Sweet Home Chicago!

The Great Midwest Commonwealth. The Pre-War Amalgamation of the Great States of Wisconsin, Minnesota, Illinois, Indiana, and Michigan along with portions of the newly annexed Canadian territories was brought low following the dual catastrophes of the Canadian War of Annexation and the Great War. But, there was more hope for the Midwest than for others. 14 Separate Vaults all holding differing numbers of people and most of them not being used for horrifying psychological experiments sat within its borders. Its location on the icy shores of the Great Misty Lakes makes it a perfect place for those fleeing from the Capital Brotherhood, From the Slave pits of The Pitt, and south from Endless blizzards of the White. On that note...
Game Description -
Forgotten Lakes is a Fallout GSRP game for between 7-10 people. where players take on the role of factions- Traders, Settlers, Tribals, Raiders, Pre-War Secret Societies, and Malfunctioning Rogue Robots- In the remnants of a post-Nuclear-War torn Midwest. This is the Fallout universe, where the United States and the People's Republic of China destroyed the world in nuclear fire in the year 2077; ending an alternate history of the post-WWII era in which atomic technology froze culture in a parody of 1950's Americana. To imagine pre-war technology, just keep in mind that the cars were nuclear powered and their rusted-out hulks will still explode in mini-mushroom clouds if you shoot them.
While I wait with bated breath for the inevitable insanity that the Fallout Universe implies simply by existing. There are a couple of things to go over: First is the baseline of what makes a Settlement. First, you have the Tier 1s. Your infant NCR and Legions, Thousands of people with assorted Combat Troops and support elements but a somewhat rudimentary understanding of tech. They have a couple of doctors that can heal Radiation sickness are able to reload ammo, and maybe someone that can hack a computer. On the far side you got your Tier 3s. High Tech at start: Power Armor, Robots, Advanced Medical, Energy weapons, vertibirds, Dangerous experimental items, the whole nine yards but, only about a hundred members total. In-between those you have your Tier 2s. The Gun-Runners, Rust Devils, and Van Graff's all sit in this category. Hundreds of people and decent Tech in a single way. The Van Graff's with their Energy Weapons, the Gun-Runners with their pre-war schematics, and the Rust Devils with their Scrap Robots.
We'll talk out your Tier based on your description in your app and through conversation. Additionally, each faction starts with three heroes-roughly divided into Science, Charm, Stealth and Combat types. These characters can be used to reinforce your actions and their likelihood of success, provide good fodder for RPing, and make your faction more successful and harder to attack just by being there. What they focus on exactly will depend on what you want. A doctor that can input Cybernetics? Or more usefully a Brewer? A Silver-Tongued Devil or A Tamer of Beasts? A Shadow in the Night or a Faceless Man? An Able General or a Fearsome Warrior? Your choice.

This is the Play area. I understand that the image is blurry for some. Sorry.
The game will take place over turns, usually a week long but, they may become longer later in the game. Orders should be submitted by way of PM.
There is no Discord channel at the moment, and might not be one, and submissions will be open until September 6th. If we fill up before then, then we’ll start before then.
Player Application -
Faction Name:
HQ: (Describe it in words using other landmarks for reference or with a map coordinate.)
Territory:(This is an area that you can firmly say you control. Patrolling it
Faction Name: The Mojave Brotherhood of Steel
Description: The Brotherhood of Steel is a paramilitary organization, devoted to the recovery and preservation of pre-War technology and information. Officially, the Brotherhood seeks to salvage such knowledge so that it may be used for the benefit of mankind, but in practice, they are oddly selective as to what is important enough to be saved, often ignoring basic but potentially useful technologies (such as agriculture and civil engineering,) in favor of military hardware like energy weapons and power armor. They are notoriously secretive with their discoveries and distrustful of outsiders, even outright hostile in some cases. Even now, more than two centuries after the Great War, the Brotherhood zealously restricts the use and knowledge of their technological finds, even within their own ranks.
Based out of the fortified bunker of Hidden Valley, the Mojave Chapter of the Brotherhood of Steel operated openly in the Vegas wastes for several years, carrying out several reclamation missions without encountering any serious opposition. Father Elijah, the reigning Elder at the time, eventually took a particularly strong interest in the dilapidated HELIOS One, a pre-War solar power plant. Despite the objections of the chapter's Paladins, who contested that the plant was too big a target for their relatively small forces to properly defend, Elijah decided that the vast promise of HELIOS One far outweighed the risks.
Over the next several months, the Brotherhood commenced repairs on the power plant, hoping to restore it to working order. However, Father Elijah had his own hidden agenda for the plant: in his studies, the Elder had discovered that HELIOS One was secretly connected to ARCHIMEDES II, a still-functioning orbital weapons platform. Such devastating firepower was too tempting an opportunity to ignore. After years of unchallenged dominance, the balance of power in the Mojave Wasteland shifted in 2253, when New California Republic forces entered the region and occupied Hoover Dam. Unnerved by the arrival of such a potential threat, Father Elijah declared that HELIOS One would now serve as the Mojave Brotherhood's home base. With little other choice, the chapter subsequently uprooted itself from Hidden Valley and moved into the plant.
Tier: 3
Heroes: Elder Elijah (Science), leader. Paladin Hardin (Combat), security chief. Scribe Taggart (Science), head of R/D.
HQ: Helios One.
Territory: Helios One Industrial Zone.
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