Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
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Arthanus Grey Jedi

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Through the combined efforts of The Royal Guard and the City guard most of the goblins with explosives were taken down before they could reach the gate. The ones Acrius hit with flaming arrows created nice little explosions clearing the areas of goblins as their other explosives detonated once the bag caught flame. Two of the sappers were able to make it to the gate before their payloads exploded with a boom. The explosions shook the wall and made a big thump against the gate as a splintering and cracking noise was made. It held through that explosion but wouldn't be able to take many more. Zatana on the other hand found herself among the Goblin numbers her flurry of knives had caught them by surprise and instead of charging at her she realized the goblins around here started to run noticing that the sapper she had slain was still holding a lit explosive. Zatana would feel a lump in her throat grow as she herself realized this noticing she only had mere moments before the explosive went off at her feet.

With the sappers attack repelled it seemed the goblins had done what they had wanted and began to turn and retreat back The guards on the walls cheered seeing the little green beasts falling back, but there were a few still screaming at Zatana realizing the predicament she was placed in. Some it seemed were getting ready to rush out to her aid knowing she would need medical attention if she was to survive the blast.


Leonidas took in the information from Baltazar and the Duke. "I agree if we can cut off the head the Orcs will fall to infighting, but from what the reports say there weren't any Orcs in the attack this morning. Does that strike either of you as odd? Usually Orcs can't stand to be in the back lines and are usually the forward charge or at least that is what I have read from pervious reports on Orc raids." He started, "If the Orcs aren't showing themselves how do we draw out this Warchief?" He followed up with before the sounds of bells could be heard in the distance. Only a few moments later a guard burst into the war room, "My lord, It seems there is an attack coming from the western front!" The guard quickly spat out and Leonidas quickly turned. "Balthazar I'll leave this here to you and the Duke, think up our next move I'll go check the situation on the walls." He said as he quickly left the war room and starting to rush to the Western gate with a contingent of Empire Soldiers in tow.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

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Zatana had just twisted about while the two explosions rocked the earth, the gate cracking in protest as it took the force of the blow without shattering, for she had heard the sound of some green spawn running her direction. Ready to deal out what could have been fatal slash with her large dagger, the drow paused as the goblin ran past her screaming in terror. Well, that was something that she hadn't been expecting. Yet as he did, she saw the reason why and felt a sudden gut-wrenching fear. One of the sapper's explosive's was just a fraction away from exploding, and she was standing stupidly on top of it. One word fit the situation quite well as she felt it slip out in her disbelief that she had been such a fool.

Twisting, she stepped away with all the speed born to elves and all the skill born of an assassin who could shadow bend because her life- and her little secret- was at stake. If she died this way, her grandfather would raise her from the dead and kill her again. The only if was if she died. To the Murdoc, if something was possible did not matter. Something would happen as he wished it, it was just a matter of when and how he would achieve it. Whirling into the shadows as she breathed her chant she raced, if the goblins had only been orcs! She could have easily slipped behind or under a pile of their dead, and make sure they were dead while shielding herself! Now, she was using her skill, her magic, to dart for the wall and up ontop of it and gods be good she would make it. Most likely a bit charred.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
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Arthanus Grey Jedi

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Zatana gave it her all running from the sapper's charge trying to get to a point where she could shadow step back to the wall. But her efforts were not enough. Just before she disappeared into the shadows the charge went off. The waft of heat rushed over her as she felt the force of the blast hit her. Zatana was able to get off her shadow step but hit the ground hard at the top of the wall. She was able to retain consciousness but pain shot through her body as the force of the blast still rung trough her. As she lie on the ground soldiers rushed to her aid but quickly stopped. "The hell? is she a dark elf?" one of the soldiers said as they had gotten close enough to see her skin under her torn outfit. "Why should we help one of her kind?" another soldier could be heard saying as a commotion started to arise. Zatana would need help to move but it seemed that the soldiers were reluctant to assist her, even though she just risked her life to defend their gates.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Inertia
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Inertia Pretty Lackadaisical

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Acrius pumped his fist at his plan working. The goblins he had marked earlier exploded, the radius of the explosion taking out a good chunk of nearby goblins. His eyes gravitated towards a robed figure in-front of the castle gates...? It looked to be Zatana, the orange-eyed boy had no idea how she managed to get there considering the height of the walls. It was a very reckless and zany plan, he wasn't sure if even he would do that. Nevertheless he grinned in approval despite trying not to. Zatana seemed bolder than he initially pegged her for.

The not-so-currently swordsman directed his shots towards the crowd that seemed to surround the drow. Acrius gave her covering fire as best she could before he noticed an explosion went off. He wasn't certain if she was caught but she disappeared once more and appeared on top of the walls. On closer inspection, she was definitely hit by that explosion; her clothes were charred and she looked worse for wear.

A few soldiers went to her aid but immediately stopped. The small crowd hovered over her and Acrius could tell something was up. Luckily the small army of goblins quickly retreated after the explosions so he could direct his attention to Zatana. He himself would check on what the commotion was about. It seemed that she was a dark elf; the soldiers wore expressions of confusion, betrayal and some looked angry. Acrius couldn't believe their reactions, right after she saved their asses like that. His annoyance bubbled in him as more voices and whispering joined the noise.

"You lot..." Acrius said, his voice was uncharacteristically low and bone-chilling, "I see Rudolph has been lax with your discipline."

"She endangered herself to keep this gate up," The boy pushed his way through the two inspecting her and turned to face them, "And this is how you men react? You sure you lot aren't missing a pair?"

"Either help," He growled, "Or get out of my sight else you'll answer to me. Trust me, I'm not quite as nice as Rudolph."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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Even at his new size, Manald was unable to see what was happening on top of a 30 feet tall wall. He still was able to notice the blast though that occurred right in front of the other side of the gate. The movement of the massive construction was quite easy to see and so was the fact that the blast wave stirred up his fur and tried to push him away. Albeit not being able to hear the cracking sounds and thus unaware of the fact that the gate had taken serious damage, Manald knew that the threat of goblin sappers was over for now one way or the other. There was no real reason left for him to stay down here.

The lycanthrope's next idea was to rush back up to the wall's crest and make himself useful there. It took a little longer for the giant beast to get moving fast, but once he was at speed it was enough of an impression to make a few soldiers crossing his path to rush out of the way. Once up there he saw a Acrius in the midst of a crowd of soliders that didn't look like they were busy shooting arrows or throwing stuff down the murder holes anymore. So... what had happened ?

He came closer, each of his steps sending vibrations throughout the wall in his vicinity that the more sensitive part of its defenders would be able to notice along with the scratching sound caused by large claws hitting the stone floor. Then, already quite close, he could finally see that there was someone lying on the ground in the middle of the crowd. It was Zatana it seemed. Manald hardly knew her, but that was not relevant right now.

"If there's nothing to help with or you don't want to help, then make yourself useful somewhere else! Get more arrows, inspect the gate for damage, I don't know!" Manald's intention had been to make it sound indignantly, but combined with his current physique it had potential to feel more like an announcement about who'd be his dinner tonight. The werewolf stepped closer now, hoping that he wouldn't have to start to push soldiers aside in order to start helping himself.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Hawthorne
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Hawthorne Mageknight

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Merik Roak

With great strength, the lizardman threw spear after spear at the oncoming Goblin forces. These were not javelins, but impromptu projectiles that were supposed to be hammered into the ground to form an outer palisade. They worked well enough for his intended purpose, though. The logs would often pierce through one or two Goblins as they charged forward, breaking past any paltry defense they could muster. If it did not skewer them, the sheer mass of the object would often crush the target, leaving them with broken bones-- a slow death for cannon fodder.

Merik smelled something in the air before he spotted it. It was not blood, sweat, or metal... It was that telltale scent of blackpowder. At the sight of the sappers, and the reactions of his allies, he knew these to be dangerous opponents. With renewed vigor, the Beastman redoubled his efforts, attempting to kill the sappers before they reached the gate. To his surprise, he heard his name called by Zatana, and before he could muster a response, she had leaped over the battlements to face the sappers in melee.

He was half-tempted to follow her down, but she had instructed him to help cover her, and if that is what she wanted, then that is what he would do. Merik slowed his volley of attacks, trading rate-of-fire for accuracy and precision (as much that can be provided with projectiles as large as the ones he was using, at any rate) as he threw his impromptu javelins at any Goblin who was attempting to ambush his comrade. If her dance was a dance of death, then his display was like that of an angry god, doling out punishment to those who sought to defy him.

The Goblins began their retreat as their attack was repelled. In the end, Zatana had managed to escape, but she had been caught in the blast zone of the explosive. The elf was collapsed on the ground, and many of the soldiers seemed hesitant to assist her. Wordlessly, the Lizardman approached, uncaring of the fact that she was a Drow. As he strode through the crowds, his imposing figure was made evident-- this was a Beastman who had thrown palisade stakes from atop a wall like they were javelins. Not many people wished to step on his toes, so to speak.

"Merik thinks Zatana needs rest." He offered her his scaly hand to help her up-- and it seemed like he was more than willing to carry her away if it was necessary. The Lizardman seemed unfazed by the faux pas taking place at the moment and simply thought it best to get her injuries treated to.

Balthazar Trevarthen

Balthazar thought upon the Prince's question. This entire invasion was rather atypical, and it had oddities that distinguished it from the norm. Firstly, while Orcs often bully Goblins around enough to lead them, Orcs are usually never so far from the frontline. More importantly, this entire attempt at a siege is... strange. Typically, they're more than happy to pillage the lands around fortified areas and force the defenders to sally forth and face them on the field, but moving to a siege is a display of tactical acumen not typically present in most Orcs.

"It is indeed rather puzzling-- if they are not at the front lines, then they must be elsewhere, doing something they consider to be more important..." He started. "...or they could be waiting." The spymaster mused. It was, of course, an outlandish claim. Orcs were creatures of bloodlust who liked nothing more than to test their mettle; the thought of them waiting in the reserves was strange.

At the Prince's request for strategies to draw out the Warchief, Balthazar paused for only a moment, before explaining several plans. "I am in agreement with the Duke-- a good first step would be to close off the entrances they are using for their supply lines." He started. "If we deprive them of their access to supplies, reinforcements, and retreat, then they will be out in the open, and be forced to make rash decisions. When that occurs, perhaps we can lure them in with the prospect of attaining much-needed supplies, and then crush them when they move to take it."

Of course, the concept itself was simple enough... but with decades of experience under his belt, something told the man that this alone would not do. "...now this tactic would work on any normal Orc invasion, but we may be dealing with something else." Unlike most nobles, pride was not one of Balthazar's virtues-- he was not afraid to express caution and discretion when he did not have all the details. "I will have my men seek out more information on their leadership. For now, our next move should be to close those tunnels and seek our allies. When we learn more, we can think about what comes next."

As if on cue, signal bells could be heard in the distance. An attack on the Western front. Whether it was an attack in earnest, or an attempt to probe for weaknesses, Balthazar was uncertain. He had a mind to tell his ward that his place was at the war table-- that battles were often won here in the strategy room, rather than on the battlefield... but he did not. There was much to plan, but little to act upon. Besides, his presence may raise morale in the men, so instead, Balthazar simply nodded. "Of course, Your Majesty. Fight well." The lord bowed low, waiting for the Prince to leave. The man then turned to the Duke.

"Duke Karstilli, I would like your scouts to coordinate with mine-- I believe expanding the net will give us more knowledge of the battle to come." Making sure their agents work in tandem may be difficult, but it will mean that they can rely upon an external source of support; something they will need in a protracted siege like this.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Borosev
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"It is indeed rather puzzling-- if they are not at the front lines, then they must be elsewhere, doing something they consider to be more important...or they could be waiting." said Balthazar going over the information. "I am in agreement with the Duke--a good first step would be to close off the entrances they are using for their supply lines. If we deprive them of their access to supplies, reinforcements, and retreat, then they will be out in the open, and be forced to make rash decisions. When that occurs, perhaps we can lure them in with the prospect of attaining much-needed supplies, and then crush them when they move to take it." he continued

"Yes, that is an interesting idea." said the Duke nodding and listening whilst reading the map for ideas of his own.
"Now this tactic would work on any normal Orc invasion, but we may be dealing with something else."

"I agree if we can cut off the head, the Orcs will fall to infighting. But from what the reports say, there weren't any Orcs in the attack this morning. Does that strike either of you as odd? Usually Orcs can't stand to be in the back lines and are usually the forward charge, or at least that is what I have read from previous reports on Orc raids." began the Prince, "If the Orcs aren't showing themselves how do we draw out this Warchief?"

"I will have my men seek out more information on their leadership. For now, our next move should be to close those tunnels and seek our allies. When we learn more, we can think about what comes next." Before the men could continue conversing, the city bells could be heard ringing. A guard then arrived soon after, "My lord, It seems there is an attack coming from the western front!"

"Balthazar, I'll leave this here to you and the Duke, think up our next move. I'll go check the situation on the walls." He said briefly before heading out.
"Of course, Your Majesty. Fight well." replied Balthazar. The Duke ordered the guard to bring a few of his own High Guard to aid the Prince.
"Duke Karstilli, I would like your scouts to coordinate with mine-- I believe expanding the net will give us more knowledge of the battle to come."

"Of course my friend, my sources are at your disposal." the Duke said gratefully. "I trust the Prince will do well at leading our army. And I have faith in you with bringing about more information for us to work with. I will see to the welfare of the city's people, and arrange for more couriers to be at the ready." said the Duke before pulling out some papers to begin making plans.
"I shall procure you and the Prince your own personal quarters, and a personal study for your operation." continued the Duke.


After firing off another shot from his rifle, he had just noticed the robed figure of Zatana charging into the horde of minor greenksins. The crazy...he began in his mind, "Watch your fire, one of ours is out there. Pick your shots!" he barked as he watched her eviscerate the goblins with relative ease. After reloading, he picked off another goblin that was trying to protect one of the runners
Two goblins managed to get to the gate. "Watch out!" warned Rudolph before taking cover. The charges went off, causing the walls to shake, the gate barely surviving from the impact. He turned to order some soldiers down below to begin with making the temporary repairs and maintaining of the gate, but he noticed that Captain Haart was already coordinating such an action.
He turned away just in time to see Zatana rushing away from the battlefield as explosions went off behind her. Despite the situation, he also noticed the greenskins were in full retreat. He then placed his rifle down with a sigh of relief, relaxing for a moment before straightening.

After a moments respite, he noticed a small commotion further along the wall and made his way over. Some of the Princes retinue were amongst them.
After pushing his way through he saw Merik offer his assistance to a figure on the ground. Rudolph eyes widened in surprise to see that it was Zatana, and to see who she was under her guise. A Drow, a bloody Drow. Rudolph shook his head and let out a sigh of disappointment. "Alright you lot, piss off and help out with the dead and wounded. Give the woman some space." he ordered. The troops were hesitant at first, but eventually dispersed.
Rudolph remembered both what Sirs Balthazar and Leonidas said before, and took into account. "What was that about? jumping into that mess out there?" he asked rhetorically. He shook his head and offered his hand to help her up alomg with Merik. "You have some balls on you, i'll give you that." he said sounding somewhat impressed.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

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Zatana felt the rush of heat from the munition as she flung herself towards the wall. It wasn't the explosion that got her in the end but the debris from it. Stepping free from the shadow, she tumbled to the side as the explosion shook her. Shadowstepping was useful, but there was a level of issue when you lacked that extra thousand years of practice at it. Grimacing, Zatana paused as she felt the crowd around her draw back. Black eyes look bearly over herself and cursed, silently. Her armor and cloak were charred and marked, bits were cut away from the debris that had caught her and below she could see cuts that would tending and worse. Her own ashen grey skin. Zatana had a fleeting second to wonder if she might prefer the noose to her grandfather's ire over her stupidity.

A fleeting moment as she noticed a few figured appear amidst the crowd. The first was Acrius who was growling about the lack of care the men were giving. Well, the lad had a pair on him. Good. What wasn't good was the looming giant form of a fuzzy, adorable, soft-looking werewolf. The voice that came out was from a nightmare of the hounds of Darkness. "Manald?" It was the same color, different armor though. Very soft looking and perhaps she had a weakness for soft things she could call 'adorable'. It may have been the reason she rarely went after rabbits when hunting and preferred the far more dangerous boar. A hand invaded her vision as she blinked at the Merik before taking his hand. Her body hurt like the hells, but it was bearable. "Zatana can live without rest." She corrected, though there was a tight note in her voice that could have been pain. It wasn't. It was, however, panic. This soon and she was found out as a dark elf? Her mission was going bust and she would have to ride home- or run- to explain to her grandfather. Which was everything less than desirable. The mob? Oh, she figured she could outwit them. The werewolf made that harder, but she had dealt with wolves and dogs before. Ignoring Rudolph's hand simply because her own was gripping both daggers.

Gazing at the soldier, she considered her option and arched a brow."And of ten, how many reached the gate by failing of your men on this battlement? My accuracy with the bow is nothing compared to my knives. It was a logical step, and I am... half." She corrected, a lie if there was ever one, reluctantly. To admit half would lower suspicion, and if asked she could truthfully agree that the drow were horrible- save one she would never mention. Let them draw their conclusions. "Will you stand here like poxy fools while the goblins seize this chance of distraction to try again? I did think the vigilance of Bergkoff was in a better state of affairs. And you are correct to hate the drow, they are detestable creatures. If I appear like them, it is no fault of my own." Yes, because she could determine her parentage so well! Well, if she had been born to a better drow mother or better drow father perhaps she would think differently. Thank the darkness for her grandfather's intervention, and may she pull this off. Let them think her mother human and her father a dark elf. Let them think the opposite. Anything so long as she made herself appear less threatening than what she was. Zatana had always loved her lighter skin, it was a boon to her job as a spy and assassin. Now it would prove that she was only part, a sad tale born of a darker-skinned drow. True, save for some assumptions on their part.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
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Arthanus Grey Jedi

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Leonidas rushed to hos horse and speed toward the western gate. Although it seemed it was to late to join into the attack what Leonidas was hearing made him press on. Whispers that one of the Royal guard had leaped from the wall into the fighting, Others that one of the royal guard were injured, and finally that there was a Drow within the city. As he moved he couldn't get a strait story from anyone but he was able to put some pieces together. "... Dammit Acrius.... Why did you jump off the walls?..." he thought to himself as he rode. "And how did Zatana get hurt?" he questioned quickening his pace.

With so many rushing to Zatana's aid and some literally growling at the guardsmen many quickly returned to their duties cursing Drow in general as they did. And Leonidas was only able to arrive after things had seemed to settle down. When he got there he rushed up the wall to meet with those helping Zatana. "I'm here to help, let he see where you're injured." He said to Zatana while removing one of his gauntlets. "Also Someone fill me in what happened here, not just how she was hurt. This assault was to quick I want details of what the goblins were doing" he said as his palm started to glow with a radiant light. As he gently placed his hand on Zatana's back she could feel a warmth fill her. She could feel as her torn skin and flesh started to sew itself back together. Although it was kinda itchy she could feel the pain being sucked away as her body seemed to mend itself. After a little bit Leonidas removed his hand, the wounds had closed but they still left a mark. "You're going to have some scars from that, but it could of been much worse." He said letting out a sigh, it was clear that the healing process had taken a bit out of the prince. "I would scold you for jumping down there in the middle of that, but it sounds like you might just have saved the gate. Just be more careful next time, maybe throw the explosives away from yourself?" he said in a tone that was oddly calm. After he was done seeing to Zatana's injuries Leonidas rose, he could feel all the eyes on him from the soldiers. Well now was as good a time as any it seemed... "Yes I have a Drow as a member of my royal guard." He started bluntly, "I know many of you would disagree with my decision, But this woman has proven herself many times. She has stopped assassins from taking my life, She has used her skills to get us information used in missions across the country. Hell she just saved this gate, if not the city. Let it be known I do not judge someone based on their race, but on their skills and merits. Zatana here has proven to be a powerful asset to the Empire and dismissing her based on the sole fact that she is a Drow would be a disservice to the Empire itself. Now I know the Drow have hurt the citizens of this City before, But that was long ago and Zatana here had nothing to do with it. Her and her people are fierce, and mighty warriors, if we can put our hate aside and see that not every Drow is the evil beings our history books tell us we can build a stronger empire." He said out loud in almost a booming voice. And although the Prince knew it would mainly fall on deaf ears he had said his piece for now.

After the attack on the West wall plans were made to secure all the gates in preparation for more attacks. Balthazar and the Duke were to remain in the keep working on strategies and keeping things moving outside of combat, Faira and Manald were positioned on the East Gate to help with the defenses there, Rudolph and Merik were to keep with the West Gate, leaving Leonidas and Acrius with the North Gate, Zatana was ordered to rest in the keep and regain her strength as she would be needed later. As the day continued more small attacks were launched at the walls, again only small strikes from only goblin forces. each attack was positioned at a different point trying to find a foothold. By the time night had fallen and the guard shift was changed over there had been 8 attacks in total. Overall the defenders would have about 50 injured from the fighting to against the 400 or so goblins that were killed. Moral was high with the men, but who knows how long that would be able to last.

As night fell Zatana and Faira were brought into the war room to be briefed on their next assignment. "We want you two to scout the enemy positions for us. All day we have seen these goblin forces coming from the mountains but we really don't know what we are up against. That being said we want you two to head to the eastern side from where the attacks came from. Investigate the area see if you can find where they are coming from, what if anything they have prepared over there. If you find the caves don't get ahead of yourselves and rush in. Mark them, we are working to make some sapping charges of our own and when you return with positions and what kind of guards the tunnels have we will send the sapping team in to blow the tunnels before dawn." Leonidas explained while looking at the two, "Did I leave anything out Baltazar?" He asked handing the briefing over to the one who came up with the plans.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Inertia
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Inertia Pretty Lackadaisical

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The rest of the retinue came in rescue of the drow. From Manald, Merik and then eventually Rudolph. Acrius was slightly impressed at how open and accepting the rest of them are. The reactions of the soldiers, however, was expected. Luckily Leonidas came to disperse the already whittled down crowd. The prince's speech would tug at heartstrings but the deep-seated hatred of drows after years would likely win over his words. The crowd were all but gone now but Acrius could feel some leery soldier eyes their way. Leonidas would then heal Zatana before assigning each member a gate to watch. Acrius failed to stifle a chuckle at Zatana being treated like a child and told to go rest. He wouldn't have known if she was glaring at him as he quickly looked away.

Acrius sat on a box and kicked his feet onto the battlements that overlooked the northern plains. The attack on the western gate was definitely the biggest of the day. The rest were just small attacks that looked to prod and test the city's defenses. All Acrius had done was don the bow a couple of times; most of the time, however, it was just idle chit-chat with the crowned prince. Nothing of much import, just musings of past misadventures and events.

Soon the sun would be swallowed by the horizon and they were all given free time. Acrius noticed that Faira and Zatana were to have a mission but since it didn't involve him he shrugged and walked away. Still, only being allowed to use the bow all day made him a little stir-crazy. The tavern seemed to bustle with activity but the memory of his night of (forced) drinking drove him away. He'd rather not get close to ale again.

His eyes would be drawn to an open field that seemed to serve as training ground. A few shadows tussled and wrestled with each other. Despite it being night there seemed to be a few recruits and what seemed to be a higher-up overlooking their late-night training. Oho, even after all that, it seems that some of 'em have more energy than I gave them credit for. Acrius mused to himself as he tucked the Royal Guard badge into his tunic. Luckily he had taken his armour off at the inn they were staying at earlier. Donning a (rather taut) tunic and trousers, he looked like some starry-eyed schmuck looking to serve the kingdom.

Acrius noisily made his way to, what looks to be, the sergeant overlooking the recruits training. The sergeant, as expected, noticed him immediately;

"State your name and rank," The sergeant eyed him up and down, "... and the reason you're here, soldier."

"Sir!" Acrius played it up and even did the Empire's salute as accurately as he remembered, "I'm Arthur Bain, a fresh recruit from the countryside!"

"Hmm..." The sergeant hummed and stroked his chin, he seemed hesitant but eventually continued, "At ease, Arthur. I'm Sergeant Geraldson. Currently overlooking these fresh recruits' training. The lot are recruits from this city, said they want to join the Prince in defending the city, heh."

"I would like to join my fellow recruits training!" Acrius kept standing at ease, trying his hardest not to break out into a grin. "I've been told that my grappling was a little exceptional!"

"A lively one, eh?" Geraldson let out a heart guffaw, and decided to haze the fresh-eyed recruit a little bit, "Alright you will fight Petyr, one of our best. Petyr! Come here."

A giant behemoth of a man appeared and towered over Acrius. Petyr was about 6'4" and was really muscular. What in the hells are they feeding this man, He thought idly as he looked up at him.

Acrius kept up the act, trying to look as scared as he could manage.

"We will do two matches, recruit Arthur," Geraldson smiled at him, "But worry not, you will be able to tap out."

The oranged-eyed boy popped a vein at how Geraldson enunciated 'you' but he let it pass.

The match would soon begin. Acrius kept up a standard grappling stance while his opponent simply smiled at him. It seemed that this recruit in particular had become a little cocky due to his size advantage. Well, well, we can't have that with the Empire's recruits, can we?

The rest of the recruits giggled amongst themselves; they began to gather to watch what they expect to be a fresher recruit put into his place. Even Geraldson seemed eager to be entertained.

Acrius let the man make the first move, offering a tiny bit of resistance to seem genuine. Petyr was quicker than he gave him credit for and appeared behind him, placing him into a rear naked choke. Acrius rated it so-so, about a 4/10. What lax training. He could easily escape in three ways; the most basic was to grab the choking arm and squat downwards whilst lifting said arm into a backwards throw. However there was also empty space in the hold; an amateur mistake as you never leave empty space. The empty space could allow him to place his own arm to weaken the choke. The same empty space could also be used to escape.

The swordsman would let them tumble back onto a floor rear naked choke hold. The choke itself let him breathe easily but he gave it a few more seconds before he 'tapped' out by hitting the ground floor.

Acrius faked cough and accepted the hand that hoisted him up, "You're good, Petyr!"

Petyr seemed please with himself and turned away not expecting 'Arthur' to want another round. "One more round, ser Petyr."

Petyr simply huffed and turned around and prepared himself for what he expected was a second beating. Acrius would now simply swat away any attempts at a hold. Petyr's dive was swatted downwards, his face dragged into the dirt. The same rear naked choke was simply countered the few times he attempted it. The giant seemed to get angrier and angrier as each and every choke hold attempt was easily denied. The crowd also got quieter and quieter as their star recruit was being played with, like an adult would play-fight with a child.

"You bleeding coward!" Petyr screamed, holding the lapels of Acrius' shirt and lifting him up. "Are you going to fight back or not?"

"As you wish." Acrius let his grin show, it was a big mistake to grab him by the lapels of his tunic. The orange-eyed boy would jump upwards and slithered his right foot around Petyr's arm. His other foot would grip around his neck as he pushed the giant downwards. He had performed a flying armbar choke. Petyr, being inexperienced, had not seen this choke before and fell downwards like a giant bag of bricks. The giant's arm was now locked into place and another motion could potentially snap it. There was something that made all men equal, and that thing was leverage.

Acrius exercised restraint, however, and waited for Petyr to tap out. He did place more and more pressure on the giant's arm but he just wouldn't tap out. If anything, Petyr had a respectable amount of pain tolerance. Acrius looked to the now bewildered sergeant, to see if he would end the fight, but he didn't say anything. The crowd's earlier booes and jeers from Acrius' avoidance of holds were now replaced by a stunned silence.

Acrius sighed to himself and let the hold go. There was no fun in combatants who didn't know the concept of defeat; the body is a fickle thing, sturdy yet weak. So knowing when to give up to preserve your future was obvious. Soon he bent down and hit the dirt, signifying him tapping out.

"Petyr, you need to work on your fundamentals," Acrius growled, somewhat disappointed at the brutish man, "... and know when to surrender."

The silence was deafening. Questions could be read from their confused faces; 'Who the hell is this Arthur', 'How'd Petyr go down that easily'. Petyr kept his mouth shout and didn't move from his position; instead he seemed to enjoy gazing up at the starry night sky.

"I thank you my fellow recruits and Sergeant Geroldson for this opportunity," Acrius said and bowed indignantly, "I need to train myself harder for future battles."

Later, Geraldson would inquire on who 'Arthur Bain' was but was quickly told it was Acrius Stroude, the 'wild dog' of the Prince.

Acrius walked away from the open field, folding his hands behind his head as he whistled a bard's tune he'd heard awhile back. He had worked up a decent sweat and his stir-craziness was somewhat abated for now. His mind flickered over to Lancelot, he'd be one that could entertain Acrius. The boy couldn't help but feel eyes on him. Surely from those soldiers earlier, right?
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Hawthorne
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Hawthorne Mageknight

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Balthazar gave the Duke an appreciative nod. "We are grateful for your assistance in this matter, Duke Karstilli." Plans worked best when everyone was on the same page, and the Duke's aid will be a great boon. The spymaster would have to send for a few men to bring his luggage up to his room and study, but that would be dealt with in time. For the remainder of the day, the two nobles spent their time in the War Room, plotting their next move, and ensuring that the logistics of the city's defense never once wavered.

As it turned out, during the defense of the western gate, Zatana had leaped down from the walls to stop the sappers from damaging the gate. Curious. This was something he had expected from Acrius or perhaps one of the Beastmen-- not a well-trained foreign assassin. Balthazar made a mental note to account for her unpredictability in the future, he doubted that this would be the last time she did something he did not expect.

In the end, the Prince decided against reprimanding her, which was something Balthazar would agree with. Her decision to leap into the fray was a calculated one borne of quick thinking, rather than a rash one borne of panic-- the warlock would go as far as to say Acrius could learn a thing or two from Zatana, really. Still, while she was unhappy about staying away from the frontlines, it was probably for the best to keep her away from the crowds for now.


The attacks had halted sometime near the evening, and yet even still, guards were posted along the walls, which was a wise decision. For all the primitiveness of Orcs and Goblins, they were often craftier than most give them credit for. Balthazar was well-accustomed to long days of planning and paperwork, and he had made himself well at home in the War Room. Even so, the warlock felt a little sore, his eyes tired from hours of inspection-- were he ten years younger, he would have no issues keeping pace with this much.

He felt ready to retire for the evening, but men like him would not rest until the work was yet complete.

Zatana and Faira had arrived here in the War Room at the Prince's behest. Balthazar stood across from the assassin and the mercenary as Leonidas gave his orders. A scouting mission to the east, where scouts had last spotted enemy movement in the region. They were to take stock of the area and note down anything of interest. If they managed to find the tunnels that the Goblins were using to move around in, then they were to mark it for future destruction.

It was not a particularly exciting mission, but the best plans were ones that minimized risk.

When the Prince had asked whether or not that was all, Balthazar merely nodded. "That would be all, yes." He says, before speaking again. "...Though I will advise you to be wary; this does not seem to be any ordinary Orc invasion. I would advise caution." The warlock then reached into his coat pocket and retrieved two slips of parchment. Strange symbols, some familiar and others otherworldly were written on the surface.

"Take one each." With a silent incantation and a snap of his fingers, the papers seemed to fold in on themselves, forming diminutive origami figurines that resembled cloaked men. On his command, the Record-Hunters walked across the table and looked up at Zatana and Faira. "They are my familiars-- they will be of little assistance in a fight, so far away from their source of power, but you can carry them with you so that I know where you are going." He told them. "Just in case." They could leave these familiars at a place of interest to check later, or they could use them in case they are captured. The Record-Hunters were also adept at gathering information, but unless they were left near enemy paperwork, it was unlikely that they would glean much.

"They write secrets upon their bodies... but I would not open them if I were you." He says in a serious tone. More than one fool had tried to decipher the indecipherable-- and Balthazar had given them fair warning. Still, the little things loved to learn, whether that was from books, their masters, or from strangers. Their inquisitiveness may serve the two well on the mission to come.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 5 days ago

Zatana could not be furious at the humans for their anger, the dark elves were disliked for good reason, but there was still an uneasy fear that settled into her bones. That had made her lie about being half, though she doubted they would buy it. Still, she was grasping at anything to stave off the mob of angry humans that was a bit more solid than comradery from fellow Royal Guard members and her own words. So it was with some relief that she pulled aside her cloak to allow Prince Leonidas to lay the glowing palm upon her. She hadn't bothered to speak up to explain the assault or to defend her actions. The former had enough people to tell the tale and if he wanted specifics from her own lips? The Prine was quite able to seek her out. If the latter? There was simply no defense to be had. Leonidas was correct, she should have thrown the explosive rather than rely purely on her Shadow Step. Something that had gotten her into trouble more than once in the past. Wincing, Zatana was all too aware of the articulate words that would be used to describe what she had done in detail, when she returned to the Dread Coast. Though she did nod in agreement with his words and shrugged to admit she cared nothing for the scars she had acquired. Silent as ever, and with good reason. The men about her would twist her words if given half the chance, then again that could be the part of her more in tune with drowish culture talking. Listening to Leonadis's speech she leaned against the wall as she pulled herself to her feet. The Prince was eloquent with words, but hatred took more than words to change.

As assignments were handed out, the drow did look tempted to argue the issue. She was only a bit wounded! She could still hold a bow and wield a knife! There was no reason for her to rest in the keep! Yet the edged comments and glares at her only made her too aware that Royal Guard or no, these men would toss her from the wall if they had half a nerve. Gritting her teeth she had bowed deeply to the Prince and followed his directive, not liking it one bit. It felt like a retreat from those humans, and she hated being shuffled off to 'rest'. Still, she found herself a quiet corner of the Keep that was particularly abandoned and where she could be easily found in any of the Royals or Royal Guard actually were looking for her. There she had retreated with a sewing kit and some other materials to patch up the armor. It wouldn't do to leave her equipment untended. She also took the moments where all was empty and quiet to record the passage from Balthazar's parcel into her grimoire.

Shadows shifted and lengthened, Zatana found herself being briefed by the Prince again, though this time in the war room. The assassin in her noted that Balthazar would be the first she would need to take down before turning her attention to Faira and the Prince. The Duke was the last and arguably the most dangerous as she knew nothing of what he could do. Pushing the thought aside and the various escape routes from the city, Zatana turned her attention to what was at hand. Scouting. It seemed her life was going to be a long series of scouting and information-gathering missions. Not that she minded, she rather enjoyed it! The constant fact though amused the dark elf. Looking over the map carefully, she had pulled away the cowl and mask to see better. Sequestered as they were, and with the fact, the Prince had a drow in his company, she had little reasons for the hindrance. Balthazar would keep his mouth closed, the game they played was larger. Faira could be convinced, most likely. And the Duke? What was one rumor of her beauty against the many other speculations of what lay under the cloaked and cowled features?

Plus, she was curious as to the reactions. Much in the way a cat would when flaunting exactly how much better they were than humans. Studying Balthazar's familiar carefully she couldn't hide her interest. "Useful." The compliment was softly spoken as she gently plucked one up carefully studying it. "If they have more paper around, I presume they are able to record more information?" Her eyes darted to examine their creator intently. In truth, she did not like having the little creature roaming so near to her grimoire. It was still in code, but Balthazar most likely the most dangerous threat to her mission, besides herself. The old mage having an inkling wasn't so much of a worry as expected. Him having access to her grimoire through this little paper man would be, troublesome.

Weighing the risks against the necessary, Zatana did have to admit. There was no real threat to the Empire of Man, not from her anyways. If the Prince did succeed the throne, all would be well with how he seemed to perceive things and her grandfather would have no need to worry about having her set up a replacement. Not that Zatana would want to, Prince Leonidas was a benefit by his simple good graces and her mission was information gathering and diverting any possible interference with her grandfather's work. In truth, all the information she had were bits and pieces to a larger picture she kept in her mind and toyed with from time to time. But it was for her grandfather to put together and decide on the course of action. Oh, she had suggested things from time to time, but they were put into her reports. Not her cheat sheet? It seemed the right word for the mess of information ranging from who was sleeping with who, to what merchants were smuggling, to what neighbors were pushing a bit too hard on something or other. Poor Balthazar if he tried to make heads or tails from that! Settling the adorable, little paper fellow on the rim of one long ashen ear, she arched a delicate brow. "And when should we be expected to return?" When would they be missed as 'too long'.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Hawthorne
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Hawthorne Mageknight

Member Seen 4 mos ago

The paper man felt as light as a feather and seemed so delicate that a strong breeze could blow it away... and yet it was warm to the touch, with strange pliability to its paper surface. Magic was truly a strange thing. Standing at about four inches tall, the Record-Hunter could easily fit in the palm of your hand. The familiars have a degree of inquisitiveness to them, and they seem to study their owners as much as their owners study them.

Balthazar's face was impassive as it was normally was, as Zatana examined it. "They have enough paper to function on their own-- though they'd certainly appreciate a piece of charcoal, or some ink and a quill if you wish to provide it." Blood would do in a pinch, though Balthazar left that out. He would not order his Record-Hunters to delve into Zatana and Faira's things, but he had a feeling that they would do so anyway-- these familiars were not mindless constructs; they had minds of their own, and if scrounging through things in search of secrets brought them closer to their pursuit of knowledge, then there was not much he could do aside from outright forbiddance.

"It would be best if you returned before daybreak; we may require your assistance in the attacks to come." Balthazar told them. It would also be much more difficult to return to the city if they had arrived in the middle of the day, though not impossible. "If you finish your mission early, then head back-- I do not wish for either of you to be injured or worse."

He was certain that they would be fine so long as they were careful, but he had to watch for that external threat. This Orc invasion was strange, and Balthazar was certain that whatever it was, it was sure to cause complications in the future. It was imperative for the team to return without catching its attention-- if it knew that the Prince's agents were out in the field, then it would a great windfall in its favor, which was something the warlock could not allow.

"Any other questions?" The man asked the assassin and the mercenary.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 28 days ago

It was a long day, to say the least. From a headlong ride to the city, to the defense of the western wall. When Faira was moved to the Eastern gate, she took a leaf from Merik's book and hurled spears from her position. She wasn't much of a shot with a bow, but could throw spears, axes, and knives with fair accuracy. She was tired already when brought to the war room for a briefing, but made a point not to show it.

Here, she looked very curiously at Zatana. Of course she had seen her at the western gate, and heard the Prince's speech, but this was the closes they had been to each other without the elf's mask. She was quite pretty, and Faira thought it a shame she had to hide herself, though she understood the reason.

"We're not to enter their tunnels," Faira said when the briefing was done, "But what of any stragglers, or enemy scouts?"

She held the record hunter gingerly as she spoke, looking it in the face as seemed to look in hers, with equal curiosity.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Borosev
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"And of ten, how many reached the gate by failing of your men on this battlement? My accuracy with the bow is nothing compared to my knives. It was a logical step, and I am... half."
said Zatana. She seemed to be in a defensive mood, likely due to her identity being revealed Rudolph considered. He retracted his hand, "Hmph...Shes fine." he said as he left the wall and the retinue to themselves. As he left, he saw the Prince making his way over in a hurry. Rudolph kept to himself as he walked away, thinking about the situation. All this time, he had a drow at his side. Shes proven her skill and tenacity though. he thought to himself. He passed by a few soldiers who were resting and gossiping. Rudolph felt their eyes on him for a brief moment, but ignored them. One of them then asked Rudolph, "Sir? What do yo...", "What do I think? The Prince seems to trust her, so then I will too. Plus I think she proved herself today well enough. If you or anyone else has an issue with a Dark Elf in our midst, then you can go talk to the Prince himself!" he replied with slight irritation in his voice before walking off toward the barracks.

Some time later on, he aquired the orders given by the Prince to keep an eye on the western gate for any more greenskin assaults. There was at least two more, but they were nothing more than minor skirmishes.
Merik found his fun in them, but Rudolph only fired off about two shots from his rifle, but was generally bored. Most of the time he sat down on a box as the goblins came, they barely made any progress at all. The gate was eventually repaired to the best of their ability at the time, and it would have to do.
Rudolph stretched and let out a big yawn just as his shift replacement came to relive him. Giving a simple nod, he put down his rifle, and made his way back to the barracks again. Thats it for me tonight. he thought feeling his fatigue creeping up.
The defenders appeared to be in good spirits, and some citizens were even allowed to go back home, even if it were for a short time. The taverns were open again, and most of their patrons appeared to be soldiers, somewhat getting ahead of themselves from the minor victories that were achieved today.

As he walked through the quieter part of the city, he heard a brief cry coming from one of the more narrow roads. At first he thought it to be nothing more than run off from the taverns back down the road, but then the cry came again. He then checked around the corner to see what the issue was, and saw three soldiers with a girl. One of the soldiers he recognised, but didn't know the name.
The girl tried to get away from them toward the end of the street Rudolph was at, but they easily caught her, and she let out a loud shriek, which would be cut short by the one he recognised, as he punched her directly in the mouth.

Rudolph's anger soared at the sight, and with balled fists he stormed at them, throwing one fist at the man who had a grip on the girl, directly in the face, his nose breaking underneath. He went down immediatley. The group were completely caught off guard, and by the time they realised what had happened, Rudolph had struck the next with a gut punch followed with throwing the man into a wall.
The girl recovered herself quickly and ran from the fighting men to hopeful safety, passing a two man patrol as she did. The patrol were surprised by this and soon saw the scuffle opposite.

The third being the one he knew had hesitated, it seemed that he knew who he was up against. Rudolph took a step toward the man and said "Seems like Acrius was a bit soft on ya before. I'd break your bloody neck if it were up to me!" he said just before the man turned and tried to run, but he was cornered by the patrol whos spears were at the ready.
"Whats the meaning of this?!" one of the guards demanded, "This bastard and the other two shits on the floor were assaulting a girl!" Rudolph replied as he slowly tried to calm himself.

"State your rank." asked the guard, "I'm Sergeant Kestrell." The guards were hesitant for a moment before they decided on what to do. One eventually left to go and inform their superior, whilst the other stayed to monitor the situation.

After about an hour, it was sorted. The three men were arrested, and the girl helped explain the what happened. Soon afterwards, Rudolph finally continued on his way back to the barracks.


As both the Prince and Balthazar went over the plan with their associates, the Duke observed the two standing before them. Faira, a rather large woman indeed. The Prince truely keeps interesting company. he pondered briefly before turning his attention toward Zatana. A Drow, how intriguing. To find any of her kind in this city, is indeed bizarre. Despite what the people might say however, she is a welcome help all the same. he thought before eventually paying attention to the conversation at hand.

Balthazar gave the two some pieces of parchment, which slowly but surely rose and came to life. The Duke wasn't sure on how to feel about it, but for the most part, it was a surprise. "My word Sir Balthazar. That is quite the trick." he said as he watched the curious familiar held by Zatana. "It has been quite some time since I had last seen magic in action. It has always been rather fascinating." he said with genuine interest.

"And yes, do please be careful out there." he nodded. "We have the makings of a plan. And your findings shall hopefully provide us with a clearer picture of the situation. Our reports tell us that the enemy numbers are supposedly around a thousand or so. But given how unperturbed they seemed to be with using up their troops in such costly actions, it would be fair to assume that they number beyond what we had innitially assumed." he continued.

"We're not to enter their tunnels, but what of any stragglers, or enemy scouts?" spoke Faira.
"Do what you must." he replied simply.
With a sigh, "I pray that Sir Siegfried and his cavalry will be enough to help us in these upcoming trials."
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
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Arthanus Grey Jedi

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Leonidas let the Duke and Balthazar say their piece about the mission and listened to Faira and Zatana's comments. "I would prefer if you avoid their patrols and scouts. Again this force seems much different than normal Orc forces and I don't want to tip them off to anything. But if you can't avoid confronting them... No survivors, we want them to get the least amount of information possible..." He said bluntly. Leonidas didn't want to leave anything up to chance with this. War was a messy thing and one mistake could loose you the battle. After a few more instructions and such back and forth Leonidas dismissed Zatana and Faira giving them an hour to rest and prepare for their mission. With that done Leonidas retired from the war room for the night returning to the room that had been prepared for him in the keep.

From his room Leonidas was able to see a group of what must of been a group of militia practicing into He gave a sigh seeing the common folk being drawn into the fighting, although he was proud of his subjects for stepping up to defend their homes. Then he saw Acrius walking up to the group. Leonidas watched Acrius dismantle the poor recruit and just shook his head. "I need to get that dog a leash... Can't have him fighting every soldier in the empire..." He thought to himself as he watched Acrius walk away fallowed by one of the other recruits that had witnessed the "training session". After watching the city for a while Leonidas decided to take a stole around the city, but first he wanted to take care of something. Leonidas made his way to Balthazar's chambers knowing the old man would most likely still be up. After knocking and being let in Leonidas entered and gave him a grin. "So Balthazar I had a question for you. Have you received an update from your agent in Helmsguard? I noticed you haven't mentioned them in your reports lately." He asked trying to sound professional, but Balthazar knew exactly which agent Leonidas meant, and exactly why the prince was asking. After the two talked for a while Leonidas would take his leave before heading out to walk the city.


When Acrius left the training field it took a little bit but then he heard someone approaching behind him. "That was amazing Acrius! Could you teach me to do that?" A familiar voice came from behind him. When he turned he would see Elizabeth dressed in some tight fitting Leather armor with a small buckler and a shield. "I decided I can't sit back and let these things attack our home! You inspired me to take action." She said before running up and grabbing ahold of his arm. "I'm still new at this though so you'll protect me out there wont you?" Elizabeth said in a cute manner. She would continue to cling onto him her grip seeming to tighten. And if Acrius looked around he would notice something that would chill him to the bone. Elizabeth had him trapped, there were none of the royal guard around to save him from her this time. How would he get away from this girl this time?


As Rudolph made his way back to the barracks he would hear a familiar voice come from behind him. "Still Going around playing the perfect soldier I see." The voice said and Rodolph would turn to see the grinning face of Sargent Fullar leaning against a wall, "Glad to see you haven't changed." He finished off his sentence before standing up to go greet his friend. "Heard you had a little excitement today, My unit just arrived before nightfall so we will be joining the defense lines in the morning. How many did you end up taking out. I want to know how much of a handicap I'll have to deal with out there?" he continued coming up wrapping his arm around Rodolph. "Also I heard you got to ride with the Prince. Is he a snobby Noble like the rest? Or is there actually something different about him? Don't keep me out of the loop man" Fullar said walking with Rodolph back to the Barracks.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 5 days ago

Studying the Prince for a long moment before bowing at the waist to a polite degree. "No evidence, no survivors." The soft voice agreed as she lifted the hood and mask back into place. "It shall be as you command, Your Highness." There was nothing more to be said as she slid the pins that held her hood in place into her braided coronet braid. Turning on her heel, the drow stalked from the War room, once more a wraith cloaked in the darkness of cloth. Keeping pace with Faira, she spoke in her quiet tone once more. An almost nervousness to her words. "You will keep what you saw within that room to yourself, yes? There are reasons I am so hidden, even from the Prince's Guard. It would be appreciated. I shall meet you at the Western Gate." Though those reasons were not necessarily geared towards the Prince's best interest. But I am not acting against him or this Empire of Man. There is no reason to unless my orders change and with the Prince the heir to the throne that is unlikely. Thus my job is to make sure the Prince ascends the throne when the time comes and keep him there until I am recalled. The thought was a comforting one as she strode from Faira and out of the Keep. She was more than ready to go and scout, but there had been some benefits to being kept from the wall. She would not need the time to gather her kit as Faira might.

So, Zatana flowed up onto the gabled roofs of the houses as soon as she could duck into the shadows. Roof walking was a skill she enjoyed, and it cleared her mind and centered her spirit. Crouched as she was, she spider walked across the shingles, careful not to make noise as she slipped down onto a slightly lower roof. Her mare was at the West Gate in case a sally might be needed, had been since the bells and fighting noise had clamored. It was one of the tricks Zatana had encouraged in the mare. Find her when there was trouble unless she was stated to do otherwise. A signal of reins on the ground to stay. Which the wicked beast had not been given and so had sought out the way she had seen her rider go.

The wicked drow on the wicked mare. Well, that would be another thing for the soldiers of Burgkoff to talk about. As if they did not have enough. It was a worry they had found out so soon and she did not like to think of the consequences of it, though Zatana knew it was something she would need to consider. Pausing as she heard voices below, she silently slid to perch on the ledge of one of the roofs to peer below. The feminine voice was unfamiliar, but there was a sickening sweetness to it that reminded Zatana of the young dark elf girls who were playing their dangerous games of favors with a young man foolish enough to be naive to fall for it. Dangling a foot over the edge she tapped the paper familiar and gestured. Breathing slightly. "Record this." She encouraged the record keeper with a grin behind her dark mask. Lowering herself, she tucked herself into a slight nook under the eaves of a roof to study the scene for a few minutes before continuing on her way. It would be hard enough to see her, with her dark clothing in even darker shadow? She was a wraith for good reason.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Inertia
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Inertia Pretty Lackadaisical

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Acrius was right. He'd prefer not to be but he was. A pair of eyes watched him harder than the other soldiers- no, a more apt term, would be analyzed. His very being was being watched. A chill run down his spine. Even during the messiest, most dangerous battlefields couldn't compare. It was more exhilaration than outright fear.

"That was amazing Acrius! Could you teach me to do that?"

The boy's ear pricked at the scarily familiar voice. No way, it couldn't have been. His head craned towards the voice- it was Elisabeth. She seemed dressed up like those trainees. Wait, was she there during the spar? Acrius thought, surprised at not being able to pick her apart from the crowd. Think, Acrius, Think.

"Uh you must be mistaken miss," Acrius said, trying and failing to change his voice, "I'm Arthur Dayne- er Bain was it?"

"I decided I can't sit back and let these things attack our home! You inspired me to take action."

Acrius respected her resolve. To protect your own home- your own city is one's duty. Not many soldiers had resolve as strong as that. As such he couldn't really comment on her choice as it would besmirch her pride. He wondered, however, when did he inspire her to do such things. All he remembers earlier was beating up a rather weak goblin lord and Leonidas' reprimanding glare. Rather uneventful for someone like him.

"I'm still new at this though so you'll protect me out there wont you?"

Acrius wasn't sure if she was playing it up. Her grip on his arm was tighter than that soldier- Petyr, from earlier. How can she produce more force than that behemoth?! What could he teach her, really? He quickly poured over ways to escape that grip but couldn't. His mind flashed back to his quick discussion with Balthazar over city girls. Whilst telling him of his predicaments with city women the old man could only blankly stare at him; Acrius took it as silent agreement rather than blatant bewilderment on his part.

One of the main reasons he avoided the capital or bigger cities was honestly because of the women. Any other observer would be able to tell the obvious but Acrius couldn't. He simply thought they were more touchy-feely and stared openly at outsiders (in this case, Acrius thinks they have distrust of soldiers, merchants and strangers). Still, none were so blatantly close and quite as touchy-feely as Elisabeth. She was the most aggressive from what he could tell. Others atleast just gawked from far away or, at worst, gave him their handkerchiefs. Their reasoning, however, escaped him.

Acrius himself has also met women on the battlefield; their valour and skills were comparable to men. So he didn't understand what in the world was happening. Women were... what was the word Balthazar taught him? An Enigma, to say the least. I can't understand women. I'd rather fight five Lancelots than deal with this.

"Err..." Acrius started but paused, "I'll try to keep an eye out in the battlefield, I guess?"

Acrius could feel eyes on him once again. Seriously, who was it this time? It really did mimic his time in the capital. Even when prodding Balthazar he was assured there was no 'physical danger' in the capital. So why did he always feel eyes on him during his time in the capital? Ughhh. He groaned internally. The boy used his free hand to scratch his head. He wasn't used to this, he just wanted to mindlessly train for the hardships that may come tomorrow.

Elisabeth at this point would likely be confused at his silence as he ruminated in his own thoughts.

"Isn't it time to sleep so we are better rested for tomorrows trials?" Acrius finally coughed out, "... else I can uhh- supervise, yes, supervise your swings right?" The orange-eyed boy really didn't know what to do and offered the two alternatives his mind could come up with.

Though he didn't believe in any of the gods, this was the first and last time that he prayed; he actually hoped one would listen.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Hawthorne
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Hawthorne Mageknight

Member Seen 4 mos ago

The Record-Hunter wordlessly hopped onto one of the shingles, procuring a feather from a nearby nest for use as a quill. With practiced precision, the familiar began to transcribe the conversation taking place on the streets below. If it had more time or materials, perhaps it could come up with a sketch of the scene, but it was an archivist, not an artist. Still, the thing began its work, writing down the words in tiny script upon a piece of paper.


Balthazar simply nodded in response to the other questions. Indeed, it would certainly be easier for them to avoid patrols altogether, but if push came to shove, eliminating these Orcs would be the smart thing to do. After all, dead men tell no tales. When the discussion was finished, the warlock wished the assassin and the mercenary good luck, and then bid the Prince and the Duke farewell, before leaving the War Room.

There would be time for more planning tomorrow, and he knew that rest would be necessary to keep his mind sharp.

Bergkoff Keep was a fortress of respectable size. At the Duke's behest, Balthazar was given lodgings in one of the guest rooms on the second floor-- something the old man had appreciated. A fire had been lit in the room's hearth to provide light and warmth and to remove the dampness in the air. His luggage and belongings had been brought here ahead of time, which allowed Balthazar to do some more work before going to bed if he wished to do so. The attached lavatory had a garderobe and even had a large wooden tub.

There were a number of things he would've liked to do, but something stood out to him-- something he knew that he would not get the chance to do as the battle intensified. The man turned to the serving girl who had led him to his chambers. She was a small thing who seemed a little intimidated by Balthazar's presence, in spite of her efforts to hide it.

"Please fetch some water." He started. "I've been on the road for weeks now, and I'd like the take the opportunity for a bath if I can manage it."

"R-right away, m'lord."

The girl scurried away, prompting the old man to let out a sigh-- one of both relief and restlessness. Even in his old age, his presence was imposing; something that was both a blessing and a curse. Still, he was glad that even as the splendors of youth fade, his authority had not diminished. As he took off his coat, he heard a knock on his door.

"That was fast. It seems the Duke has some well-trained servants." He opened the door, half-expecting to see that same serving girl with a bucket of water in her hands. Instead, he found the Prince. It seemed his bath would have to wait.

"Your Majesty." Balthazar bowed low. "Please, enter."

Balthazar gestured to the seat in front of the desk that had been provided for him with his free hand. Once the Prince was seated, the man spoke. "Now, what is it that you require of me?"

"That was something I wished to speak to you about." He nodded at Leonidas' inquiries about Helmsguard. Balthazar walked over to the coat hanging on the wall, retrieving the slip of paper that he had left out during the meeting during the War Room. "I was hoping it could wait until after the siege, but one must be aware of what is going on around him-- disasters rarely wait for the previous one to finish before appearing."

The man quickly scanned the parchment before relaying its contents to the Prince. "It appears our mutual friend has yet to respond. Strange, considering how punctual she usually is." Balthazar starts. "Normally this would not be much cause for alarm, but it appears many of my informants around the area have stopped checking in." He paused, raising an eyebrow in thought.

Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action.

"It seems the Helmsguard region is the epicenter for a great many things. The spies that did report in have spoken of a plague that has taken the land." He stopped for a moment, his face more dour than usual. "...and although we cannot be certain, there are reports of the Undead in the region." Troubling news, to be sure.

Balthazar looked the Prince in the eye. "...I know what you must be feeling, but we must not split our forces." He said. "We should focus on breaking this siege. Once that is complete, we can turn our sights on Helmsguard." Leonidas was much like his father-- a man of just morals... but while he was a rational man, he was also subject to bouts of passion. The spymaster could not allow the boy to stray from the task at hand.

He had promised his friend that much.

"...Was there anything else you would like to know, Your Majesty?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Borosev
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Still going around playing the perfect soldier I see." Rudolph heard a voice behind him as he walked. That voice, i've not heard that one in a while he thought to himself before turning to face the man that spoke.
It was Fullar. "Glad to see you haven't changed." he continued as he began to make his way over to him. Rudolph's expression didn't change from his usual moody exterior, at first. "Fullar you bastard!" he replied with a slight chuckle and something of a smile beginning to creep up.

"Heard you had a little excitement today. My unit just arrived before nightfall, so we will be joining the defences in the morning. How many did you end up taking out? I want to know how much of a handicap I'll have to deal with you out there." he continued as the two men clasped eachothers arms in greeting.
"Aye. Its been a day. I'd only arrived during the morning myself." he replied. And i'd say about eight or so goblins. You know I was always crap with a rifle." he said waving it off.

Fullar rolled his eyes at the comment. "Also I heard you got to ride with the Prince. Is he a snobby Noble like the rest? Or is there actually something different about him? Don't keep me out of the loop man." said Fullar as they began to walk. "Well whats there to say. Hes a good man i'll admit that. Bit of a dreamer though, seems to think he can bring all the races together and all that nonsense." replied Rudolph chuckling at the idea.

"Hes got an odd bunch with him too. Theres his right hand man called Balthazar. A quiet bloke, but an eerie one at that." Rudolph wracked his mind for the rest, "You've also got the kid called Acrius, whos more of a brawler than a soldier. Theres the big beastman called Manald, you'll know him when you see him. Apparently a lycan, so thats fun." he continued, as he thought on. "Theres Merik the lizardman, hes an alright lad if a bit simple. And then theres Faira and Zatana. Can't really say much about Faira, i've not really seen her that often. But shes always there when you need her." he paused for a moment before he continued, "And then theres Zatana, the Drow. I don't know much about her, but the Prince seems to trust her." he finished with a sigh, wondering about Fullar's opinion. Rudolph never really knew Fullars stance on the Drow, mainly since the subject never came up.
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