In many ways, the Human World and the Digital World are alike... Both worlds are home to beings that are unique in their own ways as they attempt to live together peacefully in harmony despite the difference. In addition to this, the Human World and the Digital World are prone to being divided based on varying opinions in an attempt to sit on the proverbial throne and rule over their respective realms with an iron fist. It is this mindset of embracing warfare that ultimately disconnects the compassion needed in order to be a good citizen.
Though the worlds are different, separated literal and figurative barriers, select humans and Digimon previously coexisted in harmony. Specific humans (Digidestined or Tamers depending on the circumstances) were able to emotionally connect with partner Digimon for the sake of not only maintaining peace in the Human World but restoring balance in the Digital World as well. Shortly after the most recent Digital War, though, the connection between humans and Digimon was forcefully severed, dividing the worlds seemingly in a permanent fashion in an effort to prevent evil from maneuvering between the worlds.
The formation of the Firewall was 20 human years ago, nearly an entire millennium within the Digital World. Since that time, the barricade between both worlds has faltered and weakened, allowing access to and from depending on the location. One of those locations rests in the heart of a massive city, booming in technological advances... an attraction that has a magnetic pull on young adults looking to seek a better life. What are the chances that a ragtag group of individuals would be willing to set aside their goals and dreams in order to serve as protectors of both worlds?

A Digimon RP
Re:Connect is a casually advanced Digimon RP that will combine a bit of slice of life along with the good old action and adventure that you may know from the Digimon anime series. Because this RP will be 18+, there will be mature themes throughout the RP. There will be no little kids running around with violent monsters, but one could argue that adults (18 to 23) are probably more dangerous with these monsters in their possession! As evidenced by the tags, I'm hoping that this RP is a small group of advanced writers who want to work together to create a deep world with all sorts of twists and turns. I'm looking for 2 to 4 additional roleplayers who are dedicated to making it work while providing quality posts. I also ask that you be open to using real life face claims as well. It's not finalized, but would love for you to be open to it. A Co-GM to consult and flesh out the RP would be great but is not necessarily a requirement. If you are interested, post below, react to this initial post or shoot me a PM.
Though the worlds are different, separated literal and figurative barriers, select humans and Digimon previously coexisted in harmony. Specific humans (Digidestined or Tamers depending on the circumstances) were able to emotionally connect with partner Digimon for the sake of not only maintaining peace in the Human World but restoring balance in the Digital World as well. Shortly after the most recent Digital War, though, the connection between humans and Digimon was forcefully severed, dividing the worlds seemingly in a permanent fashion in an effort to prevent evil from maneuvering between the worlds.
The formation of the Firewall was 20 human years ago, nearly an entire millennium within the Digital World. Since that time, the barricade between both worlds has faltered and weakened, allowing access to and from depending on the location. One of those locations rests in the heart of a massive city, booming in technological advances... an attraction that has a magnetic pull on young adults looking to seek a better life. What are the chances that a ragtag group of individuals would be willing to set aside their goals and dreams in order to serve as protectors of both worlds?

A Digimon RP
Re:Connect is a casually advanced Digimon RP that will combine a bit of slice of life along with the good old action and adventure that you may know from the Digimon anime series. Because this RP will be 18+, there will be mature themes throughout the RP. There will be no little kids running around with violent monsters, but one could argue that adults (18 to 23) are probably more dangerous with these monsters in their possession! As evidenced by the tags, I'm hoping that this RP is a small group of advanced writers who want to work together to create a deep world with all sorts of twists and turns. I'm looking for 2 to 4 additional roleplayers who are dedicated to making it work while providing quality posts. I also ask that you be open to using real life face claims as well. It's not finalized, but would love for you to be open to it. A Co-GM to consult and flesh out the RP would be great but is not necessarily a requirement. If you are interested, post below, react to this initial post or shoot me a PM.