Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Contest Mod Seen 15 hrs ago

Stuart closed his laptop and put it in a backpack. "This way then," he said as pulled one strap over a shoulder and led the way out of the library. "I just want to say, I dealt with a few cases of lycanthropy during my time working for this agency, and I've dealt with a fair number of demons, either investigating a transformation that had taken place, or sending them back to their realm." He chuckled. "I'm not a fighter. But your case, it's a first. I'll probably ask Mike to have a look at you tomorrow, if you consent of course, he has started his training to do the same job I'm doing."
Stuart didn't notice the rambling himself, he had a tendency to do that sometimes, especially when he was excited.

Mike watched Gaia unfold, like a bat. He still didn't feel entirely comforatable, but he reminded himself Gaia was a friend; she had saved his life when he had been on that mission with her and Gaia. She had kept him safe there, she wouldn't be a danger to him now.
"Just checking up on you," he said, "Harriet asked me to do so."

Meanwhile, mr Johnsson listened in on the conversation. Agents had reported she had returned to her room and the device they had put on her was able to pick up her words.
He held a microphone near his mouth. "We start in 3...2...1..." he pushed a button on the device.

"It's in the same hall, but we're a bit further apart now." Benjamin gently squeezed her hand. "But that's okay, it's just a few more steps."
He walked to Steph's old room. He hoped what had happened there wouldn't be repeated, but he had faith in their boss to make sure his agents would behave from now on.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 18 min ago

Jase gave a small nod to Stuarts words, "I'd be okay with that." He said with a small smile, he gave a bit of a chuckle. "I wouldn't think you could really send me back anywhere even if you needed to." He said, "Even if it turns out there are more of me, and if they're evil, I'm not sure there's a way for us to contact the Faelands for us to return them to." He pondered for a moment before he spoke again, "And I'm not sure that any potential Fae Keepers would be too happy with us killing their kind willy nilly like that."

He listened to Stuart as he rambled, "Your job sounds interesting if I had to be honest." He said with a small smile, "I've never been a massive fan of fieldwork, I was always better at research and management. But when I signed up they needed more 'ample body men' for field combat." He sighed, his ears drooped back as he did so.

"Ah." Gaia said with a small smile, she originally didn't hear the small 'click' from the device on the back of her neck. "That was very kind of Harriet, I will make sure to- Aurg!" She let out a snarl and clasped the sides of her head as the high pitched whine entered her ears.
The beastly woman almost collapsed as her vision became obscured by white wiggly lines from the noise. Her wings snapped out again, easily pushing metal and Wood out of the way, puncturing the walls. Her tail thrashed, slamming into her coffee table- sending it to the wall, her bedframe snapped as her tail smashed through it.

Her eyes went from pink to a deep red as the noise drove her crazy. She let out a loud and deep snarl as she darted forward in a haze, towards Mike. She threw him aside as she smashed into the wall outside her bedroom, slamming her horns into the walls. He tried to tug them out but they had gotten caught on some of the foundation.

Steph looked at her door as they got close to it, her face started to well with tears but she shook them away.
"That's okay." She said as she looked to Benjamin with a small smile, "I can fly now, I'm sure I can get there in half the time." She said with a tilt of her head and a grin.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Contest Mod Seen 15 hrs ago

"The land of the fae is probably not a different dimension as the demon realm often is," Stuart said. "The theory is that they live among us here, but hide their land behind magic so no human can see it. It is likely they live in the nature reserves, but I have no way of testing that theory."
He noticed the drooping of the ears and muttered a 'fascinating' as he made a mental note about that.

He opened a door and invited Jase to come in. It was a small conference room, only suitable for meetings with up to six people. "We'll have some privacy here. We'll lock the door and close the curtains, and then I'll have a look. Okay?"
He closed the door after Jase got in and locked it. Then put his laptop on a table and went to the first curtain to close it.

Mike's eyes widened when she started thrashing about and he ducked when some wood flew over his head. He backed away to the open door as he stared at Gaia and he was about to call for help when she suddenly went for him. He got thrown to the side and he smashed into the wall.
With a face contorted with pain and a hand on his back, he walked to the door to see where Gaia was now.

On this time of the day there were only few agents in their rooms, but both Ethan and Morrison had been resting there when an alarm on their cellphone sounded. Then they heard some noises and rushed out, just in time to watch Gaia slam into the wall.
"What the fuck," Morrison said as he walked toward her, pulling his gun.
Ethan, likewise, held a gun as he approached Gaia. He noticed Mike in the doorway. "Are you hurt?"
"What happened?"
"I don't know. She got wild."
"I told you she was a dangerous beast," Morrison grumbled.

Benjamin turned when he heard a noise and saw Gaia slam into the wall. "What the..."

Mr Johnson watched the camera in the hall and he looked at device. "Let's see what happens if we increase the frequency a bit," he said as he turned a knob.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 18 min ago

Jase followed with a tilt of his head as Stuart spoke. He hummed as he mentioned about the Faelands, "That sounds rather cool." He said as they entered the room. He moved to help close the rest of the curtains, he moved to make sure the door was locked properly as he looked up towards Stuart with a bit of a weak grin.

"That sounds fine." He said as he moved to take off his jacket, tossing it to the side before he moved to slip off his shoes and socks. He flattened out his feet on the floor, watching his paw-like feet flex and relax from being tightly shoved into his shoes. "Oh geeze." He said with a sigh of relief. Jase felt himself shudder as he felt the floor underneath his pawpads.
He looked over towards Stuart before he moved to pull off his t-shirt to reveal his torso. His torso was slightly furred, his fur seeming to be the same sort of colouring and visual texture of bark.

As the frequency intensified, Gaia let out a pained yell. She thrashed her head a bit before she pulled away from the wall and energy funnelled through her body, her tail thrashed as she moved to scratch at her ears. She lowered her head in pain before letting out a loud roar.

Steph froze up when she heard the noises down the hall and looked towards the way they had come from. "...Gaia?" She asked as she looked to Benjamin.

The frequency was starting to trigger Gaia's Instincts, and all it could sense is danger. Her wings fanned out as she crouched down to all fours as she let out a low rumble.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 15 hrs ago

Stuart watched the feet unfold and tapped on the keyboard as he entered the physical attributes he could see.
"Excuse me," he said as he gently touched the fur. "Intruiging. Oh, almost forgot, do you consent to pictures being taken? Of the limbs and torso and back. No private parts and noting that would identify you." He glanced at Jase. "Although, with you being the only we know of people of this base at least will still know it's you."

Benjamin put an arm around Steph and pulled her closer to the door of her room; it looked like Gaia wouldn't come for them, but it wouldn't be a bad idea to have a place they could dive into if the situation required it.

Mike moved back further when he heard her rumble. She looked dangerous now, like a beast. He stared at her; he was not equipped to deal with that.

"Damn it, Gaia, what is your problem?" Ethan said as he pointed his gun at her.
"How about we just take out a damned threat?" Morisson grumbled.
Ethan didn't reply to that. "Gaia! I will take action if you hurt anyone. Don't make me do that. What the fuck are you doing?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 18 min ago

Jase hesitated before nodding once.
"I consent." He uttered as he fumbled to get at his belt to take his pants off. His hands slowly flexing and his nails became sharper claws. "Augghh." He rumbled to himself, feeling his ears droop back as he moved to lift his hands up to look at his hands, "Would explain why my nails grow back so fast." He laughed to himself before he moved to slowly unbuckle the belt and slipped off his pants.

The Timberfae hesitated as he looked down at his bright pink underpants. He glanced back towards his own tail, watching it slowly sway over the waistband of his underpants.
"Right." He said, "Naked." He continued as he cleared his throat and moved to slip them off onto the ground.
The fur from his chest carried down to the rest of his lower body, the colour unchanging until they hit his tail and butt, The colour slowly lightened.

Steph shuffled closer to Benjamin, embracing the warmth of his body. But she was too afraid to focus on it instead.

Gaia tensed her body as she heard Morrison and Ethan, her instincts roaring against her logical mind. Her instincts were winning, and fast. Her Logical mind managing to gain control quickly and sent out a mental teather to the nearest person she could, and since Harriet was too far, the nearest person was Ethan.
"P...Pain." She mumbled to Ethan before she crouched as her instincts suddenly waved over her and took full control.

She fanned her wings out more and leaned upwards, letting out a bloodchilling roar before she stood up and turned towards Morrison and Ethan, her instincts only Identifying the Gun rather than the person before she dropped to all fours and let out another rumble.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 15 hrs ago

Stuart had his back at Jase as he undressed, while he would be seeing his body later he would allow the agent some privacy while undressing. He wrote some things on his laptop and when Jase was done he turned around and started his physical examination, writing down what he saw and making some sketches and the mandatory photographs for the file.
"Thank you," he said at the end. "You may get dressed again, but you don't need to conform to the dress code of our agency if something hinders you. We don't require people with wings to wear something that would trap their wings either."

Ethan stared at Gaia. "Pain?" he repeated. That made sense, why would she suddenly act like that for no reason?
He stepped back when she roared, but the omnious rumble that followed wasn't much better. "Gaia, snap out of it!"

"She won't," Morrison spat, "she is a monster."
If this had been outside, in the field, he would have fired a shot. The company policy didn't allow to shoot feral co-workers first; only when they would attack he was allowed to fire. Roaring and rumbling was not enough.
His finger was on the trigger. One wrong move he could see as an attack and he would put a new hole in her chest or skull.

Mike had safely withdrawn from the scene, now that Gaia had her attention on the two agents. He joined Steph and Benjamin.
"What happened?" Benjamin asked.
"I don't know. She suddenly got wild..." Mike said. "I..." he shook his head, lost for words. What had happened here? He wished he knew.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 18 min ago

Jase was surprised by the calmness he felt as he watched Stuart take photos. When he was told her could redress, he moved quickly to pull on his underpants and pants before anything else. At the mention of not needing to conform with the dress code he hesitated, "I think I have it down with the tail just over the edge of my pant-line." He said with a small smile and nod. "Thank you for the information though, I'll need to pass that onto Carl."

He grinned as he was finished getting dressed, he looked over towards Stuart after a moment of thought, "DO you guys have... Any information on Angels at all?" He asked, "I'd love to read up on them, considering my... Boyfriend is one." He said with a nervous laugh.

Gaia watched Ethan, her instincts not listening to his words as she focused on the gun pointed towards her.
She let out a low rumble as she turned more towards Ethan and Morrison, her tail swaying and slamming gently into the wall. The ringing still irritated her, but she was focused on the weapons pointed right at her.
"Danger." The instincts hissed towards Ethan's mind, before Gaia moved quickly towards Ethan and Morrison, moving to leap over them and skid down the hallway on all fours.

She moved for the nearest open window, and being trapped in the close indoors was not what she wanted. She let out another low rumble as she was backed into a wall and drooped her ears back.
"Worried. Fear." She was backed into the corners of the hallway now, there was no where else for her o go, unless she broke through a wall or ceiling, but her instincts were running haywire and she was left in fight or flight, which for her, is fight.

Steph moved to help Mike up, "Where's Harriet? She knows about Gaia, right?" SHe asked quietly, looking towards Benjamin as if for confirmation on her own thoughts.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 15 hrs ago

"Angels?" Stuart repeated. "Yes, we have files on them. It's not my area of expertise, but they have been investigated. You can find them on the intranet of the company." It wasn't unheard of that Angels visited the earth and they had mingled with humans before. "I will make my preliminary report and if I have additional questions I will come look for you. As far as I'm concerned you can do what you please now."

When Gaia leaped, both men ducked and Morrison grumbled. They watched her move into the corner.
"She's afraid," Ethan said.

"Damn it," Morrison muttered. A fearful beast was a dangerous one, especially if flight didn't work. That meant they would fight. "We have to take it out now, before it hurts someone." He paused. "But if we shoot at it, she will only get more angry. A beast like this is not easily killed. And we don't even know where to shoot it to make a kill." And if it really could breathe fire as he had heard they weren't safe here. He holstered the black gun and pulled out a yellow one. Was it enough? It was a risk he had to take. Leaving the wild beast run wild could lead to injuries.

He made two steps forward, followed by Ethan who still held his gun aimed at Gaia. Agent Morrison fired and a large yellow bullet left the gun. The bullet was designed to release a powerful electric discharge, hopefully it would paralyse the beast long enough for them to get close.

Benjamin took his phone when Steph said that and quickly send a text *Problems with Gaia at the sleeping quarters*
"I hope she has her cellphone on her," he sighed.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 18 min ago

Jase smiled towards Stuart before he hesitated and pulled out a bit of scrap paper and scribbled down his cellphone number.
"Here, this is my number in case you need to contact me for more questions." He said with a small smile, "Thank you so much. I hope we can find something about my species, fingers crossed there's nothing 'feral' about this species." He said with a soft chuckle, pulling out his phone and texting Carl to see how he was.

Gaia's ears flicked towards Ethan as she heard his voice, she kept her head down as she tried to slink towards him before she noticed the different gun. A small rumble echoed from her throat which would have twisted into a roar before the bullet was shot, hitting her shoulder before the discharge bounced over her body.

Gaia let out a pained roar as she moved herself closer to the ground, the electricity bouncing through her scales and over her wings. The discharge bounced around more and hit the device on the back of her neck, causing it to let out a louder screech that started to become audible to the humans.
Gaia rumbled as she moved to turn her head to attempt to nip towards what was every making the sound, to her it was coming from her shoulder so she sunk her own teeth into her scales and slammed her tail down in pain.

Steph nodded at his words before footsteps echoed from behind them. A shadow leapt over them and a figure moved towards Gaia, slipping in between Morrison and Ethan before they stopped in front of Gaia.
The figure started to speak in an unknown language, which caused Gaia to let go of herself before she turned towards the figure. Gaia lifted herself off the ground weakly, the discharge still bouncing through her over. The figure started to speak louder, over the now audible scream from the device.

Steph stepped forward towards the two male agents, poking her head towards Gaia and the figure in black. The black colouration slowly dispersed to reveal Harriet standing with her hands up towards Gaia.
"GAIA I KNOW YOU CAN UNDERSTAND US." Harriet yelled, Gaia's ears drooped back as she opened her mouth to sneer and growl. "CALM DOWN. YOU'RE NOT LIKE THIS."
Gaia moved to roar again before Harriet moved to slap Gaia in the face. Gaia flinched back as the woman struck her, her eyes flexing deeper in red for a moment before lightening to pink before she slowly turned towards Harriet.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 15 hrs ago

"Right, thank you for your cooperation," Stuart said as he took the piece of paper. "I will contact you when I have questions or discover something interesting. I'll finalize the report and we'll be in touch. Best of luck to you and your boyfriend." He nodded to Jase and then focussed on the laptop as he started to type. It didn't look like he had more to say at this point.

"Hey!" Ethan said when Harriet slapped Gaia. "Obviously she's not like this, she already told me she was afraid and in pain and that there was danger. Instead of slapping her, maybe look at what she was gnawing at?" He joined Harriet, sending her an angry look. "That sound you hear, that started when she was hit the with the electric bullet." He turned to Gaia. "Let me have a look. Okay? Can I come closer?"

Morrison approached Gaia too now that she was calmer. He too heard the electronic scream. Obviously the electrical discharge had caused something to malfunction. He still thought the beast was a liability, but maybe in this instance it wasn't her own nature they could blame.

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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 18 min ago

Jase nodded and bowed his head, "I can't wait to see what you find out about me." He said before he fixed up his jacket and headed out of the room, heading off quickly to the infirmary to check up on Carl.
He pushed the doors open, startling a few of the nurses as he entered. He hesitated and apologized before he headed off towards where Carl was seated.

Carl was sitting up, his head back as he had his eyes closed. He opened an eye as Jase walked in, a small smile spread across his face- one that was almost teasing.
"Hey scruffy." He croaked before Jase moved to sit down, gripping Carls' hand with a bigger smile.
"Hey Feathers." Jase started as he leaned to give him a kiss on the cheek.

Harriet looked back to Ethan as he barked towards her, her ears flicking back slightly but a small smile on her lips. She stepped aside to allow Ethan near Gaia. "Be my guest." She said to him with a bow of her head.
Gaia watched Harriet carefully, "Worry." Gaia's voice echoed through Ethans' head, before she looked towards him with a prick of her ears. "Ethan." She lifted her head up slightly and her tail gently tapped on the floor.

Harriet took this moment to step out of the way of the males, moving to grip onto Morrison's arm to reassure him it was safe.
Gaia watched Morrison for a moment, her ears drooping before she looked towards Ethan again, letting out a low whine.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 15 hrs ago

Ethan slowly approached Gaia. "I'm glad you recognise me. Now, I'll have a look at your back," he eyed her tail, "so keep your tail in check."
That sound was annoying, and maybe it affected her more; just like dogs could hear high whistles and didn't deal well with fireworks. But where did it come from? He had seen her gnaw at something. A bug between her scales?
He carefully went around her. "Where is it troubling you?" he asked her.

Morrison shook Harriets hand off his arm, glaring at her. He didn't need an alien who was completely dark and spoke in a weird language touching him.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 18 min ago

Gaia lowered herself to the ground as Ethan approached her, she moved her tail underneath her body when he mentioned about keeping her tail 'under check'. She folded her wings up to allow him to check her neck.
The device flashed on her neck, it was smaller than a milk bottle top; but big enough to be seen on her scales. The device was slightly embedded into her scales to fix it in place, the device was shorted out due to the electric shot that was fired at Gaia moments before. The machine was letting off a small whine that was audible to everyone now, which caused Gaia's ears to flick occasionally due to the noise.

"It hurts my head." Gaia's voice echoed through Ethan's mind, the tone was twisting slowly back to normal instead of a grumbled growl, "I didn't... Hurt anyone did I?" She asked quietly, looking up to Ethan with a tilt of her head.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 15 hrs ago

Ethan examined the device and while he was no tech-head, even he could see that wasn't supposed to be there and it shouldn't be making that sound.
"Nah, you're fine. You shook up Mike a bit, but he'll live. You know you have something on your back?" he asked as he pulled a swiss army knife from his pocket. "I'll see if I can get it loose."

He moved to the device and tried to pry it loose with the knife, careful not to cut into the scales. It took him a moment, but it came loose and once it was in his hand he looked at it, showed it to Gaia and Morrison. Then he dropped it on the ground and stomped on it, hoping that would finally make the device shut up.

Mr. Johnsson kept an eye on everything through the security camera of the hallway. He grumbled to himself that they were losing the device, but at least they learned from this. It worked, but it couldn't deal with electricity. That meant he had to speak with the person who made it and the person who had first tried it out.

That female agent had been part of the initial test, she could shed some light on the case. There was the incident with the cocoon of course, but surely she was up and functional by now. He sent her an order through text message.
*come to my office now*

The same order was sent to the person who had put the device together.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 18 min ago

"A device?" Gaia finally spoke properly, lifting her head to look at the device before he crushed it on the ground. She waited until he lifted his foot away before she fanned out her wing and slammed the side of his into the device to crush it further. Gaia moved to sit up and fanned her wings back in slowly, she shook her head as she lifted her hands and moved to touch her ears gently.

"Murr. I didn't like that." She grumbled to herself and she glanced towards Harriet, who grinned to Gaia and waved as she moved away. Gaia looked to Ethan momentarily before she gave a weak smile. "Thank you Ethan." She started, before she looked around, "Where is Mike? I want to apologize."

The female agent heard her phone go off from her small webbed corner of the room, she dropped from the ceiling as she moved to grab the phone and looked at the message. She felt her chelicera twitch on either side of her mouth, invisible from the outside. She headed off towards Mr Johnsons office before she was stopped by the guy outside.
"Whoa whoa, who are you?" He asked with a glare towards the girl.
The girl blinked quietly before giving a bigger smile, "It's me Rose!" She said, Showing her phone to the guard, "The boss asked for me, see?"

"Oh." The bodyguard spoke, stepping side slowly, "I didn't... recognize you, apologies." Rose gave a bigger grin as she entered the room.
"You were looking for me Sir?" She asked with a bigger smile.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 15 hrs ago

"Yeah, no problem," Ethan said and he looked down the corridor. "Mike is over there, with Ben and Steph. You okay though? You slammed into walls and everything. And then you were zapped."
Gaia was definitely sturdy; such a discharge would incapacitate a human, possibly even kill them.

Benjamin sighed in relief when the noise stopped and Gaia seemed to act normal again. "That was intense," he sighed. "I'm glad everyone is okay though."

"Mostly," Mike added, rubbing his side.

Mr. Johnson stared at the female agent, then he closed his eyes and rubbed his temples. Another agent had transformed. What was this? 'Turn into a monster day'?
"Yes, sit down please," he said, gesturing to a chair. "One moment, I need to send some more orders." He texted two more people, the leader of the snipers and the agent who had been in touch with them over the radio when Rose had been abducted. The last one he texted was the guard outside.
*come inside and keep an eye on the monster. One sign of aggression and shoot it*
When that was done he looked at Rose again. "I want to talk about the device we had put onto Gaia, if you recall that. And then we need to talk about that abduction of yours."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 18 min ago

Gaia moved to stand up properly, shaking her entire body as Ethan asked if she was okay, listing out what happened to her.
"Slamming into wooden walls is nothing, often its hard rough stone." She said with a small laugh before she nodded slightly, "But I am fine, a little shaken and tense, but I am fine." She moved to gently put her head on Ethans' head as she closed her eyes with a smile. "But thank you for worrying about me Ethan. It means a lot to me."

She lifted her head slightly as she heard Benjamin and Mike talking, and lowly moved away from Ethan to walk towards Mike. She hesitated before she stopped in front of him with a weak smile.
"Hey Mike," She started, moving to wrap her tail around her left leg as if a nerve-soothing thing, "I am sorry for... Everything you just saw. I do not mean to scare you if I did." She continued before she gave a small smile without teeth and offered a scaled hand to Mike. "If you do not forgive me then I will completely understand, but I wanted to apologize. You are not too hurt are you?"

Rose grinned to Mr Johnson and moved to sit in the chair happily. She settled down in the chair before her hind legs slowly spanned out to touch the couch or the floor. She tilted her head as he spoke to her.
"Oh! Okay, what did you want to know? I hope I can help." She furrowed her brow as she tried to pull back memories from the day, she remembered following and tracking Gaia, being captured by the spiders... but then only warm fuzziness and nothing else.

The agent who made the machines heard the beep from their phone and grumbled as they slid out from under one of the broken cars. They rubbed their hands clean on a cloth before they pulled off their apron.
They let out a string of grumbles before they rubbed their face and stared to their phone. They mumbled more before moving off towards Mr Johnsons office.
They glanced towards the guard as they entered, moving their working cap off and moved to tie up their crimson red hair. They looked towards Rose and moved the chair across the ground before they sat down.

"Hey Freya!" Rose said to the woman sitting across from her, Freya didn't look towards her and waved her hand absentmindedly towards the now-spider girl.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 15 hrs ago

Mike listened to Gaia and looked at the extended hand. "A bit bruised, perhaps," he said as he took her hand, "I'll have someone at the infirmary check it." He let go of her hand again. "To be honest, it did scare me. You were coming straight at me, and when you're not in control you also don't hold back. But I'm glad you are yourself again."

Benjamin watched them as the talked, and when Mike was finished he looked back to where Ethan had gotten rid of whatever had troubled Gaia. "Someone should report this. Maybe it was an enemy of our organisation that did this."

Ethan decided to go back to his room. "Going back to rest," he called to the others. "Gaia, try to keep the place whole now, okay?"

"Freya," mr. Johnsson said as he turned to her. "The device worked perfectly, but it malfunctioned when it was hit the electric bullet. Is it possible to avoid it short-circuiting after it's hit with a high voltage? If this happens with electric buttelts, it could happen in a lightning storm."
He wanted to ignore the monster, but she was annoyingly present.

The agent who had overseen the rescue mission from the base, having been in contact with the sniper team and had been able to see the camera images from the drone, entered the office. He stopped and stared at Rose, cursing under his breath, and took a seat when the boss gestured to an empty one. He took his tablet to bring up the data and reports from that mission immediately.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 18 min ago

Gaia's ears drooped slightly as she nodded, "I'm sorry that I scared you." She said before she looked over to Benjamin as he spoke about reporting it. She gave a small smile, it was nice knowing others cared for her. Her ears pricked up as she heard Ethan speak her name, she gave a single nod before she headed off to go outside and spread her wings properly.
As she passed Benjamin she looked down to him with a small smile, "I will be outside if you need me. I need to air my head." She said before she headed outside.

As she got outside, she fanned her wings and quickly took to the air with a spin, fanning her wings out completely as she flew above the clouds.
Steph looked to Mike quietly before she looked back to Benjamin. "Do you think... we should tell the boss?" She asked with a small tilt of her head.
She was worried, was this a planned attack on Gaia? Or could it be something... worse.

Freya listened to Mr. Johnson before she nodded slightly. "Right." She said as she pulled out a notebook and started to scribble stuff down on it as he continued to speak; it would seem rude if it was anyone else, but this was how Freya worked. "I could probably put some sort of rubber coating onto it." She continued, "It may make it slightly bigger and a bit more obvious but I'm getting some smaller parts coming in in about a week so I should be able to make up one by the end of the month." She concluded before she looked up to Mr. Johnson. "So I would recommend keeping it on the downlow about what has happened, probably better to keep watching her mannerisms and such."

Rose perked up at the idea, lifting her hand up to speak. "Oh oh!" She started, Freya shooting her a disgusted look and an eyeroll as she continued to speak. "We could use this as a sort of 'attack' on her and we have to put a little monitoring camera and reader to make sure that the machine didn't cause any problems with her body?" She asked with a tilt of her head, Freya paused and looked towards her, scribbling something down as she did, she didn't need to look at her paper as she did so.

"I..." Freya started before she put her pen down, "I didn't expect something smart to come out of your mouth." Rose just looked at her with a goofy grin. Rose was never the smartest agent, but she was compassionate and hardy. "I have a camera tracker that's small enough not to be a bother to her for a bit while I make the other stuff." Freya added before she nodded towards Rose.
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