Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 17 hrs ago

"They should be on their way right now," he said as he watched the tracker in Harriet's phone. "She moved to the right location." Suddenly the signal died. "But I can't track her any further. It's up to you now." He disconnected the call and checked to see if he had any messages. An agent reported he the van was on its way, another reported telling Harriet about Mike's involvement. Risky, but could pay off.
He sent an e-mail to some of the senior staff before leaving the room.

Rudrig listened to what Rose had to say, it stung she was so afraid but there wasn't much he could do about it now. Then her confession came, which Freya had also hinted about. Maybe now was not the time to tell her he wasn't interested in her love. He did like her, but as a friend.
"Rose, we've always worked together very well and I enjoyed the time we spent together. I won't let anyone kill you, okay? Because you are dear to me. I was told you weren't going to be harmed and I trust them. So hang in there, okay? I understand this isn't easy for you, but you'll be fine."

As he talked he sat down behind his laptop and frowned when he read it. "I'm going to relocate as well," he told her, "I just got the e-mail now. I'm being transferred to another base, but I will come to visit you as soon as I can, and that's a promise."

Mike picked up the gem and turned it over a few times. "This is one of those elemental gems. Why did Freya carry them?"
"Jesus..." Benjamin muttered when he checked his phone.
"What made you religious all of the sudden?" Ethan asked and he took the cellphone from Benjamin as he handed it to him. "Fuck... Right. You and Mike pack your things and get the hell out of here. I'm spending the night in the city with agents Morrison and Barrow anyway and we'll be hiding and sneaking around for the most part of it."
"I think..." Benjamin began as he texted the type of van and the numberplate they were taken away in to Duncan, "that we should reconsider working for these guys."
"I'm not going to become a boring ghost hunter if I can be a vampire hunter," Ethan said. "I don't care what you will do, but I'm staying."
Benjamin shrugged to that. "That's fine with me. Mike and I will hide in the city too and we'll decide in the morning what we can do. I still have that appointment with that succubus in the morning and..." he let out a defeated sigh. "We have no way to track that van."
"Well..." Mike began, "in a safe location I probably could..."
"That's not here," Ethan interjected. "Get to a hotel or something. And maybe see what Freya is up to. I'm going inside, see if I can find Morrison.

They decided that was the best thing they could do right now. With the gem in Mike's pocket they followed Freya to where the vans were parked. They would probably see her driving away soon if she was indeed leaving; they had talked for a bit after all, but they would take a car of their own.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 38 min ago

As soon as Mr. Johnson left the room, another energy spike started to form near the one that Harriet was sent to, this one was unknown to the researches, unlike anything they had seen on their charts before.

"Harry you can't be like this!" Duncan called as he followed after his partner, Harriet didn't even look back at Duncan as he spoke to her. She was too focused, too angry. They would pay for what they were doing, they would absolutely have to pay for what they had done.
The energy from whatever was using the Gem got closer and closer, before long a large creature came into view.

The beast limbered around, it's skin cracked like rocks. It looked much like a human, but it was larger and its skin had cracked in view places, revealing jaggered rock.
"He thinks we're fucking dangerous." Harriet growled under her breathe before she stopped close to the beast. The figure turned to face her, it hesitated as it looked her over before it let out a loud roar, sand suddenly picking up and slamming towards Harriet and Duncan.

Duncan spluttered as it hit him, but Harriet was unphased. As soon as she was in distance of the rock beast, she lifted an arm and a tendril of shadow suddenly flicked over towards the beast from near her. The shadow slammed into the beast and knocked it sideways, the beast moved to get back up before another whip of shadow, this time bigger than the other one slammed into the beast.
The blip of Harriet's energy grew aggressively as the shadows around her warped and twisted around her. Black lines coiled down her arms and up her neck.

"May the SoulRealm accept my offering!" Harriet yelled as she ran towards the beast, springing off the ground and held her hands up in the air before she spun and clasped her hands together.
The shadows twisted around her hands in the shape of a large hammer. The hammer slammed directly down on the beast, the impact cracking the ground before the energy condensed itself into a wave and suddenly wiped through the area. Duncan stumbled and was pushed back before Harriet landed on the ground properly.

The original energy spike had suddenly died out, but Harriet's spike flickered like an aggressive flame.
"Let's go." Harriet turned to Duncan, slowly walking towards him and helped him up with a weak smile. "Come on, I need to enact revenge."
"Harry please just listen to me!" Duncan started, standing up and pulling Harriet back again. "You're seriously not thinking of hurting Mike? You don't believe that do you?"

Harriet looked at Duncan with a puzzled look on her face, she blinked before a small smile cracked over her lips.
"Duncy." She started, pulling Duncan close as she readied her portal spell. "I'm Not angry at Mike! I would never be, I know he would never do that. I would never think of killing a friend."

"H...How do you know they're n...not lying?" She asked with a squeak in her voice, "If you're moving does that mean they're splitting you and Freya up as well? Is she okay? They didn't grab her did they?" She asked the series of questions quickly.
"Oh god she's probably worried that they'll take her too." She trembled at the thought, "What if they don't let you visit me? What if they move you too far away?"

She trembled in the darkness of the Van, feeling all of the bumps and turns before she felt her extra limbs tap at the edges of the room she was stuck in. Something clicked in her head.
"These doors aren't secured properly.." She uttered, the fear suddenly disappearing from her voice for a moment. She moved to press her legs against the door and moved to tuck the phone between her shoulder and her ear. "Where are they sending you?" She asked Ruddie through the phone.

As the boys rounded the corner, Freya was closing the door of an unmarked, non-agency van.
She froze up when she heard footsteps and turned around and pressed herself against the van at the sight of Mike and Benjamin.
"Can I help you?" She asked with a sneer, she was flustered, something wasn't right about her.

The windows to the van weren't tinted like the others, showing that everything that Freya had in the Agency was crammed into the back of the Van, there were maybe three, four seats remaining unfilled, including the Driver's seat.
"I bet you're here to fucking take me too huh?" She snarled, baring her teeth with a guiver of her body.
Another beep came from Benjamins' phone, from an unknown number. *Meet at the original Location, a safe place will be ready for you.*
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 17 hrs ago

Rudrig frowned as he listened to Rose. "Headquarters. But why would they want to grab Freya?" That didn't make any sense. Freya was just another agent and unless she broke the rules she wouldn't be arrested.
With the phone between his shoulder and cheek he started packing some things in a briefcase, big enough for his laptop and some files he wanted to bring along. The rest could stay here; none of it was essential.

Benjamin and Mike examined Freya for a moment. It was odd to see her so defensive. What did she have to fear? Or was she stealing and had they caught her in the act?
"We're not here to take you," Benjamin said. "Why would someone take you? Are you stealing all that?" He noticed his phone buzz and he quickly looked at the message.
"We're just here for the gems," Mike added, showing the one he had found. "Harriet is the one collecting them, they are dangerous for humans. If you give them to us, we'll make sure they end up with Harriet." Although he wouldn't give it to her; that was for Ben or Ethan.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 38 min ago

"Headquarters?" Rose asked before she pressed her legs against the door more. "Freya's not human." She said, almost as if it wasn't anything big. "You didn't know?" She asked as she dislodged the door and pushed it open as she watched everything flash in front of her.

"I guess you never had to share a bathroom with her." Rose said with a bit of a laugh before she slipped out of the van and leapt towards a tree. She hid in the branches as she continued to speak to Rudrig. "There's a reason that she only baths rather than showers." She said with a laugh.

Freya stared at the boys with narrowed eyes, "I ain't giving you the gems." She sneered, baring her fangs, "How do I know you'll give them to Harriet? How do you know she won't give them to the fucking boss?" She hissed.

"Fucking humans." She rumbled before she stared at the gem Mike held. "I'm not giving the gems to you. I'm taking these, and getting the fuck out of here."
"I'm going to find a secluded fucking cave," Freya grumbled before she stepped towards the drivers door. "You can keep your fucking gem there, this place will make them into fucking weapons."

Harriet pulled away from Duncan before a strike of energy narrowly missed the two of them.
"Daz." Harriet hissed as she turned to the hooded figure staring at them. "You."
Daz only grinned at their acknowledgement of him.

"It's so good to see you again my dear." Daz spoke smoothly, "And you too Duncan."
Duncan lifted his fists up as he readied himself to fight.
Daz smirked and stepped forward slowly, before narrowly dodging a strike of lightning from Duncan and Harriet. "Pathetic." He said before he felt the shadows coil up around him. "Jesus fuck."

Harriet's eyes glinted deep red, black lines streaking down her arms.
"What the fuck are you fucking doing back here." Harriet growled, "You were suppose to be dead."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 17 hrs ago

Rudrig stopped packing as he listened. Freya wasn't human? She had hit it very well then; he hadn't noticed. Then he heard strange sounds through the telephone. It sounded like wind blowing in the speaker. Some rustling and snapping sounds, like leaves and twigs. Rose had mentioned the doors weren't properly secured.
"You escaped, didn't you?" he almost snapped, but he tried to keep his voice calm. "Why did you... You will be hunted down now, Rose." Worry seeped through his voice; her escape would make her seem less human than she was, or they would explain it as such.

"Hey," Benjamin said with a sharp edge to his voice. "I've never seen you with Harriet, how can I know you will give them to her? We are her friends and we can get in touch with her." They had her phonenumber after all, and if that didn't work they had Duncan they could contact. "I am leaving too," he continued. "I won't give the gems to mr Johnsson." He stepped in her direction. "You can't keep them, they have to go to Harriet. Give them to us. I don't care what you took from here or what you are, but the gems aren't leaving with you."
He would not let that happen.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 38 min ago

"They shouldn't have caged me." Rose almost instinctively replied, her voice suddenly different before it returned to normal. "They can try and hunt me down if they can find me." She said with a bit of a giggle.
"Just keep yourself and Freya safe, for me." Rose said before she watched the van leave and gave a bit of a sigh.

"Thank you for everything Ruddy." She started, her voice held sorrow, "Hopefully we'll eventually meet up again." She hung up and webbed the phone to the tree tightly before she leapt to another tree and followed a strange feeling in her stomach towards where the Spider People were being kept.

Freya snarled and her skin seemed to shimmer, becoming slightly scaley as cuts in her neck started to show. Her ears flattened back and looked like fins more than anything else.
"How can I trust you humans?" She snarled, "These Gems are going to be sunk to the bottom of the ocean." She stepped towards the drivers side door more, not turning away from the boys.

"Look, you can get the fuck out of my way." She started as her form started to shift a bit more, webbing seemed to appear between her fingers as she tried to open the drivers door without looking back, "Or I'm running you both over." Freya narrowed her now deep yellow eyes, "Or, alternatively. If I can trust you, you won't follow me."

Daz shot another bolt of lightning at Duncan and Harriet, Harriet moved to quickly grab it and shoot it back towards Daz as she stood protectively in front of Duncan.
"What do you WANT?" Harriet yelled, her energy starting to rise again.
Duncan moved to grip Harriets shoulder, "Harry lets go." He said, Harriet gave a small nod.
"Of course, I need to get you somewhere safe." She said, Duncan was about to question before Harriet opened a portal below him and watched him drop through it before she turned her attention back to Daz.

"You're dead." She said, her voice starting to warp, "You've messed with the wrong woman." Her powers started to spike more and more.
As the energy spikes showed up on the screens back at the headquarters, the lights in the room started to flicker as the energy that was being used for showing the spikes started to drain the electricity around the room.

A few lights started to flicker more and more, and as the spike started to get bigger as Daz and Harriet continued fighting; a few of the bulbs blew, throwing glass around everyone within the room.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 17 hrs ago

Rudrig opened his laptop again as he listened to Rose and checked to see what agent was where. Two were driving, probably the ones who had the beasts in their van. When she hung up he looked up the radio frequency of the agents driving and he grabbed the microphone.
"Check your door, one of them escaped."

After that Rudrig continued to pack the essentials so he could leave the room.


The agent driving the van heard Rurdigs voice and pulled over. "Better check the cargo then," he said to the woman next to him, as he turned off the engine and moved to open the door.
He quickly exited the car and grabbed his gun in case the beasts were awake and hostile. He went around the van carefully and noticed even before he was there the door was indeed open. He oped his colleague had followed suit and went to the back from the right side.


"I'll call for some back-up," Benjamin whispered to Mike. "Try and keep her talking."

"So you don't trust us because we're human?" Mike asked as he stepped towards her when he heard Benjamin whistle. He wasn't sure what help would come with that, but if Ben thought it would work he'd have faith in the plan. "Are you a bigot then? We're humans so we must be evil and untrustworthy, is that what you're saying? You threaten to run us over to escape with technology the agency provided for you and gems that don't belong to you. You are a thief and then call us untrustworthy. You have no right to do so."

From a nearby tree a small fairy flew down; she kept her illusion magic up to stay invisible, as all fairies did. They were small and it was the best way to hide from all the large creatures dominating this world. The only one she couldn't hide for was her human friend and he had whistled. She sat down on his shoulder and looked at the van.
"Can you blind her when she tries to escape?" Benjamin whispered.
"Sure," she whispered back. A spell to cast a bright light was simple magic after all.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 38 min ago

The woman rolled her eyes when the Van stopped running, they were wasting time.
She hopped out and followed the other agent as she looked at the door, she hesitated before waving it off.
"We have the two more dangerous ones." She said with a bit of a sneer, "If we need more subjects with the bugfuckers we can go back to the contained area since they can't leave it."

She moved to pull open the door that Steph was in side and made sure she was still stuck inside before she sneered and slammed it again.
"Come on. We're wasting time." She hissed as she entered the passenger side again.

Freya's hair- er, head feathers, prickled up at the mention of her being Bigoted.
"How fucking Dare you." She said angrily, her anger causing her not to notice the small red dot that suddenly flickered off the van and towards her body.
"You have no right to even bring up me being a Bigot, I don't trust you because you work for an Unknown Murderer! Your 'friends', if you'd even fucking call them that, are going to be injured and maybe even killed! I'm not the fucking Enemy here, The only reason I am fucking here with this god forsaken Agency is because they took my son! I've been trying to track down where they've taken him."

She held her arms out in anger as she stared daggers at Mike, "I don't care if you don't trust me, I don't give a fuck if you fucking trust anyone here. I'm going to get my fucking son and return to the ocean where I bel-"
A shot rung out from the roof as a bullet wizzed past Mike's head and hit Freya in the shoulder. Freya stumbled backwards and slammed into the van as she slid down the metal as she held her shoulder with a loud hiss, rows of shark-like teeth showing.
"You fucker." She hissed angrily towards Mike, "If you didn't fucking stop me, I could have being out of here and half way to reuniting my fucking family." She stared at him as her blue blood started to drip through her fingers. "You had to fucking play hero didn't you?"

A figure leapt from the roof and walked over to Mike and Freya slowly, fully cladded up as they lifted their handgun to Freya's head without a word. The two of them seemed to stare angrily at each other before Freya looked away.
"Just fucking do it. End my life, it's only fitting that a Siren gets killed away from the sea." She huffed before the figure moved to lift Freya up by her wounded shoulder, causing the woman to let out a pained yell. "Just fucking kill me." She hissed, staring at the figure as they stood up properly and readied themselves to pull Freya away to go back inside. "KILL ME." She yelled at the figure, her eyes glinting as the figure paused, moving to pull their gun up to her chest as they seemed to hesitate, their finger on the trigger as they watched Freya's eyes carefully.

Freya took a moment as she looked over to Mike with anger in her eyes, "If you ever find my son, I hope to the Seas he's in better hands than anyone in this place."

Duncan slammed into the wall of his apartment, his body wracked with pain as he went to try and call Harriet's private phone.
No answer.
Shit. He thought as he moved to try and call again and again. All calls just clicked off immediately. He started to panic, who else would be around to help him? Harriet was possibly going to kill herself.

He fumbled with his phone as he felt panic hit his chest.
He dialled Benjamins' number quickly. "Please please please." he mumbled to himself, trying to keep his head on straight as he felt his body start to aggressively twitch in fear.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 17 hrs ago

The agent made sure the doors were properly closed and he went back to the driver's seat and started the van again. "We'll be there soon," he promised. "Phone in the escape and our current gps location," he told her.
Once again the he drove towards the facility the beasts would be kept.

When the shot was fired, Mike cringed and watched Freya slam into the van. That was not what he had wanted to happen.
"I'm not a seer," he retorted. "How could I have known this was going to happen?"

Both he and Benjamin looked back at the figure that joined them and they watched them grab Freya.
"Change of plan," Benjamin whispered.
"I'm on it~"

The fairy flew to the pistol and put her small hand on the trigger finger, whispering "poison ivy" and a light-green light appeared. It would cause temporary paralysis in the finger, or maybe with a bit of luck it would spread over the hand. She then flew to his face, revealed herself and smiled. "Starlight!" she said as she held out her hands and a bright white light flashed in his face.

Benjamin had shielded his face when the fairy had appeared and had gestured to Mike to do the same. When the light faded they moved in to free Freya from the figure's grasp. While Mike took Freya to pull her free, Benjamin grabbed the arm holding her and the fairy pulled on the gun arm; she pulled with all her might but was barely able to budge it.

As Benjamin held the arm of the assailant, he picked up his phone. "Duncan, everything okay?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 38 min ago

She rolled her eyes and sent a message off to who needed to know before she put her phone away before she stared out the window slowly.
She was annoyed that the Spider broke away, they could have used their silk ability to help with ropes and stuff, but what was more important was the fucking Succubus.

The figure holding Freya felt the pins and needles feeling slowly trickling up his hand and up his arm, he was unable to pull the trigger as much as he wanted to, he stared down Freya before the Fairy appeared in his face and the light suddenly flashed in his face.
Freya yelped as she was blinded as well, trying to pull away from the grip of the male before Mike pulled her free.

She coughed and collapsed to the ground, her vision was blurry and she couldn't focus properly.
"I need..." She started quietly, "I need to get away." She was talking to Mike, "The Van is compromised, I need to get to the ocean."
Fear trembled through her voice.
The figure lowered his gun when he was blinded, moving to try to pull off his helmet to rub his eyes as he was blinded. He stumbled as he fumbled with the clips on his helmet, being blind didn't help at all.

"No nothings okay." Duncan started quickly, "I lost Harriet, We went to do the mission with a human using an elemental gem." He tried to calm himself down, "Daz was there and they started to fight, she teleported me away but I can't reach her phone. I'm worried and I can't contact Steph and Gaia, I'm just happy I could reach you." He sighed, managing to get himself a bit calmer before he looked to his computer screen in his room.
"My car should still be there."

The car, as if called on by Duncan, started up and drove towards the boys, stopping a few feet from him as the engine purred.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 17 hrs ago

Benjamin listened to Duncan with a worried frown creasing his forehead.
"It is," Benjamin said as he looked at the approaching car. "Shall we pick you up somewhere?"
He went to the van first to look for the gems, keeping the cellphone at his ear. With one hand and the help of his small winged friend he went through the stuff to find them.

"We'll get you to the ocean," Mike said. "Where did you put the gems? We can't leave them here." He helped Freya up and guided her to Duncan's car while keeping an eye on the agent who fumbled with his helmet. "Is there anything else in the van that has to come?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 38 min ago

"No I'm safe at home." Duncan spoke through the phone, "I'm worried about the others, I'm mostly worried about Harriet but I don't think we can find her any time soon. You guys can head here if you need somewhere to save, Hank will be able to drive you safely."
Freya followed Mike slowly, still surprised that he was helping her in any way. As they got to the car, the doors opened upwars for them almost own their own.

"There should be enough room for all of you in here." A voice came from inside the car, it was kind of like Duncans, but slightly more robotic. "The atmosphere should be comfortable for anyone."
Freya looked to Mike as the car seemed to talk to them. She turned her attention to the question asked. "In the drivers side back seat. They're in a sack." She said before she cringed as the pain flooded through her body again from the bullet wound.
"If you... go to that place... please try and save my son." She said to Mike after a moment of silence, "Please."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
Avatar of Loksfjoer

Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 17 hrs ago

Mike relayed the information about the location of the gems to Benjamin, who found them and quickly came to the car. Mike helped Freya insinde.
"We'll do what we can," he promised. "We need to get you treated first."
"How do we do that?" Benjamin asked. "Hospital? Find a doctor?"
"I can call Mitch, maybe there's a doctor he trusts." He sat alongside Freya and kept a cloth against her wound to slow the bleeding. "As a professional assassin, he might know a place where they don't ask many questions."
"Do that," Benjamin said as he too got in the car, in the driver's seat. Even if he wouldn't be driving he didn't want people to see the car was driving on its own. "Okay Hank, let's go to Duncan for now."

Mike called Mitch and briefly explained the situation.
"You're lucky I haven't left town yet. Keep your phone turned on, I'll find you."
The call got disconnected and Mike stared at his phone for a moment. "I guess Mitch is on his way," he said.

While Mike called to Mitch, Benjamin called to Ethan to let him know what was going on too. Ethan told him he'd meet them at the park at dawn; vampire hunting would end then and he'd have time to catch up.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 38 min ago

As Benjamin got in the drivers seat, the car gave a rumble that could have sounded ever so slightly angry.
"Alright Mr. Benjamin." He said, his tone almost angry, "I assure you that you do not need to sit in the drivers seat. It is different to have anyone but Duncan in the drivers seat." The doors moved to close once everyone was in the car and the doors locked for the riders safety before the car revved and spun around to drive out towards the gates.

Freya leaned back as Mike pressed a cloth against her wound, she bit her tongue and swore under her breathe in a language that the boys couldn't understand.
"I... can get you maps..." She spoke after a while of silence as the Car drove towards the city, turning off close to the entrance and headed around the edge of the city. It wasn't the best part of town, but it was hidden from mostly everything.
"I know... where they're sending... the girls." Freya managed to get out through gritted teeth before Hank suddenly pulled to a stop and the doors unlocked.
"Grey house on the left." Hank spoke, "Duncan is home, others will open the door."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 17 hrs ago

"Well, excuse me, mr Hank," Benjamin said. "But I don't want to be pulled over because a police-officer sees no-one is driving."
Here he was arguing with a car. One more thing to add to the list of things he wasn't expecting to do at all.

When the car stoppen, Benjamin exited the car when they reached the house. "Thanks you," he said to the car and helped Mike to get Freya out as well. They helped her to the door of the house.
"We'll have a look at the maps," Mike promised. "First we need to take care of you."
"If Mitch isn't busy..." Benjamin began.
"I don't think we can afford him," Mike sighed.

They reached the door and as the car had said the opened for them.
"Duncan?" Mike called as the stepped inside.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 38 min ago

The door opened as a rather tall teal haired male stood in the doorway. He looked towards the boys and Freya before stepping side.
"Duncan, we got guests!" He called out before he glanced out towards Hank before closing the door.
"You must be Duncan's friends yeah?" The male asked with a tilt of his head. "He told us he called some guys over. Do you want some food? Drink?"

Duncan ran down the stairs and skidded to a halt in front of the others with a grin. "Mike! Benjamin!" He said as he held his arms out with a grin that was barely hiding his panic. He looked towards Freya and stared at her for a moment, his eye colour flexed before he turned to the boys again.
"And the lovely Siren here is...?" He asked before Freya lifted her hand.
"I can speak." She said, she was strained and obviously angry. "My name is Freya, I worked at the company with Harri-"
"Oh that's cool!" Duncan interrupted Freya before he notioned to the large living room. "Come on in! Take a seat, I'm just glad you're safe. Need a drink?"
The teal haired man stared at Duncan almost annoyed before he crossed his arms.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
Avatar of Loksfjoer

Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 17 hrs ago

"No thanks," Benjamin said to the tall man when he offered food and drinks. "At least not now, but thank you for offering."
They followed Duncan to the living room and helped Freya on a couch so she could lie down.

"We're expecting another friend," Mike said. "He'll be here... soon. I think." He took his phone when he heard a message, but it wasn't Mitch as he had expected. The text was from Ethan.
*I saw you leave. Meet me at the park at dawn, we'll be done with vampire hunting by then and you can tell me what the fuck is going on.*

"Does Harriet know what happened to Gaia and Steph?" Benjamin asked.
"I just hope no-one will tell her what my job was..." Mike muttered.

The van reached the secret base in which the dangerous creatures were kept. The gate opened and the van drove into a hill. The door closed behind them and he parked at the loading bay. A few agents joined them and one of them opened the doors of the van to get the new creatures out.
"Only two?" a woman asked.
"One escaped," the driving agent explained.
"A pity. Right, let's lock these up and then we can starts with a proper examination." She checked her file. "I would have loved to meet the spider-girl though."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 38 min ago

"Oh another friend?" Duncan asked as he sat down on the couch, patting the side to get the taller male to sit beside him.
"I don't think you've ever met my Brother-In-Law!" Duncan started with a grin, before the taller male lifted his hand up with a furrowed brow.
"Half brother-in-law, My name is Dante. I am Harriet's older brother, sadly Axel and Lydral weren't able to make it." Dante said with a small smile, "Nor could either of our parents."

Duncan let out a weak chuckle as he felt himself fumble with his hands.
Freya moved to pull something out of her pocket, it was a small notebook. She moved to offer it to Benjamin as he asked Duncan the question.
Duncan gave a small nod, "She knows yes." He started, "That's why she was annoyed in the first place, Daz's appearance just... Broke her."
"Memopaths are usually very well tempered." Dante started as he crossed his arms, "Granted not many Female Memopaths exist, and they're known for being a lot more hot headed due to, And I hate to say it, Hormone levels."
"She knew of your part Mike." Duncan said, "I originally thought her anger was at you, I was worried she'd try to kill you." He continued, his panic starting to show a bit. "But she understands you were manipulated. She's very angry with Mr. Johnson and I fear for the safety of those in the building when she comes back."
"If she comes back." Dante added, Duncan moving to stare angrily at the taller male.

The female agent rolled her eyes at the mention of the woman wanting to meet the spider-girl, "I can get someone to go catch her if you're so hung up on her." She said, almost irritated before she looked towards Stephs cell, "Hurry up and get this demon bitch inside so I can fucking finish this shit." She sneered, moving to pull out her phone and texted a number quickly.

"And if I manage to get the spider-girl, don't get fucking attached to her. I don't need any of you fuckers packbonding with a fucking beast." She started as she walked inside.

Rose almost made it to the fence, before a net was shot towards her and pinned her to the ground as two armoured agents walked over to her. One of them lifted a gun to her while the other looked down at her.
"We were told you would comply." The first said, lifting his gun closer to her face, "Rudrig gave us clear instructions not to kill you if you behaved."
Rose sneered and bared her fangs, the second one moved to grab the net before they lifted her off the ground. "You're lucky that Rudrig apparently wants you alive. Something about being old coworkers, which is funny because I heard you're one of the most useless workers here."

They walked over towards the car they drove in and opened the trunk, dropping Rose and the net into the trunk before slamming it down.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

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Mike looked at Duncan as he explained Harriet knew about his involvement. "I suppose it's good she thinks that," he sighed. "But I wasn't manipulated. I knew what was going on, but I also knew I couldn't stop it unless I would murder all those agents and I couldn't. I'm not a murderer and... I would end up dead myself I tried. I knew they wouldn't kill Steph, so I let it happen."

"It's good you're honest about it," Benjamin said with a glance to Mike, after which he looked at Duncan and Dante, "but maybe we can keep that between us for now." He started pacing around - he was worried about Steph, but there was very little they could do about that. Although maybe Duncan could help.
"Mike, do you know where they are taking them?"
"I do. I suppose it's the same place where they keep Freya's son. But getting in there is not easy."

The doorbell rang.

Agents pulled Steph from the van and dragged her to a cage on wheels, which would be used to take her to her cell. The same happened to Gaia, although more agents were needed to drag her to her cage.

The woman watched them with excitement. "Yes, please, I would really like to have the spider girl," she said. "Please let me know when she's here. I will... oh, I don't know which one I will examine first, they're both beautiful demons, aren't they?"

The agents who had been driving rolled his eyes and shook his head.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

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"I'm sure she'd understand." Dante spoke calmly as Mike explained his part in all of this, "I've never seen her blow up towards a proper friend before." He continued, Duncan sat in silence as he thought before the doorbell rang.
He excused himself from the couch and headed towards the door to open it, half hoping Harriet would be standing in the doorway.

Dante watched Duncan move before he gave a sigh, closing his eyes for a moment before he looked back to Mike. "She won't ever be angry at you. Please know this." He continued, "I know my Half-Sister better than a lot of people, she's not someone who is quick to judge."
Freya frowned and nudged Benjamin with the edge of the notebook as the conversation changed to something she can help with.
"I don't know how to get in there, but I know where it is." She said towards Benjamin with a weak smile, "I've been... planning it for a while."

The woman agent watched Steph be transferred with a glare in her eyes. She looked towards the woman with a look of disgust in her eyes.
"I don't understand Why you're happy to have the beast bitch but she's been captured and she's on her way here." She said before she looked back towards Steph and followed the cages in, glancing towards the driver. "You can go back with out me, I have unfinished business here."

She headed over to where Steph was put into her proper cell and pulled out her phone to send a text to Rudrig; You're welcome. You're lucky your spider bitch isn't being killed for her dumb move.
She looked up towards Steph with an evil gleam in her glare.
"It's been a while, hasn't it? You demon whore." She sneered towards Steph.
Steph lifted her head slowly and stared down the woman with the same venom that she had for her. "It's been a while Krys." She said, watching Krys recoil back and give a growl. "You really haven't figured it out yet? The man you used to love and the demon that sits in front of you is m-"
"DO NOT LIE TO ME YOU HELLSLUT." Krys yelled, she felt her temper bubble but she relaxed herself and stared at Steph with a sigh. "I'm going to make this shit so much worse for you." She continued, calming herself down. "They were told you're not getting killed, but I'm not counting on everything that I do to you will not bring you to the brink of death."

Steph didn't show any emotion while Krys threatened her, "I know the agency gives less shits towards me then I do towards you being on the other side of this cage." She said, reserved to whatever will happen to her. "At this point I don't care what happens to me. But know this, killing or harming myself OR Gaia, will be one of the biggest mistakes in your life."

Gaia started to wake as she was placed into the cage. The drugs were still flooding her system so she wasn't angry at being caged. Her wings fanned out towards the edges of the cage, she still had at least three more inches of her wingspan she could stretch out before she moved to stretch on all fours, her wings arching out and scraping against the top of the cage as well.

The Car gained on time and speed as they zoomed towards the facility with Rose in the back, not caring if any bump or jutter was felt by the spiderperson in their boot.
They skidded around the corner and skidded to a halt beside the van that originally held Rose as the main one walked out and grinned towards the driver of the other vehicle.
"Looks like you need to know how to keep your beasts huh?" He teased before the other agent came out of the car, towering over the car and the other agents with ease. He stepped towards the boot before he pulled the boot open with one hand, using his other hand to grab the net and pull Rose from the vehicle.

Rose let out a yelp as she felt his hands wrap around her extra legs and crush them together. She struggled in the net as she yelled out in pain before the net was dropped and she was picked up by the collar of her shirt. The smaller agent grinned as he started to walk the bigger agent into the facility.
"Special delivery!" He called out with a big cocky grin on his face. "One Spider Mutant, successfully transported."
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