was already craving food, since he hadn’t eaten in the last seven hours, but at the moment, he was hungry for a different kind of satisfaction. The dinner plates on the cart could wait until later. Their food wouldn’t be that bad served cold, after all, so he laced his fingers with hers and gave her hand a tug as they made their way to the staircase that carried them up to the bedroom on the upper level of the suite.

Though he was used to the luxury of high born life, he’d never actually stayed at the Sunset Veil before, and even he thought their room was beautiful. There was a certain sense of freedom in spending the night at a hotel too. For most of his life, he’d been expected to be at home between the hours of midnight and six in the morning because of his father’s paranoia that his life would be in danger if he was ever outside at night. His family hadn’t spent much time outside the mansion either. When his mother had been alive, she would occasionally persuade the king to indulge her with short, weekend-long vacations to one of the other resorts in the capital that she loved. However, ever since she had passed away, Atlas had lost all interest in traveling even a few blocks away.

As Iris pulled him over to the edge of the bed by the hand, a smile alighted on Caspian’s features. Her eagerness was encouraging to him, an assurance that she was looking forward to being with him just as much as he was with her. He placed his hands on her hips, tracing her smooth skin with his fingers as she pulled his trousers down from his waist. In the low, yellow light of the bedroom she looked even more stunning to him than she normally did. The glow reflected softly against her fair, almost naked body, and he took a slow breath, his eyes flicking up to her face just before he leaned in to kiss her again.

In the back of his mind, something halfway between insecurity and curiosity still festered. He couldn’t help but wonder what she thought now that his clothes had been torn away. He wasn’t necessarily ashamed of his physique, since he’d worked out often before and had musculature to boast of, but there was something raw and vulnerable about being so bare with another person. For one who had never been more than shirtless around a woman before, it was impossible not to notice the difference.

Tangling his tongue with hers, he snaked his hands around her back to find the clasp of her bra, his heart pounding fiercely with excitement. Though the nerves didn’t fully disappear, they were hardly noticeable in comparison with the overwhelming thrill of finally crossing the lines that he’d never reached before. However, when he located the fastening, he faltered slightly, inexperience finally making itself known. He pulled back from the kiss and grimaced sheepishly. “Sorry…” he breathed. “I haven’t… gotten this far, and I don’t…” Flushing scarlet, he quickly pressed a kiss to her cheek and then to her neck as an excuse to peer over her shoulder to try to see the troublesome clasp.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by sukikyoufu
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sukikyoufu Endwalker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

At his words of how she might be hungry later she felt her face heat up, a primal desire to be satisfied and the idea that they’d work up the need to be hungry only made her want it even more. It sent a shiver of anticipation through her because she wanted nothing more than to cross the line with him. The truth was no matter where he touched her or kissed her it excited her, and she knew that regardless of experience it would still be enjoyable because of how much she cared for him. That and with all the times they had been interrupted or unable to continue had just built them up eager to finally go through it.

It was oddly romantic being in this resort together, it was better than the old dingy pub that wasn’t the most hygienic plus it was not like they had access to protection there. On top of that being on the run from the rebels it was just pure bad timing. The bathroom however was cleaner, but it didn’t make for a good first time, that and the embarrassment of later on admitting to his friends that yes, they had snuck away to the bathroom. Well she didn’t know if he would tell his friends, but she assumed as much because if Maisie was around, she would tell her all about it gossiping like girls did together. It didn’t mean Cas would do the same. Although being in this resort had been because of different circumstances it didn’t mean that they couldn’t make the most of it together.

Seeing the smile spread across his face made her feel warm inside, he was completely into her and into what they were doing which easily pushed away her insecurities worrying she wasn’t enough for him. Finding him now stood almost naked in front of her she couldn’t help but let her hands wander over his skin, tracing his muscles and feeling the warmth radiate from him. To her he was flawless, he had a great physique alongside his good looks and charming personality, and it was no surprise that half the country if not more wished they were close to him. Iris however, had been the lucky on in that regard.

Trailing her fingers over his chest she leaned into him returning the kiss full of passion, full of need whilst her hands continued to roam his body taking in how he felt beneath her fingertips. As her heart pounded, she felt him reach for the fastening of her bra, to remove the final layer of clothing that held a barrier between them. Though he faltered she couldn’t help but smile shaking her head at his apology, raising her hand she touched his cheek gently caressing the skin, “Don’t apologise.” Finding herself whispering softly wanting him to know that it didn’t matter, “I can barely undo them myself.” Teasing gently, but in an instant she was distracted from her words because he had returned to kissing her from her cheek to her neck and in a reaction she snaked her hands around his back trailing her fingers down his spine.
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