Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by savannahssu
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sunfur: Medicine Den

Sunfur got to his paws, painfully, and limped out of the medicine den towards Fernstar's den. His paw was still a little sore from earlier but the bite wound wasn't that deep and was healing quickly. Fernstar's announcement about her journey to the Moonpool had both excited and worried him. Back when she was still a warrior, Fernsky was a very close friend of Sunfur's and he was wary about his friend journeying off into the woods with no protection. He was going to ask her if he could go with them, from a distance and keep watch as he knew the Moonpool was a sacred place and was not for warriors to see. When he reached the bottom of the tree, he craned his neck to see Fernstar napping in her den, her ears twitching as she slept. "Fernstar? Could I speak with you?" Fernstar raised her head slightly and upon seeing Sunfur, lazily plopped down from her den and wrapped her tail around her paws. Without waiting for her to speak, Sunfur blinked at Fernstar affectionately and meowed, "I would like to accompany you on your journey to the Moonpool. Blackpelt doesn't know any battle moves and no cat knows what dangers could be lurking outside our borders. And you don't know how far away you will have to travel away from camp. Of course I know that the Moonpool is sacred and not meant for warriors, so I would follow at a distance and simply keep my ears open for danger." He looked at his paws, waiting for Fernstar's reply, willing her to allow it. But he was disappointed when Fernstar laughed softly and replied, "You don't think I'm a kit do you? I lived in the woods on my own for moons after my Mother disappeared remember? I am more than capable of fending for myself." She got to her paws and laid her tail over Sunfur's shoulders, gesturing him to look towards the rest of the camp. "Besides, you're one of our strongest warriors. The Clan needs you to hunt, with prey being this scarce. You shouldn't worry."

Sunfur sighed and turned his head towards the rest of camp; he supposed she wad right. He was a good hunter, and the Clan needed every cat's paws available for hunting patrols. Looking back at Fernstar, he dipped his head respectfully and meowed, "You're right, my Clan needs me here. I will still worry though. We don't know what could be out there and I would blame myself if anything happened to you. I trust that you are capable of defending yourself, you just never know." As he got to his paws, he noticed that Fernstar's gaze was warm, and he could tell that she appreciated his concern. As she jumped back into her den, Sunfur made his way towards the fresh kill pile. After picking a piece of prey, he flopped down into the grass and purred as the warmth of the sun fell upon his fur. He remembered fondly that Fernstar had given him his name because she would always find him basking in the sun, in as warm of a place as he could find.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by WaywardTraveler
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

:Willowclan Territory -> Camp

Snow. White, cold, and utterly annoying to try and blend in with. Leopardfang was an experienced hunter, but with leaf-bare keeping the prey in their dens and the snow making his fur stick out like a sore-thumb it was proving difficult to catch anything of substance. This was probably why he had only managed three pieces during his solo hunting patrol. It was relaxing hading out into nature alone but he would be lying if that was the only reason for his jaunts around the territory. The lack of fresh-kill had made his anxiety sky-rocket and knowing that no rest would come he had ventured out of the camp early to find some food.

During the day he had managed to slip around the camp without being seen which was a feat considering how large and blatant he was. He kept a low profile, only speaking when spoken to and handling tasks without being told. And with no Apprentice to train he had all the time in the world to just help out where he could. He had observed the re-padding efforts and had silently dragged a whole dens' worth up, leaving it beside the Apprentices' own pile before then trotting out to check the borders. Unfortunately for him, he had missed the fox fight and Sunfur's excitement with an adder.

Leopardfang shook his head with amusement as he munched on a vole he had caught along with a mouse on his way back to the camp. It, again, wasn't much but every little bit helped and he was hoping that the other patrols would bear more fruit and have more luck. He was just finishing when he heard Fernstar call for a clan meeting. Now that was a cat Leopardfang admired, carving out an existence and getting all of these cats to come together. She had his full loyalty and backing and when she spoke he listened. The news was good, Starclan finally coming to Blackpelt and perhaps recognizing Willowclan as 'official'. Not that it needed it really, it was a home for -many- cats who would otherwise be outcasts. But he supposed it was nice to be recognized.

As Fernstar wandered to her den Leopardfang stood as well and made his way to the entrance only to be beaten there by Sunfur. Leopardfang stood politely outside while the other Warrior made his way in and then chuckled a bit to himself when he overheard the start of the conversation. Great minds think alike, and while he had expected Fernstars answer, he still worried. Which if you knew him, wasn't surprising. He sighed a bit and padded off to begin washing the day's dirt from his coat and started keeping an eye on everyone.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by The Elvenqueen
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The Elvenqueen An Elven Jedi

Member Seen 3 days ago


WillowClan Camp


It was not until Fernstar had dismissed the meeting that Spidernose truly noticed the deep rumbling in her belly. She was starving, but then that was to be expected when the she-cat had not eaten all day. Spotting Sunfur leave the leader’s den and head towards the fresh-kill pile, Spidernose decided now was a good time to fulfil both of her intended tasks, and, after dipping her head politely to Leopardfang as she passed the spotted tomcat, headed across to join Sunfur. The warrior plucked up one of the mice for herself, it was a skinny morsel, but it would be enough to keep her going and Spidernose was not selfish to take any more when prey was so scarce. The rest of the Clan needed to eat, too.

Plopping the mouse down between her forepaws, the cream and brown she-cat settled next to Sunfur and blinked at him warmly. “Good to see you on your paws, Sunfur. I assume that’s a good sign for your wound?” they had made it back in time...thank StarClan. “I’m sure Fernstar will be fine. StarClan will watch over them, and...we need to do all the hunting we can to keep everyone fed.” she dipped her head to take a few bites of her mouse and swallow them, before looking back towards the fresh-kill pile again. “I think I shall volunteer to go out again, see what else we can bring back before the owls start coming out to take it all.” part of her hoped Sunfur would take some more time to rest his leg, but if he insisted on coming with her then Spidernose wasn’t going to turn him away. WillowClan needed prey.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Marlowe
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Marlowe Exiled Moondrinker

Member Seen 1 day ago


It was hard to remember where all of the daylight hours went during her time completing Clan chores. Redleap was one of the warriors that was able to come back from a good hunt. From her jaws hung a rabbit-- a full sized one, of course, but it was very much thin and its fur had been bedraggled and dull. It also didn't sprint away from her as fast as it should have. At least she actually caught it, and that meant a full belly for a cat or two. She came into camp just in time to hear Fernstar's announcement. StarClan had finally shown themselves to Blackpelt? Her ear flicked. She wasn't a big fan of the possibility of being watched by her starry ancestors, though, judging from how everyone acted, the Clan was content with the news. Nine lives certainly felt like a long, long time. Redleap hoped that Fernstar would be able to handle it.

She walked towards the freshkill pile, placing the rabbit near the bottom, where the apprentices could retrieve it without much difficulty. Her amber eyes drifted across the clearing. Upon the sight of Brambletail, she approached him, swaying her tail behind her as she held her head up high. Brambletail-- just the cat she was looking for.

"Brambletail, you look well," she greeted with a dip of her head. "I know you might be busy at the moment, but I wanted to let you know before I forgot. I caught a strange smell at the border. Not fox, but of another cat. It's quite fresh, too. Do you think it might be a threat?" she asked him, looking at him with expectant eyes.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by TykerS97
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Moosepaw: Willow Clan Camp

Moosepaw took a second to absorb what Duskwing had said... and while it was nice to belong and be recognized by Starclan, Moosepaw couldn't shake a feeling that had stuck with him all day. He thought he had been annoyed from the icy wind but now sitting in the middle of camp, he couldn't help but compare the feeling to what he felt when his mother protected him from a badger. Something ominous was on the horizon as far as Moosepaw was concerned... he just hoped he was being paranoid. I should go check in with Duskwing, she'll want to know I'm doing okay and I should be able to practice some combat techniques... but before that I should get something to eat.

Shaking himself out of his thoughts, Moosepaw made his way to the fresh kill pile and took a piece of the rabbit he had managed to kill earlier in the day. Once he had finished with his piece, he looked around for Duskwing and spotted her in camp. Making his way over to her he said "I think I can do some combat training now if you want or some other duty, my paw shouldn't get in the way and it's already starting to feel better"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by PrankFox
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PrankFox Disaster Master

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Duskwing watched as Fernstar hopped down and headed towards her den, followed by Sunfur first and then Leopardfang. It was nice to see the concern that the clan had for their leader, and she was no exception. She didn't want to bother Fernstar now, but she made a mental note to wish her luck before she left for Moonpool. She padded over to the fresh kill pile and snagged a part of the squirrel that she had caught; nodding her head to Sunfur and Spidernose who were also resting nearby. She let her thoughts wander a bit as she gulped down the food. She trusted Fernstar to be able to protect herself and Blackpelt likely had something that could help them on their journey. She snapped out of her thoughts as Moosepaw approached, pleased to see that his paw appeared to be hurting him less. She twitched her whiskers slightly at his willingness to get things done despite the cold, and the fact that he had gotten injured a short time ago.

"We can certainly go practice if you think you're up to it," she quickly finished the squirrel and pushed herself to her paws, "I was thinking that it might be time for you assessment soon." She flicked her ears around the camp, listening to the other ongoing conversations as she waited to see how her apprentice would react to the prospect of getting his warrior name soon. He was getting close to the proper age and he had provided a great deal to the clan over this leafbare with barely any complaints on his end. In her opinion Moosepaw was more than prepared for the responsibility that came with being a full fledged warrior. She would be sad to no longer have an apprentice to guide, but she knew that would be quickly overshadowed by pride for the young cat.

Stormheart felt a purr rumble deep in his chest at the prospect of Fernstar becoming a fully fledged leader, not that she wasn't already, but to actually have nine lives, he couldn't even imagine. His eyes flicked around towards all of the movement that started up around camp at the end of the meeting. Several cats heading towards the fresh kill pile and others prepping for training with their apprentices. He was grateful that the fox had successfully been driven away before Blackpelt left, things could've ended up significantly worse for many of them. He himself didn't have an apprentice to train, so he'd need to find something to do to busy himself. He noticed Redleap walk towards Brambletail and mention something about a strange scent on the border; frowning slightly at the prospect of there being something else creeping around their territory. He also heard Spidernose talking to Sunfur about a potential hunting patrol, so there definitely would be enough to do.

He went ahead and trotted towards the fresh kill, grabbing a mouse and settling down in the least snow covered spot he could find. "If you need anyone to join you in the hunting patrol," he directed towards Spidernose, "I don't have anything else to do today." Hopefully Sunfur would take the time to rest his paw, if he ran around he might cause whatever venom the snake had to get worse. He bit into the mouse, keeping an eye on their deputy just in case something needed to be done about the mysterious scent.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by TykerS97
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Moosepaw Willowclan Camp

Moosepaw's eyes widened in excitement at the prospect of getting his warrior name. Looking back at Duskwing he responded "If it's almost time for my assessment, then I definitely need to practice more. I want to do my absolute best." Turning around Moosepaw thought to himself, I need to go over everything that I know to be sure that I pass my assessment, just wait until the other apprentices hear about this!

Looking back at Duskwing, Moosepaw went on to say "We should go out to the field to practice a little bit, if you really think it's almost time for my assessment then I want to get started now." Looking expectantly at his mentor Moosepaw took a seat to see what she had to say in regards to his excitement, perhaps he was being a bit overzealous in his excitement. It wasn't like him to lose his cool like that. I need to calm down for a moment, I don't think it's a good idea to be acting like a kit when I receive such praise. Moosepaw regained a cool collected face, while his tail continued to flick in excitement.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Shadow Dragon
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Shadow Dragon Lord Of Shadows

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Blackpelt: Willowclan Camp (Center)


Balckpelt pads back to his den, and shivers. He sighs, bemoaning his thin coat, but takes the herb wraps, and sets them in a safe place. He then checks on Moosepaw, but doesn't say anything. He shivers, feeling a strange chill ride up his back. He looks around, and glimpses a ragged tortoiseshell cat, watching him. He looks at them closely, and scrabbles away, tail fluffed out in fear. "Y-you! What are you doing here?" He pants, scared of her more then anything. He can't tear his eyes away from her. He swallows in terror, then looks around. She's gone.... He runs back to his den, terrified. What was Mapleshade doing here? I thought she was trapped in the dark forest....
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by savannahssu
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Maplestream: WillowClan Territory

Maplestream sat on a high branch overlooking the WillowClan camp and waved her tail back and forth thoughtfully. The moon had risen in the sky and it's full, cool light shone on her fur. The sight of the moon had always been beautiful to her; but tonight, it had a different meaning. Part of her had been overjoyed at Fernstar's announcement that she would be making the journey to the Moonpool to receive her nine lives from StarClan. I bet this has been her dream since this Clan was founded. . . To be recognized by our ancestors, and to let Fernstar know that she is our rightful leader. So why does something feel. . . Wrong? She shifted her paws uncomfortably on the tree branch and looked down at the camp. She was so grateful for her Clan; the place and purpose it had given her. Quieting her mind for a heartbeat, she realized her worry must be the thought of possibly losing the thing that had kept her safe for so long; her Clan and her best friend. Suddenly, her eyes widened and her heart quickened; she knew what she had to do. However, she couldn't carry out her plan hungry, so she would go back to camp and grab a piece of fresh kill and wait until the other warriors were settled in their nests for the night, and slip out of camp unseen. She was going to make sure that Fernstar came back safely.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Marlowe
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Marlowe Exiled Moondrinker

Member Seen 1 day ago


Brrr. It's freezing!

Wolfpaw cursed under his breath as he walked over a fallen branch that had toppled over a frozen stream. Frost gathered on his nose as he fought his way further, his plumed tail swaying behind him. The winds were somewhat harsh that night, and he cursed them too. Winter was very hard on whatever forest creature that dared to leave his den. Was he a fool to abandon his lavish life in his owner's home? Think about it, Wolf. Right now you could be curled in front a warm fire with a full belly, and you wouldn't have to worry about dying in the cold.

He shook out his pelt. He shouldn't be thinking about this-- it was far too late to go home. Even though his blue collar still hung around his neck, there was no way that he would go home. Wolf leapt off the other side of the fallen tree and walked into the forest. Here, it was darker, but at least he was more sheltered from the wind. He blinked, his bright yellow eyes adjusting to the dim lighting. There was a strange smell in the air, strong and thick, like a fox or other creature. In fact, it smelled exactly like cats. Could he have reached the Clan of cats that he was looking for? Wolf hung closer to the floor, prowling deeper into the forest. His heart thumped in his chest. If he was this close... then his trip wasn't for nothing.

@The Elvenqueen
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by The Elvenqueen
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The Elvenqueen An Elven Jedi

Member Seen 3 days ago


WillowClan Camp ----> WillowClan Territory (Hunting)


Spidernose wasn’t satisfied with the hunting patrol’s former haul, and truthfully with the snow settling in like it was she wasn’t so sure how much else she was going to catch, but she knew she had to at least try. So, once she had finished her vole, she bid farewell to Sunfur, and slipped back out of camp and into the territory, hoping that she would have more of a chance of grabbing some more rodents by herself. Being careful to keep her eyes and ears alert for any more adders, and also owls from above now that the sun had gone down, Spidernose prowled through the territory looking for prey.

She caught the trail of a mouse, following it deeper into the forest until she found the little creature nibbling away at a nut, nestled between the roots of a large tree. Slowly and steadily, Spidernose crept towards it, wiggling her hindquarters once she was close enough, then pouncing to bring her paws slamming down on it to pin it to the frosty ground whilst she delivered the killing bite. With a sharp, loud squeak, the mouse went limp in her jaws. Her mouth nearly watered at the smell so close to her nose, but the she-cat was determined to take this back to camp, so with some effort, she scraped a bit of the earth over it, though not nearly as well as she could have had it not been frozen solid.

Before Spidernose could continue on her quest to find more food, however, the sound of crunching leaves - made by the pawsteps of another cat - sounded from nearby, and the warrior’s ears shot forward as she tried to pinpoint the sound, then took a few uneasy steps towards it. Had one of her Clanmates followed her? She tried to sniff the air, and couldn’t pinpoint a specific scent. “Who’s there? ….Sunfur? Leopardfang?” she guessed, though she unsheathed her claws just in case it was a stranger and they tried to jump her. “I can hear you and smell you, now come out where I can see you!”

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by PrankFox
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PrankFox Disaster Master

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Duskwing let her normally calm and collected mask slip for a moment at Moosepaw's excitement. She let out a purr of amusement and fondly cuffed him around the ear, "You only get your warrior name once. You can be excited about it." She flicked him with her tail as she stood up and shook out her pelt. "Go ahead and grab something to eat, then we can go to the field and practice for a bit." She looked around the camp, watching as Spidernose slipped out of the entrance, likely to continue on the hunting patrol she mentioned. She frowned slightly at her going out alone, especially since they just dealt with a fox in the territory. Many of the other members of the clan were either moving around to continue with their duties or wish Fernstar well on her journey. She found a spot nearby that wasn't quite as covered in snow and sat down to groom her slightly ruffled pelt while she waited for Moosepaw to finish doing as she asked.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by savannahssu
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Maplestream: WillowClan Territory

Maplestream was about to jump down from the tree overlooking the camp, when she had a different thought. If I don't want anyone to see or scent me, I should stay off the ground. Of course our warriors are trained to keep eyes on the trees but I'm not gonna make it easy for them to find me. Because the trees were so close together, it was easy for her to slink from one branch to another without having to jump very far, if at all. The trees' canopy was covered in snow piles and bits of it rained down on her back as she caused vibrations in the branches. She had made it through a couple trees before she heard a voice from below, that sounded slightly distressed. Carefully, she slunk towards the end of the branch so she could see the forest floor and peered down. SPidernose? What is she doing out here? It's against the Warrior Code to hunt for yourself without bringing back prey for your Clan. What is she doing? She noticed that Spidernose was standing as if she was expecting someone to attack her, or at least preparing herself for it. Stopping to scent the air, she wondered why she couldn't scent any other cat, or other creature for that matter. She decided that she would stay and wait to see whatever was going on with Spidernose. She wouldn't want to leave a Clanmate in danger in case something happened.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Brambletail: WillowClan Camp

Although Brambletail may have been deep in thought, that didn't mean he wasn't paying attention to his surroundings. As such he turned to face Redleap as she strode towards him. He listened carefully, with some concern. Fresh smell of another cat? Strange that he hadn't caught it on his border patrol if it was fresh, but the fox had disrupted their plans somewhat. "Hard to say, but it would be foolish to discount it, show me." Brambletail said simply, and rose, ready to deal with any potential threat as soon as possible.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by TykerS97
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Moosepaw: WillowClan Camp

Moosepaw looked over at Duskwing and said "I already had some of the rabbit that we caught earlier, I think I'm good to go in regards to food for the moment." waving his tail excitedly Moosepaw gestured toward the entrance to camp "Can we go to the normal spot?" Moosepaw started to head off in the direction of the normal training spot feeling a grand sense of excitement completely forgetting about the ominous feeling he had earlier, after all nothing could ruin this moment... he was almost ready to receive his warrior name!

Taking a moment once he was at the entrance to camp, Moosepaw composed himself for training to begin. Outside of camp was wild territory and one always had to be alert and levelheaded once outside of camp. He also had to wait for his mentor to leave camp first with him... after all no apprentices were suppose to leave camp on their own, and Moosepaw was the best apprentice he could be.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Marlowe
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Marlowe Exiled Moondrinker

Member Seen 1 day ago


"Sure," Redleap nodded at Brambletail, turning to exit the camp. She followed the scent of their territory, keeping her nose in the air to see if there were any other strange scents. She wasn't sure why she was named Redleap instead of Rednose-- she was just as good scenter as a hunter-- but rethinking it, maybe it sounded a bit weirder than Redleap. She scented Spidernose, then Maplestream. Was everyone out and about now? What a strange time for cats to be hunting. She flicked her tail, approaching where she smelled Spidernose. She was closer to the border where she was supposed to lead Brambletail, anyway, so it was best to head in that direction.

"What's going on?" Redleap bounded up next to the other she-cat, beginning to bristle. With the way she had heard Spidernose command the cat to speak up, she knew that they had come across a serious situation.

Then, a voice sounded from the brush. "Alright, I'll come out," mewed an unfamiliar voice. [color=0054a6]"But I don't mean any harm, so don't pounce on me or whatever!"

With that, a tom cat, smaller than the rest of the warriors, slunk out of the shadows. His fur was silvery, save for the darker areas on his face, ears, and feet. Yellow eyes stared at them. "I heard there was a Clan of cats here, looking for new members, so I came," he explained himself. "I guess I was right. I'm Wolf, by the way."

Redleap wasn't sure what to say. Her eyes darted to Brambletail and then to Spidernose, somewhat surprised at the tom cat's boldness.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by PrankFox
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PrankFox Disaster Master

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Nodding in response to what Moosepaw said Duskwing stood and trotted her way out of camp with her apprentice close on her heels. She caught the deputy and Redleap heading out to investigate this unknown scent, but hopefully it wouldn't become too much of a concern like the fox was. Personally she'd had enough of fighting for her life for the day. "Of course, it should be fairly well protected from the elements, so we shouldn't have to deal with as much of this snow." She scented Spidernose as well once they exited the camp, headed in the direction of the border, but she just shrugged and continued on the path to the cusp of trees where she and Moosepaw trained. If anything happened they would be close enough to hear if their help was needed.

Approaching the clearing hidden within a mix of needled and leafed trees, bare now, but come newleaf they would be beautiful and green. The low hanging branches of the evergreens tended to keep most of the snow off the ground in the area, and provided them with a solid, and relatively safe, place to train. She padded to the center of the clearing shaking some feeling back into her paws as they stepped free of the thickest of the snow. She stretched out her muscles before turning to face Moosepaw, "Alright," she braced herself slightly, "show me what you've learned."
Hidden 5 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by The Elvenqueen
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The Elvenqueen An Elven Jedi

Member Seen 3 days ago


WillowClan Territory


Spidernose seemed to relax a little bit as the loner spoke, asking her not to pounce on him, and she only became more sure of herself as Redleap and Brambletail came to join her, too. Slowly, the cream and brown she-cat sheathed her claws. This young tom wasn’t really a threat to them, and she didn’t imagine it was going to end in a fight. “Hah. We won’t pounce if you don’t give us reason to. You are in WillowClan territory, yes..” she flicked her tail to indicate her two Clanmates, glancing at Brambletail out of the corner of her eye. Spidernose knew it would be the Clan deputy’s job to officially decide whether Wolf could stay or not, though she had a feeling what the answer would be. They needed more cats to help hunt and protect the camp, after all…
She did want him to feel like they weren’t trying to force him to go away, however, so the she-cat figured telling him her name wouldn’t be too out of line, though there was still some careful wariness to her tone. “It’s nice to meet you, Wolf. I’m Spidernose, these are my Clanmates.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by TykerS97
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Moosepaw: Training

Moosepaw's eyes gained a serious look to them, he knew he needed to show his mentor his absolute best because she deserved nothing less. Taking a moment to analyze the situation Moosepaw asked "What would you like to do first? You've taught me a lot after all." Duskwing was always very serious when they trained together, which made sense but perhaps it was up to him for now... "I think this time I'll take the lead" Crouching very low and keeping his stance loose to allow for fluidity of movement, Moosepaw said "Perhaps we should start with some clan fighting techniques that you've taught me, do you want me to make the first move?"

Although Moosepaw had a cool collected face on the outside, Moosepaw was feeling a little overwhelmed on the inside. He thought to himself I'm not use to taking the lead... I know it's something I have to get use to but it does make me nervous.

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Shadow Dragon
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Shadow Dragon Lord Of Shadows

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Blackpelt: Willowclan Camp (Center)


Blackpelt runs to Fernstars den as fast as he can. He makes a quick stop at his herb store to slow down his trembling body, and walks carefully and slowly inside. I can't shake this feeling. Something's coming, and it's not friendly. He waits for Fernstar to come back, his tail whipping anxiously.
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