Last night I got ab-so-lute-ly nothing done! Totally chuffed about that, really."
Name: Yvonne Shen
Color: 00a651
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Genre: Her proclivities make her a good fit for tragicomedy or magical realism, but she does want to one day write her own epic fantasy novel.
Likes:- Supposedly writing
- Baseball (she's surprisingly skilled at it, for somebody who only plays irregularly)
- Greek cuisine
- Explicit deadlines
- Pop music
- Casual games
- "Procrastination"
Dislikes:- Actually writing
- Parental expectations
- Working
- Explicit deadlines
- Sour food
- Responsibility
- Procrastination
Fear(s):- Abandonment
- Lack of success
- Disappointing others and letting them down
- Being forgotten
History:For quite a few years, Yvonne had been nothing more than a listless, aimless teenager - little more than somebody going through the motions of living (no matter how upbeat her demeanor appeared). She had lost sight of most of her goals from her childhood, and had little motivation to really pursue any of her passions, if she remembered what they were. She wanted to chase them, she really did, but she just couldn't find the energy or the will to do more than the bare minimum. She found herself abandoning so much that she once loved, leaving it by the wayside so she could concentrate on the things that everybody told her were more important.
Go to school. Study hard. Get into a good university. Get a good job. Settle down.
Things like that. Task after task. Responsibility after responsibility. Vague goals instilled in her by her environment, goals that she barely had any idea on how to achieve. But she blindly followed after them, day after day working towards these arbitrary expectations, and everything she really was passionate about ... she simply just gave up on. On the surface, Yvonne may not have seemed particularly apathetic to her life, but inside, there was little in the way of things to smile about. She didn't hate her life, but she just ... didn't care enough.
And she told herself that she simply couldn't do anything about it.
It was really Aistri Academy that changed that. She applied on a whim, maybe because somebody mentioned it briefly, or because she simply saw its name online somewhere. But it was just enough to shake her out of her funk ... just a little. The idea of focusing simply on a club that interested her ... it was appealing, and soon she found herself shipped out to the isolated island. And of course, she joined the Writing Club. Because even as she gave up on so much that she loved, she at least continued to write.
Or at least, tried to write. Her folders were full of half-finished WIPs. Half-baked plans scattered across her social media. But it was something she had honestly tried to stick with (likely because of the lower barrier of entry). And so, she dropped herself into the Writing Club, hoping that it would be the panacea - or at least enough motivation - for her to overcome her woes.
If she were to be honest with herself, her expectations for such are rather low. She was a chronic procrastinator, after all. Yet, she would try anyway. The tiniest rebellion against the self-imposed apathy, done with a bright smile.
Because it was better than doing nothing.
Dream:Asking Yvonne to state her dream is easier said than done, given how lost and untethered she's become in recent years. She only has vague ideas of her future - once, she wanted to be a famous author, but these days she has little faith in her ability to do so (even as she continues to cling hopelessly to the few things she enjoys). Thus, she finds her dream to be uncertain and out of reach, but at the same time ... it can be quite clear that she enjoys being able to entertain people, at least.
Maybe one day she can do something interesting for others. Something entirely hers. Something that they won't forget.