Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Psi Force
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Psi Force A Glorified Saint

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Atlanta, Georgia

As stated b-

"Looks like I'll have to pay this little magpie, a visit." Alena sighed lightly as she picked up the radio and launched it across the room. She did pay this Erica a visit and see what all the fuss was about. She would then take a sip of her whisky and then slammed it down on the table before laughing a little. She would then zip away in a lightning bolt as she knew her intended location was the CNN Center to have a little talk with the "DJ" of the radio at this current moment. She knew how to fight without her powers and she was sure she could handle this little magpie..


That was sound of Alena zipping and electroporting to a safe place outside of the building. She would smirk as she would see every single of the police officers from where she was. She would start running towards them as she would leverage her speed along with her lightning powers. She would shift into a lightning bolt as she would hit one of the officers attempting to pierce through them, and then if she was successful she would start a chain shock, attempting to kill every one that had any radio or electrical device on them. In her lightning stream form, she was basically untouchable. If she was successful in trying to attack the police officers, she would use her electroportation to "teleport" inside the building. In front of the "Magpie"

"What are you trying to be... your cosplay sucks..."
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Chulance
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

Atlanta, Georgia - Erica Storm - CNN Center

The people Erica had used her abilities lay on the ground living vegetables. Although they had not imploded in real life she'd made short work of them as far as their ability to function. The traumatic experience had left them virtually comatose, but regardless she didn't want them found.

The sound of blaring sirens filled the atmosphere, numerous calls had been to made to emergency services to send help regarding the situation and the hijacked broadcast. "Hmmm time to make my way out of here, oh well." The agent was curious about what morbid thoughts filled the citizens of not only America but specifically Atlanta, Georgia. To have struck fear in the hearts of so many people actually felt invigorating powerful...she almost felt tempted to go down this path fully in reality but alas that was not her goal.

The smell of gasoline & oil permeated the air. The bodies of those she'd allegedly "imploded" onl ive television were dripping with the oil she poured on them. Making sure to be cautious and step out the room seh took out a lit match dropping it on the ground of the CNN Broadcast center. Quickly the room set ablaze engulfing with fire including the unfortunate news crews victims. Smoke and air filled the room as Erica left walking through the hallway calmly as if nothing had happened. Other personell in the CNN building were already evacuating to make way for the onslaught of police that were barging in to confront the Empowered mass murderer. "Oh I'm moving slow aren't I?" She heard loud noise of police officers barging into the building, perhaps she'd wasted far too much time in making her escape.

Although her instructions were clear, she did have permission for further use of her powers if it was to preserve her own life in the unfotunate scenario where she was confronted by law enforcement before making her escape. I'm almost too excited about the prospect of this, I see why we need to be controlled. IT's of most importance for the continued prosperity & survival of our society. As she was trudging along towards a door to enter the staircase she saw lights flickering erratically and then watched as one of the ceiling lights affected by this strang phenomena seemed to be host to some sort of living lightning emerging from it. What in all possible fuck.. She briefly pondered reaching for her weapon, but if this turned out to be some sort of superhuman threat her best defense may very well be the abilities she was equipped with. Fighting against the natural urge to draw her life-long defense she stood making her way from the door as the lightning formed into a living breathing woman. "Hmm Magpie? Who are you, I take it you saw my message that we need to band together against the mortals, and show them that we are not a people that need to be caged..like animals but instead looked up to as rulers?

"What are you trying to be... your cosplay sucks..."

A scowl manifested on Erica's face at the comments this fellow Empowered one directed towards her. "Cosplay? I'll have you know I'm not trying to be anyone else, why would I, when I can be me? I'm so very comfortable with who I am, are you?
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Psi Force
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Psi Force A Glorified Saint

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

It was rather easy getting into the CCN Center, and that's made her Alena smirk a little. Some of the cops she had killed, were annoying anyway. They were always so quick to draw their guns and now a few cops were dead because of her. Alena's posture changed as she appeared in front of Erica, considering this was a safe environment for now due to Alena's powers, she would be able to talk to Erica freely and she'd grin lightly before nodding slightly. Of course she would say that, but then again, she called herself a god, didn't she?

"I'm calling you, Magpie because you always like shiny things. You take what doesn't belong to you. So do I, that's why I killed about. Let me count.... way above thirteen cops outside. I believe you and I can do great things. We could rule the world. I'm Alena, by the wya."

Alena stated as she looked towards Erica and would stand up before approaching her and extending her hand, offering a handshake as she smiled lightly. Alena would then close her eyes for a moment and then looked back, she could hear the cops converging on their position and she would let go of Erica's hand before turning around and manifesting two electrical spheres in both of her hands and then laughed lightly.

"Are you ready to light these cops up?" @Chulance
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Meleck

Meleck Cleric on the Northern Plains

Member Seen 1 yr ago


In Ivy's office three screens were on with the news, National news, local news, and state new were being fed to the screens. The computer monitor to the left of her desk brought data in from the departments under her control. Right now the State Police feeds were a buzz with activity about the attack at the CNN towers. The reports were more about the forces being pulled to deal with the terrorist attack. Ivy knew a couple of the journalists that were attacked and her heart went out to them.

Her secretary and the man behind her power, her chief-of-staff entered the room. He said to her, "We need you in the press breifing room now."
Ivy quickly fixed her makeup and pulled her jacket on. She still looked like the fresh young twenty something blond reported that was going to change the world by her work. She had exposed corruption in both state parties and took down a federal judge. The work was hard but she had a nose to dig into minute details critical to getting to the truth. But now she was a mother of two children and a wife to a doctor. Her chief of staff had talked her into politics. Like many southern democrats she was financially conservative and a social moderate. The reporter in her was trained to deal with facts, though reporting became more about entertainment.

The truth right now was to get on the television and calm down Georgia and the nation. The President had four months of the best researchers and scientist at his disposal to deal with this stuff. Even a few of the gifted or enhanced scientists had tried to advise the president. Now the registration bill was more about military spending, pork for his buddies, and power play to put the democratic face on these "Empowered" human criminals.

Ivy walked down the hall as her chief of staff briefed her. Four large State Troopers took position as body guards. The State Police expected a state of emergency power declaration.

After a brief introduction, Ivy stepped out to the podium. She had her serious game face on.

"Ladies and gentleman, Georgians, Americans, and citizens of the world. For the last four months the leadership in Washington has failed you," she said the accent clearly Georgian though she did not draw the you out.
"Today we see what their failure of leadership has brought. Citizens of Georgia killed because of the arrogance, game playing, and power grabs of a few people in high office. US House Bill 236, sponsored by the President and his party, does not get us where we need to go. There is more spending for special projects, benefits for the friends of the President, and it takes away your civil rights. It is 5126 pages of items that have nothing to do with the problem at hand. What we need are laws that makes sense...." she paused for a moment working the camera and the emotions of those in the room.

[color=#8df542]"As the Governer of Georgia I am authorizing the agencies in my administration to start preparing for registering those with powers and to determine what type of powers. I am not going to the point of allowing them to use excessive force on all those with powers or to jail them. We are still a state and a country that follows the law and gives people due process. But we need to know who and what we are dealing with. I am also calling the Georgia House and Senate back into session to bring me a bill that would allow for the registration and funding to carry it out, support the victims, and incarcerate and rehabilitate those who misuse their powers," [\color] she said in a tone that meant that she meant business. Her chief of staff was a man who knew this would play well and take the wind out of the President's sail and put him on the defensive.

"As a mother that's son was killed by an enhanced person, I know the pain and fear they can cause. I know that there are both good and bad enhanced people. Like a child learning to drive, some of learning to control them and need help. I have heard reports of enhanced people, saving children from flood waters and fires. Not all of the enhanced are bad people. But like all of the other things we register, we need to have them register their abilities. I also call for the enhanced to help us police and protect the citizens of this great state and nation. Don't start acting as vigilantes and taking the law into your own hands." She said with a maternal plea and tone.

There were a few questions that were directed to the podium about details. Her chief of staff fielded them with the normal, we are still waiting for information and more will be provided when the administration had it.

Towards the end of the press conference, Ivy was getting ready to make her good-byes.
A reporter called out, "Governor Ivy, Are you planning to run for president?"
Ivy blushed a genuine blush.
"I do declare! The thought hasn't even crossed my mind. I've only been Governor for a short period of time and right now," she said then paused for effect.
"My focus is on keeping the good people of Georgia safe. That is why we need to pass a simpler Empowered Registration Bill, it is sad to see that this President and congress are making this a partisan issue. Putting politics in front of children like my Tyler and allowing the empowered criminals to be above the law like some others think they are."
She let that hang, letting people associate it with whoever they felt fit that bit.
"Let me be clear, there are good honest Empowered people and I want to protect their rights too," Ivy said.

Again the voice called out. "Are you going to run?"
She waved.
Running for the presidency she knew that would take a lot of money. She have yet to have a big political machines to help her. Over her years as a report she had made both republicans and democrats mad at her. There would need to be a ground swell of support.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by El Gato Naranja
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El Gato Naranja Europa Undivided/Cattra the Impurrishable

Member Seen 3 days ago

Corvus Helstrom and Matthias Helstrom

It has been four months since Corvie and Matthias had come back from the dead, reforming from the dust that had been left to gather in the abandoned Helstrom household. Their disappearance had caused great heartbreak for their mother, father, and sister; in their grieving and utter despair in the wake of their terrible loss, what remained of the Helstrom family had moved away to Atlanta, Georgia, where they had made a new life and home for themselves. Their old home was sold to a newly wed couple from Augusta, who expressed their deepest condolences to the Helstroms as the latter left Maine entirely in an effort to keep the pain that they had felt in the day of the brothers' disappearance from resurging again and again. Mariah, Matthias' widow, had returned to Ontario, Canada, believing that her beloved was gone forever and ever from the face of the Earth.

But they returned. Those that had been turned to dust during the Event had all returned, and in their comeback, some had manifested powers that are beyond the ken of human science to ever explain and know. Corvus and Matthias were among those that had returned to the world of the living, and in their return, the younger brother manifested the power of an unearthly form of fire; a blueish green flame that would not burn unless if Corvus willed it so. Matthias was given the power of ice and cold by whatever unknown source these powers had come from. And now, well, they had reunited with their family in Atlanta, bringing great joy and relief as they had been thought to be long dead. Their newfound abilities were no secret to the rest of the Helstroms, either, and it was clear that nothing will ever be the same.

Atlanta, Georgia
The Morning

"Matt." Corvie called out as he mixed his morning coffee on the dining table. It was six am; the other Helstroms were still asleep, tired from the birthday party for Corvie that they had thrown last night. It was a miracle, their mother said. Mariah had even flown in from Canada when she heard that Matthias and Corvus were still alive and... well, let's just say that they can't get back together now that she had found someone else... which was quite sad, really.

Matthias got up from the sofa and walked towards Corvie and his morning coffee, giving him a very snuggly hug from behind before sniffing the aroma wafting from the coffee. "Hi little bro. You're awake so soon?"

"I just woke up." Corvus confided, sipping from the cup while putting a hand a piece of paper that he had been scribbling on for a few minutes now. "It's just that... everything is so different." That last phrase came along with him conjuring a ball of fire on his hand, looking at it very intently. "Your... wife, I mean, ex-wife... you two can't get together any more, and our house got sold..." There was a whimper, and a tear dripped on the table. "It's unfair. We got this powers but the things that really matter are unrecognizable. People look at us as though they see a ghost."

"Oh, dear." Matthias sat on a chair and wrapped his brother around his arms, comforting him. "Everything is really weird ever since we got back, but we'll get through this. Give it time."

Atlanta, Georgia
Somewhere near the CNN Towers

"Oh my God." Corvus looked up at the CNN towers, watching as the events in live television unfolded. He had been walking back from school when the horrid news came in; an Empowered mass murderer had broken into the CNN towers, killing dozens of people in the process. He was right there, in front of the towers. Now... the time for decision has come. Why does he have these powers if he can't do anything useful with them, anyway? All he could do was watch as the police converged in the entrance.

And then, a rather familiar hand took hold of his arm. Corvie looked up to see his brother Matthias, who looked a little worried. "Hey, what are you still doing here?", Matthias asked. "Don't tell me you're gonna go in there!"

"I'm not! The police will block me even if I wanted to, anyway." Corvie sighed rather dejectedly. "We should help... why have powers if we can't use them to help people..."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 7 hrs ago


Honolulu, Hawaii
Interacting With:

Hours after the beach ball incident.

Scott was vibing to some opera music playing through a single airpod as he levitated a large statue of a happy nuclear family into the newly reconstructed city square that he had aided in building for months.

"Niiiice…" He said with a smile, but not at the statue, but at his phone screen that floated in front of him while he used both hands to guide the statue in place with his power. "Superboy Rhymes, thanks for that epic super chat! Unlimited powah! If only I could shoot lightning too! Aaaaaaand there! Look at that!" Scott had set the statue down.

Moments later after ensuring he was paid for his work, Scott crouched down dramatically as his phone orbited around him before he took off into the air, flying to his next destination.

"That's always epic!" He shouted to his audience. "I think it's about time King Scott did a world tour! Maybe I'll actually get a cool villain somewhere on the mainland."
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Chulance
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

Atlanta, Georgia - CNN Center - Laura Kohn & Erica Storm

Laura had made her way inside astonished by the murders she'd just witnessed. She'd yelled into her radio to call for additional back-up and now additional officers as well as news crews were converging. This was being reported live at the same time as Donald Trump's address to the nation that the United States had uncovered a method of testing for abilities & it's federal mandate to test it's 300 million plus citizens for abilities to be able to finally oust all the members of the country who had powers.

"This has to stop!" Laura yelled out running past the charred bodies of her slain officers. Gun drawn she was willing to do whatever it took to stop the monsters inside.

"HEY! Watch it Laura" An Hispanic officer had yelled out to Laura converging on her position to provide back-up, Laura turned to see it was none other then Martinez a dedicated officer to APD who'd been with the five years her senior, meaning he'd been on the force for eleven years.

"Yeah yeah, look we don't have time for this! You see what that bitch said, ready or not we've got to stop them now! I just saw fifteen officers get charred alive! These freaks are gonna fucking pay." Laura barked back to her partner in justice, as MArtinez shook his head instead of a glock he'd brought a high powered sub machine gun to the battle.

"I didn't say nothing about not getting revenge, not nothing. If it;s one thing I know about us, you take one of ours we take ten of yours, so fifteen of us...do the math..let's go kill these fucking bastards." Martinez was furious about the death of their comrades, reloading his weapon. Laura was put at ease noticing he had an extended clip, meaning they were going in blazing hot. At least eight other officers gathered around them as they kicked in the front door, taking the lead due to Martinez's seniority int he force.

"On my lead! GO NOW!!!" A younger male officer a caucasian male in his mid 20's barked out to the ten officers, as the flooded the hallways of the CNN Center. Weapons drawn the moved in formation throught he hallways, the symphony of blaring sirens was then accompanied by the whirring sound of helicopter blades both from CNN & other news outlets, as well as SWAT tactical choppers. Zooming through the streets were at least three SWAT Vans which had sped into the premises nearly slamming into the vehicles of CNN employee's rushing to escape. Barricades were being set up on all the nearby roads that led to the CNN Center by a joint task force of SWAT & police officers. As the heavy suited SWAT members emerged from their vehicles all equipped with high powered automatic guns, flash grenades & actual grenades amongst other weapons they surrounded the permiter of the building. Laura was next to Martinez making their way through the hallway corridors and opting to take the stairs to each of the next levels avoiding the elevator for obvious reasons.

Laura echoed a sentiment into her radio to relay information to the nearby APD precint about the status of the situation. "Officer Kohn, as I said earlier there's fifteen officers down, I repeat fifteen officers down. Loss of life is 90% guaranteed, still send forth medical assistancec but it;s nearly guaranteed to be a DOA. Subject seems to have some sort of electrical abilities, was able to move at outright jarring speeds & tore through the bodies of said officers. Prioritze sending Fire Department, they may be able to provide much needed leverage in this fight with their access to high powered water projectiles. We're going in, we've got officers behind us, and SWAT just touched down. Their choppers are also convening around teh premises, we're going in shoot to kill,the situation dosen't allow for much else."

"Copy that Officer Kohn, keep us updated, stay safe...and...get those bastards...get all of them."

The tactical officer on the other end responded to Laura's message, meanwhile on the hallway floor Erica was finishing her conversation with Alena. "You'll have to forgive me as we've just meet and seeing your powers in action I'm inclined not to shake your hand friend." While Erica wanted to establish a working relationship with other Empowered individuals and was confident in her own powers, she was not a mind reader hence she was apprehensive about trusting others. "But, I am fully in support of your proposition to work together to concquer the mortals. The lives of those cops mean nothing I am happy that you sent them to their just deserved grave, my only regret is that you didn't do it sooner." Erica beamed with pride upon learning of the officers untimely demise at Alena's hands.

"FREEZE!!!! PUT YOUR HANDS ABOVE YOUR HEAD RIGHT NOW OR WERE GOING TO BLOW IT OFF!" Martinez yelled drawing down his weapon and pressing the trigger lightly firing a warning shot. Due to the nature of his gun being a machine gun it caused four shots to whiz past Alena & Elena, the sound of the rapid fire shots ringing loudly in the air. Laura also had her gun clenched and took a knee in leaning against the door while some of the others officers flooded the hallway taking different positions with weapons drawn on the two women, some even going across the hallway taking a knee in the entrtance of doors across from the one they'd used to emerge on the floor by the broadcast center where the two Empowered females where.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by El Gato Naranja
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El Gato Naranja Europa Undivided/Cattra the Impurrishable

Member Seen 3 days ago

Corvus Helstrom and Matthias Helstrom

"No bloody way, Corvie." Matthias shook his head profusely at his brother's suggestion to aid the cops in fighting the two murder ladies that had been causing mass murder in the CNN tower. "I'm not letting you go in there..."

Matthias' voice trailed off, as if pausing to collect his thoughts. "I just... I can't lose you. You're my little brother and it's my job to keep you safe."

"Matt..." Corvus put a hand on his brother's shoulder. "All my life you and Leona had been protecting me from the world. I'm sorry but... I'm grown up now. I can take care of myself. But I don't want to do this alone."

"Ugh..." Matthias closed his eyes, considering his options. Corvie was very headstrong and once he made up his mind, it can't be changed. Dejectedly, Matthias sighed and nodded his head. "Okay. The only thing that is worse than doing something stupid is to do it alone, and so, as your big brother, I will come with you. Now, we'll need to ask permission to help, as the SWAT team isn't just going to let us in."

Together, the two of them walked towards the nearest officer, who immediately tried to wave them away from the site. "Hey you two! Stay away from here!"

"Sir, sir, sir! We want to help. I know this is very out of the blue, but-"

"We're the best chance you have " Matthias said to the man, demonstrating his cryokinetic powers by manifesting a black ice spike on his hand before dissipating it back into a dark mist. "Your people don't stand a chance against those two... they'll be massacred in there. Please. Let us help."

"As he said," Corvus showed his pyrokinesis in turn, conjuring a green fireball on his palm. "We're the best chance you have."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Psi Force
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Psi Force A Glorified Saint

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Since her incident with breaking the wrist of a fellow classmate, Lorna had been on the run for several hours and had gone underground. It wasn't long before she'd be shipped off to America. However, she still had a week to go until they were read to leave. She was with a group of people out in the outback, although she had trailed off from the group and was now a couple of miles away from them. It was almost like she was living a different live, even with how quick she had rushed off from the populace she had frequented. But still, she wasn't going to risk anything anymore, she was going to America to dive off the radar. She would close her eyes and concentrated on the frequency of Planet Earth, the ground would start to shake as it got more intense and the area around her started to quake as she widened her eyes as she stopped it.

"I'll have to get back to the group..."
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Chulance
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

Atlanta, Georgia - Club Diamonds - Floyd Banker, Darrius & Cornelle Lincoln

“Ain’t nobody fucking with my clique, clique, clique clique clique. As I look around they don’t do it like my muthafucking click” The hit record including Big Sean, Kanye West, Jay Z and some of hip hop other greats was blaring in the back ground. The scenery was that of a club, day time Club Diamonds to be exact.

One of the most popping places to be in Atlanta, especially for the day-time club scene. The smell of marijuana filled the atmosphere as well as blacks & an assortment of different vapes. The floor was sticky a combination of sweat, sexual fluids, spilled mixed drinks like adios motherfuckers and who knows what else. Inside at the bar stool cracking open a corona by tapping the bottle against the table top with force was none other then Floyd Banker.

He was still trying to shake his mind from the horrific experience he’d seen earlier. So much for a good first impression on Ky’Vie she probably thought it was the weed he was smoking, but he was never one to mess with no wet. Floyd had changed his attire, and was actually much higher then he was when he’d been with her earlier.

Sporting some grey adidas sweat pants, and a plain white tee. Around him was a Robin Jean Jacket, and on his feet some black hirache’s. “Hell yeah I gotchu Kayla.” Floyd grinned referencing the server. She was a light skinned chick with long luscious black hair, and a smile that really showed her off her beautiful lips that had his mind racing & wondering about all the possibitliies.

To the left of him was his friend Darius, one of the head managers of Diamonds. He was dressed in some blue jeans, and a black Migos Culture 2 T shirt. His beverage of choice was a hennesey on the rocks, with just enough ice to keep it cold but not enough so that it was going to start seeping and tasting of water in a few minutes of him not downing the beverage. “Bruh you outta yo damn mind, you hearing what you saying “Darius shook his head listening to his friend talk.

Sure there was lots of nonsense going on, but he wondered if sometimes Floyd wasn’t just talking out of his ass. Like where did this man come up with the shit he was saying. “Okay bruh…I mena I ain’t gonna lie listening to yo shit it’s really crazy like…bruh come on.” Darius was laughing boisteriously at the propetorous claims Floyd was making.

“Man I’m just saying you up here, you said it yo self Mark’s tryna sell this joint and go out to Vegas. We need to the ones that cop this shit and you said bruh only want 85 to transfer the title, we do that and we in there. Motherfuckers be in this bitch lit, that’s phase one, we get us an LLC< and we in the door. Then whatever we the niggas with diamonds forreal. You know what we can do with this joint, first off it’s ALREADY making money. Then any merch NWN{Pronounced NUN], shit going pop off. No Work Necessary, shit that’s us we ain’t tryna do a damn thing, it’s about time we shine we pop off. That brand going nuts, and lemme tell you I been fucking with this bitch Amber bruh, she manage DJ EDA[ED-DAY], bro shit be so fye the thinking he got powers.,” Floyd retorted speaking with an excited tone. His mind was always racing at 100 miles per hour it seemed, and he always had a new idea everyday.

Darius on the other hand was just happy to hang on to his managent position at Diamonds, it let him get his foot in the door as far as always being able to meet people and unlike his over enthuastiac way too far from reality friend Floyd he enjoyed having a position with consistent revenue. “Look man I’m not moving P’s like you, and I’m not high out my mind every day like you either! “

“Bruh you smoke! As much as me, shit damn near more! And you talking about I’m not highi out my mind.” Floyd said the last part in a mocking tone of his friend as he took a few sips of the corona before placing it back down on the table. Grabbing the lime he squeezed it letting the rest of the juice sip into the beer before taking a few more swigs and making a noise of satisfication. “Ah this shit don’t never get old, I swear between this shit with the limes & Blue Moon with the oranges, boiiii Kalep put me on to some FYE shit and I don’t even fuck with him no more.” He said the last part with pure distaste that was one cat he didn’t want to hang out with any time soon, if ever again. Sure he had problems, but the running inside jack among his circle was that was an individual who made Floyd himself look like the representative of stability.

“Yeah well you ain’t doing no favors comparing yourself to that motherfucker for anything. Now let’s say I oblige and decide I might wanna listen to this bullshit your saying, you got anything to back it up? Cause I feel like it’s one of those drugs running through your head, or a combination of em motivating you. Taking about it’s just 85, who the fuck got 85 bands to drop on this shit? You wanna know how much I got in my savings, 22 G’s nigga. And that’s over 2 and a half years, you feel me, and when you started balling? And not that shit you be doing on snapchat, I know bout the prop money dumb ass I was there!!!” Darius retorted exposing one of Floyd’s numerous parlor tricks he utilized on social media to reel women in.

Man This why you can’t tell people nothing…only props I’m fucking with now is my powers Floyd mentally rolled his eyes he couldn’t stand skeptics. Sure things didn’t always work out, and he was always putting together some zany plans like Ed Eddn’Eddy, but guess what sometimes they worked. Reaching in his jacket pocket for a pill bottle he opened it up. Carefully turning the bottle upside down and pouring out the contents.

Percocet pills of different assortments and dosages clattered into the white container. Grabbing his phone and turning on the flash but pointing the phone dowanrd he meticulously organized the pills separating the tens, twenties and the thirites from each other. Plucking a blue pill, and two white ones he popped them inh is mouth and downed the contents of the prescription pain killers with another swig of the corona.

Making sure not to spill any of his precious new addiction from the narcotics he u-earthed he then capped the bottle and slipped it back in his jacket pocket. Hmm on second thought I need to keep yall boys safe. Removing the bottle from his jacket he squeezed both the right & left side siumtaneously to pop the bottle open. Reaching for one of the pills of the strongest dosage, blue in color he split in half.After returning the other half into the bottle and this time transferring his medication the inner pouch on the right side of his jeans he got to work. “I told yo ass I got papers didn’t I huh! You know I ain’t lying about that on my mama, on my soul bruh! I got vaporized, who the fuck going lie about getiting vaporized! You see the shit popping off on the news, you think I wanna be a super cousin to Cirqu So-layyy bruh hell naw. But it is what it is and it ain’t wha it aint.”

Darius just let out an exhausted sigh, sometimes he wondered why he dealt with or better yet tolerated Floyd. He got up checking his phone but really standing up to have his figure block any on-looking pesky eyes. This nigga is a crack-head forreal, but maybe just maybe he really onto something. Every once in a while, hedo actually make sum shake, if he ain’t anything this man is resourceful god knows how… His usual complaint about his friend echoed in his mind as Floyd crushed down half of the pill on top of his ceullar device. As a woman was walking this direction Darius tapped Floyd on the shoulder to move on with his consumption with a quickness.

Taking the hint Floyd had finished rolling up his 100 dollar bill. Inserting the folded currency into his left nostril he leant over and snorted the line of Roxicodone. Feeling the pain killers euphoria flooding his brain he brushed off his phone and deposited the bill now unfolded back into his left pocket where the rest of the money he brought to Diamonds a little of 9 grand sat inhis pocket. “ooooh do you feel it! Do you feeeel it.” Floyd sang out between insuflated and the oral consumption he was definentl on the sky, a very nice mix with the marijuana & alcohol he was consuming, albeit not a safe one,

“No I don’t feel shit except the corona, and the backwood, cause I’m not a fiend bro, talking about I need the perks for my powers. You always need something for something bro so come on go ddamn it tell me what’s going before I go to the back, you know the real ballers that actually wanna spend they money and not count,-re count then sing and talk aloud are almost here and I need to make sure these bitches out there getting my money.”

“Our money Darry.”
“Yeah it’ll be OUR money, when you get us SOME damn money..”
“All in due time, real soon.” Floyd retorted leaning back in his chair embracing the potent mixture of drugs seepin through his blood-stream increasing his relaxation more and more rapidly by the second.

The banter & antics among friends had continued in the bar, seemingly starting to come up with a plan for coming up with the money to purchase Diamonds. A little over two hours had passed in which they’d consumed more drinks, and smoked another quite large backwood stuffed with marijuana. When another third man had. Entered the fray to confront them. Wearing dress clothes, & some sporty shoes, this man seemed to be interested in none other then Floyd Banker.

The man’s name Cornelle Lincoln, a quite prominent member of the Black Disciples who’d been making a name for himself in the Drug Game moreso after he’d returned from being Dusted. Word on the street was he was interested in declaring & taking control of the drug market in Atlanta, Georgia by force and no one would stand to be in his way. Not only that he was allowing no one in the African American community of dealers in the inner-city to move weigh without him getting a piece of it.

When Cornelle entered Diamonds, of course without paying a penny to the club and with no protest from the Bouncers, there were some murmur from some of the strippers & even some other guests who were familiar with Cornelle’s reign of terror on dealers who felt they had no need to cut Cornelle into their profit. The quit chat was of course related to Floyd who’d made more then a few marijuana sales since he’d been in Diamonds.

“You really think that huh, even if you’ve got these powers? What of everyone else, and what you think about the crackdown that’s finna go down Floyd? I dunno if your just high right now or what but as your friend this is where I gotta warn you bruh, you ain’t talking about some regular shit for us to get the club.” Darius protested to Floyd as he took a hit of the third backwood Floyd had rolled, a different strain then the last two.

“Yeah I get what you saying bruh but look.” Taking the backwood Floyd took a few hits before ashing the backwood. Letting out a hefty cough he hit it twice more then passed it back to Darius once again raising the level of highness he had from the premium strain of cookies they were gassing. “I got it bruh, like shit, like I told you my home girl Ky’vie gave me some info and if she right bruh Im that nigga,m forreal.”

“You think you the HNIC huh Banker? “ Cornell had spoken he’d made his way over to Floyd & Darius at the bar-stool, as he said that he was enjoying his own smoking apparatus. Albeit no cannabis neither sativa or indica was being consumed by the ruthless thug. Instead he was enjoying a ruby clove, taking a hit and blowing smoke towards Floyd’s face to indicate dominance. “Well listen here negro, I’m here to deliver a message to you cause it seems like you ain’t heard mine motherfucker.”

The Disciple took a seat near Floyd, & Darius, behind him were four other imposing black men all having a similar manner of dress clothes. They had poorly hidden weapons at their waist straps as well, Darius appeared nervous at the showcase and finished the rest of his beer bottle setting it on the counter. “Shit..are you…Cornell Lincoln>”

“Ahaha I’m glad you recognize me, smart mook, I might have not break your buddy’s neck to prove my point.” Cornell was pleased that Darius recognized him by name, although Floyd shifted in his seat uncomfortably. Whether it was the paranoi from the sheer amount of cannabis he’d consumed in the past three hours or just the general unease about being called out by this man.

“Cornell..Licoln.” Floyd spoke slowly but with pure uncertainty. Examining the vicious killer through his extremely reddened and low eyes he was drawing a blank on the identity of this man. “I can’t say I’m familiar with ya….but I mean shit if you looking to get premium I got that my nigga I don’t never run out,everyday I got that pack..but you best be reddy to spend cause I ain’t cutting no deals I don’t give a fuck what suit you got on big dawg.” Floyd exclaimed

Terror struck on Darius’s face at Floyd’s callous response to this man. Seeing the disdain in Cornelle’s face at Floyd’s lack of recognition of who he was he jumped up from the bar stool to intervene into the situation that was on the verge of escalating into one of unessary brutality. “Yo yo wait! Cornell look my buddy he ain’t the brightest bulb in the set, you know me! You come to diamonds damn near all the time, that gotta count for sum don’t it Look I”

“Darius…let me be frank with you okay? The only reason I didn’t shove my fist through your chest and ash on you as you bled out to prove a point to Banker is because you showed respect, your boy on the other hand got me real mad, and syampthy ain’t sum I’m known for you fget where I’m coming from? You do I’m sure you do it’s why you breathing.”

“And what about me, what my good looks, top notch weed, and you prolyl want advice on how I get so many bitches.” Flod retorted with a confident grin on his stoned face. Who the fuck does this man think he is? Bruh got em a $2000 suit and he think he hot shit. Come on this sucker could not take Kyra from me, hell naw first of all the pipe I be slanging is legendary got bitches passing out from this dick, second I know this man ain’t finna try to get no freed weed or extort me, bruh must be smoking that CRINAAAAAAACK CRINAAAACK this man is CRINAAAZAAT he a FOOOOO dummmyyyy Floyd couldn’t help but chuckle at the high thoughts floating through his mind.

“I’ve heard you use to be a lil nigga in the dope game, but lately you been pushing some weight, and admittedly the quality is not lacking, only problem is…I’m not getting a slice of yo pie..and and..I’m getting a slice of everyone pie, half that motherfucker, or they going have half a face left…now upon talking to you, and seeing how fucking STUPID you are, I don’t know how the hell your doing what you do, but don’t judge a book but it’s covr, but you probably ain’t heard that phrase cause you don’t look like you read often or even can.” Cornelle said before slapping the blunt out of Floyd’s lips and raising his foot to step on it twice smashing the cannabis instrument.

“Ayo bruh what the fuck is yo problem.” Floyd jumped up before Cornell got up in his face and pushed him back into seat.
“Nig-“ Floyd retorted before one of the four men drew his guns and raised it to Floyd’s head, Darius was shaking with fear, as one of the other men drew his weapon. Other members in the club noticed the scene before one of the other two men with Cornell who hadn’t pointed their weapons at Floyd & Darius spoke.
“I hope yall motherfuckers ain’t minding the business that don’t mind you? Cause these gats can help yall with curiositiy! Ayo DJ change the fucking song and turn the music up, any dumbasss who staring at us going be meeting up with Jesus or Satan in the next 2 minutes depending on how the living understand!!!? “ The thug barked out orders.
Other tenants in the Strip club took heed of what he was saying, a small few even taking this as their cue to exit Diamonds. The DJ quickly changed the number playing to play Gucci Mane Father’s day.

“So you just going air me out huh, what the fuck do you want.”

“I told you I want your money bruh and you can give it to me 30% every day, after I feel like you get the picture, we can move on to every week let you stack a lil more.”
“Man you must be outta yo fucking mind,.” Floyd protested despite the bullets causing Cornell to inhale then groan as his entire body was engulfed in metal, Floyd backing up from the metallic man.
“You was saying.” Cornell grabbed Floyd and tossed him over the bar stool and into some drinks. The dealer yelped out in pain as he slammed into the glassware
“FLOYD!” Darius yelled out causing one of the thugs to press the gun against Darius’s skull causing him to sit down.
Oh shit bruh not playing Floyd groaned getting up grimacing in pain as Cornelle hopped over the br stole grabbing him and shoving him back into the shattered glass, causing the women behind the bar stool to screech and run to the side.

Bang..the sound of glass clattering and Floyd groaned in pain, Darius looked over at his friend unable to do anything as he was being thrown about like a rag-doll by this metallic man. Seeking to avoid getting in the midst of this conflict some others were making their way out of Diamonds. Floyd squeezed his forehead as it was pounding with pain and slowly mushed it across his face trying to nurse the trobbing sensation from being smashed into the bar case twice. “You ain’t playing huh 30 percent.”

“You still got energy for jokes really? You just don’t learn do you.”
“I do learn it’s just…I can’t stand folks like you tryna bully everyone and allthis like damn it! Why won’t you people just leave me alone!!!!” Floyd protested clearly either the beating had caused him to loose it or something else was happening. Drawing on the same sensation from when he was Ky’Vie earlier as he forced himself to stand Cornelle put his hand on his chest pushing him into the wall once again basically plastering his back into the wreckage.
“Maybe I was wrong about you bruh maybe you just can’t listen. Fuck it you’ll do better as a trophy, ya know an example to the others.”
I ain’t no damn example, I ain’t no damn trophy damn it damn it! Where is my fire hands ugh ahh!!! Floyd was furious not even noticing the rage consuming him triggering an unexpected effect. He felt his body became harder and not in that way. Cornelle’s eyes widened stepping back as Floyd’s owned body imitated Cornelle’s make-up taking the form of pure metal itself.
“How the fuck…”
“What now WHAT?!” Floyd screamed pushing Cornelle sending him reeling back. Shocked at his own strength he looked to see he had the same chemical make-up as the man who’d came to extort him. “Oh shit…that’s what she was saying.” Floyd was bewildered at how he too had assumed the form of metal.

“This ….fuck it I don’t even care you ain’t finna show me up.” Cornelle lunged forward, but Floyd moved downwards side sweeping Cornelle. The thug tumbled to the ground. Without wasting any time Floyd took that as his cue to turn the tides of the fight moving downward kneeing Cornelle in the gut. As the enemy metal man gasped in pain from being struck by someone of equal power.

“I told you to leave..me the fuck alone!!!” Floyd belted out as he began throwing a flurry of punches at the downed enemy smashing into him with powerful blows. Cornelle was caught off guard both by this punk imitating his parlor trick but also being able to feel…pain. For the past two months he’d been physically dominant and had no one who was equal in strength or stature. Metallic liquid, blood in this state emerged from his lips.

But the pummeling built up rage in him as Cornelle kicked Floyd back sending him crashing through the cement wall. Moving forward to regain the fight in his favor he punched Floyd in the face seding him further through the drywall. Throwing another punch Floyd rolled to the right barely missing the blow. Lunging back at him grappling him around his neck they both went tumbling through the front of the bar table. As Cornelle hit the ground Floyd kicked him hard as possible in the shin then used an open palm on the thug who’d had a gun to Darius’s face flinging him across the room.

The other three mooks were take off guard as Floyd turned using his body weight to slam into two of the other ones sending them both flying. Darius had taken this time to elbow the last grunt in the nose snatching his gun from him and whacking him across the face a few good times leaving him crumpled on the ground. As Cornelle rose to tackle Floyd, Darius pulled the trigger firing shots into Cornelle’s metallic bod. The bullets slammed into him knocking him back but didn’t do much else good.

Floyd took the opportunity to run forward body slamming Cornelle sending him backwards. Not wanting to give him any more time he rushed forward kicking him in the face several times before kicking him across the room into a wall. “MOTHERFUCKER”

“Floyd let’s go now! Come on metal man!” Darius yelled out and Floyd decided to follow his friend as he sprinted through the entrance. Floyd wasted no time following Darius. Within minutes Darius flung open the doors of his car hoping in and jamming the keys in.

Floyd did the same causing the car to lower to the ground from the pressure. “Bruh come on!!” Darius protested as he started the car up revving the engine but having difficulties because of the weight Floyd attained in his metal form.

“Right damn it damn it go-!” Right as he said that Floyd had reversed the transformation into his regular state. Cornelle had emerged from the bar entrance still in his enhanced form. “MOTHERFUCKER!!!!”

A screech of the tires was heard as Darius floored it zooming around the corner of Diamond right as Cornelle had picked up a patron’s SUV and flung it towards them. “YOOOO!!!!” Floyd screamed out as Darius’s foot was smashed into the gas turning the wheel rapidly so that the car barely missed getting pan-caked by the flying SUV.

Floyd’s heart was racing peering into the rear-view mirror seeing the SUV had slammed into a police cruiser that had been pulling into Diamonds parking lot sirens blaring. “OH SHIT!!!!!! GO!!”

“Bruh you ain’t gotta tell me twice, not once!!” Darius exalimed also sharing his friend’s fear both of their hearts nearly jumping out their chest. Driving down the road like madmen it wasn’t but a few minutes until they hit the inter-state with Darius still breaking every known speeding law known to man. “Shit ….so you wasn’t capping about the whole power thing…how the hell.”

“Look bruh just drive! I’ll tell you more about it later, I barely know my damn self. But do me a favor we not going to yo spot or mine, we going to Kyra’s he don’t know nun bout her ass and.”

“Nah for once you ain’t gotta say shit, if he don’t know nun bout her that’s where we finna be at just sit back bruh take a deep breath, you going need it and whatever the fuck you pulled in there you most DEF going need that, cause you caught bruh lacking and got some hits in but he ain’t down for the count, he going want yo head for that.”

“Shit yo sho ain’t lied…yo sho ain’t lied.” Finally forcing himself to relax somewhat Floyd leaned back into his seat, reaching in his pocket to produce his pill bottle. Taking out another blue pain reliever now required even more so then before he bit into the pill chewing it for a more instant effect ignoring the bitter taste due to his relentless desire for the pain numbing effects. Swallowing the pill dow with nothing but his saliva he felt his breathing heavy and his body intensely drained even with his heart rate finally slowing down to a more normal pace. Man what the fuck did I get us into this time. Man JE…SAS thank you LAWD but I’mma need you oh yes I am Lawd more then ever Thoughts of gratefulness to the Father above who’d came through for him filled his mind, but also a feeling of intense fear was etched into his bones knowing he had made himself a very poweful new enemy, powerful in a very literal sense and..Kyra was going to be pissed.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by El Gato Naranja
Avatar of El Gato Naranja

El Gato Naranja Europa Undivided/Cattra the Impurrishable

Member Seen 3 days ago

Death and Destruction

So these are the bitches who doing all the killing they don't look so tough, I hope these whores are dumb enough to put their hands up I'm spraying their body with bullets fuck an arrest I'm sending them to hell. Laura was fuming with rage about the loss of life of both her friend among the other members of CNN that Erica killed & the officers she'd witnessed Alena kill with her own eyes. Erica gritted her teeth and stumbled back slightly as the four shots whizzed past her. The pressure from the bullets whizzing past her so close to her face caused a intense painful ringing in her ears as she turned to see her new accomplice had also managed to avoid being hit by Martinez warning shots. "Hmm looks like we have company Magpie." Erica stated back to Alena as if to say was the ball was in your hands on what the initial response should be to this police confrontation, most likely just the first wave.

"The female cop survived. That is interesting. Bullets do go fast. But not as fast as lightning." Alena said as she immediately went to cover to avoid any more shots. She would also smirk and laugh as she manifested lightning on her palms and focused her mind to shift it into a lightning gun as she would also use her electrical powers to tap in their radios and would speak through them as she taunted them without remorse.

"Have you ever heard of The Three Piggies story. Well in your case, more than three piggies but... sorry t-" Alena as she pause for a moment when she heard Erica speak and she smirked lightly, as if silently saying they would get out of this alive. "As I was saying, I'm sorry to say, that you are the little piggies me and Erica are hunting, so you best put your weapons down before we end your miserable lives!"

"Oh yeah and I plan on fucking you up." Laura declared her gun trained on them, she wasn't in the move to protest any further. Trading glances with Martinez and some of the other officers who all seemed to have the same train of thought. They needed to do whatever in their power to wipe out these monsters who were detrimental to society. "What the fuck!" Laura blared out seeing as though the elctric generating empowered had somehow hacked into their radio's taking over their transmission victiming them with vicious taunts while also disrupting their communication with each other.

"OPEN FIRE!" Martinez had enough as the women had used her powers over electricity to form what could only be described as a gattling gun made of lightning. Erica tapped into her own power not wanting to end up with her body or that of her new friend riddled with bullets. Using her dominion over senses she caused the scenery of the hallway they were in to shift. The hallway was engulfed in darkness, and from nowhere demonic beasts emerged from the very walls of the corridor growling manifesting noises that sounded as though they were from the depths of Hell itself.

Also targeting their sense of touch, focusing intensely on the use of her powers to go after so many targets at once she caused them to imagine a powerful burning sensation in their hands attributed to their weapons. While at the same time using her power to send forth the hounds, but to add icing on the cake she replaced some of the very officers sent to silence them with the beasts of her illusion in effect turning the officers against each other.

The scene unraveling was one straight out of a horror movie as half of the officers dropped their guns to free their hands of their burning life enders, while the other half were running for their lives from the demonic beasts which in reality where their very own comrades. Three officers struck with fear jumped out the window effectively commiting suicide as they were several floors up, while some officers were shooting at their own fellow officers. This is delightful but it is quite draining..I need to ensure my new ally isn't effected by my power so she can help me get out of here With her survival instinct motivating her she focused her power on Alena to allow her to see through the illusion only leaving her able to view a small glimmer of the horrifying distorted reality she'd ensnared the officers in.

Just enough that she could both get a hint of Erica's actual power to visualize a sense of what the officers were going through but not enough that she was under her spell for lack of a better word leaving her mostly unaffected allowing her to see the facade of the officers turning against each other thinking they'd been turned to gruesome monsters but leaving her removed from the other distortions to reality such as the "darkness" that had consumed the hallway.

Drawing her own weapon she squeezed the trigger emptying two rounds into an officer near Martinez who had just run into a wall from another officer, firing again into the officer that had been chasing him. Martinez screamed in horror running back from the demonic beast he perceived shooting multiple rounds into the beast letting out a gasp as the "beast" hit the ground unknowing that it was his comrade. While Laura herself kicked one of the beasts hard as possible, another tackled her causing her to bash the beast with the head of her gun. However the force of being slammed into the wall seemed to disrupt her vision of the illusionary nightmare Erica had placed her in causing her to recognize Erica, Alena, & Martinez clearly. "What the fuck....is this...oh no" Quickly springing into action the officer rushed to Martinez who had drawn his weapon but was unable to pull the trigger before she smacked him in the forehead with the butt of her pistol seemingly breaking him free as well. "WHAT LAURA WHAT?"

"It's some kind of trick, there doing this we're killing each other we have to stop them now! " Laura yelled out Martinez's eyes widened in shock seeing blood splattered on him from one of his own fellow officers, and immediately charged Erica and Alena opening fire, while Laura rolled across the hallway then lept up to jump kick another officer hoping to knock him out of the false reality Erica had drawn them in. However before her kick could connect with the cop a blast of electricity struck her causing her to scream in pain as she was sent reeling and crashing through one of the windows in the CNN office dropping her gun as she was sent spiraling through the window into another room in the CNN office.

At the meantime...

"Alright, you two can help." The SWAT officer handed the two brothers a pair of Kevlar vests, which seemed to be second hand. "We're counting on you."

"We'll make sure to help avenge your friends." Corvus Helstrom gave the man a nod. "And to capture these two bitches."

"Let's go in."

The SWAT team then surged into the building with the Helstroms following closely behind. With the sounds of gunfire and shouting, it wouldn't be hard to find their objective in there, and when they did, those killer ladies are in for a nasty surprise...

"Well that's a rush. That's a power that screw with minds. I like that that power, Erica. " Alena smirked lightly before looking towards Laura as she shouted out. This was good way to start the day and it was fun away to get thrills. She would hear Martinez yelling and she'd roll her eyes as she backed away from the choke-point. She would zip towards Laura and stayed behind her during the time that the illusions were active.

"I've got a plan, Erica. I'm going to try and reach a gun. In my lightning form, so I'll be right back." Alena's form would go static as it would spark up with lightning and she'd smirk as she would wave towards Erica would use her electricity powers to attempt to pull several guns towards her and Erica as she would look towards the cops. Alena would then see Laura getting blasted into another room and she'd frown lightly as she would electroport into the room, making sure to barricade the room with lightning.

"You're hurt. I'm gonna lower the voltage of my powers so I can heal your injuries. Don't worry, I'm an electrical expert. But I'm gonna need to empty your magazine. I don't want shot. Can you trust me, Cop?"

Just as Alena had come over to Laura and promised to heal her with electricity, the SWAT team began to storm in, but they would make way for the two new empowered people that had pledged to help them beat the hell out of the duo of ladies of death. Corvus stepped forward first, conjuring eldritch flames on his hands, his eyes shifting towards a fiery green color as he focused his attention on Erica. His flames then shot forward in a torrential stream, going full force against the woman of illusions. Only two people could ever get hurt by those flames; Alena and Erica.

At the same time, Matthias Helstrom unleashed a pair of freezing beams, shooting them at the wall right behind Alena as a warning shot. "Hey, you." Matthias growled as he conjured ice gauntlets on his hands, complete with three sharp frosty claws that smoked with black mist. "Surrender or I will drop kick you."

A cough. "And worse."

Laura groaned in pain crawling trying to force herself to get up after being blasted through a window, seeing cops going at it. Damn it thees things are dangerous, we have to stop them She reached over to grab her side to prevent any more blood spill, and tried to reach for her gun with her other hand determined to fight to the bloody end. Finally grabbing her gun as the women who'd struck her down had managed to appear in the room erecting a barrier of electricity around the entrance seperating he from the others. "Damn it." She blurted out the shock of Alena's quick entrance causing her to accidentally drop her weapon not intending to follow her instructions. "Your the one who hurt me bitch! I don't trust a word your saying" She attempted to lunge forward for her weapon but succumbed to her injuries falling back.

The smell of thick smoke permeated the air and the door Erica was near caught a-blaze, the fire she'd started in the studio room now spreading to the hallway. As her accomplice sprunge into action using her electrical powers to drag the cop's weapons out of their hands she took that as her chance to make her move rolling across the hallway and quickly planting herself against another door a few feet down the hallway away from the fire starting to spread through the hallway. That was quick, we need to get the fuck out of here before this whole place catches on fire Her concerns about the fire she'd started herself were quickly overtaken by a man generating his own fire appearing to be on the authorities' side.

Cursing at the two Empowered men wielding fire & ice who appeard to be on the law enforcement side. "You pathetic bastards, how dare you align yourself with these weaklings! You should be with us, your own people!!" She screamed angered to see people with powers aiding regular humans. With a yelp she rolled backwards into the room just narrowly avoiding the brunt of the stream of fire. Unfortunately she hadn't burst into the room unscatched as her arm had been burned by the green flames. Wincing from the pain but still clutching her weapon firmly she unleashed her powers on the SWAT's team's super powered assistance. Oh that's it bastard..you wanna fight someone with powers Unleashing her power on the boys she twisted their five senses causing a shift in reality causing Corvie to see Matthias as Erica attacking with pure energy and Matthias to see Corvie as Alena attacking with electricity, Inn the eyes of the SWAT team soldiers the saw a massive lightning bolt strike down both of the boys, and quickly used her powers to make the SWAT team see each other as the girls charging them with their powers causing them to began opening fire on each other.

"You're nothing like me and my brother, crazy bitch." Corvus prepared to unleash a firestorm into the hallway in a bid to incinerate Erica, but... something happened. It all happened very quickly, but Erica's power swept over the Helstroms like a tidal wave, infecting their senses. They had been played, and the illusion had done its work. "Hoho, lady, you have approached me?" Matthias spoke with venom as he readied to attack who seemed to be Alena, though he did not know her name.

"I can't beat the shit out of you if I don't come close to you." Corvus would then douse out the flames that were all around the room, as he hadn't forgotten that they were not supposed to destroy the place. "I will strike you down."

"Be my guest!" Matthias then unleashed a pair of freezing beams, which would then be countered by what looked like to be a wall of electricity. He would see 'Alena' throw lightning at him... which he quickly blocked with a floating ice shield. He would then send that shield at high speed; too fast to be blocked or melted in time with fi- lightning. It slammed hard, sending 'Alena' towards the wall and hitting her head.

"That hurts..." Corvie grumbled as he got up, though his head was still spinning a little. Though he did get up fast enough to see the true identity of 'Erica'; Matthias.

"Matt! Stop, it's me, Corvie!" He held out his hand in an attempt to stop him, but Matthias was coming in hot with his clawed ice gauntlet, and Corvus was forced to get out of the way, using his fire to propel himself away.

"That woman is a damn illusionist." Corvus then looked around and saw the SWAT team shooting at each other; their blood ran on the floor as rivers of red, their dead bodies replete with gunshot wounds.

Corvus conjured a pillar of flame; one that would melt his brother's ice while leaving unscathed. The green flames swirled through the narrow corridor, melting the black ice into water. He then charged through the flames, regrettably punching Matthias rather hard at the face.

"That woman was playing tricks on our minds." Corvus said to his brother as the latter finally got to his senses.

Matthias looked at his brother in shock. "Oh my God. I almost stabbed you to death."

"We're even." The SWAT team had already killed each other; what was left of the cops were Martinez and Kohn, and maybe some others.

"Don't bother reaching for your gun." Alena would use her powers to draw the gun towards her as she grasped it lightly with her hand and would fire it towards the outside window as she looked down towards Laura, emptying the magazine at the outside window. She would then throw the gun out of the window as her hands sparked up in lightning as she crouched down and placed her hand against Laura's injuries as she would smile lightly before sending shocks through Laura's body, gently as she attempted to heal the police officer of her injuries.

"Me and Erica will be going now, but you'll be coming with us. Put your handcuffs on or I'll put them- too slow. Also prepare yourself." She would grab Laura's handcuffs and attempted to cuff Laura's wrists and would pull her up to her feet and would electroport to where Erica was.

"Don't shoot, we have one of yours and we will not hesitate to kill her if we even see you trying to play the hero! Erica, we ready to go?"

Laura cried out in pain as the nut case had unleashed more electricity causing her to scream in pain as the psychopath was talking about healing her only causing her more pain. This bitch fuck aaah..no it's over The pain was intense from the electricity searing into her already open wounds causing her to cry out Martinez who was free from the illusion witnessed the brutality being unleashed on his partner firing a shot at Alena who was focused on her twisted illogical attempt to "heal" Laura.

With all her intent & focus being poured into her sadistic attempt at "healing" his partner the bullet pierced her shoulder causing the electric manipulator to stumble forward stopping her continous stream of elemental torture on Laura. Laura was in even worse shape then before more blood oozing from her body but the shot that rang from Martinez's gun had saved her from what she was expecting to be her tombstone.

During the the boys battle against each other the flame manipulator of the two had used his powers to put out all the raging fire in the room luckily putting out the one she'd started as well. Considering her position was locked he'd inadvertently saved her from the very fate he'd sought to engulf her in initially. "LAURA!!!!!" Martinez had screamed out again rushing over to his partner as the electric girl grabbed her shoulder to stop the blood from gashing out furious calling out to Erica as electricity began surging through her whole body.

"Martinez...no,...watch out." Laura struggling to speak gasping from her breath after the second round of torture she'd been forced through struggling to maintain her vision as shots rang out from her SWAT team comrades who were laying each other out. Before Alena could surge with any more electricity it was as if an invisible force slammed Alena into the wall on the side of her gun-shot wound causing her to scream out. "Well well well."

Another voice was heard from an unfamiliar party. "It seems I was almost late to the party, pardon me the media these days has a way of lying & exaggerating about most things so it's not often you see truth in television." From the midst of visibility an arabian woman materialized. Sporting robin jeans, a white loose fitting shirt and long black hair. The woman materialized in-front of Alena appearing to be the culprit behind the invisible force. Lunging forward she placed her hands around Alena's neck and suddenly the electric manipulator screamed in pure agony as some sort of tranference of energy seemed to take place between the two. Martinez grabbed Laura and bolted back through the door to get away from the women surging with energy.

Within moments the surging of energies stopped and Alena lay against the wall struggling to breath while the woman who had held her neck against the wall appeeared rejuvinated and smiling. "Oh now that was delicious, quite the wonderful meal for Adora now weren't you." Alena cried out weakly as Adora giggled, the next parlor trick she performed seemed tobe a trick straight out of Alena's book. "Let's try this out." With another playful laugh with sinister undertones electricity riveted from Adora's body and surged through Alena's causing her to scream out seemingly pulling forth energy from the depths of her soul ."Oh thiis wondefrully fun let's up the ante shall we." Adora laughed wickedly as she drastically raised the voltage unleashing a torrent of electricity that seemingly left the girl sshe was holding against hte walll a burnt crisp oozing with blood. Releasing the force on the lifeless body watching it drop she turned to face Martinez and Laura who had ran out the room.

"Oh where are you going she was fun but I'd love to test this on some more lively subjects. but oh what the hell can't forget the classics." Martinez didn't appear to want to listen to this woman rumble on pulling the trigger firing his last three rounds at the woman. Nearly shaking with fear as the bullets stopped in mid air infront of Adora who rolled her eyes and without moving caused the bullets to fly out the window into the streets below towards whatever unlucky bastards were securing the permiter. "Now that wasn't nice you've earned yourself a bloody demise" Martinez was lifted into the air by the same force that had moved Alena's body moments ago and shot towards Adora while at the same time rapidly diminshing in size until he was the size of a small insect. ."Goodbye little man." The force released him dropping him on the ground and Adora slammed her foot down on the miniaturized man brutally crushing him alive under the pressure of her foot. "Awhhhhh." Adora exlaimed feeling another life ending beneath her foot, then turned to Laura waving her hand causing the cop to flip around and slam into the wall causing her to cry out as the force of hitting the wall caused her more pain as the wounds she received from Alena were still open and fresh.

"What...are you..." Laura spoke out in pain as Adora laughed. "I'm your worst nightmares in the sexiest form imaginable, now back to that test..." Sparks of electricity danced at the tips of Adora's fingers as she stepped towards Laura sending forth a small bolt of electricity that struck Laura's open wounds causing the blood to bubble and boil causing her to scream as Adora stepped out into the hallway more electricity surging through her hands. High on power and drunk on murder she hadn't even noticed the boys as she approached Laura licking her lips eager for another kill like a savage lion circling it's prey. Two SWAT members that seemed to have broken free from Erica's grasp pulled their weapons screaming at Adora rushing to her from both sides. "Hush boys I want to play with her not you." As they went to fire Adora reduced them both to insect size dragging the mini soldiers infront of her as she marched over to Laura. The SWAT team members screamed out as Adora's foot came down stomping on both of them brutally crushing them alive as she had done Officer Martinez moments before. Tears streamed down Laura's face as she was beaten and bloody with no strength to defend herself from this new superhuman monster who'd waltzed into the CNN office slaughtering three of her co-workers without a care in the world. "Go..t..t...to hell." Laura managed to utter as Adora grinded her foot down making sure the two agents she stepped on were dead smeared into blood and guts on the carpet as more electricity bubbled in Adora's hand as she raised it to Laura." Perhaps but not today, that ride is for you officer." She slowly rised her hand getting ready to unleash a powerful torrent onto the cop to end her life as she'd done the previous four victims.

Just as it seemed that Laura's life was about to end right then and there, a massive block of dark ice came hurtling towards Adora, slamming into her body and sending her flying towards the nearest wall. Laura would see a rather tall man with pretty messy black hair and a scruffy beard run towards her, followed by a much shorter mam that honestly looked six years years than he really was.

With his brother going to help Laura off the ground, Corvus unleashed tongues of searing eldritch flames towards Adora, intending to keep her distracted long enough for Matthias to get Laura out of here.

"Officer," Matthias started as he applied a cold compress on Laura's most visible wounds with his cryokinetic powers. "Can you stand?.." Another quick look, and he gave out a sigh. "Guess not." He would lift her off the floor before erecting a wall of ice that covered pretty much the whole width of the hallway, calling off his pyrokinetic brother from the attack. "Corvie, let's go!"


"G O!"

The two would then get out of the hallway, Laura in tow as they stepped aside the dead corpses of everyone else that had tried to stop the terrorists in here... this mission was a failure...

Laura braced herself for what she assumed would be some tremendous pain and the true end of her life from this monstrosity of a woman. She's a monster... Those thoughts flowed through Laura's mind as she was truly shaking with fear. "Buh bye now." Adora spoke softly as she was about to kneel down wanting to be up close and personal for this shocking send off she was going to give Laura to the after life.

Before she could remove Laura from the land of the living she was caught off guard by an unexpected attack. Screaming out in pain as a massive block of ice catapulted her body into a wall. An audible thud was heard as the power thief's world was rocked by the cryokinetic attack. Coughing out blood as she was smashed into the cement and screeching as she accidentally bit her own tongue with force drawing even more blood, "FUCK!!!!" Swearing to eviscerate some of the pain brought to her by the sudden smashing attack.

As the torrent of flames rushed towards her Adora let out a literal scream fighting back the torso of fire with a sonic scream of ear shattering proportions. Windows across the floor shattered into pieces causing glass to rain down on those below. Even the concussive blast of sound protruding from her lungs wasn't enough to stave off the weird flames Corus had sent her. Not wanting to be burnt to a crisp and her body aching from both the block smacking her and it's brutal delivery of her into the wall, she used her teleknetic power to mentally whiplash herself across teh hallway. Being in pain she wasn't able to delicately land herself and cursed as she she'd thrown herself across the hallway once again plopping against a wall to avoid being seared by Corvus's power.

Groaning in agony she forced herself. up now furious that her last victim had gotten away. "AAAHH!!!!!!!!" Adora screamed her lungs out unleashing a sonic scream to shatter the wall of ice. Meanwhile Laura rested her body weight on Matthius's body the frozen press helping to take pressure of her painful wounds. To think before she'd gotten there all she wanted to see was an empowered human beaten or bleeding near death and now she was being rescued by one. "T...thank you.." She managed to get out trying to save her strength. She was fighting to keep her eyes opened as they carried her down the stairs when she winced in pain as a powerful screeching noise assaulted her ears to the point some blood started to seep out. "Ughh ahhh!!! Make it stop!!!"

Laura was holding on to Matthias taught, resting her head on his chest. For a man who wielded such fine tune control over the power of ice putting her weight on him she couldn't tell. All that was running through her mind was all the anger that was surging through her on the way to the CNN center.

"Going so soon" Adora's voice boomed down the stairway using her powers of sound to project her voice like an evil ventriloquist. Adora hovered into the stairway some drops of blood dripping and falling from the wound Matthias had caused her moments ago by literally hitting her with a brick. "Wait fooooor me." She called out before descending down the stairway flying until catching up with them using her teleknetic power to toss the three down the stairs with unseeable force. Laura cried out as she lost her grip on frozen savior free-falling before hitting a wall her head spinning. Just a regular human she was fighting not to slip into a state of vertigo from the latest pain she'd been put through.

"It's not nice to hit it and quit honey, now then we have unfinished business don't we?" Adora smirked winking at Laura. "Don't worry I'l save the feds for last, all you had to do was ask if you wanted to invite some handsome men to the party. Fire boy why don't you let the adults have some private time." Arcs of electricity began running through her body as she focused her power on Matthias aiming to miniaturize his size while also sending forth a trickle of electricity that would seem to be a massive wave of lightning at his new height. "Don't runnnnnn" The serial killer coo'd as stream of electricity surged from her hand.

"GO TO HELL!!!! FIX HIM NOW!!!!!!!!" Adora turned her head to the direction Laura's voice came from only to cry out in intensive pain as a spray of high powered water smashed into her. Laura had broken out a nearby exstinguier and let loose on Adora. The high pressured hydro assault causing her to experience a full body assault of pain due to the electrical arcs swirling around her figure. "NOW!!!!!!" Laura screamed her finger squeezed on the trigger, using all the strength she could muster to stand her ground. Adora's very hair seemed to frizzle and burn from the chemical water attack, being hoisted by her own petard as a result of her newfound talent. Blood oozing from her very pores she cried out reverting Matthias to full size in order to get Laura to halt her sprayed assault. The chemical reaction triggering an exposion that blew a hole in the wall of the hallway now exposing the outside. The resulting shockwave sending Adora reeling back into the stairway backwards with an audible crack heard as she was catapulted into the stairway above crying out in pain and cursing.

The fire extinguisher dropped from Laura's hands rolling down the stairs as she fell to the ground her eyes closing, blood starting to ooze as the shockwave had shattered the ice compression Matthias had froze onto her body. "Bitch..."Laura managed to utter as her eyelips started shutting unable to stay conscious with all the pain she'd sustained.

Seeing as how their enemy has been disabled, Matthias picked Laura up from the floor and then placed his hand om the glass window, turning it as cold as the direst winter and making it very brittle. With a single kick, the glass was shattered, and their way to the outside was open. A slide of ice began to materialize as Matthias shot his freezing beams unto the air, forming a safe way out of there while Corvus flew out, propelled by his pyrokinesis.

It wouldn't be long before they were on the ground, safe... for now.

Laura lay in Matthias's arms once again being carried away by her savior. I. guess I was wrong, I guess there not all bad after-all Those were the last thoughts that echoed in her mind as she passed out in her ice man's arms... and would wake up in a hospital bed some time later.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Scott, Floyd, and Kyra

“Nigga are you dumb or stupid?” The light-skinned woman with lush decently long black hair and quite the voluptuous figure said to Floyd with anger in her tone, her foot stepping up and down on the hardwood floors of her apartment indicating that she was fed up with him.

“Kyra look…wait..don’t these mean the same thing? I mean I’m just saying ain’t you suppose to be smart” Floyd retorted to the girl as he put his phone down.

“Floyd…” The only word she said as she leaned over, her cleavage almost in his face so close he could get a lick if he wanted. “Floyd..come here, baby.” Her hand outstretched and took Floyd in an embrace placing him against her firm package as she kissed him. Then leaning back she slapped him across the face.

“Ow damn what the fuck is your problem.” Floyd said rubbing his face.

“You!!!! Nigga you!!!! What the fuck do you mean?! You pissed off Cornelle Lincoln, then had Darius drop you off here!!! My house! Mine!! Not yours, not yo mamas, not yo potnas me!!!!! God damn it.”
“I told you I fucked him up, I got powers now baby we good! We finna get some money, buy diamonds, and run shit! I just don’t know how to use em all the way, but I mean in time.”

“Time” Kyra clapped her hands together in frustration. “You don’t have no damn time, matter-fact until this blows over. I’m your new boss, your power coach got it! You don’t listen and I’m calling Cornell myself and I will drop your ass off myself!! Ugh you don’t fucking think damn it Floyd, alright we’re going to fix this, well I’m going to fix it and your gonna listen to what I’m saying cause I already told you what’s gonna happen if you don’t Fuck.” Kyra was frustrated and sat down clearly ticked off with Floyd’s reckless actions. Going on her instagram until she found Scott’s instagram shooting him a message. {{Hey big man, I need a hero}}. After sending that message and waiting a few moments she initiated a video call to his instagram. She’d just updated her profile picture to a more risqué one showing off her figure on purpose hoping to use it as a trap to lure in the telekinetic hero for hire.

It took a few seconds, but Scott's smug face appeared on Kyra's phone. He appeared to be outside.

"Aloha! Only a few women can stop me mid-flight. What's up?" Scott greeted. He looked down at the street far below him for a moment while he remained steadily levitated.

"I'm glad we certainly couldn't talk if men had the same effect on you." Kyra jokingly teased to her Hawaiian hero. "But listen handsome you know how we jooooke sometimes about meeting up but were just soooo far away. " Kyra paused to let her words linger in the air. Floyd was in the back-ground rolling up a blunt of herb with a stank look on his face to hear his woman talking to another man with such a provocative tone, MOST ESPECIALLY a GOD DAMN WHITE MAN the nerve! This Bitch!!!!! Floyd thought to himself in a high pitch tone as he was licking the corners of his grape blunt sealing the ends of it. "Well, now I really want it us I mean baby...I need your help really need your help. Not in the bed-room I mean not yet that's not what I'm paying is what I'm saying. What do you think handsome?" Kyra asked in a curious yet playful & provocative tone.

Scott appeared to listen with a smile planted on his face. He had recalled messaging Kyra on occasion and scoping out her page at least once.

"Hold up." Scott said as he landed on the rooftop of a convenience store. He took a seat on the elevated ledge, unintentionally getting the beach into view. "Are you trying to see me or are we doing business? Because I can fly you out here. Get a taste of paradise… If it's business, I need you to get to the point. Please." His face suddenly became serious.

Kyra paused to ponder what he was saying. Maybe I should let him pick me up. I mean he has control of his power, a real job not selling drugs & being next up in the rap game, and he does look better than Floyd with his chiseled chest..naw Floyd gets on my motherfucking nerves but he's there for me when it counts. A flood of emotions and thoughts had streamed through her mind with what Scott said but she decided against it. Although her man managed to raise her blood pressure to the point it was boiling she knew Floyd loved her and cared about her when he wasn't getting superhuman black disciples to eradicate her. "A little bit of both baby, but it is business. " Kyra picked up a stack of blue hundreds on the table wrapped in a rubber band, her money Floyd had just happened to make it for her. She proceeded to flip through the stack of bills on the camera. "See Business I've got some money for you, I just need you to fly your sexy ass out here to get it. Like I said I really need a hero honey and not under the sheets. I've...well I've got a god damn problem and your the only one who can solve it. Will you do that for me? Me and benjamin please?" Kyra requested biting her lip and licking her lips suggestively after she finished speaking.

Scott's face remained neutral. He hadn't gotten this far by just taking a job without money being mentioned.

"It's nice to see that Benjamin is involved... Am I able to ask what you're wanting me to do? And where?"

"Well I wouldn't expect you to take a job without pay. I like my men responsible after all, can't let a man haul me off to the bed & beyond that's not focused on a check."

"AYE!!!!!!" Floyd retorted causing Kyra to mute & pause the facetime and turn the phone around.

"Niggaaaa what?! What?!!! Do you have amnesia or do I need to remind you of our agreement! I do, and you listen"

"Kyra I remember what you said but you out here waving my motherfucking money infront of other dudes, talking all sexy and shit and-"

"And what Ughhh" Kyra moaned placing her two hands on her forehead and rubbing down slowly massaging her head to deal with the added stress Floyd was adding to her life by once again not listening which never seemed to work out in the history of their relationship, and probably his whole life. "I know what I'm doing okay, I didn't say shit about you flirting with uh what's her name My'vie, Kyvie, whoever the bitch is and had your hand not caught on fire Lord knows what you were planning to do Floyd."

Floyd immediately went quiet, forgetting that he'd been on face-time with his girlfriend and forgot to hang up moments before he ran into his flaming hot literally neighor earlier at his apartment. "Okay....okurrrr you've got a point a really good one, you right do you thang I mean you ain't been wrong yet." Quickly catching himself and thanking God, Allah & spongebob nothing the situation with his neighor hadn't escalated further earlier this afternoon.

Unpausing the face-time and getting back to her conversation she flipped the phone around to unmute & unpause the face-time as Floyd sparked up the blunt. "So very sorry one of my bitches was calling me and she said it was urgent. But it wasn't just wanted. to run her mouth about nothing back to you Scotty. Well, I've got 4 grand for you and the ticket covered if you'll just come out here. It's really nothing too much I just got an aggressive dude I need you to handle and he sorta has a litttttttle bit of superpowers but I mean it's nothing YOU can't handle right?" Kytra said in a suggestive & teasing tone, trying to make Scott feel big to make her problems seem small in comparison.

"Pfft! I can fuck anyone up for four grand and a free vacation. You gotta promise to give me a tour" He stood up in excitement at the opportunity. He didn't even question what the person's power was. "Just hit my inbox and we can set up the flight. Then we have business… Oh and you can tell your man I don't want you like that. I heard dude yell in the background." Scott shook his head and ended the call right there and then.

"She takes my money! When I'm in need! Yeah she a trifling, friend indeed! ooooh she a gold digger, wayyy over town that digs on meee." Floyd song the Jaime Foxx hit in the background as Kyra hung up.

"Are you done? " "Yeah..No..Yeah.." Floyd said sheepishly as Kyra pocketed her phone and walked over to sit next to him.

"Good don't call me a fucking gold digger, if I remember correctly youur the one that said you wanna be the man of the house and take care of everything, besides you spend so much time at my house you need to be paying a bill half of the utilities come from youuu." She pointed a finger in Floyd's face who rolled his eyes.

"Ok then answer me this riddle Kyra, why are you giving this dude on Instagram four grand, I'm trying to bite my tongue forreal but what the fuck." Floyd hit the blunt a few more times and passed it to Kyra who hit it several times allowing the marijuana to flow into her system.

"Because dummy you said you copy powers, well he's got a power. Not only does he have a power I know all about it because I follow him on instagram. So I'm feeding it to you, you need to learn that power, your slutty neighors power, metal niggas power, and even your little Ghost trick and whatever else you can find. And most importantly your going to have to learn how to use the powers whenever you want not just around them or your useless. Now my man isn't useless is he" Kyra teased as she put her hand in Floyd's lap suggestively and grinned.

"Oh...okay..damn you were right..fine I don't wanna hear it please." Floyd practically begged upset that once again Kyra was right. She smirked passing the blunt back to Floyd who hit it few times. "Wow you think I can do all that?"

"Think I know Floyd, because one if you don't I'm gonna sacrafice you to metal nigga because I'd prefer not to get my face re-arranged just because you couldn't think to stop at walmart or the mall or anywhere really as a decoy, and two nigga you better what the fuck kinda question is that nut up!" Kyra proclaimed not wanting to hear any excues from Floyd.

"Ok damn fine, you right babe" Floy said in agreement passing the blunt back to her. Taking a few drags her eyes started to redden as she leaned in to hug and kiss Floyd.

"I know I am and that's alll I want to hear you say before you ever even in a smalllllll millisecond think in this world or the next to open your big head and say I'm wrong just remember 99.9 percent of the time that's an incorrect statement. You seem like you're stressed out though and that's NOT a good thing cause you need to focus. But I know juuust what you need baby." She smiled putting the blunt out and locked eyes with him. "Ooooh not you don't wanna argue huh, ok lay back babe. I want you to remember what your gonna be missing if you can't get your damn head together and learn your powers." Floyd grinned and laid back on the couch he loved when Kyra wasn't getting on his nerves.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by El Gato Naranja
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El Gato Naranja Europa Undivided/Cattra the Impurrishable

Member Seen 3 days ago

Laura Kohn and the Helstroms

Beep...Beep...Beep..Beep. Vision...coming back...energy restored. I...I'm alive..I'm still here These thoughts echoed through Laura's mind as her eyes fully opened. Everything began rushing back to her as she tried to lean forward rising in her hospital bed only to be confornted by a sharp pain. Taking in the scenery she realized she had a breathing mask and a light blue hospital gown on. Feeling capable of processing oxygen on her own she removed the mask and scratched at her arm near the saline tube. "I made it...I fucking made it." Instantly Laura recalled the citizens she'd arrested during her rage quit on the way to the hospital when she was driving drunk. By now she felt most of the effects of the alcohol she'd consumed early this morning had worn off, probably unable to feel the effects because of the pain medication the hospital no longer filled her up with. "Martinez is gone...there all gone..." Instantly the reality of her situation hit her like a brick thinking back at all the officers and media workers who'd died today yet she'd survived

"Oh, you're awake." A man's voice spoke out on Laura's bedside. He seemed to have a New England accent, though there was a little bit of Swedish in it. It was quickly followed by a grunt as he stood up from the chair he was sitting on.

"The name is Matthias Helstrom. You were trying to apprehend a dangerous Empowered woman when she... um..."

A pause. "That lady has powers of illusion. She... tricked the entire SWAT team and most of the officers you were with into killing each other. You are the sole survivor... my brother and I managed to get you out in time before that other woman killed you."

"Yes that I am, you're observant aren't you Iceman." Laura retorted her sarcasm a prominent sign that she was indeed making a full recovery from the brutal beaten she'd taken at the hands of Erica, Alena & Adora. Unfortunately an enhanced healing factor wasn't in her skill category or any power for that matter so the officer was still in quit a bad shape. "Matthias Helstrom, that name is giving me strong European vibes? Where are you from, oh and thanks for saving my life....by the way." Laura said the last part in a hushed tone. She was a prideful woman and she was coming to terms with the fact of the matter that these Empowered individuals were leagues above her in that matter with what they could do. "Powers of illusion..huh well when I get my hands on her she's going to face the reality of my glock." Those were words followed by a defiant angry snort.

"My mother and father were from Sweden." Matthias replied, playing with a little prism of ice that floated over his hand. "But my brother and I were born in Belfast, Maine. And... yeah... no problem. We were just doing our part as citizens of this country. Why else should we have these powers but to use them to help others, right?"

Of course, that was Corvie's idea, but that didn't matter at all right now. At this moment, all that mattered was that the person that they had managed to save from that hellish carnage had a wonderful recovery.

"Oh you're the kind of immigrants that our beloved President Trump dosen't hate." Laura teased as she settled back into her hospital bed proppin g her pillows up behind her so she could get comfortable. A little uncomfortable at first but mainly curious she eyed the manifestation of his abilities he was putting on display in-front of her. "Well...I owe you the truth I...don't really like the Empowered not one bit. As an officer well on my job I tend to see the worst in people, the depravity in society and a whole host of activities the seedier elements in this city does for money & pleasure but." The sole surviving cop paused to nibble on her lip as she interrupted their conversation. "You've changed my mind about all that, I mean I don't think the world is any safer with your kind running around being the real X Men but it's good to know there's people out there with these abilities doing the right thing, and I can't complain about the added bonus that my hero is so handsome."

Blurting out the last comment surpised even her considering how sad she was at about the divorce papers Bruce had filed. Knowing she wasn't the one in that video absolved her of any guilt from flirting with her rescuer. Beyond the fact that she was struggling with her marriage being effectively tarnished, a girl had needs at least this one did.

"Um." Matthias has taken a little aback by that last comment. "I'm... flattered, I guess? Haha. It's a good thing my brother isn't here to listen to that."

Matthias chuckled a little bit as the ice prism continued to dance around his hand. "He'd tease me to no end right up to bedtime. Our sister is even worse." He then paused, collecting his next response as he took in all of Laura's words. She apparently didn't like people with abilities, at least until she got saved by one. That was just grand. "Well... I think you should rest up until you're completely well. Is there anything else...?"
"You guuesss? Geez I like my food to have some spice with it Matty boy, you know a strong reply a lady dosen't want to feel like she's coming off too strong." Oh god I'm getting a little carried away...way too much time drinking Vodka & watching the Wire by myself these past few days. She found herself a little hot & bothered with her commentary, but she couldn't get the images out her head. Although today had been nothing short of a literal nightmare, she found herself getting a little moist at the thought of her own personal hero facing off against that monstrosity of a human if you could even call her that carrying her in his arms and getting her to safety against all odds to live another day.

"I get it though family can be the worst sometimes, can't live with em but it'd be just horrible to have to live without em. "Yes...well..maybe but that's up to you and no honey I'm not talking about us a couple compliments dosen't mean I'm about to just let you take me to your place and have your way with me..you'll have to work for that and nothing's promised except death and taxes. But...how would you like a job not that you look like your drowning in debt, it's more because the force could..well let me be frank needs someone like you with what were facing." Laura decided to be frank & get to the point, more importantly then the fire starting to burn in her loins. The world was a whole different place in the aftermath of this insanity that granted people powers, and to police the one's who were abusing them they'd need to even the playing field.

"That's..." Matthias hesitated for a moment, unsure if he'd take up the offer to join the police as an asset. He'd never used guns before; Matthias was a college professor for chemistry subjects, and has never been a fighter in his entire life... well, at least until a few hours ago. Besides, he could use a job now that the paperwork for being dead was such an atrocious affair to deal with. "Alright... I accept. And no... my family is the best. They're just very wierd. I... um. I understand the predicament that the police are in. You lost a lot of good men and women back in there... if me being an asset of the APD will prevent such tragedies from happening again, I will gladly... do so."

A pause. "One more thing. My brother... well, we make a good team. Could he come with, whenever time permits?"

"Most definitely, I mean your the only one of the Helstrom brothers I'd ever want to get a taste of age difference and all but when it comes to dealing with taking the city back from all these reject super-villains who won the superpower lottery we really need ALL the help we can get," Laura was more then happy to have both of the brothers together to help with everything the were facing. This was going to be a little bit more then a difficult conversation with the captain, but since they were quite literally the only reason she was still among the living she'd be as convincing as she needed to be. "I'm glad your taking me up on that offer, it sounds like you boys got a job." She smirked her head formulating a recovery plan & strategy to effectively help the city of Atlanta combat its dangerous superhuman elements.

"We do need the extra cash... and the purpose." Matthias flashed a smile as he leaned on the seat and put his hands on the back of his head. "And Corvus is better off being where we can watch him. He's a little... unpredictable."
Ah, how nice this was. They got jobs, and it seems this lady was... digging him? Seems like it-

"Hey is the cop lady up?" Corvus poked his head through the gap between the blinders. "Oh, she is."

"Hey, Corvie." Matthias stood and held on his brother's shoulders. "I got a job. And so do you."

"Yes!" Corvus giggled at the prospect. "When do we beg-"

"But, but," Matthias held up his hand. "You have to maintain your scores, okay? You're graduating college soon. Can't afford to have you fluke out."

"Okay, then, big bro." He would then give Matthias a hug, which was immediately returned. "We'll be heroes. The saviours of the city!"

"I guess so..."

Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Chulance
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

Atlanta, Georgia - Atlanta Prison - Forace Knight

“You’ve got to be kidding me! I didn’t do a fucking thing!!” The man protested as he was pushed aside by an officer. The man grumbled, Forace was infuriated. To think this all started just leaving to the store to get some formula for his kids. IT was as if the world was closing in on him. Four months ago his wife had been vaporized, and now he was almost hit by a cop who had to be driving drunk. He could remember it clear as day, a white woman of course.

God why are you doing this to me? All I’ve ever tried to do is serve you? My family, my community, be a good person why. The youth pastor grumbled as he trudged along to the next location in his new surrounding. The air was cold, a chill he wasn’t use to. No free man was use to the coldness that was jail both temperature and the reactions you received from other people.

In the air was a tension between you the prisoner & the guards. The Us vs them mentality was stronger here then anywhere else he’d experienced. A youth pastor, and high school counselor he never thought he’d wind up in prison. Although it was true he had some wild momenets in his youth smoking marijuana in the dorms, even going as far as having a threesome on ecstacy while he was suppose to be getting ready to help his father with a sermon his junior year of college during break.

Perhaps this was his punishment. The sins of the past raising forward to ensare him in it’s loops. Still he thought back to the conversation he’d shared with the other woman in the backseat, Rayna Turner. She was the one who’d captured his police brutality experience on video. The result of her interefernce to try to document the unjustice he suffered a black man just happening to be at the wrong place, in the wrong cop’s path was punishment.

He had two charges, one a misdemenour the other a felony. Holding his booking papers his hands were shaking. Just reading the two sentences that sealed his fate, and documented his new status in the legal system was heart breaking. Misdemenour resisting arrest, & Felony assault on an officer, Lauren Kohn. “How could this happen..why me…I’m innocent.”

“You and me both buddy, hell everyone in this room is innocent. None of us deserve to be here, fucking pigs.” A more muscular dingy man spoke. He was already sporting the jail uniform, a shade of blue that seemed very faded. The thought occurred to Forace that these jail uniforms were the epitomy of unsanitary. Still he had on his well to do clothes, casual dress wear. He’d taken up a side gig giving advice to families who had children who were getting involved with gang activity & distribution of illegal drugs at a young age among other crimes against society.

He’d been on his way to minister or rather educate a young man who’d just been arrested with a sizable sum of MDMA crystals two weekends ago when he was wrapped up in Laura’s drama. “Man but you don’t understand I’ma pastor. I truly did nothing, she was driving erratic man. I..I was side swaped nearly slammed into by her racing by in the cruiser swerving through the streets. IT dosen’t make any sense, I’ve never been a-part of the street life or nothing of the sort not to be judgemental. “ Forace realized sitting here in intake, surrounded by criminals he’d best watch his tone and his manner of speech towards these other individuals. Although he hadn’t yet been swapped up clothing wise to the typical jail attire he knew one thing for certain. The police were not on his side, perhaps they never were. All this time he’d managed to stay out of bars was only by the grace of God, but it seemed for every black man it was only a matter of time before the word criminal was attached to their record, and not just how racist old whites described them as manner of speech.

“Shit me neither pastor” The man retorted with a snarl seemingly upset that Forace was already seeming to formulate an opinion about him. “Lemme guess bruh It’s the clothes? Well you know what all of us don’t have a whole dman church supplying us with tithes. I’m a regular ass nigga okay, got three daughtefs I’m taking care of or at least was till I got locked up in this shit hole this morning. The time shit if I know, time go slow as fuck in here every waking moment you just want it obe over. And if you unlucky enough to fall asleep, you wake up mad that you here stuck in this cold ass room feeling like you don’t belong. Name’s Benny by the way.” Benny replied as he leaned back in his chair, arms within his jump-suit to try to accomplish gathering any sort of warmth he could in this cold room.

“Okay then Benny, I’ll bite what did you do?” Forace was curious, although he felt he was special. That perhaps the others in here were truly undeserving, he thought about himself & Raynar locked away imprisoned for crimes that were hardly crimes.

Benny motioned to his jail papers and handed them to Forace causing his eyes to widen. “Yeah Obstruction of Justice, Resisting arrest & threatening a peace officer. All a bunch a bullshit, aka black man too free. I was picking up my daughter from school, found out she had cuts and bruises. I confronted the vice princinple when I found out he liked to get handsy with kids who according to him needed a extra heaping of justice. Course I heard about his parents, long history of putting their hands on black women,. I decided to see how he’d fair against the stronger side of the black species. His brother’s on APD, and well low and behold I’m here, and my daughter might end up in care. With her mother dead…she passed during the incident, driver behind here got vaporized she was driving a SUV, my wife lived on the wild side she didn’t survive on our motorcycle.” Benny paused reflecting on how his life seemed to be systematically getting destroyed.

Forace put a hand on the man, the fellow prisoners shoulder. “I’m sorry I shouldn’t have judged. Seeing as what happened to me, I just grew up thinking the law was on our side if we did the right thing if we just played by the rules. But I see how wrong I am no telling how many brothers are in here suffering an atrocious fate at the legal system as a result of the actions of vindinctive hateful racist cops. “Forace spoke the last few w ords with a true bitterness in his tone.

“Yeah you’d be surprised, you can go a long time out of their hands. But after that first arrest, it’s like you start dancing with the devil more and more. More and more options start closing, your family get’s hungrier, and you get pushed. IT’s all a trap, and it makes the world, they world really go round and fucking round. IT’s they word, we just slaves in it.” Benny replied with a sense of defeat snuggling up against his chair to escape the cold air of jail.

“Yeah well no, something gotta change. Something gotta give, I’m not a rich man, but I am a liked man. I’m gonna get me out here, you too Benny. All the brothers & sistas in here without reason which I’m beginning to suspect is a lot. They messed with the wrong one today, I’m coming for them. For all of them, especially this woman Laura Kohn, I’m coming…for her.” Forace spoke with fury in his tone, determined to get out of jail, he was motivated, he was pissed. HE would stop at nothing to make sure she got hers.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Meleck

Meleck Cleric on the Northern Plains

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Father Thomas

Thomas spent his first night as a security guard finding out that it was a job of mostly sitting around and letting the dogs chase thing around. In the morning he let two tow trucks in with wrecks to be crushed. The second driver warned him of eating at the Mexican restaurant and pointed him to a “club” where the food was good and they didn’t ask questions. When lunchtime came Thomas headed to Detira a little dive that did not have many cars in the parking lot. Inside he quickly learned the the place was more than it appeared. There was a stage and a pit for a band. Poles went from the floor to the ceiling, dark booths and a bar. There was not much going on the bartender did not look up as he was stocking the bar and spoke Spanish at Thomas in a tone that was fairly universal.
“Hi, I was told the food was good here,” he said making it clear that he did not speak Spanish.

Two women dressed in jeans and tee shirts walked in one with a child in her arms. They were taking Spanglish, mixing both English and Spanish. The smaller woman recognized Thomas and gave him a weird look.
“Father?” She asked setting it clear they Thomas wasn’t just some John hoping to start his day early.
He smiled at her and picked up the pacifier and diaper bag that fell to the floor.
“You said you were a dancer...” Thomas said, leaving the elephant in the room hanging.
He picked up the stuff that fell and smiled at the child.
It didn’t take long till they had Thomas in a corner booth with two plates of food. The food was better than he expected and the company was nice. He ended up holding the child as he ate and the woman talked. Six of them ended up in the booth “confessing” and talking with Thomas. He was amazed to find out that these ladies talked mostly about normal things. The boss is a jerk, trying to pay bills, who had sick children. They also talked about the John's that came here and who had done what with whom. In this line of work he found that not many people are there to have your back. They were commodities to be bought, sold, and traded. The women also seemed to enjoy talking to someone who did not want to get into their pants or see them naked. Not that most minded the second part much having done this for a while.

Adrian was running for his dear life, the gravity of the situation he was in was starting to overwhelm him. I don't care this isn't right, not in any way...McAlister must be exposed he must be stopped. This isn't about me anymore, this is about everyone the whole world....I have to call him...before I'm out of time. Gasping for breath but relieved that he'd found some place to stop running he exhaled siting down on a bench in the subway. Taking a quick but careful glance around the subway to make sure nobody he was trying to evade was after him he then produced his cell phone. Scrolling through his contacts until he found who he was looking for he then pressed the green button to call the priest. "Come on Thomas please pick up."

Thomas picked answered his phone grateful that it deflected the girl trying to seduce him.
“Father,” he said in a tone that was well practiced to let the other side know that he was a priest.

"Hello Father Thomas, it's Adrian we need to speak it's a matter of upmost urgency. Forgive me for i have sinned, a grave sin" Adrian spoke with fear in his voice

Thomas waved the girls away with the help of the bartender telling them they needed to get ready that the early shift was about to get their lunch break. This sent the women scrambling to prepare to entertain.

“My son, I can hear your confession over the phone, but I can only absolve you in person,” the young priest said. The Sacraments needed to be give in person. He tried to put a $20 down on the table but the bar tended waved him off as one of the woman started giving the bar tender some heavy attitude in Spanish.

Adrian gulped hearing the reality of what Thomas was explaining to him, but with the reality of what was going on he felt he had little to no time to waste. "Then we can arrange a meeting Father, I pray to our heavenly father I make it but there is a high chance I will not. I have participated and played an integral role in the tragedy that befall the world five months ago, The Incident if you will....and..I am trying to tell the world the truth at..all costs." He spoke with a grave tone in his voice the latter words that emanated from his voice would allow Thomas to hear the depths of the grave danger he was in by continuing this conversation any further.

"Wait to make confession till I am there. I will meet you at the Marta Five Points station, in about 45 minutes,” the priest said with concerned tone in his voice. What Adrian was serious stuff. If he was actively involved in this he would have to go to the authorities.

Adrian said, "Alright we can make that happen, but listen I'm trying to deliver something and I'm very low on time." He said making sure to take note of where Thomas wanted to meet, he was familar with 5 points. It was in a more seedier part of the town but at least the Marta station would be crowded. Getting off the phone he made sure to move quickly, prefering to take the streets on foot not wanting to risk getting stuck in a vehicle trying to avoid McAlister's goons at all cost.

Like the ladies, Thomas changed into his work clothes. His black cassock and polished black shoes with extra cushioning. He pulled his gold cross that had been blessed by the Pope. The young priest was read and headed out the door. He grabbing a small hand full of washers in case of emergency. He had learned that he could "shoot" them and make them do different things when he had used his powers. Mainly he had managed to repair broken items at the church and in the thrift shop when no one was around.

Half a block walk brought him to the bus stop. A five minute ride brought him to the train. His pass still worked which made him happy. He rode in relative peace, he was the minority here but he was also dressed as a priest. Most people at this time of day left priests alone. As he arrived at the train station and he made a point of blending in. A priest was not out of his element here, some did not drive having mass transit to ride. Thomas did have a license but did not not drive often. Traffic in Atlanta could rival Chicago and New York at times. He made his way through the crowd waiting to be approached by Adrian.

By the grace of God almighty Adrian managed to evade death moving through the crowd until he saw the Father. Rushing over to him he embraced the father in a hug and placed a flashdrive in his hand. "Listen we must talk, I didn't know who else I could trust, but the fate of the world rests on this conversation"

Thomas hugged the man back, it made it look like a family meeting. He let the Adrian lead him through the station to one of those tattooed coffee shops where most of the staff had nose rings and other piercings, most Thomas did not want to see or know about. A few Graduate students made the clientele a mix. It let everyone but him blend in. He ordered two large black coffees with none of the extras to pollute the Sacrament of caffeine. Then followed to table in a back corner. It did not take much for the priest to get the two that were overly enjoying each others anatomy to feel discomforted enough to let them have the booth. To put it nicely, he did not want to touch the table for fear of what he could catch. When the coffee arrived he had the waitress, a redhead with a nose ring, tongue stud, and seven ear rings in each ear. He thought her the black lipstick was a bit much but the tight white top was nice. Thomas had her bleach the table top as they held their coffee. Thomas sat with his back to the door as the other man acted like someone was after him. He pulled out his traveling stole, said a prayer kissed his Crucifix, and the stole and put it on “I am ready,” he said.

It was here Adrian could begin to divulge the information regarding the grave sin he'd participated in. He started, "To be blunt I have blood on my hands, possibly upwards of 400,000 people died as a result." Adrian's voice grew weak almost hoarse at what he was saying. "There is a man you must look into, Nathan McAlsiter the CEO of Nova Consolidated, the pharmaceutical company. His real name as in the on on his birth certificate is Nathan Cassanova, you probably recognize the Cassanova Family they were on the news for multiple law suits regarding their reckless behavior and disregard for human lives for their unethical approach and involvement in the opioid crisis two years ago.

Adrian stopped speaking briefly feeling as though there was an invisible lump in his throat. "Anyway back to where I work or well use to now..we have been contracted by the United States Military & by extension the United States Government to uncover a way to both suppress the abilities for lack of a better word for individuals with these newfound powers & the opposite Father Thomas. way...to give them..to anyone." He slowed his roll to allow what he was saying to sink in wondering if the father would react with horror & perhaps turn him in to the authorities on the spot maybe even saying he was far beyond saving.

Thomas listed and rolled the thumb drive in his fingers.
“Go on,” he said calmly taking the information in. He did not react. The training him had allowed him to suppress the "Oh shit" he was thinking. Adrian did not know that Thomas was one of those that disappeared and the Bishop must have covered that information up from the public. The deaths were now in the past and seemed accidental, well Thomas did no get the feeling that Adrian intended to kill the people. His time indicated that he was most likely contrite.

"I..I just can't participate any longer, enough is enough it comes a time that you have to stand up for what's right. That information on that drive it's..enough to open up the rabbit hole to start explaining what's going." Adrian paused and stood up shaking his head as he took a sip of his black coffee, just like the father he preferred his caffeine with little to not additives. "But all-" Before he could speak any further of all things a quarter and then penny burst through the window and lodged into Adrian's chest sending him flying across the room and into a table of the booth where the two girls were sitting. "No.."He spoke weakly before the penny and the man exploded taking his life, the two girls at the booth, anyone else nearby and half of the coffee restaurant.

The sound of the projectile, the glass breaking, the impact with the body, and the explosion was not like the movies. It was much more violent. Shrapnel flew through the air after the explosion. metal shards bits of objects bounced and rebounded off things. The compression wave was enough to deadened the ability to hear leaving Thomas and any survivors unable to hear. The blasts blew Thomas backwards under the next table as bodies fell on him. He had a cut across his forehead and his left arm and both his legs. He had multiple cuts and scratches but they were minor. Thomas dragged himself out from under the bodies to the screaming and chaos. He found two girls bleeding, he tore his sash and wrapped the wound the picked the one up and the other grabbed his arm as he lead them out with the survivors. When they got to the shelter of a us stop, he laid the girl down and blessed her. With the sounds sirens, police cars fire trucks, and ambulances drawing closer. He headed down the street. He grabbed a taxi to take him to the campus a few blocks away. There was a former parishioner that was a nurse in a walk in clinic that would make sure he did not need serious medical attention. The broken glass and fragments of hot metal hurt when he walked. But he pushed on.

Nathan McAlister looked onward with a devious grin on his face rubbing his two fingers together without a care in the world. "Adrian what a pity...when will they learn that I just will not be stopped. A Man with drive like my own will not be exposed by the likes of simpletons..hmm I wonder in the end if he appreciated my penny for a thought" The dark and cruel businessman let out a boisterous laugh at his evil act of murder not caring that not only Adrian but other innocent lives were taken in the crossfire. In his eyes there were too many people on the planet anyway, and he was just speeding up the process for the Grand Finale of his plans. "You know what the say, if you need a job done right do it yourself." With those final words confirming his dark thoughts he made his way from the edge of the rooftop. Retreating into the elevator full of satisfaction that he'd taken care of the final loose end trying to expose the truth about Nova Consolidated, unaware of the fact that in his final moments Adrian had delivered the truth to one last man, Father Thomas

Thomas said a prayer as he had received Adrian’s confession. It was his calling to pronounce absolution for the dead man. Thomas then did what came naturally, he started to help the injured getting them outside. He himself was also injured in the blast and explosion. His face was cut and his arms and body had small cuts where bits of hot metal, glass, coffee, and people went flying. In the corner, untouched a television droned the news. A lot of hatred. People wanting to hunt down the enhanced, conspiracy theories that Trump had created these monsters, people doing violence and blaming the enhanced for the destruction of property and loss of life. The video feed showed a group of men beating in the skull of someone thought to be an enhanced. A skinhead espousing his cause and letting lose a fire ball into a crowd of African Americans who were opposing his group.

A little girl came over to Thomas and raised her hands wanting to be picked up. He looked to the mother who was seriously injured, she nodded. So the priest did the humane thing he could do and picked up the child and hugged her as tears ran down his cheeks. As the fire and police department arrived and started their bloody work.

In the end Thomas blessed fourteen people that had been killed and prayed for eight more going to the hospital. He tried to say out of the camera and out of people's way as best he could. Most of what any news crew got would have been his back and his butt with him bending over to pray for people. When the paramedics finally got him to a rig an started tending to his wounds, an officer started asking him questions. His statement was less than helpful. He did talk about the couple being personal, the redhead with the jewelry who had died as well, and being invited to hear confession. He stuck to the details of what happened and not the conversation he was involved in. His ringing ears did not help him understand the officers. If they wanted him to break the seal of the confessional, they would need to go to the Bishop, and deal with the powers all the way to Rome to compel him to disclose the confession. He knew that he had information that might lead them to the killer, but would most likely lead the killer to kill more people including himself, to cover this up. Without thinking he gave his address as the Cathedral.

One detectives was on the phone talking with someone about tracking down all of the cell phones that were active with the towers. Thomas realized two things. The first was that the phone needed to go away and the second was that he needed to find out what was on the flashdrive. He understood at this moment that most of the Government would be after him, Nova and their resources would be after him, the anti-enhancers would be after him, and the brown eyed black haired woman from the club with a body that you couldn't miss was after him. As he started to walk back to the train station figuring out what to do. As the train approached, he accidentally dropped his phone and with a little will it landed on the track as the train wheels crushed it.

Thomas felt that in the next couple of days he would have his picture up in every post office in America. He needed to go underground, work on his powers and find people that he could trust.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Chulance
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

Miami, Florida - Miami Prison - Flint Marrow

“Kill the bitch!!! Kill the bitch!!! Kill the bitch!! Kill the bitch!!” The roaring of protestors outside the Miami Prison was loud. Today Diana Gray’s execution was scheduled, her father Tristan had showed up along with Empowered Human Rights activists to protest the execution of Diana Gray. Her and her father had co-authored a story about her relentless bullying as well as documented evidence of her severe tragedy of her being targated and harassed online.

The story they were going with was that her abilities while dangerous did not make her a malicious killer. She’d already issued an apology statement & agreed to be commited to a facility until she could gain control of her powers or even forever. However several parents & relatives of the students & faculty slain by her power had showed up. It was a nightmare, and today was the set day of the execution.

Even a statement from the infamous Ronald Granger had denounced her life, and many were saying this was a pivotal moment in Empowered-Human relations history that could shape the future for Empowered individuals in the United States. Flint Marrow was seen inside wearing a jean jacket, and some gray pants wolfing down a burger near a security guard who seemed a little ticked off by his behavior.

“What damn it what’s your problem Bradley.” Flint asked with sheer disregard for his nasty eating habits.

“Oh I don’t know man maybe the fact that I can hear you eating the burger, in graphic detail. And I don’t have a fetish for foot porn.” Bradley protested.

Flint looked the prison guard up and down. He was wearing the typical gray lifeless uniform, quite obese to the point it looked like his uninform belt was barely holding him in, and the baton hanging loose on his pants that if he was any bigger would practically be sagging. “Huh I couldn’t tell.” Flint muttered to himself as he took a few more bites.

“You got something to say buddy?! You CIA type think your all that huh, well last I checked we captured this bitch and put her in here, we’re overseeing her damn execution and you just show up to eat some fucking Burger King, take some notes & catch the credit so forgive me for my attitude.” Bradley sneered at Flint who rolled his eyes.

“Well I’ll give you that, you guys captured her and took care of it. And by you guys I mean Miami PD, your just a glorified baby-sitter with some gadgets that you probably barely have to use except for some dehumanized senior citizents, and out of shape wife beaters. Look buddy the sooner this is over we can both go our own ways, hold up I got a phone call be right back the grown up’s are talking.” Flint grinned as he picked up his burger in the wrapper and walked away from the cells to communicate with his handler. “The dashing handsome young devil Marrow speaking how may I help you?”

“Marrow we don’t have time for your humor.” Flint gulped down the last bite he was taking with unease. It wasn’t frequent that he got a call from the big boss himself, Nathan McAlister. His name in the intelligence community was legendary, although he wasn’t particularly known as a field agent. He was well known in the industry that made him rich, and after going through training had ran quite a few operations on the ground that lead to taking down some big names in crime, even killing a few himself.

“I’m sorry boss, I know it’s a big thing. But they’ve got her locked down, I’m here, Kaitlyn’s outside securing the perimeter. Nothing’s going to mess up this execution, the bitch is dead, and she’s full of sedatives so there’s no chance of her using her powers.”

“Good her death right now is extremely essential. We’ve got a-lot of pressure from Washington, besides what those peace freaks are saying outside. Diana Gray is a mass murderer, she slaughtered children for christ sake. Imagine if me or you lost our lives at fifteen, sixteen, or seventeen because someone else called her names. Powers or no powers, someone like that isn’t fit for society. Make this happen for me Marrow, for us, for the country, alright then keep me updates, I want a play by play until that bitch is in hell.” Beep, the phone line disconnected and Nathan was off the line.

“Huh my type of guy, no sympathy for the devil.” Flint finished his burger and tossed the wrapper in the trash bin. Looking outside peaking through the windows he saw sympathizers with their signs, as well as journalist & other media. The Miami Herald was very visible, after all three weeks ago the head of the herald Lori something was assaulted, one of their star journalists had his neck broken & the rest of her staff was reported disintegrated by an empowered maniac who had something against them, so of course their staff was out there supporting the police. “Shit, this is really turning to a mess. These people are tearing up the country, if you ask me we need to be giving the needle to all of these freaks I don’t care if their a human light bulb, put em all in the furnace..” Flint spoke with malice having no mercy for these people.

Honestly he didn’t even feel like they were people, sure some of them were claiming it was an accident. But what Diana did was horrible to him, and it was going to get worst before it got better. As it stood that was one of the most gruesome acts commited by people with abilities to date, and he was in NEDU to make sure nothing similar or even worst happened.

Atlanta, Georgia – Zayas Properties LLC – Adora & Kareem

“Honey are you okay” A middle eastern man with a full grown beard was seen putting a wet rag on Adora’s forehead. Adora shook as the paper towel burned her forehead, she was still recovering from a previous fight she’d engaged in with the Helstrom brothers, now in her true biological form.

“Yes Kareem I told you I am fine, I just slipped & fell.” Adora mused knowing her answer wasn’t satisfactory to her husband.

“Slipped and fell into a beating, you are wise not to say but unwise for I will dish out the full resources in my possession to rid this world of the scum that dared touch you my beloved.” Kareem moved in to lock lips with his wife kissing her passionately. He loved her more then anything else in the world, except for the future children they didn’t yet have.

“And I love you Kareem, just as you have your own private matters to tend to for our success as do I, but in the end they all are divulged and will result in our success, we will have power, we both come from a time where we lacked in all areas, and I just want that to never be the case ever again.” Adora spoke soothingly to her husband, regardless of what she kept hidden from him she loved this man. She wanted nothing to take him from her, and would surely unleash her unfiltered wrath on any who targated him.

“Power is everything to the Zayas but still you worry me. I don’t want to ever come home and find it empty with you taken from this realm to the next not ever, but especially not now.” Kareem confessed as he massaged Adora’s shoulders. “Does this have to do with our business with Salzaras? I can manage more assets to accompany you when your dealing with more unruly individuals.” Kareem was truly concerned, even though he was a corrupt man just like her and was glad to continue their participation in the illicit drug trade to reap the financial benefits he still didn’t want to loose her life.

“No I promise, it’s really just..a bump in the rode, but I’ve squashed it literally..it’s gone.” Adora smirked her husband having no idea how literal her choice of words was. While he was down for violence, and corruption she didn’t want to divulge her murderous streak not yet, by the time she did she wanted to be sure it was the right time. When everything was truly going her way, and she was sure he wouldn’t argue. IT would be unfonrtunate if the man she loved so dearly would have to meet a similar fate to that of her enemies, but unlike him power was the one thing that eclipsed love in her mind, and although it would make her sad she wouldn’t hesitate to remove him from the land of the living if he got in her way.

“Alright honey just stay safe, I’ve got a meeting about a new property in Jersey, I’m going to catch a flight. I’ll be back in two days just promise me you’ll be okay, don’t take on anything you can’t handle..” Kareem said looking at his wife with tender eyes just wanting her to be safe.

“I promise babe, everything’s gonna be okay. In the end nothing can stop us, were a power couple.” Adora gleemed despite her sustained injuries, Kareem had a way of motivating her bringing her strength.

“Alright then I’ll see you soon my love.” Locking arms & lips once more, before saying their final good-byes Kareem made his way out the door to catch his private limo to the airport.

Adora layed back in the couch getting into a relaxed position and putting some pressure on her chest wound with some ice. “I swear to god when I get my hands on those two motherfuckers, and that cop lady I’m going to tear them apart.” Adora seethed with rage, with Kareem out the house she quickly went over to the medeicine cabinet producing some cocaine and some pills.

“Ah now I can relax, too bad you don’t approve hubby you’d be the best person to do this with.” Adora layed out the powder on the table, taking out one of her American express credit cards and crushing up the powder. As she did that she used her ability to cause a glass as well as a 2 liter of soda to float over to the glass table in-front of her. Pouring the contents of the soda in the glass, she picked up three pain-killers & downed them with the drink.

“Wonderful two 2 tens and a 30, I’m feeling frisky.” Adora laughed as she separated the broken down powder into fine chopped lines. Snorting two lines she then reached for the television remote and turned it on. “Hmm the last time I watched this It had me going to CNN, okay blah blah Trump passing a registration law okay…this might work in my favor.” Adora’s lips formed into a sinister inquisitive position as she snorted her third line. The mixture of cocaine & opiates sending her soaring into new euphoric heights as she continued watching the news as it switched to Senator Ivy speaking.

“Awhh they still like us, hmm shame I’m going to have that change that. In due time though in duuuue time, just need to pick up a few more tricks prior.” Adora changed the channel again this time it was talking about Diana Gray’s execution, the murderer responsible for the Miami high school students deaths.

“Alright Jay we’re going to you live down at the prison. Empowered Human Rights Activists have gathered to protest Diana Gray’s execution. On the scene includes her father Tristan Gray, spreading a message that his daughter was relentlessly bullied including by her ex boyfriend former quarter Myles…who unfortunately was slayed by his daughter. Now we’ve heard that prison officials are co-ordinating with the FBI & Department of Homeland Security to secure the site to prevent any interference. This execution will be streamed live at the request of Senator Granger, to inspire the people that there will be no excuses for these powered murderers.” Adora snorted another line and leaned back as the drugs flowed through her bloodstream.

“No excuse huh.” Adora leaned forward wincing from the pain as she pressed the volume up button to turn the television up. “Alright then this is interesting I’m listening to this.” Adora purred as she leaned back in her chair, reaching for a pre-rolled joint to spark as she listened intently to the television screen to continue hearing more live updates about the Diana Gray execution scheduled within the next hour.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Chulance
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

Monroe, Alabama - Drug Warehouse - Craig & Loud

“Craig what the word is?” A skinny African American man with several tatto’s was seen loading shipments into the back of an SUV with some other accomplices. Craig the man he was speaking to was simply wearing sweat-pants and a sleevless White T. They were located at a warehouse in Monroe, Alabama. Inside the warehouse several others Hispanic & blacks mostly could be seen loading up assortments of illicit pills & powders within toys.

“The word is we moving Lincoln’s shit Loud, he got us eating man we running shit in Alabama. Ain’t nun going stop us now, shit even the cops can’t stop bruh now.” Craig flashed a smile as he was cleaning off one of his guns sitting in the corner smoking a black n mild while counting up some money with two women at both sides of the table silently arranging money after stuffing it in a money counter.

“You really think that huh, heard Lincoln came back as one of them motherfuckers from the Incident.” Loud replied, clearly the name was conjured up from his affinity with the cannabis plant.

“I know so, we know this day was coming. I mean ain’t it written, that our people suppose to rise up. Shit back in the day that’s what the Panthers was fighting for or sum like that.” Craig mused as he placed rubber bands around some more stacks of money and tossed them into a duffel bag at his feet.

“Ion think it was written like tha,t but I see what I’m saying. I’m just saying just cause he got super powers, we don’t nigga. You see what I’m saying, and we goin hard with the weight, and Bama don’t play.” Loud said coming over to take a seat at the table sparking up a marijuana clip taking in a few deep inhales.

“Don’t tell me you getting scared now huh. Some folks get dusted like Thanos really out here or sum shit, then mothefuckers showing up doing Justice League tricks in real life, and now motherfuckers scared. Well Guess what ain’t shit changed, the police don’t got super powers, but my nigga we do! That’s the only thing that changed, and the more metal man out there ripping officers up out here and the A, the less the going get to stepping when thy see our gang moving.” Craig was confident in himself counting some more money and accepting the blunt that Loud passed to him.

“Man who scared bruh I’m just trying to make sure we ain’t drastically lowering our life exptenacy, it wasn’t like we was going broke no time soon anyway, but enough I can’t stand when a motherfucker try me just for some common sense.” Loud shook his haed clearly irritated by the question as Craig passed the clip back.

“Man I’m just jerking ya chain, yo ass be acting tighter then a choir bitch. Sheesh, look all I’m saying is we going up in the food chain, not the opposite bruh you feel me. When you out here and you moving and you got the power shit tends to happen, that’s how everything in the world works just look at the rich white folks, they get down more dirty then darkest of brothers.” Craig said laughing as he reached for a bottle of Jack on the table, and downed a few gulps.

“You ain’t lied about that, it’s bout time we get ours anyway. I’m trying to get the new Bentley truck yu know what I’m talm bout, that motherfucker go hardd. I’m talm bout I’m sliding wit three fo five bitches to the spot after we leave club now.” Loud said laughing as he finished the clip and put it out.

“See ya ass wanna get scared with all the shit going on, but the. Money the mulaaaa got you brave boy. That what I’m talm bout, mean with the green, get it done like a machine.” Craig said laughing and joking with his pal.

As the criminals continued conversing and outside trucks filled with narcotics were getting ready to pull off they suddenly heard a loud boom. Both Loud & Craig quickly whipped out their guns, with Craig dumping the last of the counted drug money into the bags. Craig stood up and inched towards the garage door of the warehouse as more loud noises wre followed each seemingly dramatically louder the last. “Man what the fu-“

Before he oculd speak a beam of pure solar energy burst through the garage door slicing through the room cutting gang members in half. The entire door was kicked down as Silver Predator stepped in the room machine gun in hand opening fire. Several members of the gang opened retallation fire only to see in shock the bullets bouncing off the masked vigilante.

“OH hell naw!!! That’s bruh from the news that’s bruh from the news!!!” Loud screamed and started running tripping over Craig’s body that had been sliced in half by the light beam.

The two women screamed as another beam of solar energy slammed into both of them causing them to burst open blood splattering some of which rained on Loud’s body. Screaming the drug dealer grabbed the two duffel bags and hit the fastest sprint he’d ever taken managing to get out the door. “Oh no oh oh oh no oh hell no!!!!!!!!”

Loud looked around in a panicked state before spotting his jeep and rushed to the car. Quickly tossing the bags full of money in and plunging the keys in the ignition he jammed his foot on the gas speeding away from the warehouse as the whole facility went up in flames. “Oh shit!!!! Ah hell naw I’m out! Man fuck that shit!! FUCK IT!!!!

Loud cursed loudly swerving through the streets driving as fast as possible and within minutes had made his escape. “Oh naw I dun seen it all naw I’m going back to Jersey, and I’m finna lay low. Low low can’t fuck around no mo, but at least I got the cho cho’s!!! Yessur!!! BABY!!!!! The strong will survive, no matter what Loud going thrive.” Loud grinned as his heart was pounding but it seemed in the end he’d managed to get away with his life and Craig’s money.

“Man that shit was..oh…” Before he could speak any more he saw he wasn’t on the ground or at least the jeep wasn’t. Turning to the left he saw the hand of the Silver Predator and began screaming. The Predator had lifted his vehicle into the sky and took flight high into the sky.

“Ah man wait man! AH MAN!!! HOL UP!!! This shit nuts bruh you suppose tot ake a brother to jail or court or sum ain’t it what the fuck you doing!! I know my rights!! Ayeee you can have the money it’s all good look!!!!” The man’s protests went unheard as Silver Predator had flown him high into the sky.

“I don’t want your money you filthy ape.” The Silver Predator spoke those words only then flung the car down to the ground. Loud screamed for his life as the car plummeted until it crashed into the remains of the warehouse. Loud died instantly and the vehicle was crushed. The blaring sound of sirens was heard as they all sped towards the wreckage of Lincoln’s former drug warehouse. Silver Predator observed from the sky with pure contempt for the criminals.

“No criminals, no crime will thrive as long as the Silver Predator is alive.” Speaking to himself high in the sky he took off with a massive sonic boom being heard inhis wake as the masked vigilante flew off from the scene of destruction & bodies he left behind.

Atlanta, Georgia - King's Trap House - King & Cornelle Lincoln

“Another body catch a body WHOLE GANG catch bodies! Got a body caught a body we don’t know nun bout it! All my niggas in my hood everybody catching bodies! Shoot yo ass in yo face know yo bitch ass ain’t bout it!” Young Nudy was blaring from a loud speaker in the living room from the inside of a worn out house on the West Side of Atlanta, a couple people were walking around back and forth through the house.

Women without clothes were seen in the kitchen cooking up crack cocaine, while some of them were spread to other parts of the room politicking with the men and bagging up different assortments of a variety of drugs. “Ayo say King you said Floyd came and got 3 bags yesterday?” One of the men a dread head dressed in all red indicating his gang affiliation and smoking a gigantic blunt stuffed with 9 grams of cannabis.

“Man Kay you know this, Banker moving up in the game, my boy ain’t hustling them dimes no more, he just fucking em fucking off the profit.” King laughed another dealer in the room, his drug of choice was in his hand a couple MDMA crystals. He licked them off his hand, shuddering at the bitter test of the emotion enhancing narcotic before washing down the taste with a pineapple fanta. “Woo..Wee this Molly taste like some rank ass gahh damn, this bitch finna biting on them campuses Georgia State, Spellman, shit Moorehouse all them.”

“Shit Ion know bout yu, but I could neeva neva EVA take my black ass to Moorehouse. I mean come on dude who came out with that campus is a mafucking rainbow, you dig that shit SUS…PECT” King retorted laughing as he took a few more hits from the perfectly rolled fronto he was hitting before going to ash it coughing all the while.

“Man I see where you coming from but you going have to watch yo tone. My lil bro go there and he been beating down bitches backs since the sandbox ya digg, no fruity shit.” Ray voiced his own concerns about King’s cousin and supposed affiliation what with attending that school and all.

“Shit that motherfucker is apples, oranges, wit a lil bit of pineapple. Fruity ass, it might ran in yo family dawg, shit would explain so much.” King

“Aye aye yall see this!” A busty black chick wearing nothing but some PINK bra and panties came rushing in the room sitting on the couch by King and snatching the remote from him and going to change the channel.

“Aye bitch what the fuck is yo problem!? You seen I was watching that shit, Paternity court is the shit, gives me ideas on what I gotta do to dodge Tesha legally, niggas tryna be smarter and shit these days with sliming.” King protested to his worker changing the channel to something else without his permission.

“Oh my god negro look!!!” Tesha pointed at the screen as she finally settled on the news channel where Donald Trump was on the screen speaking to address the nation. They all watched in shock as Trump discussed the Empowered Registration Bill and what was coming next. The shock continued as it switched to Ivy talking about a bill of her choice, a democratic version of course. It wasn’t long before they were just watching the CNN event. King shook his head.

“Man shit out here just getting nuts ain’t it fucking nuts.”

“You damn right, but yall don’t need to worry about that. Yall need to worry about me.” The three and others turned to see none other then Cornelle Lincoln stepping in with bullet ridden clothes and metallic skin. Two of the gangsters opened fire on Lincoln only for the bullets to have no effect. “Are you blind, you can’t see the metal skin, what the fuck was that suppose to do.” Lincoln said laughing as the gangsters all stood in fear no one wanting to open fire any more.

“Cornelle….what the fuck do you want…” King decided to speak up, he’d had a hate hate relationship with Lincoln & seeing he barged in their trap-house and had superhuman abilities as well was far from a pleasant surprise to the dealers.

“Oh I want the same thing I’ve always wanted, except now I’m going get it or..well.” Cornelle walked over closer to them Tay’s hands shaking as he gripped his weapon.

“Ah man stay back or I’m I.”

“WHAT?!” Cornelle yelled causing Tay to drop the gun and fall to the ground while Tesha looked like she was on the verge of tears. Cornelle chuckcled and rubbed his hands together before grabbing the tacle and tossing it into their television destroying it. “Now Listen up and listen clear. I’m willing to let by gones be by gones okay, yall going need the type of protection I’m offering. Fuck all that shit the orange man is saying, there’s a silver motherfucking freak flying around ripping up people like us and I ain’t talking about powers you dig, if you ai’t noticed Mr. Predator got a preference for victims and they ain’t fair skinned.” Cornelle lsaid dusting some rubble of his hands.

Tay was holding Tesha know who seemed scared while King was trying to process everything going on. “Oh and you suppose to protect us from him?! We ain’t exactly been on the best terms, you just as likely to tear us up as him!”

“Man King don’t egg him on!” Tesha protested, while Tay just put his hands on his face clearly stressed by the whole situation.

“Look Negro, I’m yo best chance! Cuz you make me mad enough to bash yo head inbefore I had powers, but that motherfucker going do it just cause you black, might not even give a fuck about the crack. Then you got motherfuckers attacking CNN, the coming for people like me, and he coming for people like you. So I say our best chances is to stick together, blacks with powers, and blacks with money and we all spread the dope, I just want a percentage 30%, we agree on that and we canstart talking business, and start finding a way to survive in this brand new world this motherfucking Incident created. Or you play by ya self yall regular ass motherfuckers against me, the cops, the Silver Predator & whatever the fuck us else? So what’s it gonna be huh? Take ya chances, better yet shoot me some more? “Cornelle asked pointing at himself with defiance in his voice.

King looked at the remains of his television then back at the metallic man trying to extort him, and then took in a deep breath thinking about how rapidly everything was happening. “Ight Cornelle, I’m listening let’s talk then, cause as much as I hate to admit it shit’s really going crazy out there, so what’s next?”

Cornelle smiled and seemed to ease up a bit. “I’m so glad you asked King, let’s talk, we got a lot to discuss my friend, it’s a braaave new world.” Cornelle grinned showing his metallic teeth indicating he was just getting started with the next phase of his plan for the drug game, the streets & maybe even more.

Atlanta, New York – Nova Consolidated Office – Nathan McAlister & Veronica Moon

Nathan McAlister was sitting at a table reviewing some folders and files on an expensive wooden table. Still wearing the same outfit he had on earlier when he offed Adrian when he was attempting to divulge secrets about him to Father Thomas down at 5 points.

The room was empty except for another woman. A Caucasian lady in her mid thirties wearing some purple pants and a tan button up t shirt. Around her was a bright white lab coat, and some blue gloves. She was sitting at the opposite end of the table aside from Nathan.

“Veronica why the solemn look on your face? You look like you’ve seen a ghost? I.mean with all these extradionary events you might have? You know some people suggest that were in the new Age of Miracles, others they seem to think we might be heading towards the End Times? What do you think Miss Moon, you think we set off the chain of events for the final days?” Nathan asked with a curious tone almost as if everything going on was a game to him.

Veronica looked down at the table, then her eyes jetted to the files then back to Nathan. “How can you speak like that? You realize we’ve literally opened Pandora’s box. None of us had no idea, no right to do this. Legion we had an entirely different plan, we were suppose to save the world, not damn it even further.” Veronica Moon was furious and in no mood for any comedic retorts from the CEO of Nova Consolidated.

“Damn it further? We have over 7 billion people on this planet and growing. We’re running out of resources to support the population, we have terrorism, human trafficking, mass murder, drug trafficking, violent organized criminal organizations, the media trying to insight race wars, political corruption, Lobbyists controlling the direction of our company’s bills, disease, famine, families falling apart? And we damned the world, we are the reason this shit hole is falling apart?! I don’t think so! Cause if I remember correctly our plan was to use that shit, and cut down the population, some Thanos shit, make more room for the people that deserve to be here, that deserve a second chance to make this world better!” Nathan had no time for any more jokes enraged with Veronica’s accusations.

“Oh and how’d that work out for us? Clean a couple billion lives off the planet, only got 200 million and they all came back with fucking super powers! Super powers from fucking comic books, now what? What if they have kids, I bet you have some great sex with your lover if they come back from the fucking dead Nathan! Not that you would know, cause no one loves you! What gave us the right in the first place even for the original idea, we are monsters! I mean Christ, talking about cleaning a couple billion lives, if anyone heard us in Congress, in any sort of Law Enforcement, they’ think execution was too good for us.” Veronica seemed like she was going to fall apart the gravity of the situation, the weight of their actions & the reprecussions on literally the entire world was too much.

“Well guess Veronica, there’s no take backs. As far as I’m aware we haven’t created a time traveler nor a time machine, and with our track record even if we did I wouldn’t mess with the bloody thing. The only thing we have is the god damn future okay. It’s not even over far from that, you said it yourself. We created super-humans, and that was an accident. You don’t get it, that’s the first step in saving the world! What we’ve done is even better then our original plan beyond our wildest imaginations.”

“Nathan we’ve made a mess of the whole planet, some of these people with powers are awful, we’ve created monsters.” Veronica shook her head still not in agreement with the end results of Legion’s actions.

“Listen Veronica, and listen carefully. I want you by my side, just like the rest but if you prove to be..difficult…well like you said there are consequences to our actions even us. You say we made monsters, I think we made solutions. Every problem in this world has a solution. And to think just with that experiment with what we found, we did that by accident, just imagine…..just imagine what we could do on. Purpose.” Nathan smiled as Veronica looked up at him her eyes widening as Nathan smiled. “I have a plan, the best one yet, you see you always win not when you create a problem no but when you create a problem and the solution, when you are both, when you are composed of that duality, then what does that make you Veronica, THAT makes you a god.” Nathan leaned back in his chairs and rubbed his hands together a gleem in his eyes as in his mind what they had started with the “Incident” was just the tip of the iceberg, Nathan McAlister was just getting started.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by El Gato Naranja
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El Gato Naranja Europa Undivided/Cattra the Impurrishable

Member Seen 3 days ago

Kairos Ravenclaw Garcia-Powell

"No matter what they all say, Diana Gray is not a malicious murderer. She is also a victim here, a victim of a world unprepared for the arrival of her kind; my kind."

Kairos Ravenclaw demonstrated his geokinetic powers to a reporter that had picked him for an interview, in broadlight no less. "We Empowered are not freaks or devils. We are your friends, family, classmates, co-workers. We disappeared from the face of the Earth for forty days and returned with powers of supernatural prowess. But those of us that have returned from beyond the grave of an ashen death are no different to the ones that you have known and loved."

A pause. "Diana Gray is not innocent, of that there is no doubt. However, if one looks at the facts rather than succumbing to the virulent pestilence of rabid emotion and bandwagoning, it is easy to see that it was an accident; a product of persecution in the school. If there was a safe space for people like her, a school for the peculiar, maybe a tragedy like this won't happen again."

Of course the people won't listen. Kairos just sighed as the reporter went back to the news anchor in the other side. People will always find reasons to hate those that are different.

And now, well, he wished that there was a school by Empowered, for the Empowered.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Chulance
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

Miami Florida – Miami Prison – Diana Gray & Her Cellmate

“Oh stop crying bitch, what are you even here for.” A raspy judgemental voice echoed through the shared cell Diana Gray had with another woman Jessica Light.

“I…I’m the one from that Miami High school, I..killed all those students by accident it was.” Diana was cut off by Jessica laughing not allowing her to finish her statement. “You think I’m lying, you see I’m on death row with you, what do I have to.”
“Oh honey I didn’t say you were lying. Just the accident part, everyone here did everything here by accident, I’ve only met two people who did something on purpose, but you you’re the boldest claiming accidental mass murder please shut the hell up.” Jessica rolled her eyes and rolled her wrists around but wasn’t able to achieve much movement. As both women were high security priority they were imprisoned by powerful restraints & 24/7 guards stood a few feet away with their weapons patrolling the area.

“I’m serious! These powers are hard to control! Your in the same unit as me, so you must be like me! You don’t know what I’m saying” Diana pleaded with the fellow super powered death row inmate, she truly felt like the walls of her life was closing in on her. Although she was infuriated and felt the rage piling up before the iconic moment when she slaughtered the other classmates. She had no intention of murder at least she thought so.

“Me, well know I’m a blunt person. I ate my boyfriend & the bitch he had in MY bed, in MY apartment, and they tasted good.” Jessica spoke with a satisfied rage and chuckled at her comments, while Diana felt goose bumps crawling on her back from the horridness of her comments.
“You…You ate them…what the fuck..do you mean.” Diana inquired but was quite frightened and wondered if she even desired the answer.
“Yes like a nice cooked steak, see that’s my ability. I can eat anything, stretch my mouth out quite wide to. Considering I was pretty fucking poor before I got beamed up the power worked out nicely. Don’t worry I wasn’t out going Kirby on people, but you know when you can eat bricks, metal and car parts you figure I can definitely chow down on a person. I’m a reasonable bitch though I never had a reason to try it but when I walked on them & they had sex juice all on my brand new juice, it seemed like the perfect opportunity to see how strong my bite was.” Jessica laughed at her own comments again, while Diana felt even more sad.

This lady is evil…this is who the put me with. This is how my life ends next to some evil bitch who ate people alive just because she couldn’t get her man’s rocks off. I..I guess I’m no better, if she’s a monster, then I’m a demon…I killed Myles…and so many other people.. Diana was consumed by her thoughts, she’d been informed by the guards that today was her final day on the earth. They were getting the injection ready, and hadn’t even allowed her a final conversation with her father. The Miami Police & Miami Prison Guards were taking no chances of any incidents coming about as a result of her using her powers as some sort of last ditch effort to escape.
“Oh no more talk in you, fine stupid bitch. I don’t care anyway, we’re gonna be off to meet the maker soon enough anyway, then I can finally get out these chains and get some quality sleep.” Jessica tried to once again get re-adjusted to no avail, and gave up. Just like Diana Gray she was scheduled for execution today, while inmates typically had time before execution often months or even years twas not the case for murderers with superhuman abilities at least in Florida.

Manhattan, New York – Luxurious Condo – Jason & Emily

“What about us? They say the ones who have powers are going through hell, and the ones who lack them believe that to be Empowered is the closest thing to Heaven. So what of us that were evaporated but haven’t manifested any abilities? To what do we the pleasure for this unique hell we’ve been cast into? But for me I believe I’ve been plunged into the deepest of the nine circles of damnation. A Minority with a criminal record incinerated and reformed without the slightest display of supernatural ability? At least I’ve been able to maintain my neutrality among the chaos, well until now. Seeing the news of Trump’s announcement that federally mandated testing across the country to determine which residents are not regular humans has struck fear into my heart. Record Over.”

Jason held an iPhone in his hand that he set down on a old worn out wooden table. Sitting on couch with equal or more wear and tear he shook his head. The past five months had been far from pleasurable in any way, shape or form. He was reeling with stress from President Donald Trump’s announcement of the federally mandated tests. Here in New York life was already hard for the black man, and of course he added to the difficulty with his involvement in the illegal drug trade.

Although he was angry and had a natural intolerance towards law enforcement agents. He could equally understood their uncaring & ruthless disposition towards him, after all he could say it all boiled down to racism. To do so, however would be selective reasoning to the fullest. After all, regardless of his ethnicity & finances he choose to get involved with drugs. As the business was very lucractive even with the prior charges he’d received for his criminal activity, he had no intentions of stopping any time soon.

“This is quite the troublesome announcement from the President, hmmm.” Jason pondered what this situation what meant. Reaching for a glass with ice cubes & aged whiskey he took a gulp. Briefly shutting his eyes, and wincing as the alcohol caused a burning effect sliding down his throat. His teeth mashed together in the moment almost as if he was suffering by some factor outside of his own control. However just like his involvement in the distribution of narcotics, his indulgence in alcohol was also one of his own choice.

As such, he didn’t dare utter a complaint about the harsh after-taste left behind by his favored liquid poison of choice, Honey Jack Daniels. In a way it had a nuanced sweetness that mixed well with the bitterness that was Jack Daniels. Not to mention it was much preferred then regular Jack which he deemed far too harsh & unfavorable for his peculiar taste.

A MacBook was spotted to his left, his light brown hand gracefully moving in a downward motion to navigate the touch screen computer. Two small bright pale hands rubbed against his right arm also squeezing around it. To his left was a beautiful brunet woman. Dressed in a skimpy black dress that squeezed onto her body further amplifying the sensuality of her nice figure. Smiling Jason turned to the woman and kissed her after locking eyes with her.

Shortly after he licked his lips to wipe off the remnants of her lipstick which had brushed onto his own lips after theirs had intertwined. “Jason what’s wrong baby, don’t let that dumb orange man’s thoughts get to you. No matter what we’re going to figure out a way to get around this, I mean you were vaporized but you don’t even have any powers.”

“Yet,.” Jason quickly interjected; he was of the belief that maybe he simply hadn’t manifested any powers yet but they were due to come. For whatever reason evolution hadn’t brought forth any powers in him for that he had no idea. Not even the slightest hint of a reason of why the universe had dumped this cruel fate upon him. To add him to another race of marginalized and oppressed people in society, but without any of the benefits.

“Jason…I don’t mean to be negative or anything but look at the news. The reports of what’s going I mean….you saw what was happening at the CNN center in Atlanta, or that girl Diana…something who’s supposed to get the needle today on live TV, most of their powers showed up a few weeks within coming back.”

“I know Emily, but I’m not them. I’m not even saying I want to be a freak, but It’s not a choice. I was vaporized, and I came back. Plus with these tests Trump’s rolling out, there not finna care if I say I don’t got no damn powers the going think I’m lying, hell if the roles were reversed and I was the Government testing someone and the said they ain’t had nothing going on I WOULD think I was lying.” Jason shook his head and took another swig of the whiskey.

He knew Emily, his girlfriend was just doing her best to make him feel better. The efforts while sweet, weren’t really appreciated. Truth be told, while many people feared their abilities and felt they made the quality of their lives even worst. Jason was the opposite, not that he had any powers to blame for any worst life circumstances. Power was something that he felt was a gift, one which would increase the quality of your life by a massive threshold. So to be among what he deemed the “Chosen people” to be spirited away from the masses & return with unique and exotic abilities that were once thought to be limited to the realm of comic books, literature & other fiction was a blessing not a curse to him. He simply wished to finally acquire his own talents & use them for his own benefit financially & whatever other means were available to him.

“Well I love you Jason no matter what, whether you can shoot laser beams, toss me 100 feet in the air or your just really good in bed.” She giggled at the last statement, and even harder when Jason couldn’t hide his own devious laugh at her commentary.

“Alright I give, that comment made me happier. But I don’t need super powers to fuck the shit out of you.” Jason pulled Emily close to him and pushed her down on the couch pressing his body against hers while kissing on her neck. Emily responded by wrapping her arms around him & moaning into his ear while also nibbling on his ear.

“You certainly don’t, you’ve been laying pipe when before you got dusted. The return from the dead sex is going in our top ten baby.” Emily cooed as she wrapped her arms around Jason even tighter pulling him closer into their embrace.

“You know I was just thinking imagine someone heard that outta context, shit might sound really fucked up.” Jason laughed at his own comment as he kissed Emily again pressing his weight into her. Between the effects of the alcohol settling in his stomach and his beautiful girlfriend he had plenty to distract him from the harrowing danger Trump’s announcement posed to his life. Although in the back of his mind he was sure there was a reason he had yet to manifest any powers. Not only that when they did finally arrive in his life, he was more than positive they would be well worth the wait.

Miami, Florida – Miami Prison – The Execution

Diana & Jessica had both been strapped into execution chairs. Tristan as well as some media had been allowed to come up to view the execution of the two empowered woman. Tristan had tears in his eyes seeing his daughter tied up and the prison guards preparing a concoction that was none other then the lethal injection.

“My baby..” Tristan muttered putting one hand on the glass and the other hanging by his legs. Tristan was gripped with sadness and angst to see what had become of his daughter. He felt like a failure & wished he’d kept his daughter out of the public school system as soon as was alerted to the fact that those that had returned including his daughter had superpowers, potentially dangerous ones at that.

The Father prayed incessantly but it seemed there was no miracle coming to his family. As the media inside was discussing things while the camera was rolling a loud noise was suddenly heard, and alarms began going off.

“What the fuck.” One of the guards said raising a weapon and staring at both Diana & Jessica who hadn’t moved. Both had their heads hung low and were highly sedated by this point, not to mention neither had any powers they could use to cause any effects off in the distance like that.

“Move on with the execution speed it up, I don’t know what that was. But let’s find out when these two are in Hell.” The other Guard spoke to the others not being concferned about what the loud noise was in the distance. OR rather preferring to investigate further at least once the execution was completed as scheduled.

Right as he said that a large bolt of electricity slammed into the media worker with the camera. The worker screamed bloody murder as the bolt of electricity seared into his flesh and tore through his upper torso killing him instantly. The guards in the area were all disarmed their weapons flying out of their hands stripped from them by some invisible force.

Tristan’s head was turned around at a rapid pace snapping his neck and causing his body to drop to the floor. Diana albeit highly sedated screamed out in agony to watch her father drop to the ground. As the guards began running towards their weapons all of the guns imploded, parts of the weaponry splintering off in various directions.

“Uh Uh Uh, no need for those, wait your turn.” Out of nowhere the figure of a woman materialized, Adora. She was taking on the same form of the Hispanic woman she’d wore out to the CNN center where she’d slayed several cops.

The Camera was still rolling despite the camerman’s death, and three of the other media people were screaming and turned to run. Adora fired a blast of e lectricity at the trio knocking them into the wall, and with such force from the blast that blood was gushing but they were still alive.

“I just love that trick, as for you two, a little birdy’s been listening to what you guys said, and well I’m quite interested to try your parlor tricks.” With a hand motion the protective glass separating the media from the girls was shattered. Adora then flew over to the two girls grabbing both by the neck. The Empowered prisoners proceeded to screaming in agony as Adora smiled and drained them. The screams elevated in loudness as Adora drained more and more from them. Within minutes the two girls skin seemed to take on a gray hue and they seemed almost lifeless.

“Oooh yes, now this is wonderful.” With a flicker she sent forth a bolt of electricity that destroyed the camera ending the transmission the outside world had to the interefered execution. “Okay let’s see opposite powers for opposite murders.” Adora turned to Jessica grabbing her face and lifting her up then using optic beams to drill through the sockets of her ears and through the back of her head murdering her instantly.

Blood rushed from her seared through head as she turned to Diana and her mouth and neck elongated to unnatural lengths similar lto Venom in the 2018 film. Outstretched she lunged over Diana’s head and bit of her head. Within seconds she chewed up Diana’s dismembered skull and swallowed. Adora’s neck & head returned to it’s original size.

The seemingly excess mass from the head she consumed condensed as well, and Adora patted her stomach as she burped. “Wow now that’s what I call a smart meal.”

Screams erupted filling the hallway from both the three media workers laying against the wall bleeding & the disarmed guards. “Tsk Tsk Tsk.” Adora’s eyes glowed red as optic beams surged from her sockets tearing through the media workers slicing them into pieces murdering them violently.

Four of the guards got up to run down the hallway, while the other two lunged for Adora attempting to tackle her from behind. “Come on, you people are fucking stupid.”

With a twirl of her right hand the guards behind her trying to jump her where frozen in mid air. Squeezing her hand into a fist and turning her hand a telekinetic force literally ripped the bodies of both guards clean in half. Releasing her hold on them the two halves of the now clearly deceased guards fell to the ground in a bloody mess.

The other four guards running were just about to turn a corner when the roof in-front of them caved in. By now alarms were blaring, and sirens even louder Outside. No doubt viewers who’d caught a glimpse of the violent interruption occurring before by the empowered Hispanic woman were greatly disturbed watching from the comfort of whereever they were if not scared. The four guards shared that fear but to a far higher extent. Adora had begun walking in their direction stepping down the hallway whistling and laughing at the fear that was surging through them.

“You fucking freak!!!! You’re a fucking monster!!!” One of the guards screamed causing Adora to chuckle as she got closer.

“Now that wasn’t very nice, I was just going to break your necks or shock you to death but you mad me mad, you made me mad for all of you.” Adora unleashed her power on the remaining four guards reducing them in size. Reducing them in size she made a come here motion with her finger. The telekinetic force caused the four prison guards to plummet towards her screaming.

Stepping forward she widened her jaw and snapped it around the four guards. Using Jessica’s ability she chewed through the flesh of all four guards brutally murdering them. Chewing through their flesh without a care then turning to the wall of rubble she’d caused with the telekinetic land-slide.

“Hmm how can I make this better.” Moving her finger in a down-ward motion she blew a hole through the rubble as more armed guards were approaching opening fire. Snapping her finger all the bullets stopped, then she caused all the guns to fly towards her. With a reverse motion she sent the spray of bullets back into the guards, killing them by spraying them with her own bullets.

Pulling the guns towards her she miniaturized all but one and chewed up the miniature guns before gulping back the remains of the weapon. Taking the weapon she marched down the hallway. Cocking back the gun she opened fire on more guards as they turned a corner, in conjunction with unleashing heat-vision from her eyes dismembering guards as she shot them down laughing manically as she murdered guards with no concern.

Reaching the control room corridor, she clapped her hands together unleashing a wave of telekinetic force to open up all the doors for the prisoners in the dorm style cells. The prisoners screamed with joy and began rushing out of their cells now free. Adora walked over to the control room where three guards stood holed up in the control room. “Oooh let’s make this even more fun.” She flicked her wrist tearing the door down and unleashed her heat vision tearing through the flesh of one guard and blowing up the control panel.

This triggered an opening of all the other prisoners locked in regular cells, effectively causing a prison break within the entire prison freeing all the prisoners. The remaining two guards were shaking in fear as Adora sent a telekinetic bullet from her left pinkie that ripped the flesh off one of the guard’s head, blood splattering on the other guard as the man who now had just a skeleton for a face fall down on the split body of the other guard.

“Please…please don’t kill me please!!!!!! Chica, were both Hispanic, we are the same people! Don’t do this!!! PLEASE!!!!!” The Hispanic guard begged as Adora walked up closer to him until hse could lay her hands on him.

“Don’t kill you? You want me to spare you baby?”
“YES!!!! Spare me!!!”
“LET US KILL HIM!!!! FUCK HIM!!!!” One of the escaped prisoners screamed and Adora flashed him a smile before causing his body to fling across the prison corridor and slam into one of the bullet-proof windows causing him to scream as his body then fell down into the crowd of escaped prisoners fleeing. Looking at the screens on the control room she could see the guards left were being overpowered by the mass of prisoners roaming the halls.
“You want to live, put in the code open the front doors of the prison, so everyone can get out into the streets.”
“If..If..I do that, there will be blood-shed outside from all the cops outside armed, yor sending them out to their death..I mean..I.”
“Awww you have a heart, okay, then I’ll fix it.” Adora caused the man to be reduced in size. He was pulled towards her and she placed him in her bra strap. “Don’t worry I won’t kill you, I’ll fix your little problem, and if you don’t listen then well…I guess your blind.”

Looking at the roof she focused her power unleashing a burst of telekinetic force tearing part of the roof off causing chunks of rubble to fall on some of the prisoners still making their way out the room. Adora turned invisible and flew into the sky looking down at police outside, and protestors.
“Oh my god! OH MY GOD!!! What the fuck!!! What are you doing!!” The miniaturized prisoner speak in fear but Adora ignored the squeeky guard turned captive.
“Fixing the problem.” Her eyes glowed red albeit no one could see her and beams of energy rained down from her eyes decimating police cars & SWAT vans parked out. Within minutes she tore through every law enforcement vehicle, and even blew up the media vans outside.

Explosions followed, and flames soared through the parking lot outside the prisons. Police officers were violently murdered, as were some SWAT outside. Using her telekinetic power she caused all of of their guns to fly into the air, then waved causing guns to fly into the corridor through the hole she opened. Then fired five more beams of energy into different parts of the prison blasting openings into the prison. Then used her telekinetic power to make the remaining guns rain down to prisoners in different parts of the prison.
“You…you….your a monster.”
“Honey hush now I’m really trying to do my good deed for the day, but if you insult me one more time your going to meet quite the brutal death. Honestly I’m just letting you live because your cute, so what do you say? Shut the fuck up or I rip your limbs off or maybe take a bite or a couple bites out of you myself? Hmmm what is it, answer, talk or listen?
“Li..Listen” the guard spoke, literally shaking. He was in disbelief miniaturized and held captive by this violent Empowered who’d essentially murdered several of his co-workers, freed the prisoners & armed them with weapons.
“Thank you..so much it does my conscious so well to know I let one man live, and of course freed the innocents locked in America’s awfully racist prison. Actually I’ll do you a solid, cause once I make you normal sized, I drop you back where you were and your not living. So how about a lift.”
“Please just let me live please..chica”
“Oh my god, I keep my word, hang on.” Adora smirked and flew off from the destruction she caused landing on a sidewalk a few blocks away from the prison. Picking up the prisoner and setting him on the ground. Both of them became visible again as Adora restored him to normal size.
“There see I may be a murderer, but I’m honest. “ She put her hand on the prison guards shoulder who was shaking with fear. “Now then one more thing I want, your number what Is it? Tell me…Tell me now!”

Adora started laughing and used her telekinetic powers to zip his lips. “Oh my god, fucking pussy. I don’t want your number hombre, go home. “ Adora leaned in to kiss the prison guard locking lips with him, even using some tongue. The guard’s heart was racing about to pass out as he was making out with the super powered killer. Adora then stepped back, becoming invisible again and flying off.

“Oh mi god…Ay..ye..ye….that bitch is crazy!!!!!!!?” The guard stumbled back and fell to the ground passing out having nearly had a heart attack multiple times within the duration of time he’d spent with Adora.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Cultural Titan
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Cultural Titan

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"You weren't in love, you were in lust." Haley waved at the red sedan parked not too far from her as she walked towards it. "I told you he was no good for you, and clearly I was right. I know it sounds harsh, but you needed to hear that, you know? Give me a second, my ride is here." She approached the car as the driver lowered the front passenger window.


"That's me." She walked around to the trunk as the driver stepped out to help her with her bag. Just then, Haley had another incoming call from a number she didn't know. She usually didn't pick the phone for a strange number, but it could possibly be her brother, or maybe his wife. "Jessica I have another call, hold on." The driver took her bag and Haley made her way around to sit in the back seat. "Hello?"

"Oh good!" Alan exclaimed. "Quick to answer. I like that." Still propped up on the orange sports car he gave Madison a quick thumbs, but a bored expression. "I'm calling because a little birdy," Madison sneered at him, "told me you would be interested in a job and had... open availability."

Haley smiled. "That little birdy would be correct. And perfect timing, actually, I just made it back to town. So, care to fill me in with some of the details?" The driver got back to his seat and mapped the route to her destination. Haley nodded at him after they made eye contact through the rearview mirror, letting him know they were heading in the right direction.

"I need a driver for an upcoming event. If you perform well then we can discuss taking you on more permanently. If you are interested you should come by my shop on the outside of town. We can discuss the details there."

She quickly weighed her options. "Okay, that'll work. I have to get home and drop off my bags but then I will be on my way to you. Can you text me the address, please? I don't have a pen handy at the moment."

"Can do"

In the outskirts of the city was a stout two story shop. of an unassuming brick construction. At the door a tall and lanky man in a long black coat greeted Haley by the door. "I'm Tyler. My boss will see you upstairs in his office" he instructed before motioning Haley to follow him. The store itself seemed almost devoid of people and considering its location on the outskirts of the city, maybe that should be expected, but it was more like nobody was really wanted around here. Still the shop looked the part. Rows of books lined shelves with advertisements for all of the most current fad reading materials and old classics. A checkout counter sat next to the door where a short woman, Madison, was currently seated, though she was paying much more attention to whatever was on her monitor than Haley. Above it all was a long balcony where one could oversee everything if they wanted. It was there Tyler directed Haley and more particularly to a heavy wooden door which he opened to reveal his boss.

Alan had taken some time to change into a more presentable blue suite. Sitting behind a desk which was half covered in security monitors and half covered in folders he beckon Haley. "Come in. We have much to discuss."

Quietly following Tyler, Haley looked around the store, eventually greeting the clerk behind the register. She got a quick "hey" in response, and let the woman be as she continued to gaze at the shelves filled with hundreds of books. A few moments later, Haley was entering her new employer's office. She would be lying to herself if she denied admitting the man was quite the looker, especially with his suit on. Haley couldn't help but feel a tad underdressed in comparison. She had on a dark pair of jeans, black boots, and a red blouse. Well, at least her hair was down and she had on a bit of make up.

"Pleasure to officially meet you," she responded, walking to the center of the room. "I must say it's a nice little place you have here. But let's get down to business, shall we?"

"No pleasantries?" Alan asked. "Well, it is fine with me." Alan stood up behind his desk and walked in front of it. "You will know me as Carter. In a week I need a driver. Before then we will need to acquire the vehicle. You will accompany me in it's acquisition. If you do well we can talk about increasing your cut ahead of time. So it would be in your best interest to impress me."

"Well, I can guarantee you I will do my very best to impress you. And please, call me Haley." She leaned forward to rest both of her hands on the back of one of the chairs in his office. "Do you have a plan to acquire this vehicle, or do we work together for that?" Haley wanted to make sure she at least covered the basics.

"Great. We're going to nab ourselves an armored car."
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