I'm not even 30 yet, and I'm turning grey big time already.
Also, too lazy to dye it.

Also, too lazy to dye it.

I'm not even 30 yet, and I'm turning grey big time already.
Also, too lazy to dye it.
I always wonder what happened to Val Kilmer...Two-year battle with throat cancer, but he is still alive. Unfortunately, he lost his voice.
@XandryaLisa Bonet is married to Jason Momoa. She was Denise Huxtable on the Cosby Show. I pray for #2 frequently. I used to pray for #3 before I got married, now I thank God for blessing me with my wife. Good luck with those wishes though. Personally, I would love to have the ability to possess and cast magic as I saw fit.
About 5 years ago, I used to compose music and actually sold one album of contemporary piano pieces I'd written. It's something I want to get into as a side-gig in the near future when I have time to sit down and play again.
<Snipped quote by Dagger>
Do you have any video or something of the pieces you've produced being played?