Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Member Seen 14 days ago

"Interestin stories huh? Well... None bout me, but I 'member dis orc, ez name was Katalmach. Half-orc like me, bit older, seemed like a nice nuff guy. We were workin da riggins together when we got word of a pirate raid incomin. Now, dis was back when I was still a cabin boy, so I ain't too familiar wif weapons yet. An Kat, he was older but he was da same as me. Official orders were fer me an Kat ta go down under and wait it out, get ransomed if possible, but fight back if we gotta. But Kat ain't wanna do dat. So when we got put under da deck, Kat an me started puttin some crazy weapons tagether. He uh, he made dis sorta club, dat really just a bottle of fish oil onna stick. But he has dat an a torch, so he clubs em with da oil, get em all drench, den he smacks em with the torch, light en on fire. As fer me well... We found us some real weapons, a crossbow an a knife. Seemed pretty good cept... Ain't got no bolts. So we ain't able ta shoot nuthin, and i didn't wanna fight wif just a knife. But Kat see, he tells me ta tie da knife to da crossbow, so da I can stab em with the knife if I don't got no bolts, and den I can shoot em when I find bolts. Worked out pretty well, and I've been tinkerin with somethin like dat fer a while. It's uh, what ye saw when I didn't have me crossbow all put together." Sticky finished his chowder as he was finishing his story.

"We won da fight though no one really took notice of me an Kat. Anyways, bout a month later we hit port and Kat found himself a new job. I stayed on da ships for a while, never hearing from em again. But since dat day I just kinda... Felt like maybe like Kat, sometimes I ought just try and do something meself, ya know? Like I ain't always gotta just follow orders. Maybe try something new I could be good at. I mean, it ain't easy cuz I ain't exactly sure what I'm gunna be good at but... Sometimes ya surprise yerself." Then Sticky listened to you and your story. He quietly nodded, giving one-worded responses just to show that he was indeed listening. For a moment, you two share a look towards the ocean. Though the waves were still rocky, the storm was letting up and you could see what appears to be a sunset in the distance. It was hard to tell that it was in fact daytime during the dark storm.

As you were about finished with your Chowder, Sticky stammered to speak. "I um uh... I-If it ain't too much a bother um... I uh... Ah... Caeda, can I go wif ya? On yer adventure?"

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Expolar
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Expolar ...just a tortle...

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Caeada simply listened as she was finishing her chowder. Once finished and Sticky's story finished, she wiped her mouth. Soft smiled formed as Sticky asked to join her adventure. After a couple seconds passed as she pondered on Sticky's request to join, a slight giggle came out before she stopped herself and looked at Sticky "Forgive me for the laughter, after thinking about, I could not help but laugh about it, in a good way. Yes, would indeed be my answer to your request. It is just that during this whole voyage on these waters, you always seemed interested to help when I needed it. From when we first met to now, I suppose you could say that you were already helping me on the adventure enough to already be on it with me. So much so that once we leave the ship and join our party, it would not feel any different as it is now."

"I suppose my on question to you is would leaving the crew really be okay with you and the crew? That and please be aware that I have never been to the Majadan empire and I am still unsure what I may find there as my quest there is quite unclear at the moment, but I hope to at least find some answers." The last part her eyes quickly darted to the gauntlet she wore and back to Sticky. "And I'm sure we would com across some dangers here and there. But at least we are not going out there by ourselves."

Looking back out into the waters with the sunset darkening the area, she remembered back to what was previously mentioned. "Wow, why is it just now that I find out that you have been tinkering on things. Perhaps tinkering may be one of those things that will surprise you. Have you ever tried anything else than the crossbow. Hmm, perhaps we may find other things along out journey that you may find to tinkering with or simply be inspired. Or maybe you or even myself may find other surprising things. A journey of self discovery, oh how poetic that sounds." Ceada listened to anything else to what Sticky may say before turning in for the night and continue to the next day.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 14 days ago

Sticky smiled to hear that you were accepting his request. He was barely able to contain his excitement and by trying to sit still, he just looked more giddy. "Great! Thanks Caeda! I promise I won't be dead weight! I know I didn't really do much fer ya in sum recent bouts, but I know I'll get stronga before too long! As fer da captain and crew, well most us workers got a sorta deal. See, we get paid bout 10 gold a week we work. But we only get paid once we hit land, and I've been wif dis ship fer a good two months now, plus sum days. I'll be losing bout one week's wages but I've earned enuff ta keep meself well." Putting his bowl away Sticky pondered more about what you said about the Majadan. "Can't say I know much bout da Majadan neither. Hear it's a nice enuff place, if ya only look at da good stuff. But I bet like any place it's got it's dirty business. Pretty sure the Majadan got slavery, so dat's always kinda a thing ya gotta get used ta."

Soon the waters started to get rough again and Sticky suggested that they head back below deck to avoid getting splashed by sea water. There he continued the conversation. "As fer me tinkerin, 'ere's hopin I just know wot I'm doin. I ain't edumacated like some dem cannonsmiths or wotist that I hear bout on sum of da big war ships, but I think I got a knack fer it. I've mostly been workin on me crossbow though since dat's all I got ta work wif. I ain't got a full shop ya know? But yeah! We ought ta be landing by tomorrow, an I'll be ready ta meet ya dere! I'll go talk to da captain an let em know. An... Thanks again Caeda. Ya don't know wot dis means fer me."

Upon returning to your room, Othie would come out from your bag. She was thankful for the meal and would join you in resting up for the night. Things were fairly peaceful besides the rough waters, which didn't calm down until well after you fell asleep. That night you had a strange but vague dream. You kept seeing your gauntlet flashing and growing up your arm, but beyond that there was no other meaning or context. By the time you'd wake up it would start to fade from your memories. Fortunately it seems like the ship wasn't rocking as hard as it was the day before, which meant calm waters. Othie was awake as well, though she wasn't aware that you might've been up. She was practicing her fencing, using her tiny wooden splinter to battle a bundle of straw. She was doing pretty well against an opponent incapable of fighting back and also made of fibers.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Expolar
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Expolar ...just a tortle...

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Still laying on her bed, she smiled as she looked to Othie trying fence "Othie, I have had of years of fencing training and could show you some forms and maneuvers to practice and improve." She remained a bit silent as she watched the pixie continue. But soon decided to inform her. "I am sure you heard us discuss the previous day that Sticky will join us on our adventure. I hope you are okay with that as having more people to trust will be beneficial for us as we travel than us alone. So either before or after we land, Sticky will have to know you are also in this party. Are you okay with that?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 14 days ago

Othie jumped, hiding behind her straw dummy when you spoke to her. She seemed red in the face and didn't expect you to wake up so soon. "Oh! Caeda! Good morning!" She listened to you talking about Sticky and nods her head. "He seems like a good person. I just don't really... Know orcs very well. I've never really seen any back at home. But if you trust him, I'll trust him too." Othie put her wooden sword away as she tried to move her wings. While she was able to give them a bit of movement, it wasn't enough to make her fly. "Do you think healing magic will help my wings heal faster?" Othie asked as she rubbed her back. "I've never had to walk for so long."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Expolar
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Expolar ...just a tortle...

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Caeda slightly reached her hand out, feeling sorry for frightening the pixie. "Forgive me for the surprise. I suppose the past several days here on the ship have not been easy on you. But I hope you are feeling at least a bit safer now." Getting up from bed, she prepared herself for the new day as she listened to Othie. "I have heard various stories about orcs, and Sticky seems to be one of the good ones. So I am happy that we are in agreement. For you wings, I am no medical expert as it is not my specialty, but to my knowledge and experience, healing magic could help quicken the healing process." After getting fully dressed, she wondered if there will be any other surprises for them before the reach the Majadan Empire.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 14 days ago

The only surprise came in the form of a loud horn from the deck, followed by the rushing of footsteps. Over the thunderous sound of boots hitting wood you could hear something that instead of dread, would bring you joy. "LAND HO!" Everyone, even the ones who were asleep, were roused to help make sure everything was ready for landing. Cargo was to be double checked as well as ensured there's no violent stowaways, whatever was and wasn't tighten down on the deck was secured doubly, and many people were eating their meager breakfast of biscuits and mash as they moved around. Naturally as a guest, you were not expected to help, though you were free to do so as long as you didn't disturb operations.

It would only take a few hours before the ship would reach the docks. Everyone was still hustling and bustling and should you go out to look for him, Sticky was still hard at work too. He wouldn't have any time to stay and chat as he was very eager to make sure nothing goes wrong when they reach port. He has already spoken to the captain and will receive a severance pay upon landing, which was more than he had thought he would get. Thus he wants to leave the ship on a good note. Othie would've stayed back at your cabin, training with her toothpick as well as eating some breakfast. Things would be peaceful as you reach land.

After long last you have arrived to the Majadan Empire, in the city of Kaijhong. A very popular port city known as the Golden Gates due to it's rather ornate golden archway that many people would have to cross to get into the city proper. A hub for trading and entertainment, as well as a major location for various adventurers and mercenaries. The work never stopped for the crew as once they landed they were quick to unload their cargo, receive their pay, and shuffle off to enjoy some time on land. However Sticky would come find you, having geared up with his belongings. "Well... We're 'ere."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Expolar
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Expolar ...just a tortle...

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hearing that their arrival to the Majadan Empire gave Caeda great relief as her worries of any other surprising events on the open waters came to a swift end. After some hours of the remaining travel and disembarking from the ship, the almost usual mundane and eventual boredom on the ship ended as her wanderlust returned as she saw the city of Kaijhong, wondering where her strange quest will take her from here. Once she knew she has everything on her, including Othie, she awaited for Sticky to finally join before she sent off.

As she saw the crew unloading and taking off to enjoy the city, Sticky would arrive stating their arrival. "Indeed we are. Now with the plans for today. The first being to find a magical healer somewhere on the city. Of course, it is my first time in this city so I have not the slightest idea of where to start. But perhaps finding a place to stay for the night or two would be best and it could perhaps supply us with some information of the city. The owner or at least someone there may know where we could find a magical healer. Additionally, I feel some income would be best before we decide to leave the city, so would could spend some time asking around for some job that fits our skill set as adventurers."

It has been some time since she gave such plans as it started to remind her guard duties back at her hometown of Bayrest. She began taking the lead looking for what could be a comfortable or at least modest enough inn to stay "Now Sticky, is there anything else you want to discuss while we walk around for a place to reside for the time being?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 14 days ago

"Ah, not really? I mean, I'm mostly just gunna follow yer lead an such. But fer places ta stay, I know a nice pub dat the captain and da others like ta use when dey in town. It's called da Honey Bee Inn, can't miss it. Got a big flying bee over it. Got great mead an good rooms." Sticky said as he adjusted his gear. He put his hand to his mouth and thought deeply about the other things you were asking for and tried to help as best as he could. "As fer healing... I guess the temples? Dey the only ones I know who got healing magics. As fer work, assumin ye don't wanna just work on a boat again, I know da Empire has an active Bounty Hunting service sorta thing. Dat's why we kept da heads of dem fishy folks who attacked the boats, since da government is payin anyone who thins em out. Usually find stuff bout dat at inns and wot not, but da quickest would be da head office way up top." Sticky points towards a rather imposing stone citadel that looked much darker and grim to the lights and attraction of the dockside city. "Dat's probs where da others are headin ta get dere coins fer the bounties, an it'll also be the quickest place ta learn wot bounties are were. Might get some work in da city, or maybe outside of it. Depends really."

All the while Caeda was looking around from your bag with awe and excitement. She was practically jumping with giddiness, completely forgetting about her own injuries to take in the new sights and sounds. Street hawkers called out to you and Sticky selling their wares and services, offering such things as good luck charms, magic items to improve your personal lives, or even weapons of actual practical value. Sticky did his best to ignore these things, though when a few lovely looking ladies approached him for his time, he tried his best not to let them slow him down as he tried to keep pace with you. "So uh... Yeah! Maybe we outta hit up da Honey Bee Inn first?"
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