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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by sukikyoufu
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sukikyoufu Endwalker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Why does he keep staring at me? Should I say something?... Hesitating to speak she heard his cough as if to break the awkward silence she bit her lip slightly unsure on how to feel. Confusion swept through her seeing him dressed in such manner, no heavy weight holding him down. Nothing screaming regal, well he still held himself in such a manner, but it was strange not have the clothes accompanying it. It still made her feel quite overdressed for their spontaneous meeting in the library and quite self-conscious. He is an enemy, do not forget that. Do not let your guard slip, not once.

The compliment on the library seemed to have eased into more of a conversation, her grip on the book loosened as she looked over at the King noting that something seemed different. Was that a flush? Did he just take a compliment? No, don’t be silly. This lack of sleep is really catching up with me. I need to fix that. Talking herself out of the idea that he had taken the compliment she focused back on his words to hear about who had started the collection. Blue eyes looked back towards the books as she thought about how his mother and grandfather before her had created this, he had added some, but it sounded as if mainly it had been them. “It’s wonderful, books are a great source of knowledge and they say knowledge is power.” Smiling as she looked back over at Ozragad realising that she was having more of a conversation with him than they had ever had before.

I guess he isn’t so bad. Wait… why am I even saying that? Looking back at the book in her hands as he explained how it would not be such a colourful read. Do I care about that? That is nice of him though, to suggest something more tasteful and recent. Staring at the book she turned to the shelf putting it back in its place, taking his suggestion of taking a read of ‘Recollections upon the Queen’s Court’. “Thank you, I will follow that advise, I will read over that one.”

It felt strange not having some sort of argument with him, or disagreement for that matter. In a strange way it was nice not to be at odds with him at this moment. Turning to the shelves she looked through the books trying to find the piece he had suggested, there were quite a few titles. Perhaps I should ask? Turning to look back at him she saw him looking over a particular collection, curiosity got the better of her and she could help but ask. “What are you looking at? Is that the book you suggested?” Taking a step towards Ozragad to see if it was the book, sadly she assumed it was not and in fact it was not any language she had seen before. "What language is that?"

However, her attention was caught when he had realised what she had said, the fact she had asked about her home Eorzia and she tried not to look downcast over it. To show him that openly she was quite distressed on the fact she had not heard anything, it made her feel quite alone in a country that called for her death. Stop it, don’t look so pitiful. That is not who you are. Clearing her throat as she stood tall smiling once more, “Thank you, if there is news will you let me know this evening? If it’s no trouble of course. I just… I’ll be honest. I’m a little anxious I have yet to hear anything from back home. I just thought that I… I just thought my father would have wanted to say something.”

A part of her cringed for blurting a little bit of that out, he did not need to know how she felt over it. He didn’t even care, but it was hard as she thought that she meant more to her family than not to write. It was hard not to be disappointed over the fact they had not spared a thought for her. “I am free to write to them? If I request supplies that is okay to do?”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Kassarock
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Kassarock W O R L D E A T E R

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

"No, no! I-It's nothing. Just some old poetry. Completely irrelevant." The King hastily stepped away from from the scroll case he had been standing next to, as if him merely being adjacent to love poetry made him tarred him with the same brush. There was almost something guilty about the movement. He walked over towards the shelves that the princess had first been examining when he had entered and ran his finger along the dusty spines. After a moment or two of consideration Ozragad glanced up and reached high above her head and plucked a single book from the topmost shelf.

"Here it is. This is the book I spoke of." The volume the King pulled from the shelf was thinner than the first, bound in fading coloured cloth instead of cracked leather. Its title was emblazoned upon its cover in an ornate font embellished with gold leaf: 'Recollections upon the Queen's Court'. His hand came down and he passed the book over to the Princess, and for a moment their fingertips brushed in the brief exchange. Ozragad almost swore he could feel something flutter ever so slightly in his chest. A physical response to a physical stimulus. It means nothing. Still he could not keep his mind from wondering. When was the last time I held a woman's hand?

He realised then that he knew the answer to that question all too well. He could count back the years, the months, the days even if he put his mind to it. That knowledge hardened the King's heart once more. Why am I playing at being pleasant and assenting to her will? We are enemies thrown together by politics, nothing more, no matter what the sad circumstances of her family life. She was vulnerable. He should be taking advantage of this. He should try to break her. He should destroy his enemies, like he had always done.

"No trouble? And here I thought that troubling me was your sole aim in coming here." Ozragad threw back his head and forced a laugh. It was a hard barking sound. "I could give you leave to write your family, if I saw some advantage to do so. But what makes you think they would care enough to reply? Remember, they gave you to ME."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by sukikyoufu
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sukikyoufu Endwalker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Deciding it was best not to push the subject of the old poetry Elise watched as he plucked a book above her with ease, a part of her didn’t think it was poetry especially with how quickly he had stepped away from it stating it was irrelevant. “Ah… thank you.” Feeling herself smile naturally as she took the book from him, but for a moment she felt their fingertips touch in the brief exchange, and it was hard not to blush, not feel her heart skip a beat. It was hard not to feel something when a part of her desired to be loved. Don’t be a fool, that is not on the cards for me.

Reprimanding herself she glanced down at the thinner book from the last in her hands, the faded coloured cloth and beautiful golden font. Slender fingers tracing the letters upon the book as she took a moment to glance at it, taking a peek at the pages inside as she tried to forget about the touch and how for a brief moment, she had forgotten herself. I am foolish, he probably thinks I’m some stupid girl with feelings. I don’t have a desire to be with him, to be loved. No.

What had made it worse was that she had rambled about her feelings, shown weakness and given him something he could use to his advantage which was all too clear at his response. The way he had changed, forced a laugh at no doubt her expense made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. “Trouble you? Yes, because my sole aim of coming here is to trouble you. Get over yourself.” Instantly she had become defensive, angered by his words but it was hard to hide the hurt as he continued.

Feeling her heart stop it took an additional few seconds for Elise to process what he had said, it was a wave of emotions as she felt her walls crumble. Would they care enough to reply? They have just left me here, sold me off. No communication. Nothing. No. I won’t cry, I won’t give him satisfaction. He would love it if I broke down like some weak child. The hurt was soon replaced by anger and a frown crept up on her face as she clutched the book in her hands narrowing her eyes at King Ozragad.

“THEY gave me to you. That means nothing because I have not given myself to you and I NEVER will.” Speaking up firmly as she glared at him, “No one could love you, you’re just a bloodthirsty warlord who only knows how to kill.” Her words were laced with venom as it was clear he had struck a chord with her with his words. Anger coursed through her as she dared to fight back, speak up against him as she couldn’t, no wouldn’t let him win.

“You know what. I don’t want to learn about your people. I. Don’t. Care.” Without even thinking the book in her hands went flying towards him as she threw it with force, the anger clouding her judgement on how stupid throwing a book at him was. Although Elise wasn’t finished, the idea that her family didn’t care had really affected her and even though it had been something she felt hearing the words from him made it worse. “You might as well keep me as a prisoner or kill me because I will NOT marry you. I refuse.” Elise felt her hands tremble as she clenched them into fists, shaking with anger.

“I will NEVER marry you.”
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Kassarock
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Kassarock W O R L D E A T E R

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

“No one could love you, you’re just a bloodthirsty warlord who only knows how to kill.”

Those words tore deeper into King Ozragad's soul than he could have ever guessed before they had been uttered from the Princess's lips. He did not understand why, such accusations had been levelled at him before by his many foes and enemies, but never had they stung like this. Why did it hurt so? And why was his fury rising forth from the gashes those words left in their wake? Why should he care if she thought him incapable of love? Ozragad knew what the was capable of, more so than this Hydaelyn girl, surely?

But still this anger, this agony. That had to be some reason. Surely there had to be some way to make sense of what he was feeling in that moment. And then it spoke inside of him. That quiet mean voice, his war voice, the one that told him how to kill and destroy. And its words filled the king with horror.

It's because she reminds you of her. It's because you realise what she says is true. You are a bloodthirsty warlord who only knows how to kill. No one could love you... not even her... not if she had seen you as the man you would become.

He stood there stock still for a moment. His deepest, darkest, innermost thoughts running freeing in his uncomprehending mind. Ozragad was so preoccupied he almost forgot the Princess was there until she hurled a book at him. It was pure instinct that took over then. His body reacted as his mind reeled in the way it had been trained to, through long practice in the arts of war. The King ripped his dagger from its belt and parried the tome away from his face with an errant swipe. It exploded into a shower of slashed and torn pages.

Had he really been expecting happiness when this had all been over? That when he had won his long and bloody war that he would have gone back to being the man before? That he would find love again? Father children of his own? Perhaps... No... Part of him had not expected to survive at all. But he had trod that blood soaked path to its conclusion and still he was here.

Ozragad looked down at the knife in his hand and back up to Princess, more words pouring out of her mouth. Words that were the undoing of the plans he had woven. His plans that would have made all the blood, and death, and horror of his war mean something. He knew now that true happiness would forever elude him. But he could still win his war, even if it had made him into a monster. He could still make it all mean something.

It had to all mean something.

"You will never marry me?" He spoke the words slowly, through gritted teeth. His knuckles whitened around the grip of his blade. If she refused him it was all for nothing. All the strength of his Kingdom spent to gain nought but leagues of wilderness and scorched earth. He could not, would not, allow that to happen.

The King lunged at the Princess. Swift as a mountain lion his free hand made to grip her slender neck and use his greater strength and weight to drive her back into the bookcase behind her. She was light in his grasp. He realised then just how easy it would be squeeze shut her throat and throttle her with one hand.

"YOU WILL NEVER MARRY ME?!" He roared directly into her face this time, letting specs of spittle fly.

"NEVER?!" Ozragad raised the knife to where she would be able to see it.

"Then what use are you to me?! If I am bloodthirsty killer, incapable of love, then you should really endeavour to make yourself as useful as possible to me. Because if you are not, then I have no need of you."

He would make her go along with his marriage. One way or another.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by sukikyoufu
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sukikyoufu Endwalker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Elise could see Ozragad stand there for a moment as if taking in her words, something she instantly regretted saying because it wasn’t smart of her to let her emotions take over like she had. It put her in a dangerous position one she wouldn’t be able to defend herself in, and she was alone with him, none of her personal guards were near to come to her aid but what could they really do when going against a King? A Warlord no less who had stories of horror told throughout her own Kingdom. Treville of course would stand her ground and protect her, but the others would hesitate unsure on what their position was here, and she couldn’t blame them for that at all.

It wasn’t the smartest move on her side, to provoke someone that could easily overpower her and kill her within moments, and she wouldn’t be able to fight back as she was no fighter. Eyes of hers watching the dagger that had easily cut down the book she had hurled his way, a mess of paper on the floor which would just as easily be her own blood if she wasn’t careful. Happiness was never going to be on the cards for her, she had lost her freedom to serve this beast in a bid to bring peace and end the bloodshed of the war that had raged for years.

When he spoke, she felt her confidence falter, waiver as her gaze fell onto the dagger in his hands. Gripped so tightly she could see the whitening of his knuckles and her own heartbeat quickened as she started to think of some sort of escape. If not now, then certainly in the evening she could try to make a run for it whilst he slept. It seemed silly but to her running away had been a thought that crossed her mind on more than one occasion whilst being here, it was only now did she think it was more feasible with this threat before her. Elise had made up her mind, she would try to make a run for it and just disappear, they could find some other dutiful wife for this Fomori King as she would not be it.

Barely enough time to process what happened next her eyes widened in shock as she felt the grip of his hand against her neck, the strength of the hold and the weight of him easily overpowered her and steered her into the bookcase behind her. Wooden shelves crashing into her back and she bit back a sound of pain from the sheer force of what he had done. Knowing tomorrow that her pale skin would be stained by bruises sore from the impact of the wood against her body, but for a split second she had feared for her life. Feared that he would just in fact choke the life out of her and the war would continue on as if she had never existed.

Cringing as she heard him roar in her face, questioning her on how she had boldly stated she would never marry him she couldn’t help but wince as she felt the anger and rage and soon the knife came into view and she struggled against his hold even though it did nothing. “Never.” The whisper left her lips before she could even stop herself, even in the midst of fear she wanted him to know that she would never marry him. It was of no use really, she could deny the marriage all she wanted but her father would never allow it for starters and she honestly had no say when it came to her own fate on things like this. After all she would have always been bartered away to the highest bidder, that was her role in life.

“Go on, kill me. You’ll only prove to everyone your true intentions and that peace was never an option! I won’t marry you; and I certainly won’t bare your children so why don’t you just end my life?” Elise couldn’t say what possessed her to egg him on when she was clearly at a disadvantage with his hands around her throat, she wasn’t really thinking straight with the lack of sleep and the constant worry that someone was going to kill her here. She knew she would have to back down to him, she would have to concede, and it left a bad taste in her mouth thinking about it. Had Treville been here she wouldn’t have overstepped like she had, the guard knew when she was treading a fine line and would signal to her when she had so it usually meant she could catch herself before things went too far.

By now Elise could feel herself tremble in his grasp, fear settling in as she waited for him to hurt her as she had stepped out of line. Her heart hammered away in her chest at the anticipation which was only making her feel anxious, reaching her hand up clasping it around his wrist as she tried to pull him off of her neck so she could at least put distance between them, her back was beginning to ache and she just wanted to go hide away.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Kassarock
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Kassarock W O R L D E A T E R

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Still she defied him. Even with her life on the line, even as he could see her terror clear as day in those deep blue eyes. How could this be? How could this Erozian girl defy him so? He was a King, she was at his mercy, in his own domain, surrounded by his armies and guards. He held her very life in his hands and still she found the will to stand against him. It was inconceivable to him.

As she trembled beneath his grasp he fought the urge to stab, to bludgeon, to crush the life out of her. But Ozragad knew that he could not. Not if he wished to possess the lands promised to him without risking everything on one last desperate and bloody assault of his armies. Although it seems you've gambled everything on a desperate and bloody assault either way. This is course you have chosen, attack her some other way.

The King let the silence hang between them as they stood there, pressed against the bookcase, his calloused hand wrapped around her delicate neck. He stared into her eyes, intense, unblinking. His orange-gold eyes flickering like fire as the light caught them. When he spoke it was quieter than before, but it was soft, these were words forged in iron, quenched with blood.

"So you value your life as little as I do? Fine."

As he finished speaking the grasp around her throat tightened. Ozragad was no longer just holding her in place. He was strangling her.

There was a skill to strangling someone the correct way and Ozragad knew something of it. He had people whom he left most of the integration of enemy officers and spies to these days, but at the start of the war when his blood burnt fiercest, he had tried his hand at it numerous times. One could constrict the airway or the flow of blood to the head. To constrict the blood required more skill, it was faster, and a swift way to incapacitate or kill. Constricting the airway was easier, though it was also easier to cause permanent damage by this method. It was also much slower, and much more frightening as the victim became starved for air and unable to breathe.

Ozragad was careful. He did not squeeze hard enough to damage the fragile bones that supported the windpipe, but he did stop the princess from breathing just for a few moments... until he released her.

"You should think more carefully before you ask such questions of me."

The dagger returned to its sheath and Ozragad turned his back on the princess. He walked over to the mess of pages on the floor that used to be the book they had been so politely discussing just minutes before and knelt down to gather the debris. When he had retrieved it all he stood once more and set it on one of the tables set between the rows of shelves. The King examined the ruined cover in one hand and tutted in dissatisfaction.

"Besides, do you really think killing you is the worst thing I could do you? Or the only revenge I would enact upon your disobedience?"

He picked up a page and tore it in two.

"I could leave you alive and make your life a living hell. Make you watch as I kill all those you brought with you from Eorzia.

He tore the two halves again.

"Then I could keep you alive as I used our wedding day to launch a surprise attack on Novrandt. I doubt it would fully succeed, but that would not matter."

He tore them again.

"It would probably kill many of your loved ones. Your father. Your brother. I could fill your carriage with crossbow men, wouldn't that be a surprise when they came to greet you?"

And again.

"I could cut away at every piece of your life. Every person you ever knew."

And again.

"Until there was nothing left."

The King opened his hands and let the tiny squares of paper fall on the floor.

"Just... dust."

He smiled his cruellest smile for her then. Before calmly walking towards the doors through which he had entered. Gently he opened it and stuck his head through to speak to the bodyguards he had left outside.

"Please escort Princess Elise to her chambers, and ensure that she remains there until she has reconsidered her choices.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by sukikyoufu
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sukikyoufu Endwalker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Elise felt the fear run through her as she looked at the unblinking intense gaze he held with her all whilst his hand was wrapped around her neck. This could very well be where she died all because she was being far to stubborn to back down, proclaiming that she would never marry him like she had a choice in the matter. The minute she heard the soft voice leave his lips she felt her heart stop, eyes widened as fear crossed them when she felt him strangling her.

It was at that moment she was sure she was about to be killed, strangled to death as she struggled to breathe. Loss of oxygen was honestly the worst way to die, it was like torture having the life sucked out of you as you clung on for dear life as if it would help. Out of instinct her hands grabbed his wrists as if trying to escape, clawing at him as she wriggled in his grasp trying to break free as she battled against the loss of oxygen. Even though it had been a few moments it felt like a lifetime when struggling to breathe and when he had finally released her, she gasped trying to regain composure.

Unable to stop the tremble as she keeled over still gasping for air, she took hold of the bookcase steadying herself as her other hand massaged her neck, even without his hand there she could still feel it like it had left a lasting impression. Touching the soft skin of her neck only caused her to wince as she could feel the area was tender after the attempt at her life. Thinking on it she thought it was probably to scare her and she’d be lying if she said it didn’t.

“W-What?” Managing to breathe out her words as her voice croaked adjusting to what had just transpired. Using the bookcase to keep herself upright as her chest heaved her lungs still desperately taking in the air that it had lost.

Narrowing her eyes as Elise watched him picking up the book tutting it as he continued to speak, wincing as he tore it in two.

“You wouldn’t!”

Flinching this time as he continued to tear up the book threatening her and she didn’t like it one bit, as the threats continued, she could feel a pounding in her head as she couldn’t help but watch him a mix of fear and determination through her eyes as a part of her didn’t want to back down. She knew she would have too as she needed to remind herself that she was at the disadvantage here especially whilst in enemy territory. With each rip of paper, she felt herself falter, every bit of confidence she once had broken into tiny pieces like it didn’t mean a thing and she felt her heart painful race within her chest because she was not ready to face her consequences.

“N-No… you can’t just kill them or launch a surprise attack. You can’t. That’s not… that’s not how you get peace.” Elise could feel her voice waiver at the idea he would just cut down everyone she loved her father and brother and then attack Novrandt no doubt killing innocents from it and she just could not stand the idea of it. Although her father and brother hadn’t seen fit to write to her, she still loved them, they were her family after all even if they had left her alone in enemy lands to fend for herself which she was currently doing a bad job at.

Elise fell silent as she saw the cruel smile grace his lips and she swallowed feeling the discomfort as she glanced to the door that he was making his way towards. Watching him like a hawk as stuck his head outside her hand itched towards another book, the urge to throw it at him again whilst he was off guard but before she could reach it her hand dropped at his words.

“Excuse me? Are you confining me to my rooms?” Sounding outraged at the idea he was just going to lock her away until she changed her mind, she was patient and being locked in her rooms wouldn’t change a thing on the fact that she did not wish to be enslaved to him for goodness knows how many years. Shaking her head, she gathered the remainder of her courage as she walked to the door with her head held high.

“I hope you’re ready to wait, because I won’t reconsider.” Elise knew it was stupid to try and even get in the last word, but she didn’t want him to think he had won just because he had resorted to physical violence and she had been scared for a moment. Stepping out of the library she began to walk towards her rooms not caring if his guards escorted her or not because she could make her own way there, hopefully it also meant that she was excused from any social gatherings.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Kassarock
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Kassarock W O R L D E A T E R

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

He had sent her the letters later that night. To remind the Princess of all she had to lose, and all that he had to threaten. He would twist the knife deeper. He would search for every angle, every advantage, to make her submit to him. Manawyndan had chided him for opening another rift between them. But the old man did not understand what she was like. There was no pleasant pretence that would fool or deceive this Eorzian Princess into accepting her lot with him.

She had a strength of her own, he had to grant her that at least. A stubborn defiant streak that shone through despite her initial attempts to conceal it. But he was stronger and far more experienced. His willpower had endured over decades of victory and defeat. I will win this battle as I won so many before. I must.

When the King finally sought his bed, he found his sleep uneasy, his dreams disturbed.

He was searching for her again. All through the palace, all through the city. He was looking for his Liveuta, but where ever he went, she was not there. Finally when he reached the bottom of Cirith Anyr, he stared out across the bridge that led to the main gates and saw it. The carriage parked on the other side. Her carriage Ozragad knew then, that was where she was. She had been gone, but she had returned to the city, returned to him.

Across the bridge he ran, to where she was. To where he needed to be. Up the steps of the carriage he bounded, to pull open the door.

"Where have you been my love? I have missed y-

As the door was flung open he heard the whooshing sounds of taught strings suddenly loosed. Pain blossomed in his chest. He looked down to see it, a crossbow bolt sprouting from where his heart should be. Then he felt the rage, burning, incandescent. Who, who could dare do this to him?

He fell forwards into the darkness of the interior, his hands found purchase on his assailant. His hand wrapped around their throat and squeezed. Tighter and tighter, he crushed the life out of them. Tighter and tighter, until their movements became feeble and weak, until they ceased moving altogether.

It was only then that the rage passed and he looked down to face of the who had killed.

It was her.


Just like she was in the real world.

In the first few days following Princess Elise Hydaelyn's confinement to her rooms in the Silver Tower, a strange hush fell over the palace of Cirith Anyr. The courtiers and councillors largely shunned the princess's presence. Besides her own serving women, the palace servants were near fearful to enter her chambers. They were scared of what their stern, wrathful king might so do to the one who had so evidently displeased him. As well as those around her.

Rumours swirled about the court. The King was sending her back to Eorzia. The King was restarting the war, with the Princess as his hostage. The King was going to march her down to lower ward and take her head off with his longsword.

It was in this climate of paranoia that at last a visitor came knocking to the door of the Princess.

Lady Cheldarine of the House Ergyng, cousin to the King himself, called upon Princess Elise. She was dressed less formally than their first introduction at the feast last week. She wore dark green dress that contrasted pleasantly with the long bright auburn hair that was her most distinguishing feature. Despite the circumstances she walked confidently into the midst of the Princess's diminished realm. Not smiling, but neither stern nor fearful.

"Princess Elise. I hear you having been giving my cousin trouble?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by sukikyoufu
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sukikyoufu Endwalker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

After returning to her room Elise had found that her letters had finally been sent to her and she was sure it had to be some sort of power play, as if he was reminding her that there were people, she cared for back home who he would cut down if she did not obey him. The contents of the letters however did not make her mood any better whilst here and only angered her because it didn’t seem like they cared about her welfare whilst here.

The first one was from her father who was diplomatic as always, talking about this bringing peace and how she should behave herself and watch that temper of hers.

My Dear Elise,

I am glad to hear of your safe arrival and I hope that the travel wasn’t too taxing on you. Treville is sure to keep an eye on you whilst there, but I do hope you think before you speak as I doubt they would appreciate your temper. Talks are still under way in regard to the wedding, but I doubt it will take much longer as the council are happy with the idea of a peace between the two Kingdoms, so they are trying to push it through quickly.

Yeah, but you aren’t. You just want the war to continue, you hoped he would take me hostage. Elise thought to herself bitterly as she continued reading sighing to herself as she didn’t see anything worthwhile in the letter that he had wrote, other than to remind her of her place it seemed.

Your brother continues to entertain the court, countless broken hearts and ruined reputations have followed. Regardless I will uphold my promise to him once your marriage is final. I have sent along more of your things; they should be with you shortly.

King Regis Hydaelyn.

Brother is whoring himself as per usual then. Elise shook her head as she screwed up the letter from her father tossing it to one side finding no comfort in what he had wrote to her. There wasn’t any hint of care and she felt like he had just tossed her aside counting her a loss as if she was something to be owned. That was one major thing she hated when it came to arranged marriages, being born as a woman. In her Kingdom a woman was like owning property, to be moved, sold or bartered off and she had to follow rules, keep her purity whilst her brother just did whatever he wanted and slept his way through the castle.

Picking up the other letter she recognised the hand and knew it was brothers, it surprised her that he bothered to write something, but it was nice to see he seemed like he cared but that was dependant on the contents. Opening up the last letter she began to read rolling her eyes as it was just more pointless words talking about the peace and her marriage. Dropping that pile of rubbish back onto the table she moved to the bed to finally get some sleep knowing she was not going to enjoy her upcoming time here.


Elise had been right in the fact that she would not enjoy her time here, in the few days the bruising had fully fleshed out on her back, causing discomfort as she tried to rest. Nights hadn’t been easy as she was plagued by dreams of him, of King Ozragad strangling her and her demise whilst here. It was all she could focus on, her death, the death of those she loved, and she had imagined the cruellest of deaths as that smile of his haunted her of a night. Ozragad had been true to his word in the fact that she had been confined to her rooms and she barely saw anyone except the ladies that served her, she did enjoy the peace at least and by now the marks from her neck had faded.

Even though she had been confined to her room she had still heard the rumours that swirled around, apparently people didn’t bother being quiet about it, but she figured that was down to most of them wanting her demise here. Elise partly hoped for the idea of him sending her back, but she didn’t think it would happen and even he did choose to not marry her she was certain he would rather she was a hostage more than anything.

Sighing to herself she was sat at the window jut looking outside not expecting anyone to visit so she hadn’t really dressed for the occasion, she was wearing a simple pale pink dress with a grey shawl fabric draped over her shoulders to keep her warm as she sat at the window watching the bustle of people below.

Glancing at the door with a frown as someone knocked, she watched only to be met with a visitor that she did not expect. “Lady Cheldarine.” Acknowledging the woman as she rose from her position at the window and moved to one of the sofas in front of the fire figuring the woman was here for a reason and wished to discuss something. Taking a seat, she felt her own smile falter as she didn’t expect the boldness of the other, calling her out on causing trouble which she had done, but then he wasn’t exactly innocent in the matter either.

“I… I would not call it trouble myself. I guess we had a disagreement of sorts. It seems we are both quite stubborn.” Elise was finding it hard to put to words the situation that had happened.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Kassarock
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Kassarock W O R L D E A T E R

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Lady Cheldarine followed her host to the cushioned divans that were tastefully arranged around the hearth of the Princess's receiving room in the Silver Tower. She waited for Elise to take a seat before she herself settled down opposite her on the other side of fireplace, neatly gathering her skirts as she did so. The Formori woman listened to the Princess's response with her head cocked to the side. A ghost of smile played across her lips.

"Well it certainly seems to have caused yourself some trouble, your Highness. I know my cousin is not an easy man to get along with, he is as you said, stubborn. Perhaps if you told me what happened exactly I could be some assistance in repairing this rift between you? After all, I do know him better than most."

At that moment there was a flicker of an idea in the eyes of Lady Cheldarine. She turned to the Formori serving woman who had been discretely attending them from the back of the room and smiled wide at her.

"I am however, somewhat parched this morning. Such a long way up to the palace, and so many stairs! Seems silly considering its all still underground, doesn't it? You wouldn't be dear and fetch us some tea would you?"

The servant glanced over to Princess Elise as if searching for a counterorder, before bobbing her head obediently and disappearing out of the room. When they were alone Lady Cheldarine turned back to the Princess, holding one finger up.

"A moment please."

She stood and briskly walked over the door, placing her ear flat against it and listening for a few moments before seeming being satisfied by what she did or did not hear. She then walked over to one of the internal walls of the tower, lined with dark wooden panelling. With one finger she tapped on each of panels, listening as she did so. At the fifth panel she stopped and listened longer more intently than she had at the others, lingering for half a minute. Eventually she was again satisfied by what she heard, it was only then that the Lady turned back to the Princess and returned to her seat by the fire.

"Well that makes me feel better, it appears Manawyndan is not currently up to his old tricks. Walls do have ears in this palace I'm afraid. Still, no unwanted eavesdroppers at the moment." She let out her soft husky laugh. "Now tell me, why has my cousin locked you up in here?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by sukikyoufu
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sukikyoufu Endwalker

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Folding her arms as she settled herself amidst the cushioned divans, she watched the auburn-haired woman follow suit and she found herself frowning slightly as she knew she had caused herself quite some trouble over her actions. Raising her eyebrows at the idea of telling Lady Cheldarine what had happened to help ease the rift that had been created was not something she had expected. If she was honest, she had thought that maybe she had arrived here to tell her the wedding was off and she was now to be a prisoner, but it was quite the opposite. “There isn’t really much to tell…”

Elise trailed off as she looked towards her servant nodding to approve the request, after all some tea would be good as she knew the drink would warm her up finding herself rather cold as of late. “What are you doing?” Tilting her head as she watched the other stand moving to the door to listen for something, it was quite strange but when she returned to her seat and explained she felt rather silly not assuming that. “Oh right, of course. Though I doubt they’d bother eavesdropping when all my ladies are loyal to your King. I'm sure they have great pleasure relaying to him of my sleepless nights and irritable mood.”

Sighing as she shook her head it seemed that she was not about to stop at finding out what had happened, she doubted she would leave without knowing that information. “I…” Hesitating as she cringed a little before continuing, May have had a few choice words to him when he stumbled across me in one of the libraries.”

Self consciously her hand went to her throat touching the skin there as she remembered what had happened, “He said something that got under my skin and I retaliated spitefully saying who could love him all whilst ending it with a bold claim of how I would never marry him.” Not really going into too much detail but enough to get an understanding on what had happened between them.

“So, until I reconsider my choices I am to be locked away in my rooms.”

Shifting in her seat as she glanced towards the door, she pulled the shawl closer around her shoulders seeking the warmth the material provided. “I don’t think you can fix this, for this to be fixed I would need to apologise and revoke my words that I said to him.” Elise knew that she probably wouldn’t sound sincere enough to consider it an apology, not when she when she was still angry with him.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Kassarock
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Kassarock W O R L D E A T E R

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Lady Cheldarine let out a long sigh as the Princess relayed the story of what had happened between her and the King. Her eyes lingered on the Princess as she self consciously traced the faded finger marks that wrapped her throat like some obscene necklace. When she saw that, anger flashed in their amber depths and the Lady's jaw clenched tighter. The change in expression made her look very much like her cousin for a second.

"Gods, sometimes I forget what a brute he can be when the mood takes him. My cousin was never noted for his diplomatic prowess, but even for him, this was a foolish mistake. If he was wise, he would be wooing you, not wounding you. But no, to King Ozragad everything must be a fight, a battle, a war. Even when he's trying to end one."

She stood up from where she was sitting and crossed over to the tall narrow windows that looked down from the tower to the palace and the city beyond it. Her fingers grasped the edge of the curtains, pushing it back so she could observe Cirith Anyr in all its strange and solemn glory.

"He sits up here, brooding in his towers, surrounded by all his soldiers, behind his walls." She tutted. "But he's not as strong as he seems. You remember that awful scene when you first came to this city? Ozragad has made many enemies amongst his own people for pursuing peace. I imagine you can also surmise for yourself that peace does not suit his own temperament either. Have you ever wondered then, why he pursues it?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by sukikyoufu
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sukikyoufu Endwalker

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Elise felt herself hesitate as Lady Cheldarine caught on, she never expected the woman to take note and realise that her cousin had been a little rough handed with her. Not that it should matter, but Elise didn’t what to voice the fact he had been rough with her as she didn’t want to appear like some weak little girl. “Wooing me? Please I doubt he would even know how to woo someone nowadays.” Sighing softly to herself as she could never imagine this King even start to woo a lady and court them, not that she even wanted it to happen herself.

It was strange hosting this woman, she showed no outward signs of wanting to cause her harm which was refreshing but she still found it hard to trust even though Lady Cheldarine was quite easy to talk too. Elise knew she was merely overthinking everything, but it was hard when even her family didn’t seem to care too much about her as their letters spoke of the promise to her brother and this wedding. Not one hint of if she was okay.

Watching as the other woman reached the window, she found herself furrowing her brow as the question was posed to her, something that had crossed her mind her mind briefly, but it passed by without a second thought. “Well… I had considered it, but I guess I just assumed he was pressured for it by the council.”

“I’ll be brutally honest, my own family and myself included expected this to be a trap and well too good to be true. My father originally threw the offer out to appease the court back home, not for it to be accepted.” Leaning forward on her seat as she watched Lady Cheldarine curious to why Ozragad had pursued peace, “Tell me then, why is he pursuing the option of peace? As you say peace doesn’t really suit him, not when stories of this fearsome warlord proceeds him.”
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Kassarock
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Kassarock W O R L D E A T E R

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

"It is as I said, he is not as strong as he seems."

Lady Cheldarine sighed and let the curtain she had been holding fall back into place. As she turned back towards Princess Elise a shadow pasted over her face. A look of pain, of sorrow. The look of person remembering something they would much rather forget.

"This war, it has destroyed almost everything it touches, and that is true of both your county and mine. But Eorzia is larger and richer, and the land here... well you must have seen it on your journey to the capital. Every Formori fighting is another one taken from the fields. Every fighter that falls in battle needs to be replaced."

That expression lingered there across her features once again. From the sleeve of her dress, she drew out a small square of white silk and used it to dab the corner of her amber eyes. She did not fully loose her composure, but it was clear enough that something was clearly affecting her.

"My own husband... well, it is common enough story for citizens of both our lands." The handkerchief disappeared once more into whatever secret pocket it had been drawn from. That pained look too disappeared, but away into the other secret pocket all people possess, the one in which they hide the contents of their heart.

"But the point is that there are fewer and fewer to work the land, and the land was poor to begin with. Three of our last five harvests have been marred by Ashfall. Without a proper harvest this year, Morganyth will starve. If there is peace then the soldiers can home, they can work the fields, they can get the harvest in."

On the journey from Eorzia they had indeed past innumerable empty and barren fields, left fallow once they had entered Morganyth territory. There had been fewer signs of this poverty and privation in the palace where Elise had been staying, but the feast she had attend had indeed been meaner than those in Eorzia. There was often a lack of common foods, such as soft fruits or fresh vegetables. Even the portions of the Formori were mostly smaller than those of the Eorzians.

"So you see the dilemma that faces the King? He must have peace before the harvest. Either he risks everything, on one last desperate assault against your family and your Kingdom in order to crush you completely before the autumn, or he negotiates. Now my cousin can be a fool at times, but he is not completely reckless."

She walked back towards the Princess and seated herself back down upon the cushions there once more. Her face was grave, she was deadly seriously.

"He needs you. He needs the lands and the peace your marriage brings in order to rebuild his country, in order to salvage something from this mess of a war. It is either that or risk defeat and ruination on scale he has thus far avoided. I tell you this not for the love of my country or my people or for the sake of my cousin. I tell you this because I need you to make this marriage work too. I need you to save my sons from this war, because it is they who will be fighting it next if this peace does not work."

There was now a desperate edge to her voice.

"And it may not seem this way to you now, not after what he has done you. But now you are in Morganyth, you need him. You need Ozragad. My cousin can behave like a monster at times. But he is nothing compared to some of the men who once followed him and oppose the peace now. Men like Zakylwe Ahoraa."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by sukikyoufu
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sukikyoufu Endwalker

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Elise kept herself seated as she began to listen to Lady Cheldarine tell her tale, that this Warlord King Ozragad was not as strong as he seemed. Somehow, she didn’t believe that for a second, but then maybe there was more to it than meets the eye. Frowning as she could see the hurt expression on the other womans face as she expressed views on the war. There was no denying this war had destroyed everything for both Kingdoms, Eorzia had seemingly faired better due to its larger land and riches they were able to keep people on the fields and reap the rewards of fresh crops. With their lands being much greener it meant that it didn’t need much tending too so when people did drop due to the war it didn’t leave too much of a lasting effect.

“I’m sorry.” It was an automatic response because she sympathised with the loss of the other womans husband. Though she could do nothing to make it right or any better she did like this woman as she had showed nothing but kindness towards her and it didn’t feel in any way forced. Thinking back on the journey here there hadn’t been much to look at and it was far different from what she expected, barely any sort of greenery and somewhat dark and dreary to most foreigners. Elise was beginning to understand why that was.

“It makes sense why he was more interested in gaining land more than the dowry that comes alongside marriage. I did not realise it was quite so bleak here. You’d never be able to tell, he doesn’t openly state this. It matters not, as much as I said I wouldn’t marry it’s not my choice. It is down to my father; my say means nothing back home.” Tradition back in Eorzia meant that she would be forced to marry whomever her father deemed fit. “It was simply an empty threat because I can’t control my own temper.”

Shaking her head, she rubbed her arms feeling an odd sense of guilt at her outburst earlier. Now learning much more in the short space of talking with Lady Cheldarine than she had in her whole time here. “I…” Hesitating slightly as she sighed, “I will try to make it work.” Admitting more to herself that she would end up marrying this Warlord whether she liked it or not, making it work would be the easier route.

“What do you mean once followed him?”

Furrowing her brow at the mention of Zakylwe, a name she didn’t know but she assumed it was someone who had been important in this Kingdom. “Is it because of the peace? Surely, they can see what this war has done? That it’s the best option whether short term or long term.” A part of her didn’t really expect their marriage to last, deep down she did fear he would have her killed off and pass it off as natural causes. It was probably her overreacting of course as she liked to think of worst case scenarios, leaning towards the negative rather than the positive.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Kassarock
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Kassarock W O R L D E A T E R

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"Zakylwe is a leader amongst the Ashlanders, those of my people that make their home in the furthest east, upon the ashen waste. They are a hardy people, they must be to survive, and Zakylwe is hardest of them there is. During the early years of the war he was King Ozragad's most fervent supporter and one of his most trusted generals. And he always argued the course of needless cruelty, death and destruction. You can be sure that when the King burned Novrandt to the ground rather than yield it back to your ancestors, it was at Zakylwe's urging. He would rather destroy something than see his enemy possess it. That is the sort of man Zakylwe Ahorra is."

Lady Cheldarine glanced at the door as she spoke, it had already been several minutes since she had send away the serving woman in pursuit of tea. They only had a limited amount of time until their conversation would be observed by Ozragad's spies once again, and it was clearly running out.

"I am glad you are willing to try to make the peace between our people's work, your Highness, but I need you to understand the danger you are in should it fail. Zakylwe and other malcontents are moving in secret against the King as we speak. Some of them are Formori of great power and influence. If the King falls and they take power instead... well, I don't think I have to make it clear what they might do to someone like you."

The conversation ended with a pregnant pause then, giving them both time to mull over the things that had been left unspoken in the silence. A draught stole into the quiet room, made the flames behind the grate flicker, and had the Lady clutch her shawl tighter about her shoulder's. When she resumed speaking, she did so in a warmer and reassuring tone almost as if in an effort to banish those cold and grim throughts.

"But, I am sure it won't come to that. The King will deal with it in time. I imagine my cousin would like to go cut the head off of the snake and put an end to Zakylwe right now. But there is protocol and custom even King's must follow. Formori's abhor kinslaying above all other crimes, our children are few and precious, so to kill a family member is the highest taboo. I myself am protected somewhat from the wrath of the King because we are kin. The same is true with Zakylwe."

She frowned a little then as she spoke, as if she was questioning the wisdom of what she was saying even as the words passed her lips.

"He is the King's brother-in-law, his sister was Ozragad's first wife."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by sukikyoufu
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sukikyoufu Endwalker

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Elise fell quiet again as she listened intently to what Laldy Cheldarine was telling her. This Zawylwe sounded like quite a dangerous person as she let her speak eager to learn about this country and its people even if they were out to harm her. “Sounds more like a beast than a man.” Unable to stop the words that left her mouth, eyes widened as she placed her hand over them embarrassed that she had allowed herself to speak before she had even thought it through. “Sorry… I really must learn to think before I speak. Not my strong point.”

Looking over to the door as she watched the other glance to it, she frowned knowing time must be running short, but she still had so many questions to ask and who knew when she would get a chance to speak with Lady Cheldarine in private again. The words left an uncomfortable silence as it was revealed just how much danger she would be in if this failed, her hand went to her throat touching the skin there as she could not help the dark thoughts cross it as she thought gravely on what they might do to someone like her.

It sent a shiver down her spine and she could say she was honestly fearful for what could happen to her here. It had been a surprise at first knowing this had not been a trap, after all most had assured her, she was being sent to her own death, but now the threat felt more real. “R-Right… no, of course. Just hypothetical.” Forcing a smile as she tried to pull herself away from the dark thoughts that had entered her mind. Nodding as the woman said it wouldn’t come to that, perhaps it wouldn’t and Ozragad would keep her safe especially if he was bound by the marriage treaty. It did guarantee her safety if she went through with it, if ill will happened on her death the war would continue, and nothing would change just a broken treaty to add to the reasons of their war.


Elise couldn’t stop the shock on her features, she never knew about the first wife and that alone sprung so many more questions. “Brother-in-law...” Hesitating as she looked at the door herself before snapping her head back to Lady Cheldarine, “What happened to her?” She had to know, not just because of her burning curiosity but for the fact it would probably help in her own survival here. If Lady Cheldarine wouldn’t tell her would she even dare to ask King Ozragad? After a few of there interactions she knew how easily she could put her foot in it and asking about a first wife who she could assume was dead as she hadn’t seen or heard of the woman before would certainly earn her more discomfort here.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Kassarock
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Kassarock W O R L D E A T E R

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A clear look of dawning realisation appeared upon the heart shaped face of Lady Cheldarine. Her hand rose up to cover her mouth as if to prevent the words she had just spoken, amber beaded bangles catching the light of the fire as she did so. But it was too late, the unspoken, deeply buried secret that lingered over the court of Cirith Anyr had been resurrected. Brought back to life by a careless word.

"Oh... of course. You would know nothing of her. It was so long ago, before the war even. Her name was Liveuta. She died."

There was a sudden crack from one of the burning logs in the hearth that spat sparks into the air. Lady Cheldarine jumped in her seat, eyes casting around the room as if looking for someone. But they were still alone. The serving woman had not yet returned. She took a closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"I am sorry, I should not have brought her up and you should not either. Especially not to the King. He forbade anyone of speaking her name in his presence many years ago. It is a particularly sore subject for him, when the Queen died she-"

The door swung open and instantly Lady Cheldarine switched the subject to something completely different, an inane conversation about which young women at the court she approved of and could make potential matches for her son Elethiomel, and which she had reservations about. The serving woman brought the herbal tea to the table they sat at and it was poured and served to them along with selection of sweetmeats. The serving women returned to her place sitting unobtrusively at the back of the room.

They continued to talk for some time, but never about what they had spoken of alone.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by sukikyoufu
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sukikyoufu Endwalker

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It seemed that Lady Cheldarine had spoken more than she intended as Elise caught the look upon her face and the covering of the mouth with her hand as if it would take back what had already been spilled. Elise was burning to know about this first wife, what had happened other than that she had died. Leaning forward as she pushed for more, listening intently as Lady Cheldarine was so close to telling her until it was ruined by the serving woman. Typical. Elise thought bitterly as she settled back into the chair nodding along to Lady Cheldarines words.

“Yes. I understand what you are saying. I wish I could have more input, but I’m still learning and meeting all these people myself.”

Elise slipped into the other conversation smoothly, it hadn’t been the first time she had to do something like this as that was often the case when in court. Conversations changed at the drop of a hat to hide anything they could have been discussing before.

“I’m sure you will choose a great match for your son. I know you’re rather proud of him.” Elise smiled as she picked up one of the cups to enjoy the warm herbal tea, after all they had requested for the tea, so she didn’t want to ignore it and look suspicious.

“I was wondering if you’d be willing to teach me sometime. You have a wealth of knowledge about your home here, I’d love to learn it myself, embrace the culture so maybe one day people can be proud of me.” Eyes flicked to her cup of tea as she blew off the steam from the top before taking a sip of the hot liquid, finding that as it ran down her throat it warmed her greatly. Elise hadn’t realised how cold she found herself to be lately, but the lack of sleep didn’t aid with that fact.

Just chatting idly Elise continued to sip her tea happy that she had acted quite naturally when the serving woman had arrived back, “Thank you Lady Cheldarine, for the visit. It’s most appreciated.” There was no hint of a lie in her voice as she was grateful to see the woman, she had been alone for quite a few days with no visitors and this had been a nice change of pace to her day. Even if it had been unexpected as she would not have been surprised if Ozragad left her to rot here, but the conversation had her thinking on just how important the peace was to that warlord.

Now with new information it was becoming difficult to know what the right option was anymore, should she just marry him? Let there be peace among the kingdoms as her happiness compared to thousands was just a small price to pay for that. Just because she was bound to him didn’t mean she had to be with him every day, she was sure she’d be allowed to o her own thing. When it was safe. Flashes of her arrival passed through her mind remembering just how much unrest to his people this was causing, there were people out here would kill her within a heartbeat.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Kassarock
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Kassarock W O R L D E A T E R

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

"Boys can be so difficult though, especially at his age. Trying to be a man, while still thinking and feeling very much like child. I want someone who will be a good influence. Steadying, perhaps."

Lady Cheldarine sighed and sipped at the cup of herbal tea in her hands. She sat back and leaned into the cushioned divan as the Princess spoke of learning about Morganyth and Formori culture. She smiled at the Princess's compliments, with almost a hint of smugness.

"Well in the case, we must set a date for you to visit my estate in the city, your Highness. Once all this silly confinement has passed." She gave the Princess a smile at that and a roll of the eyes that went unobserved by their eavesdropper. "Although I assure you, there are many in this Kingdom who are already proud of you, myself foremost among them."

The polite and inconsequential conversation between Lady Cheldarine and Princess Elise persisted for sometime after the return of the serving woman. They drank tea, nibbled at biscuits, and made pretence of ladies at leisure for all there to see. But it did not last indefinitely. Eventually there came another knock at the door of the Princess's chambers in the Silver Tower. One of the Princess's guardsmen entered into the sitting room and announced that the Lord Steward, Manawyndan, also sought an audience with Princess Elise.

"Ah, it appears the good Lord Steward has gotten word of my impromptu visit, and so quickly too. I do so wonder how?" As she finished speaking with a tone of mock incredulity she gave a throaty laugh and looked directly at the woman sat in the back of the room. "I suppose I had best be on my way then, it would be dreadfully impolite of me to keep the poor old man waiting too long."
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