Well Hi there! Didn't see you come in.
My names' Barkeep, and well, I'm a barkeep. This is my Tavern! The Ole' Lucky Tongue. I named it so 'cuz this here land got cursed by a witch some time back and from then on just speaking in this place makes your other posts lucky.
Oh, your posts! How do I know about those you ask, well, ya see, this here place is a sacred space for all those who want to write something but their threads haven't moved, they aren't thrilled about finding another game to join, they don't want to start a new game, or hell, they just want to sit an' bitch for a while.
This isn't a chat or a discord or whatever the fart else that's already on the home page; this is just a free place to have a drink, practice your writing, and allow others to view it, talk about it, give you input, or criticize it if you want. Are you proud of something you wrote in your game and want to show it off? Post it here. Want to write a poem about the weather, well I'll read it. Want a free Writing Prompt and submit a short story just for some of the pros here to review and give feedback (if they want to)? Well that's what this Tavern was built for!!
I'm installing a dart board game in the Character Section that will give ya' a random writing prompt, but it won't be up until next week, it's a big dart board you see and hard to set up. Until then don't let my tavern go outta business before I get the lights up and music playing. Say something, anything, and others will see it and say somethin' back. It's a hard feeling seeing nothing happen in your game after 3 or 4 or 8 days, especially if you're invested into some epic story. So this tavern is for you folks, stretch your fingers, take a load off, and tell ole' barkeep the story your dying to tell, I'll be here a while.