Originally made for another site. Posted here for future reference in case I want to use her for a different RP.
N a m e: Billie Liviah Blake
G e n d e r: Female.
A g e: Twenty-seven.
S e x u a l i t y: Hetero.
P e r s o n a l i t y: Billie is an observant woman. She can usually be seen watching the people and things around her, often noticing and remembering things about people that others do not. Very much her fathers daughter, Billie is also very competitive and has the tendency to be sadistic when it comes to her fighting style. She enjoys to play with her prey. Quick to adapt to any situation, Billie is also a strategist when it comes to school projects, battles, or anything else. Brave and quick, Billie has often been called a formidable warrior. However Billies bravery, over competitive and daring nature can often land her is dangerously stupid situations.
Upon meeting her, she can seem cold and distant. Typically a quiet girl, Billie is an excellent keeper of secrets, and a trustworthy friend. Once you get to know her you will see just how determined and prideful she is. With a love of vengeance, Billie has the tendency to take matters of justice into her own hands. An explosive temper and creative mind, it’s best not to get on the young woman's bad side. Though retired from her time in the Cohorts, she still spends hours at a time in the training arenas.
Despite her outward appearance, she is actually a kind person, and knows how to party with the best of them.
F l a w s: -Short tempered
E y e_c o l o r: Light Brown.
H a i r: Dark Brown.
H e i g h t: Five feet, three inches.
S k i n_t o n e: Pale.
E t h n i c i t y: American // Caucasian
B o d y_S t r u c t u r e: Fit // Long legs // Her body has a slight muscular undertones due to training.
S c a r s_T a t t o o s_P i e r c i n g s: -Multiple various scars all over her body from training.
P e r s o n a l_S t y l e: Casual - Billie likes to dress in whatever feels comfortable. // Jeans, button up blouses, shorts, tank tops, crop tops, converse, boots, random jewelry items, sweaters, sweat pants, flannel, skirts, etc.

P l a c e_O f_B i r t h: Austin, Texas, USA.
M o r t a l_P a r e n t: Selena Blake.
G o d_P a r e n t: Mars.
L e g a c y_O f: Aquilon & Discordia. Her mother is a daughter of Aquilon, and her grandfather was a son of Discordia.
A b i l i t i e s: Is not affected by temperatures that are warmer than 20 degrees Fahrenheit. Most people would consider fifty degrees to be chilly. Billie would not.
- Can tell you exactly which direction the wind is coming from and at what speed.
-Upon touching a weapon, Billie knows everything about it. For example, who made it, it's previous owners, what it is made from, etc.
P o w e r s:
~Pertaining to Mars~
- Can curse weapons not to work. (Ex. Swords to become so dull they will not cut and guns not to fire.) Curse lasts for three posts with a cool down of three.
-Like her father, Salem can cause people to feel feelings of hate and rage. This power can last for two posts and takes four posts to cool down. She can affect up to three people at a time.
- Salem can conjure flames, due to her godly parentage. This power lasts for three posts with a cooldown of three posts.
~Pertaining to Aquilon~
- Can generate ice from her hands. This ice is used in a sort of blast form, causing her to freeze anything that is up to ten feet away. She can freeze up to three objects/people at a time. The ice lasts for three posts and takes three to cool down.
~Pertaining to Discordia~
Like her grandmother, Billie and cause feelings of confusion. She can affect up to three people at a time. This power lasts for three posts with a cooldown of four.
P e t s: N/A
H i s t o r y: -Was born in Los Angeles California and raised by her mother Selena. Selena never hid the fact that Billie was a demigod from her. From the time Billie was an infant, Selena would tell her stories of her father's great quests and how one day she would become part of Rome's great army.
- Billie made decent grades throughout school, though found it had to concentrate at times. English was always somewhat of a difficult subject due to her dyslexia.
-She began to see the monsters around the age of seven. They didn't really stat attacking until she was ten. While her mother was her protector in the mortal world, the woman was also her daughter's protector in the world of Gods and monsters. Whenever a monster attacked, Selena would fight it off with some of the spare demigod weapons she had lying around the house from her time in the legion.
-At age twelve, Billie spotted Lupas wolves. She assumed they were more monsters, and yelled for her mother. However, she could understand these creatures in her head and they were not attacking her. Selena explained to Billie that this was the moment she had been telling her about all her life. These were Lupas wolves. They were meant to train her to be one of Rome's fiercest warriors. So with them Billie went. She stayed at the wolf house for five months until she proved herself worthy to Lupa. The journey to Camp was filled with monster attacks. It took her three months to journey to Camp Jupiter, where she was claimed within the week and sorted into the second cohort.
- Billie fought on Mt. Tamapalis against Kronos's forces. She loved the feeling of adrenaline in her veins, seeing the surprised looks on the monsters faces each time she sliced through one of them with ease. This battle earned her a place as optio. However, during this battle, she seen a lot of her friends killed in battle. The one that affected her most would be her friend Lucian. Billie rushed to his side and tried to get the bleeding to stop, but failed miserably as he begged for her help. Not able to do anything, and Lucian being past the help of nectar or ambrosia, Billie stayed by her friends side until he passed. The young woman grew colder that day, and promised herself that she would never get that close to someone again.
-After the battle with Kronos, Billie began having nightmares about the people that she cared for dying. She still has nightmares till this day. She takes medication to help her fall asleep, but she ends up waking up screaming in the middle of the night anyway.
-Billie also fought bravely in the war against Gaea. She did not agree with Octavians idea to move against the Greeks, but as a loyal soldier of Rome, she kept her mouth shut. Upon the death of the current Centurion, Billie was promoted. Again, she seen her friends die in battle. While she was a daughter of the war god, she was starting to form an opinion that war was stupid - for lack of better term. Perhaps this was one way - like many - She was like her father. War was nessecary in some cases, but a war without a worthy cause was idiotic.
- Billie retired from the legion at the age of 22. She began her career at Huskers then. She began her degree in biology at age twenty four. You can still find her training in the camp like a mad man.
C o h o r t: Former Centurion of the second.
N o t e s: -Attends NRU. Is working on getting her Bachelors in biology.
-Works at a pizza/cafe restaurant in New Rome called Huskers as a waitress part time.
-Faceclaim is Meg Myers
-Color code is #4bfeb5
G e n d e r: Female.
A g e: Twenty-seven.
S e x u a l i t y: Hetero.
P e r s o n a l i t y: Billie is an observant woman. She can usually be seen watching the people and things around her, often noticing and remembering things about people that others do not. Very much her fathers daughter, Billie is also very competitive and has the tendency to be sadistic when it comes to her fighting style. She enjoys to play with her prey. Quick to adapt to any situation, Billie is also a strategist when it comes to school projects, battles, or anything else. Brave and quick, Billie has often been called a formidable warrior. However Billies bravery, over competitive and daring nature can often land her is dangerously stupid situations.
Upon meeting her, she can seem cold and distant. Typically a quiet girl, Billie is an excellent keeper of secrets, and a trustworthy friend. Once you get to know her you will see just how determined and prideful she is. With a love of vengeance, Billie has the tendency to take matters of justice into her own hands. An explosive temper and creative mind, it’s best not to get on the young woman's bad side. Though retired from her time in the Cohorts, she still spends hours at a time in the training arenas.
Despite her outward appearance, she is actually a kind person, and knows how to party with the best of them.
F l a w s: -Short tempered
E y e_c o l o r: Light Brown.
H a i r: Dark Brown.
H e i g h t: Five feet, three inches.
S k i n_t o n e: Pale.
E t h n i c i t y: American // Caucasian
B o d y_S t r u c t u r e: Fit // Long legs // Her body has a slight muscular undertones due to training.
S c a r s_T a t t o o s_P i e r c i n g s: -Multiple various scars all over her body from training.
P e r s o n a l_S t y l e: Casual - Billie likes to dress in whatever feels comfortable. // Jeans, button up blouses, shorts, tank tops, crop tops, converse, boots, random jewelry items, sweaters, sweat pants, flannel, skirts, etc.

P l a c e_O f_B i r t h: Austin, Texas, USA.
M o r t a l_P a r e n t: Selena Blake.
G o d_P a r e n t: Mars.
L e g a c y_O f: Aquilon & Discordia. Her mother is a daughter of Aquilon, and her grandfather was a son of Discordia.
A b i l i t i e s: Is not affected by temperatures that are warmer than 20 degrees Fahrenheit. Most people would consider fifty degrees to be chilly. Billie would not.
- Can tell you exactly which direction the wind is coming from and at what speed.
-Upon touching a weapon, Billie knows everything about it. For example, who made it, it's previous owners, what it is made from, etc.
P o w e r s:
~Pertaining to Mars~
- Can curse weapons not to work. (Ex. Swords to become so dull they will not cut and guns not to fire.) Curse lasts for three posts with a cool down of three.
-Like her father, Salem can cause people to feel feelings of hate and rage. This power can last for two posts and takes four posts to cool down. She can affect up to three people at a time.
- Salem can conjure flames, due to her godly parentage. This power lasts for three posts with a cooldown of three posts.
~Pertaining to Aquilon~
- Can generate ice from her hands. This ice is used in a sort of blast form, causing her to freeze anything that is up to ten feet away. She can freeze up to three objects/people at a time. The ice lasts for three posts and takes three to cool down.
~Pertaining to Discordia~
Like her grandmother, Billie and cause feelings of confusion. She can affect up to three people at a time. This power lasts for three posts with a cooldown of four.
P e t s: N/A
H i s t o r y: -Was born in Los Angeles California and raised by her mother Selena. Selena never hid the fact that Billie was a demigod from her. From the time Billie was an infant, Selena would tell her stories of her father's great quests and how one day she would become part of Rome's great army.
- Billie made decent grades throughout school, though found it had to concentrate at times. English was always somewhat of a difficult subject due to her dyslexia.
-She began to see the monsters around the age of seven. They didn't really stat attacking until she was ten. While her mother was her protector in the mortal world, the woman was also her daughter's protector in the world of Gods and monsters. Whenever a monster attacked, Selena would fight it off with some of the spare demigod weapons she had lying around the house from her time in the legion.
-At age twelve, Billie spotted Lupas wolves. She assumed they were more monsters, and yelled for her mother. However, she could understand these creatures in her head and they were not attacking her. Selena explained to Billie that this was the moment she had been telling her about all her life. These were Lupas wolves. They were meant to train her to be one of Rome's fiercest warriors. So with them Billie went. She stayed at the wolf house for five months until she proved herself worthy to Lupa. The journey to Camp was filled with monster attacks. It took her three months to journey to Camp Jupiter, where she was claimed within the week and sorted into the second cohort.
- Billie fought on Mt. Tamapalis against Kronos's forces. She loved the feeling of adrenaline in her veins, seeing the surprised looks on the monsters faces each time she sliced through one of them with ease. This battle earned her a place as optio. However, during this battle, she seen a lot of her friends killed in battle. The one that affected her most would be her friend Lucian. Billie rushed to his side and tried to get the bleeding to stop, but failed miserably as he begged for her help. Not able to do anything, and Lucian being past the help of nectar or ambrosia, Billie stayed by her friends side until he passed. The young woman grew colder that day, and promised herself that she would never get that close to someone again.
-After the battle with Kronos, Billie began having nightmares about the people that she cared for dying. She still has nightmares till this day. She takes medication to help her fall asleep, but she ends up waking up screaming in the middle of the night anyway.
-Billie also fought bravely in the war against Gaea. She did not agree with Octavians idea to move against the Greeks, but as a loyal soldier of Rome, she kept her mouth shut. Upon the death of the current Centurion, Billie was promoted. Again, she seen her friends die in battle. While she was a daughter of the war god, she was starting to form an opinion that war was stupid - for lack of better term. Perhaps this was one way - like many - She was like her father. War was nessecary in some cases, but a war without a worthy cause was idiotic.
- Billie retired from the legion at the age of 22. She began her career at Huskers then. She began her degree in biology at age twenty four. You can still find her training in the camp like a mad man.
C o h o r t: Former Centurion of the second.
N o t e s: -Attends NRU. Is working on getting her Bachelors in biology.
-Works at a pizza/cafe restaurant in New Rome called Huskers as a waitress part time.
-Faceclaim is Meg Myers
-Color code is #4bfeb5
Billie Blake (NRU Student)[i](HaleyTheRandom)[/i], [i]Former member of the Second.[/i]