Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by gorgenmast
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There are a great number of tales of undead hosts terrorizing the living. Literature is replete with these stories of necromancers and armies of zombies laying waste to civilization, carrying out horrifying atrocities against all living things. Inevitably, however, the forces of righteousness ultimately emerge victorious against the forces of death itself. But in this story, the valiant efforts of the living defenders ultimately prove futile.

This instead is the tale of Death triumphant.

Several decades have passed since the warlock Eagoth first raised his army of cadavers and waged war against the realms of Leria. Eagoth's undead legions took the continent by storm; his armies multiplying after every single battle. His undead warriors were unburdened by fear, hunger, or weariness and were motivated only by mindless subordination to the necromancer lord. For all their valor, the mortal armies of Leria were hopeless against the endless undead legions. A year after the start Eagoth's conquest, the numerous and mighty kings and lords of Leria were reduced to a handful of isolated holdouts trapped within the walls of their own castles, besieged by swarms of howling ghouls. Two years later Eagoth's conquest was absolute; every single Lerian - down to the last man, woman, and child - was a walking corpse. Leria had become an empire of the dead.

While Eagoth had proven himself a capable warlord, he found managing his vast undead dominion intolerably tedious. Eagoth granted to his most capable ghouls the capacity for free thought and introspection, that they could use their ability to think for themselves to take on the tasks of governing the various wards of Leria in the lich's stead. These Revenants Major served as governors and generals, ruling large portions of Leria in Eagoth's stead. The Revenants Major in turn appointed the cleverer ghouls as Revenants Minor, who served as deputies, leftenants, and taskmasters over the slavering, mindless ghouls. And it was the lot of the vast multitudes of mindless ghouls to toil unquestioningly to advance Eagoth's continuing war effort against the mortal kingdoms beyond Leria, who had now united in common defense against Eagoth's undead legions.

The combined armies and fleets of the living have managed to contain the undead to Leria's shores. Numerous invasion fleets have been sent out across the White Straits to establish an undead foothold on the lands of the living, but none have succeeded due to enduring naval superiority of mortal men. And though the living control the seas, they dare not attempt to field any foray onto Leria's shores lest their armies fall against the undead hordes and join their ranks in death. The resulting stalemate between the undead of Leria and the mortal men beyond has held for over twenty years now.

Over the course of such time, the undead dominion has had time to stabilize. A society of undeath, with its own strange polities and economies, has emerged. Eagoth, bored by the governance of his undead empire, delegates nearly all control to the Revenants Major. Not even death can prevent rivalry and intrigue. Infighting is strictly forbidden by the necromancer lord, but is not unheard of. Even open rebellion has a precedent, though the last uprising was stamped out ruthlessly many years ago and has not been attempted since.

Though the undead realm of Leria has ossified to a degree, this is a period of change and potential. The Revenants Major that carry out nearly all of the governance of Leria are beginning to realize the extent of Eagoth's apathy and have started to test the limits of their own authority. The undead legions are not the hivemind once previously thought and the monolithic undead realm begins to show signs of fracture.

In this story, you are a wight in any stratus of Eagoth's dominion. You may be a Revenant Major governing one of the wards of Leria or a legion of walking dead, perhaps you are a mere ghoul recently exhumed by the gravediggers with no power nor recollection of who you were in life. Or perhaps you find yourself somewhere in the middle.

That choice is yours to make, as is the path you lead in undeath.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Cyclone
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

I'm quite interested in this.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by gorgenmast
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Member Seen 23 days ago

I'm quite interested in this.


Admittedly the interest check is pretty minimal. I didn’t want to commit a lot of effort on an interest check that might not be popular. If a few more people express their interest then we can go into greater detail and begin collaboration on the world building.

I have cross posted the interest check in NRP and Advanced, as it could fall under the purview of both sections. Would you prefer to play as a single character, or as a faction through multiple characters?
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Cyclone
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Haha yeah, I understand that in these early and noncommittal stages a lot is still up in the air. But it's for the best that way.

As far as my two cents on which section this should fall under, I'm not entirely sure how this sort of thing would work if driven into a factional/NRP format rather than a more character-driven one, and to be honest I'm rather cynical about the success of NRPs in general. Far too many NRPs seem to fail, and far more quickly, than other types in my experience. I've seen your name in there before, so I imagine you're aware of that phenomena and can probably relate to my sentiment.

My thoughts on what I'd do as far as character are pending more details upon what sorts of different types of undead there are in this setting (if there is any variation) and their various powers, but I'd almost certainly elect to write from the perspective of a single undead rather than a whole sub-faction of them, or one of those offshore human nations.

The hazy idea that I have is some long-dead king or warlord that once launched a daring invasion into foreign lands, but failed and was ultimately returned in death to be interred in a barrow somewhere in Leria. So now he (or whatever husk of his mind persists after being dead for centuries) is driven by the singular goal to use this second chance to lead a new invasion force and succeed where he failed in life, conquering moreso to secure his own legacy or just fulfill an ingrained dying purpose rather than out of any loyalty or love for Eagoth and whatever his undead empire represents.

I've mentioned this interest check to one or two other people that I know. We'll see if I can manage to drag them in here as well.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Oraculum
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Oraculum Perambulans in tenebris

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Dropping in, I'm one of the people Cyclone mentioned, and I'm indeed interested in this.

As format goes, I'm not opposed to factional play, though I agree with the idea of a faction hinging on one or several key characters as players prefer. That said, I think that the majority of the undead being mindless lends itself well to this kind of scheme - it's more natural to leave them as a background factor while focusing on the main viewpoint figure(s) personality-wise.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Terminal
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Terminal Rancorous Narrative Proxy

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by The Incredible John
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The Incredible John Eccentric Lunatic

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Very much interested. I have ideas floating around already.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by gorgenmast
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Member Seen 23 days ago

I'm excited to see that there does seem to be a healthy interest in the concept, so I'm going to expound on some of the finer details.

To be clear, this would very much be a literate roleplay and would avoid the "gamey-ness" that often afflicts Nation RPs. It could be considered a nation roleplay in the sense that players can take on the role of a more powerful revenant as well as their entourage and underlings - if they so choose.

I realize also that, in order for those interested to properly brainstorm their characters, I need to nail down what the undead are, how they work, what they are capable of, etc. To that end, I have updated the original post with some characteristics of the undead.

I have also added a map of Leria. I have included a few key geographic features and places for people to work off, but left the majority of the lands unnamed to allow players to worldbuild with fewer restrictions.

Please feel free to ask if there are any other questions.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by The Incredible John
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The Incredible John Eccentric Lunatic

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Dibs on the Meridions. Eagoth's crusaders need an easy access to the White Straights.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 5 days ago

It was a mash! It was a monster mash!

(Interest is there if you couldn’t tell!)
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Oraculum
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Oraculum Perambulans in tenebris

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Necron sounds intriguing, I'd be interested in hearing more about meatworking and what it can do. Is it a sort of ghoulish surgery, binding corpses into a shape that can be reanimated, or can it also achieve more outlandish crafts such as Frankenstein-esque body constructs?
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by gorgenmast
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Member Seen 23 days ago

Necron sounds intriguing, I'd be interested in hearing more about meatworking and what it can do. Is it a sort of ghoulish surgery, binding corpses into a shape that can be reanimated, or can it also achieve more outlandish crafts such as Frankenstein-esque body constructs?

Necron is the location of Eagoth’s citadel and is the de facto capital city of the undead. It is also where the Meatworks is located, though they are not synonymous. I made mention of meatworking, which is as you surmised, basically surgery for the undead. Most undead settlements will have a meatworker who can “stitch up” a damaged ghoul. This is an important job, as the undead cannot heal on their own.

But the Meatworks of Necron is a much more specialized enterprise. You are right on the money. The Meatworks is part laboratory, part workshop for Frankenstein-esque monstrosities.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Cyclone
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Some more details on Eagoth and necromancy itself might be nice. Is Eagoth still alive? Is he mortal and with potentially failing health?

I'm also wondering if he has personally raised all of the undead, or if there are liches or some sort of undead necromancer (presumably Revenants Major) that can raise other undead.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by gorgenmast
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Member Seen 23 days ago

Thank you all for demonstrating your interest here. I think we are more than ready to start on the OOC thread and begin making character sheets. I will have an OOC thread available in a day or so. In the meantime, please feel free to begin brainstorming your character[s]. I encourage you to keep your character sheets relatively brief.

Rank: (Revenant major, minor, or ghoul?)
Description: (Missing a limb or eye? Well preserved, or a skeleton? Male, female, or is it even possible to tell anymore?)
Background: (Don’t feel obligated to spell out every last detail of your character’s background, as you can - and should - tease this out slowly over IC if possible. Just give us a quick rundown of who your character is, and who they were in life if they know. Most ghouls have little to no recollection of their former life.
Wards(If applicable): (For those characters that are higher-ranking wights. Briefly describe the region of Leria that they have charged with managing. Does it have a name? What is the industry here that supports Eagoth and his legions? Notable undead cities, ruins, etc?)
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by gorgenmast
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Member Seen 23 days ago

Some more details on Eagoth and necromancy itself might be nice. Is Eagoth still alive? Is he mortal and with potentially failing health?

I'm also wondering if he has personally raised all of the undead, or if there are liches or some sort of undead necromancer (presumably Revenants Major) that can raise other undead.

I have honestly not put a lot of thought into Eagoth’s situation. I left him without a lot of details in the event that someone wanted to play as him. I see his as someone who wanted eternal life at any cost, and as such is probably not quite alive but prolonging his existence through some unholy means. I am willing to leave this somewhat open. Perhaps there is even some doubt as to whether Eagoth is even alive anymore - as few undead ever see him.

Eagoth certainly delegates raising undead to his Revenants Major. So there are definitely undead necromancers, and probably quite a few of them as Leria is a big place.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Cyclone
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I have honestly not put a lot of thought into Eagoth’s situation. I left him without a lot of details in the event that someone wanted to play as him.

Ah, now that's interesting! I'd assumed that as GM you'd be taking direct control over him.

Two more questions have sprung to my mind: do you have a general idea as to what sort of technology level the setting is at, and how prevalent magic is? Should I imagine that there are human wizards of the generic fantasy sort and abundant forms of magic besides the necromantic variety?
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Cyclone
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by gorgenmast
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Member Seen 23 days ago

Viking zombies! What a fantastic mix! I love it!
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Oraculum
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Oraculum Perambulans in tenebris

Member Seen 2 mos ago

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by gorgenmast
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Member Seen 23 days ago

Fantastic! I am excited to see what horrible monstrosities Ghural patches together. I already have plot arcs in mind to include him/it in!
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