Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Zapdos
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Zapdos Electric Pokemon

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The small town of Grainville was typically a quiet place, seemingly far removed from the epic warfare and magic of the rest of the world. People were friendly to one another and there was no crime to speak of. That is, until recently. It started a few months ago when a dog ran away from its owners near the old abandoned mansion; it went inside the building, but never left. Then the mayor's nine year old daughter disappeared. She had been dared to go in by a friend and nobody has seen her since. Distraught at the thought of never seeing his child again, the mayor ordered the city guardsman to rescue her; he, too, has vanished.

In response to this, the mayor has called an emergency meeting to discuss what to do about the disappearances. Someone in the audience proposed that a search party be made of trusted citizens to discover what has happened and hopefully recover the town's missing citizens. The mayor agreed to the plan and asks for volunteers: that's where you come in.

You've lived in this town most of your life. Maybe you are on your local recreational athletic team or learned a magic trick to entertain your younger family members, but you don't have any fancy magical or combat abilities. You're just an honest man or woman who does their best to make an honest living and who cares about their town. And as such, you volunteer to join the search party. After thanking you and your fellow volunteers for stepping up, the mayor finishes the meeting and gathers the volunteers in a separate room. He then asks everyone: are you ready to search the abandoned mansion?


To summarize the little prompt above, you and the other roleplayers are a group of citizens entering an abandoned mansion to try and find out why people have been disappearing. This is set in a medieval fantasy world, but you are not powerful sorcerers or warriors; instead, you are an ordinary citizen who has decided to help his town. That doesn't mean you're useless though. Maybe you're a skilled carpenter who has always admired the design of the mansion or a stay at home mother whose experience raising eight kids has helped prepare you for leadership. I thought it would be fun to create a story where the players can try out unique character ideas and overcome adversity through creative and unconventional thinking.

For those of you who are from the IC, the new stuff starts below:

I try not to bog down players with too many rules, but I do like to establish a few common-sense rules so people don’t get surprised later if they get removed for being jerks.

-Post your CS in the OOC; then when it is approved, you can post it in the "characters" section
-This is the casual section, so I think a few paragraphs per post is reasonable. You can write more if you'd like, but quality beats quantity every time. I’d rather read 2-3 good paragraphs than a page of gobbledygook that is difficult to understand.
-Being able to post at least once or twice per week would be good.
-If you need or want to step away from the RP, just let me know. I understand that life happens.
-Typical RP courtesy applies here e.g. don’t control other people’s characters without permission, no meta-gaming, no power-gaming, etc.
-Keep things PG-13 in the RP. I’m not looking to be puritanical, just use common sense please. E.g. no smut, extremely graphic torture, or gore.
-Be civil with each other please. Disagreements are fine and discussion is encouraged; insults are not.
-If you have a question or want to talk about something, please do so! I am not perfect, so I will probably make mistakes at some point.
-I reserve the right to change these as needed.
-Most importantly, have fun! We’re all here because we enjoy writing.

If you’re interested in joining, the character sheet is located in the hiders below. I don’t need a massive essay here as I believe developing characters in-game is part of the fun; I just want an idea of what they are like.

Again, let me know if you have any questions. I made a Discord server for our use, so I’ll send you a link to it when your CS is accepted. Discord is a free text chat program, so if you don’t have an account there, I highly encourage you to make one. I might make a CS myself for a character that I’ll control (mainly to help guide along the plot) but I wanted to get this posted either way so you all could get started on making your characters.

I hope you all have fun writing here!
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Zapdos
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Zapdos Electric Pokemon

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Good character @Kelewen - he is approved. I should've put in my first post to post the CSes here until they're approved. I'll send you a link to the Discord.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Skwint
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Are we allowed weapons of any kind? A common dagger carried for self-defense? Our father's old sword that is kept on the mantle? The blacksmith bringing one of his hammers along? Things of that nature?
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Zapdos
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Zapdos Electric Pokemon

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Skwint I'd say yes, especially for the blacksmith example. The character shouldn't be an expert with the sword or dagger, but if they have it, that's fine.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by LSJ Rose
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LSJ Rose I killed all the mortals with Zamasu, AITA?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I tried :/
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Zapdos
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Zapdos Electric Pokemon

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Carmen Sandiego I was really on the fence about accepting Sunne since her skillset seems focused on combat, but her being a royal could give me an idea or two for the story and lead to interesting interactions with the other characters as she hides her identity. She is accepted, you can move her over to the characters tab and I'll send you a link to the Discord.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Rp4life
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Rp4life A toppat clan member

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: magnus lorence (he calls himself maglor)

Sex: male


Species: halfling

Appearance: ok i tryed to get the photo if it doensnt work ill put up a written description

Personality: He is an adept speaker who acts very politely. despite that he gets quite annoyed easily, then the polite act drops revealing his why are you here leave me alone demeanor. He also has a dark sense of humor. Constantly making a dark joke. Beneath all of that he does have a heart and will help because/when it bothers his conscience.

History: he was a traveling merchant untill he desided to stay and live in Grainville a few years ago, with the reasoning that business was good here and he could always pack it up and leave whenever he wanted. He does go out every few months to find new things to bring back and sell, satisfying his need to travel. But he always comes back to this town that holds a small place in his heart with its frendly nature.

Skills: he knows how to be safe when traveversing new territory, and how to set up a resonable camp. Due to being a merchant and having to carry all of his (somewhat random) "inventory" he has some upper body strengh but not an absurd amount.

Other: he makes and sells his home towns delicacy gem apples. Basicly being whole candied apples that with the way he candies them makes the apples look like it is a gem. You'll almost always see him eating one.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Zapdos
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Zapdos Electric Pokemon

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Rp4life the photo didn't work, but I like the character. Maglor is approved and I'll send you the link to the Discord server.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Myling
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Myling A clown core enthusiast

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I would be interested to join, if my character just is good enough lol
I wanted to put his profile inside a spoiler or something but didn't know how..

165cm/45kg, skinny build, on the shorter side, pale complexion, burns easily, androgynous face with childlike softness, greyish eyes, curious brows and long brown hair

Name: Eliel
Sex: male
Age: 16-year-old
Species: half elf

Personality: silent, seems shy but isn't. He have sometimes hard time trying to express himself. His social skills are not that good. Despite his quiet nature, Eliel enjoys the company of others. Because of his young age the boy has some childlike elements in him. He has childlike excitement in him and he's not good at handling letdowns. If he's thinking hard or doesn't understand something his head is tilted in a puppy like manner. Eliel is extremely curious and always willing to face a new adventure. He is too curious for his own good. He is somewhat wild and can't stay in one place for too long.

History: There was once a young and naive elf girl who enjoyed the company of humans. However one day she got to face the dark side of humans resulting an unplanned pregnancy. Shortly Eliel was a result of forced sex between human man and elf woman.

After the baby was born, the mother wasn't able to take care of it. Luckily she didn't know only bad people. There was this aloof mean looking but good spirited hunter who she had in mind. So the baby was given to the said hunter who "didn't like children" but needed help with housework. Once the little one was big enough he could take care of the old man. The baby was named Eliel after the hunter's late wife Ellie.

Skills: hunting (bow and arrows), skinning animals, speed

Other: because Eliel lived most of his life in forest, he enjoys being in nature and feels ill when he has been too long inside.

He grow up skinny and seemingly weak. However he's a good hunter (even when he's only able to hunt only small animals).

He is good at using bow and arrows. He also has a small dagger used to skinning animals.

Thanks to being half elf he has enchanted hearing ability.

Eliel is ashamed about the birth of himself and sometimes feels dirty even after washing up multiple times.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Zapdos
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Zapdos Electric Pokemon

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Myling as long as Eliel's bow and arrow skills have only been used on small animals, I'd say that's fine. Hunter-gatherers existing in a medieval fantasy setting is entirely plausible. I just don't want to see him kill 10 soldiers at once with a bow and arrow; there's a difference between hunting a rabbit and a human or something. I'll send you the link to the Discord, feel free to post your CS in the "characters" tab.

I'll keep this open until I post the IC (which will be either tomorrow or on Tuesday) but once it's up I'll keep this semi-closed; I won't reject new applicants entirely, but it's harder to fit people into the story once the search party begins their mission. I still have to write the first post, so I hope you all look forward to that!
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Myling
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Myling A clown core enthusiast

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Okay I will post him there. And yeah I didn't imagine anything like that + he's still pretty much a child so I feel like he couldn't handle even the thought of killing ten humans :'D

Can't wait, I'm excited for this rp!
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Kelewen
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Anyone like giving some loose character connections? Or do you prefer they not know each other at all? I'm just tossing out some ideas, not trying to set anything in stone:

@Rp4life, perhaps Sohn has met Maglor through the sale of yarn or raw wool?

@Myling, maybe Sohn has encountered Eliel while out herding the flock of sheep? I'd be open to it either being a friendly encounter (Eliel returning a lost lamb) or a hostile one (Sohn catching Eliel nearby and thought him to be a poacher).

@Carmen Sandiego I'm open to something with Sunne too, but don't have any immediate ideas.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Rp4life
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Rp4life A toppat clan member

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Rp4life the photo didn't work, but I like the character. Maglor is approved and I'll send you the link to the Discord server.

Ok how is everyone puting theirs up? I cant figure out what i need to put inbetween the two [image]
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Kelewen
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Zapdos>

Ok how is everyone puting theirs up? I cant figure out what i need to put inbetween the two [image]

Deviant Art doesn't give you a nice, shareable link for bbcode (to discourage doing exactly this. )

So you might have to simply give the URL that we can click on and go look at the Deviant Art page.

Edit: OR put the image up on a different hosting site that allows for bbcode shares. Such as imgbb.com
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Rp4life
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Rp4life A toppat clan member

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Kelewen id say so and maybe they are friends through their business?
Magolor would be one to sell souns wool when he gos on his trips to other towns and use it himself
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Rp4life
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Rp4life A toppat clan member

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Kelewen it orginally was from pinterest where i saw it should i try that?
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Kelewen
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Kelewen it orginally was from pinterest where i saw it should i try that?

You could try! I usually have good luck with Pinterest. Right click, 'Copy Image Address' and hopefully that will give you a url that ends in .jpg, .png, or .gif
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Rp4life
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Rp4life A toppat clan member

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Kelewen i got it to work do i need a "realistic" photo? Or is the one there fine?
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Kelewen
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Kelewen i got it to work do i need a "realistic" photo? Or is the one there fine?

Cool. But I'll leave any judgement calls to @Zapdos
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Jumbus
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Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Is it too late to chuck in an application?
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