"If you could hear, at every jolt, the blood come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs, obscene as cancer, bitter as the cud. Of vile, incurable sores on innocent tongues, my friend, you would not tell with such high zest to children ardent for some desperate glory, the old Lie; Dulce et Decorum est Pro patria mori." -Wilfred Owen

1st of November
The fleet of The Republic of Kalseran in the Black Sea seems to have calmed the actions of The Empire of Khazaria, the two nations still yet to officially go to war, but only a fool would think that the ruthless ambition of Khazaria could be blunted for too long. In the darkness, shadows move across the waters, approaching the Kalseran fleet. Merchant vessels, commandeered by the Khazaria navy, and specially refitted, are manned by only a skeleton crew, and they move with a dark intent. They are quickly spotted by the Kalseran fleet, and from the wood piled on the deck, they are identified as fire-ships. Surprised that Khazaria would attempt such an old-fashioned trick, a handful of the Kalseran ships approach these 'fireships', looking to extinguish them before they can even be lit. And then the night lights up. Beneath the decks of these 'fireships', were barrels of gunpowder, and at some unseen signal, the true purpose of these ships are revealed. Erupting into a wild glare of flame and fire, the 'fireships' vanish in an instant, taking with them the approaching Kalseran ships, as well as the hundreds of souls on board, the air filled with splintered wood, and the grisly remains of those unfortunate men. Shock-waves are sent across the Kalseran fleet, and as more Khazaria ships emerge from the darkness, panic begins to set in to the Kalseran fleet. Admiral Dionisio Giorgino, the commander of the Kalseran fleet, is himself thrown to the ground by the sheer force of the explosions, the helmsman beside him struck dead by the blast of air that spread across the whole of the Black Sea. As Dionisio clambers to hit feet, attempting to make sense of the chaos, and to regain control of his fleet, the Khazaria ships descend. IN truth, the Khazaria plan is a brilliant one, sow chaos with these 'hellburners', and then seize the superior Kalseran warships to bolster their own forces. It is brilliant, but it has one fatal flaw. While other nations have studied the art of war on land, drilling their armies into well-oiled machines, Kalseran has focused on the sea, and the Khazaria sailors that clamber onto the Kalseran warships find themselves facing the masters of war on the seas, the Seaguard. Elite soldiers, trained to fight with the deck rolling beneath their feet, these men of Kalseran, even though they are temporarily dazed by the explosions, fall upon the boarders with a macabre delight. In truth, it is a bloodbath, and on nearly every Kalseran vessel, the Seaguard cast the enemy back into the sea. As Dionisio begins to regain control, the cannons of Kalseran also roar into life, supported by the remaining vessels of The Kingdom of Komentiolos, and the Khazaria fleet is quickly sent scurrying away in retreat. In the ensuing aftermath, as survivors are fished from the water, war is officially declared between Khazaria and Kalseran. A blow has been struck, but it is far from the decisive one that Khazaria intended.
2nd of November
King Leonard II is dead. Perhaps it was the stress of the war with The Kingdom of Dorist, or the stress of losing control of his court, or perhaps it was simply his time, but the king of The Kingdom of Altenten has died in the night. The event itself is significant, the mantle of rule falling onto the shoulders of Leonard's only son, a young man of not yet twenty, but it also sends ripples all across Europe. Leonard was always a vocal advocate in support of the cultural ties that bonded his nation with Dorist, but with his death, perhaps there is an opportunity for other nations to pry apart that bond. Perhaps best placed are the nations of The Kingdom of Paranas and The Kingdom of Komentiolos, the two dynasties that are married into the royal family of Altenten, and the two nations that even now are locked in bitter war. Even while Altenten prepares for the coronation of King Niklas IV, there is no doubt that courts across Europe will be paying careful attention to the nation at the heart of Europe.
4th of November
Diplomatic delegations representing both The Empire of Reria and The Kingdom of Arhan gather in the Imperial Palace of Rivierberg, in the capital city of The Empire of Grimhout, and peace talks begin, albeit tentatively. The shadow of The Kingdom of Komentiolos hangs over the gathering like a cloud, but it is fortunate that Reria does not attempt to exploit this position of power, although whether this comes from genuine goodwill of Emperor Clarenzio III, or the emperor simply not wishing to be drawn into another war, only Reria can know. Although the peace talks start slowly, they gather momentum quickly, and it seems like a certainty that an agreement will be reached in a matter of days.
7th of November
As The Kingdom of Komentiolos continues to dig in, intending to hold the province of Kavatsona against the inevitable retaliation of The Empire of Khazaria, The Kingdom of Paranas and The Kingdom of Teclav, Komentiolos do not stand alone either. Neither The Republic of Kalseran or The Empire of Reria boast formidable armies, their strength instead found in their navies, but both nations have still committed soldiers to the cause, and as the days pass, more and more of the newly raised conscript soldiers of Komentiolos cross the narrow strait and take up defensive positions in Kavatsona. General Marcian Augustus is a more than capable commander, a grizzled veteran of countless skirmishes and battles, but he knows that he will soon face the might of the army gathering across the newly drawn border. The reports warn that Alp Tarkhan and his horde of cavalry, fresh from shattering the army of The Kingdom of Dorist, have bolstered the forces of Khazaria already preparing to assault the Komentiolos lines, and Marcian is all too aware that those lines will be tested in the coming weeks.
8th of November
Ships of The Empire of Grimhout finally reach India, guided by sailors of The Kingdom of Kehsi who know the waters. When they arrive into a Kehsi port, they find that grave news has already preceded their arrival. The Viswan Empire has shattered the Kehsi influence on the mainland, driving the colonists back to the island that the kingdom still controls. All too aware of the coming war, the colonists of Kehsi have been whipped into a militia, preparing themselves for when the Viswan Empire crosses the narrow sea. The Grimhout would-be colonists find themselves faced with a scene that is far from the idyllic paradise that they were promised, and for now they hesitate, staying as guests to the Kehsi colony, a testament to the two nation's growing bond. The Grimhout party is headed by an intrepid nobleman by the name of Baptiste Crevier, and he already finds himself faced with a difficult decision. Attempt to colonise the land recently lost by Kehsi, supported by their new allies, but risking the ire of the Viswan Empire, or instead sail further up the coast, finding unspoiled territory but also moving further away from the support of Kehsi.
11th of November
In the aftermath of the surrender of The Kingdom of Dorist, the nation is slowly attempting to pick up the pieces. The province of Shardvul is lost, and thousands of soldiers have been slaughtered for no gain. Whatever the true reason for the war, it is clear that King Freud has been defeated. A certain calm has fallen over the court, the nobles of Dorist simply going through the motions. The army, bloodied by King Freud's reckless orders, seem to have separated themselves from the traditional command structure, and as General Wolfgang Draton recovers from the horrors of the Siege of Kronik with his men, General Albert Riechsand has assumed near total control over the kingdom's army. Although their ranks have been considerably thinned, Dorist still boasts a formidable army, and while the rest of the kingdom recovers, soldiers loyal to Albert begin to take up command all across the remaining provinces of Dorist. The palace remains eerily quiet throughout all of this, but there is the unmistakable feel of change in the air, even as the winds turn cold, and winter begins to close in.
14th of November
The winter is already proving itself to be a harsh one, and The Kingdom of Komentiolos clearly does not want to be left at the mercy of the elements. Winter gear is distributed to the men that are deployed in the province of Bithynia, and their camps are carefully restructured to hold back the worst of the biting chill. As temperatures continue to drop, the soldiers of Komentiolos do not sit idle. Under the ever watchful gaze of General Marcian Augustus, a man who truly understands what it means to hold the line, defensive fortifications continue to be constructed, even as the frozen ground makes the sappers work even more difficult. Not only that, but the forests that once belonged to The Kingdom of Paranas are stripped almost bare, the wood used to construct countless stakes that line the Komentiolos lines. It is a well-known fact that the greatest strength of The Empire of Khazaria lies in their cavalry, the wild steppe-riders that bring ruin to any commander foolish enough to meet them on an open field, and it quickly becomes clear that General Marcian is determined not to repeat the bloody mistakes of his counterparts from The Kingdom of Dorist. When the inevitable thunder of hooves descends, it will find itself facing an army that is prepared to face them, and despite all of the brilliance of Alp Tarkhan, there is the definite sense of hope amongst the Komentiolos forces. Whatever happens in the coming war, the province of Bithynia may well bear witness to the most decisive battles that Europe has seen in living memory. Two great powers have poured their forces into a choke-point, and only one can emerge victorious, the other dealt a bloody blow.
15th of November
His father mourned, King Niklas IV is officially crowned as the new king of The Kingdom of Altenten. The situation that the young king faces is a bleak one, attempting to repair severely damaged relations with the neighbours to the east, while also attempting to navigate the influence of the power blocs that are emerging across Europe, caught between The Kingdom of Paranas, The Kingdom of Komentiolos, and even The Empire of Grimhout to the west. To compound the difficult situation, Niklas is far from a strong king, a meek child that never expected the crown to be thrust upon him so soon, and rarely involved himself in court life. While the neighbouring nations are already circling like sharks, attempting to force their own influence on the apparently rudderless country, there is someone far closer to home that is quick to exploit the situation. Niklas lacks ambition, the youngest of three children, and he always felt he had little in common with his father, preferring instead to hide behind the skirts of his mother. In the aftermath of his father's death, and his subsequent coronation, he has been increasingly turning to his mother for guidance, and in turn, his mother has turned to the man that she has long held favour for, her son-in-law, Phillip Lehner, the same man that steered Altenten away from open war. Phillip possesses all of the ambition that Niklas lacks, and he still holds the support of much of the Altenten nobility. In the following days, Phillip's power and influence only continues to grow, and the whispers at court quickly begin to suggest that the true power of Altenten now rests in the hands of Phillip, rather than the king.
16th of November
Political intrigue is not a craft uniquely practised by The Kingdom of Altenten. To the north, The Kingdom of Dorist is gripped by intrigue of it's own. While the palace seems ignorant, wilfully or otherwise, to the workings of General Albert Riechsand, the great noble families of Dorist are not so likely to turn a blind eye. Albert has noble blood of his own, but the great families of Dorist see the weakening of the crown's influence as an opportunity for themselves, not for some jumped up former hussar. They are all too aware of the easy charisma and charm of Albert, and of the formidable commanders that have already aligned themselves with the young general, and will King Freud continues to do nothing, these great families turn to the only other man that could possibly topple Albert's growing influence. General Wolfgang Draton. Wolfgang has no noble lineage, but he is a soldier, a veteran of countless wars, and the kind of leader whose men would die for him without a second thought. More importantly than that, he is renowned for his almost fanatical loyalty to Dorist, and the great families are relying on that loyalty being enough to see him stand against his comrade. For now, Wolfgang does little, still recovering from the ordeal of the Siege of Kronik, but he is no doubt aware of the murmurings, although there are few who can guess what the grizzled veteran is thinking. Perhaps Wolfgang will stand against Albert, or perhaps Wolfgang's loyalty is to Dorist herself, not to the bickering nobles, or the weak king, and in Albert Riechsand, he may see a kindred spirit.
17th of November
Perhaps seeking sanctuary from the war, or perhaps simply looking to enjoy a more relaxing climate, King Nikolaos II and his pregnant wife, Anna, travel to the small island of Cypris. The ruler of The Kingdom of Komentiolos is shortly joined by his brother, Arcadius, and his new sister-in-law, Salma. If it were not for the war continuing to wage just across the sea, it could almost be considered a gentle holiday for the two couples. Nikolaos and his brother are the most powerful figures in Komentiolos, one ruling over Komentiolos proper, while the other controls the newly reclaimed province of Aegyptus, but the baby that Anna is carrying is likely to usurp it's uncle in the power order, taking it's place as the heir apparent of Komentiolos, yet if Arcadius feels any bitterness about this fact, he does not show it, warmly greeting his brother. Arcadius does not travel to Cypris alone, instead he arrives accompanied by a reminder of the nature of Aegyptus, and a testament to the influence that his marriage has granted him. The small band of desert natives are armed with jezails, traditional weapons of the sands that are ornately decorated and family heirlooms in their own right, and Nikolaos is quickly impressed by the skill of these desert folk. With the king's blessing granted, this band of marksman from the east travel west, looking to join up with the Komentiolos army already gathering in Kavatsona.
18th of November
With The Empire of Grimhout serving as mediator, the tensions between The Kingdom of Arhan and The Empire of Reria are officially brought back under control. The name of Lord Favre is still murmured in the shadows, but the true fate of the noble is still known only to Arhan, and the actions of The Kingdom of Komentiolos have shifted the balance so heavily against Arhan that it is clear that Queen Ameline I no longer wishes to pursue the root of the conspiracy that sought to remove her from her throne, or at least not pursue through war. As the two diplomatic delegations begin their journeys homeward, Grimhout can look back on the ordeal as a glowing success. Not only did they stave off war on their own doorstep, but they have continued to serve as the champion for peace, and with The Kingdom of Hispalis seeming to stall, Grimhout has willingly filled the vacuum of power left behind in Arhan, once again increasing the influence they have over their immediate neighbours.
20th of November
The fleet of The Republic of Kalseran is still licking it's wounds from it's first encounter with the ships of The Empire of Khazaria, but Admiral Dionisio Giorgino is not the kind of man to sit idle for long. Boasting no noble name, Dionisio has risen through the ranks of the republic's navy with a stead hand and sound judgement, but no man is immune to the temptress of vengeance. Not only did Khazaria attempt to use tricks to cripple the Kalseran fleet, but they attempted to seize the republic's ships, and that is a slight that Dionisio is not willing to forget. With not only the strength of Kalseran at his back, but also the remaining ships of The Kingdom of Komentiolos, and the newly arrived force of The Empire of Reria, Dionisio commands a formidable fleet, and as the sun rises over the Black Sea, he sails to war. However, Dionisio does not sail alone. General Sotiris Manlio, taking command of the increasingly notorious Seaguard, also joins the fleet, and just as Komentiolos did months before, Kalseran descends upon the ports and harbours of Khazaria like wraiths. And again, just as before, Khazaria sails out to meet their foe. The combined fleet of Khazaria and The Kingdom of Paranas stands against the amassed strength of Kalseran, Komentiolos and Reria, and what follows is one of the largest naval battles that Europe has ever bore witness to. The roar of cannon-fire can be heard for miles around, and as the two fleets collide, what little strategy the commanders had envisioned quickly descends into chaos. The air fills with choking smoke, and the noise is deafening, orders lost in the roar, every ships fighting their own individual battle to survive the hellscape. For the first time, Khazaria and Paranas face more than frigates and sloops, and not only that, the ships of Kalseran are all feats of impressive naval design, their crews the masters of their vessels, and slowly but surely, a victor begins to emerge from the smoke. The Khazaria ships begin to break first, quickly followed by the Paranas fleet as the battle begins to swing against them, and before long, the chaos of battle becomes frenzied fleeing. Not content with a single victory, Dionisio Giorgino rallies the ships under his command and gives chase. The Paranas and Khazaria fleet splits in two, fleeing to their respective safe harbours, and the ships of Kalseran, Komentiolos and Reria hound them every step of the way. The beleaguered survivors that do reach the relative safety of their naval fortifications are ragged and bloodied, and there can be little doubt that the fleet of Khazaria and Paranas has been all but defeated, and the alliance that stands against them has claimed a crucial victory, wresting effective control of the Black Sea. However the victory did come at a cost, and all of the fleets involved in the titanic battle have been bloodied, mangled corpses washing up on the shore of the Black Sea for weeks, and the water clogged with splintered wood. For now though, there can be celebration for some, and anguish for others.
23rd of November
With the fleets of The Empire of Khazaria and The Kingdom of Paranas broken, the ships of The Empire of Reria limp homewards, but the soldiers of Reria are yet to taste the bitterness of war. As the nights continue to draw in, Kavatsona has been turned into a fortress of winding defensive lines, carefully placed fortifications and thousands upon thousands of men, drawn from The Kingdom of Komentiolos, Reria, and even Aegyptus to the far east. The tension in the air is not lessened by the bitter chill, and although the news of the great naval victory in the Black Sea brings some merriment to the waiting soldiers, it does not last for long. Despite the formidable force gathered to hold the province, every day the reports tell of the great host gathered to attempt to take it. The stories of Alp Tarkhan bringing ruin to The Kingdom of Dorist is already passing into legend, and the news of great general of The Empire of Khazaria arriving to the north has set the defenders on edge. The attack will come, Komentiolos can only pray that they have prepared enough to withstand it.
24th of November
With King Niklas IV newly crowned, talk quickly turns to the matter of an heir. After all, the young king is not yet twenty, and should disaster strike, the ensuing fallout could tear The Kingdom of Altenten apart. With that in mind, and as yet another move to secure his own power, the king's brother-in-law, Phillip, presents a wife for the young king. Mira Franz is Phillip's cousin, and while she is undoubtedly a beautiful young woman in her own right, she also share's her cousins ambitions. At the advice of his mother, and with the support of the nobles rallied around Phillip, the engagement is officially announced, the wedding set to be held in the coming weeks, and Niklas unwittingly falls further into the power of Phillip. Even as war consumes the rest of Europe, there are always those who look to seize upon opportunities, and Phillip has seen his fortunes skyrocket almost overnight.
25th of November
It is not only The Kingdom of Komentiolos that is bracing itself for the wrath of The Empire of Khazaria. As General Sotiris Manlio continues to raid the coastline of Khazaria, the other commander of The Republic of Kalseran, Bettino Gianni, has been ordered to prepare defensive lines of his own along the sizeable border that Kalseran shares with The Kingdom of Paranas. Most believe that when Khazaria push, it will be against Komentiolos, but as news continues to spread of the bloody carnage that the ships of Kalseran have dealt, perhaps Khazaria will instead look to the west. After all, Kalseran's strength lies in it's navy, and although Bettino has put his men to work preparing to defend, he simply does not boast the strength that Komentiolos does. No doubt aware of the situation, Luisa A'Dera begins looking for new weapon designers, looking for any kind of edge, and thanks to no small portion of good fortune, the republic see's almost immediate results. Kalseran has bled alongside The Empire of Reria, and the bond between the two nations has only strengthened. Following the open invitation of Luisa, Silvio Luciani travels to the city of Kalseran, and presents the 'Luciani Ratio' to The Grand Lady of the Republic. Although it will not overcome the numbers of Khazaria alone, and it will take time for the ratio to be truly put to use, any advantage is a welcome one, and Luisa is quick to embrace this innovation.
26th of November
General Albert Riechsand is not ignorant of the great noble families of The Kingdom of Dorist attempting to turn General Wolfgang Draton against him, but perhaps Albert understands his counterpart better than these powerful nobles, and he makes no attempt to persuade Wolfgang to join his cause. After continuing to recover with his men, fellow survivors of the Siege of Kronik, Wolfgang finally seems to come to a decision. Or rather, he doesn't. Instead, Wolfgang simple reiterates his loyalty to Dorist, and returns to his home, a quiet village in the province of Brundwig. In reality, the lack of a decision is a decision in itself. Wolfgang will not stand against Albert, and he has withdrawn from the power struggle. Not to be dissuaded by this blow, the nobles prepare to challenge Albert himself, but with Wolfgang standing aside, even more support within the Dorist army flocks to Albert. And still, the crown says nothing, perhaps resigning itself to its coming fate.
28th of November
The soldiers of The Kingdom of Teclav have marched to support the forces of The Empire of Khazaria, and that in itself is testament to the bond that exists between the two unlikely allies. The two nations have been triumphant in one war already, but despite the formidable strength that has gathered to support The Kingdom of Paranas, there is little doubt that this war against The Kingdom of Komentiolos will not be so simple an affair. With every day that passes, the nights grow darker, the wind more chilling, and yet the order to advance still does not arrive. Yet it will, and when it does, tens of thousands of brother, husbands and sons will march to war, and thousands of them will never see their homes again, destined to die on a frozen battlefield. The fate of Europe is at stake, and neither side can afford to back down.
Winter of 1756

1st of November
The fleet of The Republic of Kalseran in the Black Sea seems to have calmed the actions of The Empire of Khazaria, the two nations still yet to officially go to war, but only a fool would think that the ruthless ambition of Khazaria could be blunted for too long. In the darkness, shadows move across the waters, approaching the Kalseran fleet. Merchant vessels, commandeered by the Khazaria navy, and specially refitted, are manned by only a skeleton crew, and they move with a dark intent. They are quickly spotted by the Kalseran fleet, and from the wood piled on the deck, they are identified as fire-ships. Surprised that Khazaria would attempt such an old-fashioned trick, a handful of the Kalseran ships approach these 'fireships', looking to extinguish them before they can even be lit. And then the night lights up. Beneath the decks of these 'fireships', were barrels of gunpowder, and at some unseen signal, the true purpose of these ships are revealed. Erupting into a wild glare of flame and fire, the 'fireships' vanish in an instant, taking with them the approaching Kalseran ships, as well as the hundreds of souls on board, the air filled with splintered wood, and the grisly remains of those unfortunate men. Shock-waves are sent across the Kalseran fleet, and as more Khazaria ships emerge from the darkness, panic begins to set in to the Kalseran fleet. Admiral Dionisio Giorgino, the commander of the Kalseran fleet, is himself thrown to the ground by the sheer force of the explosions, the helmsman beside him struck dead by the blast of air that spread across the whole of the Black Sea. As Dionisio clambers to hit feet, attempting to make sense of the chaos, and to regain control of his fleet, the Khazaria ships descend. IN truth, the Khazaria plan is a brilliant one, sow chaos with these 'hellburners', and then seize the superior Kalseran warships to bolster their own forces. It is brilliant, but it has one fatal flaw. While other nations have studied the art of war on land, drilling their armies into well-oiled machines, Kalseran has focused on the sea, and the Khazaria sailors that clamber onto the Kalseran warships find themselves facing the masters of war on the seas, the Seaguard. Elite soldiers, trained to fight with the deck rolling beneath their feet, these men of Kalseran, even though they are temporarily dazed by the explosions, fall upon the boarders with a macabre delight. In truth, it is a bloodbath, and on nearly every Kalseran vessel, the Seaguard cast the enemy back into the sea. As Dionisio begins to regain control, the cannons of Kalseran also roar into life, supported by the remaining vessels of The Kingdom of Komentiolos, and the Khazaria fleet is quickly sent scurrying away in retreat. In the ensuing aftermath, as survivors are fished from the water, war is officially declared between Khazaria and Kalseran. A blow has been struck, but it is far from the decisive one that Khazaria intended.
2nd of November
King Leonard II is dead. Perhaps it was the stress of the war with The Kingdom of Dorist, or the stress of losing control of his court, or perhaps it was simply his time, but the king of The Kingdom of Altenten has died in the night. The event itself is significant, the mantle of rule falling onto the shoulders of Leonard's only son, a young man of not yet twenty, but it also sends ripples all across Europe. Leonard was always a vocal advocate in support of the cultural ties that bonded his nation with Dorist, but with his death, perhaps there is an opportunity for other nations to pry apart that bond. Perhaps best placed are the nations of The Kingdom of Paranas and The Kingdom of Komentiolos, the two dynasties that are married into the royal family of Altenten, and the two nations that even now are locked in bitter war. Even while Altenten prepares for the coronation of King Niklas IV, there is no doubt that courts across Europe will be paying careful attention to the nation at the heart of Europe.
4th of November
Diplomatic delegations representing both The Empire of Reria and The Kingdom of Arhan gather in the Imperial Palace of Rivierberg, in the capital city of The Empire of Grimhout, and peace talks begin, albeit tentatively. The shadow of The Kingdom of Komentiolos hangs over the gathering like a cloud, but it is fortunate that Reria does not attempt to exploit this position of power, although whether this comes from genuine goodwill of Emperor Clarenzio III, or the emperor simply not wishing to be drawn into another war, only Reria can know. Although the peace talks start slowly, they gather momentum quickly, and it seems like a certainty that an agreement will be reached in a matter of days.
7th of November
As The Kingdom of Komentiolos continues to dig in, intending to hold the province of Kavatsona against the inevitable retaliation of The Empire of Khazaria, The Kingdom of Paranas and The Kingdom of Teclav, Komentiolos do not stand alone either. Neither The Republic of Kalseran or The Empire of Reria boast formidable armies, their strength instead found in their navies, but both nations have still committed soldiers to the cause, and as the days pass, more and more of the newly raised conscript soldiers of Komentiolos cross the narrow strait and take up defensive positions in Kavatsona. General Marcian Augustus is a more than capable commander, a grizzled veteran of countless skirmishes and battles, but he knows that he will soon face the might of the army gathering across the newly drawn border. The reports warn that Alp Tarkhan and his horde of cavalry, fresh from shattering the army of The Kingdom of Dorist, have bolstered the forces of Khazaria already preparing to assault the Komentiolos lines, and Marcian is all too aware that those lines will be tested in the coming weeks.
8th of November
Ships of The Empire of Grimhout finally reach India, guided by sailors of The Kingdom of Kehsi who know the waters. When they arrive into a Kehsi port, they find that grave news has already preceded their arrival. The Viswan Empire has shattered the Kehsi influence on the mainland, driving the colonists back to the island that the kingdom still controls. All too aware of the coming war, the colonists of Kehsi have been whipped into a militia, preparing themselves for when the Viswan Empire crosses the narrow sea. The Grimhout would-be colonists find themselves faced with a scene that is far from the idyllic paradise that they were promised, and for now they hesitate, staying as guests to the Kehsi colony, a testament to the two nation's growing bond. The Grimhout party is headed by an intrepid nobleman by the name of Baptiste Crevier, and he already finds himself faced with a difficult decision. Attempt to colonise the land recently lost by Kehsi, supported by their new allies, but risking the ire of the Viswan Empire, or instead sail further up the coast, finding unspoiled territory but also moving further away from the support of Kehsi.
11th of November
In the aftermath of the surrender of The Kingdom of Dorist, the nation is slowly attempting to pick up the pieces. The province of Shardvul is lost, and thousands of soldiers have been slaughtered for no gain. Whatever the true reason for the war, it is clear that King Freud has been defeated. A certain calm has fallen over the court, the nobles of Dorist simply going through the motions. The army, bloodied by King Freud's reckless orders, seem to have separated themselves from the traditional command structure, and as General Wolfgang Draton recovers from the horrors of the Siege of Kronik with his men, General Albert Riechsand has assumed near total control over the kingdom's army. Although their ranks have been considerably thinned, Dorist still boasts a formidable army, and while the rest of the kingdom recovers, soldiers loyal to Albert begin to take up command all across the remaining provinces of Dorist. The palace remains eerily quiet throughout all of this, but there is the unmistakable feel of change in the air, even as the winds turn cold, and winter begins to close in.
14th of November
The winter is already proving itself to be a harsh one, and The Kingdom of Komentiolos clearly does not want to be left at the mercy of the elements. Winter gear is distributed to the men that are deployed in the province of Bithynia, and their camps are carefully restructured to hold back the worst of the biting chill. As temperatures continue to drop, the soldiers of Komentiolos do not sit idle. Under the ever watchful gaze of General Marcian Augustus, a man who truly understands what it means to hold the line, defensive fortifications continue to be constructed, even as the frozen ground makes the sappers work even more difficult. Not only that, but the forests that once belonged to The Kingdom of Paranas are stripped almost bare, the wood used to construct countless stakes that line the Komentiolos lines. It is a well-known fact that the greatest strength of The Empire of Khazaria lies in their cavalry, the wild steppe-riders that bring ruin to any commander foolish enough to meet them on an open field, and it quickly becomes clear that General Marcian is determined not to repeat the bloody mistakes of his counterparts from The Kingdom of Dorist. When the inevitable thunder of hooves descends, it will find itself facing an army that is prepared to face them, and despite all of the brilliance of Alp Tarkhan, there is the definite sense of hope amongst the Komentiolos forces. Whatever happens in the coming war, the province of Bithynia may well bear witness to the most decisive battles that Europe has seen in living memory. Two great powers have poured their forces into a choke-point, and only one can emerge victorious, the other dealt a bloody blow.
15th of November
His father mourned, King Niklas IV is officially crowned as the new king of The Kingdom of Altenten. The situation that the young king faces is a bleak one, attempting to repair severely damaged relations with the neighbours to the east, while also attempting to navigate the influence of the power blocs that are emerging across Europe, caught between The Kingdom of Paranas, The Kingdom of Komentiolos, and even The Empire of Grimhout to the west. To compound the difficult situation, Niklas is far from a strong king, a meek child that never expected the crown to be thrust upon him so soon, and rarely involved himself in court life. While the neighbouring nations are already circling like sharks, attempting to force their own influence on the apparently rudderless country, there is someone far closer to home that is quick to exploit the situation. Niklas lacks ambition, the youngest of three children, and he always felt he had little in common with his father, preferring instead to hide behind the skirts of his mother. In the aftermath of his father's death, and his subsequent coronation, he has been increasingly turning to his mother for guidance, and in turn, his mother has turned to the man that she has long held favour for, her son-in-law, Phillip Lehner, the same man that steered Altenten away from open war. Phillip possesses all of the ambition that Niklas lacks, and he still holds the support of much of the Altenten nobility. In the following days, Phillip's power and influence only continues to grow, and the whispers at court quickly begin to suggest that the true power of Altenten now rests in the hands of Phillip, rather than the king.
16th of November
Political intrigue is not a craft uniquely practised by The Kingdom of Altenten. To the north, The Kingdom of Dorist is gripped by intrigue of it's own. While the palace seems ignorant, wilfully or otherwise, to the workings of General Albert Riechsand, the great noble families of Dorist are not so likely to turn a blind eye. Albert has noble blood of his own, but the great families of Dorist see the weakening of the crown's influence as an opportunity for themselves, not for some jumped up former hussar. They are all too aware of the easy charisma and charm of Albert, and of the formidable commanders that have already aligned themselves with the young general, and will King Freud continues to do nothing, these great families turn to the only other man that could possibly topple Albert's growing influence. General Wolfgang Draton. Wolfgang has no noble lineage, but he is a soldier, a veteran of countless wars, and the kind of leader whose men would die for him without a second thought. More importantly than that, he is renowned for his almost fanatical loyalty to Dorist, and the great families are relying on that loyalty being enough to see him stand against his comrade. For now, Wolfgang does little, still recovering from the ordeal of the Siege of Kronik, but he is no doubt aware of the murmurings, although there are few who can guess what the grizzled veteran is thinking. Perhaps Wolfgang will stand against Albert, or perhaps Wolfgang's loyalty is to Dorist herself, not to the bickering nobles, or the weak king, and in Albert Riechsand, he may see a kindred spirit.
17th of November
Perhaps seeking sanctuary from the war, or perhaps simply looking to enjoy a more relaxing climate, King Nikolaos II and his pregnant wife, Anna, travel to the small island of Cypris. The ruler of The Kingdom of Komentiolos is shortly joined by his brother, Arcadius, and his new sister-in-law, Salma. If it were not for the war continuing to wage just across the sea, it could almost be considered a gentle holiday for the two couples. Nikolaos and his brother are the most powerful figures in Komentiolos, one ruling over Komentiolos proper, while the other controls the newly reclaimed province of Aegyptus, but the baby that Anna is carrying is likely to usurp it's uncle in the power order, taking it's place as the heir apparent of Komentiolos, yet if Arcadius feels any bitterness about this fact, he does not show it, warmly greeting his brother. Arcadius does not travel to Cypris alone, instead he arrives accompanied by a reminder of the nature of Aegyptus, and a testament to the influence that his marriage has granted him. The small band of desert natives are armed with jezails, traditional weapons of the sands that are ornately decorated and family heirlooms in their own right, and Nikolaos is quickly impressed by the skill of these desert folk. With the king's blessing granted, this band of marksman from the east travel west, looking to join up with the Komentiolos army already gathering in Kavatsona.
18th of November
With The Empire of Grimhout serving as mediator, the tensions between The Kingdom of Arhan and The Empire of Reria are officially brought back under control. The name of Lord Favre is still murmured in the shadows, but the true fate of the noble is still known only to Arhan, and the actions of The Kingdom of Komentiolos have shifted the balance so heavily against Arhan that it is clear that Queen Ameline I no longer wishes to pursue the root of the conspiracy that sought to remove her from her throne, or at least not pursue through war. As the two diplomatic delegations begin their journeys homeward, Grimhout can look back on the ordeal as a glowing success. Not only did they stave off war on their own doorstep, but they have continued to serve as the champion for peace, and with The Kingdom of Hispalis seeming to stall, Grimhout has willingly filled the vacuum of power left behind in Arhan, once again increasing the influence they have over their immediate neighbours.
20th of November
The fleet of The Republic of Kalseran is still licking it's wounds from it's first encounter with the ships of The Empire of Khazaria, but Admiral Dionisio Giorgino is not the kind of man to sit idle for long. Boasting no noble name, Dionisio has risen through the ranks of the republic's navy with a stead hand and sound judgement, but no man is immune to the temptress of vengeance. Not only did Khazaria attempt to use tricks to cripple the Kalseran fleet, but they attempted to seize the republic's ships, and that is a slight that Dionisio is not willing to forget. With not only the strength of Kalseran at his back, but also the remaining ships of The Kingdom of Komentiolos, and the newly arrived force of The Empire of Reria, Dionisio commands a formidable fleet, and as the sun rises over the Black Sea, he sails to war. However, Dionisio does not sail alone. General Sotiris Manlio, taking command of the increasingly notorious Seaguard, also joins the fleet, and just as Komentiolos did months before, Kalseran descends upon the ports and harbours of Khazaria like wraiths. And again, just as before, Khazaria sails out to meet their foe. The combined fleet of Khazaria and The Kingdom of Paranas stands against the amassed strength of Kalseran, Komentiolos and Reria, and what follows is one of the largest naval battles that Europe has ever bore witness to. The roar of cannon-fire can be heard for miles around, and as the two fleets collide, what little strategy the commanders had envisioned quickly descends into chaos. The air fills with choking smoke, and the noise is deafening, orders lost in the roar, every ships fighting their own individual battle to survive the hellscape. For the first time, Khazaria and Paranas face more than frigates and sloops, and not only that, the ships of Kalseran are all feats of impressive naval design, their crews the masters of their vessels, and slowly but surely, a victor begins to emerge from the smoke. The Khazaria ships begin to break first, quickly followed by the Paranas fleet as the battle begins to swing against them, and before long, the chaos of battle becomes frenzied fleeing. Not content with a single victory, Dionisio Giorgino rallies the ships under his command and gives chase. The Paranas and Khazaria fleet splits in two, fleeing to their respective safe harbours, and the ships of Kalseran, Komentiolos and Reria hound them every step of the way. The beleaguered survivors that do reach the relative safety of their naval fortifications are ragged and bloodied, and there can be little doubt that the fleet of Khazaria and Paranas has been all but defeated, and the alliance that stands against them has claimed a crucial victory, wresting effective control of the Black Sea. However the victory did come at a cost, and all of the fleets involved in the titanic battle have been bloodied, mangled corpses washing up on the shore of the Black Sea for weeks, and the water clogged with splintered wood. For now though, there can be celebration for some, and anguish for others.
23rd of November
With the fleets of The Empire of Khazaria and The Kingdom of Paranas broken, the ships of The Empire of Reria limp homewards, but the soldiers of Reria are yet to taste the bitterness of war. As the nights continue to draw in, Kavatsona has been turned into a fortress of winding defensive lines, carefully placed fortifications and thousands upon thousands of men, drawn from The Kingdom of Komentiolos, Reria, and even Aegyptus to the far east. The tension in the air is not lessened by the bitter chill, and although the news of the great naval victory in the Black Sea brings some merriment to the waiting soldiers, it does not last for long. Despite the formidable force gathered to hold the province, every day the reports tell of the great host gathered to attempt to take it. The stories of Alp Tarkhan bringing ruin to The Kingdom of Dorist is already passing into legend, and the news of great general of The Empire of Khazaria arriving to the north has set the defenders on edge. The attack will come, Komentiolos can only pray that they have prepared enough to withstand it.
24th of November
With King Niklas IV newly crowned, talk quickly turns to the matter of an heir. After all, the young king is not yet twenty, and should disaster strike, the ensuing fallout could tear The Kingdom of Altenten apart. With that in mind, and as yet another move to secure his own power, the king's brother-in-law, Phillip, presents a wife for the young king. Mira Franz is Phillip's cousin, and while she is undoubtedly a beautiful young woman in her own right, she also share's her cousins ambitions. At the advice of his mother, and with the support of the nobles rallied around Phillip, the engagement is officially announced, the wedding set to be held in the coming weeks, and Niklas unwittingly falls further into the power of Phillip. Even as war consumes the rest of Europe, there are always those who look to seize upon opportunities, and Phillip has seen his fortunes skyrocket almost overnight.
25th of November
It is not only The Kingdom of Komentiolos that is bracing itself for the wrath of The Empire of Khazaria. As General Sotiris Manlio continues to raid the coastline of Khazaria, the other commander of The Republic of Kalseran, Bettino Gianni, has been ordered to prepare defensive lines of his own along the sizeable border that Kalseran shares with The Kingdom of Paranas. Most believe that when Khazaria push, it will be against Komentiolos, but as news continues to spread of the bloody carnage that the ships of Kalseran have dealt, perhaps Khazaria will instead look to the west. After all, Kalseran's strength lies in it's navy, and although Bettino has put his men to work preparing to defend, he simply does not boast the strength that Komentiolos does. No doubt aware of the situation, Luisa A'Dera begins looking for new weapon designers, looking for any kind of edge, and thanks to no small portion of good fortune, the republic see's almost immediate results. Kalseran has bled alongside The Empire of Reria, and the bond between the two nations has only strengthened. Following the open invitation of Luisa, Silvio Luciani travels to the city of Kalseran, and presents the 'Luciani Ratio' to The Grand Lady of the Republic. Although it will not overcome the numbers of Khazaria alone, and it will take time for the ratio to be truly put to use, any advantage is a welcome one, and Luisa is quick to embrace this innovation.
26th of November
General Albert Riechsand is not ignorant of the great noble families of The Kingdom of Dorist attempting to turn General Wolfgang Draton against him, but perhaps Albert understands his counterpart better than these powerful nobles, and he makes no attempt to persuade Wolfgang to join his cause. After continuing to recover with his men, fellow survivors of the Siege of Kronik, Wolfgang finally seems to come to a decision. Or rather, he doesn't. Instead, Wolfgang simple reiterates his loyalty to Dorist, and returns to his home, a quiet village in the province of Brundwig. In reality, the lack of a decision is a decision in itself. Wolfgang will not stand against Albert, and he has withdrawn from the power struggle. Not to be dissuaded by this blow, the nobles prepare to challenge Albert himself, but with Wolfgang standing aside, even more support within the Dorist army flocks to Albert. And still, the crown says nothing, perhaps resigning itself to its coming fate.
28th of November
The soldiers of The Kingdom of Teclav have marched to support the forces of The Empire of Khazaria, and that in itself is testament to the bond that exists between the two unlikely allies. The two nations have been triumphant in one war already, but despite the formidable strength that has gathered to support The Kingdom of Paranas, there is little doubt that this war against The Kingdom of Komentiolos will not be so simple an affair. With every day that passes, the nights grow darker, the wind more chilling, and yet the order to advance still does not arrive. Yet it will, and when it does, tens of thousands of brother, husbands and sons will march to war, and thousands of them will never see their homes again, destined to die on a frozen battlefield. The fate of Europe is at stake, and neither side can afford to back down.