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4 yrs ago
Current Just to inform all my partners I will be taking a short break whilst I move home. Responses and replies will return once I am settled.
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5 yrs ago
How do you write like you're running out of time? Write day and night like you're running out of time? (This darn song is stuck in my head T.T)
5 yrs ago
Welp, now to wait for the next patch of FFXIV ;A;
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6 yrs ago
Expect delays with replies as FFXIV Shadowbringers has come out <3


April 22nd
England/GMT time

If you have an questions or ideas please feel free to get in touch! I also work full time so sometimes my responses can be sporadic.

If I'm not on here writing I will most certainly be playing video games or sucked into a new world reading.

Most Recent Posts

“No need to apologise.” Harry shrugged as he watched Iris from the corner of his eye, noting the uncomfortable body language and he was certain that it was not just because he was here. In her shoes he’d feel uncomfortable surrounded by people that clearly did not like her, or trust her and to top it all off there was another woman that the King had been attempting to start seeing. Regardless on his own thoughts and feelings of the girl, he wasn’t about to make her feel uncomfortable especially whilst they were staying in such a small space.

“Right... no of course.” Iris mumbled unsure on how to act around all these people, as much as she knew Cas had to talk to Raine there was a little bit of regret knowing he wasn’t here by her side. It was hard when she felt like everyone in this small space hated her, except for Cas and well Harry seemed to be okay with her. Lost in her own thoughts she didn’t notice by now Cas had returned, not until Harry addressed him.

“Your highness.” Harry greeted, bowing in respect to the King who had returned to them, not forgetting his place. “I’ve come bearing goods news, it shouldn’t be too much longer before you can return to the palace...” Hesitating for a moment as he cast a side glance between Iris and Caspian before he finished his sentence. “I’ll give you a full report later.” As much as that was the reason he was here, he had a sense that right now the King did not want to sit through a full report at this moment in time. Nodding to them both respectfully before he moved off to locate Jacob to update him on the progress with the palace, seeing as he was head of security.

“Hey.” Offering a smile to Cas as he returned, feeling a bit less pressure having him at her side. As much as it didn’t change thoughts and opinions of those around, she doubted any of them would voice it so openly with Cas here, well she hoped that would be the case. “I’m sorry, that must have been a difficult conversation to have.” At least the conversation had happened, but it didn’t make it any easier of course. It didn’t fill her with much confidence on that Raine was alright, she doubted it was that simple but she could only hope there was no bad blood between them.

“Oh! I... no.” Sighing as she saw the frown from him as she stumbled over her own words trying to explain that she hadn’t eaten. “Sorry! I promise it’s not like the hotel... I just.” Biting the bottom of her lip as she glanced around the room, she was just hesitant to help herself to anything, fearing the judgement she would receive from those around. “I didn’t feel it was right to just help myself, I know you said I was your guest. I will eat, I guess I feel a little uncomfortable at the moment.” Vowing to herself Iris wanted to try and be a bit more honest with him, she wasn’t going to avoid eating or spiral like she did in the hotel. Hopefully Cas would understand that the bunker felt quite hostile, full of tension and she didn’t want to make anything worse by just helping herself to their supplies.
No worries, apologies for the little delay in getting my response out!

I love the new character art you found! He could certainly strike fear in those around him for sure.

Hope you have been well?
The journey had been tedious, an absolute bore as Yue had to listen to her sister babble on about how great of an opportunity this would be for her. Talking as if she had already won, gushing over the idea of status and the finer things in life once more. How she would single handedly bring back their family name from ruin, that she would be its saviour. It irked her, how she had forgotten the very man she was so desperate to get her claws into had been the cause of their parents' demise. This Emperor had stripped all their titles, killed their parents and all she could think about was living the high life once more. They had been lucky that they had not been killed by association with how brutal he was rumoured to be.

Mei seemingly didn’t notice her sour mood, she continued to talk on and on even though Yue had tuned it out. Looking out at the scenery as they made their way to the city. Growing up with her sister she was used to how self-absorbed she could be, Mei was constantly in her own little world and whilst she never intended to be malicious, she wasn’t always aware of the back handed compliments she would give. It would certainly get her into trouble in the city if she wasn’t careful.

Not that it should be something she should worry about, Yue was there for a different purpose and she couldn’t babysit her sister on top of the most daring plan that would get her killed in a heartbeat if she wasn’t careful. Mei was older, she should have more sense to be careful and it was clear her sister only cared for one thing and had her own mission in mind. It didn’t mean Yue wouldn’t keep an eye, despite the jealousy and rivalry between them growing up she was still her family. Although she wouldn’t admit it, or voice it out loud she had a deep-seated worry about getting caught and her sister also suffering with the crossfire.

Despite the droning on of her sister, the anxiety that bubbled away as she thought about all the ways this could go wrong. The what ifs, the what could or would happen, the journey to the city had been a smooth one. Both girls arriving in one piece and with a bunch of other potential candidates.

“This competition will be easy.” Mei boasted, clearly eyeing up the girls that stood in her way. Already noting some of them had no titles nor wealth so surely it would not catch the Emperors attention.

“Mei, we are all on equal footing here. We’ve all be invited for a reason. Don’t you see that?”

“Oh, sweet little sister, no. He needs someone with a title, someone that can help calm all this unrest. No commoner would do that. Even though our titles were ruined, imagine the hope it would give people as he took an Empress from a family who had been once great, who he had personally destroyed.”

A brief pause as Yue considered her sisters words, feeling a mixture of shock but also a hint of pride. Not for the insult to the other women, but the fact her sister had considered about the unrest of the population this Emperor faced. Perhaps she had viewed her sister as materialistic without any sort of sense, but that comment suggested she had thought about an angle to go for that could be quite smart. It all depended on what the Emperor wanted, but should he be looking for a way to appease some of the people, he could consider taking someone who had a title even with a previous ruined name.

It mattered not, before Yue could even answer her sister all the girls were being ushered to follow. Announcing that they’d be shown their accommodations. Leading them all towards a more communal style of housing, much to the clear disgust of some of the noble ladies. Even her sister pulled a face at the idea of it, but Yue wasn’t surprised. With a lot of candidates this would be the easiest to keep them all in one place, to no doubt watch how they interacted with one another and suss out personalities.

“Trust me, mingle with the girls, do not act like this accommodation is beneath you or that anyone else is.” Whispering the advice into her sisters' ear, it was up to her on if she would listen to it, but she hoped she would heed the warning. This was a test; everything would be a test on their character and she needed her sister around to keep the attention if she planned to stay under the radar.

“I... w-well. Of course.” Mei stammered out; her face heated at the warning because she had almost said something about having a better place to sleep. “Thank you.” Begrudgingly offering a word of thanks as she listened to advice, slipping into the crowd to mingle and talk with the others.

There had been no Emperor to greet them, no sign of his presence as they were shown around their new lodgings. Yue had spent the evening making small talk with the other guests, eyeing up potential areas to sneak in and out of all whilst keeping an eye on her surroundings, as if they were being watched.

As the evening pressed on it was clear to see the variety of mixed emotions between all the girls. Some excited, happy, nervous and even upset. Yue could name every emotion as everyone played nice and attempted to get to know one another and the competition they all faced.

By now with the hour being late most of the girls had gone to bed, exhausted with the travel and the range of emotions that they felt. Even her sister had turned in for the night, but Yue was still sat in the communal area with a book in hand reading. Turning her face towards the doors as she heard voices, furrowing her brows as she tried to hear what was being spoken.

Moments after the doors swung upon as a rather nervous looking official rushed inside to follow orders that had been given to him. To wake all the girls. Glancing up from her book she followed the rushing male before she took note of another figure, deep green eyes finally meeting her target.

The Emperor.

The very man she was here to kill.

Rising to her feet she brushed down her fine dress that her uncle had provided as she watched him, tucking the book away under her arm. Speaking no words as she had not been addressed, but she couldn’t help herself as her eyes wandered. Eyeing him up and down as she took in his appearance. Surprised by the handsome looks as she had always painted him out to be some old looking monster in her mind.

It didn’t last long before the bustle of the girls started to pour out, most dressed in sleeping attire, some looking dishevelled not having time to arrange themselves and when the penny dropped on who was here to see them, Yue caught a few mortified looking faces in the crowd. Whispers spreading through the group as some eagerly awaited on what he had to say.
Hey no worries! I'm super patient and chill and always happy to wait.

Ooo love that idea! Especially as I'll get to write two very different reactions to seeing him from afar.
Outside in the fields, just North of the capital two very different conversations were happening with the Xiang sisters.

“My child, you should be getting ready.” A calm collected voice spoke, an elder gentleman approaching Yue with his hands folded neatly in front of him dark brown eyes watching his niece train in the fields of his farm. “Your sister is quite excited.”

“My sister cares for wealth and status, she’ll be thrilled at the opportunity to become Empress.” Swiftly moving to the tree as she pulled three silver daggers that had been thrown at it, embedded in the bark as target practice. Glancing at her uncle she gave him a knowing look, clearly not over the moon at how her sister viewed things in life. Sighing to herself as her uncle just smiled in return knowing she was right. Mei was practically giddy at the invite. It wasn’t surprising as she’d taken their new status quite hard and had even refused to help out on the farm. Recalling the spoiled harsh words she had thrown at their uncle and the staff, ‘I will not sully my hands with work of the help. I am a lady, not a commoner.’

“Yes, that is true, but think of it as a blessing in disguise. Remember, you can use her to your advantage. Whilst she gains his attention you will be free to move within the shadows.” Chuckling as he stroked his beard, watching Yue fiddle with the daggers he had gifted her as his eyes swept the empty land. Ensuring that nobody could overhear them as a gentle breeze swept through the farm. This kind of talk would have them killed faster than they could notice.

Glancing up at the sky as if looking for an answer within the clouds, she knew what they had discussed. The assassination. Yue had trained herself relentlessly under the guidance of her uncle, focused solely on getting herself ready to carry out the most daring act she’d ever considered doing. Yue was no warrior, no killer and had never spilled blood before, but her uncle had full faith in her that she could complete this task and end the reign of Zhou Xiaolong. Stowing the daggers safely in her pocket she knew what she had to do.

“I’ll do what needs to be done uncle.” A quiet promise, confirming to him that she was still intent on going forward with this plan. Risking her own life, as well as the last remaining members of what had been a great family. If she was caught, if she wasn’t successful, she had no doubt her sister would be slaughtered, the same for her uncle. The less that people knew, the better and perhaps it could give her sister deniability if the worst did happen.

“Come, let the girls get you ready. That is if you still remember how to be a lady after sullying such delicate hands.” Her uncle teased with a laugh as he began to guide her back inside, the staff members had all been running around after Mei and ensuring she looked every bit royal that she could. Mei could be quite demanding, but they had all grown used to it.

“Oh please, I can’t forget my upbringing. It was instilled in me. I know how to act.” Yue gave a light hearted smile, moving inside with her uncle already hearing the loud giggles of her sister who was buzzing from excitement at the invite.

“Just think, me? An Empress?” Mei loudly proclaimed, talking to any member of staff that would listen to her. All who just nodded along and continued to style her hair as they let her prattle on about how much better life would be, that she would have her status once more. “Of course I won’t forget you, and maybe even my little sister. It’s only fair. Family after all?” Mei was already talking as if she had won, despite knowing that invites had gone out to all the eligible women she felt like she had won the competition.

“Hear that my sweet little sister? I’ll be sure to make sure you are looked after.” Mei grinned, her eyes lighting up as her imagination clearly got the better of her.

“Very kind of you, thank you.” The sarcastic comment did earn a look of distaste from her sister.

“Now girls, I have a surprise for you both.” Signalling to the staff one of the girls brought in two boxes, both of which had a very beautiful fine piece of clothing for them inside. It was to help set an impression when they arrived. It had cost a pretty penny for him, but he needed to keep them both in the competition for as long as Yue needed to kill the emperor. “These should help make a fine impression when you arrive, I’m hoping it will give you both an edge. Perhaps catch his eye?”

“Oh uncle, thank you! I was so worried on what I would wear. I didn’t want him thinking I’m not of good standing.” Mei practically grinned as she took the box, the excitement bubbling away as she truly believed she would be the next Empress.

“No thanks needed, all I ask is that you are respectful, but most importantly enjoy yourselves.” Waving off the girls as he turned on his heel to arrange transport for them both, they had decided not to include Mei on their plan. The less she knew the better, and he had come to learn she was desperate for status once more and he knew that she would not be on board with this plan in the slightest.

Xiang Yue



Xiang Yue the youngest of her siblings, with a slender physique and a smooth pale complexion appearing to be flawless that her sister envied. Effortless beauty that often caught the attention of eligible men from powerful families, which only fuelled the jealousy of her elder sister. Slightly above average in height with long dark brown hair that most assumed to be black until you caught it in the light and it revealed it’s secret, falling down past her waist when not pinned in an updo.

One major difference that sets her apart from her sister in looks is her eyes, Yue inherited her mother's eye colour. A deep dark jade green which often looked striking against her pale skin.

Before the Yan-Chu rebellion Yue was often dressed in the finest of clothing, garments befitting her status despite her hatred for it. It was only after the fall of her great family that she had more freedom in the outfits she could wear. Opting for looser clothing that you’d expect to see soldiers wearing when they trained. Previous hands that had not been scarred or blemished for not working a day in her life were now courser. No longer smooth or dainty that you’d expect from a high standing woman as after the fall of her family she began to train with her uncle in the art of the blade. Honing her skills, but it wasn’t without its drawbacks as she now had a long scar that danced across her entire back, marking the one flawless skin much to her sister's delight.


Despite the rivalry in her family and the jealousy of her sister, Yue is quite content with her own company. To others she appeared quiet and reserved, that she would not speak unless spoken to, but mostly it was down to the fact she did not wish to engage with others and their boring conversations. Polite to most she’d always find a reason or an excuse not to be around others, sneaking away to improve her knowledge with books or just exploring and being away from the public. Yue hated how fake people could be, how others would play nice just for their own personal gain so she decided to not engage where possible, more for her family's sake and to not ruin their high standing.

Yue was never one for the spotlight unlike her sister who would latch on to any compliment or laugh at any ridiculous joke, attention was something she definitely avoided. Even with the jealousy of her sister Yue was loyal to her family, she adored her father and she was certainly his favourite. The death of him had been hard for her, turning her bitter and seeking revenge for their death. Yue didn’t care that their family wealth had been stripped, titles gone and good standing now in the drain as that was material to her. Not necessary in life, but her father's death and her brothers disappearance had fuelled her anger and her uncle had made use of that bitterness and revenge. Fanning those flames, training her into an assassin and giving her an outlet to work through the pain for his own personal gain.


Youngest of three siblings, Yue has an older brother and sister with Yue only just hitting her twenties. Yue was the favourite of their father and everywhere her father went she was often trailing behind even from a young age.

The Xiang family having stood for generations, was a high standing family full of wealth, titles and everything at their fingertips that you could think of. Well known in the community and loved by a lot of people, with barely any rivals or those that wished ill on the family.

The eldest child of the family was Shaoruo. A very charming handsome young man in his late twenties, the cliche of tall dark haired and handsome and he alongside his father had both fought in wars and supported those lesser around them. Shaoruo was due to unite with another high standing family with a marriage that had been in the works.

The middle child Mei had just reached her mid-twenties, growing up jealous of her younger sister as she felt she always had to try harder to be noticed especially by their father. Mei loved the finer things in life, she could come across spoiled as she had an air of authority about her. Growing up with everything handed to her it became an expectation for her and she loved to be the centre of attention. Often Mei and their mother would spend days talking about finding love in a wealthy man, whilst training to be the perfect wife. It was one thing Mei was good at and often lorded over her younger sister who would rather learn how to fire an arrow.

Everything changed for Xiang family with the Yan-chu rebellion, unbeknown to the daughters of that family, their mother, father and brother had played an integral part to the rebellion against the new emperor. With the family's vast wealth, it had been used to help fund weapons and support the rebellion against its current emperor. They had also housed fugitives and tampered with trade routes. The consequences had been severe and it had brought a once great family down to ruin. Their mother and father had been publicly killed for their crimes and their brother had disappeared, believed to be dead.

The girls had been sparred, but stripped of any family wealth or titles and had been taken in by their uncle. It had been a blow to Mei who was so used to finer things in life and now felt like she had no prospects. Currently the surviving children of the Xiangs now lived on a farm with their uncle, Yue had adapted easily to the new lifestyle, but Mei was struggling.
Hey! No worries.

Hmmm we could do it after the big meeting of all the candidates? In my post I can focus on the arrival of the girls if you like? We could have your character watching from afar almost? I think it would be interesting to see him arrive from the front lines for sure!
Come on, you have to throw me a bone here.” Harry rolled his eyes, sighing at the fact she gave him nothing in terms of how she had survived and why the hell she was standing here in a safe house. With the king and... realisation began to hit because he knew the King was hauled up here with Princess Raine. Oh boy, things were certainly going to get a little bit intense here. Nervously he glanced around but he couldn’t see the king or the princess for that matter, but what he could see were eyes focused on Iris. Curious as to who she was and how she was special to the king.

“Girl was caught stealing, was brought here before the king.” One of the security guards stated, arms folded with a sour look on his face clearly not impressed by this common rabble here. Eyes narrowed towards Iris as he decided to take the opportunity to fill in some blanks for Harry, already rumours were being spread between those that were working here. Some just shocked by her appearance, others not so impressed.

“I... eh.” Iris tried not to grimace but she felt the embarrassment creep in. All she could think about was how this would look on Cas. That he had chosen her, a thief, commoner and soon people would remember her links to the scourge. She had even been accused of abducting the king when he was a prince, which was entirely true. She had lured him into that forest after all. Glancing down she couldn’t meet their eyes, she was ashamed and she didn’t know how this would affect Cas choosing her over that princess.

“The king said she was a guest, so I guess she’s been pardoned of her crimes.” The security spoke with a clear distaste in his voice for the fact she was in this room. To him this was all kinds of wrong, but they couldn’t do anything because it would be going against the orders of the king himself.

“And speaking about her like that probably won’t earn you any favours with the king now, will it?” Harry stated, as much as he was shocked and he had known about her past he wasn’t stupid enough to be voicing it so loud. Already he could feel the tension, the whispers and looks that were exchanged throughout the small safe house. However, he felt like it wasn’t needed. If the king said she was a guest, they’d just have to deal with it.

Placing a hand on her back Harry led Iris away from the disgruntled guard and back towards the living room. It was safer to just walk away from that situation, but he was curious as to what was going on. All he had been doing was coming back to inform them that it shouldn’t be much longer in this safe house, and yet he’d walked into some sort of soap drama.

“Sorry...” Iris sighed as she glanced at Harry, not sure why he had even stuck up for her but she was thankful at least. As much as she knew Cas needed to have this talk with Raine she felt like she was a sitting duck surrounded by people that hated her. Then there was the worry that Jacob would now hate her for being so stupid, they had come to an agreement back in the hotel both knowing Cas should have and would have been better off without her in his life. Yet somehow, she was back in it and she was certain he wouldn’t let her go again this time, and truthfully, she didn’t want him too either. It had been difficult trying to deal with the idea of him with another woman, she was jealous of that fact. Jealous that she couldn’t have him like she had wanted too, everything had been much simpler when they were hiding away in the hotel together.
“Oh... right. Of course. Silly me.” Iris winced forgetting they were in a safe house, it made sense of course she just could go out for fresh air no matter how stifling it felt inside. It wasn’t going to be an ideal conversation that he was going to have, and she couldn’t help but feel guilty as she was to blame for everything. It seemed Cas was probably the only one who wanted her around right now, the princess of course would want nothing more than to see the back of her. Jacob probably now hated her too, and it was her fault as she had been stupid.

Watching as Cas slowly left to have that difficult conversation, she found herself uncomfortable on the sofa once more. It was hard trying to ignore the sideway glances she could feel, or the whispers she could hear happening. Going out for fresh air sounded more appealing by the minute so she could escape all these glances, but she knew there would be no chance and she didn’t want to make a fool of herself.

Clearing her throat, she rose to her feet with her head held high as she decided to make a trip to the kitchen, ignoring the looks thrown her way as she got herself a glass of water lost in her own world as a voice she recognised was heard in the distance.

“All secure, I figure not too much longer hauled up in this safe house.” Harry had entered the building, relaying information from the investigation that had been happening at the palace only to stop and hesitate as he could have sworn, he’d seen a ghost. Shaking it off quickly he approached the girl in the kitchen to get a better look only to see it truly was her. Iris. The rebel he had guarded in the hospital. The rebel he had seen dead, he couldn’t feel a pulse and Jacob confirmed she was dead? Yet, here she stood. In the safe house of all places. “Iris? Is that really you? Jeez, it really is. What the hell. I thought you were dead?”

Eyeing up the girl as he could barely believe she was stood before him alive, he remembered seeing that broken body, blood on the floor. The pale deathly skin and he had remembered checking for a pulse, he couldn’t find one. Though thinking back on it he had questioned the judgement, but it was unlike Jacob to make a mistake too. “How?” Asking the question without hesitation because he couldn’t understand.

“It’s eh... a long story.” Iris cringed a little, not sure if she should be telling him as well as it wasn’t public knowledge and what if Cas didn’t want anyone to know? Wondering just how he would want that kind of news handled she decided for now it was best to keep quiet about it, just in case he didn’t want people knowing Jacob had harboured her all this time. “It’s good to see you?” Trying to be polite, she felt a little awkward especially as the last time they had seen each other hand been when she was in hospital and he was guarding her as a prisoner. She had no clue he had been there at the rescue attempt.
As much as the thought of him leaving her on her own in this room upset her, she knew this was for the best. Cas had to talk to Raine, before anything else got worse or relations broken. It didn’t help matters because she was jealous of the princess he had been courting, although she understood why, she knew it had to have been a hard decision. However, it was hard to compare when she was just a member of the scourge and Raine was a princess. Forcing a smile on her features, she tried to look like she wasn’t worried, or to show the hint of jealousy she felt as she nodded.

“It’s the right thing to do Cas.” It didn’t matter about her own thoughts or feelings in this moment, he needed to talk to the princess and try to smooth things over. Whether or not that would happen would be a different story and if it took a while she understood. Iris couldn’t imagine what the princess was feeling, but she knew that before they could just sit and enjoy each other's company he should try to explain himself and the situation. Else it would just be a slap in the face to the princess.

“I’ll be fine. I might, get some fresh air or something.” The room felt so stuffy, but she imagined that was more because of how awkward she felt in all of this than anything else. Unsure on if she would be allowed to get fresh air was a different story, but having not had food and barely any water just yet she felt the fresh air would help with the unease that was nesting in the pit of her stomach.

Iris did not wish any ill of Raine, as much as there was a sense of jealousy, she knew that it was no one's fault but herself. Had she not made the decision to leave Cas in that hotel things would have been different. Had Jacob not made the choice to save her life and allowed her to recover in his home, not forcing her to leave back to the districts this may not have happened. Ultimately, she had chosen to leave the hotel, just as much as she had left Jacob's home stupidly thinking she could be of use with the rebellion.

Perhaps she would use this moment to check in on Jacob? See how he was faring after the altercation with Cas. She felt like she needed to apologising to him properly as she knew she had caused a rift between him and the new King. It was such a big mess that they all now had to clean up, and she was smack back in the middle of it being the cause.
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