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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

Mike and Benjamin watched Gaia leave and then turned to Steph.
"Someone should," Benjamin said. "We might as well do it. This is serious business."
"I'm going to have someone look at my ribs," Mike said.
Benjamin nodded and watched Mike walk away, then he turned to Steph. "I'm going to the boss then. Do you want to come along?"

Mr. Johnsson didn't pay attention to Freya writing things down. She had a hands-on approach on things and he appreciated her for it. He considered her one of the most valuable assets of this team.
When Rose spoke, mr Johnsson did his best not to glare at the monster, but he reluctantly had to admit it was a fine idea. She still behaved like the agents she had been before. Still, he'd have Stuart investigate her as well.
"Okay, we'll do that. Freya, that was it for you then. Thank you for your input and let me know when it's done. Rose... you stay here. There is something else we need to do.

Stuart was working on the report on Jase when he got a text and let out a sigh. Something important again? He packed up his things and went towards the office of the boss, which luckily was on the same floor as the room he was now.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

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Steph nodded towards Mike as he went to head off.
"Stop by Harriet if you need to have something healed!" She called out to him before she turned towards Benjamin and gave a gentle nod. "Yeah, I'll come with you." She said with a nod and a bigger smile. "Shall we get go?" She tilted her head softly.

Freya barely made a noise as she scribbled something down and stood up to head off slowly, shooting a glance to Rose as she started to leave.
"Bye Freya! I'll see you later~" Rose said happily, Freya rolled her eyes and headed off towards her workroom again, annoyed that she has to focus on fixing more shit rather than working on things she wanted to work to.

Rose looked back to Mr. Johnson with a bigger grin, "Okay!" She started happily, "I'm sorry I slept for most of the afternoon, by the way."
She suddenly looked towards the door as Stuart got to it. "Someone's here." She said suddenly, all of the hair over her body prickling and focusing on the door again., her eyes narrowed as she slowly picked up on things.
"Normal breathing, normal heartbeat."
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

Benjamin nodded and started going to the office. He walked in silence as he thought about what had happened. The repair crew had a lot of work to do, first Steph's room and now the entire wing needed repairs done.
It turned out to be quite an eventful day; the exploded house, the lunch followed by the issue with the angels, his quarrel with Mike over Steph, Steph's trashed room and her depression. And now this issue with Gaia. Hopefully the next day wouldn't be as eventful, although he did have that breakfast appointment with the succubus who had helped Steph.

Mr Johnsson narrowed his eyes at Rose and the other agent made a note of it on his tablet, before getting up and opening the door just before Stuart could knock. With a gesture of his head he invited Stuart in and closed the door behind him, chaning the sign on the door to 'occupied' to make sure everyone knew the boss was in an important meeting right now.

Stuart walked inside and blinked at the sight of Rose. "Fascinating," he muttered as he looked at her. "I don't recall seeing this agent before, when did she arrive?"

"She turned into this today," Rudrig, the agent who had supervised the sniper team when she had gone missing, said. He brought up the report of finding her in a spider area and that she had been in a cocoon, of which they were instructed not to break it by the talking spider-creature.

Stuart read through the file and then looked at Rose. "So, you were human before this," he said to her. "Do you remember what happened after you were abducted by those spiders?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Steph followed quietly behind, she fumbled with her clothes as she tried to keep her mind off... everything. She could sense that Benjamin was worried and already preoccupied with his own thoughts. She hesitated before she moved her hand over to gently take his with a small smile to herself.

Her horns glistened a soft pink for a moment, she enjoyed the feeling of being with Benjamin. He didn't understand her, but he helped her stay calm, he accepted her. Everything was good.

Rose waved at Stuart as he walked in, before she turned to Rudrig as he spoke. She looked at herself and pulled her arms around her as if she was slightly saddened by his words. It was slowly sinking in that they saw her as something else now, but she still worked for them, she was still a team mate! Even if she wasn't human... Right?

Rose looked to Stuart suddenly as he spoke, her eyes blinking slowly before she gave a gentle nod.
"I was human. I was watching Gaia with her tracker." She said before she paused at his question. "I... Remember the spiders, and being tied up. I remember being... terrified? Because I think I didn't like spiders before hand? Then the spiders moved in front of my eyes and I... Just felt..." She looked to her hands as she gripped at her heart, "Warm, calm." She continued with a bit of a smile. "I don't remember what they whispered to me, but I just remember colours and warmth."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

When Benjamin felt the soft touch of Steph's hand it pulled him out of his thoughts. He turned to look at her, smiled and took her hand. He stopped in front of the office, but frowned at the occupied sign. "I guess I'll send an e-mail then," he said. While he prefered in-person communication, the e-mail would be faster. Who knew how long the boss would be in meeting...

Now what?

Benjamin turned to Steph. "Actually, let's move your things now. With that issue with Gaia we never got around to doing that." He took his phone. "I'll file the report through my phone."

"Another Article 12 case then," Stuart said as he looked at the boss, who nodded at that. "I do suggest we close down the area of the spiders for the time being. Humans shouldn't wander into their territory, because they might be turned into, ehm, this as well."

Rudrig nodded at the suggestion and typed some things on his tablet to send a special team to map the outskirts of the webbed area in the forest and seal it off from the public by making it a 'military testing area'. He forwarded all the information the previous sniper team had collected and the images of the drones.

Mr Johnsson leaned back as he watched Rudrig and Stuart take care of things. How he hated article 12. It was all about the rights of agents with a unique illness or condition and was used to protect the rights of agents who turned into something dangerous or an abomination like Rose.

Stuart turned to Rose. "You are the first reported case of what happens when someone is cocooned by those spiders. Therefore I would like to investigate you to understand what has happened. Under article 12 your rights as a human are protected, therefore I need to ask for your consent before I investigate your case, which will include a physical examination. Will you allow me to investigate?"

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Steph gave a small smile to Benjamin as he looked back at her. She nodded at the idea of moving stuff from her room.
"I don't have too much stuff at least." She said quietly, "I'm moreso just saddened by the statue that was broken." She said with a bit of a sigh as she looked to the ground and lead Benjamin towards her room.

"It doesn't look like a lot to anyone really, it was kind of just a dinky little clay figure of the Queen of Thieves." She gave a weak smile, "But since I've left that life I guess I don't exactly need it anymore."

Rose listened to Stuart and Mr Johnson speak to each other, her eyes on Rudrig quietly. His movements caught her attention, she could sense the slight movements from his fingers and hands. She suddenly whipped her head towards Stuart as he spoke to her.
She nodded once as he asked her if he could investigate. "Yes, of course." She said with a smile, "If it helps the Agency."

The main humanoid spider watched the next sniper team lock the area up around his webbed home. He slunk forward to have a better look, showing himself as non-violent as he clicked his mandibles together.
"What... Doing?" He asked in English as he peaked from the tree towards one of the sniper men.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

Benjamin listed to Steph as they walked to her room and he looked inside, taking in the broken things. "Kintsukuroi," he said as he turned to her. "The art to repair things with gold and make them better than they were. I'm not much of a sculptor, but we could give it a try and repair your statue. If you do want to keep it."
He bent down to pick up one of the pieces of the statue. He knew a bit about clay as his father had done a bit of pottery and sculpting with clay.

Stuart nodded. "Yes, thank you. We will go somewhere private, I will write down the visual characteristics of you, and I want you to file a report about things you noticed changed." He glanced to mr. Johnsson. "Do you need her?"

"No, you can have her," mr Johnsson said. "We discussed everything we need to. Rose, thank you for your cooperation."
The sooner this abomination left, the better it was.

The agent turned to the humanoid spider. He didn't give in to the urge to step back from this monster. "We are putting a barrier around your habitat," he explained. "You should have enough room to live, but this will prevent humans to enter your territory. The average human will fear you, and when people fear something they wish to eradicate it. It's best to will not learn about your existence."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Steph stayed quiet as Benjamin spoke, especially when he picked up the statue piece before she moved to pick up the other two pieces, as they seemed to be slightly scattered around the area. She moved to hold her hand out to grab the other piece with a bit of a smile.
"I'd like that." She said gently, "It's been one of my earliest proper possessions." She gave a sigh before her tail moved to coil around a handle of her small dresser and pulled it open to look for a little box to put the pieces in.

"I didn't have a lot of belongings, or clothes at least." She said with a bit of a frown, looking at the destruction in her room just caused her mood to... drop.

Rose looked to Mr Johnson with a bigger smile before she looked towards Stuart and nodded happily.
"Okay!" She said as she moved to stand up happily, "Where are we going?" She asked with a glance towards Rudrig, giving a soft wave.

The Spider Listened to the Agent, he gave a small nod with a bit of a head tilt.
"Why are protecting us?" He asked, clicking his mandibles softly. He was confused on why the Agency wasn't trying to kill them like the whispers were warning them off.

"Do you need help?" He asked after a bit of silence, "Spiders help with blocking off..."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

"Tomorrow I'm going in town," Benjamin said as he picked up some clothes from the ground. "I have that breakfast appointment with the other succubus. After that I can go look for some materials to fix your clay figure, there has to be a hobby shop somewhere."
He looked around to see what else he could pick up for Steph, but most of the destroyed things were the furniture belonging to the company. "Do we have everything?" he asked her.

Stuart opened the door and invited Rose to come along with a gesture of his arm, holding the door for her until she was through and then closed it behind them. "The small meeting room," he said as he gestured to the open door. "I was there a bit earlier with ehm one of your fellow agents. You're the second person to transform today, it's quite remarkable."

Rudrig didn't wave back and when the door was closed he and mr. Johnson started talking about what they could do about Rose.

"W-well," the agent began, "we, uhm, we don't just kill other creatures. Only when they are a threat. If you don't hurt us, we won't hurt you. And if you want to help, sure. We're just putting poles in the ground and put some barbed wire around your territory, with signs that claim this is a military testing area. That should keep people away from your habitat."

Another agent typed a small report about the encounter to send to Rudrig, so he was up to date with the developments here.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Steph nodded at his words about heading into town for breakfast with that other Succubus.
"Just be careful, okay?" She asked quietly as she looked over at him with a worried look. Sure, she was a succubus herself, but she wasn't sure how other Succubi really are.
At the question of if they have everything, she looked around and gave a small nod.
"Yeah, We've got everything." She said before she looked towards her arm full of bags of hopefully unsoiled clothes.

Roses mandibles clicked as Stuart spoke to her, she followed him with a tilt of her head before she looked towards the open door.
"Oh." She said almost surprised, "That's interesting." She suddenly smiled; her pair of spider-like legs stretching out and tapping against the surfaces that they could.

"Does this mean the agency is getting more diverse?" She asked with a tilt of her head, "I was surprised to see that we allowed the Dragonbeast and allowed the Succubus to continue working here but I was guessing that the Boss might have had a change of heart..." She rambled for a bit before she blinked her two left eyes.

"Where are poles?" The Spider-man started, tilting his head slightly. "We can help. Our numbers low, lost in battle." His voice sounded low and almost solemn.
The trees around him moved as his large spider-pet slowly stepped forward into view, seeing the Agent and lowered itself to the ground with a low rattle.
"Do not worry." The Spider-man started, "They are protecting us." The spider let out a quiet chattered and stomped its front legs with a bit of a stomp.

The Spider-man looked over towards the Agent before he offered one of his hands out through the wire to the Agent. "Y'moph." He introduced himself, hoping that doing so would help ease the other agents nerves.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
Avatar of Loksfjoer

Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

When Steph nodded, Benjamin went to the door and walked to her new room. The furniture there would be the same as in her old room; just the basic needs to allow agents to change their clothes and sleep there. He walked passed the dent in the wall where Gaia had crashed into. That would have to be repaired, but it probably would take a day or two before there would be people working on it.

What an eventful day. Hopefully the next day would be a little less exciting.

"We are getting quite divers, yes," Stuart said, "although not by choice I'd say. I mean, sure, they accepted the dragongirl and the aliengirl as agents, and in the past the agency had hired a vampire or a demon as special agent for specific missions, but that is rare. The recent changes were unplanned and transformed agents that cause no harm can't be discharged, according to Article 12. I'm sure you are still wanted, but I wouldn't use the recent events to say the agency as a whole is more divers and open to agents of other kinds."

He had opened the program where he could make the new file and he started typing the things he already knew. "When you're ready, and if you consent, would you please undress so I can examine your body?"

The agent looked at the hand, then at the spider who apparantly was called Y'moph, and he quickly shook it. "Alex. The poles are over there, Jim overhere has the map they have to be put in the ground. We'll add a gate too and give they key of the lock to you, so you can leave when you need to."
He noticed he got a message and took his phone to check it. "Oh, and our agency has some questions about the transformation of our agent, if you have time for that."

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Steph quietly followed after Benjamin, keeping her eyes to the ground hesitantly as she walked along, her arms filled with whatever she could carry- even her tail was coiled around a few bags of things.
She stopped at the damage that Gaia had caused and looked at it for a moment, she had this odd feeling that she was the reason for all of this, but she couldn't just blame herself for everything anymore... Could she?

She shook her head to herself as she started to follow Benjamin again, looking to the door to her new room with a small amount of hope shining in her eyes.
"A new start..." She uttered out loud, not just about the room, but about her real life. She was slowly accepting that she was.. well, She now.

Rose nodded at Stuarts words about the agency growing diverse, before she hesitated at his next question.
"Undress?" She asked as she looked down at herself, hesitating again and started to take her jacket off her shoulders and started to lift up her shirt to get it off.

Momentarily it was stuck on her extra arms and the spider legs, but she managed to get her clothes off and she stood naked in front of Stuart, smiling softly to herself. She was still slightly awkward at her own body since the transformations, but she was getting better with herself, an enjoying her new found appendages and possible new skills.

V'moph looked to Alex as he shook his hand and motioned to another Agent before he gave a bit of a nod. "Key would be good." He started before he paused at the question about the transformation of their team mate, "I can answer what I can, but the Queen knows truly about the ritual." He said as he glanced into the greenery behind him.
He worried for the Agents if they came close to their Queen, especially with how weak she was...
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

Benjamin turned to Steph when he heard her words and had a smile for her before he opened the door and stepped inside. As he had expected, the room was the same as his and the one Steph had before.
A new start. Hopefully Steph would be more at ease now she had her new room; she needed a place where she could rest after an emotional day like today. Maybe he could buy a small gift for her.

Stuart wrote down the characteristics as he examined Rose's body with a professional eye. Once he had written down what he needed to and took some obligatory pictures, he told Rose she could get dressed again.
"The agency can tailor some new uniforms for you," he informed her. "Please keep me informed about any changes you noticed: dietary, sleep pattern, habits. You are free to go and if I have additional questions I will know where to find you."

"That's not important right now," Alex said. "Let's focus on building this fence. You got quite a terrain that will need to be closed off." He nodded to the talking spider and continued with his work.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Steph placed the bags down on one side of the door, she straightened up as she lifted herself back up. She let out a loud sigh as she looked around her room and looked around for a moment.
She locked eyes with Benjamin with a soft smile. "Thank you." She said softly with a bit of a head tilt, she moved towards the small dresser with a mirror on it.

She took a moment to press her hands to her cheeks and moved them around her features, fanning her wings out slowly as she took in her own features. With everything that happened, she just needed to take the time to look at her body.
She momentarily forgot that Benjamin was there, moving to pull off her shirt, revealing her bare skin- Bar the bra- underneath, various scars and headed wounds scattered over her back and shoulders.

Rose started to redress herself once Stuart told her she could, "Please don't hesitate to find me." She said as he mentioned he'd come visit her if he needed questions. "I... Don't get a lot of people visiting me... Especially probably after this stuff." Her smile wavered slightly before she slipped on her hoodie after finishing getting dressed before she stepped towards the door, pausing as if she was waiting for any other words from Stuart.

The spiderman nodded, looking towards the leaves before he clicked his mandibles twice and the shadows seemed to twist as a few more, much smaller, spider people- almost children-esque- tumble from the leaves and head towards the poles quietly. They lifted them up and started to wander along and slammed them into the ground.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

Benjamin watched as Steph examined herself in the mirror, seeming preoccupied with it. He opened his mouth to say something when she removed her shirt, but at the sight of the healed wounds and scars on her back, the words got stuck in his throat.
He cleared his throat. "Steph, do you need help with anything?" he asked her.

"Listen," Stuart said. "Your rights are protected under Article 12. If you feel your boss isn't doing enough to uphold that, you can always contact the department for non-human agents and liaisons rights. I will send an e-mail with their number if you don't have it. They guard over the rights of non-human creatures that work with us or for us and are the experts on the articles about, including article 12. I will e-mail it to your recently changed colleague too." He paused to see if there were more things to discuss, but for now this would be enough.

"I will work on my report and I wish you the best of luck," Stuart said.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Steph jumped at Benjamins' words, remembering he was here with her. She looked back at him with a deep blush on her face, "I...Uh" She started a wonky grin, "I think I...I'm good in terms of moving things around, D...Did you want to do something else by yourself?" She asked with a tilt of her head.
Her tail slowly flicked around to pull open a dresser, almost instinctively, on its own, to start putting the clothing items into them quietly.

Her body was frozen in place as she watched Benjamin, she didn't want to move. Was he staring at her body? Did... He like her body?

Rose gave a small smile towards Stuart as he mentioned about the other agency.
"Thank you." She started quietly, tears starting in her eyes for a second. "Thank you so much." She left the room and headed towards hers for a moment.

She hesitated and turned around, heading towards Rudrigs room and hesitated to knock on the door to see if he was there.
They were never really friends, but he often talked to her when they had to work together. She would never admit it to anyone, but she had a crush on the man. But would her new form cause... difficulties?

Gaia slowly flew down from her place in the clouds, she fanned her wings out slowly to sail quietly towards the grounds of the mansion.
She circled around the mansion before she landed against the tree slowly, gripping her feet into the bark as she started to settle back into the air near the ground.

She let out a soft sigh, moving to settle on a branch quietly as she moved to lie on her belly and chest, dropping her hands from her sides to just hang there.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

This was the first time he saw her with so few clothes on. Benjamin coughed a bit at her question and averted his eyes. Looking at her back was looking at the scars. Looking at her front it weren't the scars that caught his attention. There certainly was something he'd like to do, but maybe now was not the best of times. He already liked her, but seeing her in just her bra... well, he was just a man after all. He hoped the bulge in his pants wasn't too obvious.
"I don't have any plans, but if you want to change clothes I'll give you some privacy," he said as he moved back to the door.
Her being a succubus she probably wouldn't even mind to hear about his ideas, but on the other hand, she seemed so shy and self-conscious and he wasn't sure if she really was ready. She had been a man before after all and this was probably still very new to her.

Rudrig walked to his room, the meeting with the boss had just ended. He noticed Rose in front of his room and approached her. "Do you need something?" he asked as he opened the door to the room he used as an office. He left it open in case Rose wished to enter and walked to his desk to open his laptop.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Steph watched Benjamin for a moment, her eyes trailing away from his eyes after a moment before she shot her eyes back up and her face became a deep red. "Holy shit." She said, slightly louder than what she expected. "I'm so sorry." She moved to put her top back on slightly before she moved to cover her eyes.

"I'm sorry, I didn't remember." She continued before she turned away from him slightly, her tail acting against her and undid the buckle on her pants to cause them to fall down. Her face deepened red as she screamed into her hands quietly.
"I'm sorry. It's probably best if you leave I'm sorry." She continued to apologize as she tried to shuffle out of Benjamin's sight, only managing to trip and fall onto her pillows that were on the ground with a squeak.

"O-Oh!" Rose said as she jumped at Rudrig's voice, looking over towards the man with a grin. "H..How's it going Ruddy?" She said, going to lean against the door as he left it open for her. She slipped slightly, stumbling before she lifted herself back up.
"I just wanted to make sure you're going okay!" She started, she was panicking, what was she trying to say? What was she trying to do?

"I wanted to see if you were... doing anything," She continued, "Like, today, or... something."
She screamed internally, holding back on kicking herself for being so... dumb.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

She saw it, didn't she? He watched her apologize and stumble around and undo her buckle and telling him to leave and apologize again and fall. It was all very confusing. He wanted to help her, but she had requested he'd leave, and the most important thing was to honour someone wishes. Especially in this area. At least she had fallen in pillows.
"Right, sorry," Benjamin said as he went to the door. "If you need me, I'll be in my room."

He stepped outside and closed the door behind him. One thing was certain: she was not ready. Was he? He knew how he felt about her and if he was honest with himself he wouldn't mind something more to come from it, but all in due time.

Benjamin walked back to his room and looked at the files. He still needed to finish those; he might as well continue reading them now.

"I haven't planned anything in particular." Rudrig said as he looked at the screen of his laptop. "Finish a report, eat, watch a movie. Or play some Tarkov or PUBG." He looked up to Rose. "What were your plans for today?" he asked. He examined her new features with a frown. "Have you informed your family about... this yet?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Steph listened as Benjamin left the room and closed the door. She sighed and rolled onto her back almost in anger as she looked towards her tail.
"You're a bastard." She said to her tail, sighing as she sat up and moved to rub her horns slowly before she moved to flick her pants off towards the closet with a bit of a mumble. "Idiot." She said to herself, moving to rub her face with her hands and grumbled loudly.

She moved to sit against her bed and sighed, leaning back onto her pillows and let out a loud groan.
"Why am I such an idiot." She said out loud before her tail flicked up to her chest, resting just below her breasts. "You're not helping either." Steph said angrily as she moved to grab her tail.

She wasn't prepared to feel it like she did. She felt the grip over her tail cause electric to flood up her spine and her back arched as she let out a small squeak and let go of her tail.
Her face was bright red, she really hoped no one heard that. She especially hoped that Benjamin didn't hear that.

Rose smiled at his words, "What sort of movie were you planning to watch?" She asked before he asked about her night.
"Oh uh... I.." She hesitated with a small frown, "I didn't really have anything planned... Honestly. Freya is... busy with work. I don't really... Have anyone to hang out with, especially now because of... This."

Her frown grew as he asked about family, she looked down from him towards the floor. As she spoke, there was sadness in her voice.
"I... Don't have family." She spoke, "I... Don't have anyone outside of the agency. Even then, no one wants to hang out with me." She spoke the last part more quiet then the rest.
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