Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago
Zeroth Post
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Andreyich
Avatar of Andreyich


Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Starring: @Lucky@Lauder

"Miss Sosa'Numos nar Suram, why is it that when I wake up in the morning that I half expect your file to be placed on my desk?" the voice of a turian came from the other side of the cell. This caused the quarian to turn her head from her position, laying upon the seating bench and only giving a laugh to the C-Sec officer. This particular officer had grown to see the mischief maker that was Sosa'Numos quite often during his time upon the Citadel as of late, each offense being strange and requiring a mind-numbing amount of paperwork.

"Maybe it's because you like me?" Sosa responded with a giggle, as she lifted herself from her laid down position. She sauntered over the glass wall, hands behind her back as if to indicate a proper lady was hidden beneath the mask. Her head cocked to the side before she asked, "Do you not miss me when I'm away?"

"The only time I like seeing you is when you are walking through those doors and getting away from me," the turian replied, sighing at the Quarian. His eyes went to the floor as he rubbed his temples out of the annoyance that this woman brought along with her. The officer took in a breath before finally meeting Sosa's gaze, his emotionless stare all to prevalent for Sosa's liking. He knew exactly what her game was, knowing that she would try to persuade him into letting her go with a slap on the wrist just so he would not have to deal with her.

"That said, it's your lucky day. Your bail has been payed," the officer said, his face contorting into what Sosa would have to guess to be a smile. Though, the words were the biggest shock to her as she had never had anyone pay for her bail as she'd always have to transfer her own money over. Curiosity began to envelope her mind, wondering who would be trying to get onto her good side by helping her.

"But who-," she started.

"I'm sure you'll find out. You do like finding things out yourself, right?" the officer teased as the door opened, allowing the Quarian to go free. As she exited, the officer gave a sly line of words, "Remember to gather your things from Simmons on your way out."

Standing in the front office is the imposing figure of a silver and blue statue; or rather, a Geth Prime waiting patiently for the arrival of a certain Quarian from detainment. Officer Simmons dutifully keeps busy behind her desk, though she can't seem to help glancing at the large robot that is respectfully keeping out of the high traffic area. With the slick hss of the door leading past the desk comes Officer Reban's recently-familiar voice. "Remember to gather your things from Simmons on your way out."

Expectantly, Seraph's head peers in the Quarian's direction, a quiet whir of servos for such an intricate and bulky being. There is a ring of smaller lights that encircle a singular large light, dimmed somewhat even in the sanitary-white structure. It doesn't even raise one of its heavy arms as it identifies Sosa'Numos.

"Sosa'Numos nar Suram," its gaze is fixed on the Quarian as she moves, turning its body with her approach. "A pleasure to see you healthy in captivity." Enough dealing on the Citadel has allowed Seraph to pick up on the pleasantries for ease in social interactions. The comment is not meant to be tongue-in-cheek.

"Sosa'Numos nar Suram?" The Turian behind the desk takes initiative on retrieving the bin that holds her personal effects as the Quarian is released. She places it on the surface and slides the bin beneath the security window with a tablet for sign-out. "Please gather your belongings before you leave," she says with practiced manner.

The Quarian stopped, looking at the large figure of the Geth Prime that had stated her name. It was clear that Sosa'Numos had a more than confused face behind her mask as it took her a moment to process the presence of the Geth. She looked over towards Officer Simmons motioning to the Geth to find answers, but the C-Sec officer merely shrugged in response.

With a huff, Sosa'Numos looked back to the Prime before finally asking in a semi-annoyed tone, "Do I know you?"

The Prime turns ever so slightly, its head mimicking a slight rotation. Its joints all begin to bend as it lowers its body to be as close in height as it can Sosa; at this point it looks like it is fully sitting in some crouched position.

"You may recognize my designation: Seraph." Its tone has no deflection, only reverb.

“Seraphim... Seraphim,” Sosa’Numos contemplated the name, snapping her fingers as she said the name to try and force a memory to come to her. She looked directly into the Geth’s eye before she would repeat the name one last time, her voice inflicting a bit of happiness as it came out of her mouth.


It had been a fair bit since she had to remember the name, and it had been much longer since she had anything to prompt such a memory. The Quarian put her arms behind her back as she went to speak, though her eyes did look towards Simmons and she could only give a small laugh.

“Let’s get out of here before catching up,” Sosa’Numos said, walking past Seraphim to gather her effects from the patiently waiting C-Sec officer. It was not much, in fact it little more than restoring her Omni-tool, making sure that it was working properly after being confiscated after an unknown number of times. The Quarian signed the tablet before turning and walking towards the exit of the precinct with a light skip in her step.

The massive unit stands to its height as the Quarian leaves, giving only a single nod in response to her suggestion. Its gaze stops on Simmons as it turns, though shortly it begins its following of Sosa. It hunkers down some as it crosses the doors out of C-Sec's waiting area, precisely low enough so as not to bump or scuff its pristine white. It allows a pause as they make some distance from the office, gait and stature stoic and purposeful. Most pedestrians quickly step aside, fearing that the behemoth would not see or care about stepping on them.

Finally it speaks, "Sosa'Numos. According to my research on the ExtraNet, your adventures have led you, once again, into the confines of Citadel Security. This seems counter-intuitive to the way you exercise your free will."

"They just don't know how to have fun, Seraph," Sosa'Numos stated with a light-hearted chuckled as she looked onto her omni-tool, typing in a few words before the orange hue of the tool disappeared before she would look up. Her walk showed that she knew precisely where she was going, being on the Citadel for quite some time since she had settled down from her time galivanting around the galaxy of an information broker, not that she technically stopped since she still needed money to live that is. However, she kept it small-scale and legal, doing her best to avoid eyes despite her constant in and out of the C-Sec holding cells. Of course, there was very little that she knew she could before she would be shipped off to some penal colony so she made sure that what she did could be taken as a prank just so she wouldn't get thrown behind bars forever.

She continued walking, though she spoke to Seraphim, "So, how have you been, Seraph? I see you finally have a body now that you aren't maintaining my suit environment!"

"Affirmative. I tended to your kind's suits for four years after we parted. Additional VI were allocated to my platform as I was assigned to be a liaison of sorts to the Citadel. This is a recent development." Seraph simply walks alongside the Quarian, in a manner of following wherever she felt like leading them. He watched her as she did some inputs with her omni-tool and decided it irrelevant for the moment.

"I am in a refurbished Prime platform. The exact reason is unclear, although I suspect that it is related to my releasing you from detainment." As they walk, his head is rarely turned from her. An almost unnerving amount of staring, some may say.

"That reminds me," the Quarian started, looking over the Geth as the two walked, "How exactly did you get the credits to pay for my bail?"

"To be able to act independently, one must have a sum of credits. I have never worked a job, unlike most organics, but the collective has entrusted with me with funds to do what I need."

"I didn't think the Geth even have credits," Sosa'Numos murmured, wondering what the Geth did to get credits, regardless, she swept the thought away as the two walked. The smaller of the two stopped, thinking to herself for a moment before inquiring, "Would you need help acting as a 'liaison'?"

The Geth opted not to comment on her murmur, assuming it to be a moment of reflection rather than a direction question. Seraph stops his gait as soon as Sosa'Numos does, his head fixed on her and his body turning to match. His ocular panel watches expectantly until she speaks.

"Affirmative. I sought you out as I have been requested to find a suitable companion. Our past experiences together, as well as evidence collected on the ExtraNet, inform me that your skillset will prove beneficial."

Sosa’Numos went silent for the moment as she took in the words of the Prime. Her gaze went up and down amongst his form as she silently pondered his words. The Quarian nervously began to tap her foot upon the ground before the words nearly burst from her mouth.

“How much do you about me?” The Quarian asked with a nervous breath the tapping of her foot quickening.

"Only your public record, courtesy of Citadel Security, and our time together on Rannoch. In fact your lack of additional information has helped me come to the conclusion that your incognito work has been in play for as long as you have been around. Again, a valuable asset."

The platform is motionless as it allows for the answer to sink in, a brief pause. "Also the local restaurant proprietors have few positive reviews on your character."

Sosa'Numos let out a laugh, "What can I say? There wasn't any secret ingredient in the ramen. I had to out them at that point. Also the one Volus had it coming, wanting to bill me for a wrong order!"

"You have been blacklisted from thirty-seven eating establishments upon the Citadel, and one on Irune." It seems to rotate its head in a manner of needing clarification. "I was not aware that you have been to Irune, Sosa'Numos."

The Quarian, unbeknownst to the Geth, was blushing under her visor as she remembered her time on Irune. She turned away from Seraphim as she contemplated as to answer why she had been to the Volus planet at all. Eventually, she’d let out a sigh as she turned towards her old friend, staring at him for a few more silent moments.

“I, ugh, I had gone there to... with Rar’Jilan,” she stammered, looking down to avoid the Geth’s singular eye, “I don’t know if you know him.”

"I am unfamiliar with Rar'Jilan." Seraph watches her as she looks away, though it does turn from the Quarian as she continues not meeting his gaze. Its body stepping heavily as it faces a new direction, it begins their walk again; this time toward the promenade. "Is that an acquaintance of yours?"

Sosa'Numos was hesitant to answer, "Of sorts."

She looked back to the building behind her, then took her gaze the Seraphim where she shifted her weight to one side. The quarian walked towards the Prime, looking up at his flashlight of an eye before holding up a hand to Seraphim. It was clear that it was a sigh for a handshake, even a simple Geth program would understand that.

"It was good to see you again, Seraphim. If you need me, I live in these little hab-spaces. I look forwards to helping you!"

Having observed norms for greetings and farewells over the many years, it is simply second nature to the Geth. It lowers itself a few feet to make the gesture more comfortable for Sosa and takes her offered hand. With a firm and careful shake, it nods its head.

"Mutual feelings, Sosa'Numos nar Suram. We will interact again soon." With this, it retracts its arm and resumes its full height. Seraph simply turns and walks away to some other part of the Citadel.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Andreyich
Avatar of Andreyich


Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Introductions: I

Starring: @Andreyich@Lauder

Sosa’Numos would be guided down the long hallways of the Citadel flanked on either side by a CSec guard. The walk would go on for quite some time until at last they reached a docking bay that had the faintest of scratchings of a cross under a circle under its number “49”, the sign that it was the one that held the Weiro. Spotting the guards Eustace raised a hand in something halfway between a salute and a wave finishing the last of whatever he was drinking and then throwing it into the small segment of abyss between ship and space station.

“Thank you officers, I’ll take it from here.” he announced, motioning them away. A slight smirk came across the human’s face as he held his hands behind his back. “Sosa’Numos, a pleasure. I am Eustace Dar Adal and this is the Weiro. Are you ready for your first assignment?” He would query, pressing his hands on the biometric scanner that opened the doors into the vessel. “On Earth we say ‘ladies first’.”

The new captain of the Weiro looked at Eustace for a mere moment before looking into the ship, almost giddy with excitement to be at the helm of one of her people’s ships. She seemed to almost disregard Eustace, except for the brief gaze, namely due to her clearly being more interested in the ship itself, because she has yet to actually set foot upon it due to CSec being concerned she would have run. When the two escorting guards had turned their backs, she was hopping back and forth upon her legs before she ran in. As she reached the secondary door, Sosa’Numos finally looked back at the human almost exclaiming, her bubbly voice holding true through her helmet, “Come on! I know your role is Mission Control, keep up!”

As Eustace followed her he pressed his omni-tool a few times, before the digital orange form of the device disappeared. “You should have been debriefed on the ship before but I have sent you all the clearances for it now.” he said. “Oh, and your friend is here.” he announced, closing the door behind himself. “The Geth I mean, Seraph.” he said. “We haven’t been able to requisition much for it yet. But you have a Captain’s cabin to yourself. You have about a day to familiarize with the place while the last preparations are being done, then we’ll have to get to work. I suggest we meet the crew.”

Sosa’Numos turned towards Eustace, a grin forming under her helmet as she stepped close to him almost invading his personal space as the barely visible eyes from behind the visor met his. “And to think a little bit ago you were arresting me for harassing a noodle bar,” she stated, the orange glow of her Omni-Tool coming to life as she suddenly repostured herself into a bit more of a professional stance. She would give a slight giggle, as she walked into the ship proper without looking up from her Omni-Tool until finally leaning against a wall and facing Eustace, though still clearly looking at her Omni-Tool.

“Y’Know, Eustace, I’m surprised they put you on Mission Control and not Hovius, given that he tends to be the one to always have to deal with my paperwork,” she laughed, finally deactivating her Omni-Tool to look at the human. Her hip pressed against the wall as she crossed her arms, a sly look clearly coming across her face as she mentioned one of the officers that would typically bring her in for doing something stupid.

“Citadel Security Officer Hovius is unavailable for the position, Captain Sosa’Numos,” a Geth tone chimes in from a nearby overhead speaker. “Welcome aboard the W-178. Crew have already taken to calling it the Weiro. It is a Frigate that is equipped with Thanix batteries and GARDIAN hardware. You will find it is highly modular and will be an acceptable form of transportation and light space battles for the coming missions. If you have any questions relating to the ship, virtual logistics, or the mission, I can assist you wherever you are.”

The quarian jumped at the sound of Seraphim’s voice coming through the overhead speaker, momentarily looking around to try and find the platform before looking at her Omni-Tool again. It was clear that she was already putting the skills that CSec knew greatly of to use as she fiddled through the ship’s systems remotely. She paused and looked over to Eustace, “You never told me that he uploaded himself into the ship.”

Eustace’ smile widened as Sosa got close to him, flicking her on her visor at about where the ridge of her nose would be. “The Geth is right in a sense. Personal reasons with poor Hovius were a factor too.” Then he too leaned against the wall, folding his arms nonchalantly; if a posture could whistle an innocent tune then this one would be. “It's a Geth, they can do that. I thought you’d take it as a matter of course.” he said. “Regardless, you’re being given a second chance, I hope you take it well. I know you don’t want a babysitter, so don’t make me have to be one and we’ll all have a nice time, yeah?” he said. “Let’s go to the Engines. Get the essay about Varren out the way now. Uhh….” Eustace paused, knowing this didn’t make much sense right now. “You’ll see what I mean. Come on, let’s go.” the man continued, motioning with his head and a hand to follow.

“Okay?” Sosa’Numos said in a bit more of a confused manner, she had a slight idea of what Eustace may have been talking about but one could never be too sure. The quarian followed Eustace, keeping her hands behind her back as she kept looking around, taking in the scenery of the ship that had been made by her people. Though, Sosa’Numos figured it would be polite to make some semblance of small chat as the two walked through the admittedly empty halls of the ship, a jokingly sarcastic tone coming to her, “Also what makes you think I’ll do anything that would warrant a babysitter, mister Csec?”

He laughed, picking up the same tone as Sosa. “Oh nothing, nothing save perhaps the fact I’ve had promotions on account of pulling you in by the scruff of your neck.”

“Wait… you got promotions from me?” Sosa’Numos asked in a genuinely surprised manner before crossing her arms and giving a demeanor of pouting. She kept her visor looking away from Eustace as they walked, seeming offended as she talked, speaking in a tone that would convey heartbreak, “I can’t believe you were just using me. Doing exactly as I would have done…”

She looked back over at the human, “I’ve taught you so much!”

“You make it sound like you’re proud of being used.” the man retorted with a snicker.

“Hey! I’m not the one who defends false noodle recipes!” Sosa’Numos countered, lightheartedly teasing the poor man before bringing up her Omni-Tool once more to look at things. Admittedly, while she was more than happy to deal with Eustace, really she was far more interested in learning more about the ship and those who would be under her command. Her tone became a bit more serious as she spoke, though retaining the bubbly nature of her facet, “So, do you want to tell me about the Varren essay?”

“I’ll let its author speak for itself.” said Eustace, ignoring the noodles comment while leading the duo to the Engines.

Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by DrRtron
Avatar of DrRtron

DrRtron Formerly Rtron

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Old Enemies, New Partners

@DrRtron & @KaiserElectric

Urd walked into the engineering bay as he talked into his omni-tool, making notes as he surveyed the engineering bay. He had to duck to fit through the doorway as even with it being retrofitted the ship was not designed for someone of his size. His faithful drone, Ruzad, floated dutifully behind him. The small engine rumbled like a pleased Varren as it hovered along. As per usual, he was in his armor with his hammer on his back and his claymore at his side. Not that he really expected trouble on this ship, of course, but old habits die hard.

“The Weiro is, as with all Quarian ships, functional. Her armor and shields are weaker than I would prefer, but not everything can be of solid Krogan make. She will do, especially for the long periods of time we will all be in the ship. Her greatest strength will be her versatility once we upgrade her. If CSEC gives us the funds to upgrade her. The Geth left a lot of room for building her up. Note: Do a more thorough examination of the ship at a later date and put in requests of upgrades to the ship as a whole."

“The vehicle situation is less functional. We’re stuck with two Alliance Makos and four Kodiaks. And while I’m sure the humans pride themselves on the economy of their vehicles, I am far less assured. The Mako is notoriously difficult to drive, possesses a sub-par cannon, and its armor on the best models is merely adequate, and I doubt CSEC gave us the best model. The Kodiaks are more acceptable, but not as good as Krogan Threshers. Reminder: Renew request for Krogan Tomkah to be added to the vehicle bay so the squad on the ground can have actual fire support and mobile cover. Put in requests for Krogan Threshers so interplanetary travel is more secure. In the meantime, begin upgrading and improving armor on Mako as best you can. Also, renew request for Varrens and Kakliosaurs.”

The engineering bay was a much better sight. Everything was as tip top as a ship designed for nearly endless periods of sustained life aboard should be. With the added modifications and retrofitting from the Geth it was and even better set up. “Engineering bay is in much better condition. The Geth only improved on the old Quarian designs. Aside from age, I can see no concerns. That may change as I begin to get reports back from my scans. For now, notes ending.”

He brought down his omni-tool and walked over to the nearest console to begin a basic system scan and report, gesturing idly to the armored drone behind him. “Ruzad, fly to the higher levels and start scanning for any weaknesses in the structures or flaws that I should be aware of.” The drone beeped in reply and began to fly to various parts of the engineering bay and begin scanning for any irregularities, as Urd idly patted the Varren plushie attached to his side, waiting for the reports to come back.

Ruzad traveled up alongside the power conduits, passing the rarely-used upper balcony where a Scorpion pistol was left sitting alongside a neatly folded uniform jacket and a radio set playing a thumping techno-pop tune, barely audible from below thanks to the deep rumble of the engine core.

“He had an angel’s face, a fighter’s grace, and an ace hidden up his sleeve-”

The drone swung towards the source of the noise, a set of legs dangling from one of the rafters, which was tapping in time to the beat of the song.

“-but never mind cos love is blind, and she needed to believe-”

Moving cautiously to avoid detection, Ruzad floated upwards to get a clearer vantage point, finding a figure in a black and gold uniform slacks and a white crop top deep in the innards of a power conduit.

“His touch could fill! He held her safe from...oh by the sands what is this, do they WANT someone to shut the power down mid-jump?” The figure roughly pulled a bundle of wires out by a heavy plug, a static discharge illuminating the amber scales and dark eyes of the Drell doing the impromptu electrical work.

“Note to self, don’t trust the Geth to secure vulnerable areas of this ship,” Osino Kael reported to herself, despite lacking any sort of recording device. “This is abysmal, I’ve found at least three major vulnerabilities in the power relays today, to say nothing of the conduit shutoffs.”

The Drell paused mid-thought, then turned slightly to face the drone observing her. “Well I don’t mean YOU, you seem perfectly competent...if a little bulky.” Extracting a thick rope of wiring from the conduit, Osino slid backwards off the rafter, grabbing onto the edge with one hand before she fell and dropped safely down to the upper drive generator, securely plugging the wires in with a shower of electrical sparks. “Messy but it’ll do,” she said, wiping her brow before looking back at the drone. “You know, you seem familiar, have I infiltrated into your coding before?”

With a shrug, Osino stepped onto the power conduit leading over the lower balcony, not noticing the Krogan waiting patiently for the droid’s scans to complete, since she only had eyes for the sugary beverage that she left sitting behind him earlier. Crouching down over the pipe, her body glowed with biotic energy as she slipped around the tube and stood upside down underneath it. Reaching for her drink, she didn’t quite notice the metal component she stuffed loosely into her pocket slipping out.

Focused on the scans before him and the issues that were being reported, Urd missed Ruzad’s warning beeps about the unexpected Drell in the upper balcony. He began recording notes in his omni-tool again, scowling at the console. “Ancestors preserve me, the Geth are terrible at securing weaknesses in this system. There’s at least three issues in the-” He suddenly stopped, his brows furrowed in confusion as one of the issues disappeared. “What in the Void? End notes.” The omni-tool shut off once more as the Krogan scratched the side of his plate and tapped on the console a few more times to ensure it just wasn’t a glitch going through.

The issue was genuinely fixed, at least for now, which was concerning. Ships didn’t fix themselves, so that could only mean something was going wrong. After all, he was the only engineer CSEC had brought on. They didn’t need any others. He brought up his omni-tool once more. “Ruzad, get me those scans as fast as you can. Something weird is going on with this ship, and I’d like to figure it out before we explode or something. I’d survive, of course, but the rest of the crew would be pretty put out.”

A loud clunk from behind him immediately sent a panic through Urd’s body. Flashbacks to ambushes from the tubes raced through his head as he whipped around, Claymore out and aimed at the sound behind him. He wasn’t going to be caught off guard again, he wasn’t going to be taken again, he had to alert the crew there was an invasion already the tankies had figured out where they were and… The stream of thoughts came to a slow halt as Urd stared at the Drell standing on the bottom side of the tube, hand stretched out towards a drink he hadn’t noticed before. She glowed with biotic energy that apparently glued her to her unorthodox positioning.

It was a familiar glow.

It was a familiar alien.

“Oh, didn’t know anyone else was here,” Osino remarked, somewhat distracted as she tried to figure out the logistics of drinking upside down. Urd’s eyes narrowed in recognition and then widened as the voice kickstarted his memory of where he had seen the amber colored woman before. The same frustration surged back as he saw her face, remembering the last blow she had gotten in before fleeing.

“It’s YOU!” He roared, taking his already usually unnecessarily high tone of voice a few levels higher. He pointed a finger at her, accusingly.

“I…steady rhythm of machinery, stale air choked with smog, slaver struggling against the restraints,” Osino recited, her eyes darting around as her surprise gave way to a particularly strong memory recall.

“You’re that slippery little pyjak whose crew kidnapped my client on Chalkhos! You cost me three thousand credits!” Urd shouted, not aware of the Drell recalling a specific memory. Truth be told, he wasn’t even aware of what species she was. Just a very irritating and painful opponent.

“Heated shrapnel scatters along the wall, electricity dances around the rusted red hammer... ”

“You knocked out my tooth with that cheap shot at the end! It took weeks to grow back!” Continued shouting, bulldozing over the recited memories.

“Glass shatters as the hammer strikes the ribs, metallic taste in the mouth, sharp breath as the second strike misses by inches...”

“And here you are, stowed away and getting ready to steal something else! Maybe someone else! You won’t get away this time you little shit! Get down from there!” He yelled again, pointing to the floor in front of him a series of short jabs.

“Fingers scrape against the latch, descent into the dark vent, I...wait, stowaway?” Osino said, blinking as she snapped out of her recall. Ruzad floated down quickly from the upper balcony, tracking the drell’s movements and making Urd’s demand incredibly clear. “I think we may be having a misunderstanding…” Osino went on, trying to defuse the situation with a light chuckle. “Heh, okay maybe more on your part, but-”

Chucking her drink in Urd’s direction, she swung around the conduit and sprung off, stepping off of Ruzad on the way up before vanishing into the rafters.

Urd smacked the drink out of the way with his Claymore, scattering the drink across the floor. Ruzad beeped in alarm, swinging around to try and trace where Osino had disappeared to with no luck. The Krogan scanned the upper rafters with his shotgun, growling in irritation as he remembered how difficult she was to pin down. “Get back down here and show yourself, you coward!” He roared into the now seemingly empty room. No reply came.

“Fine! I’ll find you then! One way, or another!” Focused on finding the Drell, Urd didn't hear the doors open.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Andreyich
Avatar of Andreyich


Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Introductions: II

Starring: @Andreyich@Lauder@DrRtron@KaiserElectric

As the human and the Quarian turned they heard a noise that both would be able to recognize as Krogan. They were in the Engines so it must have been Urd, and rounding another corridor they saw the rather massive form of the space turtle. “Urd, Urd! What the hell are you yelling about?” He demanded, slightly puffing out his chest and flexing his musculature. Dealing with Urd and Sosa might have at first seemed hard, but apart from the level of intensity their personalities ultimately weren’t that different. Awaiting an answer he turned his head slightly to the Quarian: “Urdnot Shephurd, one of our Engineers. His dossier should appear on your hud now”

Urd whipped around at the sound of a familiar voice. He bared his teeth in a smile. “Eu! Just the person I needed! I’ve found a stowaway in the Engineering Bay. A sneaky little Pyjak thief I’ve encountered before. She’s a kidnapper from the Terminus systems, stole one of my clients when I was mercing. She’s doubtlessly here to steal from us or kidnap someone, and I wouldn’t be surprised if she snuck her little group of criminals with her. I tried to apprehend her and she snuck away into the upper rafters. Ruzad’s looking for her now.”

He gestured up towards the blocky drone, dutifully searching through the upper levels of the engineering bay. “He’ll find her, and drive her out like Varrens driving out Klixen for Rites. Then we can grab her and throw her out an airlock.” He paused, processing Eustace’s comment to the Quarian.

“One of your Engineers? I’m the only engineer you guys hired! You don’t need anyone else. I’m the best in the galaxy, after all!”

“Only engineer?” the Quarian repeated, looking over at Eustace for a moment as she brought up the files of the crew, and counting threw them quickly before looking back to the Krogan. Her head tilted as she looked back to the rafters, looking back to Urd in an obviously confused manner before speaking once more, asking Eustace, “I saw in that dossier it is said that he is assistant engineer. Our Chief Engineer is a drell, no?”

“And she’d very much like to NOT be thrown out the airlock,” came a voice from overhead.

“Your what is a what?” The Krogan’s eyes narrowed in confusion, before snapping back up to the drell’s voice.

She took in a breath and looked back to Urd, looking to the rafters and back to the krogan, as she realized what was happening. Sosa’Numos let out a long drawn out sigh, wanting to rub her temples but unable to due to her helmet being in the way as she took a step back. “Are you trying to throw out a drell, Shephurd?” Sosa’Numos asked in a slightly annoyed tone, crossing her arms and shifting her weight to one side.

“Hey, I know that slightly annoyed tone,” the voice called out again. Osino emerged from behind one of the rafters and swiftly descended to the lower deck, swinging off the power conduits on her way down.

“What in the name of the Void is a ‘Drell’?” Urd replied, tracking Osino as she climbed down. “There she is. The little kidnapper.”

“Kidnap nothing, that was a high-value criminal target,” Osino said indignantly, effortlessly dropping behind Sosa’Numos with her arms crossed, glaring at the Krogan.

“It was the Terminus systems! There are no laws there, how can there be criminals?!” The krogan reluctantly lowered his weapon, now that Sosa was in the way, and glowered at Osino.

“By Arashu, am I going to have to worry about this merc trying to crack my skull open?” she said to Sosa’Numos. “Again??

“Probably, if you keep trying to steal things!” Urd snapped as Ruzad descended to watch the Drell again.

“Keelah, we are off to a great start,” Sosa’Numos sighed, returning her posture to the bubbly personality that would become the normal face the others would see. She took a step forwards toward the Krogan, holding a hand out in greeting, disregarding the argument between the two for the time being. “My name is Sosa’Numos nar Suram, and I am going to be your captain!” she greeted in an otherwise bubbly tone despite having been annoyed a few seconds prior.

“And I would appreciate it if you did not vent anyone out into space or crack their skull open without my express permission,” the quarian finished, doing her best to defuse the situation before it got to her nerves too much.

“I...guess.” Urd agreed, with some difficulty. He turned his attention to focus more on Sosa, while Ruzad kept aimed directly at the Drell. His expression brightened, and he patted the Varren plushie on his hip as he reorganized his focus from the thief to the captain. “The Captain! Just the person I was wanting to see before the thief showed up! I’ve put in several requests for Varren and Kakliosaurs that have been erroneously rejected. I’m sure you’ll agree that both of those animals offer not only increased tactical flexibility to the squad and a way to lessen the teams reliance on easily knocked out electronics, but also have proven to increase the morale of the teams they are assigned with by several multitudes. Especially the specific Varren and Kakliosaur I’m requesting. Sparky and Grumpy are of the highest quality breeds of their respective species and have temperaments that would make even the kindest human ‘dog’ look-”

“If you three need a moment,” Osino interjected, leaning against the captain, “I still need to go over the upper bulkheads to check the shock dampeners. Especially if we’re turning this place into a zoo or something. Not that I’d mind, I have a Varren of my own back home, just-”

Alright!” Eustace called out, his eye only now having stopped twitching since Urd had used an impropmtu abbreviation of his name. “First of all, it is Yeoman Dar Adal to you, Mr. Urdnot.” he said, before turning to the trio at large. Now he could of course do his best to mimic them and if they were needed Eustace was more than happy to appeal to any kind of people, but three of the playful sort in one space made his trigger finger itchy. Perhaps he shouldn’t have rejected Captaincy, after all then he’d have more authority in telling C-Sec “no” when he was getting such nonsense forked onto his plate. “The Drell Osino Kael is to be our Engineer and so is Mr. Urdnot Shephurd, the first person to continue to make a problem out of this is going to get kicked into the void between the wings of the Citadel. All of you were hired on the assumption you wouldn’t behave like fucking incontinent children. Now it would not be hard to call the office back on C-Sec, have the two boys just escorting our dearest Captain come back here, yeah?” he said, looking between the Drell and the Krogan.

“You’re not getting paid to have a go at each other but by all that’s holy I’m getting paid to kick your asses should you fall out of line. Now then, introduce yourselves to the Captain oh dearest employees.”

Urd looked between Eustace and Osino a few times before pointing a finger back at the source of his ire. “That’s a Drell? What’s wrong with her neck? Why does it look like she’s been cut? Nevermind, I don’t want to know.” He straightened up to a rough approximation of standing at attention and faced Sosa. “Urdnot Shepurd, call me Urd. Combat Engineer, the only one you’re going to need.” He gave a dismissive side eye at Osino.

“Powerful biotic, as both of my great ancestors Urdnot Wrex and Shiagur were. If you need something broken, send me in and stand back. If you want it fixed, I can do that too. You’ve got the best krogan in the galaxy aboard Captain.”

“Sounds like you’ll be more than useful to have around, Urd,” Sosa’Numos stated happily now that Eustace had sorted out the situation. She looked over to the drell that had been invading her space for the past few moments before giving out a little giggle as she adjusted her body to face her, though it was more of a pivot on the spot. The Quarian spoke to her in a teasing manner, “Listen, if you want to be this close to me you are going to have to get me some delicious dextro-food. Or give as much information as I desire.”

“Well, if you insist,” Osino began, only to break off and take a step back after a rather nasty look from Eustace. “Er, well you heard the angry one. Osino Kael, engineer, combat specialist, infiltration expert, part-time gravity defyer. Don’t know about being the best drell in the galaxy, but I’m fairly comfortable saying I’m at least in the top five.”Glancing over to the mass effect drive, she kicked the metal component she dropped earlier and lobbed it at the conduit overhead, which roared to life as the power level spiked back to normal. “Make that top three,” Osino said proudly, checking her work on the omni-tool. Urd scoffed while Eustace pinched the bridge of his nose.

The Captain watched as Osino did this before looking back down to her, speaking a bit of a neutral tone, “I’d advise you make sure that part doesn’t come off its place.”

“The ship was in perfect order when requisitioned.” Eustace sighed. “Can I trust you two to play nice henceforth?” the man asked. “But not to play with a very expensive ship?”

“I won’t hit the thief unless I catch her stealing something, if that’s what you’re asking.” Urd said, begrudgingly, as he waved at Ruzad. The drone beeped in response and flew back up, resuming its scans of the upper area. “But there’s already a few problems I noticed that will be mentioned in my next requisitions. ‘Perfect’ is far from what the Weiro is. Functional works better.” He gave one more annoyed look at Osino before turning around and lumbering back to the console. “I’ll resume my scans unless you’ve anything else you wish of me.”

“Whatever you happen to dislike about the Weiro doesn’t change the fact that the order of things on it was perfect when we got it. I do hope that it still works by the time we have to get to our first assignment.” Eustace stated as he slowly relaxed. “That’ll be all, thank you.” the Yeoman said to the Krogan before turning to the Drell expecting a similar response.

“I actually think the ship’s fine, just there’s a lot of vulnerabilities that need patching up before we get going,” Osino said, going over the data on her omni-tool again. “If someone like me came along-”

“Buh-buh-buh, someone like you did come along. You going to play nice with the good Mr. Shephurd or not?” Eustace said.

“I’ll be avoiding the airlocks for a few days, but sure I can work with him.” Osino smirked at the Krogan. “If he’s as good at working the engines as he is swinging that hammer around, we’ll be in great shape.”

“I am! Also, pick up your drink. It’s still all over the ground from when you threw it at me!” Urd yelled over his shoulder, not looking back at the others.

“Well that’s your own fault!” Osino sniped back.

“BUH-BUH-BUH” Eustace repeated, much louder over the Drell. He didn’t want an exhibition of the blood rage in these ever so expensive Engines, and he just hoped the Krogan wouldn’t hear what Osino said over the human’s interruption. “Right. That’s good enough for me.” Eustace said, turning to Sosa with a shrug. “I’ll be going to my office.” He announced to the Captain. “If you need me just call me up. The rest of the crew should be less… colourful, for the most part. I have some last minute paperwork to burn through, then we’re off.” he said, giving a lazy and quite frankly sarcastic salute before walking off hoping that the moment he was gone there wouldn’t be a display of biotic pyrotechnics.

Sosa’Numos watched Eustace walk away, looking over at Osino before shaking her head with a slight sigh. The captain began to walk following Eustace’s steps out of the Engine Room, but not before stopping and turning to Urd. “If you two play nice enough and you give me a full report as to why I should convince C-Sec to get your animals, then I will see about getting your varren and… other thing! Also make sure that piece is fit in place, Osino!” Without another word, the Quarian turned her back to the two engineers and began her hunt to meet the other crew.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Auz
Avatar of Auz


Member Seen 3 mos ago

Introductions: III

Starring: @Auz, @Lucky and @Lauder

It had been two days since his meeting with the newly formed krogan council and even though Tak had gotten his way, he still seethed in anger. They had taken to the position of authority too quickly, adapting and utilising the underhanded tactics of their former masters. The promise of a great and honourable clan was falling by the wayside, leaving Tak to think selfishly.

Stuck in a state of internal thought, the krogan had entered the ship unaware of any who were already inside. He had taken the encounter with his brethren so personally that he hadn’t slept in all that time, leaving him determined to find a room.

Next to the armoury.
He thought to himself.

It didn’t take long, the ship wasn’t exactly a maze and the signage was clear enough. Tak found and entered a room that was basically next door to their future arms cache, not even bothering to look around. He just dropped his bag on the ground allowing some of the books inside to spill out. There was more to bring in but he just wanted a moment to try and relax.

“Takaror Corr,” a Geth voice speaks out as it registered the Krogan’s presence. “Welcome to the W-178. This domicile has been vacant and open for claiming. We are allowing a first-come first-serve basis. Would you like to claim this room?”

Tak’s right arm instinctively reached behind his lower back, gripping the stock of his Spike Thrower. Nothing in the air had changed, he could feel no other being in the room and there was something about the way it spoke that was off.

“Reveal yourself voice.”

“My name is Seraph. I am a pilot for the W-178, a Geth uploaded into its internal systems. We are, effectively, crewmates.” There is a pause as if its attention seems to be elsewhere momentarily. “Physically, I am nothing more than software but I will be inhabiting a Prime platform for field use. Or if you mean where my voice is projecting from, check the back right corner ceiling for the speaker.”

Machine. The image of a flashlight looking head flew by in Tak’s mind. He was yet to face such a foe in battle and although the tank had taught him about their creation by the quarians, there was no feeling for the krogan to latch on to. Tak released the end of his gun, relaxing his stance and straightening up.

“This room is mine, is there anything you require of me?”

“Negative, Takaror. I will mark this room as claimed for you. The Captain is not expected for another hour. Is there anything I can do to help you settle in?”

The Krogan gave a final look around the room, still not quite sure how it was that it was speaking but making a mental note to research the Geth in more depth later. Using his foot, he slid his bag along the floor, removing his weapons and lying down.


“Understood,” the Geth is gone as quickly as it appeared, leaving the Krogan to its silence.

The floor of the Weiro was cold and uninviting, obviously it wasn’t a place made to take a nap but considering Tak’s size there was no point even trying to sleep on the bed that had been left in the room. Not that it mattered too much, the krogan had slept in worse places and it was never where he slept that was the issue, it was his dreams that bothered him.

In his nightmares, picture after picture was thrown at him, assaulting Tak’s mind with gruesome images of war and death. It was a remnant from his time spent learning in the tank, a parting gift from their old leader Fortack, meant to drive him to crush the rebels' supposed enemies. A barbaric tactic that worked all too well as even though the giant krogan slept, he could feel the void inside begin to call out to him.

There was an abrupt change, a momentary pause in the assault before pictures of quarians began to appear. Old images of polonium rounds puncturing their suits in splashes of vivid greens, others of their masks being removed in toxic atmospheres while they violently choked to death and finally, pictures of their old, decrepit ships being torn asunder. Tak could resist the call of the void no longer, shooting up off the ground violently to a seated position and reaching for his Spike Thrower.

Adrenaline boiled his blood as he hopped up onto his feet, scanning around his room, not even realising where he was. Something in the air had changed, a new smell hung above the crusty scent of the ship, something sterile, yet stale at the same time. As it drew near, Tak realised what it was, why his dream had changed. It was a quarian.

There was a knock at the door. Tak took a set of deep breaths in and out, laying down the oversized shotgun, composing himself before moving towards the door and opening it.

In front him stood the substantially smaller figure of a quarian, looking down at her Omni-Tool for the moment. Then, she realized that the krogan was standing in front of her, she looked up and silently gazed at the tank-bred krogan up and down for a moment before she cleared her throat. Her form was fitted nicely with her suit of red, yellow, and black, with the only contrast of her appearance being that of the purple visor. She tucked her arms behind her back as she greeted the krogan happily, “Hello! Takaror Corr, I presume? I am Sosa’Numos nar Suram and I am your captain.”

Her form hopped up and down a few times before she spoke a tad absentmindedly, “Keelah, they did not tell me the krogan were this big.”

Captain? She was so… tiny and her voice was almost innocent in nature. Tak’s eyes darted momentarily to his hand, he could easily wrap it around her helmet two times over. Somewhere deep inside he felt the void rumble as the image of the helmetless quarian reappeared in his mind. Crush.

The krogan took half a step back, balling up his claws into a fist. This was his body, it would do as he commanded.

“Is there anything you require of me?”

Sosa’Numos thought to herself for a brief moment before speaking once more, “No, I just felt the need to meet my crew. After all, we are going to be stuck on this ship.”

The quarian shifted her weight to the side as she looked at Tak, noting how he balled his hands into fists on the off chance that quickly became relevant. She had no weapon on her, at least none that Tak could see on her form. Sosa’Numos continued to stare at him for a moment before asking, “Why don’t you tell me a little bit about yourself?”

“I am here to kill our enemies.”

The krogan replied without missing a beat, only pausing after catching a quick glimpse of himself in the reflection of Sosa’s visor.

“There may be more I am capable of but what that is, I do not know.”

“Surely, you must have a hobby?” the Captain asked, inquisitively stepping forward a singular stride as she stared at him. Her head tilted to the side as she once more looked him over, almost noting each of his features before she stepped back to her original place as she realized that she was invading his space.

“Is there anything you like to do with your free time?” She asked.

This was a strange line of questioning, even during his time in C-sec the other aliens had strayed from Tak’s presence almost as soon as he entered a room. Perhaps this was a quarian tactic, a feint designed to test her subordinates, he had noticed the Captain take a step towards him. Sosa’Numos and her kind were known for exploiting a weakness in the Geth to initiate a war during the Reaper conflict. Tak subtly widened his stance just in case.

“I submitted to a full evaluation with your superiors. My council presented an additional report on my combat experience. I assure you, I have no such weaknesses.”

“Weakness?” Sosa’Numos echoed, tilting her head to the side a bit as she was legitimately confused by such a statement and so she stood there silently for a moment. The quarian brought her arms to her side and her posture shifted into one far more proper and professional as her head straightened itself. She stared down the krogan in silence for a moment as the moments passed, though that aura of innocence seemed to fade away quickly. It seemed that whatever false personality that Sosa’Numos had, disappeared.

“Then you only know to fight, to kill?” She asked, her once bubbly voice shifted to one of an emotionless tone.

The krogan almost smiled as the true nature of his Captain came out. The sudden shift in personality reminded him of the cunning character of Fortack, leaving Tak relieved at the similarity. At least now he understood.

“It is all I have been used for.”

“And I can trust that you will do as commanded by me?” Sosa’Numos inquired.

“Yes, but choose foes worthy of death, I wish to kill with honour.” There was no inflection or change in his voice, whether the captain knew it or not, this was a warning.

“I have read your file, I do not intend on making that mistake, Mister Corr,” the quarian answered, no movement on her except for the subtle rise and lowering of her chest as she breathed. The captain allowed for another moment of silence to pass before she spoke once more in that same emotionless tone, asking, “Now, do you have any questions or requests of me?”

“Avoid war with this ship. It is old, lightly armoured and ill equipped for battle.”

Tak turned, picking up his Spike Thrower and returning it to its rightful place on the back of his armour. Retreating further back into his new abode he paused for a brief moment.

“Tak, this is what you may call me.”

The krogan deemed her honesty worthy of knowing something personal. Time would tell if the quarian would be a worthwhile leader but this was a good start.

“Very well, Tak. I look forward to seeing if you live up to your reports. Be ready for our first assignment,” Sosa’Numos stated before she turned away and walked down the hallway, arms folded behind her back. Quickly, her posture returned to that as when she had greeted Tak, returning to how the other crew knew her to be.

The giant space reptile shut the door behind the captain, bending down to pick up his bags and books. Once all neatly packed on shelves he would go to collect the rest of his training equipment, which was nothing more than an assortment of bars and weights. Though before he could do so, his senses began to stir once again. A familiar scent mixed with the heat of rage and aggression wafted through the vents causing Tak’s hearts to beat rapidly. His bones began to ache as the voids call rose like the opening number of a symphony.

There was a natural born on board.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Auz
Avatar of Auz


Member Seen 3 mos ago

Old Enemies, New Partners: II

Starring: @Andreyich, @Auz, @DrRtron, @KaiserElectric and @Lucky

Tak moved through the corridors of the Weiro at a steady pace, following the scent of the natural born as it wormed its way from deep inside the ship. The krogan was careful not to run or brandish any weapons, wary of the Geth voice he had spoken to earlier, as a shipwide alert would mean Tak would lose the advantage of surprise. His council had warned him that the Urdnot clan would send an assassin with the intention of stopping their political maneuver. Even though the krogan did not care for such games, he’d be damned if he’d let a natural born claim his skull plate.

It didn’t take Tak long to realise that the stench of the genetically inferior was coming from the engine room.


The cowardly would-be-killer wasn’t even going to give him the dignity of facing off with honour. Turning the final corner, Tak crept up towards one of the many entrances to the ship’s core, hugging the wall as he did so. The noise of machinery was too loud for the krogan to make out anything that was going on inside, he would have to risk peeking around the corner. Grabbing the stock of his shotgun, and opening the door, Tak leaned out slightly.

Urd was still at work at the console, muttering to himself about ‘Osino’ and ‘thieving pyjacks’ and ‘untrusting captains’.

“Can’t believe they hired another engineer. Ridiculous. I’m the only one they need! Ship’s not even close to perfect. Typical human. As long as it can function it's perfect. Explains why the turians were able to smack them so easily. And what even is a drell? Frog people? Why does she have those cuts on her neck? Are they all little thieves?”

He stopped as he heard the door open again behind him. Great. Another introduction. Probably a third engineer they didn’t tell me about. With a sigh, he turned around and froze as he saw the face of a tank-born staring back at him. Hundreds of images from the war flooded his mind and he felt a deep-set familiar rage begin to fill him. He fought it down, barely. He wasn’t going to be ruled by his blood rage, and besides he had been warned by Eustace about the Tank-bred. The human had made him agree to not murder the abomination on sight, if he wanted to seize his destiny aboard the Weiro. With difficulty, Urd shoved down his murderous rage and adrenaline that had shot through his system at seeing his long time foe. Things would have to be different, as much as he despised the idea.

Tak cursed himself for allowing the door to open with too much noise. He had lost his advantage. No matter, at least now he could give the natural born an honourable death, looking into the eyes of his enemy.

“ASSASSIN!” Tak shouted as he entered engineering, Spike Thrower first.

“Wha-” Urd began to snarl. This Tank-bred was insane, as they usually were.

Then he noticed the shotgun.

Urd’s instincts were fortunately sharper than his mind, and as he began to fully recognize what was about to happen he had already pulled up a biotic barrier around him. The first spike slammed to a stop inches from his face, straining against the barrier.. Of course. Of course the abomination was going to try to kill him. He knew he shouldn’t have trusted C-Sec’s word. They were monsters with no control.

He couldn’t let the fight be here, too much of the equipment was needed to run the Weiro. But he wasn’t going to lay down and die either.

“OSINO, RUZAD, GO FIND EUSTACE!” He roared as biotic energy surged around him, gathering like a raging river blocked by a dam. His vision narrowed in on his hated enemy and with an explosion of blue energy he charged straight towards the tank-bred, slamming into Tak and throwing both of them into the wall behind the tank-bred. With a snarl, Urd brought his head forward in an attempt at a head butt.

An obnoxiously loud, piercing klaxon alarm blares out once the Krogan and tank-bred collide. Vital machinery powers down from a hum to silence. It is almost as if the Weiro itself is responding to the two.

“Takaror Corr. Urdnot Shephurd. Cease and desist before the Captain is notified and disciplinary action is taken.” The Geth is concise with its wording.

Battlemaster. Tak thought as the barrier lit up, covering the natural born. The other Krogan had screamed something unintelligible before closing the gap and launching a vicious hand to hand. The headbutt landed with a heavy crack, loud enough to drown out the words of the machine as alarms blared around them. Tak laughed at the pain, headbutts between krogan were basically a formal greeting at this point. The tank bred unleashed the monster from within, allowing his biotics to flare up, coating him in the same deep blue. He prepared to perform a charge to get them back into the centre of the room, hoping to throw the natural born off balance.

Oh no you don’t. Urd’s biotics surged around him as he built his own charge again. They were going to stay right here.

A biotic shockwave rippled throughout the bay as both charges released at the same time. Anything not nailed down was flung across the room as the two krogan gripped each other in an intense series of locks, Ruzad beeping in panic as it was thrown out of the engineering bay door on its way to obey Urd’s command. The other unfortunate thing not nailed down was of course Osino Kael.

Having retreated back into the engine room to collect her things from the upper deck, the Drell was immediately flung backwards by the shockwave, saving herself from being slammed into a wall by grabbing onto an overhanging rail and swinging up and around it.

Well that’s wonderful, Osino thought. the only thing better to have near the fragile equipment than a Krogan? Two Krogan. Keeping her eyes on the ensuing destruction, she activated her communicator with her other hand with a trill ringing sound. “Plisken, when you’re finished with the upload do me a solid and get Eustace down here before the engine falls off,” she shouted over the din.

“What? Hrrm, is the ship that bad?” came a gravely electronic voice from the other end.

“No, the Krogans are having a bit of a workplace dispute,” Osino explained. “I’ll see what I can do, but best case scenario is that the CO gets here before I need to get peeled off the walls.”

“Huh, can’t say that’d do much for the scenery. Plisken out.”

“Always the comedian,” Osino said, stalking along the top of the room as the Krogan dueled one another.

Urd grunted in pain as Tak’s clawed fist cracked across his jaw, throwing him to the ground. His vision swam as one thought burned in his mind. Not. Like. This. A second later he was on his feet again, drawing his hammer as he did so. Electricity crackled across the head as it was activated and with another roar he swung it at the Tank-Bred’s head.

Two alarms sound off in the engine room again, the volume nearly deafening this time. Meanwhile the Geth has already communicated to Eustace and Captain Sosa’Numos of the ongoing fight with the following message to them privately: ”Engineer Urdnot Shephurd and Shock Trooper Takaror Corr have engaged in an unsanctioned fight within the engine department. Immediate intervention required.”

In a second attempt at de-escalating the fight, Seraph follows the alarms with its robotic tone. “This fight and events leading up to have been recorded. Disengage immediately to receive your punishments accordingly.”

“Now why didn’t I think of that?” Osino commented as she dug around in one of the conduits to put her idea into place.

Tak ducked the incoming hammer, the electricity sparking across his plates as it grazed by. A direct hit from a weapon of that calibre would shatter through any biotic barrier. The tank bred ducked and weaved avoiding the precise swings of Urd. The natural born had done this dance many times over, distracting his enemy with the head of the hammer, putting the other krogan on the defence. Urd established an obvious pattern of swings allowing Tak to fall into a rhythm before feinting a blow and bringing up the handle uppercutting the abomination.

Tak stumbled backwards, narrowly avoiding a follow up death blow, he hocked up a gob of bright orange blood, spitting it out before re-engaging.

It was only by now the Eustace had come, sliding around a corner. Where the hell was the Drell in all this? Didn't matter right now. "A tenth of your next paychecks are being deducted. Every second you continue this another tenth will be taken." The man announced, drawing either Carnifex pistol from his armpit holsters calmly. "As well, a record of who damaged what will be produced, these elements likewise deducted from your balance." He continued, loading the pistols with armour piercing munitions. Eustace flicked the safety on either weapon meaningfully. "If you do not stop I'll smear the walls with your fucking brains." he said, knowing Krogan responded well to shows of force.

Urd blocked a strike from the Tank-Bred, stumbling back. The monster had more power behind his blows than expected. Eustace’s arrival made him take his eyes off of his opponent. “Tell that to him, not me! I was-” Letting himself get distracted was a mistake as Tak extended his reach, his claws just stopping short of a soft spot on Urd’s neck. The tank-bred could feel the anger ooze off the human, it was enough to take his threat seriously.

“This coward is an Urdnot assassin. With your permission, human, I will end his life.”

Urd gritted his teeth at the insult, but kept his hammer down. Eustace was going to handle it.

Eustace sighed wearily. This was exactly why he didn’t get right to work. These little scenes always happened in these diverse teams. How the hell was he supposed to bring people who were only months ago perhaps on different sides of the same battles?

“No, Mr. Corr, you will not.” Eustace explained, the calming of Tak prompting the man to holster one of his pistols. “The person before you is Urdnot Shephurd, he is one of the Engineers aboard the vessel. You should have been acquainted with this fact by now, and I am thoroughly disappointed. Furthermore, there is no title as ‘human’ aboard this vessel. Either refer to me as Sir or Yeoman appending Dar Adal if the situation demands it to specify which Sir you are speaking of. Fucking awful. You will be getting sent a disciplinary document later. You understand? Good, get out of my sight. Doubt you’ll get much sympathy from the Captain so I suggest you hurry before you get this talk a second time. Wait, no. I want you to formally apologize to Mr. Urdnot here first.”

Was this true? How could the council's information be wrong? More games, more betrayals, Tak was filled with anger but none of it was for anyone in the room. He would have his day but here and now, he was in the wrong.

“If what you say is true, Sir, then grant me no mercy in your punishment. And to the Urdnot clan.” The tank born turned to face Urd. “I have dishonoured our chance to fight on equal terms. Should we do battle again, I will declare my intentions beforehand.”

Urd inclined his head in a begrudging nod. At least the Tank-bred had some knowledge of honor.

“You will not battle again!” Eustace roared before Urd could reply, veins on his face looking as if they were about to burst. “Get out! Get out!” The man said, waving Tak out of the room with his pistol.

“As you wish, Sir.”

“What was he fucking thinking.” the man muttered, holstering his other firearm. “You alright?” he asked of Urd, hoping rather likely in vain that in the hours since the encounter with Osino Urd had learned to be reasonable, if at least out of desire to be the bigger (and thus better) man. “Where’s the Drell, Osino?”

Urd touched a hand to his neck and looked at the orange on it. The Tank-born had just broken the surface of the skin. “I’ll be fine. He won’t get so lucky next time. I asked Os to find you when the fight broke out. I don’t know where she is now.”

He watched the tank-bred leave the room with simmering hatred. Then he turned to face Eustace. “I warned you. I warned all of you! And you all assured me my concerns were for nothing.” He rubbed his bloodied fingers together and held it out to Eustace. “Nothing. That must feel a lot different to humans than to Krogans.” He reattached his hammer to the back of his armor and turned back to the console in disgust. “Don’t turn your back on him. You can’t trust the Tank-Bred. Any more than you can trust a rabid Varren!”

“Is there anyone on the ship you DO trust?” The human and the Krogan looked up at Osino standing on one of the conduits, a thick bundle of wires draped over one shoulder.

“Several. You’re not one of them, as evidenced by you hiding instead of helping like I asked!” Urd snapped, craning his head to look up at her.

“I WAS helping,” she insisted, taking off the bundle of wires. “I sent Plisken to go find the Yo-Man here and was about to intervene. By the way, I’m not super familiar with Quarian electromagnetic shielding tech, would magnetizing the walls interfere with the ship functions at all?” She effortlessly directed the question to Eustace like there hadn’t been a bloody knockout battle in the engine room a moment ago.

“I-You. Hmm. I guess that counts.” Urd grumbled under his breath, attempting to look over the scans Ruzad had gotten for him with his hearts still pounding with adrenaline and fear.

At this point, Eustace rubbed his eyes wearily. Truth was the day had started rather recently for him but he was already feeling like he had enough. “Urd, Takaror is a crewmate of this vessel. Following this misunderstanding I expect the same respect to be given to him as anyone else. Please don’t say anything, it won’t turn out well. Osino, come with me for a moment.” the man said, motioning with his fingers for the Drell to follow.

“Coming down,” Osino declared, vaulting off the conduit once again and dropping to the ground with an acrobatic flourish, tossing her uniform jacket on in one fluid motion.

“Urd, clean this up.” he commanded, walking away and hoping very dearly that the Drell would follow as he pulled up his omni-tool to start writing a report of the incident. She did indeed follow, but not before holding back to grab the first aid kit off the wall, tossing it over to Urd with a friendly casual salute before rushing after the yeoman.

Urd caught the first aid kit and gave a grunt of thanks, muttering to himself as he and Ruzad set about putting the engineering bay back together. “Don’t know why I’m cleaning up, I’m not the stupid tube that caused the mess ridiculous…”

After the two passed some distance Eustace turned a corner closing his omni-tool having just about finished his report. With that he turned to the Drell, pursing his lips momentarily before shaking his head. “Do you know why you were contracted as Chief Engineer? Give it a moment.

Osino tilted her head slightly. “Because...I demonstrated the appropriate skills, sir?”

Eustace inhaled and then in a single go emptied the contents of his lungs through his nose in a single long exhalation. “Please, do elaborate. Or, perhaps let me do so: why do you think you were selected to be Urd’s leader? No, don’t answer that, today’s not been a good day for me and I think I might not like the answer.” he said, scratching a sideburn.

“It's great you can do foppish tricks flinging bits of the Engines about. Oh my yes they’d be appreciated, particularly in the entertainment sector. But your job on the ship is to maintain the Engines and when it came to doing just that you were playing amongst the machinery while Krogan were incurring many credits in damage.”

“I wasn’t just playing around, I was-”

As a Chief Engineer,” he continued, speaking forcefully over the drell, “You’re not a ‘better’ Engineer, you are an Engineer that leads the other Engineer. Maybe what happened was out of spite for me. Maybe it was out of spite for Urd. But I don’t give a pyjak’s ass about why I need the what and I need the what to be results. Today is our first day, we can forget about all the bad that happened if it doesn’t continue. But I need someone I can trust to make sure everything down here is perfect, do you hear? Urd, Tak, either of them can turn me into a wet blob of red. They didn’t. If what we read about you is right they wouldn’t have with you either. Don’t fail your references.” Eustace finished, for now unloading the armour piercing munitions from his pistols to replace them with standard clips. “Can I trust you that this is the first and last time something of this sort happens? That you will be the reliable and diligent worker your file says you are? This can easily result in promotion or… well, the inverse. A Chief Engineer that’s not being a Chief can just be an Engineer.”

Osino had....quite a lot to think about and say in regards to that. But for the sake of this mission, she responded with a muted nod and a “Of course, sir.”

Eustace noticed that the words belied thoughts, but if they weren’t uttered then at least there was some progress in his opinion. “Good. For the moment magnetizing the walls would be a violation of the ship’s safety protocols. But this can be rectified down the line. Now go tell Urd how you think it was so heroic how he defended himself and the ship, but that it's a good thing you were glad you could stop it from escalating because Tak is to be a good comrade. Dismissed.”

Eustace knew the words said today wouldn’t be taken very happily, but that wasn’t the point. It would be better for him to be judged as an ass and a nuisance than someone that let his crew tear itself apart. No, not his crew he reminded himself. They were good people - or so he was told - but he absolved himself of yet more dead on his conscience and the events of today seemed to say it was a good precaution. He tried to smile at Osino, but he knew having to so indiscriminately put his foot down had killed his chance at amiable relations with the Drell and the duo of Krogan already. Perhaps it was for the better.

Eustace went back to his office, calling out over his shoulder: “If the Captain comes, tell her it was nothing, it’s all sorted. For the sake of all of us I think it's perhaps best she not know a pair of Krogan nearly ruined a relic of her people.”
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 2 days ago

Introductions: IV

Starring: @Lauder@Naril

Rin made her way, with care, through the corridors of W-178, which she very much agreed ought to be called Weiro instead; a sentiment the rest of the crew seemed to share. Though a late arrival, she’d managed to stake her claim on a room with a view - a small one, but a view all the same. Like always, unpacking had taken less than an hour, and Rin wondered - not for the first time - just what it said about her that she could still fit most of her life in a pair of luggage cubes. Maybe it just meant she was good at packing light? Or maybe it meant she was always ready to leave. Maybe they were the same thing.

She stepped around a Turian waiting for a cargo lift and made her way further into the ship. She was dressed in her usual outfit - button-down shirt, comfortable pants, boots that were no more armored than a pair of warm socks could provide. If she looked more like a transplant from an out-of-the-way world, that was fine with her. The day had already been long - and so had the night, for that matter - and to Rin, comfort mattered more than anything at the moment.

The sight of a Turian busying himself down the hallway gave Rin a small pang in her heart. This was all familiar, it was all too familiar. She found herself trying to walk the way she used to, with a swagger she never realized was there, and felt her artificial leg shift to catch her. She half-stumbled, caught herself on the wall, stood again, brushing a lock of hair out of her eye. No, she couldn’t just slide back into old habits. But that was probably for the best - the galaxy was different, this crew was different, and she, most of all, was different. Rin shook her head, and managed to laugh at herself. She’d been on board less than a day. It would probably do to let at least a day go by before worrying about ghosts.

A few moments later, Rin made her way to the ship’s medical suite, buried more deeply in the heart of the ship than her room. She touched the door controls and made her way inside. To her mild surprise, the lights were already on, stacks of crates in the middle of the room, all marked with the universal medical symbols of Council races. And standing next to them, a slim Quarian woman, her suit accented in saffron and orange.

“Oh, hello,” Rin said, walking into the medbay, “You must be Sosa’Numos, right? Ship’s captain?” She grinned, gesturing to Sosa’s suit, “I love the pattern! It goes so well with those gold accents!”

The Quarian turned to the human who had come into the Medbay, her helmet not directly facing Rin but her eyes clearly looking towards her. She suddenly hopped up, the orange glow of her Omni-Tool disappearing as she frantically waved at Rin as an impromptu greeting as she had come in unexpectedly. Sosa’Numos let out a giggle before speaking, “Oh hello! Erm, human… female.. medical bay. You must be Severin Zahir, right? I was just reading up on your file!”

“In the flesh.” Rin smiled, leaned forward in an elaborate bow, her artificial hand making a small circle, metallic highlights flashing on the back of her hand.

Standing, Rin said, “I would ask how much of that is redacted, but, well…” She waved a hand, an expansive gesture, “Well, I suppose it probably isn’t.” Another grin, “So, these are our new Spectres, eh?”

A thoughtful look crossed Rin’s face, “Actually, wait. Does that mean that’s all of us? Are you a Spectre? Am I?” She looked down at herself. “I don’t know if I’m cut out for that uniform anymore. You, though…well. A little blue might go with the orange, hm?”

“We aren’t Spectres, they were disbanded. Remember?” Sosa’Numos commented, hinting to Rin about the secrecy of their new position and tapping the side of her helmet to reinforce the thought. She brought her weight onto one hip as she tilted her head, letting out a laugh as she continued the conversation, stepping towards Rin, “That said I do have a blue and white suit for C-Sec activities, hate it though. It just doesn’t compliment me, y’know?”

“Oh, of course,” Rin said with a laugh, “Silly me. No, of course not.” Rin leaned against one of the crates, and the smile on her face spread a little, “See, I always thought that too. But my sisters always told me they thought the uniform looked good, so maybe I’m no judge.” She looked away and chuckled, memories of finding out that some people really did love a woman in uniform. Rin glanced at Sosa - maybe a fashion show would be in the future? But that would be a discussion over drinks, not here in the medbay.

Rin cleared her throat and shook the thought away, let her voice turn playful, “So, O Captain, my Captain, what can I do for you? I think you’ve actually been in my medbay longer than I have, so I’m not sure what I’ll have to report. Unless this is a social call?”

“Well, first I came down here to see you since I’m trying to meet the crew before our first mission,” Sosa’Numos answered truthfully, rubbing the back of her helmet as she let out an awkward chuckle before continuing, “But, you weren’t here. So I thought I’d go ahead and take inventory of our medical supplies so that you wouldn’t have to.”

The Quarian gestured to the medical crates, stepping to them and placing her hand on top of one as she tried to read out some of the names of the supplies. After the first few, she gave up trying to sound out the names as it became clear that she seemed to not have much of a clue of what each of the supplies were past medi-gel. She straightened her posture as she took a step away from the medical crates, now a little embarrassed for not being able to read the names. Sosa’Numos looked back to Rin and let out a sigh before she voiced her complaints to the doctor, “They should really make these things have shorter names.”

Rin smirked, “Well, that’s the secret: Doctors get to charge by the syllable for whatever we’re talking about. Makes us sound fancy.” She looked down at the crate, ran a finger across the label, “Those are actually for Krogan medicine - and not particularly easy to get outside of Tuchanka. I’m impressed.”

She looked back up at Sosa, “First mission already, hm? C-Sec always did want things done quickly. But I suppose that’s better than waiting for them to make up their mind.” A grin, “You know, if you like, I wouldn’t mind help getting all this stuff put away. I can teach you how to pronounce some of these. And...well. I wouldn’t mind getting to know you a little more, hm?”

“Maybe another time,” Sosa’Numos commented with a light giggle, holding her hands behind her back. She looked over Rin again, noting her knowledge of the medicine before she stepped towards her, invading her personal space. Letting out another giggle, she spoke, “Though I wouldn’t be opposed to learning some medical terminology.”

With a laugh, Rin said, “Mmn. Well, I suppose that’s fair, I’m sure you have captain-type business to be getting on with.” She took a half-step toward Sosa, close enough to wrap her arm around the woman’s waist, though she refrained from the moment, “My quarters, then, after we’re underway? I’m on deck B, room 9. The one with the window. I’m pretty sure I’ve still got a bottle of something from Palaven, too.”

“Oh? Are you flirting with the captain, now?” Sosa’Numos asked, coyly tilting her head to the side.

“Mm-hmmn,” Rin said, “And I’m inviting you on a date.” She grinned, “What happens next is up to you, I should think.”

Sosa’Numos let out another giggle before responding in kind, her voice changing to a teasing tone, “Unfortunately, I don’t think it would be a good image for the Captain to be picking favorites already. Besides, it’s never a good idea for coworkers to date.”

The Quarian took a step back and folded her arms behind her back as she turned to walk away from the doctor, leaving her to her own thoughts about what had happened. Though, as Sosa’Numos reached the entrance to the Medical Bay, she turned her head as if to look back at Rin for a brief moment. The captain let out another light-hearted giggle before she spoke in an increasing teasing manner, “Besides, you’ll have to impress me more than with a promise of some Turian drinks.”

And with those final words, Sosa’Numos left Rin to her own devices.

Rin watched Sosa go, laughing to herself with a small shake of her head. She turned back into the medbay, and lifted the lid off the crate Sosa had been examining. Inside, rough ampoules and canisters of what passed for Krogan medicine - the kind that worked, anyway - were swaddled in fabric and foam, all the better to survive whatever trip they’d taken to get here. She picked one of the canisters up, her artificial fingers clicking on the metal, then made her way to a cabinet. She set the canister inside, used her fingers to position it just so.

It all felt so familiar; the Turian in the hallway, flirting with the captain in a way neither of them would ever do anything about, these Krogan medical supplies - so rare they were virtually contraband - even the way Weiro smelled. The memories, never far away but never shoved down, bobbed a little closer to the surface, and Rin smiled. She pulled another container from the crate, moved it to a different cabinet, set it down with a metallic scrape. It all felt familiar, but even more than that, it all felt right. There were volumes that could be written about that fact alone, but for now, Rin smiled, picked up the next canister, and went back to building her new home.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Antediluvixen
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Antediluvixen Kemonomimi Dystopia Creator

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Introductions: V

Featuring: @Lauder, @Monochromatic Rainbow

“Four hundred and sixty three.” Came a tired grunt from the floor of the small, cramped, windowless room. “Four hundred and sixty four.” It continued. “Four hundred and sixty five. Four hundred and sixty six.” Locked within her room - no, her cell, Mckenna Anderson could do little but browse the contents of a personal computer she had been permitted to keep, and exercise. The room’s interior was spartan, the bed not even furnished with linens or a cushion. The clean, sterile lighting reminded her unpleasantly of the lab on Turgix. The smell was different, the stench of blood, bone, and death did not hang in the air, and for that she was grateful. The walls were not that horrid, crisp whiteness. But all the same, it brought her back to that time - and so to escape it, she had begun exercising.

Sweat beaded around her eyes and mouth, dripping onto the floor as she counted up to five hundred. Pushups, squats, lunges - these were all almost pointless with synthetic limbs, leaving her more time to focus on the core body exercises. It did not mind if what muscles remained screamed at her to stop, as long as it deadened the other screams brought on by this room.

The door to the cell shifted open as she had completed more of her exercise, the form of a short Quarian girl who was on her Omni-Tool. The orange glow of the tool reflected off her visor and suit before she finally looked up to look at the mostly synthetic human though not saying anything. The hands that were previously typing on the material had stopped moving and it was clear that the Quarian was staring at Mckenna in silence. Her hands remained unmoving as the orange hue of the Omni-Tool suddenly shut off, continuing to stare at the human for the few silent moments.

“Erm-,” the voice of the Quarian came through, finally albeit somewhat nervously, “I am Sosa’Numos nar Suram.”

“Four hundred and ninety thr-” Mckenna stopped midsyllable, looking up from her position on the floor with a curious expression on her face. “Yes.” She murmured, after a moment’s pause, raising an eyebrow at Sosa’Numos. “Sosa’Numos nar Suram. Ship’s captain. Officer of C-Sec. I have read your file - what I was permitted access to, anyway.” She stood up from the floor, “My apologies for the state of the room and myself. I…” She trailed off, “I don’t know if it was intentional to forget delivering bedsheets or anything else to me, but all the same.”

She pulled a discarded article of clothing from the bed, slipping the prison uniform’s top back on. “My apologies, as well, for being dressed like this. I wasn’t expecting anyone to come and visit me.”

“To cut straight to the nub of the matter. I do not know exactly what has been provided to you or the rest of the crew. But I will assure you I am committed to the mission, and I pose no threat to anyone on board unless that person in turn means me ill.” She paused, then added, “Please do take a seat, if you are not planning to leave right away. Though I do understand, if you are.”

“I- erm,” Sosa’Numos began, watching as Mckenna put on the one article of clothing before forcing herself back to her senses, making sure that she could keep her false side going for the time being. She took a breath as she stepped into the room and folded her arms behind her back as she straightened her posture as much as she could to maintain an air of professionalism that would be expected of a captain, and of C-Sec. The quarian kept her distance from Mckenna, standing perfectly still on her side of the room as she inspected the quarters briefly.

“I came by because I was meeting the crew that would be under me, so I have time to talk,” she stated happily, hopping a single time on her toes as she spoke to Mckenna. It would seem that her general air of innocence and her normal bubbly nature took control of the room for the time being.

Mckenna’s eyebrows raised in mild surprise. The Captain was far more… energetic, than she had expected. While the possibility of her attitude being genuine of course existed, she doubted one would reach such a position through being completely open and free of guile. “Yes, of course.” She replied, looking Sosa’Numos over with an analytical gaze. “Of course, I am not a true member of the crew as it stands. More like, property, a tool being leased out to be tested. Attractive captain aside, I have no illusions that anyone on this ship will see me as some comrade to get to know. You want to get a better feeling for what I am capable of, yes? Or did you simply come to watch me exercise?”

Even through the helmet, it was clear that the captain had flinched at the statement as she nervously bobbed in place. She took a deep breath in and opted to ignore the last suggestion as to why she was here, not wanting to focus on such thoughts for the time being. Sosa’Numos forced herself to stare down the other woman and, for a brief moment, let her false attitude drop as she mentally cleansed herself. “I do not believe you to be just a tool. After all, the last time my people used something sentient like a tool we lost our homeworld,” Sosa’Numos stated, her form unmoving.

“I came because I wanted to get to know my crew. After all, it is good to know the people I’ll be working with,” the captain said, keeping her happy tone going.

“I did not claim you yourself believed me to be a tool, or some inanimate object to be used of without concern for its wishes - but that is what I am to C-Sec and the Spectre program. A tool to be made use of or disposed. I would be dead had I not agreed to this assignment, the threat of death still hangs over me should I anger the handler too greatly. I can be disposed of in a single instant if I do not do exactly as desired. Is that not what a tool is?” Mckenna folded her arms. “I do not mean to be hostile to you, captain. But I have done things from which there is no return.”

Mckenna sighed, taking a seat on her bed, removing the coat from her shoulders - once more exposing bare skin and cybernetics alike. “I hope you do not mind if I take this back off. I would prefer not to think of C-Sec’s holding cells more than I have to, while living in another.” Turning her attention back to Sosa, she met the nearly indistinguishable spots behind the visor where she knew the quarian’s eyes were. “Even if you do not view me as a tool - and I will reserve judgement on whether or not I believe such for now, I pray you do not mind - those higher in the ranks than us do. Perhaps I deserve it? Who knows - I’ll answer your questions. You wish to know who you’ll be spending time on board this ship with, what she can do, what liabilities or risks she poses. Be honest, please. If you wish for me to believe you are honest in viewing me as still a person, after whatever you have read, then be honest now and admit you are here to understand what I can be used for, not because you want a friend or comrade.”

A moment of silence passed as Sosa’Numos stared down the augmented human before she broke the silence with an apt choice of words, “Were you actually near five hundred crunches?”

Mckenna’s expression cracked into a genuine smile as she laughed, genuinely laughed, for the first time in years. “Yes, captain, yes I was. I was working to beat my record of one thousand and sixty three. Little else to do in here but exercise, and it’s not like it’ll do much for these.” She said, gesturing to the synthetic nanofiber muscles of her arm.

“Keelah, a thousand?” Sosa’Numos echoed in a tad bit of innocent shock before she tilted her head to the side. She took a step towards Mckenna, clearly looking at the false muscle and while her visor tended to block where she was looking, she was very evidently staring at the synthetic arms. The Quarian looked back up to Mckenna’s face before letting out a light sigh, saying, “I didn’t know they made synthetic muscle looks so… muscular.”

Mckenna quirked an eyebrow, smiling. “They don’t, usually. I did.” A few taps at her omni-tool brought up a set of schematics, “My own designs, fabricated by me. Paid for by someone else, admittedly. Some cybernetics use hydraulics - crude things, they are. These emulate the function of the basic human muscular system but using different, much stronger materials, are able to exert a force potentially orders of magnitude greater than that of standard organic muscle tissue.” She frowned, “A friend of mine was attempting to modify the technique for use with quarian nervous systems, come to think of it. I don’t know if she ever found any success, though.”

“So, sort of like the Geth’s synthetic muscle tissue, then? Just more natural looking, of course,” the captain inquired, thinking of Seraphim's frame and the Geth’s synthetic nature in general for a brief moment. Sosa’Numos walked up to Mckeena, looking at the synthetic muscle for a second before she knelt down. Her helmeted head looked to Mckenna’s before asking, “Do you mind if I touch your muscle?”

The smile grew wider, and the laugh returned. “Which ones would those be?” She asked, winking playfully, “No, of course I don’t mind. Examine at your leisure. I have technical documents I can share if you wish to read them, as well.” Accordingly, Mckenna held out her left arm, palm facing upwards to the ceiling. “Be my guest.”

The Quarian reached a hand out, her fingers gliding over the muscles as Sosa’Numos began to feel them in their entirety, eventually wrapping her hand around it as much as she could. She let this happen for a few silent moments, the muscles were hard and unnatural though very much different to the synthetic muscle to the Geth, who had muscle similar to that of organics. A single sharp breath was taken in as she brought her hand away from McKenna’s muscles despite clearly wanting to feel more of it. Sosa’Numos looked back over ath Mckenna before stating, “I’d love to see those technical documents. If there is one thing I love, it is information.”

“Naturally, captain. I may not be the shadow broker, but I do have plenty of information to share - even if, granted, most of it is technical documents or strange pirate radio broadcasts from the Terminus Systems.” Mckenna tapped at her omni-tool for a second, before looking back to Sosa’Numos. “The files should be waiting for you on your return, captain.” She answered.

“You think you have plenty of information?” Sosa’Numos asked, standing up from her position before letting out a bit of a smug chuckle, “You have yet to see my track record, Ms. Anderson.”

The captain turned to leave the room, walking away from McKeena, though stopping at the door and booking back at the other. She let out a sigh before speaking once more, “If you need anything, Ms. Anderson, let me know. I don’t want you to see this as a cell.” After those few words, Sosa’Numos turned and left Mckenna to her own devices.

After a moment, as she felt the room descend back into the dull hum of the ship and the return to the oppressive stillness of an empty room, Mckenna sat, pensive, reflecting on the conversation. The Quarian had been… interesting, that much was for sure. How much of her demeanor was real and how much as a facade was yet to be determined, but now at least she knew it would not be naught but career C-Sec officers. As she laid back in her bed, she grinned. “Maybe this assignment won’t be so bad.”
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Andreyich
Avatar of Andreyich


Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Starring: @Andreyich@Lauder@DrRtron@Auz@Naril

A day had passed since the crew of the Weiro had been brought aboard, and now was the time for their first assignment. Sending a message to Sosa, Eustace awaited the Captain in the bridge, leaning back in a chair with his feet resting upon a keyboard. They were to discuss the mission before calling in the rest of the crew to inform them of what would be happening.

As Sosa came into the room Eustace would stand up and straighten out, his face curled up in a frown. “You’re late.” he’d say, before in a few seconds laughing and waving to her to sit down as well when he took a seat. “C-Sec gave us our first task. There’s an Asari Matriarch we need to talk to, supposedly she has something important to tell us. We’re to meet her and provide security because it’s sensitive information. I’ve sent you the location along with other details.” Straightening out in his chair Eustace again accessed his omni-tool. “Like I said it’s a matriarch we’re dealing with, this is a big deal, though - at least for now - it doesn’t seem we’re at any real risk. Matriarchs always have enemies, and she seems to have only been concerned enough to get a single real bodyguard. If she thought she was at real risk she’d be in a bunker of sorts. I think the Krogan and the Doctor would suffice, Dreklei will fly you down and stay on the roof if it looks like there might be any problems. I want the turtles to work together here. If they can’t be good around each other on a calm security detail then we can’t expect them to work together in a firefight. I suggest the rest of the crew be on standby, we bring too many people over and people will know something is up. Maybe Seraph can bring his platform down in the shuttle to guard the landing zone should we evacuate.” Eustace finished, testily sipping from a cup of coffee while he awaited input from Sosa.

The captain listened silently for a moment, taking in the briefing one piece at a time and processing it as Eustace spoke. She leaned back in her chair and intertwined her hands as she formulated plans in head in silence before her visor shifted up to look at Eustace, continuing to contemplate the mission. “The krogan would be valuable assets upon this mission, however, having both of them may work against as. They have already fought, from what I heard, and if anything goes wrong they may fight again,” she stated coldly, her normal happy-go-lucky voice not present as she spoke. She knew that Eustace knows of her true nature, she worked with him for a little bit while at C-Sec and it was hard to hide that part of her file from him in particular.

“However, we still could bring them, just not at the same time. Two teams, one headed by me and the other headed by Seraphim. My team shall contain Mister Corr and Miss Osino, while Seraphim leads Shephurd and Doctor Zahir for standby in case things get out of our control,” she looked continued to stare at Eustace as she stated her draft, “That would leave the ship without its main engineers, but I can trust that what other crew we have can handle that while they are away, no?”

Eustace rubbed his chin, and then shrugged. “This isn’t a hostile warzone or other crisis area, here it won’t be such a big problem. However, if worst comes to worst, I really must ask that you make Urd and Tak fight together. Perhaps in the crucible of battle their little squabble can be overcome. Just think about it Captain. If we keep them separate forever on these smaller assignments, what will we do when we’re against great odds and they haven’t learned to be part of the same team? Beyond that this works for me. I’ll ready my armour, I’ll be ready to come if worst comes to worst though I really do doubt it will. If the heat gets really too much just tell us, I’ll get the cyborg out on her leash.”

“Valid points, Eustace,” Sosa commented, taking a moment to think once more before her mind came to a conclusion, “Very well, my team shall consist of Shephurd and Corr. If things get hot immediately, then I will need their strength and resilience immediately. Osino, Doctor Zahir, and Seraphim shall standby for clearing an evacuation zone, again, assuming things go beyond our control.”

The captain took a breath in for a moment before asking Eustace, “How much do we know of this Matriarch? You know how much I value information, especially if it is pertinent to my job.”

The Yeoman rubbed his forehead for a moment, shaking his head. “Unfortunately not too much, or less than either of us would have hoped. I’ll send you what we have now. Her name is Sotiria, and she knows something very important. Has some friends on the Citadel. Very influential in the Terminus Systems though this has earned her some enemies. Of course by the nature of the mission I reckon you gathered as much but nevertheless. Definitely a less than legal sort, but that doesn’t matter since her criminal associations are outside of our jurisdiction anyway. Not her own fault anyway, seems to be a good woman in a nasty place. There’s… rumours about her, but nothing really out of the ordinary and frankly nothing I’d blame her for given it’s the bloody Terminus Systems. Didn’t tell me much beyond that. Shall I ring up the crew to have them meet us here?” Eustace queried.

“If we have nothing else to discuss, then very well,” Sosa said with a mild bit of disappointment, not particularly liking the answer that Eustace had given her. However, she knew that not everything could be given to her, though she knew she could find her own information on Sotiria in her own time. She leaned forwards in her seat, taking a deep breath in as she prepared herself to act as the crew knew her so far. After a moment, she straightened herself in her seat before she spoke once more, her normal voice coming back, “I’m sure this will be a resounding success for C-Sec!”

“Excellent.” Eustace said, tapping a few keys on the omni-tool. “Everyone has been messaged, they should come here soon.”

Tak tilted his head, furrowing his brow as he looked at his omni-tool. There was a time when all of his brethren believed that the tank had given them all the information they could ever need to know their enemies. Now that he was here among them, it couldn’t be more clear that they were wrong. There was so much to process he didn’t know where to begin, from the surprise of being put on this mission, to the protection of an Asari who had lost the capacity for battle. How was he supposed to protect something so soft?

The krogan shrugged, shooing away the omni-tool and packing away his mop. A day had passed since what the Geth voice referred to as ‘the incident’ and Eustace had given Tak the bizarre human punishment of cleaning the crew's facilities. The tank bred had told the Yeoman to remove one of his claws instead, as a form of retribution for his mistake but instead Eustace insisted, the krogan filling it away as just another bizarre alien practice.

Nevertheless, he was here now, striding down the hallways of the Weiro towards the cargo lift. As he reached the doors, Tak gave himself a once over, ensuring his armour was tightly fastened and admiring the deep green and black camo pattern. The council had shelled out for some top of the line Predator armour and the tank bred couldn’t help but get excited at the thought of breaking it in.

The Cargo bay doors opened to reveal Urd, dressed in full hazard armor and armed with all of his weaponry. He was reading the report on his omni-tool, and Ruzad floated dutifully next to him. As doors opened fully, his gaze flicked upwards and a disgusted look crossed his face. Of course he was stuck with the tank-bred mongrel. Nonetheless, he had promised Eustace and CSEC that he could work with the abomination, and here and now he evidently had to prove it. Without a word, he returned back to his omni-tool to finish reading the report. Chalkos. A mostly asari world in the terminus systems. And they were taking a Tank-Bred whose people had a reputation for excessive brutality against the asari they captured? On a mission to save a matriarch, who was guarded by another asari? Ridiculous.

As the doors closed and they began their slow ride up to the briefing room, Urd finished the briefing and his thoughts turned to the brief fight in the engine bay as the silence rode on. The fight that Eustace had distracted him in. The fight that the tube had almost won. The monster was probably thinking that he had won fairly, disregarding the extenuating circumstances. The thought ground against Urd’s pride, like a blade being slowly pushed into his side.

Finally, the silence couldn’t last.

“You won’t get so lucky next time.”

The comment hung in the air for a moment, seemingly stuck to the hatred that oozed off of the natural born. In the background, the gears of the elevator winced and squealed, causing the tank-bred to flash a quick look towards the lift's signage. He was happy to see that it could hold over 1000 kilos.

Bing. The elevator doors opened earlier than they should have, the Turian Pilot walking into the elevator with a quizzical expression once she realized neither of the Krogan were very happy. She read of them of course but had not yet seen much of the crew. Giving both the closest thing her avian mouth could to a smile as Krogan would know it she pressed the button and once more machinery whirred.

“Clan Urdnot,” Tak spoke, not paying the turian much mind. “Should you be killed in this mission, fear not, I will claim your hammer.”

Urd curled his lips back into a grimace in response to the turian. His teeth audibly ground at the audacity of the tank-bred to think he could wield his hammer. “Don’t worry. It’ll take far more than you think to kill me. Not that you’d be capable of wielding such a weapon, even if one were to somehow fall into your hands. But I will extend the same courtesy. When you die, I will claim your Spike Thrower. Make it do some good in the universe for once.”

The tank-breds head dipped back, his eyes inquisitively studying the natural born’s Claymore Shotgun as his brows furrowed in confusion. “If your equipment is faulty, you should seek an upgrade before battle. It would be unwise to wait such a time to do so.”

Urd merely growled in reply.

“All personal belongings, in the untimely death of its owner, will be requisitioned by C-Sec unless otherwise noted in your official will.” Seraph’s voice speaks out without prompting. “I can make adjustments to your forms now, if either of you wish.”

“Thank you, Geth. But I think the tube and I understand each other.” Urd replied into the air.

Rin arched the brow over her artificial eye, catching Seraph’s voice while the elevator doors opened. One of the Krogan alone would have made the elevator crowded, with both of the hulking, humpbacked figures, the platform was more than a little full. She checked the time, no point in waiting for the next lift, she was already going to be later than she’d like. And, also, one of the Krogan was Urd, and that, at least, meant a bit of entertainment.

“There are things in my personal belongings that C-Sec might not want to acknowledge,” Rin said with a grin, stepping on to the elevator. She looked at the two Krogan, then settled a mock-serious lock at Urd, “All right, get down here. My leg’s acting up, and your hump looks comfortable.”

Despite his foul mood, Urd couldn’t help but grin back at Rin. “Of course my hump is comfortable. Wrex’s and Shiagur’s genetics wouldn’t allow for anything less!” He settled down lower onto his knees so that Rin could, with his assistance, clamber on top of his hump into a sitting position. “Are they bringing you along for the mission?”

Rin laughed. The tension between the two Krogan was electric, but her leg actually did hurt, and she hoped she could lower the temperature a little. She hooked her living hand into a convenient spot on Urd’s armor, holding herself in place while he let her settle into position - a place that put her about eye level with Tak. She grinned, and assayed a small wave before addressing Urd again.

“Oh, that’s actually really nice,” Rin said, stretching her artificial leg, “Thanks. And yes, they seem to want me along for the ride this time.” She grinned, “I suppose there are worse things than spending time around Asari.”

Tak had eyed off with the human for a moment, noticing the slight discrepancy of the green in her eyes, before breaking off to analyze the rest of her form. Her scent was thick with an artificial essence and by the way she moved, it was clear she had been through some type of serious trauma. Was this how all aliens operated? Putting such soft, weak creatures on important missions? No wonder his kin had turned the tide of the war, perhaps they should’ve continued and put the entire galaxy out of this fragile existence.

The tank-bred shook loose his befuddled look, all this bewilderment was becoming too much, images had begun to flood his mind goading him into tearing through everything with a pulse. A loud exhale caught the back of his throat, giving it a growled nature, he just wanted to be free of this infernal box.

Dreklei did not quite understand what had just transpired. Yes apparently the Urd character had some past with the doctor but what she was seeing did not match with any sort of common sense she previously believed was in her possession.

She thanked whatever Gods might be listening as the built up tension and awkwardness was not quite relieved but at least came to be escapeable as the elevator doors once more opened. "Uhhh… nice to meet you!" The Turian pilot managed, before running off to the bridge.

Eustace looked over the edge of his computer at the approaching party coming from the elevator, nodding to Dreklei and Tak whilst hardly suppressing a sigh at the sight of Urd and Severin. “Take a seat.” He suggested, before pulling up a hologram in the midst of the bridge that gave a detailed overview of the building they were to descend upon. “Hopefully by now everyone has read the mission dossier.” the man said. “We depart in about an hour, so get ready to gear up following this meeting.” he said, before turning to give the proverbial stage to Captain Sosa’Numos.

Urd settled into the chair as best he could, Severin still atop his hump. He kept his front towards Tak, and Ruzad constantly watching the Tank-Bred. He didn’t trust there to not be a repeat of last time, honourable promises from his enemy or no.

“Yes. We will be running security for an Asari Matriarch!” Sosa’Numos proclaimed rather excitedly as she looked as the crew assembled, she would have been hopping in place if she were not already seated, though her incessant foot tapping filled the air as she spoke. The captain did, however, maintain a professional posture as she looked over the crew, letting out a giggle before continuing on, “We will be running with two teams, the first will be Takarr Corr and Urdnot Shephurd led by I because, come on, two krogan are the best security options anyone could want. The second team would be Doctor Zahir and Osino Kael led by Seraphim.”

Sosa’Numos looked to the doctor, “You, doctor, will be on stand-by in the event of emergency medical attention.”

“Questions?” Eustace asked, scanning the room. "Comments, concerns?"

“Should we really be bringing the tube on this mission?” Urd spoke, looking over the building. It looked messy. Like a death trap.

“Chalkhos is a primarily asari world, even a century after the Reaper’s ravaged it. This is an asari matriarch. She, and any other asari we are bound to encounter, have no doubt heard about the many atrocities the tankies have committed against their kind. Skinning prisoners alive to make blue drums. Actively torturing the asari prisoners purely because they find the screams of pain amusing. If we want this matriarch to trust us, bringing along something that has a reputation for brutality against her kind doesn’t seem like the kind of thing that would invoke confidence in her. Even if we got as far as that without someone, rightfully, shooting at it and then us because we’re with it. Besides, you don’t need more than me there for security. If you insist though, I would recommend taking Mckenna. Having seen her work on Turgix, she’ll be quite the asset with none of the drawbacks of being hated by the person we’re supposed to be helping.”

Tak raised an eyebrow, the butcher was here? On their ship? The tank-bred’s fists tightened as he recalled the stories from his brethren. No, not here, not now. The krogan thought, there would be time later to decide how to properly digest that information but right now, he needed to be mission focused.

“Captain, as stated, I will kill for you as instructed. If you require further education on the battle tactics of my people, the human femur also made for strong drumsticks.”

Tak turned, looking directly at Urd.

“It worked wonders in demoralising our more emotional enemies.”

Eustace sighed, rubbing his forehead. "Humour me Urd, how will they tell when he - much like yourself - is to be both silent and wearing a helmet? " He said, looking between the two Krogan. "But you have my word, 'Shephurd', if he so much as breathes the wrong way I will make sure that the marketing campaigns regarding the use of a Carnifex pistol against Krogan will be more than proven right upon Mr. Corr. Of course, the same applies to you and the rest of the crew though somehow I doubt any of them will be so… brazen as you my dear Krogan comrades. Cooperation and professionalism is expected of both of you. What I say is of course with the aim of discipline in mind, to prevent a mess-up. Once a mess-up happens of course… well I am sure we can expect similar vindictive promises from the Captain, hmmm, no?" The man finished, giving a meaningful look to both Krogan. It was a look that told them the memory of the ruckus in the Engine rooms was not forgotten and if so soon after it there was yet another disturbance the Krogan would face very generous but egalitarian punishment. But damn if it wasn't hard to ignore the little comment about human femurs.

Even now there were doubts going through Eustace that putting the Krogan together was a bad idea but he kept thinking better have them deal with each other now than learn to work together when it really mattered.

Tak simply nodded in response, feeling more at home now that his superior had threatened him with death for insubordination.

“As you say. No further questions or concerns from me.” Urd replied, settling back into his chair.

"Most excellent!" The Yeoman said, clapping his hands together. "The armoury is at the disposal of anyone who wishes to further garnish their arsenals though I do not think this will be necessary. If that is all then dismissed, the pertinent crew members are expected by the shuttle in forty five minutes."
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by KillamriX88
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KillamriX88 Cheese Lover / Professional Cat Cuddler

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

The Matriarch's Legacy: I

Featuring: @KillamriX88

“As nice as it is to hear from you, I'm sure you haven't forgotten that I'm not working. I'd have told you if I was back.”

“I'm aware. However, I'm afraid I must still ask for your help. There are very few people I can trust right now, and fewer still who have the skills I require. I'm afraid it really does come down to you.”

“I don't suppose you're going to give me more details than that?”

“I wish I could. Suffice it to say I'm in danger. This is big, Amynta. I've made some powerful people very angry, but... I feel I'm morally obligated to go through with this. I've contacted people on the Citadel, but I doubt they'll be here in time.”

“That... does sound big. Well I suppose I'm morally obligated too. I'm on my way.”

“Hardly, but... thank you.”

Amynta arrived at the planet on which Matriarch Sotiria resided. As far as colonies went in the Terminus Systems, it was a fairly large one. Stepping off her ship, she could already see where she was headed. There were two, tall buildings towering over all others. The slightly shorter of the two was owned in its entirety by the Matriarch.

Amynta had once asked her why she wasn't in the taller building, and apparently that one had been erected by someone jealous of her influence in the region. It hadn't come to much, and when the Asari had inevitably outlasted them, she'd bought up that one too, but chose to stay in her original building on principle.

The Matriarch's main office was on the third to highest floor, out of about fifty if she recalled correctly. As she strode down the ramp from the dock into the colony, she initiated a call to the Matriarch.

“I'm here. I assume you're still alive if you're picking up,” Amynta hazarded a guess.

“Indeed, I am. Thank you. I already feel a little better knowing that.”

“I still have trouble believing you contacted the Citadel of all places. Big or not, something like that's not going to be popular with people around here. I do hope you'll let me listen in on all this.”

“Curious are we? I thought you were more professional than that.”

“I told you. I'm not officially working. Least you can do is satisfy my curiosity.”

Her response was a tense laugh, “I'm sure they'll have no problem with my personal guard staying by my side.”

“You really couldn't find anyone but me? I'm flattered, but I'm still only one person.”

“I have a few others, but you're quite special you know. I just... when I realized what I'd gotten into, I could only think that I'd feel better with you here.”

“OK. Well... now I'm very flattered. When are these people arriving anyway?”
“Actually, they should be arriving just behind you. They only recently gave me an ETA.”

“And now I’ve gone from flattered to redundant.”

“Oh, hardly. You think I’ll be left alone once they’ve come and gone? If nothing else they’ll want to make an example of me.”

“True, can’t have that. Anyway, I'm almost at the building. Did you ever get that elevator to move any faster?”

“Sorry. If anything, I think it's gotten even slower.”

“Wonderful. Just try to keep it together until I make it up there, OK?” Amynta was easily allowed into the building, being quickly recognized. No doubt the Matriarch had let her people know she was coming.

“I'm sure I'll manage. See you in a minute.” WIth that, the call ended as Amynta stepped into the elevator. As it chugged into motion, Amynta realized it might actually take a whole minute to get all the way up there.

Finally she arrived, passing through the empty waiting area and through one of the two doorways into the Matriarch's office. Apparently it was set up that way so that, on busy days, the Matriarch could kick people out while other people came in. Immediately she was stopped by one of the guards already present. It would have annoyed her, but mostly she was just happy that the Matriarch’s people were on top of their game.

“Yep. It’s her.” The guard was one Amynta recognized, one of the more permanent people on the Matriarch’s staff. Thaleia, ex-Asari military, and while not exactly a commando, she was still more than the average mook would want to tackle. “Glad to have you on board.” She held her hand out for Amynta to shake before stepping out of the way.

“Amynta. Finally.” The Matriarch jumped up from her sea, her dress fluttering as she quickly strode over to her, enveloping her in a sudden embrace.

“With the hugging already?” Amynta was caught off guard. She held the Matriarch at arm’s length as she pulled away. “You… you’re terrified, aren’t you? And the fact that I can actually tell is starting to make me nervous.”

“. . . You’re not wrong,” the Matriarch spoke softly, lowering her gaze. “Amynta… I… I’m starting to think whoever I’ve angered is… not normal. They’re not just another band of Terminus dregs, certainly.”

“It doesn’t matter who they are. I won’t let them hurt you.”

“I know. I’m the one who owes you, and yet-”

“Will you stop already? It’s the other way around and you know it. And you know why.”

“Agree to disagree, then-” They were cut off by the sound of the door opening behind them. Amynta turned her head, only getting a glimpse of a figure in full, dark-colored armor before something was chucked into the room with them.

“GET DOWN!” The ex-soldier shouted. Amynta reached out, pulling Thaleia and the Matriarch close and then slamming her eyes shut to focus. Just in time a small bubble formed around them as a moment later the object exploded.

Amynta winced as her barrier was tested by the explosion, but let out a breath as she realized it had held just fine. She looked up to see the other guards in the room hadn’t been so lucky, and were now strewn across the room, scorched and bloody.

She grimaced, but in the end her main concern was the Matriarch.

“We have about five seconds before they realize they failed. Get the other door.” Amynta rushed to the first door, quickly working the key-pad to lock it, hoping Thaleia was doing the same with the second door.

“I’m so sorry, Amynta. I don’t know how this could have happened, m-my own building. No warning-” The Matriarch sounded more distraught than Amynta had ever heard her before.

She turned to face the older Asari, “It doesn’t matter. Just get back. I’ll deal with this-”

Once more she was distracted by the sound of the door opening. What? She’d just locked it! When she looked, she saw something she really quite hated -- an Asari Disciple pistol. She put all her focus into reinforcing her personal barrier, but the round struck her in the chest, nearly collapsing it in one go and knocking her firmly on her rear.

Before they could fire again, she threw her hand out and this time made an offensive use of her biotics, flinging the attacker into the ceiling. Of course this only revealed he wasn’t alone, as as second attack that had been behind him took aim and began spraying bullets into the room.

By some miracle, none of them hit her and Amynta was able to throw her first victim into the second, knocking both clean out of the room. She jumped up and with another surge of biotics, pulled the door closed again with such force that she could hear the mechanism sheer apart, disabling it for good.

“You clear?!” Amynta turned to Theleia who nodded, eyeing the door controls like a hawk lest someone hack that one open next.

“Amynta…” She heard a whimper from the Matriarch. She turned to see the woman clutching her side and collapse into her chair. It was then that she realized why she hadn’t been shot -- they hadn’t been aiming for her.

“Matriarch!” She rushed over to her.

“Oh, I suppose that was a little dramatic of me. Really, I should be grateful you weren't the one shooting at me.” She chuckled weakly. “I-I’ll… I’ll be fine. It’s not that bad.”

“I can’t keep this door shut forever!” Theleia slammed her fist on the door controls, locked in an almost comical battle of who could hit the button faster. It was only a matter of time, however, before their attackers just disabled the controls entirely.

“. . . You won’t have to.” Amynta stepped away from the Matriarch, putting her rifle into her hands. “Keep an eye on her.”

“Amynta? What are you doing?!” Matriarch Sotiria’s eyes widened.

“What you brought me here to do…”
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